Travel lesson "written addition of three-digit numbers." “Written addition of three-digit numbers” I

Three-digit numbers are those numbers that use three digits. For example, 112, 655, 452 and similar numbers. By subtracting and adding one sign, two-digit and three-digit numbers are obtained, respectively. One of the math topics covered in third grade is “Algorithm for adding three-digit numbers.”

An interesting method of adding three-digit numbers will help students understand the topic. Familiarity with the written method of summing three-digit numbers with the transition from place value to column calculation sharpens the educational skills of 3rd grade students.

To successfully add numbers of this type, you must repeat the addition of two-digit numbers.

For example, in the task you need to calculate the following example: 22 + 15 + 55 + 28.

The first step is to add all the tens found in the example: 2 + 1 + 5 + 2. The result is 10 tens.

The second step is the addition of all the ones encountered: 2 + 5 + 5 + 8, which equals 20.

10 tens is 100. 100 + 20 = 120.

Solving examples of adding two-digit numbers using this method is much faster than adding in the usual way, where: 22+15, then add 55 and add with 28.

The skills of adding two-digit numbers in this way are a good basis for summing three-digit numbers. Test work provides an opportunity to obtain new information. For example, in tasks where the result of calculations is a sum greater than ten, addition with transition through digit is used.

If the answer obtained during addition is less than ten, then non-bit transition addition is used.

To prepare students for solving more complex problems, the teacher uses mathematical examples of adding numbers that ultimately add up to more than 100.

Examples with three-digit numbers are solved similarly using this method.

For example: 335 + 44 + 456 + 20.

The first action is adding tens: 33 + 4 + 45 + 2 = (33 + 45) + (4 + 2) = 78 + 6 = 84.

The second action is adding units: 5 + 4 + 6 + 0=(5+0) + (4+6)=15.

84 tens is 840 added to 15, which gives a total of 855.

An equally interesting method for adding three-digit numbers will simplify solving the problem for 3rd grade students.

The essence of the method is addition from left to right, which makes it easier to obtain the result of the most important numbers of the future answer.

An example showing the strategy for adding three-digit numbers:

The first action comes down to adding 275 + 300. Next, you need to add 40, and then add 7. After adding the first three hundred, the task comes to adding 40. Further, the example is simplified by the fact that only 7 remains to be added.

This solution process is shown in the following diagram:

Problems involving mental addition of three-digit numbers can be solved in this way until the time comes to add a single-digit number. The ease of this method lies in the fact that adding 275 and 347 requires remembering all six digits, but 575 and 47, 615 and 7 requires remembering only five and four digits, respectively.

Solving a simplified problem is many times easier than the one presented in the original complex version.

In any addition example, the left-to-right method has the following sequence:

  • adding hundreds
  • adding tens
  • adding hundreds and tens together.

When solving such problems in your head, you need to hear the numbers, and not use the method of visually reproducing numbers. Reinforcement with sounds helps you master this method much faster.

But auditory perception of tasks is not suitable for all 3rd grade students.

Using graphic presentations is one of the easily accessible ways to teach a lesson on this topic.

When presented with interesting pictures, addition rules are easier for students to learn than boringly presented information.

In addition, you can present math lessons in the form of interesting historical facts.

The traditional way, which is used in many schools, is addition column.

Example 1:

The first step is to add the units. 1+7= 8.

The third step is adding hundreds. 2+3=5

Example 2:

The first step is adding units. 8+2=10. When adding units that add up to a ten or another two-digit number, the last digit (the tail of the two-digit number) is written down and the ten is remembered.

In the second step, the tens are added, adding the ten that was obtained by adding the ones. In this case it takes the following form:

At the third stage, hundreds are added, adding to them the hundred obtained by adding tens, that is:

This method of summation is well used in writing, when you can write down all the numbers that are not included in units and remainders.

Small signs with an algorithm for summing numbers of three digits should be designed colorfully, with an example for each item. First, they write ones under ones, then tens under tens, and then adding hundreds. Ends with an answer.

The method when numbers are added in a column is done in stages. Always add numbers that correspond to each other in place. Addition goes from smallest to largest. That is, one with one, a hundred with a hundred, and so on. Adding numbers in this way is called the Arabic method, since they are summed in order from right to left.

There are many examples when, when summing two or more characters, the answer yields a sum greater than 10. Here, one is assigned to the next digit. And in place of the question mark they write a number ten less than the output result. For example, you need to add 9 and 4. The result is 13. The number 3 should be put in place of the question, and 1 should be added to the sum of the numbers of the next (larger) digit.

Knowledge of the algorithm is useful for solving equations, inequalities, expressions, and when solving problems with several unknowns.

When adding three-digit numbers, it will be useful to know what a whole and a quotient are and how to find them.

For example, 250 + 430=680. A whole is the sum of two numbers, in this case 680.

The quotient in this case is 250 and 430.

To find an unknown part, you need to subtract the known part from the whole.

To test addition, subtraction is performed, and to test subtraction, addition is performed.

In a lesson about adding three-digit numbers, students will benefit from learning some facts about them.

An interesting number is 999. Not only is it the largest of the three-digit numbers, but when turned upside down it turns into another number - 666.

The smallest three-digit number is 100.

The level of preparation of students can be checked using the textbook by M.I.Moro. In addition to assignments, the textbook contains answers and rules with the help of which mathematical exercises are solved.

Working with three-digit numbers helps students develop mental activity and cultivate attentiveness to surrounding actions and phenomena.

Mathematical examples teach children to independently solve problems by initially analyzing the situation.

Online simulators are extremely popular on the Internet, with the help of which it is easy to learn the algorithm for adding three-digit numbers in the third grade. They are of great benefit for elementary school children, developing skills and fine motor skills, attentiveness, and analysis of actions.

For success in column solving exercises, the determining factor is constant brain training. Achieving high performance in solving speed is only possible with daily practice.

Class: 3

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce the method of written addition of three-digit numbers.
  • improve computational skills and problem solving skills;
  • develop cognitive interest, reasoning skills


1. Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson

– Hello, guys, today in mathematics lesson you and I have to do a very important thing - study a new topic.

To fold correctly,
We need to be friends properly.
There is a quarrel or a battle,
Folding won't work.
We are three-digit numbers
We'll put it together.
I believe that success awaits you!
Because who tries
Everything works out for them!

– But first of all, you and I need to do a little warm-up for our brains. And so we prepared.

2. Oral counting

Blitz tournament(orally).

A) Volodya stayed with his grandmother for two weeks and another 3 days. How many days did Volodya stay with his grandmother? (17)
B) Vitya swam 25 meters. He swam 4 meters less than Seryozha. How many meters did Seryozha swim?
Q) There are 36 old apple trees and 18 young ones in the garden. How many fewer young apple trees are there than old ones?

Game "Quick Examples" Who can count verbally faster and give the correct answer?

Slide No. 1(answers appear by clicking, and children check)

- Well done, you completed this task correctly and quickly. Now we need to remember counting in hundreds and solve several examples.

And to support our topic, we must solve examples. Arrange the answers in ascending order and find out what we will do in class today. What word is encrypted?

Slide No. 3 Game “Cryptographers”

- So, what are we going to do in class today?

3. Working on a new topic

- So, you and I know the topic of our lesson: “Written addition of three-digit numbers.” I suggest you remember and write down the addition of two-digit numbers.

46 + 33 = 56 + 25 =

Two students go to the board, repeat and solve examples.

– Who will now take the place of the teacher and explain the addition of three-digit numbers? How to do the calculations? Children explain using an example:


Slide No. 4

Draw children's attention to the fact that when a number moves to the next digit, it is better to write it down in pencil so as not to forget. When explaining, you need to use an algorithm. Children write this example in a notebook and solve it.

4. Physical education minute:

One, two - head up,
Three, four - arms wider,
Five, six - sit down quietly,
Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.

5. Work on new material, consolidation

– I propose to open the textbooks and independently study and consolidate the addition of three-digit numbers, and then tell each other (work in pairs).

Now we will consolidate the knowledge we have acquired, writing examples in notebooks.

– We will turn to the textbooks and solve the problem. Let's make a short note and solve the problem:

Slide No. 6

- How many tickets were there?
- How many did you sell?
– Do you know the exact quantity?
– What do you need to know in the problem?
– Make a program, write down the solution.

Solve the examples yourself and prove that you understood everything and learned how to add three-digit numbers:

6. Lesson summary

- Guys, what new did we learn in class today?
– What did you repeat in class today?
– Please choose the card that you think is close to you.

Slide No. 7

Students show cards and express their opinions.

– Thank you very much to everyone for your work in class!

Open lesson on mathematics in 3rd grade.

Lesson topic: "Written addition of three-digit numbers."

The purpose of the lesson: develop the ability to perform written addition of three-digit numbers.


    repeat the bitwise method of adding numbers;

    formulate an algorithm for adding three-digit numbers;

    develop the ability to apply it in various cases;

    develop students’ speech, activate logical thinking, develop stability of attention;

    cultivate positive motivation for the subject, a sense of friendship and mutual assistance.

Equipment: notebooks, a mathematics textbook (author Bogdanovich), a magnetic board, stars with numbers, stars with numbers, cards with tasks of three levels, cards with a task, help cards with a written addition algorithm, posters with images of asteroids and planets.

During the classes:

    Organizing time. Creating psychological comfort.

    Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. I see your shining faces. This indicates your good mood, then. Our lesson will be successful.

    Let's read the words written on the board:

Let the harsh winds blow in our faces,

All paths are open to us guys,

We'll rise to the stars, sail the seas,

We are seekers, we are pathfinders.

    Think about the words of this poem. What will we do in class? (We will overcome difficulties, complete difficult tasks, learn new things.)

    Indeed, we will learn a lot, make discoveries and make a fabulous journey into space. In outer space, we will need to not miss a single distress signal. We will help everyone who needs it.

    Updating knowledge.

    Let's see if you are ready for such a journey.

On the desk:

(Red stars with numbers: 9, 0, 1; yellow with numbers: 2, 6, 7; green with numbers: 4, 8, 3.)

    Name the numbers that can be made using red stars. (109, 901, 910, 190)

    What does the number “0” mean in these numbers?? (About the absence of some category.)

    Name the smallest number.(109)

    Name the digit composition of this number.(1 hundred, 0 tens, 9 units.)

    What is the previous number for it? (108) Subsequent? (110)

    Name the largest number.(910.) What does the 0 in this number mean?

    Name the previous number for it.(909) Subsequent. (911)

    Make and say numbers using yellow stars. (267, 276, 627, 672, 726, 762.)(The numbers are displayed on a magnetic board.)

    Name a number that contains 26 tens.(267.)

    (2s. 6dec. 7 units)

    (2 hundreds and 67 units.)

    (267 units)

    Name the number that contains 72 tens.(726.)

    How many hundreds and units are there in this number?(7s. and 26 units.)

    How many units are there in this number?(726 units)

    How many hundreds, tens and ones are there in this number?(7 pp. 2 d. 6 units)

    Make and say numbers using green stars. (483, 438, 348, 384, 834, 843.)

    Arrange the numbers in ascending order.

Name the smallest number. (348.)

    Present it as a sum of bit terms. (300+ 40+ 8)

    Name the largest number. (843.)

    Imagine it as a sum of bit terms. (800+40+3)

    So what do all the numbers you compiled have in common? (They are three digits.)

    Why are they called that? (They consist of three characters (numbers).)

    What are the digits that make up three-digit numbers? (From hundreds, tens, units.)

    I see that you are ready for the journey, we can hit the road.(A picture of an aircraft is posted on the board.)

    Your notebooks are now turning into logbooks.

Write down the number. Classwork.

    The red light on our control panel came on. This means that we are being asked for help. We're landing. It became known that asteroids are approaching the planet closest to us. We need to change the trajectory of their flight, for this we need to find out the number of each asteroid and arrange them in descending order.

A poster of falling asteroids opens on the board.

(300 + 40 + 5) + (200 + 20 + 4)

(400 + 50 + 4) + (300 + 5)

(600 + 30 + 2) + (20 + 4)

(400 + 20 + 3) + (200 + 50 + 6)

    Find the meaning of each expression in a convenient way. What needs to be done for this? (First add hundreds, then tens, then units and add the resulting results.)

    What numbers did you add in each expression?

Arrange the asteroids in descending (removing) order.

    Well done! You helped save the planet. Our ship continues its journey. But what is it? The distress signal is heard again. We're landing.

    Setting a learning task.

    There is a group of earth scientists on this planet. They do their calculations here. But space pirates broke into their station and destroyed their crews. We must help restore these calculations.

A note appears on the board:

6 3 5 9

+ 5 7 + 6 4

6 8 7 1 1 3

    Find errors. (In the first example, the terms are written incorrectly, and in the second, the calculations were performed incorrectly.)

    Write and solve these examples correctly in your notebooks. (One student works independently at the board.)

    Check: pronouncing the correct solution.

Now restore this entry:

5 3 4 2 7 6

+ 1 5 5 + 1 5 2

6 9 9 2 9 1 2

(A less prepared student works at the board.)

If there is a problem: If there is no problem:

    What is the reason for the difficulty? - Than the last example

(I don't know if the algorithm is different from the previous ones?

adding three-digit numbers.) Adding three-digit numbers.)

    What is the topic of our lesson? (Written addition of three-digit


    What will we learn in class? (We will learn to build an algorithm for adding three-digit numbers or refine this algorithm.)

    “Discovery” of new knowledge by children.

    How do you propose to build a new algorithm? (By analogy with the algorithm for adding two-digit numbers.)

    How will we write three-digit numbers in a column? (Same as before: units under units, tens under tens, hundreds under hundreds.) This is the first step.

    How will we do the addition? (Also by category.)

    Step 2 – adding up the units...

    Step 3 – add up the tens...

    4th step – add hundreds...

    Step 5 – read the answer.

    Repeat the algorithm for adding three-digit numbers again. (At the same time, helper cards (algorithm steps) are placed on the board.)

    Open the textbook on p. 59. read the conclusion given in the textbook. Compare it with the conclusion we made ourselves. (They are the same.)

    So, that means we have deduced the correct algorithm.

Physical education minute.

Don't yawn around

You are an astronaut today!

Let's start training

To become strong and agile.

Let's put our hands to the sides,

We'll get the left one with the right one,

And then vice versa.

One - clap, two - clap,

Turn around one more time.

One two three four,

Shoulders higher, arms wider...

We put our hands down,

And sit down at your desk again!

    Primary consolidation.

    What discovery have we made? How to do written addition of three-digit numbers?

Using the derived algorithm, we will perform the remaining calculations

scientists on assignment No. 2 of the textbook. We are working with comments.

(One student at the blackboard.)

    The last two examples are on their own. (Mutual check.)

6 . Independent work with self-test.

And finally, the latest calculations by scientists. You have task cards on your desks. There are three levels of tasks: level “A” is easy, level “B” is medium in difficulty and level “C” is difficult. You can choose which level of tasks you will complete. You can solve tasks at two levels.

(Children choose tasks and complete them.)

Level No. 1.

Solve examples:

115 338 137 513 264 348

+ 263 + 51 + 622 + 344 + 735 + 231

Level No. 2.

Write the examples in a column and solve them.

115 + 285 604 + 156 156 + 139

417 + 367 398 + 87 188 + 58

Level No. 3.

Recover the missing numbers.

2 * 3 2 8 * 3 2 6 * 5 * 3 * 5 * 2 *

+ * 5 * + 3 * 6 + * * * + * 6 + * 1 * + 5 * 3

7 1 2 * 0 2 8 0 7 3 2 9 7 3 9 7 4 1

    Check if you performed correctly according to the standard. (Answers to assignments are given.)

Got it done

I doubted it

Did not cope

    Well done! You have worked hard and valuable information destroyed by pirates has been restored.

7. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system.

    We flew most of the way. We are asked to land on a planet of robots, where the main robot has failed. For it to work, we need to find out if it has enough parts to repair it.

    Read the tasks on the cards.

Task No. 1.

On the first day, 250 parts were delivered to the planet to repair the robot, and on the second day, 3 times more. How many more parts were delivered on the second day than on the first?

Task No. 2.

On the first day, 254 parts were delivered to the planet to repair the robot, and on the second day, 167 more parts. How many parts were delivered to the planet in two days?

    Select the problem for which we will use a new algorithm for adding three-digit numbers. (Task No. 2.)

    What does the problem say?

    What is known about the problem?

    What question?

    What words should you take for a short entry?

    What do you need to know for this?

    Do we know everything for this?

    Can we find out?


    How to find out how many parts were delivered to the planet?

    Write down the solution to the problem yourself. Complete the addition in writing.

(One student works at the board.)


+ 167

421 (d.) was delivered on the second day.


+ 254

675 (d.)

Answer: a total of 675 parts were delivered to the planet.

    We found out how many parts were brought, but we don’t know how much the robot needs for repairs. To find out this number, let's solve the equation:

X - 347 = 272

X = 272 + 347 272

X= 619 + 347


Will the robot have enough delivered parts?(Yes.)

    Final reflection.

We've fixed the robot, it's time to go home. Look what a wonderful constellation we met on the way home.

(The poster opens (the inscription is made of stars):


    Let's take one star as a souvenir. If by the end of the trip you are in a great mood, then take a red star, if you are in a good mood - yellow, if not so good - green.

    What is your mood related to?

    What was the task?

    Did you manage to solve the problem?

    How did you get the new algorithm?

    Where can you apply new knowledge?

    What did you do well in the lesson?

    What else needs to be worked on?

Homework: compose and solve one example for a new one


Topic: “Plants are living organisms. Trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants"


    Introduce students to the names of plant groups and the plants belonging to these groups;

    Give an idea of ​​the invisible threads in nature;

    Foster love and respect for nature.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Checking homework.

    What riches of nature were discussed in the last lesson? (water, air)

    What is air? (gas mixture: nitrogen - 78%, oxygen - 21%, carbon dioxide - 1%)

    The role of air for all living things?

    What can you say about water?

    In what states can water exist in nature? (liquid, solid, gaseous)

    What causes water pollution?

    Can we say that water pollution is only caused by the actions of adults? What about children?

    How should you use water and why?

Conclusion. Water and air are special resources of nature, without which no living beings can live. Therefore, they must be valued and protected.

II. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

1. Today we will take you on a journey. Where? Find out by solving the riddle.

The house is open on all sides,
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come to the green house
You will see miracles in it. (Forest)

We will travel through the forest. You have to be very attentive to see miracles. Taking place in the forest.

2. Getting to know the diversity of plants.

Painting “Forest” (projected onto the screen).

Remember when you went to the forest, what plants did you meet? Which ones grow in the forest?

Our task– divide all these plants into groups.

Which ones do you think?
Which group will be first?

How are trees different from other plants? (one large trunk covered with bark, with many branches from it)

Are all trees the same in a forest?

What trees are we talking about?
Russian beauty
Standing in a clearing.
In a green blouse
In a white sundress? (birch)

Turned green in spring
Tanned in the summer
I put it on in the fall
Red corals. (Rowan)

Nobody's scared
And she keeps trembling (aspen)

I dropped my curls into the river
And I was sad about something
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone (willow)

What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn’t sew anything herself,
And in needles all year round (spruce)

How is spruce different from other trees? (instead of needle leaves)

Bottom line. There are trees

    What trees grow in our forests? (birch, aspen, spruce, pine, cedar, larch)

    What can we call these plants in one word? (rosehip, rowan, raspberry, currant) Shrubs.

    And why? (there is not one thick trunk, but several thin ones)

    What other shrubs can you name? (acacia, sea buckthorn)

    What other plants can there be besides trees and shrubs?

    What should we call this group? Herbs.

    What kind of herbs can we see in the forest? (dandelion, coltsfoot, burdock, chamomile)

I suggest getting to know the herbs of the forest better by listening to poems and riddles. (four students read poems and riddles)

On a sunny spring day
Golden blossomed flower
On a short, thick leg
He kept dozing on the path,
And he woke up and smiled!
"How fluffy I am!
I surprise everyone with my beauty!”

(flowers are yellow, small, like the sun)
(viewing on screen via video projector)

What do you know about this plant? (leaves and flowers are used to make tea and drink for coughs and colds)

Dandelion lives in the meadow, and on the edge, and in the garden, and loves vegetable gardens.

It breaks through cracks in the asphalt, and can even grow on the old roof of a house.

Honey and jam are made from it; The roots are used to make a drink similar to coffee. From young leaves - salad. Dandelion is a cure for insomnia, toothache and eye diseases.

What does a dandelion look like?

What kind of herbaceous plants are in our forests? (blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries, blueberries)

Let's remember the words from the song we learned?

Herbs can do anything:
Throat is treated, cough and laryngitis are treated
There are so many useful herbs in the forest,
Just take care of them all!

So, our journey through the forest ends, let's summarize. (a table opens on the board)

Conclusion.Forest consists of 3 tiers.

Forest called the “lungs of the planet” because forest is a factory that produces oxygen for human and animal life. The more trees we plant, the less forests we cut down, the cleaner there will be air on the planet.


III. Consolidation

1. Environmental task.

The guys planted a small spruce forest. They carefully looked after it: all the paths in the forest were paved, every blade of grass was weeded out, fallen pine needles were raked out and removed. Soon the Christmas trees stopped growing and died. Why?

An elk eats 35 kilograms of leaves per day in summer. And in 10 days? Per month?

2. Interesting facts.

* Why plantain Is that what it's called? (grows near the road, spreads, sticking to people's shoes)

* Ae Shim "Who's Shooting?"
- Stop! Who shot? Who hit me?
- I.
- Who are you?
- Acacia.
- For what?
- Accidentally.
- Look, how accurate... As if from a gun.
-What are you shooting from?
* What does acacia shoot from and why?
(from a dried pod with seeds for propagation)
* In Moscow, in the botanical garden, a tropical aquatic plant blooms annually in the summer Victoria-Cruciana . Its leaves are so large that they can support a three-year-old child and float freely on the water.

3. Continue the proverbs.

    Forest and water - brother and (sister).

    Lots of forest - (take care), little forest - (plant).

4. Quiz.

    What wood are matches made from? (aspen)

    What about skis? (birch). What about the piano? (spruce)

    Which trees have red leaves in autumn? (maple, rowan)

    What trees give sweet juice? (birch, maple)

    What harm can collecting sap do to a tree? (will dry out)

    How are a tree and a rifle similar? (There is trunk)

IV. Lesson summary. Student assessment.

The forest loves pedestrians very much,
For them he is completely his own.
There's a goblin wandering around here somewhere
With a green beard.
Life seems different
And my heart doesn't hurt
When over your head,
Like eternity, the forest is noisy.
(I. Nikulin.)

V. Homework.

Draw a picture of any plant and choose a riddle or poem for it.

Thank you for the lesson.

Open lesson in the Russian language: “Composition of words” (3rd grade)

Lesson objectives:

    developing the ability to distinguish between prepositions and prefixes and write them correctly;
    continue to work on the ability to write words with the studied spellings;
    highlight prefixes in words;

    developing in students the ability to highlight the main thing when determining spelling, to generalize what they have learned, the ability to work independently, using problematic questions, creative tasks;
    development of thinking, attention and speech of students;

    instilling in students a sense of positive evaluation and self-esteem.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Forms of work: frontal, individual.

Teaching methods: verbal-visual problem-search (heuristic), independent work, illustrative.

Methodical techniques:

    teacher's story,

    problematic issues,

    working on new concepts,

    creative tasks,

    practical exercises.

Pedagogical technologies:

    elements of problem-based learning technology,

    gaming technology elements,

    health-saving technology (transition from one type of activity to another).

During the classes

1.Organizational moment

– I am glad to welcome not only you guys, but also the guests to the lesson today. Today is an exciting and responsible lesson for us. As hospitable hosts, we will first show them attention.

We are pleased to welcome you to class
Perhaps there are better and more beautiful classes.
But let it be light for you in our class
Let it be cozy and very easy,
We have been instructed to meet you today,
But let's start the lesson, let's not waste time.

– Thank you, let’s hope that the mood of our guests has improved and they will enjoy relaxing in our class and rejoice at our successes. We are now setting off on an extraordinary journey, and we are at the School No. 43 station. So let's start our lesson. Open your notebooks and write down the number.

2. A minute of penmanship.

The first station is “Guess it.”

– At this station you must guess the riddle and write down the first letter of the answer in your notebooks.

I have a lot to do -
I'm a white blanket
I cover the whole earth
I remove it from the ice of the river.

- What is this? (winter)

– Look at the example on the board and write the letter beautifully in your notebook. (Write letters з З)

– Now choose related words for the word winter and write them down in your notebook. Sort by composition. (Winter - winter, winter over, wintering, winter over, wintering.)

3. Setting the topic of the lesson

– We are still at the “Guess It” station, having solved the crossword puzzle, we will find out the name of the topic of our lesson. You will have to simultaneously write down the words in your notebook and check them on the board.

    Not snow and not ice,
    And with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost)

    Name it guys
    A month in this riddle:
    His days are the shortest of all days,
    Of all nights longer than night.
    It snowed until spring.
    Only our month will pass,
    We are celebrating the New Year. (December)

    On New Year's Eve he came to the house
    Such a ruddy fat man.
    But every day he lost weight
    And finally he disappeared completely. (Calendar)

    Outerwear. (Coat)

    In the offer in the service
    He is always on friendly terms with the case.
    Points at him
    And words connect everything. (Pretext)

    I visited the hut -
    I painted the whole window,
    Stayed by the river -
    The bridge covered the entire river. (Freezing)

    I have two horses
    Two horses.
    They carry me along the water.
    And the water is hard
    Like stone! (Skates)

    It stings your ears, it stings your nose,
    Frost creeps into felt boots.
    If you splash water, it will fall
    Not water anymore. And the ice.
    Not even a bird can fly
    The bird is freezing from the frost.
    The sun turned towards summer.
    What, tell me, is this a month? (January)

    He sleeps in a den in winter
    Under the big pine tree
    And when spring comes
    Wakes up from sleep. (Bear)

    Always next to the janitor.
    I'm shoveling snow around.
    And I help the guys
    Make a slide, build a house. (Shovel)

    We substitute before the root
    This part. What do we call it? (Console)

4.Work on the topic of the lesson

Teacher: What do you think is the name of the topic of our lesson? (“Prepositions and prefixes”). We are going on a journey to the land of “Prepositions and Prepositions” and, of course, we will be interested in words with prefixes and prepositions. What goals will we set?

– Firstly, we must remember what a prefix is.

– Secondly, we must remember what a pretext is.

– Thirdly, it is necessary to remember the spelling of prepositions and prefixes.

Teacher: As you can see, many difficulties await us ahead, but I have no doubt that an unforgettable journey awaits us. Guys, what do you remember about prefixes and prepositions?

– What is a prefix?

Children: Part of the word is located before the root and serves to form words.

Teacher: What is a preposition?

Children: Part of speech that serves to connect words in a sentence.

Teacher: What do you remember about spelling prepositions and prefixes?

Children: You can insert a question or another word between the preposition and the word. You cannot insert a question or another word between the prefix and the root.

Teacher: Can a preposition be used before a word denoting an action?

Children: There is no preposition before a word denoting an action.

Station "Poigray-ka"

– I will name phrases, and you will replace each phrase with a word with a prefix. For example: a clock on the wall is a wall clock.

    Armband –…

    Step without noise -...

    Underground passage -...

    Stones underwater -...

    Advice without benefit -...

    Years before the war -...

    The badge on the chest is...

Station "Find it"

Game “Who would help us find out, where is the console, where is the excuse?” (work in pairs)

Teacher: Write down the words. Highlight the prefixes, underline the prepositions.

    (behind) the mountain

  • (to) run

    (under) pine

    (for) freezing


    (under) the snow

  • slide down

    (in the courtyard

  • (snowdrop

    (over) covers

  • (outside the window

    (on the rink

    (to freeze

- Now, guys, do a mutual check. If the task was completed correctly, then put a + sign, and if incorrectly, then put a - sign.

5. Physical education minute.

"Relax" station.

(gymnastics for the eyes)

Now the blizzard has started to walk.
A snowflake stuck here.
Here she flies, flutters,
Follow her with your eyes.

Station "Relax"

- We continue our journey. If the word has a prefix, then the boys clap. If the word has a preposition – girls.

Sweeping, on a sled, frozen, by a blizzard, by a snowflake, walk, to a snowman, hurried, sweeping, in the wind, frozen, on a skating rink, freeze, from the mountain, snowdrop.

6. Consolidation of the material covered.

Station "Think a minute"

(work in groups)

Card 1

(Test work using cards)

Card 1

– Prove the correctness of your answer.

– What phrases emphasize the beauty of the winter forest?

Card 2

- Explain the missing spellings.

– What kind of fur coat did the hare try on?

– Why does he need a new fur coat?

Card 3

– What is the meaning of this text?

– What are feeders needed for?

- In what lessons did we talk about this?

– Which of you has a bird feeder?

Card 4

– How does a squirrel spend the winter?

- Guys, you are probably tired and I suggest you rest a little more.

7. Physical education minute

With a prefix - sit down,
With software attachment – ​​rise
WITH UNDER- – jump, wink,
With a software console - to laugh,
WITH YOU - we stretch out our arms,
With O- – let’s lower them again.
That's it, it's time
With software - repeat charging.
WITH ZA- – complete charging.

8. Summing up.

– What topic did we study in class? Do you think we achieved our goals? What did you remember or like about today’s lesson?

- Guys, guess the charade.

My root is in price,
Find the prefix for me in the essay
My suffix is ​​in the notebook, we meet everyone
I'm all in the diary and in the magazine (O-price)

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Class: 3.

Didactic goal: create conditions for understanding new educational information and applying it in familiar and new educational situations.


  • Educational: introduce the written method of adding three-digit numbers with the transition through a digit unit using the method of calculation in a column; strengthen the ability to read and write three-digit numbers; consolidate the ability to add and subtract numbers based on knowledge of numbering; strengthen computational and problem-solving skills.
  • Educational: develop students’ cognitive processes (memory, thinking, attention, imagination, perception); form mathematical actions (generalization, classification, simple modeling); develop children's intelligence and creativity.
  • Educational: to form cognitive needs; to cultivate in children an interest in educational material and a desire to learn; cultivate a culture of interpersonal relationships, cultivate independence and critical thinking.

Lesson type: Studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge.

Lesson type: Travel lesson.

Lesson structure:

  1. organizational material, motivation;
  2. preparation for the main stage of the lesson;
  3. formulation of the problem;
  4. solution to the problem;
  5. repetition, testing of knowledge acquisition;
  6. summarizing;
  7. reflection;
  8. information about homework.
  1. The content of the educational material meets the program requirements and the requirements of the education standard.
  2. Skills and abilities that are practiced in the lesson:
    1. Students must read and write three-digit numbers;
    2. use the technique of writing a three-digit number as a sum of digit terms;
    3. add and subtract three-digit numbers based on knowledge of numbering.
  3. The form of lesson organization is playful, which will cause increased activity of students and involve them in the creative process of learning activities.
  4. An emotional and value-based attitude to life in cooperation between students and the teacher, and students among themselves.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity: frontal work, group work, pair work, independent work.

Methods used: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, problematic situation.

Method implementation forms: explanation, algorithm activities, reproduction of actions to apply knowledge in practice.

Principles of training: visibility, scientific character, accessibility, activity, connection between theory and practice, comprehensive solution to educational problems, upbringing and development.

Final result and control system: I hope that the lesson will be held in a friendly working environment. The game form of the lesson will set children up for success in the future. There are children in the class who need help in processing the designated skills. Therefore, today in the lesson there is individual control of the teacher and self-test, self-control, mutual check.


  1. textbook “Mathematics – 3” M.I. Moro;
  2. individual route sheets;
  3. handouts in envelopes;
  4. knowledge assessment scale;
  5. “help card” (reasoning plan);
  6. computer;
  7. multimedia installation;
  8. Power Point presentation;
  9. interactive board.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Slides 1, 2.

– Today we have guests at our lesson! Turn and greet your guests.

(Children say hello.)

II. Goal setting, motivation.

Our lesson is not quite ordinary. We will make an exciting space journey. Since today is already April 9, what if we increase this number by 3 will we get? (12.)

Slide 3.

Slide 4.

On April 12, 1961, at 9:06 a.m., the first spacecraft, the Vostok satellite, with a person on board, launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The ship was piloted by a Soviet cosmonaut, Major Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. In 108 minutes, the ship made one revolution around the Earth and landed on the territory of the USSR in the Saratov region.

– Another important event in the history of space exploration... Increase 1961 by 4.

Slide 5.

On March 18, 1965, the world's first spacewalk was performed by Soviet pilot, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov.

– Our space journey will be mathematical, during which we

Let's review knowledge about three-digit numbers and strengthen problem solving skills.

III. Preparing for the main stage of the lesson.

Slide 6.

Nowadays, astronauts fly on special aircraft - space shuttles. The shuttle can accommodate up to 7 people. And today we have 3 crews - according to the number of rows. You are members of space interplanetary ships.

– We need to prepare for the start. You need to decipher the code to begin your journey. Each crew receives a task. ( Application)

Each crew member must solve 1 example and pass it on down the chain. The crew member who received the sheet with already solved examples is directly involved in decoding. The encryption key will appear on the board a little later.

348 + 1 = 349
500 – 1 = 499
305 + 1 = 306
745 – 1 = 744
699 + 1 = 700

320 – 20= 300
108 – 100 = 8
432 + 1 = 433
890 – 90 = 800
750 – 50 = 700

400 + 56 = 456
550 – 50 = 500
70 + 200 =270
600 + 42 = 642
315 – 10 = 305

Slide 6.

306 349 499 700 744 8 300 433 700 800 270 305 456 500 642
m d at th A e R w th A O And T V R

Slide 7.

Think! Decide! Create!

– This is your motto and the key to success during your journey. Thinking is the main rule; after thinking, decide. Create, i.e. active thoughts.

- Attention! Pre-launch readiness is announced. We are going on a fabulous interplanetary journey. Your task is to show your knowledge, follow all instructions clearly, conduct research and make a discovery. Slide 8.

Slide 9.

We are clarifying the route of our trip.

On the board write: 172, 145, 164, 156,332, 148.

– What is written on the board? (Three-digit numbers are written, there are six of them.)

– Find the “extra” number.

(332, because it has three hundred, and the rest have 1 hundred each.)
(145, because it is odd, and the rest of the numbers are even.)

– Write down the remaining numbers in descending order.

– Break the numbers into ranks.

(1 hundred 7 tens, 2 units;
1 hundred 6 tens 4 ones;
1 hundred 5 tens 6 units;
1 hundred 4 tens 8 units.)

Slide 10.

We are approaching the planet of “fun numbers”.

There are numbers on this planet who love to work. They prepared several tasks for us.

Slide 11.

We need to replace the numbers with the sum of the bit terms.

(Children’s answers from their place along the chain.)

Number Sum of bit terms
542 500 + 40 + 2
237 200 + 30 + 7
711 700 + 10 + 1
806 800 + 6
310 300 +10
923 900 + 20 + 3
444 400 + 40 + 4

Slide 12.

Compare and insert the signs: greater than, less than, equal to.

(Children go one by one to the board and put the required sign.)

  • 589…598
  • 246…146
  • 504…514
  • 311…301
  • 607…670
  • 438…428
  • 847…846

Slide 13.

Make up all possible equalities with the given numbers.

(Children work independently on route sheets, and then at the board.)

Board: 230 122 352

  • 230 + 122 = 352
  • 122 + 230 = 352
  • 352 – 122 =230
  • 352 – 230 = 122.

– Name the whole. (352)

– Name the parts. (122,230)

– What needs to be done to find the whole? (Put the pieces together.)

– How do we find the part? (We subtract the known part from the whole.)

– How to check addition? (By subtraction.)

– How to check subtraction? (Addition.)

- Well done!

IV. Exercise for the eyes.

Slide 14 .

V. Obtaining new knowledge.

Since strong lightning has been recorded on this planet, we cannot land.

So, let's start doing calculations and calculations to correct the route of our journey.

– I suggest you study the paragraph on page 59 in the textbook yourself and tell each other.

(Work in pairs.)

Working with the textbook (page 59 No. 1.)

– How do three-digit numbers add up?

(Oral No. 1, children’s explanations according to the algorithm.)

Slide 16. Algorithm for adding three-digit numbers.

Working with the textbook. (No. 2 p. 59.)

Solving examples using an algorithm.

1 line with comments and writing on the board.

Line 2 – independently. Peer review.

(3 students at the blackboard.)

VI. Musical physical exercise.

Slide 17.

VII. Repetition of learned material.

Slide 18.

We're approaching planet Decide. Here we have to solve problems.

  1. This planet, of course, has its own money. They are called gavriki. For example, one pen costs 20 Gavriks. How many pens can you buy for 40 gavriks, for 100 gavriks?
  2. Slide 19 . Make up a problem using the table and solve it.

Children decide independently (3 students at the blackboard):

120: 4= 30 (g.) - price
90: 30 = 3 (l.)

Answer: 3 lines.


  1. At one of the factories on the planet “Decide-ka” they made balls that roll into the goal themselves.

Slide 20. Look at the table and create a problem based on it.

Children decide independently (2 students at the blackboard):

30 x 8 + 40 x 9 = 600 (m.)

Answer: 600 balls.


  1. The Supreme Ruler of the planet loves to solve fun problems that children come up with. He really asked you to come up with fun tasks for him. In the next math lesson, we will select the most interesting and fun problems, solve them ourselves first, and then send it to the ruler of the planet “Solve it.” Do you agree?

Slide 21.

We are flying past the planet "Snack." The inhabitants of this planet are confused and ask you to help them understand a difficult situation.

– Three cosmonauts of the big planet Dyr, Bul and Shchir are dressed in spacesuits of different colors - blue, yellow, white. Hole's spacesuit is not white. Bula's is neither yellow nor white. Write down the color of each astronaut’s spacesuit.


(Dyra’s suit is yellow, Bul’s is blue, Shchir’s is white.)

- Many thanks for the help!

VIII. Summarizing. Reflection.

Slide 22.

Our journey is coming to an end. Our solar system is already before us. Who will help determine where our native Earth is? (1 student points on the board.)

Slide 23.

As we approach our home planet Earth, let's take stock of our journey.

– What important discovery did you make for yourself today?

– What can you praise yourself for?

– What didn’t work out? (Children's answers.)

– How can you evaluate your knowledge and skills on the topic covered? Use the scale.

– And at home, make up a fun problem for the ruler of the planet “Solve it.”

Slide 24.

I thank everyone for their work, for their activity, for their smart answers.


  1. T.Yu. Tselousova, O.V. Kazakova Mathematics 3rd grade: Lesson developments for the textbook M.I. Moreau, M.A. Bantova et al. - M.: Vako, 2003.
  2. Collection “I'm going to class at elementary school. Mathematics" - M.: LLC Publishing House "First of September", 1999.
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