What is a graphic image of the product. Graphic images

Lecture course

By discipline

"Engineering Computer Graphics"

Lecture course

under the discipline "Engineering Computer Graphics"

Explanatory note
Lecture 1. Automated design systems in solving the most important technical problems.
Lecture 2. Systems of two-dimensional automated design.
Lecture 3. Development of models using three-dimensional design systems.
Lecture 4 .. Basic information on the design of the drawings.
Lecture 5. Basics of geometric constructions.
Lecture 6. Images in orthogonal projections: species, cuts, sections.
Lecture 7. Projection method. Epur Monge.
Lecture 8. Plane. Methods for converting projections.
Lecture 9. Scheme, its purpose and content. General rules Electrical schemes.
Lecture 10. Rules for performing the scheme of network infrastructure objects.
Lecture 11. Functional capabilities of graphic systems. Program Compass-schedule.
Lecture 12. Basic principles of modeling in graphic systems. Compass-3D program.

Explanatory note

Engineering computer graphics refers to the cycle of general-professional educational disciplines that make up the basis for training specialists in the specialty "Computer Networks".

The purpose of studying the theoretical part of the discipline is to acquire knowledge in the field of means of engineering and computer graphics; methods and techniques for performing electrical equipment and network infrastructure schemes; basic functionality of modern graphics systems; Simulation in the framework of graphic systems.

The knowledge gained in studying the theoretical part of the discipline is necessary both in the study of general professional disciplines and in subsequent professional activities.

Tutorial "The course of lectures on the discipline" Engineering Computer Graphics ", part 1 compiled in accordance with the program educational discipline "Engineering Computer Graphics" for second-year students of the specialty 230111 "Computer Networks".


1. What is the drawing?

2. On the history of the occurrence of graphic methods of images and drawing.

3. Materials, accessories, drawing tools.

4. Organization of the workplace when performing graphic work.

5. Questions and tasks.

What is the drawing?

Drawing - This is a document containing the image of the product (electrical circuit or architectural structure), as well as other data (sizes, scale, technical requirements) necessary for its manufacture (construction) and control.

For example, in order to make a detail "Frame", you need to know its shape, sizes, the material from which it will be made. All listed data must contain a drawing (Fig. 1).

Different products are depicted in the drawings: parts (for example: line, knitting knitting), assembly units (for example: roller for paintwork, fountain pen), sets (for example: a set of joinery tools, set of markers), complexes (for example: turning mill, moonport ).

Product - Any item or a set of items to be manufactured.

Detail (from FR. Detail) - The product made of homogeneous on the name and material brand, without the use of assembly operations. For example, knitting needles are a detail, since it is made of homogeneous material - aluminum alloy, without the use of any assembly operations (swing, riveting).

Assembly unit - the product, components of which are to be connected to each other with assembly operations (swing, riveting, welding, crosslinking). For example: car, machine.

Set (from lat. COMPLETUS - Full)- A set of any items that meet the definite purpose. For example: manicure set, ready-made, personal computer.

Complex (from Lat. Complexus - communication, combination) - A combination of something (products, buildings) that form one unit. For example, a town-planning complex or system unit.

All listed types of products you can portray, if we grasp the methods and rules for the implementation and design of technical documentation. And if it does not need to be required for the future specialty, then what will every of you study the subject? The answer is simple: the study of IKG will contribute to the development of the figurative and logical thinking, intelligence, attention, perfection and accuracy, so necessary people of various professions. In addition, the knowledge of the drawing will allow you to carry out the minor repair of household appliances at home.

On the history of the occurrence of graphic ways of images and drawing

The technique uses many ways to make various graphic images. The most used of them were created and improved for centuries.

Unfortunately, the story has not saved not many historical documents for which it is possible to trace the evolution of graphic ways to display information. However, it is quite obvious that their foundations were laid in ancient times.

Considering the history of the development of images taken in the technique, it is necessary to refer to the origins of primitive drawings and ancient pictograms. It is in them originates, a graphic language is born and formed, the basis of which are methods of images. From the story you know that the drawing appeared as a means of communication between people long before creating writing. In the future, a drawing letter was developed on its basis. In antiquity, many nations any information (reporting on combat campaigns, reports of a business and political nature, hunting messages, magic spells, love messages) Transmitted with drawings. In fig. 2a depicted a hieroglyphic letter made using characters - hieroglyphs. Decoding some hieroglyphs is shown in Fig. 2b. Ancient hieroglyphs, as a rule, are contour drawings. It is this feature of the image "Rodnit" it with contour images of the drawing.

The preserved rock paintings indicate the emergence of the cartographic method of transmitting information, which has been improved for many centuries.

One of ancient cards (2500 years BC) is considered the so-called Babylonian drawing performed on a clay plate.

Pictures, plans, the drawings of the Middle Ages, do not indicate any noticeable development of existing image methods. However, there is reason to assert that during this period an architectural drawing was born.

In the era of the revival, the laws of perspectives were opened, laid practical basics Display technical information with new graphics methods. Great Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) graphic images were left into inheritance aircraft, throwing machines. They were performed by a special way that his contemporaries called the "conical perspective." This method has not lost its relevance to this day. Currently, it is called a "linear perspective" and is used in architecture, drawing, painting, design.

Despite the fact that the drawing does not give a complete presentation of the internal device and the real size of the image being depicted, for a long time they used as the main technical documentWith the help of which various structures were built. So, for example, the Sophia Cathedral famous for its architecture in Kiev (XI century) was erected in drawings. IN Ancient Russia The drawings were built by Novgorod and Moscow temples and many other wonderful monuments of antiquities.

Over time, promising drawings were transformed into a special type of graphic image - technical drawings.

The development of images of images in Russia went offense. On miniatures of the XIV-XV centuries. We can see images that resemble modern axonometric images and technical drawings currently used in technical graphics (Fig. 3).

Drawings in Russia were manufactured by the "drawers" (drawers), the mention of which can be found in the "Pushkar order" of Ivan IV. Other images are drawings - drawings, represented a view of the construction "from a bird's eye view" and were widely used by Russian masters and builders. An example is the drawing plan of the Kremlin part, performed by P. Godunov in beginning of XVII in. (Fig. 4).

In Russia, there were graphic methods that allowed to portray the car, architectural constructions From several sides to get a more complete picture of their shape and sizes. But since these images are projection not connected among themselves, they were difficult to use. At the end of the XVII century. In Russia, large-scale images are introduced (Fig. 5). In the drawings begin to indicate scales and sizes.

The development of technology caused the need to improve the methods and ways of graphic images. In the XVIII century Conditional (sometimes primitive) Figure is inferior to the other type of graphic image - drawing. Russian drawers and king Peter I performed drawings by the method, which will later be called the method of rectangular projections (the founder of the method is the French mathematician and engineer Gaspar Monzh). By order of Peter I, the teaching of the drawing was introduced in all technical educational institutions. New types of images appeared, called profiles (front profile, from above) (Fig. 6), which became the samples of modern images in the system of three projections used in the drawings.

With great mastery, the drawings were performed by the largest Russian mechanics and inventors. Preserved drawings of bridges through the Neva, semaphore telegraph, a waters and other projects performed by I.P. Kulibin. Interest represents ways to display the shape of the product in the drawings used: Fedor Borzov when creating a lifting gate, R. Glinkov when designing parts of a spinning room (Fig. 7), I.I. The sliders in the invention of the steam engine, the father and son of Cherepanov, during the construction of the first steam locomotive in Russia.

Recessed drawings and drawings of the XVII-XVIII centuries. It is evidenced not only about the high art of their implementation, but also on the use of the method of rectangular projection long before its theoretical justification.

A great contribution to the development of technical graphics introduced Ya.A. Sevastyanov, published in 1818, the work, which allowed the drawings to give greater informativeness.

Development of technical graphics devoted their works of Professor A.I. Dobryakov, N.A. Ryunin, D.I. Kargin, N.F. Fourthin and others.

Over time, the image was improved, changed, became comfortable for work and gradually transformed into images of a modern drawing.

The whole history of the development of the drawing is continuously related to technical progress. Currently, the drawing has become the main document business communication in science, technology, production, design, construction.

For many years, the drawings were carried out with a manual way using "circle" - Circular, "Nagolnika" - Corolla and different round-door gels, which occupied a lot of time. At the beginning of the 20th century, work was started on the mechanization of the Designer's workplace. As a result, it appeared drawing machines, drawing and writing devices of various systems, which made it possible to speed up the process of performing drawings. Currently created automated methods for performing drawings that have significantly simplified this process and accelerated the development of design and design documentation. However, it is impossible to create and check the computer drawing, not knowing the foundations of the Graphic language with which you will meet, studying the item "Engineering Computer Graphics".

Graphic language is often called international technical language communication because technically competent people can read the drawings performed in different countries World.

Despite the large variety of statistical graphs, there are general rules for their construction.

When building a schedule, it is important to find such image methods that the best way They meet the content and logical nature of the indicators depicted.

Each schedule consists of a graphic image and auxiliary elements.

Graphic Image (Base Graphics) - These are geometric signs, that is, the totality of points, lines, figures with which statistical indicators are depicted. It is important to choose the right graphic image that must match the objective of the graph and contribute to the greatest expressiveness of the statistical data. For example, in Figure 4.4, the graphic image is a series of columns, in Figure 4.7 - a number of squares, etc.

Auxiliary elements make it possible to read the schedule, its understanding and use. These include: 1) Explanation of the schedule; 2) spatial landmarks; 3) large-scale guidelines; 4) Graphics field.

Consider each of them.

Explanation of graphics - verbal description of its content. It includes a common charting header, signatures along scale scales and explanations to individual parts of the graph.

The header of the graph should in short and clear form reflect the main content (topic) of the data shown on the chart; It specifies the object limited in space and time to which the data includes. If the title is part of the text (in the book, article, the graduation work etc.), then it is usually placed under the lower edge of the graph. If the graph appears separately from the text, the title is written at the top of the graph with letters and numbers of a larger size than all the other inscriptions on the graph.

In the graph, except for the title, the verbal explanations of the conditional signs and the meaning of the individual elements of the graphic image are made. These include names and numbers of scale, the names of broken lines, numbers characterizing the values \u200b\u200bof individual parts of the graph, references to sources, etc.

Explanatory inscriptions that disclose the meaning of individual elements of the graphic image can be placed either on the graph (on the graphical image or next to it) in the form of so-called shortcuts (see Fig. 4.8), or in the form of a key made beyond the graphic image ( Fig. 4.5). The last method is usually applied in cases where there is not enough space on the chart, and the explanations are long.

Spatial reference points are set in the form of a system of coordinate grids. Coordinate systems are straightforward (decartular) and curvilinear. To build graphs, only the first and, occasionally, the first and fourth quadrants are usually used. The curvilinear coordinates are a circle divided by 360º. Polar coordinates also apply in the practice of graphic image. They are necessary for cyclic motion in time.

Large-scale landmarks Statistical graphics are determined by the scale and system of large-scale scales. Scale The statistical chart is a measure of translating a numerical value into graphical. For example, 1 cm of the column height is 50 thousand rubles of the authorized capital of a commercial bank. If the schedule is built in the form of areas or volumes, the scales are units of space or volumes (for example, 1cm2 \u003d 100km2 area of \u200b\u200bthe region).

The scales are chosen so that the difference in the values \u200b\u200bof depicted values \u200b\u200bclearly performed on the chart, but at the same time, the possibility of comparison them was not lost.

In the event that the graph is not alone, but two scales (in the rectangular coordinate system), the ratio of their field is chosen in such a way that the parties employed by the schedule vertical and horizontal treated as well as. A large scale is called a line, some points of which can be read as certain numbers. Scale has great importance In the chart. It distinguishes three elements: a line (or carrier of a scale), a certain number of dotted points, which are located on the scale of the scale in a certain order, the digital designation of the numbers corresponding to individual marked points. As a rule, not all marked points are supplied with digital designation, but only some of them located in a certain order. According to the rules numeric value It is necessary to place strictly against the corresponding points, and not between them (Fig. 4.1).

Fig. 4.1. Large grid

Graphic and numeric intervals can be equal and unequal. If on all the length of the scale equal to graphic intervals correspond to equal numeric, such a scale is called uniform. If unequal graphic correspond to numerical intervals, and on the contrary, the scale is called uneven.

The scale of the uniform scale is called the length of the segment (graphic interval) adopted per unit and measured in any measures. The smaller the scale, the thicker is located on the scale of the point having the same value. Build a scale - this means on a given scale of the scale to place points and designate them with appropriate numbers according to the task conditions. The logarithmic scale is of the uneven value of the greatest value. The method of its construction is somewhat different, since the segments are proportional to the values \u200b\u200bnot depicted on this scale, but their logarithms. So at the base 10 lg1 \u003d 0; LG10 \u003d 1; LG100 \u003d 2, etc.

The carrier of the scale can be both direct and curved line. In accordance with this, the scales are distinguished (for example, a millimeter line) and curvilinear - arc and circular (clock cloust).

Graphics field - then the space in which the geometric signs are placed. The graph of the graph is characterized by its format, i.e. size and proportions (aspect ratio).

For example, a sheet of paper on which the schedule is located should be proportional. It is believed that the most convenient for perceiving the eye of a person proportion is rectangle, i.e. 1: 1.474 (approximately 5: 7). This combination is adopted in the Standard of Pectoral Papers intended for copying technology with A4 format, i.e. 210 mm: 297 mm.

Approximately the same proportions must be supplemented in the size of most of the graphic images itself. At the same time, the long side of the graph (grid) can be located horizontally (wide graph) and vertically (high schedule).

Getting Started with a graphic image of statistical data, you must first of all choose the form of the schedule and determine the methodology and technique of its construction.

For the manufacture of any product, it is necessary to determine its form, dimensions, materials from which it will be manufactured, the SPO connection of the compound of individual parts, to provide, which in-edges are necessary for this, etc. Such work at the enterprise performs the designer, designer. They draw their plans in special documents that make up the element of which are graphic images.

Graphiccalled an image consisting of lines, strokes, points and a pencil-made or a ballpoint handle. The main graphic images are drawingand sketch(Fig. 36).

Drawing details- This is a document containing a graphic image of the part made using drawing inventories on paper, and the information necessary for its manufacture and control (Fig. 36, but).

In practice, graphic images are used to be simplistic - by hand, without the use of drawing tools, but in compliance with the proportions between parts of the iso-spotted part (Fig. 36, b.). They are called sketches.

Sketches are used in the design of new and improving existing products. It was with the help of a sketch that embodies its idea on paper, his creative design arch-tent, designer, designer, rationalizer. The sketches are performed and then when the urgent need arises from being prepared the part instead of the one that failed, and its drawing is missing.

When executing graphic images used different types Lines, each of which has a specific name and purpose. Information about the drawing lines are presented in Table 2.

Table 2.Drawing lines

Type of lines Picture Dimensions Purpose
Solid fat basic Thickness S.\u003d 0.5 ... 1.4 mm Similar contour lines
Solid thin Thickness OT s 3.before s 2. Dimensional and remote li
Strich Thickness OT s 3.before s 2., time-on strokes 2 ... 8 mm, rascent between strokes 1 ... 2 mm Invidian contour lines
Barchpunctry Thickness OT s 3.before s 2., tricks 5 ... 30 mm, Ras-standing between strokes 3 ... 5 mm Axial and centers

In order to be able to use graphic iso-phenomena in any branch of the economy, in each country a single rules for their implementation are killed. They are defined by up-to-kamen, which is called a unified system of design documentation (abbreviated - ECCD).

To facilitate the performance of the sketch and adherence to proportionally individual elements Details when performing a graphic image, it is better to use paper into a cell.

In order for the drawing to make a conclusion about the supervision of the product depicted or any part of it, dimensions are applied to the drawing. There are linear and angular sizes. Linear dimensionscharacterize the length, width, thickness, height, diameter or radius of the product. Angular sizecharacterizes the magnitude of the angle.

Linear dimensions in drawings are affixed in millimeters, but no measurement units are not applied. Corner sizes are noted in degrees, pointing to units of measurement.

The numeric value on the horizontal dimensional lines is applied from above above the line, and on the vertical dimensional lines - on the left (Fig. 37). Material from site.

When performing a graphic image, it is necessary that the total number of sizes in the drawing was the smallest, but sufficient for the manufacture and control of the product.

When performing drawings and sketches, certain symbols are used. So, the diameter of the parts or holes marked the icon ∅, to designate the radius in front of the time-dimensional number they write a capital latin letter R.. If any surface of the part has a square shape, then in front of the dimensional number put a sign . The thickness of flat parts made from plywood, fiberboard, thin sheet metal, mark the Latin letter s..

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • report on the topic Graphic image of metals
  • training literature on graphic images
  • abstract on the topic: Concept of graphic image
  • concept of graphic image.

Each person has to meet with various graphic images and documents containing them: drawings, diagrams, visual images, drawings, etc. (Fig. 25).

Usually, under the phrase, "graphic images" imply any images performed by hand-held graphics (pencil, ink, etc.) or machine (computer graphics) by methods that carry a variety of information (technical, biochemical, etc.). In drawing, under this phrase, they understand almost the same, but graphic images are intended for transmission of geometric, technical and technological information about any product.

In science and technology used: charts, graphs, graphs, schemes, drawings, axonometric images, technical drawings.

Charts are images showing the ratio of individual parts of something to a whole with the help of a circle, columns, etc. (Fig. 26).

Graphs are images of quantitative and qualitative indicators of development or condition of something with the help of curves and broken lines (Fig. 27). With them you have already acquainted in the lessons of mathematics.

Graphs - images that conventionally showing a variety of bonds existing between concepts, elements of systems, processes, etc., presented using the simplest signs (circle, square) and their binders (Fig. 28).

Fig. 25. Graphic images taken manual (a) and machine (b) methods

Fig. 29. Schemes: A - optical; B - electric

Schemes are images that conditionally show the device of any mechanism (for example, machine, hydraulic installation, electrical circuit, etc.) and the interaction of its parts (Fig. 29).

The drawing contains one (sweep drawing) or several images of the subject, compliance with the conventional designations (drawing of the rack), specific rules and scale (Fig. 30, C, b).

Aksonometric projection is an image obtained as a result of parallel projection of an object along with the axes of rectangular coordinates to the axonometric plane of the projections, where it is displayed visible from three sides at the same time (Fig. 30, E).

The technical figure is an image with the basic properties of axonometric projections or a promising pattern, made by hand in an eye-eye scale with a possible stencil of depicted surfaces (see Fig. 25, b).

(In the future, you will get acquainted in more detail with drawings, axonometric images and technical drawings in the drawing lessons.)

Graphic images and documents containing their documents are designed to display various information, but not always carry out absolutely complete information about the object (Table 1). According to the drawing, you can judge not only about form, size, but also about the material, device, volume and other technical specifications of the object. The drawing is the most informational receipt document.

Fig. 30. Drawings containing one (a), three (b) images and axonometric projection (B)

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