"Quiz" (extra-curricular event on technology). Quiz on technology “entertaining technology” Competition “in the world of professions”


technology course


This quiz contains tasks on four sections studied during the technology course in 7th grade. For each task, the answers are indicated on a separate presentation slide. The final part is a crossword puzzle, the questions of which cover all sections of the 7th grade technology course.

He has a rubber trunk, a canvas stomach, and his engine hums - He swallows both dust and rubbish.

(vacuum cleaner)


M I K R O F O N + K + L I M A + T



This is the name given to a wide frame made of multi-layer cardboard that frames a drawing, photograph, collage or other work of art.

Daily (dry) cleaning

Weekly (wet) cleaning

Seasonal (general) cleaning

Establish a correspondence between the specified types of cleaning of premises and the work performed.

Ventilation of premises; cleaning beds and common areas; sweeping the floor; dust removal.

Daily (dry) cleaning

Cleaning carpets and paths; wiping radiators, window sills; cleaning door handles, water taps, bathrooms; washing indoor plants; cleaning jewelry; washing floors.

Weekly (wet) cleaning

Sweeping walls and ceilings; cleaning ventilation grilles; washing cabinets; washing window sills, frames, windows, radiators, doors; washing floors.

Seasonal (general) cleaning

They are not easy to prepare:

Eggs, salt and milk,

Sugar, yeast and flour -

Everything is slightly whipped

Wooden round pestle

In liquid raw dough.

Bake in a frying pan -

Drizzle with sweet honey

Or sprinkle with cheese.

They will be delicious with butter


They are not easy to prepare:

Eggs, salt and milk,

Sugar, yeast and flour -

Everything is slightly whipped

Wooden round pestle

In liquid raw dough.

Bake in a frying pan -

Drizzle with sweet honey

Or sprinkle with cheese.

They will be delicious with butter




G I R Y + F E Z L + T A N K + A



This is the name given to fruits boiled in sugar syrup and then dried and candied.


Compare these products with the time of their storage in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4–8 o C.


Eats mulberry

He listens to the rustle of leaves.

Not a spider, but a thread spinning

Yes, a cocoon spins from a thread.

Silk outfit for yourself

Will make…

Eats mulberry

He listens to the rustle of leaves.

Not a spider, but a thread spinning

Yes, a cocoon spins from a thread.

Silk outfit for yourself

Will make…


M O R E + D E L I + R O V A + N I D O + E




This is the name for wet-heat treatment of the material to prevent subsequent shrinkage.

Back length to waist line

Half hip circumference

Length of the product

Half waist

Establish a correspondence between the names of the measures and their symbols.

Half waist

Half hip circumference

Back length to waist line

Length of the product

What kind of cap is on your finger?

Helped me embroider on a hoop.

He protects my finger

Protects from needles!

What kind of cap is on your finger?

Helped me embroider on a hoop.

He protects my finger

Protects from needles!


V + S + Sh + K I V I + P I A N I N O + E




This is the name for double-sided sewing, which consists of thin lines.

determine the center of the fabric

cut the threads

iron embroidery fabric

thread the fabric into the hoop

mark the center lines

overcast edges

Indicate the order in which the specified operations should be performed when preparing for embroidery.

determine the center of the fabric

cut the threads

iron embroidery fabric

thread the fabric into the hoop

mark the center lines

overcast edges


A sweet dish served after the main dish, at the end of the meal.


What is the key word?

A shared meal, when invitees eat standing, freely choosing food and drinks, and serve themselves.

What is the key word?


Double-sided soft surface that does not have a clear contour; It is performed using separate stitches, which can be arranged freely throughout the embroidery.


What is the key word?

Lighting devices that are designed to illuminate rooms, individual objects or open spaces: streets, courtyards, and so on.

What is the key word?


The state of the internal environment of a room that affects a person.

What is the key word?


A collection of objects or works of art, either the same or specially selected to suit a common theme.


What is the key word?

A nutritious fluid that appears in the mammary glands of female mammals.


What is the key word?

Smooth or profiled strip for making frames and cornices for paintings, graphic works, photographs, mirrors.

What is the key word?


Development of the design of a sewing product model.

What is the key word?


Double-sided satin stitch, which is embroidered with small, tightly fitting stitches.

What is the key word?



Technology Quiz for 4th Grade

Target: systematization of knowledge in the subject “Technology”, broadening the horizons of children.

Tasks: develop memory, attention, observation, thinking.

UUD: subject: apply knowledge acquired in technology lessons, know and use technology-related concepts in an active dictionary


Cognitive: work with information presented in various forms; use signs and symbols when solving puzzles

Regulatory: work with information presented in various forms;

Communicative: interact with comrades in a group while completing a task; argue your point of view;

Personal: show interest in production processes and professional activities of people.

Quiz participants are divided into teams in advance and come up with a name for their team.

Progress of the event:

The presenter introduces the jury and team.

After each competition, the jury sums up the results. For each correct answer, teams receive 1 point.


1 competition. "Warm-up"

Each team is asked questions in turn.

1 . A type of activity where hands work. (needlework)

2. Tool for hammering nails. (hammer)

3. What is wound on a reel? (threads)

4 . The art of paper folding. (origami)

5 . Tool for hand sewing. (needle)

6. Creation of jewelry and art products from beads. (beading)

7. Cutting tool. (knife)

8 . Making clothes, bedding, etc. from fabric. (sewing)

9 . Cutting tool. (scissors)

10 . Wood preparation. (bar)

2 competition. "Who's doing what?"

Teams must match cards with the name of the profession with cards on which the activities performed by a person in this profession are indicated. Each team receives an equal number of cards.

1. Confectioner

2. Handicraft

3. Welder

4. Machinist

5. Artist-fashion designer

6. Carpenter

7. Locksmith

8. Cutter

9. Embroiderer

10. Sewing equipment operator


A. Controls the train.

B. Decorates fabric products with ornaments and designs using colored threads.

B. Processes metals using hand tools.

D. Cuts out parts of a garment.

D. Prepares sweet products from flour using other products.

E. Works with an ax and builds wooden houses.

G. Performs various types of work on sewing products.

Z. Draws a sketch of clothes.

I. Is engaged in the manufacture of various goods at home.

K. A worker engaged in welding metals.

3 competition. "Rebuses"

These puzzles contain encrypted words that relate to the technology lesson.

Each team receives a sheet of puzzles and solves them. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

(pattern, seams, thimble, scissors)

Dynamic pause.

4 competition. “Guess it!”

Answer cards are projected on the board.

Do you want to cut? Please!

Ready to serve you. Don't believe me?

But don't complain about us,

If you measure incorrectly yourself. (Scissors)

Contorted like a snake -

I twist with force. (Cog.)

I'm long and thin

And wound up in a ball,

I ran away from the kitten

To a secluded corner. (Thread.)

I fasten and fasten

No screws or screws. (Glue.)

Finger protection -

Iron cup. (Thimble.)

I spin and spin

I'm spinning and spinning!

I'll tighten any screw! (Screwdriver)

It drags along on bobbins,

What, tell me, is it called? (Lace.)

Never lags behind

He follows the needle. (Needle)

Any dressmaker

Even Ira, even Vera,

The question will be answered dashingly:

Measure the purchased threads. (Coil.)

Brave sisters can do anything -

At least socks, or at least a jacket.

Everything is possible in the hands of skilled people,

There is nothing stopping them. (Knitting needles.)

Much needed sisters -

Thicker than a thread, thinner than a match.

And each has a sister

A sharp beak, like a bird's,

And the head is a curl,

Round small hook. (Pins.)

The cone turned into a wolf,

The stone became a beetle.

They worked for a long time,

The exhibition came later.

And he became our help

Only... (Natural material.)

Multi-colored sheets,

You cut them out and glue them.

Applications, pictures,

Silver snowflakes.

You can make flags too

From sheets... (Colored paper)

Small beads look like droplets.

You can put them on a thread, or on a wire too.

From them we will collect animals and weave baubles.

Tell me, what should we call these beads? (Beads)

I'm ready to blind the whole world -

House, car, two cats.

Today I am the ruler

I have... (Plasticine.)

5 competition. "Master's Tools"

Children are given a set of pictures depicting people of certain professions (pastry chef, electrician, seamstress, embroiderer) and the tools they use in their work.

In this competition, it is proposed to arrange cards with images of materials and tools in accordance with the profession of people.

Confectioner Electric

Confectionery syringe Wires

Baking Pliers

Knife Electrical tape

Pastry bag Switch

Seamstress Embroiderer

Scissors Threads

Fabric Needles

Needles Hoop

Pins Canvas

Thread Scissors

Braid Beads

6 competition. "Get a Word"

From the letters, make up words denoting the type of activity when working with different materials. Teams are given sets of letters (each word in a separate envelope), each team receives three envelopes.







Teams receive additional points if participants explain what this type of activity is.

Summing up the quiz. Team awards.

TECHNOLOGY QUIZ 1.What do you get at a spinning mill? (yarn) 2.What do you get at the weaving factory? (fabric) 3.What kind of fabric is called harsh? (taken off the loom) 4.What kind of fabric is called bleached? (harsh fabric bleached using special bleaches) 5.What kind of fabric is called printed? (fabric on which the design is printed) 6.Which fabric is called plain-dyed? (fabric dyed in one color) 7.What is fabric? (interlacing of two warp and weft threads) 8. What is at the edges of the fabric? (edge) 9.What is the edge used for? (protects the edges of the fabric from fraying) 10. Name the sides of the fabric. (front, back) 11. Give a description of the front side of the fabric. (smooth, shiny, bright color and pattern) 12. Give a description of the back side of the fabric. (rough, matte, it has a pale color and pattern, it has more knots and fibers.) 13. Name the weave of threads in the fabric. (plain, twill, satin) 14. Name two types of natural fibers by origin. (plant and animal) 15. Name fibers of plant origin. (linen and cotton.) 16. Name fibers of animal origin. (wool and silk.) 17. What is the name of the bush from which cotton fibers are obtained? (cotton) 18.Which country is the birthplace of cotton? (India and South America.) 19. From the wool of which animal is mohair obtained? (from the wool of Angora goats.) 20. Cashmere wool is obtained from the wool of which animal? (from the wool of cashmere goats.) 21. Angora wool is obtained from the wool of which animal? (from the wool of Angora rabbits.) 22.What is the name of the wool taken from sheep? (fleece.) 23. Which country is the birthplace of silk? (China.) 24.What is the raw material for producing synthetic fibers? (oil, gas, coal.) 25. What is the name of the “cap” through which chemical fibers are formed? (dies.)

26.Name the fabrics by purpose? (cotton, linen, wool, silk, artificial, synthetic, mixed.) 27. Name three types of fabric properties. (physicomechanical, hygienic, technological.) 28. What are fibers? (these are small, thin bodies.) 29.Name the types of fabric by purpose (household, technical, special.) 30.What is the origin of jute, kenaf and jute? (Yuta and kenaftropic plants, homeland - India, China.) 31. What is the name of the egg of a silkworm caterpillar? (greno.) 32.What is a dish? (this is food ready to eat.) 33.What is a sandwich? (this is a dish consisting of bread and other products that are placed on bread.) 34.What types of sandwiches are there according to the method of preparation? (cold and hot.) 35. What types of sandwiches are there? (open, closed - sandwiches, snack bars - canapés, tartines.) 36. Name the glassware for drinks. (teapot, tea cups, bowls, coffee pots, coffee cups, mugs). 37.What are proteins used for in the body? (serve to renew cells of the human body, increase the performance of body organs) 38. What are fats used in the body? (a source of energy that protects the body from cooling) 39. What are vitamins used in the body? (increase the body's resistance to diseases) 40. What is a balanced diet? (full, reasonable, correct, regular) 41. Name three principles of rational nutrition. (correct diet, moderation in food consumption, varied diet) 42.What are kitchen utensils used for? (for cooking) 43.What are kitchen utensils used for? (help with cooking) 44. What is the use of tableware? (they serve it on the table and eat from it) 45. Name the plates for serving the table. (deep: tableware, dessert; shallow: snack bars, tableware, dessert, pie.) 46. Name the drinkware. (glasses, wine glasses, cups, shot glasses, shot glasses) 46. Name the knives for table setting. (snack, table, fish, dessert, fruit)

47. Name the spoons for setting the table. (dining room, dessert, tea, coffee) 48. Name the forks for setting the table. (snack bar, dining room, fish bar, dessert, for cakes and pastries) 49. Name the methods of primary processing of products (sorting, washing, peeling, rinsing, slicing) 50. Name the methods of heat treatment of products (cooking, frying, stewing, sautéing, baking, blanching, searing, browning.) 51. What is sauteing of products? (lightly frying foods in a small amount of fat) 52.What types of snacks are there according to the method of preparation? (cold and hot) 53.Name hot snacks. (fried eggs, scrambled eggs, sausages, mushrooms baked in sour cream) 54. How long can seasoned and undressed salads be stored? (6 and 12 hours) 55.What are the first courses used for? (broths, decoctions, kvass, milk, fermented milk products, water) 56. What is the thick part of the soup called? (side dish) 57.Name the soups by consistency. (clear, dressing, puree) 58.Name the soups based on the main product. (meat, fish, dairy, fruit, vegetable, mushroom) 59. When are the main courses served on the table? (after the first course for lunch and after the appetizer for dinner) 60.Name the second courses based on the main product? (meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, pasta, flour, eggs) 61. What is dessert and when is it served? (sweet dishes and drinks that complete the meal) 62. What is the raw material for sweet dishes? (fruits and berries, milk, fermented milk products, sour cream, cream, butter, eggs, cereals) 63. Name the additives that give a certain taste to sweet dishes. (vanillin, jam, nuts, raisins, poppy seeds, starch, gelatin, cottage cheese, chocolate, cocoa, zest, cloves, nutmeg, etc.) 64. Name three cold sweet dishes. (compote, jelly, jelly) 65. Name three hot sweet dishes (soufflé, baked fruit, puddings) 66. What types of drinks are there according to the method of serving? (cold, hot) 67. Name cold soft drinks. (kvass, fruit drink, sbiten, cups)

68. Name hot non-alcoholic drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate) 69. Name the homeland of tea. (China) 70.Name the homeland of coffee. (Ethiopia.) 71. Name the homeland of cocoa. (Mexico and South American countries.) 73. What is tea? (these are the leaves of an evergreen perennial tea bush.) 74. What is coffee? (these are the fruits of the coffee tree.) 75. What is cocoa? (these are the fruits of an evergreen chocolate tree.) 76.What kind of dough is there according to the method of preparation? (yeast: unleavened and rich, shortbread, biscuit, custard, puff pastry and yeast-free.) 77.What is the menu? (this is a list of dishes offered.) 78. Name the methods of canning. (salting, pickling, pickling, soaking, making jam, preparing compotes) 79. What prevents the development of microorganisms in foods? (high temperature, high concentration of sugar and salt, vinegar) 80. What is pickling of foods? (a method of preserving food using vinegar, salt, sugar and spices, heat treatment) 81. What must be observed when preserving food? (sanitation rules, recipe, technological processing process) 82. Name the order of serving dishes on the table. (appetizers, soups, hot main courses, dessert, drinks) 83.Name the types of festive tables. (birthday, cake, banquet, buffet, cold or Swedish, cocktail, tea or coffee) 84. What is a buffet table? (a table with cold appetizers, which are taken only with a fork, served independently, eaten standing.) 85. What is a cold, or buffet, table? (the table is placed against the wall, covered with a tablecloth that hangs almost to the floor. Snacks, pastries, drinks are placed in the middle of the table, and at the edges there are drinkware, stacks of plates, knives and forks. Guests serve themselves and eat standing or sitting. ) 86.Name traditional Russian holidays. (Christmas Eve, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, New Year.) 87.Name the washing sequence. (sorted, soaked, boiled, washed, rinsed, blued, starched, antistatic treatment of linen, dried, ironed.) 88.List the types of apartment cleaning. (current, thorough, additional, general)

89.Where and when was the first sewing machine invented? (England - 1755 - Weisenthal - single-thread hand sewing machine.) 90.Name two types of sewing machines according to their purpose. (household universal, industrial - special) 91. What parts are on the platform of the sewing machine? (drawer and needle plate, fabric feeder, spool pin, presser knees) 92. What parts are located under the platform of a sewing machine? (shuttle device - shuttle, bobbin case, bobbin, lower thread tension regulator) 93. What parts are on the arm stand of a sewing machine? (manual drive, handle, hand wheel, winder, stitch length regulator) 94. What parts are on the front board of a sewing machine? (thread guides, thread take-up, upper thread tension regulator) 95. What parts are on the head of the sewing machine sleeve? (presser foot lift lever, presser foot rod and presser foot; needle bar and needle holder with thread guide) 96.What is another name for the fabric mover? (rail) 97. Where is the bobbin thread tension regulator located? (on the bobbin case) 98.Which part is the needle inserted into? (needle holder) 99.Name the operating diagram of an electric sewing machine. (electric motor – belt – flywheel) 100. Name the devices for small-scale mechanization. (feet: with a guide ruler, assembler, for making buttonholes, for sewing on buttons, for making raised seams, for sewing on braids, a stitcher, a chopper, for sewing on sleeves, a zigzag) 101. What is a stitch? (a completed cycle of weaving threads on the surface of the fabric between two needle punctures) 102. What is a stitch? (a series of repeating stitches) 103. What is a seam? (a place where several pieces are joined using a stitch) 104.What is stitch length? (distance between start and end of stitch) 105.What is seam width? (distance from the cut of the part to the stitch) 106. What are temporary stitches used for? (for temporary connection of parts)

107.Name temporary hand stitches? (basting and interfacing) 108.What is the interfacing seam used for? (to determine the middle of the parts) 109.Name permanent hand stitches. (overcasting, hemming) 110.What are overlock stitches used for? (for processing sections of parts) 111.Name hand overcast stitches. (oblique and loop) 112.Name hand hemming stitches. (hidden and goat stitches) 113.What are hemming stitches used for? (for processing the lower cuts of parts) 114.What is the stitch seam used for? (to connect two or more parts) 115. What are curly seams used for? (for decorating parts of garments) 116. Name the clothes based on the way they are dressed. (draped, overhead, swing) 117. Name the clothes based on the shape of the cut. (shoulder, waist, one-piece, cut at the waist) 118. Name the clothes according to their purpose. (home, business, sports, elegant) 119. . Name the dress for its intended purpose. (home, business, weekend, dressy, cocktail, evening) 120.Name three requirements for clothing. (hygienic, operational, aesthetic.) 121.What is a model? (This is a sample of a garment in the form of a drawing, photograph or finished product.) 122. What is a silhouette? (this is a planar outline of any object, i.e. its shadow; this is a planar, visual perception of three-dimensional forms of clothing that have clear external contours in the form of a shadow.) 123.Name the types of silhouette according to the degree of fit to the human figure. (fitted, semi-fitted, straight, triangular, oval, trapezoidal.) 124.Name the silhouette lines. (shaped or patterned, structural, decorative.) 125.What is the design of garments? (this is the construction of drawings of all the details of clothing.)

126. What is a sewing drawing? (this is a graphic representation of clothing parts in a plane, life-size or to scale.) 127.What is scale? (this is a number that shows how many times larger or smaller the image of the object is.) 128. On what scale are drawings of sewing products made? (1:4) 129.Name the methods for designing garments. (fake, non-calculation, calculation-measurement, calculation-analytical) 130. What does an artist and fashion designer do? (creates an initial sample of clothing in the form of a sketch) 131. What is artistic modeling? (the process of creating clothes) 132.Who develops the drawings of sewing products? (designer artist) 133. How are length measurements recorded? (in full) 134.How are girth and width measurements recorded? (in half size, except for the girth of the shoulder, wrist, hand) 135. What letters indicate girths, half-girths, lengths, widths? (O, S, D, W) 136. What measurements need to be taken to draw a drawing of a nightgown? (Ssh, Sg, St, Sat, Op, Dst, Di) 137. What is technical modeling? (modification of parts of a garment) 138. How do you prepare fabric for cutting? (selection of fabric, decating, checking for defects on the fabric, determining the front and back sides, determining the grain thread, determining the direction of the pattern, laying out the fabric) 139. What line is used to draw a pattern? (solid) 140.What line is used to outline seam allowances? (dotted) 141.How is fabric cut? (1. lay out and pin large parts, small parts. 2. outline the patterns with a solid line, mark auxiliary lines and points. 3. outline the seam allowances with a dotted line. 4. cut the fabric according to the seam allowances. 5. translate all lines and points from one part to another. 6. indicate the names of all parts. 7. determine the middle of the parts.) 142. What is a seam allowance? (distance from the seam to the part cut) 143.Name the methods for processing part cuts? (toothed scissors, overlock hand stitches, zigzag machine stitch, overlock) 144.Name the methods for processing the neckline? (edging, hem facing)

145.Name the methods for processing the bottom of the sleeve. (with facing, piping, hem with closed cut) 146. Name the methods for processing the armhole of a garment. (with facing, piping, hem with closed cut) 147. Name the methods for processing the bottom of the product. (with edging, lace, braid, seam in the hem with a closed cut or a closed cut) 148.What is the task of fitting? (to achieve the correct volume of the product, the correct fit of its parts, their correspondence with the model) 149.Name the methods for processing side cuts. (linen or double seam, stitched seam) 150.Name the sequence WTO.(1)check whether the iron is clean; 2) set the position of the thermometer in accordance with the type of fabric being processed; 3) iron all seams from the wrong side; 4) iron the front and back parts of the product in the longitudinal direction from the front side; 5) leave the ironed product for a few minutes in a spread-eagled or suspended form.) 151. What are the requirements for the quality of machine work? (all stitches are made with threads in the color of the fabric, the width of the seam corresponds to the size and follows the intended lines, the accuracy of the work) 152. What are the requirements? requirements for the quality of handmade work? (the thickness of the chalk lines on the fabric does not exceed 1 mm; stitches for temporary purposes are made with threads that are clearly visible on the fabric; the length of hand stitches corresponds to their sizes; the width of the seam is even, the same from the cut along the entire length; running stitches are removed after machine work.)

CULINARY QUIZ FOR FUTURE HOSTESSES What art provokes overeating? Dumas father's last book was this book. Which? Which of the great composers was also a great cook? What is the name of the document required to obtain medicine in Which of the modern authors of the detective genre wrote “Culinary ● (Cooking.) ● pharmacy, and the method of preparing the dish? (Recipe.) ● (Book of culinary recipes.) ● book of a lazy person? (Daria Dontsova.) ● (Gioacchino Rossini.) ● Culinary composer G. Rossini came up with a sauce made from Parmesan and cream with a dash of nutmeg. What dish do Italians generously sprinkle with Rossini sauce? (Pasta.) ● You can cook porridge from an axe, but can you cook soup from buttons?

How can you avoid spoiling the porridge? Taratorka is a specialist in preparing Bulgarian cold soup. Which soups are consumed more in Russia: cold or hot? What vegetable tops are used for cold Russian soup botvinya? Finish the old proverb with the name of a dish of Russian cuisine: “Kakova To prepare a dish that is not at all cannibalistic, you need a whole (Yes, you can, if they are torn out “with meat.”) ● (Butter.) ● soup tarator or a very talkative person. (Second.) ● Negro? (Vinaigrette - vinaigrette.) ● (Hot, this is explained by our cold climate.) ● (Beets.) ● Aksinya, that’s what...” (Botvinya. This is a cold kvass soup with boiled beet tops, onions and fish.) ● For what purpose? (So ​​that the beets do not lose their color.) ● (Shchi is a Russian national dish, which was prepared even before potatoes appeared in Rus'. Therefore, potatoes are not added to traditional cabbage soup. They are cooked from fresh white or sauerkraut, cabbage seedlings, sorrel, spinach, nettles in vegetable or meat broth.) ● (In pickle.) What is the name of the broth in the ear? (Yushka.) ● (You need to eat the soup with a spoon.) ● (Mashed potatoes.) ● (Okroshka.) ● What do you call a salad covered in kvass? Who invented “Guryev porridge”? Which hand should you eat soup with? What is the name of this type of soup made from pureed vegetables? Before adding beets, an experienced housewife will season the borscht with vinegar. Is it necessary to add potatoes to cabbage soup? In what soup are cucumbers and pearl barley found?

In 1912, the year of the centenary, Russian culinary specialists created “Chicken Solarium” - this is... What? What grain porridge was called black porridge in Rus'? What grain did Russian soldiers nickname “shrapnel”? Which cereal is called “pearl” for its exquisite color? What is the langet made from: beef or fish? Is chicken catabaka cooked in a frying pan or on the grill? (Serf cook Zakhar Kuzmin, whom Count Guryev and his family bought from Major Yurisovsky of the Orenburg Dragoon Regiment. The Count really liked the porridge served to him for dessert.) ● (From buckwheat.) ● (Pearl barley.) ● (Pearl barley, “pearl” – pearls.) ● a new sweet flour dish was invented. What shape was it? (Triangular - Napoleon cake. The triangular shape repeated the shape of Napoleon's headdress - a cocked hat.) ● (From beef. This is a kind of cutlet made from an oblong piece of meat.) ● (In a frying pan.) ● (Grill.) ● (Caesar.) ● khorovats, and in Azerbaijan - kebap. What do the Russians call it? (Shashlik. This word is used only by Russians, who borrowed it from the Tatars back in the 18th century to designate dishes on a spit. They called the spit “shish”. Hence “shishlik”, and in our language – “shashlyk”.) ● the composition is very similar to animals squirrels? (Meat.) ● (Lazy dumplings.) ● (Boiling milk.) ● (From cottage cheese.) ● (Potatoes.) What can you give up when eating beans, since its protein is different? In Georgia, this most popular meat dish is called mtsvadi, in Armenia – What are dumplings without filling called? What in the kitchen escapes from a bad housewife? What ancient Roman king is the chicken salad named after? Do chefs make cheesecakes from cheese or cottage cheese? What root vegetable is needed to make potato pancakes?

As the name suggests, preparing this dairy product couldn’t be easier. Which tropical fruit is not recommended to be used for jelly, because in What is the name of the “piercing” tool for making barbecue? What kind of fruit filling is considered the national English pie? Which fish wears a “fur coat” on holidays? It is customary to serve white with fish, and red with meat. What? What kind of food jumped into the mouth of the lazy Patsyuk from Gogol’s “Night” ● Name him. (Sour milk.) ● does it contain substances that prevent gelatin from hardening? (Pineapple.) ● (Skewer, skewer.) ● (Herring, dish “Herring under a fur coat.”) ● (Wine.) ● before Christmas”? (Dumplings.) ● (Cake “Prague”, Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic.) ● (Corned beef.) ● (Azu.) ● (In England.) ● poison”? (Tea.) ● milk: milk or tea? (Milk so that hot tea does not damage the expensive porcelain of the tea cup.) ● dish? (Apple.) ● cabbage? (German) ● cities? What do the British first pour into a cup when preparing a drink called tea with the national dish of which cuisine is sausages and stew? What drink, not flavored with milk, do the British consider “simply” Which city is served with tea? What was the traditional name for meat salted for future use in Rus'? What is the name of Tatar “goulash”? In which country do they traditionally have tea at 5 o'clock in the afternoon? What popular sauce was born during the siege of one of the French

In which European country do they traditionally prepare roasted chestnuts in winter? Before serving this poultry dish, in a Chinese restaurant What do Italians eat for many kilometers? What do Japanese restaurants serve instead of bread? The name of which German city is used to name a beef cutlet? The name of which national Jewish dish made from ground herring (Mayonnaise. After the name of the city of Port Mahon in the Balearic Islands, 1756) ● (France.) ● (Spaghetti.) ● (Fig. ) ● traditionally it will be cut into 108 pieces. What is this famous dish? (Popekin duck.) ● means “anticipation”? (Forshmak.) ● inserted into a crispy bun cut in half? (Hamburg - hamburger.) ● (Plombières, France.) ● (Parma, Italy.) ● (Italy.) ● (Lobio.) ● (From rose petals and dandelions.) ● (Tea.) ● for yourself from 64 grains ? (Coffee.) ● (Coffee.) ● (Coffee.) ● What drink is prepared in the cezve? Horse kefir is... What? What is the name of beans cooked in Georgia? What flower petals are used to make jam? To which popular drink did Bach devote one of his cantatas? What city does ice cream sundae get its name from? What city does Parmesan cheese get its name from? Which country gave the world its own open pie - pizza? What drink is most popular in China? What drink did the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven always prepare?

Musical seasoning is... What? The urgent need is... What? Stewed salad is... What? What is the name of a cake born from foam? (Koumiss.) ● (Salt.) ● (Pepper.) ● (Stew.) ● (Merringue.) ● (Roll.) ● (Starch.) ● (Diet.) ● (Picnic.) ● (Probably not. ) “Twisted” food is... What? What turns fruit juice into jelly? Diet to reduce your waistline is... What? What is a meal in nature called? Is porridge in the head food for the mind? BACK TO CONTENTS In which country does the Kitchen Academy exist? ● A. China. V. Italy. B. France. G. Russia. Which of these kitchen utensils is used in the process of ● preparing pasta? A. Sieve. V. Shumovka. B. Colander. G. Sieve. ● What is the name of the cooking pot?

A. Astrakhan. V. Tyumen. B. Ryazan. G. Kazan. What French dish, judging by its name, cannot be prepared without vinegar? A. Mayonnaise. B. Marinade. B. Vinaigrette. G. Julien. (The French word for vinegar is vinaigrette.) Which of these salads is dressed in crimson tones? ● A. Olivier. V. "Capital". B. "Mimosa". G. Vinaigrette. What do you call potatoes boiled in their skins in everyday life? ● A. In a shirt. V. In uniform. B. In a jacket. G. In a gymnast. Which of these Russian soups is not cold? ● A. Okroshka. V. Botvinya. B. Rassolnik. G. Svekolnik. ● What type of pies exist in Rus'? A. Rasstegai. B. Unharness. B. Rasselay. G. Spread. (A large round pie with a filling open at the top; generally a pie with an open filling.) Which of these is a Russian dish? ● A. Kulebyaka. V. Bully. B. Kalyaka. G. Malyak. (A large oblong pie filled with meat or fish, cabbage, porridge.) What is the name of a large cone-shaped wedding pie with ● various layers of fillings, one of which was always made from chicken meat? A. Kurnik. B. Chicken coop. B. Curiosity. G. Kuren.

● According to the Russian proverb, what makes a hut red? A. Caviar (red). B. Fish (red). B. Pies. G. Borsch. What can’t you cook kulesh without? ● A. Flour. B. Meat. B. Pasta. G. Krupa. What is the name of one of the dishes? ● A. Porridge in a cavalry manner. V. Goroshnitsa by artillery. B. Navy pasta. G. Guards Potatoes. Which of these foods does not contain cholesterol? ● A. Chicken leg. B. Sunflower oil; B. Smoked sausage. G. Fish fillet. What is usually used to dress Olivier salad? ● A. Mayonnaise. B. Vegetable oil; B. Vinegar. G. Mustard. What kind of porridge is called the porridge of English kings? ● A. Oatmeal. V. Buckwheat. B. Rice. G. Mannuya. What is the name of the traditional Moldavian dish? ● A. Mamalyga. V. Papalyga. B. Babalyga. G. Dedalyga. Which of these sauces belongs to Georgian cuisine? ● A. Bolognese. V. Tartarus. B. Tkemali. G. Bechamel. Which of these Georgian words does not indicate the name of a Georgian dish? ● A. Khachapuri. V. Basturma. B. Lobio. G. Lari. (This is the monetary unit of Georgia.)

Which of the following is not intended for storage of the corresponding ● product? A. Breadbox. B. Sugar bowl. B. Pepper shaker. G. Scrambled eggs. What grain is used to prepare the legendary Guryev porridge? ● A. Grechneva. V. Pshennoy. B. Manna. G. Oatmeal. What grains are not washed before cooking? ● A. Rice. V. Perlova. B. Manna. G. Millet. What is Varenets made from? ● A. From dough. B. From potatoes. B. From berries. G. From milk. What dish do you not need rice to prepare? ● A. Paella. V. Risotto. B. Pilaf. G. Mamalyga. (This is a thick porridge made from corn grits or flour.) What was the character of the famous Russian fairy tale Kolobok? ● A. Bread. V. Pie. B. Gingerbread. G. Pancake. (Gingerbread, only spherical. Remember well the fairy tale: “mixed with sour cream.”) Which of these flour products does not have a filling? ● A. Cheburek. V. Galushka. B. Pie. G. Belyash. Which of these culinary products is not flour? ● A. Lavash. V. Eclair. B. Kloecki. G. Azu.

What culinary product is called by the Italian word “worms”? ● A. Noodles. V. Spaghetti. B. Pasta. G. Vermicelli. The name of which flour product is translated from Italian as ● “rope”? A. Noodles. V. Spaghetti. B. Pasta. G. Vermicelli. Which of these first courses, according to the traditional recipe, should contain ● olives and lemon? A. Tarator. V. Borsch. B. Solyanka. G. Rassolnik. Which of these soups is traditionally made with lamb? ● A. Ear. V. Tarator. B. Shurpa. G. Botvinya. Which of these ingredients is not in the classic “Greek salad” ● recipe? A. Tomatoes. B. Cucumbers. B. Olives. G. Avocado. What were dumplings called in the old days? ● A. Bear's ear. B. Piglet. B. Goat leg. G. Bunny tail. Choose the correct ending of the Russian proverb: “The first pancake...” ● A. Kolom. V. Kom. B. You can’t spoil it with oil. G. Give it to the enemy. What is the name of a piece of beef from the back, beaten and fried in ● egg and breadcrumbs? A. Schnitzel. V. Azu. B. Rump steak. G. Goulash.

Which of these meat dishes is served cold even in the best homes and restaurants? A. Entrecote. V. Langet. B. Rump steak. G. Roast beef. What delicacy in France is called "poor man's oysters"? ● A. Shrimp. V. Mussels. B. Frog legs; G. Lobsters. Which of these dishes is traditionally prepared from herring? ● A. Julien. V. Forshmak. B. Kharcho. G. Escalope. What kind of dough is there? ● A. Sandy. V. Peschanikovoe. B. Sand. B. Pestsovoye. What kind of dough are eclairs made from? ● A. Puff pastry. V. Sand. B. Yeast. G. Custard. What can milk do? ● A. Shrink. B. Curl up. B. Bloom. G. Get tied up. Which of these culinary dishes is called blancmange? ● A. Vegetable stew. B. Milk jelly. B. Meat pate. G. Fish pie. ● What will they serve in the restaurant if you order foie gras? A. Salmon steak. B. Lamb on the bone. B. Goose liver. G. Cheese. What national cuisine is gazpacho soup? ● A. Japanese. V. Bulgarian. B. Spanish. G. Gruzinskaya.

The Japanese have several dishes made from so-called crystal meat. ● What kind of “meat” do they actually use? A. Cuttlefish. V. Medusa. B. Kalmarov. G. Frogs. Which cake's name means "kiss" in French? A. Meringue. V. Eclair. B. Biscuit. G. Rombaba. The name of which of these dishes is translated from French as “frost”? ● A. Soufflé. V. Muss. B. Cream. G. Jelly. The name of which confectionery product is translated from German as ● “whirlpool, abyss”? A. Meringue. V. Eclair. B. Strudel. G. Kreker. (Strudel is an apple pie on which apple slices are arranged in a circle - a “swirl”.) The name of which confectionery product comes from the English verb ● meaning “to break, crumble”? A. Meringue. V. Eclair. B. Strudel. G. Kreker. What is the literal translation from French for the name of eclair cake? ● A. Thunder. B. Lightning. B. Hail. G. Shower. What “vegetable” name is there for a cake? A. Radish. V. Potatoes. B. Parsley. G. Carrot. What is the name of the Australian dessert, which is a sponge cake dipped in chocolate fudge and sprinkled with coconut crumbs? A. Laminate. B. Laminaria.

B. Lamington. G. Lambrequin. What kind of cake is there? ● A. “Ivan the Terrible.” V. "Kutuzov". B. "Tamerlane". G. "Napoleon". “Napoleon” – what kind of cake is this? ● A. Pesochny. V. Biscuit. B. Waffle. G. Layered. What is the name of the dish made from beaten eggs? ● A. Enikibeniki. V. Humpty Dumpty. B. Gogolmogol. G. VankaVstanka. What is the name of the children's treat? ● A. Cotton candy. B. Gingerbread napkin. B. Candy bandage. G. Waffle towel. Which type of ice cream is the fattest? ● A. Creamy. B. Dairy. B. Fruit and berry. G. Ice cream. Which of these spices is sold in pea form? ● A. Vanilla. B. Ginger. B. Pepper. G. Cinnamon. What are the names of hot, peppered dishes? ● A. Kolkiye. B. Spiny. B. Acute. G. Cutting. The name of which spice comes from the Arabic word meaning ● “yellow”? A. Marjoram. B. Sesame. B. Basil. G. Saffron. What is the Japanese seasoning wasabi? ● A. Peretz. V. Mustard.

B. Horseradish. G. Algae. In the dictionary of foreign words, this word means a small sofa with a raised headboard. And in modern cuisine it is a small sandwich on fried bread. What is this word? A. Canapes. V. Toast. B. Sandwich. G. Hamburger. Which of these dishes is not Easter? ● A. Easter. V. Kulich. B. Eggs. G. Pancakes. Name the country - the birthplace of ketchup. ● A. Bulgaria. V. Hungary. B. USA. G. Mexico. Which of these sauces belongs to traditional French cuisine? ● A. Jianyu. V. Tkemali. B. Bechamel. G. Caruso. (A thick sauce made from milk or cream with eggs and flour, which is served with meat, fish and some other dishes.) What kind of milk is Greek feta cheese made from? ● A. Koroviego. V. Camel. B. Sheep. G. Kobylyego. What plant seeds are used to make tahini halva? ● A. Hazelnut. V. Almonds. B. Sesame. G. Sunflower. How many full teaspoons of liquid fit in a tablespoon? ● A. 1. C. 3. B. 5. D. 7. Which of these is boiled in a basin? ● A. Soup. V. Porridge. B. Jam. G. Compote.

Which of these great Russians was known as a great specialist in making jam ●? A.D.I. Mendeleev. V.N.I. Pirogov. B.A.S. Popov. G.V.I. Vernadsky. What drink is prepared by adding honey and spices to water? ● A. Mulled wine. V. Grog. B. Sbiten. G. Punch. In Slavic cuisine, jelly is made from the stem of which plant? ● A. Artichoke. V. Rhubarb. B. Corn. G. Mint. Which juice do you add salt to taste? ● A. Apple. B. Orange. B. Pear. G. Tomato. What is the literal translation of the English word “cocktail”, meaning a mixture of ● drinks? A. Rooster tail. V. Fox tail. B. Deer antlers. G. Elephant trunk. What kind of tea do the British call “Russian tea”? ● A. With milk. B. With lemon. B. With honey. G. With salt. Which of these “cooking” verbs is synonymous with the verb ● “to take care”? A. Roast. B. Bake. B. Boil. G. Stew.

Game quiz on labor training for students of 58 classes “Housewives” “Cooking” 1. What, according to popular beliefs, meant the beginning of all life? Egg. 2. A word that doesn’t make your mouth feel sweet, no matter how much you repeat it. Halva. 3. In the Middle Ages, knights wore this vegetable on their chests as a talisman. Onion. 4. Diplomat and method of preparing herring. Ambassador. 5. The product that gave old man Hottabych a cold. Ice cream. 6. Raw materials for making a carriage for Cinderella. Pumpkin. 7. This lightly bitten fruit has become a symbol of Macintosh computers. Apple. 8. What comes with eating? Appetite. 10. Where will the cream settle faster? In a refrigerator. 11. What is the name of a small sandwich? Tartine. 12.From what language was the word “kitchen” borrowed? From German. 13. Where did tea first come from in Russia? From China. "Sewing" 1. What clothes are made from. Material. 2. Curved ruler for drawing curved lines. Pattern. 3. Which parts are cut first, big or small? Big ones.

3. Clothes consisting of sleeves. Kimono. 4. An enterprise in which everyone is treated differently. Studio. 5. What measurement determines the size of the shoulder product? Chest circumference. 6. On which side of the figure are measurements taken? On the right. 7. What threads are used to make copy stitches? Contrasting. 8. Why are allowances given? For making seams. Handicraft" 1. What is the name of the art of knitting knots? Macrame. 2. How many knitting needles are needed to knit a sock in stockinette stitch? Five. 3. How is "patchwork" translated into Russian? Patchwork technique. 4. What is the name of painting on natural silk? Batik 5. What is the name of the lace, consisting of knots and “picots”, forming either circles or arcs? 6. What is the name of the special device for stretching the fabric? Slide 81. It is used in embroidery. 7. It is transferred to fabric. . Drawing 8. Durable paper for transferring a drawing from the original. 9. It can be artistic, scientific, or technical. 10. What is the name of the thread for embroidery?

Quiz on technology (section “Professional self-determination”) for students in grades 7–8 “Journey through the seas of professions” Goal: to update the process of professional self-determination of students through the special organization of their activities, including gaining knowledge about the world of professional work. Objectives: generalizing students’ knowledge about the areas of human professional activity; formation of conscious ideas about the world of work; fostering a respectful attitude towards people of various professions and the results of their work. 1. Anagrams: tiokredn, nyidreaz, gokelo, almyar, dimloe, ptloikn. Answers: pastry chef, designer, ecologist, painter, model, carpenter. 2. Captains competition. Captain of the first team From the listed words, select those words that denote specialties: surgeon, turner, judge, painter, school principal, pianist, literary critic, teacher, carpenter, assembler, fitter, test pilot, chemical laboratory technician, cutter, weaver.

Captain has 2 teams. From the listed words, you need to choose those words that mean professions: teacher, woodcarver, veterinarian, turner, doctor, bookseller, bulldozer driver, collective farm chairman, engineer, designer designer, hairdresser, driver, seamstress, culinary specialist. Answers: 1st captain. Surgeon, painter, pianist, literary critic, carpenter, test pilot. 2nd captain. Teacher, turner, doctor, engineer, hairdresser, driver, seamstress, cook. Questions for team 2. 3. Blitz tournament. Questions for team 1. 1. Who was A.P. Chekhov by profession? 2. List the necessary materials and equipment for the work of a seamstress and carpenter. 3. Is being a builder a profession or a specialty? 4. Where can you learn the profession of “engineer”? 5. What is the name of the person who provides telephone communication services? Questions for team 2. Who was W. Shakespeare by profession? 2. List the necessary materials and equipment for the work of a cook and an electrician. 3. Is a surgeon a profession or specialty? 4. Where can you learn the profession of “driver”? 5. What is the name of a person who grows agricultural products?




Extracurricular event on technology:

Game – quiz “Trowel”

(6th grade)

Technology teacher:

Khalirahmanova Gulnaz


2016 - 2017 academic year

Technology Quiz Game

" Master OK"


1. Systematize knowledge on the subject “Technology”.

2.Increasing technological culture, expanding horizons.

3. Education of observation, attention, memory, thinking.

Equipment: didactic handouts, stand,computer, TV, sheets of paper, presentationPowerPoint.

Event structure:

1) Meeting and greeting teams

2) Holding competitions

3) Summing up

4) Rewarding teams

Progress of the event

Hello, dear friends, we are glad to welcome you to technology weeks and to our game - the Trowel quiz, today you will show your knowledge and skills, ingenuity and skill, friendship and mutual assistance.We will hold a competition program for 2 teams.

Let's get to know the girls' team and the boys' team better.


1 competition “WARM-UP”

Five E" . All suggested words contain the letter “E”. Using the definitions, guess these words and write the letters in the empty boxes:

The first “E” is contained in the bark (log)

This “E” is in the carpenter’s table (tool)

This "E" has every detail (size)

This “E” is needed everywhere: both in the classroom and at a construction site (ruler)

This “E” is in the workshop (equipment)

This “E” is needed to take measurements in the studio (measurement)

These 2 “Es” are dealt with by fashion designers (modeling)

This “E” is needed everywhere: both in the workshop and in the atelier (creativity)

This “E” is convenient for whipping egg whites into a foam, instead of a mixer (whisk)

This “E” makes delicious buns (dough)

2nd competition “QUIZ”

- Finish the proverb.

    Business before pleasure).

    The master's work... (afraid).

    What goes around...(comes around).

    It's time for business...(an hour of fun).

    Patience and a little effort).

    Hurry up... (you'll make people laugh).

    Seven times measure cut once).

    The forest is being cut down... (chips fly).

    Skillful hands...(don't know boredom)

    Without difficulty...(you can’t pull a fish out of a pond)

3rd competition "BLITZ - SURVEY"

Question 1. Screws and screws can be screwed in and out using... (Screwdrivers).

Question 2 . What device is used to take measurements when sewing a product? (Meter)

Question 3 . Does a scale of 1:4 indicate that the drawing is scaled down or enlarged?

( With a reduction of 4 times.)

Question 4 . What needs to be added to the dough to make the dough fluffy and rise quickly? (yeast)

Question 5 : What are we talking about: cracks, knots, eyes, resin pockets, fungal lesions, etc. all this is ... (wood defects)

Question 6: How is the half waist circumference indicated when drawing a skirt design drawing? (St)

4th competition for “KNOWLEDGE OF ETIQUETTE”.

- Question 1. Why do men take off their hats when entering a room? (To show your respect for this house.)

- Question 2. To make the ride fun, do you take the ice cream bus?

(No. You might get other passengers dirty.)

- Question 3. Having eaten candy on the street, you carefully roll it into a small ball and, so that it does not lie under your feet, you throw it on the lawn.

(Into the nearest trash can or into your bag.)

- Question 4. Is it possible to refuse a gift?

(To refuse means to seriously offend the giver).

- Question 5 . Walking through the door, the boy meets an elderly man walking towards him. What should the boy do?

(The boy must let the old man pass)

5 competition “REBUSES”

Thimble Pin Stitch

Socket Carpenter Workbench

6th competition “ANAGRAMS”

1) AZOGOTKVA (blank)

2) IEELDZI (product)

3) ONBLSHA (template)

4) YALATI (waist)

5) URABONK (plane)

6) HAMMER (hammer)

7) REVOSL (drill)

8) TSYNIKNIFE (scissors)

9) NOLOKVO (fiber)

10) CASETSMA (chisel)

11) KILPANIN (file)

12) ACOGIL (needle)

7th competition “WHO IS FASTER”:

In fewer strokes, you need to drive a nail into a block of wood. The first team to do this faster will win.

8th competition “RIDDLES”.

I twist - I twist, I twist - I twist!

I'll tighten any screw! (Screwdriver)


I fasten and fasten

Without screws and screws (Glue)


They hit Yermilka as hard as they can on the back of the head!

But he doesn’t cry, he just hides his leg deeper! (Nail)


A steamer is sailing along the Prostynya River.

And behind it there is such a smooth surface - not a wrinkle can be seen. (Iron)


You can't drink water from this bucket. (Thimble)


I'm showing off on the wall, I don't have enough fork. (Socket)


He's thin, but his head is big. (Hammer.)


He has a plane and a saw and smells of resin.

He is not a mechanic, not a painter. Who is he? (Carpenter)


Sharp as a needle, but not suitable for sewing. (Awl.)

Two ends, two rings, a nail in the middle. (Scissors)


The wood is eaten by an eater, a hundred teeth in one row. (Saw.)



For the name of the profession, select its description:

1) Tailor

2) Carpenter

3) Cook

4) Carpenter

10th crossword competition “TECHNOLOGY”

Teams are offered one crossword puzzle. Each team solves it. Whoever is faster and more correct will win.

The crossword is attached below (2 copies)


The central keyword is TECHNOLOGY.


    Phawker's or carpenter's manual cutting. Is used formaking small recesses in wood, cleaning grooves, chamfering, relief and contour carvings. Consists of a blade and a handle.

    Carpentry, plumbing, universal...

    A universal tool that can cut paper, fabric, and metal.

    A tool used for cutting long products.


    An operation performed during machine work. Stitching, invoice, stitching...

    What can be seen in the very center of the trunk when it is cross-sectioned.

    A part of a future product made of paper, tracing paper, fabric, leather or other materials. Another name is “pattern” or “template”.

  1. A long, thin, pointed instrument made of a hard substance. Consists of a solid base. There is a point on one side and an eyelet for the thread on the other.

Central keyword – TECHNOLOGY



    Crafting table




    The seam





Summing up the results of competitions. Presentation of certificates https://ru.wikipedia.org

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