Lecture on the topic: "A complex proposal. Main types of complex offers

№ ______ Plan

Group___ 1POVT-214,1D-214.1PPS-214,1EEN-214___


Discipline "Russian language"

Subject lesson: « DIFFICULT SENTENCE. The concept of a complex sentence. Main types of complex suggestions. "

Objectives: Teach to distinguish a simple proposal from a complex syntax design; deepen the concept of O. complex offer; Improve the ability to identify ways and means of communication in complex proposals.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Work at the board.

The task. Write proposals, determine which of them is simple, and how difficult, emphasize the grammatical foundations.

Friendly whisper pines,

Birch noisy At the road.

AND we on the ground fruit

Live without need and anxiety.

Ya. Kupala

III. Message Topics lesson. The word of the teacher.

A complex offer is such syntactic designwhich has in its composition at least two grammatical foundations (simple sentences) and represents the semantic and grammatical unity, the initonation.

Simple proposals in the composition of complex can be associated with the help of unions (writing and subordinates), the allied words (pronouncements and placed adventures) or an unconquencing way, that is, only with the help of intonation. In this regard, complex proposals are divided into two groups: allied (complex and complex) and non-union.

Complex proposals, like all offers, serve to communicate people, express a message, a question or encouragement to action and have compulsory signs of supply - the presence of the grammatical basis and intonation of the end. It brings closer suggestions with simple, for example:

1. Sky again everything covered clouds sproved rain.

(M. Gorky.)

2. Blushed rowan, posekla water. (S. Yesenin.)

3. He [Pushkin] for Russian art is the same as Lomonosov for Russian enlightenment at all.

4. Dusk became thicker, and the stars were shining above. (I. Bunin.)

5. Leaves in barely seeded fields over which sunlight, fluttered with wings, frying fry hot. (A. Tolstoy.)

Task class. Record offers and answer orally to the following questions:

- What suggestions are called complex?

- What groups are challenging suggestions?

- some groups are divided into union offers?

- What are the means of communication are characteristic of the species of complex proposals?

- What means of communication is common to all varieties?

IV. Independent work with the study manual.

- What in the material of paragraphs was completely new for you?

- What seemed difficult?

V. The result of the lesson.

Homework.§ 7-10, UPR. 46, 47.

  1. To imagine Verin life, / 1 He had to be transferred to a quarter of a century ago, while, / 2 when He was a student, Khudim, Movable / 3. ( to - p.) 1, [ sUD + uk. sl.] 2 , (when - from. Sl.) 3 - SPP with parallel submission.
  2. If a He [paustovsky] write, / 1 what From the distant glacier vaguely pulled violets, / 2 that This is does not mean, / 3 what The smell of violets was really heard at a distance of a few kilometers / 4. ( if a - from. gL) 1 , (what - p.) 2, [ then ch.] 3 , (what - p.) 4 - SPP with parallel and consistent submission.
  3. When Everyone came out lunch / 1 and She stayed alone with horselie, / 2 Zhenya remembered, / 3 as All then laughed in the kitchen of her stupid question / 4. SPP offer, consists of 4 simple proposals; The third is the main one, the rest of the apparent; Podepie are associated with the main one beyond and in parallel.
    I and II Podep (Proposals 1 and 2) are pressing time; They refer to the whole main sentence (Proposition 3); communication means - Union when (in the II, the delivered union is omitted, but can be restored); Podepar facing the main proposal. There is a single coupling union among themselves. andTherefore, the comma between them is not put.
    III Podep (Proposition 4) is an additional addition; It refers to the lean in the main sentence remembered, pronounced verb; communication means - Union as; Pressure stands after the main one.
    (when - p.) 1 and (-) 2 , [gL] 3 , (as - p.) 4 - SPP with homogeneous and parallel submission.
  4. They sat for one of windows, / 1 which were so dust, soporn and huge, / 2 what seemed to some institutions from bottle glass, / 3 where it is impossible to stay In the header. [ sUD] 1 , (which - from. sl. kr. arr. + uk. sl.) 2 , (what - from. sUD + uk. sl.) 3 , (where
  5. And the next morning she began to ask questions about Tom, / 1 what Such Motoviliha / 2 so what They did at night, / 3 and found out, / 1 what Motovilich - Sentible factory / 4 so what Make cast iron there / 5. [ sUD + uk. sl., 1 (what - from. Sl.) 2 and (what - from. Sl.) 3, gL] 1 , (what - p.) 4 and (what - p.) 5 - SPP with parallel and homogeneous submission.
  6. Before Talk about your journey to the "Edge of Nepugal Birds", / 1 i want to explain , / 2 why I was upheld from the center of the mental life of our Motherland to go in such debrist, / 3 where People are engaged in hunting, fishing, believe in sorcerers - in a word, live almost primitive life / 4. ( before - p.) 1, [ gL] 2 , (why - from. sl. sUD + uk. sl.) 3 , (where
  7. When Subsequently, Zhenya recalled that day on the Osinskaya street., / 1 where They then lived, / 2 He always appeared to her thus, / 3 what She saw him in that second long day, on the outcome / 4. ( when - from. sUD) 1 , (where - from. Sl.) 2, [ places.-tale.] 3 , (what - from. Sl.) 4 - SPP with parallel and consistent submission.
  8. In the housing spoke, / 1 what By itself, the general would be even more angry, / 2 what It was a quiet, as an angel, general, / 3 which None of the cadet seen, / 4 because She was constantly hospital, / 5 but which Everyone was considered a good genius guarding the cadets from the final Luttyness of the General / 6. [ gL] 1 , (what - p.) 2, ( what - from. sUD) 3 , (which - from. Sl.) 4, ( because - p.) 5, but (which - from. Sl.) 6 - SPP with consistent and homogeneous submission.
  9. Pierre, / 1 on which Watched condescendingly, / 2 when is he was illegal son, / 3 whom caressed and glorified, / 4 when is he was the best fiance Russian Empire, / 5 After your marriage, / 1 when Brides and mothers there was nothing to expect from him, / 6 strongly lost in opinion society / 1. [ sUD 1 , (on which - from. Sl.) 2, ( when - p.) 3, ( whom - from. Sl.) 4, ( when - p.) 5, 1, ( when - p.) 6,] 1 - SPP with homogeneous, parallel and consistent submission.
  10. Kutuzov ordered to prepare for a new fight, / 1 to Relieve the enemy, / 2 not because, / 1 to He wanted to deceive someone, / 3 but there is because, / 1 what knew, / 4 what The enemy is defeated / 5. [, one ( to - p.), 2 uk. sl., 1 (to - p.), 3 uk. sl.] 1, (what - with. gL) 4 , (what - p.) 5. - SPP with parallel, homogeneous and consistent submission.
  11. In the quiet August noon, / 1 when Everything in nature sparkled and gone, / 2 but For some other inconspicuous signs already felt in the hot air, quiet sadness, / 3 on the shore of a tiny rich, squeezing with a soft murmur between the bushes, on a small sandy beach sunbath several pilots / 1 . [ , 1 (when - p.) 2, but (-), 3] 1 - SPP with homogeneous submission.
    time. ↓
    (when - p.) 2, but (-) 3
  12. And dad read note about, / 1 what Last night, the seismic station of the observatory noted small underground shocks in our city - the investigation of the remote earthquake, / 2 epicenter whom Located on the Maja United States of the Black Sea, in Turkey, / 3 where Destroyed several seleniums / 4 . [sUD + uk. sl.] 1 , (what - from. sUD) 2 , (whom - from. sl. sUD) 3 , (where - from. Sl.) 4 - SPP with consistent submission.
  13. Zuev liked Stepan Bukov feeling internal dignity , / 1 that Inherent to people, never did anything for nothing, / 2 to It was easier for them, / 3 when Others hard / 4. [ sUD] 1 , (that - from. sl. uk. sl.) 2 , (to - p.) 3, ( when
  14. But because of Litvinov so calm and simple because of So self-confidently looks around, / 1 what His life is clearly, clearly lies in front of him, / 2 what his fate decided / 3 so what He is proud of this fate and rejoices to her / 4. [ kr. etc., gL + uk. sl.] 1 , (what - p.) 2, ( what - p.) 3 and ( what - p.) 4 - SPP with homogeneous submission.
  15. Hunters repeated noticed, / 1 what / 2 as soon as Raisubry will be at Salonians, / 3 that Kozuli leave them for more or less a long time / 2.
    SPP proposal, consists of 3 simple proposals; The first is the main thing, the rest of the apparent; Podepie are associated with the main one.
    I appendant (Proposition 2) is an additional additional; it refers to the lean noticed, pronounced verb, in the main sentence; communication means - Union what; Pudding stands after the main offer.
    II Pressure (Proposition 3) is a pressure time; It refers to the whole main sentence (Proposition 2); Tool of communication - Double Union as soon as ... then; Put in the middle of the main offer. Two unions what, as soon as At the junction of different apparers, they do not share the comma, since further follows the second part of the double union - that.
  16. what would be n. Waited ahead, / 1 what would be n. Was tomorrow, / 2 he glad, / 3 what Returned / 4. so what This day will meet with comrades / 5. ( nym - from. Sl.) 1, ( like n. - from. Sl.) 2, [ kr. arr.] 3 , (what - p.) 4 and ( what - p.) 5 - SPP with homogeneous and parallel submission.
  17. Accompanied by a telephonist with a cable coil and two connected, they found themselves on top, / 1 when The sun approached the horizon / 2 and First of his rays tried to puncture Laundled clouds and water-free smoke / 3. one , ( when - p.) 2 and (-) 3 - SPP with homogeneous submission.
  18. He [Zvyagintsev] painfully tried remember, / 1 as These places looked earlier, / 2 to navigate and determine, / 3 where Located plant / 4. [ gL] 1 , (as - from. Sl.) 2, ( to - from. gL) 3 , (where - from. Sl.) 4 - SPP with homogeneous submission.
  19. It was happy to meet Ivan Maksimovich not only because, / 1 what since the battle on the meadow did not see the king and knew nothing about his fate, / 2, but also because, / 1 what With the unexpected appearance of the Korolev, Zvyagintsev disappeared, passed without a trace who owned them a sense of some alienation, insecurity, / 3 what It will be able to quickly find his place in this non-military team / 4. [ uk. sl., 1 (what - p.) 2, uk. sl.] 1 , (what - from. sUD + uk. sl.), 3 (what - p.) 4 - SPP with homogeneous and consistent submission.
  20. If a Initially ON. thought, / 1 what He loses precious time, / 2 what He should order something to manage something, / 3 that now he convinced that, / 4 what fortune defense Organized excellent / 5 and It is very useful for him to get acquainted in more detail with the statement of the case / 6. ( if a - from. gL) 1 , (what - p.) 2, ( what - p.) 3, [ then ch. + uk. sl.] 4 , (what - p.) 5 and (-) 6 - SPP with consistent, parallel and homogeneous submission.
  21. They [old men] spoke, / 1 what, / 2 when Camchat Tunnel, / 3 It is necessary to transfer kibits to Beck Tasha, / 2 because "A man with wooden Nargalem" (they called Horobry, who did not give out the mouth of the tube) want to build railway From the northern seasons on Beck Tash / 4. [ gL] 1 , (what - p., 2 ( when - p.), 3), 2 ( because - p.) 4 - NPN allegant and parallel submission. The offer is complicated by a plug-in design - proposal so they called Horobry, who did not produce a hand tubewhich is allocated by brackets and is not included in the general proposal scheme.
  22. I i think, / 1 what / 2 if a I would hit the North Pole or, say, on the pole magnetic, / 3 that There would definitely sit and hung the nose a boy with a fishing rod, Karaulil would have a corner cod, and on the magnetic pole, it would have been squeezed a piece of magnet from the ground with a broken knife. [ gL] 1 , (what - from. 2 ( if a
  23. Many have long been barely dragged her legs, but went out of the last strength, knowing, / 1 what / 2 if a They will not reach the highway until the evening and night will not cross it, / 3 that All their former efforts are meaningless / 2. [ deapp.] 1 , (what - from. 2 ( if a - p.), 3 TO) 2 - SPP with consistent submission.
  24. Artemyev confirmed, / 1 what Master Surgeon Medsanbat All tOT same, / 2 what Was under Serpilin / 3. [ gL] 1 , (what - from. places.-tale.), 2 (what - from. Sl.) 3 - SPP with consistent submission.
  25. Sintsov explained Him, / 1 what, / 2 before go to the army, / 3 wants tomorrow together with the correspondent to visit Dnipro, in that regiment, / 2 where Today, many German tanks have knocked out / 4. [ gL] 1 , (what - p., 2 ( before - p.), 3 sUD + uk. sl.), 2 (where - from. Sl.) 4 - SPP with consistent and parallel submission.
  26. Report General everything , / 1 what it was necessary, / 2 he passed in His room, / 1 wherein, Returning and waiting for him for a long time, was sitting by Prince Galcin, reading novel , / 3 who found on the Kalugina / 4 table. [ deapp. + uk. sl., 1 (what - from. Sl.), 2 sUD] 1 , (wherein - from. sl. sUD), 3 (which the - from. Sl.) 4 - SPP with parallel and consistent submission.
  27. we calculated, / 1 what / 2 if a Let's go on the trail ,/ 3 that Let's go on the river to Koreans, / 2 but /if a Let's go straight, / 4 that Come on the sea / 5. [ gL] 1 , (what - from. 2 ( if a - p.), 3 then), 2 but (if a - p.) 4, (that) 5 - SPP with consistent, homogeneous and parallel submission.
  28. He is instantly reason, / 1 what, / 2 until He is seen only three Germans, / 3 He has no calculation to be the first to climb into a fight, / 2 but, reaching nearest grosty , / 4 where Germans, perhaps, no, / 5 He has a chance to escape even in that case, / 4 if a These three will be raised by late alarm / 6. [ gL] 1 , (what - p., 2 ( until - p.) 3,) 2, but (- sUD, 4 (where - from. Sl.) 5, uk. sl.) 4 , (if a - p.) 6 - SPP with parallel, consistent and homogeneous submission.
  29. And, of course, they did not notice, / 1 what On one of the pages of this newspaper printed the very poem, / 2 that Mentally declared Byron, / 3 when In a carriage, who took him to London, was preparing for speech, alas, nothing changed / 4. [ gL] 1 , (what - from. sUD + uk. sl.) 2 , (that - from. Sl.) 3, ( when - p.) 4 - SPP with consistent submission.

Exercise 51.

1. From the heat, the wheel split off the wheel suddenly along the hub, the knitting knitting knuckles with a bunch of smoking pegs, the cart with a knock drops, piles of newspapers fall out (SBP; Relationship ratio). 2. We are waiting for the Matrius an hour, the other - there is no one (bump; relationship of opposition, between parts you can insert the union but). 3. Schakhin looked at the clock: it was only ten seven (bumps; additional relations, between parts can be inserted "and saw that"). four. You do not want to answer / 1 - i will tell / 2 (SBP; consists of two parts; conditional relationships; before the first part you can insert the union if a; Therefore, put a dash). five. The mind of Russia is not understood, the arched is generally not measured / 1 : It has a special one/ 2 - You can only believe in Russia / 3 (SBP; consists of three parts. Between offers 1 and 2 - causal relationships; between parts you can insert the union because; Therefore, put the colon. Between offers 2 and 3 - relations of the investigation; between parts can be inserted so; Therefore, put a dash). 6. Greeting rye - you care: no matter how a hail did not dry, without rains, it did not hang out (SBS; 1 and 2 - the relationship is temporary, in front of the first part you can insert the union when; 2 and 3 - relationship explanations, you can insert in front of the third part namely). 7. I wanted to get up / 1 - Everything hesitated everything with speed / 2 ; Wanted to scream / 3 - language is silent and immovable became / 4 (SBP; consists of four pieces. Between offers 1 and 2; 3 and 4 - confirction relations; between parts you can insert the union but; Therefore, put a dash. Between the first group of sentences (1 and 2) and the second group of proposals (3 and 4) - the relationship of transfer; Since inside each group there are other signs, on the border of these groups, between offers 2 and 3, a semicolon is put). 8. You can get too smart / 1 - perhaps it does not want to live / 2 ; you can get richer All people / 3 - will envy / 4: Better I will give and eat the third (magic, wrinkled apple) / 5 (SBP; 1 and 2, 3 and 4 - Condition relationships; before the first and third parts, you can insert the union if a; between group 1 and 2 and group 3 and 4 - the relationship of transfer; Proposition 5 contains a conclusion; can be inserted so). 9. He blushed: he was ashamed to kill Unarmed man (bump; relationship causes, between parts you can insert the union because). 10. Fresh I am in thick grass along the ravine, I watch / 1: Forest ended / 2, multiple Cossacks Going out of it to the glade / 3 (bump; 1 and 2 - the relationship is additional, you can insert "and see that"; 2 and 3 are the relationship of transfer). 11. White blanket is dropped on the floor, the house is empty, Vera Nikandrovna One (SBP; Relationship relationship). 12. Emerald frogs are jumping under their feet; Between the roots, lifting the gold head, it lies already and wakes them (SPb; relationship of transfer; because the proposals are distant from each other in meaning and the second proposal is common, has its own comma, then there is a point with a comma between parts). 13. Some particular dilapidation, he noted on all rustic buildings / 1: the log on the outbreak was dark and old / 2; Many roofs were driving as sieve / 3; Only a horse left at the top yes, the rheri on the sides in the form of Röbembers / 4 (SBP; 1 and 2 - the relationship of the explanation, between parts you can insert words namely; 2, 3 and 4 - the relationship of the listing; Since the proposals are distant from each other in meaning, and the third and fourth proposals are common and have their own commas, then the point is made between parts). 14. Here's my conditions: you now publicly refuse slander and you will apologize for me (bump; relationship explanations, between parts you can insert words namely). 15. Silent / 1 was broken in the house: somewhere creaked the door / 2; Someone's steps were heard / 3; Someone sneezed on the haymaker / 4 (bonnet; 1 and 2 - relationship explanations, between parts you can insert words namely; 2, 3 and 4 - the relationship of the listing; Since the proposals are removed from each other in meaning, there is a point with a comma between parts). 16. The behavior of Nagulnov everyone was regarded in different ways / 1: Some approved / 2, others were crushed / 3, some restrainedly pose / 4 (bump; 1 and 2 - the relationship explanations, you can insert words namely; 2, 3 and 4 - transfer relationship). 17. In a few moments, I am rising and seeing: my karagez flies, waving the mane (bump; Additional relationship, between parts you can insert the union what). 18. I say: I will not surrender (bumps; optional relationships, between parts you can insert the union what). 19. I remember too: she loved to dress and jump in spirits (bump; optional relationships, between parts you can insert the union what). 20. I will tell you if you have a talent (bumps; optional relationships, between parts you can insert the union what). 21. Fedor understood: it was about communication (bumps; additional relations, between parts you can insert the Union what). 22. Alexey decided: Pretty pull (bump; Additional relationships, you can insert the union between parts what). 23. Soroka raised his head: at the top Through the slim pair of frost glitter Golden Bear (bump; additional relationships, between parts you can insert the words "and saw that"). 24. I raised my head: in front of the fire, on the overturned Kadke, Melnichik was sitting and talked to my hunter (bumps; additional relationships, between parts you can insert the words "and saw that"). 25. I woke up: Zarya has already been doing (bumps; additional relations, between parts you can insert the words "and saw that"). 26. The moon was not in heaven: she was late at that time (bumps; relationship causes, between parts you can insert the union because). 27. He was even frightened: it was so dark, closely and unclean (bump; relationship causes, between parts you can insert the union because). 28. Windows in the barley was lit, then Gasli: someone chirkal matches (bump; relationship causes, between parts you can insert the union because). 29. She passed a week, the other - suddenly drives me into the yard stroller (SBP; the second sentence contains unexpected attachment; between parts you can insert the union and; There is a word suddenly). 30. Give him only a knife. Yes, let it go on a big way - will dance, for a penny will dance (bumps; the second offer contains unexpected joining, an unexpected result; between parts you can insert the words "and then"). 31. I did not have time to warm up - all the sky (SBP; The second sentence contains an indication of a quick change of events; between parts you can insert the words "and immediately"). 32. I began to call the owner / 1 - silent / 2; Well / 3 - silent / 4 (SBP; 1 and 2, 3 and4 - Relationship relations, between parts 1 and 2, 3 and 4, you can insert the union but; between the first group of sentences (1 and 2) and the second group of proposals (3 and 4) - the relationship of transfer; Since inside each group there are other punctuation marks, on the border of these groups, between offers 2 and 3, a semicolon is set). 33. Bold win - cowardly dying (bumps; confirming relationship, between parts you can insert the union but). 34. There was no opportunity to leave unnoticed / 1 - it came out openly 2, as if he was in the yard / 3, and sleeved in the garden / 2 (1 and 2 - bumps; the second proposal contains a consequence, the result, output; between parts can be inserted so. Inside the second offer is an appropriate with the union likewhich is allocated from both sides with commas). 35. We will win - build a stone house (conditional relationships, you can insert the union before the first sentence. if a). 36. Well done / 1 will pass / 2, the girl / 3 will pass - it will hurt / 4, and the Houchrs will be held / 5 - sing the song / 6 (1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6 - CAP, conditional relationships, in front of parts 1, 3, 5 you can insert the union if a; Groups 1 and 2, 3 and 4 are related to list relationships; Group 5 and 6 are associated with a group of 3 and 4 by the Provision Union A - SSP). 37. Loads you are completely - we will not cry for you (SBP, conditional relationships, you can insert the union before the first sentence if a). 38. I will look - the ruble will give (SBP; Comparative ratios, between parts you can insert the union like). 39. He always loved to chat - it was well known to me (SBP; The second sentence has the importance of attachment, contains a pronoun this is). 40. They will break out / 1, they already broke up / 2 - this thought stolen both (SBP; 1 and 2 - the relationship of transfer; Proposition 3 has the value of attachment and contains a pronoun this).

Lecture on the topic: "A complex proposal. Main types of complex suggestions. Union challenges. Complex proposals. "

(Slide number 1)

The purpose of the lesson:

(Slide number 2)

Repeat and deepen information about complex suggestions known at the rate of 5-8 classes.

Tasks lesson:

(Slide number 3)

To work out the ability to distinguish simple sentences with homogeneous members connected by the Connecting Winning Union "and" and complex offers, where the parts are connected by the same union.

Determine the semantic relationship between parts of complex proposals

Signs of punctuation in complex suggestions with different unions

Distributing SSP with a general secondary member from proposals without it and the ability to use / do not drink comma in the SSP (with a general secondary member)

Equipment lesson: Notebook, board, slides, tutorial.

^ Lectures

  1. Introductory word (intensifying the attention of students).
- Hello guys. Today we have a lesson lecture on the topic "Complex offers". We will remember everything on it that we already know about the SSP and replenish our knowledge with new information. (Message of goals and lesson tasks). This material will help you in preparation for the seminar on the same topic.

Today you need to be attentive, collected, we will write a lot. To make it easier for you, you can use reductions when writing lectures (SP, PP, SSP, etc.), write down only the main thing, explaining the examples of information.

Open the notebook, write down the subject of lectures and questions to the future seminar on the same topic.

^ Questions to the seminar

(on the slide to Lesson number 4)

1. What is the difference between simple and complex offers? Explain the examples.

2. How are the features of simple proposals that are part of complex (with examples)?

3. Tell about ways of communication of simple proposals in the composition of complex (with examples).

4. What types of complex offers are known to you. What about them in common and what is the difference?

5. Tell us about the basic groups of SSP by their meaning (by union).

6.Scider about SSP with

a) connective wrist unions

b) separation written unions,

c) opposing written unions.

6. How to distinguish the SSP with the Union "and" from PP with homogeneous members in which the Union "and" is used.

7. What signs of punctuation are put in SSP? When the comma does not put? (all the answers must be accompanied by examples)

  1. ^ Most part.
- So, in our speech, except PP used by the joint venture. With their help, more complex thoughts are expressed. SP is more informative than PP.

- Write down and compare the examples

(slide number 5.):

There were already ten pm, and the full moon was shining above the garden.

It was already clock ten pm. Over the garden shining the full moon.

^ Tasks and questions:

Highlight the grammatical foundations of the proposals and tell me how similarity and the difference of these proposals? Pay attention to intonation in simple and complex sentence. What sign is put in the joint venture?

^ Recording output :

(slide number 6.)

In the first (complex) sentence, the second part adds the value of the investigation to the content of the first. The joint venture is not the sum of two simple proposals, as additional information arises. It is richer, versatile. Thanks to the joint venture, our speech becomes richer.

^ Question:

What is the joint venture?

Write down:

(Slide number 7)

SP is sentences consisting of two or more simple, interconnected by meaning and grammatically, united intonational. The proposal has end intonation.

^ Features of simple proposals included in the complex (Slide number 8):

- PP in the joint venture do not have intonational completeness

- combined in meaning in a single whole

- accounted to special intonation into a single whole

-Slov in the proposal are associated with grammatically (as well as in a common sentence of the word related to the method of coordination, management and adjoining, as in phrases)

- Difficult to the value and structure

Write down:

(Slide number 9)

Cute ear caught lung steps, and sleep instantly flew.


Read the offer. Are ordinary sentences combined in it in meaning? Grammatically? Is there an end intonation between for them?

Find in the proposal of phrases built on the basis of communication

Coordination (sensitive ear, lung steps),

Control (caught steps)

Adjoint (flew instantly)

Question:What is expressed grammar meanings offers? (in a grammatical basis, in a taught: challenge, time)

^ Working with a textbook:

- Open the tutorial, let's take a little rest from the records and verbally get acquainted with the information about how simple offers may be associated in difficult. (We read information on the topic of the textbook paragraph)

^ Question: What ways can simply connect simple proposals in the complex?

We make a scheme (in notebook)

(Slide number 10)

2 ways of communication of simple proposals in the joint venture

^ Working with a textbook:

Let's look through a few examples of proposals from the textbook exercise: We read the proposals, we allocate the grammatical foundations and determine their number; find out how to communicate simple proposals in the joint venture; We compile a scheme of proposals.

Exercise 51.

In the house, everything was already lay down, but no one slept. Summer issued gray and cold, the trees were wet. The glass door to the balcony was closed so that the garden is not rushing.

^ We continue the lecture (write) :

So, in the joint venture parts can be connected using unions without them. The proposals in which the parts are connected without unions are only in meaning and with the help of intonation, are called non-union complex suggestions (BSP). And those in which are used to communicate parts in the joint venture and allied words are allied. Unions, as you already know from the course of 5-7 class, are written and supervisory, therefore, depending on which unions are used, comprehensive and complexed proposals (SSP and SPP).

(Slide number 11)

Main types of complex offers

Continued lectures:

Today we will make a greater emphasis on the SSP group.

In due date writing Unions There are connecting, dividing and opposing. Consequently, the SSP on the unions used in them and the value is divided into 3 groups

(Slide number 12)

Major groups of SSP on meaning and union.

SSP with connecting unions and, yes (and), no, too, also. They are listed in the phenomena occurring simultaneously or following each other.

^ Transparent Forest One Blacktails, And Spruce Through Roels Green, And the River Blums .

SSP S. separate alliances or, Ile, or, then, not that - not that, then - either. They are indicated for alternation of phenomena, the possibility of one phenomenon from several.

^ Then the sun shone, then lil rain .

SSP with interpretation unions a, but, yes (but), however, but. In them, one phenomenon is opposed to another.

^ The eye is waiting for the light, but every turn of the river is deceiving our hopes.

It must be remembered that the punctuation sign is put between its parts, most often it is comma.

(Slide number 13)

Simple sentences in the complex are separated from each other commas.

^ In the window heathed, and sopes spoke. Or the ship went, or the enemy used a submarine. It is not visible further than two steps, but a snort of a horse in silence is heard.

However, writing alliances are used in simple sentences For communication of homogeneous membership members. In order for PP not to confuse with the joint venture, it is necessary to take into account the number of grammatical foundations in the proposal.

(Slide 14)

Different SSP from PP with homogeneous members.

^ The sea is forever and inexorable noise and splash. (This is a simple sentence, since there is one grammatical basis. We will not put a comma).

The sea seems to whisper something, and this whisper soothes me. (This is a complex proposal, as the two grammatical foundations, put the comma).


Let's remember, in what cases are the comma in PP homogeneous members? (Oral discussion: The commas are put in dividing and connecting unions if they are repeated, and with constitutive it is always).

There are cases when the comma is also not placed between its parts. This happens if there is a general secondary member in the sentence, to the same extent relating to both proposals.

(Slide 15)

Offers with a general secondary member.

(The comma between parts is not placed)

After thunder The air becomes cleaner and people breathe easier. (General secondary member: After the thunder. The comma does not put).

Finally Snow fell and the real winter came. (General secondary member: Finally. The comma does not put).

At oncebehind the hospital, the city ended and the field began.

(General secondary member: Immediately. The comma does not put).

Between parts of the SSP, in addition to the comma, in some cases is rated. This occurs in the event that one of the parts of the SSP has the value of the performance, the rapid change of events.

^ For example (slide 16)

Suggestions that say about the rapid change of events

(between parts is rated)

The bell rang - and the guys ran out of the class.

^ He will give a sign - and everything laughs.

Cheese fell - with him there was a row.

  1. Summing up the lesson

- What's new you learned today at the lesson?

- What is the joint venture?

- How to distinguish it from PP?

-What signs of punctuation should be remembered in the SSP?

  1. Homework
(Slide 17)

Prepare for the seminar lesson on recorded at the beginning of the lesson.

Read the material 7 and 8 of the textbook paragraphs and learn the rules.

Pick up examples of offers for each question (to the seminar).

Prepare for a message on the topic "Complex Offer". Make a pre-plan in the form of question offers. To each point of the Plan, select examples.


(Open the theory p. 35) 1) What are the proposals consisting of several offers? 2) What are the proposals called without unions? 3) What suggestions are called allied? 4) What are the basic means for connecting simple proposals? 5) depending on which complex offers are divided into non-union and allied? 6) What else are allied suggestions are? 7) What proposals are united into complex non-union with intonation? Examples I do not know forgive: - (((

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  • (35 Balls for the best answer) What have the children ALREADY DONE AND WHAT HAVEN "T THI THINGS THEY MADE SOME DAYS AGO. Example - 0) to Clean the House. (Alise and Alisy) - Alise and Alise Howe Arleady Cleaned The Hause 1) to Wash The Dishes (Alice) - ......... 2) to Water Flowers (Ally) - ........ . 3) to BUY Cheese, Chips.fruit, Juice, Lettuce (Ally) 4) to make sandwiches (the girls) 5) to make toast (The Girls) 6) to Bring Cola (The Mother) 7) to Prepare Games ( Alice) 8) to Repair The DVD Player 9) to Sweep The Paths In The Garden (Alice)
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