How to understand the point of morphological signs. What is morphological signs? What are the morphological signs

Noun - This is an independent part of speech that answers questions who? what? And denotes the subject.
Syntax function: in the sentence can be all members of the sentence.
Morphological signs name noun
Permanent morphological signs:
animated or inanimate;
Initial form - form of a nominative case of the only number.
Nouns Nouns Own and Mennaya
Own nouns - These are the individual names of individual living beings and single items for the allocation and differences of them from other, uniform with them. Writing with a capital letter such own nouns:
Families, names, patronymic, pseudonyms, nicknames of people: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Maxim Gorky, Lesya Ukrainka;
animal nicknames: Mukhtar, Burenka, Fun;
Geographical names: France, Berlin, Cosmonavtov Street, Baikal;
Names of holidays, historical events: Victory Day, Great Patriotic War;
They are written with a capital and consist in quotes:
Names of newspapers, magazines, works of literature and art: "Evening Kharkov", "Driving", "Hero of Our Time";
Names of various products: refrigerator "Dnipro", the car "Zhiguli", perfume perfumes;
Factory names, factories, cinemas, etc.: Cinema "Ukraine".
Nortional nouns - This is the common name of all homogeneous objects and phenomena (written with a small letter): writer, country, city, newspaper, magazine, dog, cat.
Names of nouns animated and inanimate
Animate nouns names (answer the question who?) are the names of living beings (people, animals): student, foreigners, dog.
In animated nouns, the formative case is coincided with the form of a genitive case:
V. p. MN. h. \u003d R. p. MN. h.

Inanimate nouns names are the names of non-living objects, plants, reality phenomena: paper, tree, apricot.
In inanimate nouns, the formative case is coincided with the form of a nominative case:
V. p. MN. h. \u003d they. p. MN. h.
The genus of nouns
1. Female (she).
With the end - and I: earth, line, room;
With zero ending: mother, joy, luxury.
2. Male (he).
With zero ending: horse, knife, surf;
With the end - and I: dad, Uncle, Youth.
3. Medium (it).
With the end - oh, -e.: gold, building, field;
10 nouns on - me: flame, name, tribe, banner, burden, donkey, time, seed, stirring, flame.
4. Do not have a kind of nouns, which do not have a single form: vacations, Pants, Scissors.
5. Common.
Nine animated nouns on -but(-I) who can call people and male and female: ladut, orphan, Yabeda.
Definition of inclined nouns
The genus of unclear nouns depends on their value.
Male Rod:
Names of male people ( earlier, dandy);
name of the type of occupation ( attache, Entertainer);
Names of animals, birds ( cockada, Chimpanzee, Flamingo).
Feminine gender: Names of female face ( lady, Frau, Madame).
Neuter gender:
the names of inanimate objects ( coat, popsicle, cafe);
Exceptions: penalty(husband. r.), coffee(husband.r.), avenue(wives r.), kohlrabi(wives r.);
The genus of geographical names, names of newspapers and magazines is determined by correlatively nominal noun:
Tartu (city) - m. r., Mississippi (River) - w. R.
The genus of comprehensive words Determine:
In the unclear: according to the main word abbreviation: KNU(University) - Husband. R., SBU(Service) - Women. R., CIA(Management) - media. R.;
At the following: by the nature of the foundation and endings: university(husband. r.), tJ(husband. r.).
Number of noun names
1. The only and multiple number have most nouns names: tree - Trees, Audience - Audience, Sister - Sisters.
2. Only the only number have such nouns:
Own: Ukraine, Tsiolkovsky, Saturn;
Real: gold, milk, oxygen;
Distracted: anger, freshness, blue;
Names of actions and states: running, burning, approval;
Collective: humanity, raw materials, foliage.
3. Only multiple number have:
The names of the composite and paired items: glasses, Pants, Gate;
Material names, some real: spirits, ink, yeast;
Names of time intervals, games, nature phenomena: day, hide and seek, twilight;
Names of actions: troubles, elections, negotiations;
Some geographical names: Alps, Lubny, Sokolniki.
Pade items nouns
Paide - This is a form of a noun, which shows a different attitude of it to other words in the phrase and offer.
Nominative ( who? what?): son, room, field.
PABITIVE ( whom? what?): son, Rooms, Fields
Duty ( kOM? what?): Son, Room, Field
Accusative whom? what?): son, room, field
Cool ( by whom? than?): son, room, field
Proposed ( o Com.? about what?): about son, about the room, about the field
Declusion nouns names
1st declination - nouns for women, male and common sort of graduation - and I.


2nd declination - noun male genus with zero ending; Nouns medium s fact -Oh, -e.
Male and Middle Rod

Nouns on -y, -th

3rd declination - nouns of women's kind with zero ending (the last letter - - b).
Unclear names of nouns
Unclear names of nouns Do not change on cases (the case is determined by adjective). The unlock noun includes:
own and nominal noun foreign-speaking origin on -o, -e, -y, -y, -a: Oslo, Ai-Petri, Amplua, Avenue, Marabu, Coffee.
Slavic surnames on - oh, s (-them), -Ago(‑yago), -oVO: Kovalenko, White, Thin, Zhivago, Dubiago, Khitrovo.
Slavic family names for consonants belonging to female people: report Galina Davidovich, Elena Bilyk.
Complexed words: USA, GAI, District.
Different noun
Different noun In the parent, graduate and proposed cases have the end - and (as the nouns of the 3rd decline), in the coolness - -eat(as the nouns of the 2nd declination).
10 nouns on - me(burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, theme) and nouns way.
Morphological scatching noun
1. Part of speech. General value (object).
Initial form (I. p., Units.)
2. Permanent morphological signs:
own or nominal;
a linen or inanimate;
Non-permanent morphological signs:
3. Syntactic role.
In the summer night, zarya with zaring converges.
1. (B) night - SUMS.
(What?) Night (Obserned. Item).
N. f. - Night.
2. Post. - Narice., Nodya., Women. r., 3rd skel; Non-night. - in V. p., in units. h.
3. .
1. (C) zarya - SUMS.
(With what?) Zarya (Obserned. Item).
N. f. - Dawn.
2. Post. - Narice., Nodya., Women. r., 1st Skl.; Non-night. - T. p., Units h.

Words differ among themselves not only by lexical value. All of their many are usually divided into groups - part of speech. This gradation occurs on the basis of the grammatical meaning of words and their special features - morphological.

Morphology - section of the Russian language

Parts of speech are engaged in a whole section of science, called morphology. Any word has characteristics peculiar to it: general value, grammatical, also morphological and syntactic signs. The first indicates the same value of a specific part of speech. For example, the designation of the subject with the names of nouns, its signs of the adjectives, verbs - the action, and the parties - a sign of action.

Syntactic signs are the role of a particular part of speech in the proposal. For example, verbs, as a rule, are led, less often subject. Nouns names can be addresses, circumstances to be, and sometimes led by the circumstances.

What are the morphological signs

A group of morphological signs, permanent and non-permanent groups is much more extensive. The first characterize the word as a specific part of speech. For example, the verb always determine the lifting, type, transition. Non-permanent morphological signs indicate that part of speech has the ability to change. For example, the name of the noun varies on cases and numbers - it will be its non-permanent signs. But the adverb and verbal spirits are immutable parts of speech, respectively, they need to specify only constant signs. The same for service parts of speech and interjections.

Before disassembling the morphological signs of speech parts, it is worth noting that it is necessary to distinguish the word and its shape. Words differ in a lexical value between them, and when they are changed, their forms are formed. For example, the word "plot" has the lexical meaning "fenced part of the terrain", and its forms will be a change in cases: a plot, plot, plot, about the site.


Indicating the constant morphological signs of the noun, we are talking about, a nominal one or its own, animated or inanimate, also determine the type of declination and genus.

Menantive nouns denote a set of any objects without highlighting their individual traits. For example, the word "river" we denote all rivers: large and small, northern and southern, full and not very. But if we are specified a specific river, the only one of its kind, for example, Neva, the noun will be their own.

Objects of wildlife belong to an animated noun, all others - to inanimate. These are constant morphological signs of noun. Dog (who?) - animated; Table (what?) - Inanimate. Also, the nouns of these categories differ in the forms of vinitive and pets. The endings in the parent and divergent cases of a plural match coincide in animated, in inanimate - vinitive and very famous.

Let us give an example. PEITIVE PADE: No (who?) Cats; Request: see (whom?) Cats. Compare: I see (what?) Chairs; There are (what?) Chairs.

The following childbirth is distinguished: male, female and medium. To determine these morphological signs of the name of the noun, it is necessary to substitute for the word pronouns - mine, respectively.

The declination of nouns names will be present in the table:

Non-permanent morphological signs of the noun - its case and number. These categories are formed forms of the word-noun.


Just like the noun, morphological signs of the adjective name are divided into permanent and non-permanent.

The first is its discharge, the degree of comparison and the form, complete or brief.

The adjectives are divided into high-quality, relative and attractive. The first can be in one way or another, they can perform in full or brief form, as well as to form comparison degrees. For example: Beautiful - adjective quality. We prove it. It is characterized by such morphological signs of adjective, as a degree of comparison (more beautiful, beautiful) and a brief form (hands). Relative adjectives cannot have these categories (gold, foggy, razor). Personal indicate belonging, they answer the question "whose?".

Comparison degrees are divided into comparative and excellent. The first shows a large or smaller degree of any quality: tea is sweeter - less sweet - sweeter. An excellent degree indicates the highest or smallest degree of a sign: the shortest, the fun, smallest.

Full and brief form are inherent in high-quality adjective. It should be remembered that the briefs do not inclined, but they can be changed by numbers and childbirth: a cheerful (full form) - cheerful (M. Khod, units. Number) - Merities (J.R., units) - Cheerful (multiple number ).

Non-permanent morphological signs of adjective - the form of the case, the numbers and the kind, in which it is used. The category of genus is possible to determine only with adjectives in the singular.


Permanent morphological signs of a word that is called numerical - its discharge and characteristics of the structure.

Allocate numeral quantitative and ordinal. The first require a response to the question "How much?" (ten, fifteen, twenty five), the second - "What account?" (tenth, fifteenth, twenty-fifth).

  • Simple (five, second).
  • Complex (thirteen, fifteenth).
  • Composite (twenty two, three hundred forty first).

The non-permanent signs of the numeral name are largely determined by its discharge. So, for quantitative numerals, a change is characterized by cases of cases. The ordinal numerals are close in grammatical parameters with adjectives, so they can form cases of cases, vary by numbers and childbirth.


If we talk about pronoun, then its morphological features are largely dependent on which part of speech is close to the grammatical meaning. They can be noun, adjective or numerical. We will analyze pronouns and their morphological signs in this context.

For nouns - nouns are characterized by unchangeable category of persons (personal) and forming genus, number, case.

Proponation-adjectives are also possible to change by childbirth, numbers and cases. The exception is the words her, his, their - They do not change by case.

Only the case-shaped shape has pronouns - numeral.

So, determining which morphological signs from the pronouction, you first need to look at the discharge and, accordingly, indicate the remaining characteristics.

Verb: permanent signs

Permanent morphological signs of verb - its appearance, transition, repayment and lion.

The verbs are two species categories, perfect and imperfect. The first suggests the question "What to do?", The second is "what to do?". For example, move (what to do?) - a perfect view; Shift (what to do?) - imperfect.

The category of conabilities assumes that the verb manages the name of the nouns standing in the form of a vinitive case without an excuse. All other verbs will be uncomplicated. Let us give an example: hate (whom, what?) Enemy, lie, fog - verb transitional. Go to the house, fly across the sky, jump over the step, getting angina - these verbs are non-transcendible, nouns with pretexts, and the forms of the vinitive case do not compose.

Returning verb has a suffix-jealous (s): swimming, bathe (returnable); Bathing - non-returnable.

The leasing of verb will be presented in the table:

Verb: non-permanent signs

Non-permanent morphological signs of verb - its number, challenge, genus, time and face. These categories are largely determined by others. For example, at times, the verbs of the expansive inclinations are changed. The verbs of the imperfect species are the only three forms of time.

In the verbs of the Russian language, three forms of ignition: an expurative (I am a bake, I will oven, I baked), imperative (Pekka) and conditional (baked).

Verbs change and by childbirth: he sailed, she sailed, it sailed. This category is characteristic of the verbs of the past time.

The face of the verb indicates who the action is executed: the speaker ourselves (I clean), the interlocutor (you remove) or the subject / face of the conversation (she cleans).

As with the pronouns, you first need to look at the category and, accordingly, indicate the other characteristics.


Permanent morphological signs of communion are kind, transition, repayment, deposit and time.

Just like the verbs, the communities are perfect and imperfect: working (what to do? Work) - imperfect; Built (what to do? Build) is a perfect view.

If the communion is formed from the transition or return verb, the same signs will be saved from him. For example, the transition verb "lock" is formed by the Communion "Locking" (launcher) - it also has this category. From the return verb to "block" the communion "locking" is formed, respectively, also returnable.

Communions can be valid (the sign is performed by the subject itself: Thinking is the one who thinks) and suffering (the subject is experiencing a sign: the written book is a book that is written by someone).

Two forms of time can be allocated at communities: the present (playing) and the past (playing).

Non-permanent morphological signs of communion are similar to the adjective name: genus, number, case, shape (brief or complete).


Temploying - unchangeable part of speech, so it defines extremely permanent signs:

  • View. Perfect (what made? - After reading) and imperfect (what does it? - reading).
  • Transitivity. Transmitted from the verb: deciding (to decide - transient verb); Walking (go - non-optical verb).
  • Return. Having trollenged - returned canopy; Distribution - non-returnable.


Just like adherence, there is no form forms. Thus, it only indicates constant morphological signs: a discharge by value and if the adverb quality, i.e. Educated on behalf of the adjective, indicate the degree of comparison.

For example, the adverb "fun" is formed from adjective cheerful, so the formation of degrees of comparison is possible: fun (positive); more fun (comparative); Merry all (excellent).

To begin with, we recall that noun - this is an independent part
speech, which is also significant. This part of speech unites
words, respectively:

1. Most often in the sentence advocate as subject
or additions, rarely come by any other sentences;

2. Answer questions who? or what?; are generalized

3. There are animated or inanimate, own or
nominal, have a permanent sign of the genus and non-permanent signs
numbers and cases.

The noun is part of the speech, the main characteristic of which
are grammatical signs of words. The noun is the only one
Part of speech that can designate anything: item (part),
face (girl), animal (dog), sign (thickness), abstract concept
(Honor), action (walking), attitude (equality). Combined with a point
Vision of these words by the fact that they can ask them who? or
what?; In this, in fact, their subject is.

Concerning morphological signthen it has nouns
Permanent, namely either male or female or medium genus.

Male beautiful oh The boy came
Female beautiful and I The girl came
Average great oE Tree is growing

There is also such a morphological sign name of the noun as
case, because this part of speech changes by cases, namely
Non-permanent morphological feature of the number.

Recall that in Russian 6 podges.
This is a nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, cool,
prepositional. Read more about them:

I.P. ETO CTO? what?
P.P. No who? Chego?
D.P. Glad to? What?
B.P. See you? what?
T.P. Is it proud of whom? than?
P.P. I think about whom? than?

The most important thing you need to remember is that the name has a noun four
Morphological sign
, such as genus, number, case, declination.

We will talk about each sign in the following articles separately, in detail about each.

Publication date: 01/24/2012 17:38 UTC

  • All Rules of Russian Language in Schemes and Tables, Matveev S.A., 2019
  • We write without mistakes, all the rules of the Russian language, 100% literacy in 20 minutes a day, Sycheva N., 2012

The following textbooks and books:

  • Complete and brief shape of the impressive names. Declination and spelling of case forms of impressions in Russian.

So, let's start from the very beginning. Science studies the external and internal structure of living organisms or their groups (childbirth, species, detachments). There are external and internal morphological signs of living organisms. Inner morphology is good to all known anatomy. It is also not necessary to confuse morphology with physiology, which is studying the functions of certain organs or systems of animals or plants.

Morphological signs of soil

There is a common classification of soils, also based on their morphological signs. Do not be surprised, because each type of soil can be described, based on its external signs. In this case, scientists are taken as the basis of such morphological signs as a structure, power of the soil layer and its individual horizons, painting, structure, addition, neoplasm, inclusion. And since the processes occurring in soils have a direct impact on all listed features, studying the morphology of the soil, you can learn a lot about its origin and history.

The morphological signs of the word are formal (types of decline in nouns and adjectives, the types of surgery of the verb) or formally semantic.

The mandatory formal-semantic signs of the word and grammatical forms of the word is customary to be called morphological categories. Under the morphological category, the unity of the grammatical meaning and its grammatical formal indicators is understood in all words and the wordforms.

Not any morphological sign can be attributed to the category category. For example, in the verb form, read a number of morphological signs, and the questionality of the verb to the I Hasiveness is its purely formal morphological indicator; Other signs of this verb are formally semantic (categorical). For the verb considered, a number of morphological categories should be taken into account: the form (imperfect), the pledge (valid), the inclination (imperative), the person (2nd) and the number (multiple).

Morphological features are permanent (classification) or variables (word-importance).

For example, the type of verb is its constant morphological sign (classification morphological category), since the verb by type does not change and in any form belongs to the same look - perfect (say, said, say, said) or imperfect Speaking, speak, who said). These are the signs of grammatical genus and animation / inase of nouns.

Variables of morphological signs of the word (i.e., in the wordin revenue categories), very different nature: different grammatical forms of one word can express different values \u200b\u200bof the same word-importable category.

For example, an inclination is a word-only verb category, since the forms of the same verb can express the values \u200b\u200bof different ignitions: go, go, would go. The word-revenue categories of verb are the time, face, number. For nouns, the virginity categories are case and number.

Modern Russian literary language / Ed. P. A. Roganta - M., 2009.

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