Subtracting round hundreds. Methodological development of a lesson in mathematics on the topic: “adding and subtracting round hundreds and tens”

Lesson notes in mathematics, grade 5

Lesson topic: Adding and subtracting round hundreds and tens.

Goal: - continue work on developing skills in adding round hundreds and tens;

Learn to solve examples of the form 220+10,840-40

Improve skills in solving problems in 2 steps;

Develop and correct attention, memory, mathematical speech.

Equipment: textbooks, notebooks, pencils, PC, presentation.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. The lesson is a journey into nature.

This journey will help us learn to add numbers. What numbers? We'll find out a little later. Let's check your homework first.

    Checking homework.

    Lesson topic message.

It's time to figure out the topic of the lesson. To do this you need to complete several tasks.


400, 210, 325, 600, 870.

Which number is the odd one out? How can you name the remaining numbers? – ( round)

As you complete the task, the topic of the lesson is revealed.



What numbers does the number series consist of? – ( round hundreds).

The full topic of the lesson opens - “Adding and subtracting round hundreds and tens.”

    Verbal counting.

- Riddle: Agile little animal

Lives in a hollow hut.

Jump and jump all day long,

I found a fungus

I strung it on a branch,

Prepared for future use. (Squirrel)

- perform No. 135 from 58 orally along the chain

Visual gymnastics. - Slide

    Formulation of the problem.

U: - We continue our journey and we have reached the stream. And to cross it we need to build a bridge. There are logs with tasks on the shore

So that you can easily cope with this task, let’s figure out how you will solve them. Who has any suggestions? (students suggest ways to solve such examples). The teacher summarizes.


U: - Well, now let's start building the bridge. Solve examples from textbook No. 137 p. 58 in notebooks

U: - Well done! With the help of your knowledge, we crossed to the other side. We worked hard, but we were tired. Let's rest a little.

Physical exercise.

Sunny fine day
My friends and I are going to the forest.
We carry baskets with us.
This is a good path! (walking in place)
Bird songs are heard everywhere
I won’t scare them with noise,
Great places here
Oh, what a beauty. (bending forward, backward)
We are walking through the forest again.
And everything around is so interesting!
(Turns left and right)
We've rested and it's time.
(Stretching - arms to the sides)
Get to work, masters!
(Children sit at their desks)


Pedagogical tasks :

educational: create conditions for strengthening the computational skills of adding and subtracting numbers with the transition through the digit within 100,introduce the algorithm for adding and subtracting round hundreds;

correctional and developmental: promote the development of mental operations and coherent speech of students,

educational: promotein complianceaccuracy in writing notes in notebooks.

Expected (planned) results:

Subject: become familiar with the rules for adding and subtracting round hundreds; learn to apply this rule when solving examples.

Cognitive: learn to construct a speech utterance orally.

Regulatory: learn to carry out step-by-step controlToresult.

Communicative: learn to ask questions.

Personal: will have the opportunity to form a sustainable educational and cognitive interest in new general ways of solving problems.

Equipment: textbook mathematics grade 5 author Perova M. N. and Kapustina G. M.,visualmaterialFororalaccounts;supports;workingnotebookBymathematics;abacus;cardsForindividualwork.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Greetings. Examination readiness To lesson. Emotional mood .

The teacher reads a poem.

Addition is a very, very simple action:

Let's put all kinds of objects together.

Put the toys in a drawer or in a box of candy wrappers...

And you will become a real great mathematician.

Anyone who wants to be friends with numbers can easily add everything up themselves!

A. Usachev

What do you think is the topic of the lesson?(Adding numbers.)

Name the inverse of addition.(Subtraction.)

Today in the lesson we will learn to add and subtract numbers within 1,000.

Students open their notebooks, write down the number, class work.

II. Verbal counting.

1. Exercise “Insert the missing numbers.”

7 + … = 15 12 – … = 7

8 + … = 14 … – 8 = 6

+ 9 = 16 15 – … = 9

What are the components called when added?(First term, second term, sum.)

What are the components of subtraction called?(Minimum, subtrahend, difference.)

How to find an unknown term?(To find an unknown term, you need to subtract the known term from the sum.)

What needs to be done to find an unknown minuend or subtrahend?(To find the unknown minuend, you need to add the subtrahend to the difference. To find the unknown subtrahend, you need to subtract the difference from the minuend.)

2. Exercise “Fill in the table.”

The teacher shows the table.























What arithmetic operations did you perform with numbers?(Addition, subtraction.)

Within what digit unit were numbers added and subtracted?(Within 100.)

III. Updating the sensory experience of students.

What class did you take?(Class of units.)

Whichranksmake upClassunits?(Units, tens, hundreds.)

On which abacus wire are the units laid off; tens; hundreds?(Units are laid on the first wire from the bottom; tens - on the second from the bottom; hundreds - on the third from the bottom.)

Keep the numbers on the abacus and write them down in your notebook in two columns.

20 200

40 400

30 300

What two groups were they divided into based on the number of numbers?(Two-digit and three-digit numbers.)

Read out two-digit numbers.(20, 40, 30.)

What rank do they lack?(Units.)

What are these numbers called?(Round tens.)

What are the names of the numbers written in the second column?(Round hundreds.)

Prove it.(There are no units and tens, we write zeros in their place.)

Make up three examples of addition and subtraction from the numbers in the first column.(20 + 40; 40 – 20; 20 + 30; 30 – 20; 30 + 40; 40 – 30.)

Solve them, explaining your solution.

How do you add and subtract round tens?(Round tens are added and subtracted in the same way as units.)

IV. Learning new material.

Today we will learn how to add and subtract round hundreds.

What arithmetic operation are examples?(For addition.)

How do you subtract round hundreds?

Conducting physical exercises

V. Correction and primary consolidation of knowledge.

Work according to the textbook: completing tasks 110 (1, 2 tbsp.), 114 (2, 3 tbsp.) on p. 54–55.

Students come out To blackboard By alone, decide examples With explanation.

Solve examples.

100 + 300 600 + 400 100 + 400 + 200

500 + 300 700 + 300 300 + 400 + 300

How do you add round hundreds?

Solve examples according to the model.

Sample: 50 – 30 = ?; 5 dec. – 3 dec. = 2 dec. = 20.

600 – 400 = ?; 6 hundred. – 4 hundred. = 2 cells = 200.

90 – 60 700 – 300

60 – 30 500 – 400 (The problem talks about a train.)

How can you write a brief statement of the problem?(The condition is drawn up in the form of a drawing.)

How do you think the problem should be solved?(By the action of addition.)

Solve the problem yourself.

One student completes the task from the back of the board; examination.

How do you add round hundreds?(Same as simple units and round hundreds.)

State the rules for crossing railway tracks.(Students' answers.)

VII. Lesson summary.

What numbers did you learn to add and subtract?(Round hundreds.)

How do we add and subtract round hundreds?(Round hundreds add and subtract in the same way as units and round tens.)

What class do round hundreds belong to?(Round hundreds are classified as units.)

What numbers do we call terms?(Numbers that add are called addends.)

What number do we call the minuend?(The number from which we subtract is called the minuend.)

Which number do we call subtrahend?(The number that we subtract is called subtrahend.)

Homework: task 110 (3, 4 pages), p. 54.

Nesterenko Galina Garisonovna
Job title: mathematic teacher
Educational institution: State government educational institution of the Krasnodar Territory special (correctional) school No. 27
Locality: g.k. Anapa
Name of material: methodological development
Subject:"Adding and subtracting round hundreds within 10000"
Publication date: 30.09.2018
Chapter: secondary education

Nesterenko Galina Garisonovna

Math lesson notes

in 6th grade

Teacher: Nesterenko Galina Garisonovna

Topic: “Adding and subtracting round hundreds within

Lesson type: combined lesson

Correctional: consolidate skills in working according to verbal instructions,

develop connected and phrasal speech; develop and adjust higher

mental processes in students; develop skills to use

past experience.

Educational: developing skills to add and subtract numbers

Educational: cultivate curiosity, interest in lessons


Equipment: interactive whiteboard, cards, textbook.


1) PROGRAMS of special (correctional) general education

Type VIII institutions. Edited by Voronkov V.V.

2) Mathematics. Textbook for 6th grade special (correctional)

general educational institutions of the VIII type. Edited by

G.M.Kapustina, M.N.Perova.

3) METHODOLOGY of teaching in a correctional school. Edited by

Perova M.N.

Organizing time,

Goal: to prepare students to learn new

Objectives: to activate vocabulary when

writing multi-digit numbers and highlighting

bit units,

Develop cognitive activity on

basis of analysis operations when comparing

numbers. Activate mental counting skills

"Soft landing." The numbers are mixed up.

Name them in order

increasing (1 group) 100, 300, 700,


(2nd group)3,2,4,1,5.

A minute to read. Find the extra word:

sum, addend, minuend, addend.

Verbal counting

The purpose of the second stage of the lesson is to prepare

students to learn addition and subtraction

round hundreds within 10000

Counting table: once in a dense forest

The hedgehog built himself a house.

Invited the forest animals

Count them quickly:

2 little fox, a little hare and a cheerful little bear.

Group 2: register

numbers 1,2,3,4,5. Goal

: promotion of health, physical development and

increasing the performance of students;

Formation of correct posture skills in

static positions and in motion.

I.p. - sitting at a desk

1-2 clasped their palms tightly, bending their fingers.

3-4 relaxed. Repeat 3-4 times.

1-2 raised their hands up, palms connected

(inhale) 3-4 – returned to IP. (exhalation)

Repeat 3-4 times.

I.p. sitting hands on the belt 1 - swing your left hand

sweep over your right shoulder, turn your head

to the left, 2 – i.p. 3-4 - the same with the right hand.

Repeat 4-5 times.

The pace is slow.

Learning a new educational


The purpose of the third stage of the lesson

formation of folding skills and

Correctional: skills formation

use past experience, consolidate skills

work according to verbal instructions, develop

Educational: formation of calculated

Educational: cultivate perseverance.

200+300= 200+300+100=

We need to buy bread

Or give gifts

We'll take the bag with you

And we go outside

There we walk along the shop windows

And we go to the store.

Game "Let's go to the store." slide 1




How much do the hat and scarf cost? How much are

boots and scarf? How much do the hat and

sneakers? How much do the hat and boots cost?


Notebook 3r.

How much do a pen and pencil cost?

How much do a notebook and pencil cost?

Consolidation of educational


Purpose: to check how students have learned the new


Educational objectives:

Continue developing folding skills

Corrective tasks:

To develop students' ability to highlight

the main thing in the material being studied is to work according to

verbal instructions.

Let's check how well you have mastered addition and subtraction

four-digit numbers.

Do some independent work. Group

Level 1 students learning opportunities.

1)200+300 2)500+100

3)200+300+100 4)600 +200+100


Write 1,2,3,4,5.

In case of difficulties, help is allowed

round hundreds within 1000. - How to add

or subtract round hundreds within 1000?

Homework assignment.

Strengthen addition and subtraction skills

round hundreds within 1000.

Develop memory based on learning rules,

strengthen verbal skills

instructions, strengthen addition skills and

subtracting four-digit numbers. Bring up

independence, attentiveness.

Group of students of 1st level of opportunity

training: page 50№201 (1).

Group of students of level 2 opportunity

training: page 50 No. 201 (1)1,2 column..

Group of students of 3rd level of opportunity

training: page No. 201 (1) 1 column.

Learn the rules: p.50.

Actions are carried out on the basis of knowledge of numbering and are essentially reduced to actions within 10. Reasoning is carried out as follows: 200 is 2 hundreds, 100 is 1 hundred.

2 hundred + l cell = 3 cells 3 hundreds is 300. 200+100=300 500-200=?

5 hundred -2 ​​hundred. = 3 cells = 300 500-200 = 300

Individual students who still need to use visual aids can be offered bundles of sticks (1000 sticks tied into bundles of hundreds), plates of arithmetic

some boxes, strips 1 m long, each divided by 100 cm, abacus, abacus.

It is useful to solve and compose triples of examples of the form

400+200= 700-500=

followed by comparison of components and results of action

2. Addition and subtraction of round hundreds and units, round
hundreds and tens (actions are based on knowledge of numbering):

a) 300+ 5 305- 5 b) 300+ 40 340- 40

5+300 305-300 40+300 340-300

c) 300+ 45 345- 45

3. Addition and subtraction of round tens, as well as round
hundreds and tens:

a) 430+ 20 450- 20 b) 430+200
c) 430+120 550-120 630-200

When solving cases a), b) the reasoning is carried out as follows: “430 is 4 hundred. and 3 des., 20 is 2 des. Add the tens: 3 dec. + 2 dec. = 5 dec. 4 hundred + 5 tens = 450.”

It is recommended to underline digits that are added or subtracted:

4 30+2 00=630 6 30-2 00=430

7 Perova M. N.

When solving examples of type c) the reasoning is carried out as follows

“120=100+20, 430+100=530, 530+20=550”, i.e. this case

addition (subtraction) is reduced to the cases of addition (subtraction) a), b) already known to students.

4. Addition of three-digit numbers with single-digit, two-digit and
three-digit without passing through the digit and the corresponding cases
subtraction teas:

a) 540+5 545-5 b) 545+40 c) 350+23 373-23

543+2 545-2 585-40 356+23 379-23

d) 350+123 673-123 356+123 679-123

Actions are performed orally. When performing actions, students use the same techniques that they used when studying the operations of addition and subtraction within 100, i.e., they decompose the second component of the action (the second addend or subtrahend) into digit units and sequentially add them or subtracted from the first component.

For example:

350+123 ______ 673-123 _______

123=100+20+3 123=100+20+3

350+100=450 673-100=573

450+ 20=470 573- 20=553

470+ 3=473 553- 3=550

5. Special cases of addition and subtraction. These include
cases that cause the greatest difficulties and in which
most often mistakes are made. Students have the most difficulty
operations with zero (zero is in the middle of a number or in
end). The case of numbers containing zero does not require special
techniques. But more such examples need to be solved and repeated
before solving such examples, solving addition examples
and subtraction when the action component is zero: 0+3,
5+0, 5-5:

A) 308+121 b) 402-201 V) 736-504

308+100=408 402-200=202 736-500=236

408+ 20=428 202- 1=201 236- 4=232 428+ 1=429

d) 0+436 700-0 725-725

Oral calculation techniques require students to constantly analyze numbers according to their decimal composition, understand the place

numbers in numbers, understanding that actions can be performed

only over digits of the same name. Not all students in the auxiliary school understand this at the same time.

Before taking action, it is necessary to obtain from the participants

of preliminary analysis of the decimal composition of numbers. The teacher should more often ask questions: “Where should we start?

nie? What digits are we adding?”

Otherwise, students make mistakes when calculating

niyah. They add tens and hundreds and write down the result.

either in the hundreds place or in the tens place, for example: 400+10=500, 30+400=70, 30+400=4 7 0, 30+400=34 0,

670+2=69 0, 670-3=64 0.

These errors indicate a lack of understanding of the positional meaning of numbers in a number and an inability to independently control the results of actions. The teacher needs to ensure that students check the execution of actions, and do this not formally, but in essence. It is often possible to observe that a student supposedly did a test, but performed it formally. He only wrote down the reverse action, and did not solve it, so he did not notice the mistake made, for example: 490-280=110.

Examination. 110+280=490.

You can often encounter a lack of understanding by mentally retarded schoolchildren (even in high school) of the essence of testing. Testing is often done by students only because it is either required by the teacher or because such an assignment is contained in the textbook. Often, when performing a test, a student receives a discrepancy between the result obtained and the given example, but this does not serve as a reason for him to correct the incorrect answer, for example: 570-150=320. Examination. 320+150=470.

In this case, the check acts as an independent action, in no way related to the one that the student is checking.

The teacher must constantly remember these mistakes of students with intellectual disabilities and demand answers to the questions: “What did the test show? Is the example solved correctly? How to prove that the action was performed correctly?

The conscious performance of mental calculations and the development of generalized methods of performing actions are served by constant attention.

attention to questions of comparison and comparison of addition and subtraction cases of different difficulty. It is important to teach students to see the general and special in the examples they solve.

For example, compare examples and explain their solution:

30+5, 300+40, 300+45, 300+140, 300+145, 300+105.

305-5, 340-40, 345-45, 340-300, 345-300, 345-200.

It is also useful for students to compile examples that are similar (similar) to the data, or examples of a certain type: “Create an example in which you need to add round hundreds with units”; “Create an example of subtraction in which the minuend is a three-digit number, and the subtrahend is round tens,” etc. 1

To consolidate the operations of addition and subtraction within 1000 using mental calculation techniques, it is useful to solve examples with unknown components.

II. Addition and subtraction with jumping through digits.

Addition and subtraction with jumping through digits is the most difficult material. Therefore, students perform actions in a column. Addition and subtraction in a column are performed on each digit separately and are reduced to addition and subtraction within 20. But in this case, mentally retarded schoolchildren have difficulties in writing numbers, that is, in the ability to correctly sign the digit under the corresponding digit.

Often, due to the inability to organize attention, due to an insufficiently clear understanding of the positional meaning of digits in a number, or even due to negligence when writing numbers, students shift the number that needs to be added or subtracted to the left or right and therefore make mistakes in calculations. Students make especially many mistakes when writing numbers in a column if the action is performed on a three-digit and two-digit or single-digit number. In this case, tens are signed under hundreds, units under hundreds or tens. This leads to errors in calculations.

For example:

+ 6 + 3818

The greatest difficulty is caused by the action of subtraction. Errors in calculations are of various types. The reason for some of

Low-performing students are allowed to complete all cases in a column.

One of them is poor mastery of table addition and subtraction in cases 20.

Many mistakes are made as a result of students forgetting to add the resulting ten or hundred in their minds, and also forgetting that they “borrowed” a hundred or ten. For example:

In this case, the reasoning is carried out as follows: it is impossible to subtract, subtract 5 from 8 units, take it away, the difference is 373.”

Lesson 77
adding round hundreds

Goals: learn how to add round hundreds; improve computing skills; develop skills in solving word problems; consolidate the ability to create a numerical expression for a drawing; develop logical thinking and attention.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Verbal counting.

1. Guess what rule the diagrams are based on, insert the numbers into the “boxes”.

2. Place “+” or “–” signs.

69 … 40 … 8 = 21 17 … 70 … 2 = 89

75 … 5 … 30 + 40 31 … 60 … 7 = 98

20 … 6 … 2 = 24 61 … 8 … 9 = 60

8 … 2 … 47 = 57 34 … 4 … 6 = 36

3. Task.

In three days, workers repaired 24 trolleybuses: on the first day, 8 trolleybuses, on the second – 10. How many trolleybuses did they repair on the third day?

III. Lesson topic message.

– Read numerical expressions.

400 + 500

200 + 400

– Find the “extra” expression in each column.

– Today in class we will learn how to add “round” hundreds.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Task 1.

- Read the problem.

– What is known?

– What do you need to know?

- Solve the problem.

Reds - 3 hundred. onion.

Yellow - 2 hundred. onion.

Total - ?

3 hundred. + 2 cells = 5 hundred. (bulbs) - total.

Answer: 5 hundred. bulbs

– How to add hundreds?

2. Task 2.

Students do hundreds addition.

5 hundred. + 4 cells = 9 cells 4 hundred. + 3 cells = 7 cells

7 hundred. + 1 cell. = 8 cells 5 hundred. + 5 hundred. = 10 hundred.

3. Task 3.

– Write each given hundreds number as round hundreds.

1 cell = 100 8 hundred. = 800

2 hundred = 200 7 hundred. = 700

5 hundred. = 500 3 cells. = 300

4 hundred. = 400 6 hundred. = 600

4. Task 4.

- Read the problem.

– Compare it with task 1. How are they similar? What is the difference?

- Solve the problem.

Red – 300 onions.

Yellow - 200 onions.

Total - ? onion.

300 + 200 = 500 (bulbs) – total.

Answer: 500 bulbs.

Physical education minute

5. Task 5.

– Perform round hundreds addition.

– Why does adding “round” hundreds produce a number that is a “round” hundred?

6. Task 7.

– How many big red squares? (3.)

– How many big blue squares? (1.)

– How many cells is each large square divided into? (At 100.)

– How many red cells are there in total? (3 cells = 300.)

– How many blue cells are there in total? (1 cell = 100.)

– How many cells are there in total?

– Make up a numerical equation based on this picture.

V. Lesson summary.

– What new did you learn in the lesson?

– How to perform addition of “round” hundreds?

Homework: textbook, p. 12, no. 6.

Lesson 78
subtracting round hundreds

Lesson Objectives: learn to subtract “round” hundreds; improve computing skills; develop skills in solving word problems; consolidate the ability to compare the values ​​of numerical expressions; develop logical thinking.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Verbal counting.

1. Guess what numbers need to be inserted into the “windows”.

2. Solve the rules and continue the series of numbers:

a) 13, 15, 19, 25, 33, … , … , … ;

b) 81, 84, 80, 83, 79, … , … , … ;

c) 9, 12, 16, 21, 27, 34, … , … , … .

3. Task.

Vasya drew a three-story house. On the first floor he painted doors and 6 windows, and on the two upper floors there were 8 windows each. How many windows did Vasya draw in this house?

4. In each line, instead of dots, insert the missing figures, maintaining the order of their alternation.

III. Lesson topic message.

– Consider numerical expressions.

8 dec. – 2 dec.

9 hundred. – 3 hundred.

7 dec. – 5 dec.

800 – 600

– Find the “extra” numerical expression in each column.

– Today in class we will learn how to subtract “round” hundreds.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Task 1.

- Read the problem.

- Solve the problem.

3 hundred. – 1 hundred. = 2 cells (feast) - baked by the 2nd bakery.

Answer: 2 hundred. pies.

2. Task 2.

– Perform hundreds subtraction.

7 hundred. – 2 hundred. = 5 hundred. 9 hundred. – 3 hundred. = 6 cells

5 hundred. – 4 hundred. = 1 cell 6 hundred. – 1 hundred. = 5 hundred.

3. Task 3.

- Read the problem.

– What is known? What do you need to know?

– Compare tasks 1 and 3. How are they similar?

– Solve this problem.

300 – 100 = 200 (pir.) – baked by the 2nd bakery.

Answer: 200 pies.

Physical education minute

4. Task 5.

– Make a diagram of the expression.

( + ) – 

– Solve the given numerical expressions.

(300 + 200) – 200 = 500 – 200 = 300

(500 + 300) – 100 = 800 – 100 = 700

(400 + 500) – 300 = 900 – 300 = 600

(600 + 300) – 500 = 900 – 500 = 400

(200 + 400) – 400 = 600 – 400 = 200

(300 + 400) – 600 = 700 – 600 = 100

5. Task 6.

– How are these numerical expressions similar?

– What action should be performed first?

– Make a diagram of the expression.

 – ( + )

– Follow the steps indicated.

500 – (200 + 200) = 500 – 400 = 100

700 – (400 + 300) = 700 – 700 = 0

800 – (200 + 400) = 800 – 600 = 200

900 – (500 + 300) = 900 – 800 = 100

6. Task 7.

– Compare the meanings of numerical expressions. Write the comparison results in the form of true equalities or inequalities.

600 – 200 600 – 300

700 – 200 = 700 – 100 – 100

(500 + 400) – 100 = 900 – 100

800 – (100 + 600)

– What knowledge helped you complete this task?

V. Lesson summary.

– What new did you learn in the lesson?

– How to subtract “round” hundreds?

Homework: textbook, p. 14, no. 4.

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