Prove that Caesar's power was unlimited. Dictatorship Julia Caesar

After the battle of Munda, Caesar became the sole ruler of the state.

He received an indefinite dictatorship, lifelong tribune authorities and "Prefecture of Mravov", i.e., the censor power.

Caesar is more than any of his predecessors, violated the Roman republican traditions, focusing in his hands the most important magistrants who made His power unlimited.

In addition, he received a number of honorable privileges and titles, by the way, - the right to add the title of "Emperor" to the name of his own, which emphasized his life relationship with the army, the title of "Fatherland Father", which was to make his personality sacred in the eyes of citizens , the right to carry the triumfators' clothes that liked him to Jupiter, which as well as his title of the Great Pontif, gave his power to religious color.

In Caesar's policy, it is difficult to trace a clear, consistently conducted political line. "Caesar does not know where he behaves," he wrote, "We are the slaves of Caesar, and Caesar is a tax of circumstances." But these "circumstances" favored the implementation of the cesar of its main goal - turning Rome into the monarchy.

According to Svetonia's testimony, claimed: "The Republic is nothing more than an empty word without content and gloss. He was a baby in politics, since he would soon comply with himself a dictatorship. "

The entire previous experience in the struggle for the establishment of a military dictatorship suggested Caesary a certain path of action: the concentration of power based on the military force, more rational use of the riches of the provinces, the creation of a counterweight of the Senate oligarchy in the form of a wide block of slave owners of various parts of the Roman powers.

Acting in this direction, Caesar established the collection of direct taxes directly by the state, retaining the bombardment only to indirect taxes. He issued a new hard law against the abuse of governors and their assistants.

For the first time, a wide colonization of the provinces was performed by the extension, 80 thousand veterans, the prospericers and the poorest citizens were resets in provincial colonies that became a reliable stronghold of Roman power.

The tops of Caesar Provinitions attracted the generous distribution of Roman and Latin citizenship, which he endowed both individual supporters and residents of Sicily, Spain, Narbonic Gaul. In the provincial and Italian colonies and municipalities, he tried to provide the dominant position of local slave owners and his soldiers who received various privileges.

These individuals entered the city councils used by some independence from the governors in the management of the city's economic life. Some of Asia and Greece received autonomy.

Strengthening its power, Caesar replenished the Senate with his supporters from military commanders and natives of Itali cities and even provinces, bringing the number of senators to 900. He increased and the number of magistracy who gave his defaults.

Since the real force on which the army remained, he was not only generously awarded the soldiers with money on the occasion of the rich triumphs, but also systematically carried out the endowment of their land. It was all the more necessary for him that even during the Civil War, the fermentation of soldiers who demanded dismissal from the army and land began to go into open rebounds.

However, Caesar's policy on creating a strong military monarchy was not consistent. He deprived the Senate of the real political power, but, abandoning the scholars, did not undermine the economic power of the Senate, which consisted mainly of the largest landowners.

Almost all prominent polarians were forgiven, and many of them got high appointments. Formally, recognizing its power and operating before the omnipotent dictator, they did not reconcile, however, with the restriction of their role in politics and with the monarchical aspirations of Caesar.

Caesar prepared against, who, in case of good luck, had to further strengthen his power, forced these circles to fear that sooner or later Caesar would achieve himself to the king.

At the same time, the split began among Caesarians. Caesar, many years speaking as a leader of populations and with their help who eased his way to power, began to infringe the interests of the plebs. The hopes of the plebeian for the addition of all debts were not justified.

Caesar has only conducted a number of partial measures, as a result of which debts decreased by ¼. In Rome, twice (in 48 and 47 and 47) flared up the PRESS uprising, cruelly overwhelmed, to whom Caesar instructed the management of Italy. Upon returning to Italy, Caesar dismissed the plague collegium restored at Claudia.

It lowered to 120 thousand people the number of citizens who received the gift bread. Employment of the land soldier went slower than those wished. Finally, the mercy, which Caesar has fallen for the farewell optimates, did not like all those who thought that he once and forever end with the Senate oligarchy.

So, trying to combine different estates, groupings and batch, but not satisfying those layers that provided him with a victory turned out to be deprived of a social support. A conspiracy was made against him, in which they took part as representatives of the old nobility and some Caesarians.

Conspiracy was headed by the optimates of Cassius and Brut.

Abstract of the lesson of history

Topic: Caesar Unit (1 h.)

Class: 5 "A"

Type of lesson: Combined

The purpose of the lesson:to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe personality of Julia Caesar and the period of his one.

Tasks lesson:

    educational - give Characteristics of the features of the development of the late Roman Republic,causes and premises of the fall of the republic in Rome, explore the concept of veteran, dictator;

    developing - to promote the development of cognitive interest and mental activity of students, develop the skill of independent work of students with sources of information (educational literature), develop the ability to reason, draw conclusions;

    raising - the development of personal qualities: courage, determination and desire to achieve the goal; Formation of pupils of positive motivation to study history through the use of technical training tools.

Equipment:Vigasin A.A. General history. Ancient world history. Grade 5: studies. For general education. organizations / A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Svencitsky; Ed. A.A. Odenderova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2013. - 303 p., Pc, projector, illustrative and video materials,notebook, chalk, board, distribution material


Lesson plan:

    Caesar's elevation;

    Capture cesar power;

    The death of Caesar.

60 BC

49 BC

44 G. BC.




D / z

    § 52;

Date, Topic: "Caesar's Unintelligence"

Lesson plan:

    Caesar's elevation;

    Capture cesar power;

    The death of Caesar.

60 BC - Krass, Pompei and Caesar concluded Triumvirate - the Union of three commander

49 BC - Caesar captured power in Rome

44 G. BC. - Conspiracy and murder of Caesar

Veteran - an old soldier who completed the service

The dictator is a ruler with unlimited power and not obliged to report in his actions

D / z

    § 52;

    task from the heading "Think"

During the classes

Hello guys

Sit down please

Students get up.

Students are sitting.

Check present

Who is missing today in class?

The headman answers who is absent.

Check readiness for lesson

Check that everything you need to class lay on you on the desk

Students are checking

Actualization of students' knowledge, 6 min.

Let's remember the material studied at the last lesson. Last time we talked about the rising slaves.

What were the reasons for the uprising?

Who got up at the head of the uprising?

What do we know about Spartak?

What victories managed to defeat?

At home you had to describe the picture "Fight Spartak". Who wants to speak with his description? Please go out to the board.

Let's remember what year the republic was installed in Rome?

What was the territory of the Roman state?

Who belonged the supreme power in Rome?

Suppose, what was the situation in the Roman state after the suppression of the uprising of Spartacus?

Answer: the desire to gain freedom, return to the homeland, divide the property of the rich ...

Answer: Spartak.

Answer: He was Thracian, captured and was made by the gladiator.

Answer: At the foot of Vesuviya, in the valley of the river. By.

Answer: The rebels fell into the trap and were crushed.

The student is describing the picture.

Answer: In 509 BC

Answer: The territory of Rome was huge, including Italy, Spain, part of Gaul, North Africa, Greece, Malaya Asia.

Answer: Senate.

Answer: It was restless in the country

The setting of goals and objectives of the lesson, the motivation of students' training activities, 5 min.

Imagine such a situation. Archaeologists discovered in the ruins of the ancient Roman structures a strange message. It turned out to be encrypted. Taking advantage of the prompt to you, try to read this encrypted message (materials are heard).

So, what phrase turned out to be encrypted in the document?

What language do you think is written?

This phrase means "came, saw, won." A man who uttered this phrase himself was happy to encrypt texts.

Today, in the lesson, we will get acquainted with one of the most interesting personalities of the ancient Rome, which for many centuries attracts everyone's attention. About this person write books, remove movies. It was he who belongs to the woven the phrases "lot", "" And you, Brut "and the" came "came, I saw, won." And this man ...

So, the topic of our lesson is "Caesar's unintelligence". Write down in the notebook today's date and theme of the lesson.

Plan of today's lesson:

    Caesar's elevation;

    Capture cesar power;

    The death of Caesar.

Students are trying to decipher the message.

Answer: "veni.vidi.vici.»

Answer: Latin

Answer: Caesar.

Students write the date and theme of the lesson.

Students write a lesson plan.

Primary learning of new knowledge, 18 min.

So, the growth of the territory of the Roman Republic, a huge influx of slaves and increasingly breaking up the uprisings forced to think about the rich Romans on the replacement of the republican form of government. Replacing annually, the consuls struggled with difficulty with the management of the state. The rich bribed the voters, fed and enclosed them, entertained with gladiator games and theatrical ideas. Meanwhile, they often could not manage the state. A year later, these people became governors of the provinces, fell into the Senate, where they were meeting for life. Such an order of management has outlived itself.

Increasingly, the command of the troops instructed the experienced military leaders. Successful gaining wars strengthened the power of the commander. They themselves recruited the army. The legionnaires obeyed only the commander, as they received the fee directly from him. Therefore, many slave owners began to think about to deprive the Senate of the authorities and pass it into the hands of an experienced commander, where a strong army. Such candidates were the commander of Crass and Pompei, who played a major role in the suppression of the uprising under the leadership of Spartacus. At the same years, another person began to use the greater influence in Rome - Caesar.

1 Plan item - Elevation of Caesar.

Now we will get closer with these candidates.

First candidate -Mark Licinis Krass (demonstrated illustration). He was a commander and a politician, one of the richest people of their time. Crassus was not destined to become the sole ruler of Rome. Wanting to increase his military glory, he organized a campaign against the partfyan kingdom (showing the map). The greed krass counted for indiscreputed prey, but suffered a cruel defeat. The fighting qualities of the Roman infantry turned out to be useless in the battle with seriously arched by Parfyan riders. After the defeat of the Romans, Parfyan lured the crawl into the trap and killed.

In Rome, there was no man who would not know aboutGno Pompei For nicknamed the Great (Magn) (the illustration is demonstrated). Pompeius suppressed the movement of Spanish tribes against Roman domination. In 71 BC He took part in the defeat of the spartacus uprising. Later, Pompei broke the flotilla of the pirates, destroyed their fortress and ended the midst of the Mediterranean for a long time. In the east, Pompey joined the possessions of Rome Syria and other lands, he made huge money from military prey to the treasury. Pompey celebrated Triumph three times.

Caesar It came from a noble kind (demonstrated illustration). He was a brilliant gifted person, he was educated in the best schools of Rome and Greece. Caesar everywhere wanted to be first, but he had no wealth, nor troops for the struggle for power. Meanwhile, his youth has long passed. Caesar complained to friends: "At my age, Alexander Macedonian has already ruled so many peoples, and I still have not done anything wonderful!".

Who, in your opinion, had more chances in the struggle for power? Justify your point of view.

Indeed, most of all the chances had Pompei. And nevertheless defeated Caesar. How did it happen, we will try to determine.

Caesar was a very cunning politician. The Roman Poor Caesar despised, but used it to establish his power in Rome. Caesar even made debts to deliver the poor pleasure: I carried out a free distribution of bread to the poor, I spent my money on theatrical ideas and holidays for the poor, carried out the distribution of land. These measures made it popular among the people.

Three commander hated each other, but decided to unite efforts to come to power. Krasse had money, Pompeiy, the glory of the Great Communion, Caesar is a cunning mind and support for the simpleness. Let's write: in 60 g. BC Krass, Pompey and Caesar concluded Triumvirate - the Union of three commander.

Caesar became an consul of 59, and after that he received a gallium province in office. What was famous for Caesar, being a governor of Gaul? This will tell us ...

Questions to students.

What parts did Gallium Province shared?

What part of Gaul was able to subordinate Caesar?

What did Caesar war in Gaul?

Where else did Caesar campaign?

So, Caesar conquered new territories for Rome. As Caesar's commander was distinguished and at the same time caution. Caesar knew how to set up warriors with a brief and well-built speech, personally knew his centurions and the best soldiers and used among them unusually popular and authority.

After the death of Crassa in Parfia in 53 BC Triumvirate collapsed. Pompey not only envied the glory of Caesar, but also was afraid of its excessive gain. Pompey in his rivalry with Caesar led supporters of republican rule. Senate, fearing Caesar, refused to extend his powers in Gaul. Caesary ordered to dissolve troops and unarmed return to Rome. In case of refusal, it was announced by the "enemy of the Fatherland". It was in 49 BC. Having learned about the decision of the Senate, Caesar approached Rubicon's River (displaying on the map), separating the province of Gallium from Italy. There he stopped in a deep meditation and finally said: "Alea IACTA EST", which means "lot". This phrase is also used in speech in the sense of "Choice Made", "take a difficult decision." At the team of Caesar, the army crossed through Rubik and moved to Rome. So began a Caesar's civil war against the Roman Senate, headed by the Pomperm Great.

And now read 2-5 paragraphs of paragraph 4 and write new concepts in the notebook, then we will discuss reading.

What happened to the Gneuke Pompey?

What did the old soldiers who completed the service called?

What did Caesar do for them?

What lifelong title was given to Caesary Senate?

What was the unlimited power of Caesar?

In society, especially in the republican circles, discontent was dissatisfied, rumors went about the desire of Caesar to the royal power. All this prompted dissatisfied with the conspiracy organization against the dictator. Now we will see the video of Caesar's fate from the "Empire" series (a video device is demonstrated).

So, who led a plot?

What happened to Caesar?

Where did the sentence been executed?

What did Caesar say before death? Who are these words addressed?

So, March 15, 44 BC. The life of the great commander

Students listen.

Students listen to the teacher and look illustration.

Students express assumptions.

Students are written.

A student with an individual task tells about the conquest of Caesar Gaul and other wars, the origin of the phrase "came, saw, won."

Answer: Pre-Fan and Zaalpian.

Answer: Calpian Gallia.

Answer: The glory of a talented commander, gold piles and a devoted army.

Answer: in Britain.

Students listen.

Students are recorded: 49 BC. - Caesar captured power in Rome.

Students discharge concepts.

Answer: Pompey was broken and died soon.

Answer: Veterans.

Answer: Put the earth.

Answer: Dictator.

Answer: In the People's Assembly, in the position of consuls or folk podiums, they chose those whom Caesar account is worthy and devoted to himself. Caesar images minted on the coins, he recresented on a golden chair.

Students are watching a video clip.

Answer: The nearest associates Guy Cassius and Mark Brut.

Answer: His shaspls of daggers

Answer: In the Senate Building.

Answer: "And you, my child." Words add to Bruut.

Primary testing of understanding of new knowledge, 2 min.

Checking learning to students of new material (front survey):

Who was applicants for power in Rome?

Who won the Civil War?

What phrase said Caesar, deciding to capture power?

When Caesar captured power in Rome?

What was the power of Caesar after the victory over the opponents differed from the consul authorities?

What ended the board of Caesar?

Answer: Krass, Pompey and Caesar.

Answer:Julius Caesar.

Answer: Lotted thrown

Answer:in 49 BC.

Answer: Caesar's power became unlimited, Caesar was not obliged to report in his actions.

Answer: Caesar was killed as a result of a conspiracy in 44 g before G. ..

Primary fixation, 3 min.

It is known that Julius Caesar before the election of officials sent short notes of the following to the constituency: "Caesar is a similar district. I bring to your attention such that this person in your choice get such a position. " What can be said on the basis of this fact about state orders during Cesar?

Before you, the chronological chain, from which the events "fell out". Let's try to restore these events in the correct sequence (the chain is depicted on the board)

    Galus conquest

    Creating triumvirata

    Hike on Rome

    The defeat of the Army Pompey

Options: Caesar had a very big influence and power, he himself offered candidates for his posts.


    Creating triumvirata

    Galus conquest

    Hike on Rome

    The defeat of the Army Pompey

    Conspiracy of senators against Caesar

Information about the homework, instructing about its execution, 2 min.

Please take your diaries.

Record your homework: § 52; Task from the heading "Think"

Students take diaries.

Students write task in a diary.

Reflection, 3 min.

So what questions did we consider today with you today?

Record the findings on the lesson: Caesar became the sole ruler, but the dissatisfied authorities organized a conspiracy. Julius Caesar was killed. With the Board of Caesar, the last years of the Roman Republic are connected

And now we will estimate your work at the lesson (estimates are set).

The lesson is over. Bye.

Answer: Today we reviewed questions: 1. The elevation of Caesar; 2. Capture a cesar of power; 3. The death of Caesar.

Students write conclusions in the notebook.

Students listen their estimates.

Students get up, collect things and come out of the class.

Mark Ltivini Krass Gnea Pompei Great Guy Julius Caesar

Social struggle in Rome took an increasingly fierce character. In one of the skimps, Claudia was killed by supporters of Miron. Senate appointed Pompey "Consul without a College", i.e. Announced ruler. Many representatives of optimates performed hostile towards Caesar. There was a conflict between the former participants of the Triumvirate, which resulted in a civil war because of the seizure of power in the Roman power.

Caesar went war to Rome, declaring into his justification, which acts in defense of the filthy tribunes.

Caesar's troops inspired Pompey surprise. Pompey, Senators fled from Rome, and Caesar took Rome. Caesar was supported by the natives of the Tsizalpian Gaul, which received Roman citizenship rights and residents of a number of cities of Central and Southern Italy.

In Rome Caesar mastered the treasury and, organizing the city management, went to Spain, where Pompey's army was located, where she won and returned to Rome.

Upon returning to Rome, Caesar was proclaimed by a dictator. At his order, everyone who was persecuted during Sulle were restored in civil rights.

In k. 49 BC Caesar landed in Yu. Illyry, Caesar mastered the city of Apolonia and began an offensive against the Army Pompey. Caesar again won, and Pompei fled. The army of Caesar's opponents was scattered. Pompey was hidden on the island of Lesbos, from where he left to the east, hoping to drive to the Parfyan State and in the Union with Parfyans to resume the fight against Caesar.

However, the news of the defeat of Pompey was ahead of the fled commander. The population of the Eastern Mediterranean, embittered against the governors put in Pompey, announced its transition to the side of the winner. Therefore, Pompei floated to the shores of Egypt. But the Egyptian king, seeking to enlist the location of Caesar, killed Pompey.

Having mastered the eastern intersectoral countries, Caesar intervened in the civil war in Egypt, where he supported the prince of Cleopatra, smashing her rivals and giving it power over the country.

The successes of Caesar's opponents in Africa and Spain revived opposition mood to him among the part of the nobilite and serving. Therefore, the Caesar returned to Rome was forced to seek reconciliation with his plebs and his leader. He announced the abolition of the wonders of the poorest premises in one year, as well as the cancellation of the requirement of interest from them.

At the same time, Caesar reassured excitement among the legionnaires, paying them all the detained salary. In order to collect these funds, Caesar confiscated land owners of his killed opponents, and first of all Pompey. The lands of these Caesar partially sold, partly distributed to veterans.

Stripping the position of supporters in Rome and Italy, Caesar moved against the army of opponents, focused in the province of Africa. Caesar attacked the enemy army. Most of the cities of the province of Africa capitulated before Caesar.

After the end of the war in Africa, Caesar resulted in Rome 4 triumph. However, Caesar's opponents made another attempt to resume war. In Spain, under the leadership of Sons, a new army was collected under the leadership of the Sons of Pompey Gneja. Caesar hurried there. The battle occurred in 45 BC. near the town Munda. Caesar won.

The battle of Munda ended the Civil War of 49 - 45 Gg. BC.

By destroying the armed forces of opponents, Caesar turned out to be the masters of the entire Roman power and the slave-owned states of the Mediterranean world dependent on it. Upon returning to Rome Caesar declared "Eternal dictator" (44 g. BC). Previously, Caesar received the rights of the People's Tribune, the law of censorship. He was the Supreme Priest from 63 BC. Thus, in the hands of Caesar, the rights of various magistrates of the republic were concentrated, which made his power essentially unlimited. Using your authority, Caesar replenished senate with their supporters, bringing the number of senators to 900 people.

Folk Assembly lost all political importance. All candidates for the elected posts of magistrates were put forward by Caesar, and the meeting only obediently voted according to its instructions.

Republican Stroy In the Roman Power was replaced alone board of the military dictatorArraying on the legions devoted to him.

The establishment of a military dictatorship in Rome was the inevitable consequence of the development of a slave-ownership system.

What did Caesar do?

When I was a proconsul in Gaul, he generously distributed the rights of Roman citizenship not only to representatives of the nobility of the Tsizalpine Gaul, but also many noble gallows from Gales Transalpin. He spent similar policies in the eastern provinces of the Roman Republic. Many of the representatives of the Aristocracy of Greece, Malaya Asia, Syria received Roman citizenship rights.

Back in 59 BC. Caesar made a law on strict punishment of persons who used his administrative situation in the provinces for extortion of funds in the provincial population.

In order to strengthen the links between the Rome and the provinces, to facilitate trade relations and the provision of food to the capital, work was carried out on the deepening of the harbor in the port of Rome - Ask.

For the first time in Rome, the Golden coin is the Denarium, which was made by a single monetary unit of Rome, Italy and all provinces.

Measures were taken to streamline tax collection from the provincial population. Over the publicants, only the collection of indirect taxes was left. The direct taxes of the townspeople collected themselves through their authorized.

A calendar reform was carried out. Instead of the old system of the Lunar Year from January 1, 45.. Began to count the year on the movement of the sun.

Having won your opponents from Nobilite, Caesar no longer sought to hold a demagogic policy. On the contrary, he began to spend some activities that responded to the political views of optimates.

The number of Roman citizens (from 320 to 150 thousand), which had the right to receive free bread from the state were reduced.

It is forbidden to organize colleges of artisans.

In an effort to reconciliation with optimates, Caesar amnestied some of his opponents, allowed them to return to Rome.

But these events did not reach the goal. Among the nobilith is the mood of hostility towards Caesar and his politics. In 44 g BC Caesar was killed by conspirators. So ended the short-term dictatorship of Caesar.

Guy Julius Caesar is an ancient Roman emperor, a state and politician, a talented writer and an outstanding commander. The political activities of Caesar made a complete coup in the cultural and political life of Europe and left a significant mark in the lives of many generations of Europeans.

Guy Julius Caesar was a representative of an ancient respected kind. He was very smart, educated, unsurpassedly owned oratory art. Caesar was respected by both Patriches and the poorest estates of the republic.

Unlimited power Caesar

Capturing the Supreme Power, Caesar was unlimited by her. All his orders were perceived as legal acts. Newly elected government figures when joining their position solemnly made the oath, which will respect and love Caesar.

Feeling the fullest unlimitedness of his power, he changed the composition of the Senate at its discretion. Caesar boldly changed the social system of Rome: significantly reducing the payment of subsidies to the poorest population of Rome, he was thus able to stop the stream of lower classes in the capital.

To perpetuate your person, Julius Caesar began large-scale construction in Rome. He built a new building for meetings of the Senate, giving him his name, on the central square of Rome created the shrine of Venus, who was considered a patronage of Julian kind. The plans of Caesar also had the construction of the second capital in the east, because the borders of their possessions the emperor wanted to expand over the Danube, eliminating the Scythian and German tribes.

Innovations and reforms Caesar

But since the existing honors, the dictator was not enough, he changes the calendar without a doubt.

Since Caesar was interested in astronomy, he decided to introduce an Egyptian twelve-month calendar in his state, who after his introduction in the Roman Republic became known as Julian. In honor of Caesar also received his name month July.

The omnipresent dictator was able to intervene in the rules of the road: it was he who is the founder of a bilateral traffic that is used in all countries.

In honor of Caesar, the residents of Rome arranged sacrifices and various contests. With sacrifices, Caesar has always appeared before people in the closure of the Supreme God of Jupiter. Caesar has achieved that the people began to deify him. And although, during his reign, Rome still remained the republic, in the consciousness of the company Caesar has long had the status of a monarch.

Thanks to his ability to competently subjugate the masses, the situation has developed in such a way that the Roman population itself first began to call Caesar Emperor and his God. In response, Caesar is only modestly and embarrassedly pronounced the famous phrase: "My name is not a king, but Caesar."

Despite the unlimited love for his own person, the complete usurpation of all branches of power and the establishment of a dictatorial regime, the story cannot call Caesar with a cruel man. His brilliant mind, sufficient flexibility in diplomatic matters, fighting qualities, were able to make Caesar a real state leader.

Due to its reforms, the economic situation of citizens has improved significantly and Rome became a great power to the truth. All subsequent rulers, including Caesar receiver August Octavius, looked only a pale shadow against the background of the bright Personality of Caesar. With the Boraction of Caesar, the fall in the Roman Republic and its formation is already like the Great Roman Empire.

Becoming in fact a dictator, Pompei held the law, who forbidden Caesar to seek the consulate to the dissolution of them soldiers, which led to the final discontinuity between them. Pompeii at the insistence of optimates began to collect troops. The People's Tribunes Caesar and the Anthony from the Senate came for Caesar and Anthony fled to Caesar, giving him a false preposition to start the war allegedly in defense of the people's elections. On January 10, 49, Caesar switched to Gallia from Italy River Rubikon and took the city of Armin. Civil War began.

The ratio of forces vividly described in his letters to native and friends Cicero. In Italy, according to the observations of Cicero, the side of Caesar were riders, part of the aristocracy, Plumbs of Rome and Italian cities, and most importantly - the most stronger than that Pompey, the army, whose soldiers had numerous connections in the cities of Italy. The peasantry and middle layers of the citizens were ready to be part of anyone who will give them the world and ensure the inviolability of their property. However, they rather leaned toward Caesar, as they wanted to destroy the power of the oligarchy and the rich. Plebs and all those who walked at one time for the cylinder and cloithing were calculated that Caesar would destroy debt obligations. Soldiers expected rich production and land plots. Pompey also supported only the ruling Senate to know the major landowners of Italy.

The set in the Army Pompey was tight; Recorded recruits scattered. Pompeii was not able to resist the Caesar quickly moving around Italy. Then he headed to Epir and Macedonia to collect strength to continue the struggle. Mastering Italy, Caesar placed landowners and wealthy citizens by the fact that not only did not declare the scholars, which some were afraid, but discovered the terrorist regime of Sulla and elected with his slogan "Mercy". About Pompei, on the contrary, they said that he was going to block Italy scored in the East Fleet, and then give it to the plunder of the "barbaric" kings.

Conscreasing in Italy, Caesar began with Pompey War for the province, whose population has become a more or less active participant in this struggle. The main hopes of Pompeii laid on the Rome dependent kings and tribal to know. Eastern rulers and the Thracian king sent him auxiliary troops and fleet. At the very beginning of the war, Pompei also concluded an alliance with the Numidia King of God, who gave him the title of "Friend and Ally" of the Roman people. Tribal to know Dalmatia and Illirik, severely operated peasants and who were in a permanent hostility with seaside shopping cities, was actively supported by Pompey and Porpean. Numerous supporters of the Tsompey also had among the aristocracy of the Celtic, which he managed to attract to his side while during the war with the sector. Pompeyanttsev also supported the rich landowners of large privileged cities of provinces.

In the provinces on the side of Caesar, he was actively helped him by people and food Gallic felt. It was also supported by the trading cities of Illyrika and Dalmatia and numerous, only those who started developing the cities of Spain and Africa, as well as all those who were hostile to the local oligarchy and belonged to democratic "parties". Caesar had supporters and in eastern provinces that Pompeii considered his main stronghold. The struggle between the Porienians and Caesarians in provincial cities, invisible, was very acute. Pompeyanta was used against the supporters of Caesar cruel repressions - from confiscation of property up to the death penalty. This struggle weakened in a military ratio supporters of Pompey, since the soldiers of the legions and auxiliary parts were often scored on the spot, dissatisfied with the actions of the Porienians in their native cities, passed by the masters.

Before followed by Pompey to the East, Caesar provided his rear in the West and cleared Spain from Pompeyans, where 7 legions were concentrated. Caesar managed to attract those tribes and cities to his side, in which the party was strong, hostile to the local aristocracy. After the victory at Heller, who provided him with power in Spain, Caesar canceled the contribution imposed by the Pokyanians and returned the land confiscated by them from opponents of the Aristocratic Party; In the residents of the city of Gades, he gave Roman citizenship, and the city of Tarrakon, the leading, the rights of the colony.

Meanwhile, Pompei collected a significant fleet and a strong army out of 9 legions and auxiliary troops sent to him from Eastern provinces and vassal kingdoms. But the rear of him was fragile. The population suffered from unbearable contributions. Pompey's surrounding optimates took advantage of the case to raise usury interest. Rich cities, including Pergam, were given to the looting of soldiers. All this strengthened the Caesarian Party. When Caesar landed in epira, the Greeks and Roman citizens of many cities of Epirus, Macedonia, Etolia, Fessals sent ambassadors to him and let his garrisons. In the first battle of Dirrachii, Caesar was defeated, but Pompeii failed to use them. The desertion of Greek and eastern soldiers from his army was rapidly increased. In a decisive battle at the Farsali city of Farsal (48), the auxiliary cavalry, which was most hoping for Pompeii, fled first, and this flight predetermined his defeat. After the battle of Farcal, not only most of the troops of Pompey, but also many optimates, including Cicero, moved to the side of Caesar, desperate in further struggle and reassured by the fact that Caesar did not declare transcriptions.

Pompei walked to Egypt, but was killed by the court juvenile Egyptian king Ptolemy XII, who feared the approaching Caesar. In Egypt, Caesar after a dangerous and difficult war with supporters of Ptolemy approved his sister Cleopatra on the throne. From there, he went to Malse Asia, where she won the son of Mithridate, Farnak, who, taking advantage of the Civil War, made an attempt to regain his father's possessions. About this victory, Caesar sent a famous report to the Senate, who consisted of three words: "Came, I saw, won." In the Asian provinces, Caesar lowered taxes by one third and left the vassal kingdoms of his depths.

Africa remained the last stronghold of Pompeyanttsev, where they entered the union with the Numidia King of God and enjoyed the support of major landowners and the richest citizens. However, here their position was fragile. The peasants were coented into their army burned. When Caesar, having ended the case in Malaya Asia, arrived in Africa, many cities began to move on his side, and the hetulas entered with him were rebelled against the South, dependence on which they were. Pompeyang soldiers deserted, and military leaders had to mobilize slaves. In the battle of the city of Tapse (46 g.) The Pompeyans were finally broken; YUB committed suicide, Numidia was turned into a Roman province. Representatives of urban tops who supported the Porientsev, Caesar imposed major contributions.

The civil war that lasted four years was completed by the suppression of the uprising raised in Spain with the sons of Pompey - Gneja and Sex and supported by part of the local population, which suffered from the management of Longin's Kassea, Leah Caesar, not less than from the previous governors. Pompeyanta was broken by Caesar with Munda (45 g). Gney Pompeii died, and Sembay temporarily stopped the struggle, gradually collecting dissatisfied and taking runaway slaves in his squads.

Roman state under Cesar. Caesar policy

After the battle of Munda, Caesar became the sole ruler of the state. He received an indefinite dictatorship, lifelong tribune authorities and "Prefecture of Mravov", i.e., the censor power. Caesar in the larger sea than any of his predecessors violated the Roman republican traditions, focusing in his hands the most important magistrants who made His power unlimited. In addition, he received a number of honorable privileges and titles, by the way, - the right to add the title of "Emperor" to the name of his own, which emphasized his life relationship with the army, the title of "Fatherland Father", which was to make his personality sacred in the eyes of citizens , the right to carry the triumfators' clothes that liked him to Jupiter, which as well as his title of the Great Pontif, gave his power to religious color.

In Caesar's policy, it is difficult to trace a clear, consistently conducted political line. "Caesar does not know where he behaves," Cicero wrote, "we are the slaves of Caesar, and Caesar is a tax of circumstances." But these "circumstances" favored the implementation of the cesar of its main goal - turning Rome into the monarchy. According to Svetonia, Caesar claimed: "The republic is nothing more than an empty word without content and gloss. Sulla was a baby in politics, since he voluntarily folded the dictatorship. "

The entire previous experience in the struggle for the establishment of a military dictatorship suggested Caesary a certain path of action: the concentration of power based on the military force, more rational use of the riches of the provinces, the creation of a counterweight of the Senate oligarchy in the form of a wide block of slave owners of various parts of the Roman powers.

Acting in this direction, Caesar established the collection of direct taxes directly by the state, retaining the bombardment only to indirect taxes. He issued a new hard law against the abuse of governors and their assistants. For the first time, a wide colonization of provinces was carried out by the extension, 80 thousand veterans, prospericers and the poorest citizens were resets in provincial colonies that became a reliable stronghold of Roman power. The tops of Caesar Provinitions attracted the generous distribution of Roman and Latin citizenship, which he endowed both individual supporters and residents of Sicily, Spain, Narbonic Gaul. In the provincial and Italian colonies and municipalities, he tried to provide the dominant position of local slave owners and his soldiers who received various privileges. These individuals entered the city councils used by some independence from the governors in the management of the city's economic life. Some of Asia and Greece received autonomy.

Strengthening its power, Caesar replenished the Senate with his supporters from military commanders and natives of Itali cities and even provinces, bringing the number of senators to 900. He increased and the number of magistracy who gave his defaults. Since the real force on which Caesar was relied, the army remained, he was not only generously awarded the soldiers with money on the occasion of the magnificent triumphs, but also systematically put the endowment of their land. It was all the more necessary for him that even during the Civil War, the fermentation of soldiers who demanded dismissal from the army and land began to go into open rebounds.

However, Caesar's policy on creating a strong military monarchy was not consistent. He deprived the Senate of the real political power, but, abandoning the scholars, did not undermine the economic power of the Senate, which consisted mainly of the largest landowners. Almost all prominent polarians were forgiven, and many of them got high appointments. Formally, recognizing its power and operating before the omnipotent dictator, they did not reconcile, however, with the restriction of their role in politics and with the monarchical aspirations of Caesar. Caesar treated against Parfyan, who, if good luck, had to further strengthen his power, forced these circles to fear that sooner or later Caesar would achieve himself to the king.

At the same time, the split began among Caesarians. Caesar, many years speaking as a leader of populations and with their help who eased his way to power, began to infringe the interests of the plebs. The hopes of the plebeian for the addition of all debts were not justified. Caesar conducted only a number of partial measures, as a result of which debts decreased by 1/4. In Rome, twice (in 48 and 47 years) broke up the uprising of the plebs, brutally overwhelmed by Anthony, to whom Caesar instructed the management of Italy. Upon returning to Italy, Caesar dismissed the plague collegium restored at Claudia. It lowered to 120 thousand people the number of citizens who received the gift bread. Employment of the land soldier went slower than those wished. Finally, the mercy, which Caesar has fallen for the farewell optimates, did not like all those who thought that he once and forever end with the Senate oligarchy. So, trying to combine different estates, groupings and batch, but not satisfying those layers that provided him with a victory, Caesar turned out to be deprived of social support. A conspiracy was made against him, in which they took part as representatives of the old nobility and some Caesarians. Conspiracy was headed by the optimates of Cassius and Brut. On March 15, 44. Caesar at a meeting of the Senate was killed by conspirators.

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