Like a white stone at the bottom of a well. Analysis of Akhmatova's poem "Like a white stone in the depths of a well"

"Like a white stone in the depths of a well ..." Anna Akhmatova

Like a white stone at the bottom of a well
There is one memory in me.
I cannot and do not want to fight:
It is fun and it is suffering.

It seems to me that the one who looks up close
In my eyes, he will see immediately.
It will become sadder and more thoughtful
Listening to the sorrowful story.

I know that the gods have transformed
People into objects without killing consciousness,
So that wonderful sorrows live forever.
You are turned into my memory.

Analysis of Akhmatova's poem "Like a white stone in the depths of a well ..."

In 1917, Akhmatova's third collection was published, which received the title “ White flock". It was released with a print run of two thousand copies, which was quite respectable at that time. Since the book was published during a very difficult period for the Russian Empire, it did not get due attention from professional critics. Anna Andreevna herself believed that the lyrics of the "White Pack" were not appreciated. Despite the troubles that befell the country in 1917, the collection of the poetess still received reviews in the press. Many critics noted, first of all, his stylistic difference from Akhmatova's first books - "Evenings" and "Rosary". According to the correct remark of the famous literary critic Alexander Leonidovich Slonimsky, in the third book of Anna Andreevna, the spiritual principle turned out to be stronger than the “very feminine”, “sensual” one.

Among the poems included in the collection "White flock" - "Like a white stone in the depths of a well ...". The work belongs to intimate lyrics. It was written in early June 1916, during Akhmatova's stay in Slepnevo, the Gumilevs' estate, located in the Tver province. According to a very widespread opinion among researchers of the poet's work, the text in question is dedicated to the artist Boris Vasilyevich Anrep, with whom Anna Andreevna had an affair. The final point in their relationship was put by two revolutions - February and October. After the Bolsheviks came to power, Akhmatova's beloved decided to leave Russian empire going to the UK. The last meeting of Anna Andreevna and Boris Vasilievich took place in 1965. The poet dedicated to Anrep about four dozen lyric works... Among them - "The Tale of the Black Ring", "When in the darkest of the capitals ...", "I know you are my reward ...", "Your spirit is darkened by arrogance ...", "Song".

In the poem "Like a white stone in the depths of a well ..." important role playing the theme of memory. Lyrical heroine compares "one memory" to a white stone lying in the depths of the well. In this memory, there is both suffering and fun. She cannot and does not want to fight him. "Sorrowful story" about the experience love feeling will forever remain in her memory. In the third stanza, the history of the relationship between a man and a woman shifts into another plane. At the very beginning of the quatrain, the heroine speaks of the mysterious metamorphoses inherent in everything on earth. In the finale, it turns out that the memory of love will live forever.

In 1917, Akhmatova's third collection, entitled “The White Flock”, was published. It was released with a print run of two thousand copies, which was quite respectable at that time. Since the book was published during a very difficult period for the Russian Empire, it did not get due attention from professional critics. Anna Andreevna herself believed that the lyrics of the White Pack were not appreciated. Despite the troubles that befell the country in 1917, the collection of the poetess still received reviews in the press. Many critics noted primarily his style

Difference from the first books of Akhmatova - "Evenings" and "Rosary". According to the correct remark of the famous literary critic Alexander Leonidovich Slonimsky, in the third book of Anna Andreevna, the spiritual principle turned out to be stronger than the “very feminine”, “sensual” one.

Among the poems included in the collection "White flock" - "Like a white stone in the depths of a well ...". The work belongs to intimate lyrics. It was written in early June 1916, during Akhmatova's stay in Slepnevo, the Gumilevs' estate, located in the Tver province. According to the poetess' creativity, which is very common among researchers

Opinion, the text in question is dedicated to the artist Boris Vasilyevich Anrep, with whom Anna Andreevna had an affair. The final point in their relationship was put by two revolutions - February and October. After the Bolsheviks came to power, Akhmatova's beloved decided to leave the Russian Empire, going to Great Britain.

The last meeting of Anna Andreevna and Boris Vasilievich took place in 1965. The poetess dedicated about four dozen lyrical works to Anrep. Among them - "The Tale of the Black Ring", "When in the darkest of the capitals ...", "I know you are my reward ...", "Your spirit is darkened by arrogance ...", "Song".

In the poem "Like a white stone in the depths of a well ..." the theme of memory plays an important role. The lyrical heroine compares “one memory” to a white stone lying in the depths of a well. In this memory, there is both suffering and fun. She cannot and does not want to fight him. The “sorrowful story” about the experienced love feeling will forever remain in her memory. In the third stanza, the history of the relationship between a man and a woman shifts into another plane. At the very beginning of the quatrain, the heroine speaks of the mysterious metamorphoses inherent in everything on earth. In the finale, it turns out that the memory of love will live forever.

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