Saint Louise Orthodoxy. History of Russia: Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna and her martyrdom (13 photos)

We celebrate the memory of the holy martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth and nun Varvara on July 18 according to the new style (July 5 according to the old style) on the day of their martyrdom.

Biography of the Grand Duchess

Elizabeth Alexandra Louise Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt was born in 1864 in the family of the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt Ludwig IV and Princess Alice, daughter of Queen Victoria of England. Second daughter of Grand Duke Ludwig IV of Hesse-Darmstadt and Princess Alice, granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England. As a German princess, she was raised in the Protestant faith. Elizabeth's sister Alice became the wife of Nicholas II, and she herself married Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov in 1884 and became a Russian princess. According to tradition, all German princesses were given the patronymic Feodorovna - in honor of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. In 1878, the entire family, except Ella (as she was called in the family), fell ill with diphtheria, from which Ella’s younger sister, four-year-old Maria, and mother, Grand Duchess Alice, soon died. Father Ludwig IV, after the death of his wife, entered into a morganatic marriage with Alexandrina Hutten-Czapska, and Ella and Alix were raised by their grandmother, Queen Victoria at Osborne House. From childhood, the sisters were religiously inclined, participated in charity work, and received lessons in housekeeping. A major role in Ella’s spiritual life was played by the image of Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia, in whose honor Ella was named: this saint, the ancestor of the Dukes of Hesse, became famous for her deeds of mercy. Her cousin Friedrich of Baden was considered as a potential groom for Elizabeth. Another cousin, the Prussian Crown Prince Wilhelm, courted Elizabeth for some time and, according to unconfirmed reports, even proposed marriage to her, which she rejected. German by birth, Elizaveta Fedorovna learned the Russian language perfectly and fell in love with her new homeland with all her soul. In 1891, after several years of reflection, she converted to Orthodoxy.

Letter from Elizabeth Feodorovna to her father about accepting Orthodoxy

Elizaveta Feodorovna has been thinking about accepting Orthodoxy since she became the wife of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich. But the German princess was worried that this step would be a blow to her family, loyal to Protestantism. Especially for his father, Grand Duke Ludwig IV of Hesse-Darmstadt. Only in 1891 did the princess write a letter to her father: “...Dear Pope, I want to tell you something and I beg you to give your blessing. You must have noticed the deep reverence I have had for the religion here since you were last here, more than a year and a half ago. I kept thinking and reading and praying to God to show me the right path, and I came to the conclusion that only in this religion can I find all the real and strong faith in God that a person must have to be a good Christian. It would be a sin to remain as I am now - to belong to the same church in form and for the outside world, but inside myself to pray and believe the same way as my husband. You cannot imagine how kind he was, that he never tried to force me by any means, leaving all this entirely to my conscience. He knows what a serious step this is, and that he must be absolutely sure before deciding to take it. I would have done this even before, but it tormented me that by doing this I was causing you pain. But you, won’t you understand, my dear Dad? You know me so well, you must see that I decided to take this step only out of deep faith and that I feel that I must appear before God with a pure and believing heart. How simple it would be to remain as it is now, but then how hypocritical, how false it would be, and how I can lie to everyone - pretending that I am a Protestant in all external rituals, when my soul belongs entirely to religion here. I thought and thought deeply about all this, being in this country for more than 6 years, and knowing that religion was “found”. I so strongly wish to receive Holy Communion with my husband on Easter. This may seem sudden to you, but I have been thinking about this for so long, and now, finally, I cannot put it off. My conscience won't allow me to do this. I ask, I ask, upon receipt of these lines, to forgive your daughter if she causes you pain. But isn’t faith in God and religion one of the main consolations of this world? Please wire me just one line when you receive this letter. God bless you. This will be such a comfort for me because I know there will be a lot of frustrating moments as no one will understand this step. I only ask for a small, affectionate letter.”

The father did not bless his daughter to change her faith, but she could no longer change her decision and through the sacrament of Confirmation she became Orthodox. On June 3 (15), 1884, in the Court Cathedral of the Winter Palace, she married Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, brother of the Russian Emperor Alexander III, as announced by the Highest Manifesto. The Orthodox wedding was performed by the court protopresbyter John Yanyshev; the crowns were held by Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, Hereditary Grand Duke of Hesse, Grand Dukes Alexei and Pavel Alexandrovich, Dmitry Konstantinovich, Peter Nikolaevich, Mikhail and Georgy Mikhailovich; then, in the Alexander Hall, the pastor of St. Anne’s Church also performed a service according to the Lutheran rite. Elizabeth's husband was both a great-uncle (common ancestor - Wilhelmina of Baden), and a fourth cousin (common great-great-grandfather - Prussian King Frederick William II). The couple settled in the Beloselsky-Belozersky palace purchased by Sergei Alexandrovich (the palace became known as Sergievsky), spending their honeymoon on the Ilyinskoye estate near Moscow, where they also lived subsequently. At her insistence, a hospital was established in Ilyinsky, and fairs were periodically held in favor of the peasants. Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna mastered the Russian language perfectly and spoke it with almost no accent. While still professing Protestantism, she attended Orthodox services. In 1888, together with her husband, she made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. As the wife of the Moscow governor-general (Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich was appointed to this post in 1891), she organized the Elizabethan Charitable Society in 1892, established in order to “look after the legitimate babies of the poorest mothers, hitherto placed, although without any right, in the Moscow Educational house, under the guise of illegal.” The activities of the society first took place in Moscow, and then spread to the entire Moscow province. Elizabethan committees were formed at all Moscow church parishes and in all district cities of the Moscow province. In addition, Elisaveta Feodorovna headed the Ladies' Committee of the Red Cross, and after the death of her husband, she was appointed chairman of the Moscow Office of the Red Cross. Sergei Alexandrovich and Elisaveta Feodorovna did not have any children of their own, but they raised the children of Sergei Alexandrovich’s brother, Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich, Maria and Dmitry, whose mother died in childbirth. With the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, Elisaveta Feodorovna organized the Special Committee for Assistance to Soldiers, under which a donation warehouse was created in the Grand Kremlin Palace for the benefit of soldiers: bandages were prepared there, clothes were sewn, parcels were collected, and camp churches were formed. In the recently published letters of Elisaveta Feodorovna to Nicholas II, the Grand Duchess appears as a supporter of the most stringent and decisive measures against any freethinking in general and revolutionary terrorism in particular. “Is it really impossible to judge these animals in a field court?” - she asked the emperor in a letter written in 1902, shortly after the murder of Sipyagin (D.S. Sipyagin - the Minister of Internal Affairs was killed in 1902 by Stepan Balmashev, a member of the AKP BO. Balmashev (involved in the Gershuni terror), acquired a military uniform and, introducing himself adjutant of one of the Grand Dukes, when handing over the package, he shot at the minister. Sipyagin was mortally wounded in the stomach and neck. Balmashev was executed), and she herself answered the question: “Everything must be done to prevent them from becoming heroes... to kill them They have a desire to risk their lives and commit such crimes (I think that it would be better if he paid with his life and thus disappeared!). But who he is and what he is - let no one know... and there is no need to feel sorry for those who themselves do not feel sorry for anyone.” On February 4, 1905, her husband was killed by terrorist Ivan Kalyaev, who threw a hand bomb at him. Elisaveta Feodorovna was the first to arrive at the scene of the tragedy and with her own hands collected parts of her beloved husband’s body, scattered by the explosion. This tragedy was hard for me. The Greek Queen Olga Konstantinovna, cousin of the murdered Sergei Alexandrovich, wrote: “This is a wonderful, holy woman - she is apparently worthy of the heavy cross that lifts her higher and higher!” On the third day after the death of the Grand Duke, she went to prison to see the killer in the hope that he would repent, she conveyed forgiveness to him on behalf of Sergei Alexandrovich, and left him the Gospel. To Kalyaev’s words: “I didn’t want to kill you, I saw him several times and that time when I had a bomb ready, but you were with him, and I didn’t dare touch him,” Elisaveta Feodorovna replied: “And you didn’t realize that did you kill me along with him? Despite the fact that the killer did not repent, the Grand Duchess submitted a petition for clemency to Nicholas II, which he rejected. After the death of her husband, Elizaveta Feodorovna replaced him as Chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society and held this position from 1905 to 1917. Elisaveta Feodorovna decided to devote all her strength to serving Christ and her neighbors. She bought a plot of land on Bolshaya Ordynka and in 1909 opened the Martha and Mary Convent there, naming it in honor of the holy myrrh-bearing women Martha and Mary. On the site there are two churches, a hospital, a pharmacy with free medicines for the poor, an orphanage and a school. A year later, the nuns of the monastery were ordained to the rank of cross sisters of love and mercy, and Elisaveta Feodorovna was elevated to the rank of abbess. She said goodbye to secular life without regret, telling the sisters of the monastery: “I am leaving the brilliant world, but together with all of you I am ascending to a greater world - the world of the poor and suffering.” During the First World War, the Grand Duchess actively supported the front: she helped form ambulance trains, sent medicines and camp churches to the soldiers. After Nicholas II abdicated the throne, she wrote: “I felt deep pity for Russia and its children, who currently do not know what they are doing. Isn't it a sick child whom we love a hundred times more during his illness than when he is cheerful and healthy? I would like to bear his suffering, to help him. Holy Russia cannot perish. But Great Russia, alas, no longer exists. We must direct our thoughts to the Kingdom of Heaven and say with humility: “Thy will be done.”

Martyrdom of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna

In 1918, Elisaveta Feodorovna was arrested. In May 1918, she, along with other representatives of the Romanov house, was transported to Yekaterinburg and placed in the Atamanov Rooms hotel (currently the building houses the FSB and the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Sverdlovsk Region, the current address is the intersection of Lenin and Vainer streets), and then, two months later, they were sent to the city of Alapaevsk, into exile in the Urals. The Grand Duchess refused to leave Russia after the Bolsheviks came to power, continuing to engage in ascetic work in her monastery. On May 7, 1918, on the third day after Easter, on the day of the celebration of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, Patriarch Tikhon visited the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy and served a prayer service. Half an hour after the departure of the patriarch, Elisaveta Feodorovna was arrested by security officers and Latvian riflemen on the personal order of F. E. Dzerzhinsky. Patriarch Tikhon tried to achieve her release, but in vain - she was taken into custody and deported from Moscow to Perm. One of the Petrograd newspapers of that time - “New Evening Hour” - in a note dated May 9, 1918, responded to this event as follows: “... we don’t know what caused her deportation... It’s hard to think that Elisaveta Feodorovna could pose a danger to Soviet power, and her arrest and deportation can be considered, rather, as a proud gesture towards Wilhelm, whose brother is married to Elisaveta Feodorovna’s sister...” The historian V.M. Khrustalev believed that the deportation of Elisaveta Feodorovna to the Urals was one of the links in the Bolsheviks’ general plan to concentrate in the Urals all representatives of the Romanov dynasty, where, as the historian wrote, those gathered could be destroyed only by finding a suitable reason for this. This plan was carried out in the spring months of 1918. Mother was followed by nurses Varvara Yakovleva and Ekaterina Yanysheva. Catherine was later released, but Varvara refused to leave and remained with the Grand Duchess until the end. Together with the abbess of the Martha and Mary Convent and the sisters, they sent Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, his secretary Fyodor Remez, three brothers - John, Konstantin and Igor; Prince Vladimir Paley. On July 18, 1918, on the day of the discovery of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the prisoners - Elisaveta Feodorovna, sister Varvara and members of the Romanov family - were taken to the village of Sinyachikhi. On the night of July 18, 1918, the prisoners were escorted to the old mine, beaten and thrown into the deep Novaya Selimskaya mine, 18 km from Alapaevsk. During her torment, Elisaveta Feodorovna prayed with the words that the Savior said on the cross: “Lord, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” The executioners threw hand grenades into the mine. The following died with her: Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich; Prince John Konstantinovich; Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich (junior); Prince Igor Konstantinovich; Prince Vladimir Pavlovich Paley; Fyodor Semyonovich Remez, manager of the affairs of Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich; sister of the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery Varvara (Yakovleva). All of them, except for the shot Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, were thrown into the mine alive. When the bodies were recovered from the mine, it was discovered that some of the victims lived on after the fall, dying of hunger and wounds. At the same time, the wound of Prince John, who fell on the ledge of the mine near the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, was bandaged with part of her apostle. The surrounding peasants said that for several days the singing of prayers could be heard from the mine, and the Cherubic song sounded. The martyrs sang until they were exhausted from their wounds. On October 31, 1918, Admiral Kolchak’s army occupied Alapaevsk. The remains of the dead were removed from the mine, placed in coffins and placed for funeral services in the city cemetery church. The Venerable Martyr Elizabeth, Sister Varvara and Grand Duke John had their fingers folded for the sign of the cross. However, with the advance of the Red Army, the bodies were transported further to the East several times. In April 1920, they were met in Beijing by the head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, Archbishop Innokenty (Figurovsky). From there, two coffins - Grand Duchess Elizabeth and sister Varvara - were transported to Shanghai and then by steamship to Port Said. Finally the coffins arrived in Jerusalem. The burial in January 1921 under the Church of Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene in Gethsemane was performed by Patriarch Damian of Jerusalem. Thus, the desire of Grand Duchess Elizabeth herself to be buried in the Holy Land, expressed by her during a pilgrimage in 1888, was fulfilled.

Novo-Tikhvin Monastery, where Elizaveta Fedorovna was kept on the eve of her death

Where are the relics of the Grand Duchess buried?

In 1921, the remains of Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna and nun Varvara were taken to Jerusalem. There they found peace in the tomb of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles, in Gethsemane. In 1931, on the eve of the canonization of the Russian new martyrs by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, they decided to open the tombs of the martyrs. The autopsy was supervised by a commission headed by the head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, Archimandrite Anthony (Grabbe). When they opened the coffin with the body of the Grand Duchess, the whole room was filled with fragrance. According to Archimandrite Anthony, there was a “strong smell, as if of honey and jasmine.” The relics, which turned out to be partially incorrupt, were transferred from the tomb to the church of St. Mary Magdalene itself.


The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia canonized the martyrs Elizabeth and Barbara in 1981. In 1992, the Russian Orthodox Church, by the Council of Bishops, canonized the Holy New Martyrs of Russia. We celebrate their memory on the day of their martyrdom, July 18 according to the new style (July 5 according to the old style).

Most often, icon painters depict the holy martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna standing; her right hand is facing us, in her left there is a miniature copy of the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery. Sometimes, in the right hand of St. Elizabeth a cross is depicted (a symbol of martyrdom for the faith since the time of the first Christians); in the left - rosary. Also, traditionally, Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna is written on icons together with the nun Varvara - “Reverend Martyrs Varvara and Elisaveta of Alapaevsk.” Behind the shoulders of the martyrs the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery is depicted; at their feet is the shaft of the mine into which the executioners threw them. Another iconographic subject is “The Murder of the Martyr Elizabeth and others like her.” The Red Army soldiers are escorting Grand Duchess Elizabeth, nun Varvara and other Alapaevsk prisoners to throw them into the mine. In the mine, the icon depicts the face of St. Sergius of Radonezh: the execution took place on the day of the discovery of his relics, July 18.

Prayers to the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna

Troparion voice 1 Having hidden your princely dignity with humility, the godly Elisaveto honored Christ with the intense service of Martha and Mary. You have purified yourself with mercy, patience and love, as if you offered a righteous sacrifice to God. We, who honor your virtuous life and suffering, earnestly ask you as a true mentor: Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth, pray to Christ God to save and enlighten our souls. Kontakion voice 2 Who tells the story of the greatness of the feat of faith? In the depths of the earth, as if in the paradise of lordship, the passion-bearer Grand Duchess Elizabeth and the angels rejoiced in psalms and songs and, enduring murder, cried out for the godless tormentors: Lord, forgive them this sin, for they do not know what they are doing. Through your prayers, O Christ God, have mercy and save our souls.

Poem about Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna

In 1884, Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov dedicated a poem to Elisaveta Feodorovna. I look at you, admiring you every hour: You are so inexpressibly beautiful! Oh, that’s right, underneath such a beautiful exterior there’s an equally beautiful soul! Some kind of meekness and hidden sadness lurks in your eyes; Like an angel you are quiet, pure and perfect; Like a woman, shy and tender. May nothing on earth, amid the evils and much sorrow of Yours, sully your purity. And everyone, seeing you, will glorify God, who created such beauty!

Marfo-Mariinskaya Convent

After the death of her husband at the hands of a terrorist, Elisaveta Feodorovna began to lead an almost monastic lifestyle. Her house became like a cell, she did not take off her mourning, did not attend social events. She prayed in the temple and observed strict fasting. She sold part of her jewelry (giving to the treasury that part that belonged to the Romanov dynasty), and with the proceeds she bought an estate on Bolshaya Ordynka with four houses and a vast garden, where the Marfo-Mariinskaya Convent of Mercy, founded by her in 1909, was located. There were two temples, a large garden, a hospital, an orphanage and much more. The first church in the monastery was consecrated in the name of the holy myrrh-bearing women Martha and Mary, the second - in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. In the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy, the charter of the monastery hostel was in effect. In 1910, Bishop Tryphon (Turkestan) ordained 17 nuns to the title of Cross Sisters of Love and Mercy, and the Grand Duchess to the rank of abbess. Archpriest Mitrofan Serebryansky became the confessor of the monastery. The abbess herself led an ascetic life. She fasted, slept on a hard bed, got up for prayer even before dawn, worked until late in the evening: distributed obediences, attended operations in the clinic, and conducted administrative affairs of the monastery. Elisaveta Feodorovna was a supporter of the revival of the rank of deaconesses - ministers of the church of the first centuries, who in the first centuries of Christianity were appointed through ordination, participated in the celebration of the Liturgy, approximately in the role in which subdeacons now serve, were engaged in catechesis of women, helped with the baptism of women, and served the sick. She received the support of the majority of members of the Holy Synod on the issue of conferring this title on the sisters of the monastery, however, in accordance with the opinion of Nicholas II, the decision was never made. When creating the monastery, both Russian Orthodox and European experience were used. The sisters who lived in the monastery took vows of chastity, non-covetousness and obedience, however, unlike the nuns, after a certain period of time, the charter of the monastery allowed the sisters to leave it and start a family. “The vows that the sisters of mercy made at the monastery were temporary (for one year, three, six, and only then for life), so, although the sisters led a monastic lifestyle, they were not nuns. The sisters could leave the monastery and get married, but if they wished, they could also be tonsured into the mantle, bypassing monasticism.” (Ekaterina Stepanova, Martha and Mary Convent: a unique example, article from the Neskuchny Garden magazine on the Orthodoxy and World website). “Elizabeth wanted to combine social service and strict monastic rules. To do this, she needed to create a new type of women's church ministry, something between a monastery and a sisterhood. Secular sisterhoods, of which there were many in Russia at that time, did not please Elisaveta Feodorovna for their secular spirit: sisters of mercy often attended balls, led an overly secular lifestyle, and she understood monasticism exclusively as contemplative, prayerful work, complete renunciation of the world (and, accordingly, work in hospitals, hospitals, etc.).” (Ekaterina Stepanova, Marfo-Mariinskaya Convent: a unique example, article from the magazine “Neskuchny Sad” on the website “Orthodoxy and the World”) The sisters received serious psychological, methodological, spiritual and medical training at the monastery. They were given lectures by the best doctors in Moscow, conversations with them were conducted by the confessor of the monastery, Fr. Mitrofan Srebryansky (later Archimandrite Sergius; canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church) and the second priest of the monastery, Fr. Evgeny Sinadsky.

According to Elisaveta Feodorovna’s plan, the monastery was supposed to provide comprehensive, spiritual, educational and medical assistance to those in need, who were often not only given food and clothing, but helped in finding employment and placed in hospitals. Often the sisters persuaded families who could not give their children a normal upbringing (for example, professional beggars, drunkards, etc.) to send their children to an orphanage, where they were given an education, good care and a profession. A hospital, an excellent outpatient clinic, a pharmacy where some medications were provided free of charge, a shelter, a free canteen and many other institutions were created in the monastery. Educational lectures and conversations, meetings of the Palestine Society, Geographical Society, spiritual readings and other events were held in the Intercession Church of the monastery. Having settled in the monastery, Elisaveta Feodorovna led an ascetic life: at night caring for the seriously ill or reading the Psalter over the dead, and during the day she worked, along with her sisters, going around the poorest neighborhoods. Together with her cell attendant Varvara Yakovleva, Elisaveta Feodorovna often visited the Khitrov market - a place of attraction for the Moscow poor. Here mother found street children and sent them to city shelters. All of Khitrovka respectfully called the Grand Duchess “sister Elizabeth” or “mother.” She maintained relations with a number of famous elders of that time: Schema-Archimandrite Gabriel (Zyryanov) (Eleazar Hermitage), Schema-Abbot Herman (Gomzin) and Hieroschemamonk Alexy (Solovyov) (Elders of Zosimova Hermitage). Elisaveta Feodorovna did not take monastic vows. During the First World War, she actively took care of helping the Russian army, including wounded soldiers. At the same time, she tried to help prisoners of war, with whom the hospitals were overcrowded and, as a result, was accused of collaborating with the Germans. With her participation, at the beginning of 1915, a workshop was organized to assemble prosthetics from ready-made parts, mostly obtained from the St. Petersburg Military Medical Manufacturing Plant, where there was a special prosthetic workshop. Until 1914, this industry did not develop in Russia. Funds for equipping the workshop, located on private property at No. 9 Trubnikovsky Lane, were collected from donations. As military operations progressed, the need to increase the production of artificial limbs increased and the Grand Duchess Committee moved production to Maronovsky Lane, 9. Understanding the full social significance of this direction, with the personal participation of Elisaveta Feodorovna in 1916, work began on the design and construction of the first in Moscow Russian prosthetic plant, which is still producing components for prosthetics.

Elisaveta Feodorovna wanted to open branches of the monastery in other cities of Russia, but her plans were not destined to come true. The First World War began, with the blessing of Mother, the sisters of the monastery worked in field hospitals. Revolutionary events affected all members of the Romanov dynasty, even Grand Duchess Elizabeth, who was loved by all of Moscow. Soon after the February Revolution, an armed crowd with red flags came to arrest the abbess of the monastery - “a German spy who keeps weapons in the monastery.” The monastery was searched; After the crowd left, Elisaveta Feodorovna said to the sisters: “Obviously we are not yet worthy of the crown of martyrdom.” After the October Revolution of 1917, the monastery was not disturbed at first; they even brought food and medicine to the sisters. The arrests began later. In 1918, Elisaveta Feodorovna was taken into custody. The Marfo-Mariinskaya Convent existed until 1926. Some sisters were sent into exile, others united into a community and created a small vegetable garden in the Tver region. Two years later, a cinema was opened in the Church of the Intercession, and then a house of health education was located there. A statue of Stalin was placed in the altar. After the Great Patriotic War, the State Art Restoration Workshops settled in the monastery cathedral; the remaining premises were occupied by a clinic and laboratories of the All-Union Institute of Mineral Raw Materials. In 1992, the territory of the monastery was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church. Now the monastery lives according to the charter created by Elisaveta Feodorovna. The nuns are trained at the St. Demetrius School of Sisters of Mercy, help those in need, work in the newly opened shelter for orphan girls on Bolshaya Ordynka, a charity canteen, a patronage service, a gymnasium and a cultural and educational center.

Statues of 20th century martyrs on the west façade of Westminster Abbey: Maximilian Kolbe, Manche Masemola, Janani Luwum, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, Martin Luther King, Oscar Romero, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Esther John, Lucian Tapiedi and Wang Zhiming


In 2004-2005, the relics of the new martyrs were in Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries, where more than 7 million people venerated them. According to Patriarch Alexy II, “long lines of believers to the relics of the holy new martyrs are another symbol of Russia’s repentance for the sins of hard times, the country’s return to its original historical path.” The relics were then returned to Jerusalem.

Temples and monasteries

Several Orthodox monasteries in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, as well as churches, are dedicated to the Grand Duchess. The database of the website Temples of Russia (as of October 28, 2012) includes information about 24 operating churches in different cities of Russia, the main altar of which is dedicated to the Reverend Martyr Elisaveta Feodorovna, 6 churches in which one of the additional altars is dedicated to her, and 1 under construction temple and 4 chapels. Operating churches in the name of the Holy Martyr Elisaveta Feodorovna Alapaevskaya (construction dates in brackets) are located in Yekaterinburg (2001); Kaliningrad (2003); the city of Belousovo, Kaluga region (2000-2003); the village of Chistye Bory, Kostroma region (late 20th - early 21st centuries); cities of Balashikha (2005), Zvenigorod (2003), Klin (1991), Krasnogorsk (mid-1990s - mid-2000s), Lytkarino (2007-2008), Odintsovo (early 2000s), Shchelkovo (late . 1990s - early 2000s), Shcherbinka (1998-2001) and the village of Kolotskoye (1993) in the Moscow region; Moscow (temples from 1995, 1997 and 1998, 3 churches from the mid-2000s, 6 churches in total); the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod region (2005); Nizhny Novgorod; village of Vengerovo, Novosibirsk region (1996); Orle (2008); the city of Bezhetsk, Tver region (2000); village of Khrenovoe (2007). Current churches with additional altars of the Holy Martyr Elisaveta Feodorovna of Alapaevsk (construction dates in brackets) include: the Cathedral of the Three Great Hierarchs in the Spaso-Eleazarovsky Monastery, Pskov region, Elizarovo village (1574), additional altars - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Martyr Elizaveta Feodorovna; Church of the Ascension of the Lord, Nizhny Novgorod (1866-1875), additional altars - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Icon of the Mother of God of the Burning Bush, Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna; Church of Elijah the Prophet in Ilyinsky, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, village. Ilyinskoe (1732-1740), additional thrones - John the Theologian, Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna, Theodore of Perga; Church of the Savior Image Not Made by Hands in Usovo (new), Moscow region, p. Usovo (2009-2010), additional thrones - Icons of the Mother of God Sovereign, Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna, Hieromartyr Sergius (Makhaev); Temple in the name of St. Elizabeth Feodorovna (Elizabeth Feodorovna), Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg. Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Kursk region, Kurchatov (1989-1996), additional throne (2006) - Martyrs Elizabeth Feodorovna and nun Varvara. The chapels are located in St. Petersburg (2009); Orle (1850s); G. Zhukovsky, Moscow region (2000s); Yoshkar-Ole (2007). The Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh and the Martyr Elisabeth Feodorovna in Yekaterinburg is under construction. The list includes house churches (hospital churches and churches located at other social institutions), which may not be separate structures, but occupy premises in hospital buildings, etc.


On June 8, 2009, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office posthumously rehabilitated Elisaveta Feodorovna. Resolution to terminate the criminal case No. 18/123666-93 “On clarifying the circumstances of the death of members of the Russian Imperial House and people from their entourage in the period 1918-1919.”

The Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna was the second child in the family of the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt Ludwig IV and Princess Alice, daughter of Queen Victoria of England.

The family called her Ella. Her spiritual world was formed in the circle of a family warmed by mutual love. Ella's mother died when the girl was 12 years old, she planted in her young heart the seeds of pure faith, deep compassion for those who cry, suffer, and are burdened. Ella’s memories of visiting hospitals, shelters, and homes for the disabled remained in her memory for the rest of her life.

In the film about Ella’s parents, about her heavenly patron (before converting to Orthodoxy) St. Elizabeth of Turengen, about the history of the House of Hesse-Darmstadt and about its close connection with the House of Romanov, our contemporaries - the director of the Darmstadt archive, Prof. Frank and Princess Margaret of Hesse - tell in detail .

Russia - the vault of heaven dotted with countless stars of God's saints

A few years later, the whole family accompanied Princess Elizabeth to her wedding in Russia. The wedding took place in the Church of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. The Grand Duchess intensively studied the Russian language, wanting to study more deeply the culture and, most importantly, the faith of her new Motherland.

The film tells the story of the couple's stay together in the Holy Land in October 1888. This pilgrimage deeply struck Elizaveta Fedorovna: Palestine opened up to her as a source of joyful prayer inspiration: revived, reverent childhood memories and tears of quiet prayers to the Heavenly Shepherd. The Garden of Gethsemane, Golgotha, the Holy Sepulcher - the air itself is sanctified here by God's presence. “I wish I could be buried here,” she will say. These words were destined to come true.

After visiting the Holy Land, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna firmly decided to convert to Orthodoxy. The only thing that kept her from taking this step was the fear of hurting her family and, above all, her father. Finally, on January 1, 1891, she wrote a letter to her father about her decision to convert to the Orthodox faith. Here is an excerpt from her letter to her father: “I am converting from pure conviction, I feel that this is the highest religion and that I will do it with faith, with deep conviction and confidence that there is God’s blessing for this.”

On April 12 (25), on Lazarus Saturday, the Sacrament of Confirmation of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna was performed. She retained her former name, but in honor of the holy righteous Elizabeth - the mother of St. John the Baptist. After Confirmation, Emperor Alexander III blessed his daughter-in-law with the precious icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, with which Elizaveta Feodorovna never parted throughout her life and with it on her chest she accepted a martyr’s death.

The film tells about her trip in 1903 to Sarov to glorify St. Seraphim of Sarov, and provides documentary newsreel footage. “Father, why don’t we now have such a strict life as the ascetics of piety had?” St. Seraphim was once asked.
“Because,” answered the monk, “we have no determination to do so. The grace and help of God to the faithful and those who seek the Lord with all their hearts is now the same as it was before.”

Moscow - where national shrines, in which the spiritual fire has burned for centuries, are collected, one spark at a time, from all over the fatherland

Further, the film tells about mass riots, numerous victims, among whom were prominent political figures who died at the hands of revolutionary terrorists. On February 5 (18), 1905, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich was killed by a bomb thrown at him by terrorist Ivan Kalyaev.

On the third day after the death of her husband, Elizaveta Feodorovna went to prison to see the killer. She wanted Kalyaev to repent of his terrible crime and pray to the Lord for forgiveness, but he refused. Despite this, the Grand Duchess asked Emperor Nicholas II to pardon Kalyaev, but this request was rejected.

“Acquire a peaceful spirit and thousands around you will be saved,” said St. Seraphim of Sarov. While praying at the tomb of her husband, Elizaveta Feodorovna received a revelation - “to move away from secular life, to create an abode of mercy to help the poor and sick.”

After four years of mourning, on February 10, 1909, the Grand Duchess did not return to secular life, but put on the robe of a cross sister of love and mercy, and having gathered seventeen sisters of the Marfo-Mary Convent she founded, she said: “I am leaving a brilliant world, where I occupied a brilliant position, but together with you all I ascend into a greater world - the world of the poor and suffering.”

The basis of the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy was the charter of the monastery hostel. One of the main places of poverty, to which the Grand Duchess paid special attention, was the Khitrov market. Many owed their salvation to her.

Another glorious deed of the Grand Duchess was the construction of a Russian Orthodox church in Italy, in the city of Bari, where the relics of St. Nicholas of Myra rest.

From the very beginning of her life in Orthodoxy until her last days, the Grand Duchess was in complete obedience to her spiritual fathers. Without the blessing of the priest of the Martha and Mary Convent, Archpriest Mitrofan Serebryansky, and without the advice of the elders of Optina Hermitage, Zosimova Hermitage and other monasteries, she herself did nothing. Her humility and obedience were amazing.

After the February Revolution, in the summer of 1917, a Swedish minister came to the Grand Duchess, who, on behalf of Kaiser Wilhelm, was supposed to persuade her to leave the increasingly troubled Russia. Warmly thanking the minister for his care, the Grand Duchess quite calmly said that she could not leave her monastery and the sisters and patients entrusted to her by God, and that she had decided to firmly remain in Russia.

In April 1918, on the third day of Easter, Elizaveta Feodorovna was arrested, and her cell attendant Varvara Yakovleva voluntarily went under arrest with her. Together with the Grand Dukes of the Romanovs, they are brought to Alapaevsk.

“The Lord has found that it is time for us to bear His cross. Let’s try to be worthy of this joy,” she said.

In the dead of night on July 5 (18), the day of the discovery of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna and her cell attendant Varvara Yakovleva, together with other members of the Imperial House, were thrown into the shaft of an old mine. Prayer chants were heard from the mine.

A few months later, the army of Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak occupied Yekaterinburg, and the bodies of the martyrs were removed from the mine. The venerable martyrs Elizabeth and Varvara and the Grand Duke John had their fingers folded for the sign of the cross. The body of Elizaveta Feodorovna remained incorrupt.

Through the efforts of the White Army, the coffins with the relics of the holy martyrs were delivered to Jerusalem in 1921 and placed in the tomb of the Church of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene in Gethsemane, according to the wishes of Grand Duchess Elizabeth.

Director Viktor Ryzhko, script Sergei Drobashenko. 1992
The film is a laureate of the All-Russian Orthodox Film Festival in 1995. Audience Award in 1995.
Diploma winner of the IFF “Golden Knight” 1993
(in preparing the review, the book by L. Miller “The Holy Martyr of Russia Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna” was used)

“...And I love your soul more than your face...” - A. S. Pushkin

“Beauty will save the world...” - these words are often spoken now. But what beauty did the famous writer-philosopher F.M. talk about? Dostoevsky? The beauty of the body and face cannot be called beauty without the beauty of the soul. If the soul is ugly, then everything else takes on the same ugly features. And if this is not immediately noticeable, then after some time the understanding comes that there is simply no beauty without a soul.

Many moral qualities were destroyed and lost over time. And only love for one’s neighbor can bring them back.

Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna and Alexandra Feodorovna

Now the memory of those who did good deeds, showed mercy or extended a helping hand to the disadvantaged is returning to Russia. Charitable activities in Russia were common for rich people; it was even the rule, not the exception. Rich people knew that the work of mercy is the rule of Christian life, indicated among all others in the Gospel.

A significant part of hospitals, hospice houses and other care and even cultural and educational institutions before 1917 were built with money from donors and patrons. For example, by the beginning of the twentieth century, many hospitals were built, on which hung memorial plaques with the names of benefactors: merchants Morozov, Kashchenko, book publisher Soldatenkov, Prince Shcherbatov.

Orphanages, widows' houses, almshouses, cheap, or even free, apartments, vocational schools were built with money from manufacturers Bakhrushins, Rakhmanovs, Solodovnikovs and other donors. The People's University in Moscow was built by gold miner Shanyavsky.

Among all the names today, on the days of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, I would like to remember the name of the founder of the Martha and Mary Convent, Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, the sister of the last Russian Empress. She was the wife of the Moscow Governor-General, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, who was killed by Kalyaev in Moscow in 1905.

The future Grand Duchess married a member of the imperial family, converted to Orthodoxy and immediately began to engage in charitable activities, to which she was accustomed from an early age by her parents, who generously distributed their income throughout her life.

Even as children, Elizaveta Feodorovna and her sisters went to hospitals every Saturday, visiting suffering people. Therefore, for the Grand Duchess, love for her neighbor was the main feature of her character, seemingly soft, but in fact strong and noble. Many contemporaries spoke about her in the same way: “rare beauty, wonderful mind, ... angelic patience, noble heart.”

During the Russo-Japanese War, Elizaveta Fedorovna led the patriotic movement: she organized sewing workshops for the needs of the army, which included women of all classes, equipped several ambulance trains at her own expense, visited hospitals every day, and took care of the widows and orphans of the dead.

When Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich died, she devoted herself entirely to charitable activities. Elizaveta Feodorovna was a deeply religious person, and this is what explained many of her actions. For example, after the death of her husband, she turned to the king to pardon the murderer. After a long period of mourning, she dissolved her court and decided to completely withdraw from the world, devoting her life to serving God and her neighbors, the needy and the suffering.

She divided her entire fortune into three parts: to the treasury and to charitable needs. She left nothing for herself, not even a wedding ring. On Bolshaya Ordynka, the Grand Duchess acquired a small estate with four houses and a garden. A hospital with a house church, a pharmacy, an outpatient clinic, a shelter for girls and other utility buildings were located here. In addition, there was a library, a dining room and a dormitory for sisters.

In 1910, 17 girls of different classes became the first sisters of the new monastery. In 1911, when, according to the project of A.V. Shchusev, the cathedral Church of the Intercession was built, this monastery of goodness and mercy took on a completed architectural appearance, they called it Marfo-Mariinskaya.

The Gospel tells about two sisters Martha and Mary, who combined two main paths in life: the spiritual path - serving God and the path of mercy - serving others. The sisters of the monastery shared equally any work. The best doctors, specialists in their field, worked in her hospital.

Every week, 34 doctors saw patients, free of charge, they did not take money from the poor for medicines, others received medicines at a large discount compared to other pharmacies in the city. On Sundays the monastery held classes for the illiterate. In addition to literacy training, the orphanage girls also received medical training.

The personal life of Elizaveta Fedorovna was, one might say, harsh. She slept on a wooden bed without a mattress, observed strict fasting, and on the rest of the days her food consisted of vegetables and a small amount of milk. The Grand Duchess prayed for a long time at night, and during the day she constantly took care of her sisters, distributed assignments to everyone according to her strength, monitored the health of the sisters, and visited all the hospital wards.

Elizaveta Fedorovna cared for the most seriously ill patients herself and even assisted during operations. In addition to her work and worries at the monastery, the abbess visited and helped the poor locally. People learned from each other how much care and love they treat the sick and suffering here at the monastery, and they made requests for treatment, employment, care for small children, and even requests for help in finding a place to study.

The monastery received more than ten thousand requests a year. And besides everything, help came from here in the form of money and clothes. But most importantly, the suffering and sick needed compassion, and they received it here.

And that was not all. Elizaveta Fedorovna visited the doss houses of the “famous” Khitrov market, as she considered the soul of any person to be immortal and honored the image of God in it. And those who inhabited this part of the city were far from divine. But the princess tried to touch the heart of everyone mired in sins and vices, to touch the depths of the soul and turn it to repentance.

Sometimes these same people called themselves: “We are not people, how come you come to us!” She persuaded the parents of small children living in this swamp, as M. Gorky once said, “At the bottom,” to send their children to be raised in the monastery. Girls were raised in an orphanage, and boys were placed in a dormitory.

The sisters of the monastery did not need either fame or reward; all their activities were bound by the gospel commandments - love for God and neighbor.

By 1914, there were already 97 sisters in the monastery. The war began, some of the sisters went to field hospitals, others worked in a hospital in Moscow.

1917 Chaos began in the country. More than once the German ambassador tried to see Elizaveta Feodorovna, offering her travel to Germany. She did not accept him, but replied that she refused to leave Russia: “I haven’t done anything bad to anyone. The Lord's will be done."

1918 The security officers arrested several sick people from the monastery, then took away all the orphans. On the third day of Easter in April, Elizaveta Fedorovna was also arrested, because everyone who bore the name of the Romanovs was doomed to death, and her good deeds were not included in the calculation.

In the dead of night on July 18, 1918, along with other members of the imperial family, Elizaveta Feodorovna was thrown into the shaft of an old mine. Before her execution, according to an “eyewitness,” she was baptized all the time and prayed: “Lord, forgive them, they don’t know what they’re doing.” And when three months later the bodies of the executed were removed, the body of the victim with a bandaged wound was found next to the princess. This is how Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna left earthly life, fulfilling the gospel commandments until the last minute.

After the arrest of the abbess, the monastery, apparently thanks to Krupskaya, continued to exist for about seven years. Then the sisters of the monastery were exiled to Central Asia, and the premises of the monastery were given over to various institutions, and a club was set up in the Intercession Church itself.

The memory of the Grand Duchess will help us find the path for moral and spiritual rebirth.

Holy Martyr Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova

The Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna (officially in Russia - Elisaveta Feodorovna) was born on October 20 (November 1), 1864 in Germany, in the city of Darmstadt. She was the second child in the family of the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt, Ludwig IV, and Princess Alice, daughter of Queen Victoria of England. Another daughter of this couple (Alice) would later become Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia.

Grand Duchess of Hesse and Rhineland Alice with her daughter Ella

Ella with her mother Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse and the Rhine

Ludwig IV of Hesse and Alice with Princesses Victoria and Elizabeth (right).

Princess Elisabeth Alexandra Louise Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt

The children were brought up in the traditions of old England, their lives followed a strict order established by their mother. Children's clothing and food were very basic. The eldest daughters did their homework themselves: they cleaned the rooms, beds, and lit the fireplace. Subsequently, Elizaveta Fedorovna said: “They taught me everything in the house.” The mother carefully monitored the talents and inclinations of each of the seven children and tried to raise them on the solid basis of Christian commandments, to put in their hearts love for their neighbors, especially for the suffering.

Elizaveta Fedorovna's parents gave away most of their fortune to charity, and the children constantly traveled with their mother to hospitals, shelters, and homes for the disabled, bringing with them large bouquets of flowers, putting them in vases, and carrying them around the wards of the sick.

Since childhood, Elizabeth loved nature and especially flowers, which she enthusiastically painted. She had a gift for painting, and throughout her life she devoted a lot of time to this activity. She loved classical music. Everyone who knew Elizabeth from childhood noted her religiosity and love for her neighbors. As Elizaveta Feodorovna herself later said, even in her earliest youth she was greatly influenced by the life and exploits of her saintly distant relative Elizabeth of Thuringia, in whose honor she bore her name.

Portrait of the family of Grand Duke Ludwig IV, painted for Queen Victoria in 1879 by the artist Baron Heinrich von Angeli.

In 1873, Elizabeth’s three-year-old brother Friedrich fell to his death in front of his mother. In 1876, an epidemic of diphtheria began in Darmstadt; all the children except Elizabeth fell ill. The mother sat at night by the beds of her sick children. Soon, four-year-old Maria died, and after her, the Grand Duchess Alice herself fell ill and died at the age of 35.

That year the time of childhood ended for Elizabeth. Grief intensified her prayers. She realized that life on earth is the path of the Cross. The child tried with all his might to ease his father’s grief, support him, console him, and to some extent replace his mother with his younger sisters and brother.

Alice and Louis together with their children: Marie in the arms of the Grand Duke and (from left to right) Ella, Ernie, Alix, Irene, and Victoria

Grand Duchess Alice of Hesse and the Rhine

Artist - Henry Charles Heath

Princesses Victoria, Elizabeth, Irene, Alix Hesse mourn their mother.

In her twentieth year, Princess Elizabeth became the bride of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, the fifth son of Emperor Alexander II, brother of Emperor Alexander III. She met her future husband in childhood, when he came to Germany with his mother, Empress Maria Alexandrovna, who also came from the House of Hesse. Before this, all applicants for her hand had been refused: Princess Elizabeth in her youth had vowed to remain a virgin for the rest of her life. After a frank conversation between her and Sergei Alexandrovich, it turned out that he had secretly made the same vow. By mutual agreement, their marriage was spiritual, they lived like brother and sister.

Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich

Elizabeth Alexandra Louise Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt

Elizaveta Fedorovna with her husband Sergei Alexandrovich

Elizaveta Fedorovna with her husband Sergei Alexandrovich.

Elizaveta Fedorovna with her husband Sergei Alexandrovich.

Elizaveta Fedorovna with her husband Sergei Alexandrovich.

Elizaveta Fedorovna with her husband Sergei Alexandrovich.

The wedding took place in the church of the Grand Palace of St. Petersburg according to the Orthodox rite, and after it according to the Protestant rite in one of the living rooms of the palace. The Grand Duchess intensively studied the Russian language, wanting to study more deeply the culture and especially the faith of her new homeland.

Grand Duchess Elizabeth was dazzlingly beautiful. In those days they said that there were only two beauties in Europe, and both were Elizabeths: Elizabeth of Austria, the wife of Emperor Franz Joseph, and Elizabeth Feodorovna.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna Romanova.

F.I. Rerberg.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna Romanova.

Zon, Karl Rudolf -

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna Romanova.


For most of the year, the Grand Duchess lived with her husband on their Ilyinskoye estate, sixty kilometers from Moscow, on the banks of the Moscow River. She loved Moscow with its ancient churches, monasteries and patriarchal life. Sergei Alexandrovich was a deeply religious person, strictly observed all church canons and fasts, often went to services, went to monasteries - the Grand Duchess followed her husband everywhere and stood idle for long church services. Here she experienced an amazing feeling, so different from what she encountered in the Protestant church.

Elizaveta Feodorovna firmly decided to convert to Orthodoxy. What kept her from taking this step was the fear of hurting her family, and above all, her father. Finally, on January 1, 1891, she wrote a letter to her father about her decision, asking for a short telegram of blessing.

The father did not send his daughter the desired telegram with a blessing, but wrote a letter in which he said that her decision brings him pain and suffering, and he cannot give a blessing. Then Elizaveta Fedorovna showed courage and, despite moral suffering, firmly decided to convert to Orthodoxy.

On April 13 (25), on Lazarus Saturday, the sacrament of anointing of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna was performed, leaving her former name, but in honor of the holy righteous Elizabeth - the mother of St. John the Baptist, whose memory the Orthodox Church commemorates on September 5 (18).

Friedrich August von Kaulbach.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, V.I. Nesterenko

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, 1887. Artist S.F. Alexandrovsky

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

In 1891, Emperor Alexander III appointed Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich as Moscow Governor-General. The wife of the Governor-General had to perform many duties - there were constant receptions, concerts, and balls. It was necessary to smile and bow to the guests, dance and conduct conversations, regardless of mood, state of health and desire.

The residents of Moscow soon appreciated her merciful heart. She went to hospitals for the poor, almshouses, and shelters for street children. And everywhere she tried to alleviate the suffering of people: she distributed food, clothing, money, and improved the living conditions of the unfortunate.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

Room of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna

In 1894, after many obstacles, the decision was made to engage Grand Duchess Alice to the heir to the Russian throne, Nikolai Alexandrovich. Elizaveta Feodorovna rejoiced that the young lovers could finally unite, and her sister would live in Russia, dear to her heart. Princess Alice was 22 years old and Elizaveta Feodorovna hoped that her sister, living in Russia, would understand and love the Russian people, master the Russian language perfectly and be able to prepare for the high service of the Russian Empress.

Two sisters Ella and Alix

Ella and Alix

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

But everything happened differently. The heir's bride arrived in Russia when Emperor Alexander III lay dying. On October 20, 1894, the emperor died. The next day, Princess Alice converted to Orthodoxy with the name Alexandra. The wedding of Emperor Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna took place a week after the funeral, and in the spring of 1896 the coronation took place in Moscow. The celebrations were overshadowed by a terrible disaster: on the Khodynka field, where gifts were being distributed to the people, a stampede began - thousands of people were injured or crushed.

When the Russo-Japanese War began, Elizaveta Fedorovna immediately began organizing assistance to the front. One of her remarkable undertakings was the establishment of workshops to help soldiers - all the halls of the Kremlin Palace, except the Throne Palace, were occupied for them. Thousands of women worked on sewing machines and work tables. Huge donations came from all over Moscow and the provinces. From here, bales of food, uniforms, medicines and gifts for soldiers went to the front. The Grand Duchess sent camp churches with icons and everything necessary for worship to the front. I personally sent Gospels, icons and prayer books. At her own expense, the Grand Duchess formed several ambulance trains.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, D. Belyukin

Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

In Moscow, she set up a hospital for the wounded and created special committees to provide for the widows and orphans of those killed at the front. But Russian troops suffered one defeat after another. The war showed Russia's technical and military unpreparedness and the shortcomings of public administration. Scores began to be settled for past grievances of arbitrariness or injustice, the unprecedented scale of terrorist acts, rallies, and strikes. The state and social order was falling apart, a revolution was approaching.

Sergei Alexandrovich believed that it was necessary to take tougher measures against the revolutionaries and reported this to the emperor, saying that given the current situation he could no longer hold the position of Governor-General of Moscow. The Emperor accepted his resignation and the couple left the governor's house, moving temporarily to Neskuchnoye.

Meanwhile, the fighting organization of the Social Revolutionaries sentenced Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich to death. Its agents kept an eye on him, waiting for an opportunity to execute him. Elizaveta Fedorovna knew that her husband was in mortal danger. Anonymous letters warned her not to accompany her husband if she did not want to share his fate. The Grand Duchess especially tried not to leave him alone and, if possible, accompanied her husband everywhere.

Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, V.I. Nesterenko

Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and Grand Princess Elizaveta Feodorovna

On February 5 (18), 1905, Sergei Alexandrovich was killed by a bomb thrown by terrorist Ivan Kalyaev. When Elizaveta Feodorovna arrived at the scene of the explosion, a crowd had already gathered there. Someone tried to prevent her from approaching the remains of her husband, but with her own hands she collected the pieces of her husband’s body scattered by the explosion onto a stretcher.

On the third day after the death of her husband, Elizaveta Fedorovna went to the prison where the murderer was kept. Kalyaev said: “I didn’t want to kill you, I saw him several times and the time when I had a bomb ready, but you were with him, and I did not dare to touch him.”

- « And you didn’t realize that you killed me along with him? - she answered. She further said that she had brought forgiveness from Sergei Alexandrovich and asked him to repent. But he refused. Nevertheless, Elizaveta Fedorovna left the Gospel and a small icon in the cell, hoping for a miracle. Leaving prison, she said: “My attempt was unsuccessful, although who knows, perhaps at the last minute he will realize his sin and repent of it.” The Grand Duchess asked Emperor Nicholas II to pardon Kalyaev, but this request was rejected.

Meeting of Elizaveta Fedorovna and Kalyaev.

From the moment of the death of her husband, Elizaveta Fedorovna did not stop mourning, began to keep a strict fast, and prayed a lot. Her bedroom in the Nicholas Palace began to resemble a monastic cell. All the luxurious furniture was taken out, the walls were repainted white, and only icons and paintings of spiritual content were on them. She did not appear at social functions. She was only in church for weddings or christenings of relatives and friends and immediately went home or on business. Now nothing connected her with social life.

Elizaveta Fedorovna in mourning after the death of her husband

She collected all her jewelry, gave some to the treasury, some to her relatives, and decided to use the rest to build a monastery of mercy. On Bolshaya Ordynka in Moscow, Elizaveta Fedorovna purchased an estate with four houses and a garden. In the largest two-story house there is a dining room for the sisters, a kitchen and other utility rooms, in the second there is a church and a hospital, next to it there is a pharmacy and an outpatient clinic for incoming patients. In the fourth house there was an apartment for the priest - the confessor of the monastery, classes of the school for girls of the orphanage and a library.

On February 10, 1909, the Grand Duchess gathered 17 sisters of the monastery she founded, took off her mourning dress, put on a monastic robe and said: “I will leave the brilliant world where I occupied a brilliant position, but together with all of you I ascend to a greater world - to a world of the poor and suffering."

Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova.

The first church of the monastery (“hospital”) was consecrated by Bishop Tryphon on September 9 (21), 1909 (on the day of the celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary) in the name of the holy myrrh-bearing women Martha and Mary. The second church is in honor of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, consecrated in 1911 (architect A.V. Shchusev, paintings by M.V. Nesterov)

Mikhail Nesterov. Elisaveta Feodorovna Romanova. Between 1910 and 1912.

The day at the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent began at 6 o’clock in the morning. After the general morning prayer rule. In the hospital church, the Grand Duchess gave obedience to the sisters for the coming day. Those free from obedience remained in the church, where the Divine Liturgy began. The afternoon meal included reading the lives of the saints. At 5 o'clock in the evening, Vespers and Matins were served in the church, where all the sisters free from obedience were present. On holidays and Sundays an all-night vigil was held. At 9 o'clock in the evening, the evening rule was read in the hospital church, after which all the sisters, having received the blessing of the abbess, went to their cells. Akathists were read four times a week during Vespers: on Sunday - to the Savior, on Monday - to the Archangel Michael and all the Ethereal Heavenly Powers, on Wednesday - to the holy myrrh-bearing women Martha and Mary, and on Friday - to the Mother of God or the Passion of Christ. In the chapel, built at the end of the garden, the Psalter for the dead was read. The abbess herself often prayed there at night. The inner life of the sisters was led by a wonderful priest and shepherd - the confessor of the monastery, Archpriest Mitrofan Serebryansky. Twice a week he had conversations with the sisters. In addition, the sisters could come to their confessor or the abbess every day at certain hours for advice and guidance. The Grand Duchess, together with Father Mitrofan, taught the sisters not only medical knowledge, but also spiritual guidance to degenerate, lost and despairing people. Every Sunday after the evening service in the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of God, conversations were held for the people with the general singing of prayers.

Marfo-Mariinskaya Convent

Archpriest Mitrofan Srebryansky

Divine services in the monastery have always been at a brilliant height thanks to the exceptional pastoral merits of the confessor chosen by the abbess. The best shepherds and preachers not only from Moscow, but also from many remote places in Russia came here to perform divine services and preach. Like a bee, the abbess collected nectar from all flowers so that people could feel the special aroma of spirituality. The monastery, its churches and worship aroused the admiration of its contemporaries. This was facilitated not only by the temples of the monastery, but also by a beautiful park with greenhouses - in the best traditions of garden art of the 18th - 19th centuries. It was a single ensemble that harmoniously combined external and internal beauty.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

A contemporary of the Grand Duchess, Nonna Grayton, maid of honor to her relative Princess Victoria, testifies: “She had a wonderful quality - to see the good and the real in people, and tried to bring it out. She also did not have a high opinion of her qualities at all... She never said the words “I can’t”, and there was never anything dull in the life of the Marfo-Mary Convent. Everything was perfect there, both inside and outside. And whoever was there took away a wonderful feeling.”

In the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery, the Grand Duchess led the life of an ascetic. She slept on a wooden bed without a mattress. She strictly observed fasts, eating only plant foods. In the morning she got up for prayer, after which she distributed obediences to the sisters, worked in the clinic, received visitors, and sorted out petitions and letters.

In the evening, there is a round of patients, ending after midnight. At night she prayed in a chapel or in church, her sleep rarely lasting more than three hours. When the patient was thrashing about and needed help, she sat at his bedside until dawn. In the hospital, Elizaveta Feodorovna took on the most responsible work: she assisted during operations, did dressings, found words of consolation, and tried to alleviate the suffering of the sick. They said that the Grand Duchess emanated a healing power that helped them endure pain and agree to difficult operations.

The abbess always offered confession and communion as the main remedy for illnesses. She said: “It is immoral to console the dying with false hope of recovery; it is better to help them move into eternity in a Christian way.”

The healed patients cried as they left the Marfo-Mariinskaya Hospital, parting with “ great mother", as they called the abbess. There was a Sunday school at the monastery for female factory workers. Anyone could use the funds of the excellent library. There was a free canteen for the poor.

The abbess of the Martha and Mary Convent believed that the main thing was not the hospital, but helping the poor and needy. The monastery received up to 12,000 requests a year. They asked for everything: arranging for treatment, finding a job, looking after children, caring for bedridden patients, sending them to study abroad.

She found opportunities to help the clergy - she provided funds for the needs of poor rural parishes that could not repair the church or build a new one. She encouraged, strengthened, and helped financially the priests - missionaries who worked among the pagans of the far north or foreigners on the outskirts of Russia.

One of the main places of poverty, to which the Grand Duchess paid special attention, was the Khitrov market. Elizaveta Fedorovna, accompanied by her cell attendant Varvara Yakovleva or the sister of the monastery, Princess Maria Obolenskaya, tirelessly moving from one den to another, collected orphans and persuaded parents to give her children to raise. The entire population of Khitrovo respected her, calling her “ sister Elizabeth" or "mother" The police constantly warned her that they could not guarantee her safety.

Varvara Yakovleva

Princess Maria Obolenskaya

Khitrov market

In response to this, the Grand Duchess always thanked the police for their care and said that her life was not in their hands, but in the hands of God. She tried to save the children of Khitrovka. She was not afraid of uncleanliness, swearing, or a face that had lost its human appearance. She said: " The likeness of God may sometimes be obscured, but it can never be destroyed.”

She placed the boys torn from Khitrovka into dormitories. From one group of such recent ragamuffins an artel of executive messengers of Moscow was formed. The girls were placed in closed educational institutions or shelters, where their health, spiritual and physical, was also monitored.

Elizaveta Feodorovna organized charity homes for orphans, disabled people, and seriously ill people, found time to visit them, constantly supported them financially, and brought gifts. They tell the following story: one day the Grand Duchess was supposed to come to an orphanage for little orphans. Everyone was preparing to meet their benefactress with dignity. The girls were told that the Grand Duchess would come: they would need to greet her and kiss her hands. When Elizaveta Fedorovna arrived, she was greeted by little children in white dresses. They greeted each other in unison and all extended their hands to the Grand Duchess with the words: “kiss the hands.” The teachers were horrified: what would happen. But the Grand Duchess went up to each of the girls and kissed everyone’s hands. Everyone cried at the same time - there was such tenderness and reverence on their faces and in their hearts.

« Great Mother“hoped that the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy, which she created, would blossom into a large fruitful tree.

Over time, she planned to establish branches of the monastery in other cities of Russia.

The Grand Duchess had a native Russian love of pilgrimage.

More than once she traveled to Sarov and happily hurried to the temple to pray at the shrine of St. Seraphim. She went to Pskov, to Optina Pustyn, to Zosima Pustyn, and was in the Solovetsky Monastery. She also visited the smallest monasteries in provincial and remote places in Russia. She was present at all spiritual celebrations associated with the discovery or transfer of the relics of the saints of God. The Grand Duchess secretly helped and looked after sick pilgrims who were expecting healing from the newly glorified saints. In 1914, she visited the monastery in Alapaevsk, which was destined to become the place of her imprisonment and martyrdom.

She was the patroness of Russian pilgrims going to Jerusalem. Through the societies organized by her, the cost of tickets for pilgrims sailing from Odessa to Jaffa was covered. She also built a large hotel in Jerusalem.

Another glorious deed of the Grand Duchess was the construction of a Russian Orthodox church in Italy, in the city of Bari, where the relics of St. Nicholas of Myra of Lycia rest. In 1914, the lower church in honor of St. Nicholas and the hospice house were consecrated.

During the First World War, the Grand Duchess's work increased: it was necessary to care for the wounded in hospitals. Some of the sisters of the monastery were released to work in a field hospital. At first, Elizaveta Fedorovna, prompted by Christian feelings, visited the captured Germans, but slander about secret support for the enemy forced her to abandon this.

In 1916, an angry crowd approached the gates of the monastery with a demand to hand over a German spy - the brother of Elizabeth Feodorovna, who was allegedly hiding in the monastery. The abbess came out to the crowd alone and offered to inspect all the premises of the community. A mounted police force dispersed the crowd.

Soon after the February Revolution, a crowd with rifles, red flags and bows again approached the monastery. The abbess herself opened the gate - they told her that they had come to arrest her and put her on trial as a German spy, who also kept weapons in the monastery.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Konstantinov

In response to the demands of those who came to immediately go with them, the Grand Duchess said that she must make orders and say goodbye to the sisters. The abbess gathered all the sisters in the monastery and asked Father Mitrofan to serve a prayer service. Then, turning to the revolutionaries, she invited them to enter the church, but to leave their weapons at the entrance. They reluctantly took off their rifles and followed into the temple.

Elizaveta Fedorovna stood on her knees throughout the prayer service. After the end of the service, she said that Father Mitrofan would show them all the buildings of the monastery, and they could look for what they wanted to find. Of course, they found nothing there except the sisters’ cells and a hospital with the sick. After the crowd left, Elizaveta Fedorovna said to the sisters: “ Obviously we are not yet worthy of the crown of martyrdom.".

In the spring of 1917, a Swedish minister came to her on behalf of Kaiser Wilhelm and offered her help in traveling abroad. Elizaveta Fedorovna replied that she had decided to share the fate of the country, which she considered her new homeland and could not leave the sisters of the monastery in this difficult time.

Never have there been so many people at a service in the monastery as before the October revolution. They went not only for a bowl of soup or medical help, but also for consolation and advice." great mother" Elizaveta Fedorovna received everyone, listened to them, and strengthened them. People left her peaceful and encouraged.

Mikhail Nesterov

Fresco "Christ with Martha and Mary" for the Intercession Cathedral of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent in Moscow

Mikhail Nesterov

Mikhail Nesterov

For the first time after the October revolution, the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent was not touched. On the contrary, the sisters were shown respect; twice a week a truck with food arrived at the monastery: black bread, dried fish, vegetables, some fat and sugar. Limited quantities of bandages and essential medicines were provided.

Holy Martyr Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova

The Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna (officially in Russia - Elisaveta Feodorovna) was born on October 20 (November 1), 1864 in Germany, in the city of Darmstadt. She was the second child in the family of the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt, Ludwig IV, and Princess Alice, daughter of Queen Victoria of England. Another daughter of this couple (Alice) would later become Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia.

Grand Duchess of Hesse and Rhineland Alice with her daughter Ella

Ella with her mother Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse and the Rhine

Ludwig IV of Hesse and Alice with Princesses Victoria and Elizabeth (right).

Princess Elisabeth Alexandra Louise Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt

The children were brought up in the traditions of old England, their lives followed a strict order established by their mother. Children's clothing and food were very basic. The eldest daughters did their homework themselves: they cleaned the rooms, beds, and lit the fireplace. Subsequently, Elizaveta Fedorovna said: “They taught me everything in the house.” The mother carefully monitored the talents and inclinations of each of the seven children and tried to raise them on the solid basis of Christian commandments, to put in their hearts love for their neighbors, especially for the suffering.

Elizaveta Fedorovna's parents gave away most of their fortune to charity, and the children constantly traveled with their mother to hospitals, shelters, and homes for the disabled, bringing with them large bouquets of flowers, putting them in vases, and carrying them around the wards of the sick.

Since childhood, Elizabeth loved nature and especially flowers, which she enthusiastically painted. She had a gift for painting, and throughout her life she devoted a lot of time to this activity. She loved classical music. Everyone who knew Elizabeth from childhood noted her religiosity and love for her neighbors. As Elizaveta Feodorovna herself later said, even in her earliest youth she was greatly influenced by the life and exploits of her saintly distant relative Elizabeth of Thuringia, in whose honor she bore her name.

Portrait of the family of Grand Duke Ludwig IV, painted for Queen Victoria in 1879 by the artist Baron Heinrich von Angeli.

In 1873, Elizabeth’s three-year-old brother Friedrich fell to his death in front of his mother. In 1876, an epidemic of diphtheria began in Darmstadt; all the children except Elizabeth fell ill. The mother sat at night by the beds of her sick children. Soon, four-year-old Maria died, and after her, the Grand Duchess Alice herself fell ill and died at the age of 35.

That year the time of childhood ended for Elizabeth. Grief intensified her prayers. She realized that life on earth is the path of the Cross. The child tried with all his might to ease his father’s grief, support him, console him, and to some extent replace his mother with his younger sisters and brother.

Alice and Louis together with their children: Marie in the arms of the Grand Duke and (from left to right) Ella, Ernie, Alix, Irene, and Victoria

Grand Duchess Alice of Hesse and the Rhine

Artist - Henry Charles Heath

Princesses Victoria, Elizabeth, Irene, Alix Hesse mourn their mother.

In her twentieth year, Princess Elizabeth became the bride of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, the fifth son of Emperor Alexander II, brother of Emperor Alexander III. She met her future husband in childhood, when he came to Germany with his mother, Empress Maria Alexandrovna, who also came from the House of Hesse. Before this, all applicants for her hand had been refused: Princess Elizabeth in her youth had vowed to remain a virgin for the rest of her life. After a frank conversation between her and Sergei Alexandrovich, it turned out that he had secretly made the same vow. By mutual agreement, their marriage was spiritual, they lived like brother and sister.

Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich

Elizabeth Alexandra Louise Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt

Elizaveta Fedorovna with her husband Sergei Alexandrovich

Elizaveta Fedorovna with her husband Sergei Alexandrovich.

Elizaveta Fedorovna with her husband Sergei Alexandrovich.

Elizaveta Fedorovna with her husband Sergei Alexandrovich.

Elizaveta Fedorovna with her husband Sergei Alexandrovich.

The wedding took place in the church of the Grand Palace of St. Petersburg according to the Orthodox rite, and after it according to the Protestant rite in one of the living rooms of the palace. The Grand Duchess intensively studied the Russian language, wanting to study more deeply the culture and especially the faith of her new homeland.

Grand Duchess Elizabeth was dazzlingly beautiful. In those days they said that there were only two beauties in Europe, and both were Elizabeths: Elizabeth of Austria, the wife of Emperor Franz Joseph, and Elizabeth Feodorovna.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna Romanova.

F.I. Rerberg.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna Romanova.

Zon, Karl Rudolf -

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna Romanova.


For most of the year, the Grand Duchess lived with her husband on their Ilyinskoye estate, sixty kilometers from Moscow, on the banks of the Moscow River. She loved Moscow with its ancient churches, monasteries and patriarchal life. Sergei Alexandrovich was a deeply religious person, strictly observed all church canons and fasts, often went to services, went to monasteries - the Grand Duchess followed her husband everywhere and stood idle for long church services. Here she experienced an amazing feeling, so different from what she encountered in the Protestant church.

Elizaveta Feodorovna firmly decided to convert to Orthodoxy. What kept her from taking this step was the fear of hurting her family, and above all, her father. Finally, on January 1, 1891, she wrote a letter to her father about her decision, asking for a short telegram of blessing.

The father did not send his daughter the desired telegram with a blessing, but wrote a letter in which he said that her decision brings him pain and suffering, and he cannot give a blessing. Then Elizaveta Fedorovna showed courage and, despite moral suffering, firmly decided to convert to Orthodoxy.

On April 13 (25), on Lazarus Saturday, the sacrament of anointing of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna was performed, leaving her former name, but in honor of the holy righteous Elizabeth - the mother of St. John the Baptist, whose memory the Orthodox Church commemorates on September 5 (18).

Friedrich August von Kaulbach.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, V.I. Nesterenko

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, 1887. Artist S.F. Alexandrovsky

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

In 1891, Emperor Alexander III appointed Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich as Moscow Governor-General. The wife of the Governor-General had to perform many duties - there were constant receptions, concerts, and balls. It was necessary to smile and bow to the guests, dance and conduct conversations, regardless of mood, state of health and desire.

The residents of Moscow soon appreciated her merciful heart. She went to hospitals for the poor, almshouses, and shelters for street children. And everywhere she tried to alleviate the suffering of people: she distributed food, clothing, money, and improved the living conditions of the unfortunate.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

Room of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna

In 1894, after many obstacles, the decision was made to engage Grand Duchess Alice to the heir to the Russian throne, Nikolai Alexandrovich. Elizaveta Feodorovna rejoiced that the young lovers could finally unite, and her sister would live in Russia, dear to her heart. Princess Alice was 22 years old and Elizaveta Feodorovna hoped that her sister, living in Russia, would understand and love the Russian people, master the Russian language perfectly and be able to prepare for the high service of the Russian Empress.

Two sisters Ella and Alix

Ella and Alix

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

But everything happened differently. The heir's bride arrived in Russia when Emperor Alexander III lay dying. On October 20, 1894, the emperor died. The next day, Princess Alice converted to Orthodoxy with the name Alexandra. The wedding of Emperor Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna took place a week after the funeral, and in the spring of 1896 the coronation took place in Moscow. The celebrations were overshadowed by a terrible disaster: on the Khodynka field, where gifts were being distributed to the people, a stampede began - thousands of people were injured or crushed.

When the Russo-Japanese War began, Elizaveta Fedorovna immediately began organizing assistance to the front. One of her remarkable undertakings was the establishment of workshops to help soldiers - all the halls of the Kremlin Palace, except the Throne Palace, were occupied for them. Thousands of women worked on sewing machines and work tables. Huge donations came from all over Moscow and the provinces. From here, bales of food, uniforms, medicines and gifts for soldiers went to the front. The Grand Duchess sent camp churches with icons and everything necessary for worship to the front. I personally sent Gospels, icons and prayer books. At her own expense, the Grand Duchess formed several ambulance trains.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, D. Belyukin

Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

In Moscow, she set up a hospital for the wounded and created special committees to provide for the widows and orphans of those killed at the front. But Russian troops suffered one defeat after another. The war showed Russia's technical and military unpreparedness and the shortcomings of public administration. Scores began to be settled for past grievances of arbitrariness or injustice, the unprecedented scale of terrorist acts, rallies, and strikes. The state and social order was falling apart, a revolution was approaching.

Sergei Alexandrovich believed that it was necessary to take tougher measures against the revolutionaries and reported this to the emperor, saying that given the current situation he could no longer hold the position of Governor-General of Moscow. The Emperor accepted his resignation and the couple left the governor's house, moving temporarily to Neskuchnoye.

Meanwhile, the fighting organization of the Social Revolutionaries sentenced Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich to death. Its agents kept an eye on him, waiting for an opportunity to execute him. Elizaveta Fedorovna knew that her husband was in mortal danger. Anonymous letters warned her not to accompany her husband if she did not want to share his fate. The Grand Duchess especially tried not to leave him alone and, if possible, accompanied her husband everywhere.

Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, V.I. Nesterenko

Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and Grand Princess Elizaveta Feodorovna

On February 5 (18), 1905, Sergei Alexandrovich was killed by a bomb thrown by terrorist Ivan Kalyaev. When Elizaveta Feodorovna arrived at the scene of the explosion, a crowd had already gathered there. Someone tried to prevent her from approaching the remains of her husband, but with her own hands she collected the pieces of her husband’s body scattered by the explosion onto a stretcher.

On the third day after the death of her husband, Elizaveta Fedorovna went to the prison where the murderer was kept. Kalyaev said: “I didn’t want to kill you, I saw him several times and the time when I had a bomb ready, but you were with him, and I did not dare to touch him.”

- « And you didn’t realize that you killed me along with him? - she answered. She further said that she had brought forgiveness from Sergei Alexandrovich and asked him to repent. But he refused. Nevertheless, Elizaveta Fedorovna left the Gospel and a small icon in the cell, hoping for a miracle. Leaving prison, she said: “My attempt was unsuccessful, although who knows, perhaps at the last minute he will realize his sin and repent of it.” The Grand Duchess asked Emperor Nicholas II to pardon Kalyaev, but this request was rejected.

Meeting of Elizaveta Fedorovna and Kalyaev.

From the moment of the death of her husband, Elizaveta Fedorovna did not stop mourning, began to keep a strict fast, and prayed a lot. Her bedroom in the Nicholas Palace began to resemble a monastic cell. All the luxurious furniture was taken out, the walls were repainted white, and only icons and paintings of spiritual content were on them. She did not appear at social functions. She was only in church for weddings or christenings of relatives and friends and immediately went home or on business. Now nothing connected her with social life.

Elizaveta Fedorovna in mourning after the death of her husband

She collected all her jewelry, gave some to the treasury, some to her relatives, and decided to use the rest to build a monastery of mercy. On Bolshaya Ordynka in Moscow, Elizaveta Fedorovna purchased an estate with four houses and a garden. In the largest two-story house there is a dining room for the sisters, a kitchen and other utility rooms, in the second there is a church and a hospital, next to it there is a pharmacy and an outpatient clinic for incoming patients. In the fourth house there was an apartment for the priest - the confessor of the monastery, classes of the school for girls of the orphanage and a library.

On February 10, 1909, the Grand Duchess gathered 17 sisters of the monastery she founded, took off her mourning dress, put on a monastic robe and said: “I will leave the brilliant world where I occupied a brilliant position, but together with all of you I ascend to a greater world - to a world of the poor and suffering."

Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova.

The first church of the monastery (“hospital”) was consecrated by Bishop Tryphon on September 9 (21), 1909 (on the day of the celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary) in the name of the holy myrrh-bearing women Martha and Mary. The second church is in honor of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, consecrated in 1911 (architect A.V. Shchusev, paintings by M.V. Nesterov)

Mikhail Nesterov. Elisaveta Feodorovna Romanova. Between 1910 and 1912.

The day at the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent began at 6 o’clock in the morning. After the general morning prayer rule. In the hospital church, the Grand Duchess gave obedience to the sisters for the coming day. Those free from obedience remained in the church, where the Divine Liturgy began. The afternoon meal included reading the lives of the saints. At 5 o'clock in the evening, Vespers and Matins were served in the church, where all the sisters free from obedience were present. On holidays and Sundays an all-night vigil was held. At 9 o'clock in the evening, the evening rule was read in the hospital church, after which all the sisters, having received the blessing of the abbess, went to their cells. Akathists were read four times a week during Vespers: on Sunday - to the Savior, on Monday - to the Archangel Michael and all the Ethereal Heavenly Powers, on Wednesday - to the holy myrrh-bearing women Martha and Mary, and on Friday - to the Mother of God or the Passion of Christ. In the chapel, built at the end of the garden, the Psalter for the dead was read. The abbess herself often prayed there at night. The inner life of the sisters was led by a wonderful priest and shepherd - the confessor of the monastery, Archpriest Mitrofan Serebryansky. Twice a week he had conversations with the sisters. In addition, the sisters could come to their confessor or the abbess every day at certain hours for advice and guidance. The Grand Duchess, together with Father Mitrofan, taught the sisters not only medical knowledge, but also spiritual guidance to degenerate, lost and despairing people. Every Sunday after the evening service in the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of God, conversations were held for the people with the general singing of prayers.

Marfo-Mariinskaya Convent

Archpriest Mitrofan Srebryansky

Divine services in the monastery have always been at a brilliant height thanks to the exceptional pastoral merits of the confessor chosen by the abbess. The best shepherds and preachers not only from Moscow, but also from many remote places in Russia came here to perform divine services and preach. Like a bee, the abbess collected nectar from all flowers so that people could feel the special aroma of spirituality. The monastery, its churches and worship aroused the admiration of its contemporaries. This was facilitated not only by the temples of the monastery, but also by a beautiful park with greenhouses - in the best traditions of garden art of the 18th - 19th centuries. It was a single ensemble that harmoniously combined external and internal beauty.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna

A contemporary of the Grand Duchess, Nonna Grayton, maid of honor to her relative Princess Victoria, testifies: “She had a wonderful quality - to see the good and the real in people, and tried to bring it out. She also did not have a high opinion of her qualities at all... She never said the words “I can’t”, and there was never anything dull in the life of the Marfo-Mary Convent. Everything was perfect there, both inside and outside. And whoever was there took away a wonderful feeling.”

In the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery, the Grand Duchess led the life of an ascetic. She slept on a wooden bed without a mattress. She strictly observed fasts, eating only plant foods. In the morning she got up for prayer, after which she distributed obediences to the sisters, worked in the clinic, received visitors, and sorted out petitions and letters.

In the evening, there is a round of patients, ending after midnight. At night she prayed in a chapel or in church, her sleep rarely lasting more than three hours. When the patient was thrashing about and needed help, she sat at his bedside until dawn. In the hospital, Elizaveta Feodorovna took on the most responsible work: she assisted during operations, did dressings, found words of consolation, and tried to alleviate the suffering of the sick. They said that the Grand Duchess emanated a healing power that helped them endure pain and agree to difficult operations.

The abbess always offered confession and communion as the main remedy for illnesses. She said: “It is immoral to console the dying with false hope of recovery; it is better to help them move into eternity in a Christian way.”

The healed patients cried as they left the Marfo-Mariinskaya Hospital, parting with “ great mother", as they called the abbess. There was a Sunday school at the monastery for female factory workers. Anyone could use the funds of the excellent library. There was a free canteen for the poor.

The abbess of the Martha and Mary Convent believed that the main thing was not the hospital, but helping the poor and needy. The monastery received up to 12,000 requests a year. They asked for everything: arranging for treatment, finding a job, looking after children, caring for bedridden patients, sending them to study abroad.

She found opportunities to help the clergy - she provided funds for the needs of poor rural parishes that could not repair the church or build a new one. She encouraged, strengthened, and helped financially the priests - missionaries who worked among the pagans of the far north or foreigners on the outskirts of Russia.

One of the main places of poverty, to which the Grand Duchess paid special attention, was the Khitrov market. Elizaveta Fedorovna, accompanied by her cell attendant Varvara Yakovleva or the sister of the monastery, Princess Maria Obolenskaya, tirelessly moving from one den to another, collected orphans and persuaded parents to give her children to raise. The entire population of Khitrovo respected her, calling her “ sister Elizabeth" or "mother" The police constantly warned her that they could not guarantee her safety.

Varvara Yakovleva

Princess Maria Obolenskaya

Khitrov market

In response to this, the Grand Duchess always thanked the police for their care and said that her life was not in their hands, but in the hands of God. She tried to save the children of Khitrovka. She was not afraid of uncleanliness, swearing, or a face that had lost its human appearance. She said: " The likeness of God may sometimes be obscured, but it can never be destroyed.”

She placed the boys torn from Khitrovka into dormitories. From one group of such recent ragamuffins an artel of executive messengers of Moscow was formed. The girls were placed in closed educational institutions or shelters, where their health, spiritual and physical, was also monitored.

Elizaveta Feodorovna organized charity homes for orphans, disabled people, and seriously ill people, found time to visit them, constantly supported them financially, and brought gifts. They tell the following story: one day the Grand Duchess was supposed to come to an orphanage for little orphans. Everyone was preparing to meet their benefactress with dignity. The girls were told that the Grand Duchess would come: they would need to greet her and kiss her hands. When Elizaveta Fedorovna arrived, she was greeted by little children in white dresses. They greeted each other in unison and all extended their hands to the Grand Duchess with the words: “kiss the hands.” The teachers were horrified: what would happen. But the Grand Duchess went up to each of the girls and kissed everyone’s hands. Everyone cried at the same time - there was such tenderness and reverence on their faces and in their hearts.

« Great Mother“hoped that the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy, which she created, would blossom into a large fruitful tree.

Over time, she planned to establish branches of the monastery in other cities of Russia.

The Grand Duchess had a native Russian love of pilgrimage.

More than once she traveled to Sarov and happily hurried to the temple to pray at the shrine of St. Seraphim. She went to Pskov, to Optina Pustyn, to Zosima Pustyn, and was in the Solovetsky Monastery. She also visited the smallest monasteries in provincial and remote places in Russia. She was present at all spiritual celebrations associated with the discovery or transfer of the relics of the saints of God. The Grand Duchess secretly helped and looked after sick pilgrims who were expecting healing from the newly glorified saints. In 1914, she visited the monastery in Alapaevsk, which was destined to become the place of her imprisonment and martyrdom.

She was the patroness of Russian pilgrims going to Jerusalem. Through the societies organized by her, the cost of tickets for pilgrims sailing from Odessa to Jaffa was covered. She also built a large hotel in Jerusalem.

Another glorious deed of the Grand Duchess was the construction of a Russian Orthodox church in Italy, in the city of Bari, where the relics of St. Nicholas of Myra of Lycia rest. In 1914, the lower church in honor of St. Nicholas and the hospice house were consecrated.

During the First World War, the Grand Duchess's work increased: it was necessary to care for the wounded in hospitals. Some of the sisters of the monastery were released to work in a field hospital. At first, Elizaveta Fedorovna, prompted by Christian feelings, visited the captured Germans, but slander about secret support for the enemy forced her to abandon this.

In 1916, an angry crowd approached the gates of the monastery with a demand to hand over a German spy - the brother of Elizabeth Feodorovna, who was allegedly hiding in the monastery. The abbess came out to the crowd alone and offered to inspect all the premises of the community. A mounted police force dispersed the crowd.

Soon after the February Revolution, a crowd with rifles, red flags and bows again approached the monastery. The abbess herself opened the gate - they told her that they had come to arrest her and put her on trial as a German spy, who also kept weapons in the monastery.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Konstantinov

In response to the demands of those who came to immediately go with them, the Grand Duchess said that she must make orders and say goodbye to the sisters. The abbess gathered all the sisters in the monastery and asked Father Mitrofan to serve a prayer service. Then, turning to the revolutionaries, she invited them to enter the church, but to leave their weapons at the entrance. They reluctantly took off their rifles and followed into the temple.

Elizaveta Fedorovna stood on her knees throughout the prayer service. After the end of the service, she said that Father Mitrofan would show them all the buildings of the monastery, and they could look for what they wanted to find. Of course, they found nothing there except the sisters’ cells and a hospital with the sick. After the crowd left, Elizaveta Fedorovna said to the sisters: “ Obviously we are not yet worthy of the crown of martyrdom.".

In the spring of 1917, a Swedish minister came to her on behalf of Kaiser Wilhelm and offered her help in traveling abroad. Elizaveta Fedorovna replied that she had decided to share the fate of the country, which she considered her new homeland and could not leave the sisters of the monastery in this difficult time.

Never have there been so many people at a service in the monastery as before the October revolution. They went not only for a bowl of soup or medical help, but also for consolation and advice." great mother" Elizaveta Fedorovna received everyone, listened to them, and strengthened them. People left her peaceful and encouraged.

Mikhail Nesterov

Fresco "Christ with Martha and Mary" for the Intercession Cathedral of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent in Moscow

Mikhail Nesterov

Mikhail Nesterov

For the first time after the October revolution, the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent was not touched. On the contrary, the sisters were shown respect; twice a week a truck with food arrived at the monastery: black bread, dried fish, vegetables, some fat and sugar. Limited quantities of bandages and essential medicines were provided.

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