Mathematical examples within 20 print.

Good day, dear readers! How much effort adults have to make to teach a child to count within 10 and 20. And not only count, but also solve examples, subtract and add! At the same time, this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. We offer you non-standard game methods on how to teach a child to count examples within 20.

Where to begin?

Stage 2

If you have learned to count, get acquainted with graphic image digits. For this purpose, we use cubes with numerical images, cards.

Stage 3

The next stage is very important: it prepares the basis for quick count in the mind. This is the study of the composition of numbers. If the baby is firmly aware of how the numbers are laid out, he will easily solve examples for addition and subtraction.

The study of the composition of the number is traditionally carried out using the so-called "houses". Draw a house on a piece of paper. On one "floor" there are always 2 cell rooms. The number of storeys of the house is determined depending on the number of numerical pairs into which the figure can be decomposed.

For example, 4 can be decomposed into 3 and 1, 2 and 2. So the number 4 lives in a two-story house, and so on. We will write it on the roof. The example clearly shows how to correctly compose houses for the numbers 3, 4 and 5.

The resettlement of "tenants" on the floors of the child will have to memorize. Start with small numbers. Ask the baby to carefully look at who lives with which neighbor, and then “populate” the numbers on their own.

When the two and three are mastered, move on to more complex numbers. This technique gives the most solid results. Proven in my own experience.

Here you can download such a table and use it to master the technique of number composition:

Stage 4

When the houses were completed, it was the turn of examples within 10. In the first grade, these examples will have to be solved in the first half, so it's better to prepare in advance. Now it remains only to put + or - signs between the “settlers”, having previously explained to the baby their purpose.

First, present addition or subtraction in the form of a game. For example, one left the floor from the four. Which of the neighbors will stay on the floor? Answer: three. Such exercises will help the crumbs quickly get used to mathematical examples. Gradually, the words “left”, “came” are changed to “plus” and “minus”.

So we mastered the count with the child within 10. As you can see, the technique is very simple, but it takes time and patience to work. Try to force the baby to first count in your mind: writing exercises slow down thinking.

Along the way, train the concepts of “more-less” (first use the objects, spreading them on different sides, then compare the numbers), neighbors of the number (write a series of numbers with missing numbers and ask the baby to complete the series by correctly placing the neighbors).

Go ahead…

It's time to introduce the baby to the second ten. To overcome arithmetic difficulties, we propose the following lesson algorithm:

Part 1

We introduce the concept of ten. To do this, lay out 10 cubes in front of the child and add one more. We explain that it is eleven. We are talking about the fact that the end of the word "twenty" means "ten". To form a number from 11 to 19, you just need to add a number to the ending "twenty" and put the preposition "on" between them.

Part 2

Since the baby is already familiar with the concept of ten, we introduce the category of units and, when adding, we operate with these concepts. For example, 13+5. We add the units first: 3+5=8. Now add the remaining ten and get 18.

Part 3

Now let's move on to the negative examples: we act in the same way. Subtract ones, then add ten.

Part 4

The most difficult stage is subtraction, in which the first unit is less than the second: 13-6. In this example, we cannot subtract six from 3. You have to deal with ten. One of the ways is to subtract three from six, subtract the remaining number from ten, i.e. 6-3=3, 10-3=7. After a few workouts, the kid will be able to subtract in his mind.

The child must clearly master the skills described: in grade 2, he will need this to solve examples with two-digit numbers.

To brighten up the learning process, you can attract various aids:

  • cubes;
  • magnets;
  • pictures (training with pictures is especially diverse: you can simply count them, use coloring pages with examples to consolidate counting skills);
  • any items at hand;
  • counting sticks;
  • abacus, etc.

The more you show imagination, the sooner you will interest the child in mathematics.

We have examined the sequence of teaching crumbs to solve examples within 20 in stages. If the article was useful to you, leave a comment or share the article with your friends on social networks. networks.

See you soon, dear friends!

Everything is simple, isn't it?

In order to learn how to solve examples, you need to solve them.

Everything is simple, isn't it?

But where can I get many, many examples so that the child can develop a confident skill in solving mathematical examples within the first two dozen?

It is not recommended to buy school workbooks for preschoolers.

And here you can download sheets with examples here.

By the way, they need to be printed in several copies at once.

And if for the first time the kid makes a mistake when solving, after a while it will be possible to repeat the work.

And then decide on speed. Let the child himself mark the time it took him to solve all the examples.

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Counting within the first two tens with the transition through the discharge - very difficult topic for first graders.

And not only for them. Not everyone can easily and quickly add and subtract numbers with a transition through the ten.

Therefore, I propose to download this notebook, or rather, a set of sheets with tasks.

Examples have already been written here, solutions must be entered in the cells. Therefore, the child is easier from the fact that he does not have to rewrite these examples on his own.

Download: (downloads: 1562)

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The materials in the archive are not watermarked!

The site is replenished with materials based on the free work of the authors. If you want to thank them for their work and support our project, you can transfer any amount that is not burdensome for you to the site account.
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The very first examples that a child gets acquainted with before school are addition and subtraction. It is not so difficult to count the animals in the picture and, crossing out the extra ones, count the rest. Or shift the counting sticks, and then count them. But for a child it is somewhat more difficult to operate with bare numbers. That is why it takes practice and more practice. Do not stop working with your child in the summer, because over the summer school program from a small head it simply disappears and it takes a long time to catch up on lost knowledge.

If your child is a first-grader or just going to first grade, start by repeating the composition of the number in the houses. And now we can take examples. In fact, addition and subtraction within ten is the first practical use child knowledge of the composition of the number.

Click on the pictures and open the simulator at maximum magnification, then you can download the image to your computer and print it in good quality.

It is possible to cut A4 in half and get 2 sheets of tasks if you want to reduce the load on the child, or let them solve one column a day if you decide to work out in the summer.

We solve the column, celebrate successes: cloud - not very well solved, smiley - good, sun - wonderful!

Addition and subtraction within 10

And now scatter!

And with gaps (windows):

Examples for addition and subtraction within 20

By the time the child begins to study this topic of mathematics, he should know very well, by heart, the composition of the numbers of the first ten. If the child has not mastered the composition of numbers, it will be difficult for him in further calculations. Therefore, constantly return to the topic of the composition of numbers within 10 until the first grader masters it to automatism. Also, a first grader should know what the decimal (bit) composition of numbers means. In math class, the teacher says that 10 is, in other words, 1 ten, so the number 12 consists of 1 ten and 2 units. In addition, units are added to units. It is on the knowledge of the decimal composition of numbers that the methods of addition and subtraction within 20 are based. without going through ten.

Examples for printing without jumping through a dozen mixed:

Addition and subtraction within 20 moving through ten are based on the methods of adding up to 10 or subtracting to 10, respectively, that is, on the topic "composition of the number 10", so take a responsible approach to studying this topic with your child.

Examples with a transition through a dozen (half of the sheet is addition, half is subtraction, the sheet can also be printed in A4 format and cut in half into 2 tasks):

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