The highest skyscraper in Europe. Translated Lacht Center - New Atlant under the sky of Europe Lakhta Center High in Europe

The Sacct Petersburg "Lakhta Center" - reached the estimated height: 462 meters. Even before the construction completes, it became the highest skyscraper of Europe, overtaking the current recordsman of the Moscow Tower of the Federation-East (374 m). This week the installation of the spire of the building was completed.

The high-rise framework was erected for 6 years, and fully completed a large construction plan already this year.

"Lakhta Center" is a unique project. For example, being the most northern skyscraper in the world, it is equipped with a specially developed system "Smart Facade". Elements of shading windows - a kind of curtains - will be automatically climbing or omitting depending on how brightly the sun shines.

On the last floor of "Lachta Center", at a mark of 357 meters there will be a publicly available viewing area - closed with panoramic glazed. This is the highest in Russia and Europe observation deck. This is higher than the SARD observation deck in London and Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur.

The viewing angle is 360 degrees. Raise visitors to the height will be special high-speed elevators. Such a platform will be a visible point on the tourist routes of St. Petersburg.

Skeptics said that in St. Petersburg, in fact, in the swamps, such buildings cannot be built - too unstable soil. But it turned out that this is a very superficial judgment.

It turns out that only the top layer of the soil of the Northern Capital is unreliable: 20-25 meters, then the so-called vendan clays begin are very dense rocks that have formed in Late Proterozoa - that is, hundreds of millions of years ago. It is on them that Lakhta Center is based on.

Stability with a colossal building give 264 piles with a diameter of 2 meters, placed on a depth of more than 80 meters. Moreover, if the position of any of them suddenly change for some reason, special sensors installed in the bases and frames of piles will be known about this.

One of the main enemies of modern skyscrapers is the wind. He, of course, to enjoy his height, can not, but it can spoke well. It is estimated that the highest skyscraper in the world is "Burj Khalifa" in Dubai - can deviate from the vertical one and a half meters, and the Ostankino tower is for as many as 12 meters.

As for the "Lakhta Center", the builders, having experienced a large-scale model in the aerodynamic tube, found out: In real conditions, the maximum deviation from the vertical at the spire level will not exceed the half-meter, and at the level of the observation tower will be only 27 cm - such oscillations are in general Do not feel.

Sustainability managed to achieve thanks to the design features: 5 so-called outriggers are installed on the building frame - powerful horizontal structures, which play the role of rigidity rings holding the structure in a vertical position.

Lakhta Center is even before the completion of construction has become the highest skyscraper of Europe, overtaking the current record holder of the Moscow Tower of the Federation-East (374 m), and continues its growth. By the end of the construction in 2018, Lakhta Center will reach 462 meters.

Road to clouds

The floor construction of the Lakhta Skyscraper Center started at the end of August 2015. Less than a year, June 27, 2016, the tower became the highest building in St. Petersburg, taking a high-rise mark 147 meters.

In July 2016, Lakhta Center overtook the highest buildings in Belgium - Tour Du Midi (150 m), Finland - Kymijärven Voimalaitos in consonant Lahti (155 m) and the Netherlands - Rotterdam Maastoren (164.75 m).

In August, it was Switzerland's turn - behind the Basel Skyscraper Roche Turm Bau 1 (178 m.) And Sweden with the 190-meter Turning Torso in Malmo.

October 7, 2016 St. Petersburg tower caught up with the highest "Italian" - UniCredit Tower skyscraper in Milan (218 m). Already on October 25, it was equal immediately with two European vertices - Palace of Culture and Science - the main skyscraper of Poland and the Tour First, which after reconstruction in 2011 he grown up to 231 m.

In January 2017, the St. Petersburg tower rearranged the top "Spaniard" Torre de Cristal, whose 250 meters rise above Madrid.

In early April, the tower was overtook the Germans - Commerzbank Tower (259 m) and moved to the category of superatollov - ultrahigh skyscrapers. For the Day of Cosmonautics on April 12 - left behind the London The Shard (306 m). October 5, 2017 reached a mark of 384 meters.

827 days - so much time took the path of Lachta Center from the start of floor construction to the highest building on the European continent.

All the heights of European skyscrapers are indicated according to the Emporis agency, the marking of architectural height.

What is Lachta Center


Lachta Center is the most northern skyscraper in the world, built on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, embodies the aesthetics of cold water waters of the Baltic. The tower resembles an icy toros, adjacent, a multifunctional building - a split iceberg. "The organic stiffening form of the tower symbolizes the strength of the water, and the specific glass facade allows the skyscraper to change the color depending on the position of the sun, creating the impression of a living object" - the authors of the architectural concept, the RMJM bureau report.


In the complex-four properties object, over 400,000 m2:

  • The 87-storey skyscraper, twisting 90 degrees from the base to the top. The second in the global top of the skyscrapers of the spiral form after the Shanghai Tower.
  • Multifunctional bottling building, a form resembling boomerang, divided into two blocks of longitudinal atrium. The length of the facade is 260 m - more than the winter palace.
  • Arch is a separate building-entrance to the complex. Uniquely large-year insanitious farms, whose length is 98 m long.
  • Stylobate, hiding parking, warehouses, logistics passage.

Construction dates: from 2012 to 2018.


The complex combines headquarters of PJSC Gazprom and public spaces - the highest surveillance site in Europe at the level of 360 m., Planetarium in the shape of a ball with a complete spherical paranure of the sky and the ability to demonstrate 10,000,000 stars, an open atrium on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, scientific -Education center and other objects.

General Director of Lachta Center Elena Ilyukhina: "We create a fundamentally new environment where everything will be: modern education, cultural projects, bright events, conceptual art objects, and not just a set of services in addition to offices. We want to create a space where everyone can find themselves, be it a schoolboy, tourist, a pensioner, an office employee on a weekday evening or a day off. And it is in this socially significant function that the main purpose and mission of the project is. In terms of volume, social spaces will occupy about a third of the squares, but by influence, on the contrary, it will be 70% of the project "

In the context of urban development

Lachta Center is located 9 km. From the historic center of the city, speaking the new core of the attraction of business and social activity of St. Petersburg.

Already today, residential and commercial real estate, social infrastructure facilities - the International Sailing Center, the Tennis Academy and others are planned at the surrounding territories. Lakhta Center himself will perform as an anchor of modern attractions, developing the conservative image of St. Petersburg as the city of historic palaces and museums.

Executive Director of Lachta Center Alexander Bobkov: "We hope that" Lakhta Center "will become a new attraction, a new height for St. Petersburg XXI century. Those urban guidelines, which was the Petropavlovsk fortress in the XVIII century or Isaac in the XIX century. "

Writer Eugene Dolazkin: "Any city - even such as Petersburg, - must evolve. The main thing is that it happened not at the site of the historic center, and next to him. Expanding in space, the city is as if deepened in time, preventing different epochs at the same time. Yes, "Lakhta Center" is now visible from the city - but not as a dominant, but as "one of", on the rights, if you please, one of the spiers. "

Achievements of Lakhta Center

Lachta Center - SuperTall, weighing more than 670 thousand tons, is erected in the conditions of the most difficult, 3rd ground category. Unprecedented is the scope of research and research project. Engineering and technical surveys lasted 3 years with the involvement of 13 companies, including ARUP and BBB INFORUSPROEKT, under the scientific leadership of Academician V.I.Travuha, one of the designers of the Ostankino television. Only geotechnics drilled 40 km. Intelligence wells to 150 meters deep - three times deeper than the subsoil investigated in St. Petersburg.

Piles under the skyscraper reaches a diameter of 2 meters and are the most wide in the world.

Boxed tower foundation includes three plates. The lower, thickness of 3600 mm and a volume of 19,624 m3, was filled with no stops for 49 hours from the bottom of the bottom on March 1, 2015. The concrete operation was marked in the Guinness Book of Records.

Skyscraper's bearing columns have a tilt of 2.89 ° to achieve a spiral-shaped forms of the tower and are made of composite materials, representing a steel core 1.5 * 1.5 m, promised by high-strength B80 concrete. This decision, first applied in Russian high-altitude construction, has reduced the deadlines for the construction of columns by 40% and cost - twice.

Chief Engineer of Lachta Center Sergey Nikiforov: "We take all the advantage of metal. This is the speed, "dryingability" of the structure. And we take positive sides of concrete, such as resistance to fire load. Plus we provide the same creep and shrinkage of the nucleus and an external perimeter, as the columns are in a concrete medium. That is, we have approximately the same shrinkage and around the perimeter and inside, which helps to reduce the internal stress, which occurs in metal structures. This is a very good solution, it is calculated by several calculated complexes. As a result, all the technical parameters that we have laid out, all goals and objectives have been solved successfully. "

The glazing of the facades of the skyscraper is made of cold-made glass, the total glazing of the complex -130 thousand m2 is one of the largest in the world.

Especially for the skyscraper, innovative developments are underway - a unique system of facades is created, in the final stage - pos.

Lachta Center is certified by Leed (GOLD).

Actual construction status

All major concrete works are completed in the skyscraper, the installation of the majority of composite columns and inter-storey floors. Starting from 83 floors of the tower there is an installation of raspiel columns, which are steel pipes of large diameter. The tower spire is erected. Design height - 117m., Mass - 2,000 tons.

Completely completed the installation of metal structures of a multifunction building. The building has reached its design marks - the maximum object height is 85 meters, the fox drop is from 7 to 17 floors.

The glazing of the facades of the multifunctional building and the tower continues. Over 75% of external glass windows mounted in the skyscraper.

Work continues on laying engineering networks within the complex buildings. At the same time, all life support systems are mounted: ventilation, water supply, heat supply, sewage, fire extinguishing, automatic data collection, vertical transport.

Office elevators from 1 to 52 floors of the tower are installed and function - these are elevator groups of the lower and middle zones. A fully introduced system of vertical transport can be transported at the same time 1280 people.

In September, the builders began to install the arch of the main entrance of Lakhta Center - the fourth and final object of the complex, along with the stylobate, IFAS and the Lakhta Tower of the Center. Fully completed the installation of the first arched farm of four, which is the carrier building of the building.

The end of the construction of the entire complex is 2018. Opening of the first facilities - summer 2019.

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Friday, October 6, 2017

The future headquarters Gazprom officially updated one of the records of high-rise construction. Work at the unfinished tower "Lakhta Center" switched to a mark of 384 meters, which made the object with the highest building in Europe.

Until now, the tower of the East "Federation of the Federation of the Federation in MMDC" Moscow-City "was considered the highest building of Europe, the skyscraper goes to the sky by 373.8 meters, said the" For Pro House "portal. When the construction of "Lachta Center" is completed (and this will happen next year), its height will be 462 meters (87 floors). At a mark of 360 meters in the complex will open the highest viewing platform in Europe.

At the end of the construction of Lakhta Center will enter the top 20 highest buildings in the world. According to the current rating of the Council on high-rise buildings and the urban environment, the tower may claim the 11th place. Before entering the top ten, the St. Petersburg skyscraper is not enough 22 m.

By the way, the most positions in the top 10 world skyscrapers are occupied by Chinese buildings (six positions). The lowest of them is towers at 484 m, the highest - by 632 m. And the world leader remains the "Burj-Khalifa" tower in Dubai - its height is 867 m.

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