Why you can not drink from the swamp. What to do, getting into the quagmound swamp

The bog is a swamp that sues. It is capable of sucking only live objects. On the basis of the lakes, the shake is formed when it overgrown with a green carpet from algae and moss. But not in all the swamps.

The swamp arises due to the overgrowth of the reservoir or the landing of sushi. A redundant humidity is present on the swamp, not completely decomposed organic material is postponed - peat. The ability to suck are not all swamps, only those that have a bog.

On the site of the lake is formed by a quagmound swamp. On the surface of the lake with a dense carpet, reeds, pita, lilies are growing. And at the bottom of the lake grow algae. As the moss is growing and algae rises from the bottom to the surface. With a lack of oxygen, rotting occurs, organic waste, filling out all the space and forming a quagger.

Bog sucks alive objects. This is due to the physical properties of it. The bog is the Bingham fluid, which is described by the physically Bingama-Swedov equation. If an easy object falls on the surface, they act as solid bodies, so it will swim on the surface. And, on the contrary, if a heavy object falls on the surface, he drowshes.

There is no insufficiency and reloading. The body that fell into the fluid is exposed to gravity and pushing forces, archimedean, relating to each other. The body is immersed in the quagchin as long as its weight is not equalized with the poverty force. If the weight is larger than the ejector, the body will reparage, and if less, it will not drive.

Only live objects are subjected to overrun.

Live objects are constantly moving. Live body always moves, because it breathes. If it stops moving, it will dive slowly. Non-resident objects remain completely fixed, so they are not completely immersed.

Suction in the bog - this is a swamp in the swamp.

Any body movement speeds up immersion.

Any movement is the attachment of force that increases the pressure force on the support. It is caused by the strength of gravity and the weight of the object.

Fast motion of the body - the cause of formation under the body of low-pressure regions. These areas will force the atmospheric pressure to increase their impact on a living object to immerse it even lower.

The definition of the concept of suction of the swamps is interpreted as a bog, the Bingham fluid, seeks to translate into her a living object to the level, which is below normal immersion. Irreversible is the suction process. The drowned body will not pop up even after the cessation of all life processes.

Replies Nadezhda VladimirovnaKhmelkova, teacher of physics in KFML

Throw stick in the swamp - she will not drown. Why is a sinking person? First, he weighs a lot. Secondly, unlike inanimate body, a person (or bunny, or elk) can not do not breathe. That is what it ruins him. The oscillatory movements (the chest rises and lowers) the stronger pushing the living being in the quagger, the deeper it breathes. It is very bad if a person begins to twitch and try to get out in panic fear.

The bog (swamp) belongs to the Bingham fluids (resin, paints, varnishes), which manifest themselves as follows: If the body that has fallen into the bog, is quite lightweight and the pressure of it is not enough, then the liquid will behave like a solid. And on the contrary, if the body has a sufficiently large weight and has resistance (any movement), in this case the bog will begin to show the properties of a viscous fluid and the body will be sinking in it.

The drowning turns out in an exceptionally complex position: it is impossible not to move, and any movement one way or another leads to lowering.

What can be done? Redistribute the center of gravity by changing the position on the horizontal. If the stick remains in the hands, it will just be your support and salvation in the swamp. Lie the breast on it as on the crossbar and try to keep as far as possible above the surface. Now you can quickly crawl. To do this, it is necessary to carefully remove the load (backpack, bag) and very slowly, without making sharp movements, start tightened on the stick. If there is no one, then put a backpack and crawl on it, trying not to drown in the quagger. It is better to immediately get out of your boots, as they will not be drowned in a thick fat, but stuck where you leave them.

If you see the trees, grass, then cling to them and slowly pull up and crawl into the other side where came from.

But with quick suction without any assistance, it is not necessary. It is necessary to stretch the stick or throw the rope along which he could get on a solid surface. The main thing when stretching - not to stop, otherwise the saved can immediately immerse themselves back into the quagmire, having received an opposite push of energy from sushi. And remember: the probability of being tightened in the swamp in the summer and autumn periods (in winter the surface layer freezes), so you need to be extremely attentive and look under the legs, being in such a terrain.

It would seem that everyone is understandable and ordinary question - why the swamp is sucking? In fact, this process is not as simple as it seems, and perhaps you will learn something new.

First, the swamp, which sues is called the quagmus. It is capable of tightening only live objects. The bog is formed on the basis of lakes inking a green carpet of moss and algae, not in all swamps.

The occurrence of the swamps contributes 2 reasons: the overlay of the reservoir or the fever of sushi. The swamp is characterized by excessive humidity, the constant deposition is not until the end of the decomposed organic matter - peat. Able objects are capable of sucking not all swamps, but only those in which the bog formed. The swollen swamp is formed on the place of the lake. Lilies, lilies and reeds on the surface of the lake grow over time in a dense carpet on the surface of the reservoir. Along with this, algae grow up at the bottom of the lake. As the cloud of algae and moss form rises from the bottom to the surface. Due to the absence of oxygen, rotting begins, organic waste is formed, diverting in water and forming a quagger.

Now let's go with the process of suction item itself ...

The quagus sucks live objects. This is explained by its physical properties. The quagus refers to the class of Bingham fluids, physically described by the Bingama-Swedov equation. If you get to the surface of the object with a slight weight, they behave like solids, so it will not be immersed. When the object has a sufficient weight, it is sinking.

There are 2 types of dive: short-driven and reloading. The behavior of the body that has fallen into the liquid is subject to the ratio of the effect of gravity and the ejecting force of Archimedes. The body will be immersed in the bog until the force of Archimedes is equal with its weight. If the ejecting force is less than the weight, then there will be no incomprehension of the object, if more, then - the recharge.

Why only live objects are the reloading? All because such objects are constantly moving. And what if you measure? Will the dive cease? Alas, it will only slow down the immersion, because the living body always moves, because it breathes. Incompanying objects remain fixed, so completely not immersed. Refracting into the quagger and there is a suction of the swamp. Why is the body movement accelerates dive? Any movement is an application of force that increases the power of pressure on the support. It is due to the weight of the object and the strength of gravity. Sharp movements - the cause of low pressure under the body. These areas will lead to an increase in atmospheric pressure on a living object, which will further immerse it.

Therefore, the physical definition of the word "suction of the swamp" looks like this: the Bingham fluid (quagm), tries to translate the living object into it at the level below the normal immersion, in which the force of Archimedes is less than the body. The suction process is irreversible. The drowned body, even after the cessation of life, does not pop up.

In addition to theoretical interest, the study of physical processes occurring in the swamp is of practical importance: many people die on the swamps that could be alive if they were better aware of the insidious properties of the quagger. And these properties are really very cunning. Bog is like a predator. It reacts in different ways to the living and non-residential objects falling into it: does not touch the dead, but sucking everything alive. This property of the quagger deserves special attention and will be interested in us first. To begin with, we describe it more.

In the first approximation, the bog can be considered a liquid. Therefore, the archimedean ejecting force should act on the bodies. This is true, and the items of even a large density exceeding the density of the human body, in the bog not shatter. But it is worth falling into it to a person or another living being - they will "sleep", that is, they will fully plug in the bog, although their density is less than the density of items that are not sinking in the bog.

Asks why the bog behaves so unexpectedly? How does it distinguish live objects from non-living?

To respond to these questions, we will have to meet more on the study of the physical properties of the quagger.

On swimming bodies in newtonian liquids

Consider how the body floats in Newtonian fluids, for example in water. We bring the body to the surface of the water, the density of which is less than its density, and let go of it. After some time, the state of equilibrium is established: the body will be immersed to such a level, in which the archimedean pushing the force exactly equal to the weight of the body. This status of equilibrium is stable - if the body has an external force on the body and drown it deeper (or nao-boulders, lift up), then after the cessation of the valve, it will return to the previous position. The level of immersion, in which the Archimedean force is equal to, Ve-Su, we will be called the level of normal insection.

Pay your attention to the fact that the level of normal immersion is determined only by the density ratio and does not depend on the viscosity of the fluid. If the swamp bog was simply a Newtonian liquid with a large viscosity, it would not be very dangerous. With reasonable behavior on its surface it would be possible to stay for quite a long time. Remember how tired swimmers behave if they want to relax right in the water? They turn over the back, spread their hands and lie without moving as much as they want. Since the density of water is less than the density of the quagger, it would be a long way to lie on the surface of the shakes, and the viscosity of it, it would not be particularly prevented. It would be possible not to hurry to think about the situation, take the highest solution, try to gently row with my hands, trying to get to a solid place (here the viscosity would be a hindrance), finally, just wait for help. Pulling power reliably held a person on the surface of the swamp: if the man would plunge below the level of normal immersion, the Archimedean would still pushing it back.

Unfortunately, in reality everything is much worse. In a person who has fallen into the bog, there is no time or reflections, neither, especially for waiting. The bog is the Nengeton liquid and its Bingham properties dramatically change the situation.

About swimming tel in bingamovsky fluids

We bring the body to the surface of the Bingham fluid and omit it. If the body is sufficiently light and the pressure we produce a little, it may happen that the voltage arising in the liquid will be less than the yielding threshold and the fluid will behave like a solid body. That is, the item can stand on the surface of the liquid and not immerse.

On the one hand, it seems to be good. It was the good-giving of this property all-terrain vehicles with low pressure on the ground easily overcome impassable for a man of swamps. Yes, and a person, with the help of special "marsh ski" or mocuses, can reduce the pressure on the soil and feel on the swamp in relative safety. But this phenomenon has another side. Already the fact that the immersion of the body stops with the presence of weight inequality and archimedean power, is alarming - everything happens not as usual. Imagine that the weight of our body is great enough and it will begin in the fence. How long will this dive happen? It is clear that not to those when the Archimedean power comes with weight. When immersing the body of the Archimedean, the force will partially compensate for the weight, the pressure on the soil will decrease and the moment will occur when the voltages will again become less to to. At the same time, the Bingham fluid will stop flowing and the body will stop earlier,what the Archimedean force becomes equal to the weight. Such a state when the archshift is less weight, but then the body is not immersed, is called the state of no pass (see Fig. but).

A.Teper - the most important thing. If there are no states in the liquid in the liquid, then for the same reasons, the state of re-immersion, in which the Archimedean force is more weight, but the body does not pop up (Fig. B). Remember what the Vnetuton liquid happened? If, as a result of any actions, a person fell below the level of normal dive, then the Archimedean force became more weight and returned it back. In the Bingham fluid, nothing is similar (with sufficiently large T0) does not pro-coming. Immersed as a result of any nozzles, you will no longer pop up, but you will be in a rechargeable state. The process of "drowning" in the bog turns out irreversible. Now you can give a more accurate meaning of the word "suction". It means the desire of the quaggers to drown live objects below the level of normal immersion - to the reloaded state.

We left quite a bit - to disassemble why the marsh bog sucks, i.e. only live objects into the repaired state.

Causes of recharge

Live objects are transferred because, hitting into the bog, they move, i.e. they change the mutual location of the parts of their body. This leads to a reloading at four reasons.

The reason is the first.Imagine that you have heavy cargo in your hands and you start raising it. To inform him acceleration up, you must act on it with a force that is superior to this body. In accordance with the third law of Newton, the force acting on your hands from the side of the cargo will also be more of its weight. Therefore, the force with which your legs are put on the support will increase. If you are standing in a quagmire, then an attempt to raise the cargo that you keep in your hands will lead to the fact that the legs will drown deeper in the quagmire.

And if there is no cargo in your hands? The principal of affairs does not change - the hand has a lot, and therefore itself is a cargo. If you are at the level of normal immersion, then an attempt to simply raise your hand will lead to a reloading. In this case, the recharge will be very slightly, but it will be irreversible, and multiple movements can lead to a very magnitude.

Cause of the second.The bog has greater stickiness and to tear, for example, a hand from the surface of the quagger, you need to apply force. At the same time, the pressure on the support increases and reloading will occur.

The cause is the third.The bog is a viscous medium and has resistance to objects moving in it. If you try to pull the stuck hand, then with its movement you will need to overcome the forces of viscosity, and the pressure on the support increases. It will happen again.

The reason is the fourth.Everyone knows well that when pulling the legs from the dirt, a characteristic hul-fat sound is heard - this atmospheric air fills the foot left. What do you think, why is such a sound not heard while pulling out the legs out of the water? The answer is quite obvious - water has a low viscosity, flowing quickly and has time to fill the space under the foot moving up. The dirt has a much greater viscosity and forces that prevent the movement of some layers relative to others, more for it. Therefore, the dirt flows slowly and does not have time to fill the space under the foot. There is a "emptiness" - a lower pressure area not occupied by the soil. When pulling out the leg from the mud, this area is reported to the atmosphere, the air breaks into it and the same sound that we spoke before is heard as a result.

Thus, the presence of a squating sound says that when trying to free the leg bodied in the dirt, it is necessary to overcome not only forces due to stickiness and viscosity, but also forces associated with atmospheric pressure.

With sharp movements of a person who has fallen on the shine, under the parts of the body that moves in the bog, the level of reduced pressure occurs, and the atmospheric pressure will put pressure on the person down, pushing it into the reloaded state.

The joint action of all four reasons leads to the following effect: the change in the shape of the body that has fallen into the bog leads to its reloading.

Now much has become clear. Non-fat bodies when entering the bog, they do not change their shape and there are no reasons for their recharge. Such bodies are not sucking, they, hitting the bog, will remain in a state of no pass. And living beings, hitting the bog, begin to fight for their lives, to join, which immediately leads to their reloading. This is "suction." The answer to the question, delivered at the very beginning, was obtained. However, this is not enough. How nevertheless escape how to use the results of this consideration to develop practitioners to those who hit the bog.

Alas, but in this direction it is possible to do much less than I would like. If you do not consider fifth-stylish and semi-instantist projects ("Instantly inflated air balloon, pulling out a man from the quaggers", "a substance that causing the harvesting of the swamps"), etc.), then the situation looks bladder.

How can I get out of the bog?

The main rule that everyone needs to know is not to make any sharp movements, being in a swamp. If the swamp in the swamp slowly, there are all the chances to escape. First, being in a swampy terrain, you need to get a stick, it is desirable that it is wide and durable, that is, a real bar. This stick may be your salvation, so you need to choose it carefully, and not to take the first knuckle. If you got into a swamp, slipping off the bumps, then you will most likely sleep quickly, because by inertia you will continue your movement, thereby helping the bog, so you will fall better on the stomach or back, so you will suck much slower.

If you do not go too fast too much and you have a stick, then it should be carefully put in front of you, well, if it is not more than half a meter to the nearest hardness, then the end of the stick will fall on the ground and it will be easier for you to get out. But even if the stick is completely in the swamp, you need to cling to it and try to move your center of gravity to this stick, so you will have a kind of bridge and you can get on a landing or waiting for help, not risking finally go to il.

If you have absolutely nothing at your hand, which might serve as a lever, try to take a horizontal position. Do it as much as possible, carefully moving your center of gravity from the torso, if you manage to do it, the mass of your body will significantly reduce and you will stop tightening into the swamp. In this position you can wait for the scene. But, being in a swamp, in no case cannot be accomplished by sharp movements, wave your hands and try to pull the legs, the baur is even more.

In this position, it is impossible to scream loudly loud by calling for help, and the more waving the free limbs. If the top of your body is even on freedom, then you need to remove a jacket or a cloak and throw it on the surface of the swamp, it is also possible to get out, it will not give you the opportunity to suck you.

If only an extraneous person can help in the swamp in the swamp, then he should throw a rope or a stick, according to which a man who fell into a swamp could get on a solid surface. Sometimes in order to pull one person out of the swamp, no less than three people are required on land, since the power of suction of the swamp is very large. It should also be remembered if a person is pulling out of the swamp, he will not be released in any way to make a breather, a slightly released person will immediately go to the quagchin, having received additional energy from sushi when repulsing. The event of salvation should occur actively and without delays. Then success will be provided.

And what else can the swamps tell us?

There is a phenomenon like peat tossing is a peculiar state of the corpse, which occurs when the corpse in peat swamps and soil containing humic acids. Peat "Turning" can also be called one of the types of natural conservation of a dead body. The corpse, which is in the state of peat "tweezing", has a dense dark brown, as if a dubbed skin. Internal organs decrease in volume. Under the action of humic acids, mineral salts in the bones are dissolved and completely washed out of the corpse. The bones in such a state of consistency resemble cartilage. The corpses in peat swamps are well preserved indefinitely, and with their study, judicial medicines can determine the damage received during the lifetime. Although such cases are quite rare, but sometimes finds in peat swamps can prevent various surprises to researchers.

On our planet there are terrible swamps, famous for their terrible, but historically invaluable finds. It is about the "swamps of human organs" of Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Great Britain and the Netherlands.

Probably, the most famous of swamp mummies is a Tollyundsky person who in May 1950 in the village of Tollyund in Denmark two brothers stumbled upon, peat collectors.

They cut a peat on the briquettes, as suddenly saw the face looking directly on them and, thinking that it was a victim of the murder perfect recently, they immediately contacted the local police.

The radio-carbon dating spent soon showed that he died about 350 BC. e.

Another ancient Danchanin with excellently preserved hair was found in 1952 in a swamp near the town of Chalkoll. Judging by the converted throat, the poor fellow killed and threw the corpse into the head.

Well, the bored skull of the so-called man from Osterby, found in a swamp in the area of \u200b\u200bthe German village of the same name, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat hairstyle worn old men in the ancient German tribes who lived in the territory of the FRG in the first millennium to our era. Such a hairstyle is called the "Swabian node". The hair of the deceased was originally gray, and the red was the oxidation in the gloomy peat jam.

Acid water, low temperature, lack of oxygen - all necessary conditions for saving. Internal organs, hair cover, the skin has been preserved so well that you can learn exactly what a hairstyle was worn by a man that ate before death and even what was wearing 2000-2500 years ago.

At the moment, about 2000 marsh people are known. Of these, the most famous is a man from Tolland, a woman from Helling, a girl from the idea, a swamp body from Windows and a man from Lindow.

The age of most marsh people according to the results of radiocarbon analysis is 2000-2500, but there are also much ancient finds.

So, a woman from Kölbjerg, died about 10,000 years ago in the era of the archaeological culture of magbell.

On some bodies, clothes or its fragments have been preserved, which made it possible to supplement data on the historical costume of those years. The most well-preserved items: Leather Ostrich Hat with Tollund; Woolen dress, discovered next to the burial site of a woman from Hyuldremos; Woolen windings with feet separated from swamps in Denmark.

In addition, thanks to the finds, on the heads of which the hair was preserved, they managed to reconstruct the hairstyles of the ancients. Thus, a person from Klonikavana laid his hair with a mixture of resin and vegetable oil, and the hair on a man's skull from Osterby was laid over the right temple and are tied to the so-called "Swabian knot", which confirmed the hairstyle described by the Tacitis.

Swamp body from Windows (Moorleiche von WindeBy) - such a name received a well-preserved teenager's body discovered in a peat swamp in the north of Germany.

The body found in 1952 workers engaged in peat developments near the village of Windows in the land of Schleswig-Holstein. He was notified about the discovered scientists who removed the corpse from the bog and proceeded to research.

With the help of controversy analysis, it was found that the teenager died in the Iron Age at the age of 14. In 2002, with the help of radiocarbon analysis, his death was more accurately dated - between 41 and 118 years. e. Radiographs showed the presence of defects on the bones of the shin (Harris line), which indicates exhaustion and, as a result, violation of growth. Accordingly, death could occur from hunger.

It would seem that everyone is understandable and ordinary question - why the swamp is sucking? In fact, this process is not as simple as it seems, and perhaps you will learn something new.

First, the swamp, which sues is called the quagmus. It is capable of tightening only live objects. The bog is formed on the basis of lakes inking a green carpet of moss and algae, not in all swamps.

The occurrence of the swamps contributes 2 reasons: the overlay of the reservoir or the fever of sushi. The swamp is characterized by excessive humidity, the constant deposition is not until the end of the decomposed organic matter - peat. Able objects are capable of sucking not all swamps, but only those in which the bog formed. The swollen swamp is formed on the place of the lake. Lilies, lilies and reeds on the surface of the lake grow over time in a dense carpet on the surface of the reservoir. Along with this, algae grow up at the bottom of the lake. As the cloud of algae and moss form rises from the bottom to the surface. Due to the absence of oxygen, rotting begins, organic waste is formed, diverting in water and forming a quagger.

Now let's go with the process of suction item itself ...

The quagus sucks live objects. This is explained by its physical properties. The quagus refers to the class of Bingham fluids, physically described by the Bingama-Swedov equation. If you get to the surface of the object with a slight weight, they behave like solids, so it will not be immersed. When the object has a sufficient weight, it is sinking.

There are 2 types of dive: short-driven and reloading. The behavior of the body that has fallen into the liquid is subject to the ratio of the effect of gravity and the ejecting force of Archimedes. The body will be immersed in the bog until the force of Archimedes is equal with its weight. If the ejecting force is less than the weight, then there will be no incomprehension of the object, if more, then - the recharge.

Why only live objects are the reloading? All because such objects are constantly moving. And what if you measure? Will the dive cease? Alas, it will only slow down the immersion, because the living body always moves, because it breathes. Incompanying objects remain fixed, so completely not immersed. Refracting into the quagger and there is a suction of the swamp. Why is the body movement accelerates dive? Any movement is an application of force that increases the power of pressure on the support. It is due to the weight of the object and the strength of gravity. Sharp movements - the cause of low pressure under the body. These areas will lead to an increase in atmospheric pressure on a living object, which will further immerse it.

Therefore, the physical definition of the word "suction of the swamp" looks like this: the Bingham fluid (quagm), tries to translate the living object into it at the level below the normal immersion, in which the force of Archimedes is less than the body. The suction process is irreversible. The drowned body, even after the cessation of life, does not pop up.

In addition to theoretical interest, the study of physical processes occurring in the swamp is of practical importance: many people die on the swamps that could be alive if they were better aware of the insidious properties of the quagger. And these properties are really very cunning. Bog is like a predator. It reacts in different ways to the living and non-residential objects falling into it: does not touch the dead, but sucking everything alive. This property of the quagger deserves special attention and will be interested in us first. To begin with, we describe it more.

In the first approximation, the bog can be considered a liquid. Therefore, the archimedean ejecting force should act on the bodies. This is true, and the items of even a large density exceeding the density of the human body, in the bog not shatter. But it is worth falling into it to a person or another living being - they will "sleep", that is, they will fully plug in the bog, although their density is less than the density of items that are not sinking in the bog.

Asks why the bog behaves so unexpectedly? How does it distinguish live objects from non-living?

To respond to these questions, we will have to meet more on the study of the physical properties of the quagger.

On swimming bodies in newtonian liquids

Consider how the body floats in Newtonian fluids, for example in water. We bring the body to the surface of the water, the density of which is less than its density, and let go of it. After some time, the state of equilibrium is established: the body will be immersed to such a level, in which the archimedean pushing the force exactly equal to the weight of the body. This status of equilibrium is stable - if the body has an external force on the body and drown it deeper (or nao-boulders, lift up), then after the cessation of the valve, it will return to the previous position. The level of immersion, in which the Archimedean force is equal to, Ve-Su, we will be called the level of normal insection.

Pay your attention to the fact that the level of normal immersion is determined only by the density ratio and does not depend on the viscosity of the fluid. If the swamp bog was simply a Newtonian liquid with a large viscosity, it would not be very dangerous. With reasonable behavior on its surface it would be possible to stay for quite a long time. Remember how tired swimmers behave if they want to relax right in the water? They turn over the back, spread their hands and lie without moving as much as they want. Since the density of water is less than the density of the quagger, it would be a long way to lie on the surface of the shakes, and the viscosity of it, it would not be particularly prevented. It would be possible not to hurry to think about the situation, take the highest solution, try to gently row with my hands, trying to get to a solid place (here the viscosity would be a hindrance), finally, just wait for help. Pulling power reliably held a person on the surface of the swamp: if the man would plunge below the level of normal immersion, the Archimedean would still pushing it back.

Unfortunately, in reality everything is much worse. In a person who has fallen into the bog, there is no time or reflections, neither, especially for waiting. The bog is the Nengeton liquid and its Bingham properties dramatically change the situation.

About swimming tel in bingamovsky fluids

We bring the body to the surface of the Bingham fluid and omit it. If the body is sufficiently light and the pressure we produce a little, it may happen that the voltage arising in the liquid will be less than the yielding threshold and the fluid will behave like a solid body. That is, the item can stand on the surface of the liquid and not immerse.

On the one hand, it seems to be good. It was the good-giving of this property all-terrain vehicles with low pressure on the ground easily overcome impassable for a man of swamps. Yes, and a person, with the help of special "marsh ski" or mocuses, can reduce the pressure on the soil and feel on the swamp in relative safety. But this phenomenon has another side. Already the fact that the immersion of the body stops with the presence of weight inequality and archimedean power, is alarming - everything happens not as usual. Imagine that the weight of our body is great enough and it will begin in the fence. How long will this dive happen? It is clear that not to those when the Archimedean power comes with weight. When immersing the body of the Archimedean, the force will partially compensate for the weight, the pressure on the soil will decrease and the moment will occur when the voltages will again become less to to. At the same time, the Bingham fluid will stop flowing and the body will stop earlier,what the Archimedean force becomes equal to the weight. Such a state when the archshift is less weight, but then the body is not immersed, is called the state of no pass (see Fig. but).

A.Teper - the most important thing. If there are no states in the liquid in the liquid, then for the same reasons, the state of re-immersion, in which the Archimedean force is more weight, but the body does not pop up (Fig. B). Remember what the Vnetuton liquid happened? If, as a result of any actions, a person fell below the level of normal dive, then the Archimedean force became more weight and returned it back. In the Bingham fluid, nothing is similar (with sufficiently large T0) does not pro-coming. Immersed as a result of any nozzles, you will no longer pop up, but you will be in a rechargeable state. The process of "drowning" in the bog turns out irreversible. Now you can give a more accurate meaning of the word "suction". It means the desire of the quaggers to drown live objects below the level of normal immersion - to the reloaded state.

We left quite a bit - to disassemble why the marsh bog sucks, i.e. only live objects into the repaired state.

Causes of recharge

Live objects are transferred because, hitting into the bog, they move, i.e. they change the mutual location of the parts of their body. This leads to a reloading at four reasons.

The reason is the first.Imagine that you have heavy cargo in your hands and you start raising it. To inform him acceleration up, you must act on it with a force that is superior to this body. In accordance with the third law of Newton, the force acting on your hands from the side of the cargo will also be more of its weight. Therefore, the force with which your legs are put on the support will increase. If you are standing in a quagmire, then an attempt to raise the cargo that you keep in your hands will lead to the fact that the legs will drown deeper in the quagmire.

And if there is no cargo in your hands? The principal of affairs does not change - the hand has a lot, and therefore itself is a cargo. If you are at the level of normal immersion, then an attempt to simply raise your hand will lead to a reloading. In this case, the recharge will be very slightly, but it will be irreversible, and multiple movements can lead to a very magnitude.

Cause of the second.The bog has greater stickiness and to tear, for example, a hand from the surface of the quagger, you need to apply force. At the same time, the pressure on the support increases and reloading will occur.

The cause is the third.The bog is a viscous medium and has resistance to objects moving in it. If you try to pull the stuck hand, then with its movement you will need to overcome the forces of viscosity, and the pressure on the support increases. It will happen again.

The reason is the fourth.Everyone knows well that when pulling the legs from the dirt, a characteristic hul-fat sound is heard - this atmospheric air fills the foot left. What do you think, why is such a sound not heard while pulling out the legs out of the water? The answer is quite obvious - water has a low viscosity, flowing quickly and has time to fill the space under the foot moving up. The dirt has a much greater viscosity and forces that prevent the movement of some layers relative to others, more for it. Therefore, the dirt flows slowly and does not have time to fill the space under the foot. There is a "emptiness" - a lower pressure area not occupied by the soil. When pulling out the leg from the mud, this area is reported to the atmosphere, the air breaks into it and the same sound that we spoke before is heard as a result.

Thus, the presence of a squating sound says that when trying to free the leg bodied in the dirt, it is necessary to overcome not only forces due to stickiness and viscosity, but also forces associated with atmospheric pressure.

With sharp movements of a person who has fallen on the shine, under the parts of the body that moves in the bog, the level of reduced pressure occurs, and the atmospheric pressure will put pressure on the person down, pushing it into the reloaded state.

The joint action of all four reasons leads to the following effect: the change in the shape of the body that has fallen into the bog leads to its reloading.

Now much has become clear. Non-fat bodies when entering the bog, they do not change their shape and there are no reasons for their recharge. Such bodies are not sucking, they, hitting the bog, will remain in a state of no pass. And living beings, hitting the bog, begin to fight for their lives, to join, which immediately leads to their reloading. This is "suction." The answer to the question, delivered at the very beginning, was obtained. However, this is not enough. How nevertheless escape how to use the results of this consideration to develop practitioners to those who hit the bog.

Alas, but in this direction it is possible to do much less than I would like. If you do not consider fifth-stylish and semi-instantist projects ("Instantly inflated air balloon, pulling out a man from the quaggers", "a substance that causing the harvesting of the swamps"), etc.), then the situation looks bladder.

How can I get out of the bog?

The main rule that everyone needs to know is not to make any sharp movements, being in a swamp. If the swamp in the swamp slowly, there are all the chances to escape. First, being in a swampy terrain, you need to get a stick, it is desirable that it is wide and durable, that is, a real bar. This stick may be your salvation, so you need to choose it carefully, and not to take the first knuckle. If you got into a swamp, slipping off the bumps, then you will most likely sleep quickly, because by inertia you will continue your movement, thereby helping the bog, so you will fall better on the stomach or back, so you will suck much slower.

If you do not go too fast too much and you have a stick, then it should be carefully put in front of you, well, if it is not more than half a meter to the nearest hardness, then the end of the stick will fall on the ground and it will be easier for you to get out. But even if the stick is completely in the swamp, you need to cling to it and try to move your center of gravity to this stick, so you will have a kind of bridge and you can get on a landing or waiting for help, not risking finally go to il.

If you have absolutely nothing at your hand, which might serve as a lever, try to take a horizontal position. Do it as much as possible, carefully moving your center of gravity from the torso, if you manage to do it, the mass of your body will significantly reduce and you will stop tightening into the swamp. In this position you can wait for the scene. But, being in a swamp, in no case cannot be accomplished by sharp movements, wave your hands and try to pull the legs, the baur is even more.

In this position, it is impossible to scream loudly loud by calling for help, and the more waving the free limbs. If the top of your body is even on freedom, then you need to remove a jacket or a cloak and throw it on the surface of the swamp, it is also possible to get out, it will not give you the opportunity to suck you.

If only an extraneous person can help in the swamp in the swamp, then he should throw a rope or a stick, according to which a man who fell into a swamp could get on a solid surface. Sometimes in order to pull one person out of the swamp, no less than three people are required on land, since the power of suction of the swamp is very large. It should also be remembered if a person is pulling out of the swamp, he will not be released in any way to make a breather, a slightly released person will immediately go to the quagchin, having received additional energy from sushi when repulsing. The event of salvation should occur actively and without delays. Then success will be provided.

And what else can the swamps tell us?

There is a phenomenon like peat tossing is a peculiar state of the corpse, which occurs when the corpse in peat swamps and soil containing humic acids. Peat "Turning" can also be called one of the types of natural conservation of a dead body. The corpse, which is in the state of peat "tweezing", has a dense dark brown, as if a dubbed skin. Internal organs decrease in volume. Under the action of humic acids, mineral salts in the bones are dissolved and completely washed out of the corpse. The bones in such a state of consistency resemble cartilage. The corpses in peat swamps are well preserved indefinitely, and with their study, judicial medicines can determine the damage received during the lifetime. Although such cases are quite rare, but sometimes finds in peat swamps can prevent various surprises to researchers.

On our planet there are terrible swamps, famous for their terrible, but historically invaluable finds. It is about the "swamps of human organs" of Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Great Britain and the Netherlands.

Probably, the most famous of swamp mummies is a Tollyundsky person who in May 1950 in the village of Tollyund in Denmark two brothers stumbled upon, peat collectors.

They cut a peat on the briquettes, as suddenly saw the face looking directly on them and, thinking that it was a victim of the murder perfect recently, they immediately contacted the local police.

The radio-carbon dating spent soon showed that he died about 350 BC. e.

Another ancient Danchanin with excellently preserved hair was found in 1952 in a swamp near the town of Chalkoll. Judging by the converted throat, the poor fellow killed and threw the corpse into the head.

Well, the bored skull of the so-called man from Osterby, found in a swamp in the area of \u200b\u200bthe German village of the same name, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat hairstyle worn old men in the ancient German tribes who lived in the territory of the FRG in the first millennium to our era. Such a hairstyle is called the "Swabian node". The hair of the deceased was originally gray, and the red was the oxidation in the gloomy peat jam.

Acid water, low temperature, lack of oxygen - all necessary conditions for saving. Internal organs, hair cover, the skin has been preserved so well that you can learn exactly what a hairstyle was worn by a man that ate before death and even what was wearing 2000-2500 years ago.

At the moment, about 2000 marsh people are known. Of these, the most famous is a man from Tolland, a woman from Helling, a girl from the idea, a swamp body from Windows and a man from Lindow.

The age of most marsh people according to the results of radiocarbon analysis is 2000-2500, but there are also much ancient finds.

So, a woman from Kölbjerg, died about 10,000 years ago in the era of the archaeological culture of magbell.

On some bodies, clothes or its fragments have been preserved, which made it possible to supplement data on the historical costume of those years. The most well-preserved items: Leather Ostrich Hat with Tollund; Woolen dress, discovered next to the burial site of a woman from Hyuldremos; Woolen windings with feet separated from swamps in Denmark.

In addition, thanks to the finds, on the heads of which the hair was preserved, they managed to reconstruct the hairstyles of the ancients. Thus, a person from Klonikavana laid his hair with a mixture of resin and vegetable oil, and the hair on a man's skull from Osterby was laid over the right temple and are tied to the so-called "Swabian knot", which confirmed the hairstyle described by the Tacitis.

Swamp body from Windows (Moorleiche von WindeBy) - such a name received a well-preserved teenager's body discovered in a peat swamp in the north of Germany.

The body found in 1952 workers engaged in peat developments near the village of Windows in the land of Schleswig-Holstein. He was notified about the discovered scientists who removed the corpse from the bog and proceeded to research.

With the help of controversy analysis, it was found that the teenager died in the Iron Age at the age of 14. In 2002, with the help of radiocarbon analysis, his death was more accurately dated - between 41 and 118 years. e. Radiographs showed the presence of defects on the bones of the shin (Harris line), which indicates exhaustion and, as a result, violation of growth. Accordingly, death could occur from hunger.


The original is taken by W. rAMA909. In why the swamp is sucking?

The original is taken by W.

It would seem that everyone is understandable and ordinary question - why the swamp is sucking? In fact, this process is not as simple as it seems, and perhaps you will learn something new.

First, the swamp, which sues is called the quagmus. It is capable of tightening only live objects. The bog is formed on the basis of lakes inking a green carpet of moss and algae, not in all swamps.

The occurrence of the swamps contributes 2 reasons: the overlay of the reservoir or the fever of sushi. The swamp is characterized by excessive humidity, the constant deposition is not until the end of the decomposed organic matter - peat. Able objects are capable of sucking not all swamps, but only those in which the bog formed. The swollen swamp is formed on the place of the lake. Lilies, lilies and reeds on the surface of the lake grow over time in a dense carpet on the surface of the reservoir. Along with this, algae grow up at the bottom of the lake. As the cloud of algae and moss form rises from the bottom to the surface. Due to the absence of oxygen, rotting begins, organic waste is formed, diverting in water and forming a quagger.

Now let's go with the process of suction item itself ...
The quagus sucks live objects. This is explained by its physical properties. The quagus refers to the class of Bingham fluids, physically described by the Bingama-Swedov equation. If you get to the surface of the object with a slight weight, they behave like solids, so it will not be immersed. When the object has a sufficient weight, it is sinking.

There are 2 types of dive: short-driven and reloading. The behavior of the body that has fallen into the liquid is subject to the ratio of the effect of gravity and the ejecting force of Archimedes. The body will be immersed in the bog until the force of Archimedes is equal with its weight. If the ejecting force is less than the weight, then there will be no incomprehension of the object, if more, then - the recharge.

Why only live objects are the reloading? All because such objects are constantly moving. And what if you measure? Will the dive cease? Alas, it will only slow down the immersion, because the living body always moves, because it breathes. Incompanying objects remain fixed, so completely not immersed. Refracting into the quagger and there is a suction of the swamp. Why is the body movement accelerates dive? Any movement is an application of force that increases the power of pressure on the support. It is due to the weight of the object and the strength of gravity. Sharp movements - the cause of low pressure under the body. These areas will lead to an increase in atmospheric pressure on a living object, which will further immerse it.

Therefore, the physical definition of the word "suction of the swamp" looks like this: the Bingham fluid (quagm), tries to translate the living object into it at the level below the normal immersion, in which the force of Archimedes is less than the body. The suction process is irreversible. The drowned body, even after the cessation of life, does not pop up.
In addition to theoretical interest, the study of physical processes occurring in the swamp is of practical importance: many people die on the swamps that could be alive if they were better aware of the insidious properties of the quagger. And these properties are really very cunning. Bog is like a predator. It reacts in different ways to the living and non-residential objects falling into it: does not touch the dead, but sucking everything alive. This property of the quagger deserves special attention and will be interested in us first. To begin with, we describe it more.

In the first approximation, the bog can be considered a liquid. Therefore, the archimedean ejecting force should act on the bodies. This is true, and the items of even a large density exceeding the density of the human body, in the bog not shatter. But it is worth falling into it to a person or another living being - they will "sleep", that is, they will fully plug in the bog, although their density is less than the density of items that are not sinking in the bog.

Asks why the bog behaves so unexpectedly? How does it distinguish live objects from non-living?

To respond to these questions, we will have to meet more on the study of the physical properties of the quagger.

On swimming bodies in newtonian liquids

Consider how the body floats in Newtonian fluids, for example in water. We bring the body to the surface of the water, the density of which is less than its density, and let go of it. After some time, the state of equilibrium is established: the body will be immersed to such a level, in which the archimedean ejects the force exactly equal to the weight of the body. This equilibrium state is stable - if on the body to work out the external force and drown it deeper (or naofs, lift up), then after the termination of the forces will return to the previous position. The immersion level in which the Archimedean force is equal to, we will be called a level of normal immersion.

Pay your attention to the fact that the level of normal immersion is determined only by the density ratio and does not depend on the viscosity of the fluid. If the swamp bog was simply a Newtonian liquid with a large viscosity, it would not be very dangerous. With reasonable behavior on its surface it would be possible to stay for quite a long time. Remember how tired swimmers behave if they want to relax right in the water? They turn over the back, spread their hands and lie without moving as much as they want. Since the density of water is less than the density of the quagger, the same way could be lying on the surface of the bog, and the viscosity of this would not have interfere with this. It would be possible not to hurry to think about the situation, to take the best solution, try to gently row with your hands, trying to get to a solid place (here the viscosity would be a hindrance), finally, just wait for help. Pulling power reliably held a person on the surface of the swamp: if the man would plunge below the level of normal dive, the Archimedean will still pushing it back.

Unfortunately, in reality everything is much worse. In a person who has fallen into the bog, there is no time or reflections, neither, especially for waiting. The bog is the Nengeton liquid and its Bingham properties dramatically change the situation.

About swimming tel in bingamovsky fluids

We bring the body to the surface of the Bingham fluid and omit it. If the body is sufficiently light and the pressure we produce a little, it may happen that the voltage arising in the liquid will be less than the yielding threshold and the fluid will behave like a solid body. That is, the item can stand on the surface of the liquid and not immerse.

On the one hand, it seems to be good. It is the fraudulent of this property all-terrain vehicles with low pressure on the ground easily overcome the misfortune for the man of the swamp. Yes, and a person, with the help of special "marsh ski" or mocuses, can reduce the pressure on the soil and feel in the swamp in relative security. But this phenomenon has another side. Already the fact that the immersion of the body stops with the presence of weight inequality and archimedean power, is alarming - everything happens not as usual. Imagine that the weight of our body is great enough and it will begin to immerse. How long will this dive happen? It is clear that not to those when the Archimedean power comes with weight. When immersing the body of the Archimedean, the force will partially compensate for the weight, the pressure on the soil will decrease and the moment will occur when the voltages will again become less to to. At the same time, the Bingham fluid will cease to flow and the body will stop earlier than the Archimedean force becomes equal to the weight. Such a state when the archive is less weight, but then the body is not immersed, is called the state of no-drive (see Fig.A).

A.Teper - the most important thing. If there are no states in the fluid, then for the same reasons, the states of the transformation, in which the Archimedean force is greater than the weight, but the body does not pop up (Fig. B). Remember what the Vnetuton liquid happened? If, as a result of any actions, a person fell below the level of normal dive, then the Archimedean force became more weight and returned it back. In the Bingham fluid, nothing similar (with a sufficiently large T0) does not exhibit. Immersed as a result of any uncomfortable action, you will no longer pop up, but you will be in a rechargeable state. The process of "drowning" in the bog turns out irreversible. Now you can give a more accurate meaning of the word "suction". It means the desire of the quaggers to drown live objects below the level of normal immersion - to the reloaded state.

We left quite a bit - to disassemble why the marsh bog sucks, i.e. only live objects into the repaired state.

Causes of recharge

Live objects are transferred because, hitting into the bog, they move, i.e. they change the mutual location of the parts of their body. This leads to a reloading at four reasons.

The reason is the first. Imagine that you have a heavy cargo in your hands and you start raising it. To inform him acceleration up, you must act on it with a force that is superior to this body. In accordance with the third law of Newton, the force acting on your hands from the side of the cargo will also be more of its weight. Therefore, the force with which your legs are put on the support will increase. If you are standing in a quagmire, then an attempt to raise the cargo that you keep in your hands will lead to the fact that the legs will drown deeper in the quagmire.

And if there is no cargo in your hands? The principal of affairs does not change - the hand has a lot, and therefore itself is a cargo. If you are at the level of normal immersion, then an attempt to simply raise your hand will lead to a reloading. In this case, the recharge will be very slightly, but it will be irreversible, and multiple movements can lead to a very magnitude.

Cause of the second. The bog has greater stickiness and to tear, for example, a hand from the surface of the quagger, you need to apply force. At the same time, the pressure on the support increases and reloading will occur.

The cause is the third. The bog is a viscous medium and has resistance to objects moving in it. If you try to pull the stuck hand, then with its movement you will need to overcome the forces of viscosity, and the pressure on the support increases. It will happen again.

The reason is the fourth. Everyone knows well that when pulling the legs from the dirt, a characteristic hlipping sound is heard - this atmospheric air fills the foot left. What do you think, why is such a sound not heard while pulling out the legs out of the water? The answer is quite obvious - water has a low viscosity, flowing quickly and has time to fill the space under the foot moving up. The dirt has a much greater viscosity and forces that prevent the movement of some layers relative to others, more for it. Therefore, the dirt flows slowly and does not have time to fill the space under the foot. There is a "emptiness" - a lower pressure area not occupied by the soil. When pulling out the leg from the mud, this area is reported to the atmosphere, the air breaks into it and the same sound that we spoke before is heard as a result.

Thus, the presence of a squating sound says that when trying to free the leg bodied in the dirt, it is necessary to overcome not only forces due to stickiness and viscosity, but also forces associated with atmospheric pressure.

With sharp movements of a person who has fallen in the shape, under the parts of the body moving in the bog, the areas of reduced pressure will occur, and the atmospheric pressure will be crushed with a lot of force onto a person down, pushing it into a reloaded state.

The joint action of all four reasons leads to the following effect: the change in the shape of the body that has fallen into the bog leads to its reloading.

Now much has become clear. Non-fat bodies when entering the bog, they do not change their shape and there are no reasons for their recharge. Such bodies are not sucking, they, hitting the bog, will remain in a state of no pass. And living beings, hitting the bog, begin to fight for their lives, to join, which immediately leads to their reloading. This is "suction." The answer to the question, delivered at the very beginning, was obtained. However, this is not enough. How nevertheless escape how to use the results of this consideration to develop practitioners to those who hit the bog.

Alas, but in this direction it is possible to do much less than I would like. If you do not consider fancy and semi-emptial projects ("Instantly inflated air balloon, pulling out a man from the bog,", "substance causing the harvesting of the swamps"), etc.), then the situation looks bladder.

And what else can the swamps tell us?

There is a phenomenon like peat tossing is a peculiar state of the corpse, which occurs when the corpse in peat swamps and soil containing humic acids. Peat "Turning" can also be called one of the types of natural conservation of a dead body. The corpse, which is in the state of peat "tweezing", has a dense dark brown, as if a dubbed skin. Internal organs decrease in volume. Under the action of humic acids, mineral salts in the bones are dissolved and completely washed out of the corpse. The bones in such a state of consistency resemble cartilage. The corpses in peat swamps are well preserved indefinitely, and with their study, judicial medicines can determine the damage received during the lifetime. Although such cases are quite rare, but sometimes finds in peat swamps can prevent various surprises to researchers.

On our planet there are terrible swamps, famous for their terrible, but historically invaluable finds. It is about the "swamps of human organs" of Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Great Britain and the Netherlands.

Probably, the most famous of swamp mummies is a Tollyundsky person who in May 1950 in the village of Tollyund in Denmark two brothers stumbled upon, peat collectors.

They cut a peat on the briquettes, as suddenly saw the face looking directly on them and, thinking that it was a victim of the murder perfect recently, they immediately contacted the local police.

The radio-carbon dating spent soon showed that he died about 350 BC. e.

Another ancient Danchanin with excellently preserved hair was found in 1952 in a swamp near the town of Chalkoll. Judging by the converted throat, the poor fellow killed and threw the corpse into the head.

Well, the bored skull of the so-called man from Osterby, found in a swamp in the area of \u200b\u200bthe German village of the same name, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat hairstyle worn old men in the ancient German tribes who lived in the territory of the FRG in the first millennium to our era. Such a hairstyle is called the "Swabian node". The hair of the deceased was originally gray, and the red was the oxidation in the gloomy peat jam.

Acid water, low temperature, lack of oxygen - all necessary conditions for saving. Internal organs, hair cover, the skin has been preserved so well that you can learn exactly what a hairstyle was worn by a man that ate before death and even what was wearing 2000-2500 years ago.

At the moment, about 2000 marsh people are known. Of these, the most famous is a man from Tolland, a woman from Helling, a girl from the idea, a swamp body from Windows and a man from Lindow.

The age of most marsh people according to the results of radiocarbon analysis is 2000-2500, but there are also much ancient finds.

So, a woman from Kölbjerg, died about 10,000 years ago in the era of the archaeological culture of magbell.

On some bodies, clothes or its fragments have been preserved, which made it possible to supplement data on the historical costume of those years. The most well-preserved items: Leather Ostrich Hat with Tollund; Woolen dress, discovered next to the burial site of a woman from Hyuldremos; Woolen windings with feet separated from swamps in Denmark.


In addition, thanks to the finds, on the heads of which the hair was preserved, they managed to reconstruct the hairstyles of the ancients. Thus, a person from Klonikavana laid his hair with a mixture of resin and vegetable oil, and the hair on a man's skull from Osterby was laid over the right temple and are tied to the so-called "Swabian knot", which confirmed the hairstyle described by the Tacitis.

Swamp body from Windows (Moorleiche von WindeBy) - such a name received a well-preserved teenager's body discovered in a peat swamp in the north of Germany.

The body found in 1952 workers engaged in peat developments near the village of Windows in the land of Schleswig-Holstein. He was notified about the discovered scientists who removed the corpse from the bog and proceeded to research.

With the help of controversy analysis, it was found that the teenager died in the Iron Age at the age of 14. In 2002, with the help of radiocarbon analysis, his death was more accurately dated - between 41 and 118 years. e. Radiographs showed the presence of defects on the bones of the shin (Harris line), which indicates exhaustion and, as a result, violation of growth. Accordingly, death could occur from hunger.

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