How to calculate the area (in square centimeters).

Some 10 years ago, famous representatives of the genre were similar to each other as two drops of water: a good, but not an outstanding picture, the epic plot with the salvation of the world, tons of Grinda and a target milk.

Now, a significantly more interesting competitors with high-quality graphics, interesting Laura and their own chips came to replace them. In this selection - only the best client MMORPG for 2018.

1. ICARUS - Air battles on tamed beings

Fly on the dragons, break into battle on the giant spider and spray the soul of the snow tiger - in "" ("Riders of Icarus"), localized 101xp, is available and not.

Video Games Icarus Online

Now and with servers for the classic version of the game - another balance, a system for improving equipment and not quite familiar battle for the stone mana.

2. Tera Online - Non-Target MMORPG with a client

Video game Tera Online

Initially, the toy had a clear focus on PVE, but now there are so many types of fights with real opponents, which is difficult to find fault.

3. Black Desert - Client Sandbox MMORPG

Studio Gamenet, publisher "" positions the game as "The world of medieval fantasy, in which you want to live." And here is a fair share of truth.

Black Desert Video Games

In addition, thanks to the very detailed instructor of the character and the excellent quality of the picture, the game is very popular with the fair sex representatives.

4. Ar: Piel - charming schoolgirls with superconductors

"" From Esprit Games - New 2018, so that it is too early to talk about the success of the game, but it has an interesting and non-standard setting.

Video games Ar: Piel

A small drawback is the complete absence of PVP, but it does not prevent the game to rapidly gain popularity.

5. Neverwinter Online - Classic World Fantasy MMORPG for PC

"" - Colorful MMO in the world of forgotten kingdoms, populated hafling, Timplegi and half-buildings.


And the excellent atmosphere of gloomy fantasy noticeably highlights the game against the background of the same type of Korean clones with acid graphics, wings and goddesses.

6. Life Is Feudal: MMO - Hardcore Survival in Medieval Moorpg

"" Grown from a small sandbox with servers on a 64 player in a large-scale project for those who prefer severe realism of magic and elves.

Video games Life Is Feudal: MMO

Create your kingdom, collect an army and capture your neighbors, or become the most famous merchant, a builder, an artisan - yes anyone.

7. Blade and Soul - Beautiful Slasher on Eastern Topics

"" - a bright example of high-quality Korean toy with focusing on the schedule, the speed of the fights and an unusual set of characters.

Video Games Blade and Soul

Not bad Lor, interesting chains of tasks, a large selection of classes - not the most original, but still interesting project For lovers of oriental culture.

8. Ascent: Infinite Realm - Air Battles on Wings and Airships

"" Or "A: IR" will come closer to mid-2018 and promises to combine all successful mechanics of other projects.

Video games Ascent: Infinite Realm

It is still unknown who will deal with the localization of the Russian version of the game, but there is no doubt that it will appear.

9. World of Warcraft - We are waiting for a great adventure

Just think, "" for 14 years already, the game applies to subscription, but if there is a huge number of free competitors, it does not even think to take positions.

World of Warcraft: Battle for azeroth

An estimated release date is the end of June, but the recording on beta test and pre-ordered is already open.

10. Ashes of Creation - Fantasy Sandbox in the Destroyed World

Another interesting project, whose output is expected soon - "" throws up the players in the classic fantasy world, which they will have to build themselves.

These are the best client MMORPG for 2018 in our opinion, but if you want to play a PC into something interesting, and do not spend time on downloading and installing - we recommend paying attention to.

Find (in cm 2) the area S shape depicted on a cellular paper with a cell size of 1 cm 1 cm (see Fig.). In response, write down. 11 We will find the radii of the circles that form a ring. I chose these segments, because For them will be found rectangular triangles with customers-integers. R R R 2 \u003d R 2 \u003d 17 1 cm R 2 \u003d R 2 \u003d 2 S \u003d (R 2 - R 2) S \u003d (17 - 2) S \u003d 15 3 x 1 0 x In response, we divide into applicable Pythagore theorem.

Find (in cm 2) the area S shape depicted on a cellular paper with a cell size of 1 cm 1 cm (see Fig.). In response, write down. 22 We find the radii of the circles that form a ring. R \u003d 2. R will be found from the triangle. R R R 2 \u003d R 2 \u003d 10 1 cm S \u003d (R 2 - R 2) S \u003d (10 - 2 2) S \u003d 6 3 x 1 0 x 3 6 The answer is divided into applicable Pytagora theorem.

Find (in cm 2) the area S shape depicted on a cellular paper with a cell size of 1 cm 1 cm (see Fig.). In response, write down. 33 We will find the radii of the circles that form a ring. I chose these segments, because For them there will be rectangular triangles with categories-integers. R R R 2 \u003d R 2 \u003d 17 1 cm R 2 \u003d R 2 \u003d 10 S \u003d (R 2 - R 2) S \u003d (17 - 10) S \u003d 7 3 x 1 0 x 3 7 The answer is divided into applicable theorem Pythagora.

Find (in cm 2) the area S shape depicted on a cellular paper with a cell size of 1 cm 1 cm (see Fig.). In response, write down. 44 We will find the rings of circles that form a ring. R \u003d 3. R will be found from the triangle. R R R 2 \u003d R 2 \u003d 13 1 CM S \u003d (R 2 - R 2) S \u003d (13 - 3 2) S \u003d 4 3 x 1 0 x 3 4 The answer is divided into applicable Pytagora theorem.

Find (in cm 2) the area S shape depicted on a cellular paper with a cell size of 1 cm 1 cm (see Fig.). In response, write down. 55 We will find the radii of the circles that form the ring. R \u003d 2. R will be found from the triangle. R R R 2 \u003d R 2 \u003d 5 1 CM S \u003d (R 2 - R 2) S \u003d (5 - 2 2) S \u003d 1 3 x 1 0 x 3 1 The answer is divided into applicable Pythagore theorem.

Find the circle area by the formula: S \u003d π × R 2. To find the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle in square centimeters, you need to know the distance in centimeters from the center of the circle to the line of its circumference. This distance is called radius Circle. As soon as the radius will be known, refer to its letter r. from the aforementioned formula. Multiply the value of the radius itself and the number π (3,1415926 ...) to find out the range of the circle in square centimeters.

  • For example, a circle area with a radius of 4 cm will be 50.27 square centimeters as a result of multiplication 3.14 and 16.

Calculate area of \u200b\u200ba triangle according to the formula: S \u003d 1/2 B × h. The area of \u200b\u200bthe triangle in square centimeters is calculated by multiplying half of the length of its base b. (in centimeters) on his height h. (in centimeters). The base of the triangle is chosen one of its sides, while the height of the triangle is a perpendicular, lowered to the base of the triangle from the opposite vertex to it. The triangle area can be calculated through the length of the base and height along any of the sides of the triangle and the opposite top to it.

  • For example, if the length of the triangle base is 4 cm, and the height carried out to the base is 3 cm, the area will be: 2 x 3 \u003d 6 square centimeters.
  • Find the Pollogram area by the formula: S \u003d b × h. The parallelograms are similar to rectangles in one exception - their corners are not necessarily equal to 90 degrees. Accordingly, the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe parallelogram is produced similar to the rectangle in the way: the length of the base side of the base in centimeters is multiplied by a parallelogram in centimeters. For the base, they take any of the parties, and the height is determined by the perpendicular length to it from the opposite stupid angle of the figure.

    • For example, if the base length of the parallelogram is 5 cm, and its height is 4 cm, its area will be: 5 x 4 \u003d 20 square centimeters.
  • Calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezoid on the formula: S \u003d 1/2 × h × (b + b). The trapezium is a quadrilateer two sides of which are parallel between themselves, and the rest are two - no. To determine the square of the trapezoid in square centimeters, you need to know three measurements (in centimeters): the length of a longer parallel side B., shorter short parallel side b. and height of the trapezium h. (Defined as the shortest distance between its parallel sides on perpendicular to them segment). Fold together the length of the two parallel sides, share the amount in half and multiply to the height to get the square of the trapezoid in square centimeters.

    • For example, if a longer parallel sides of the trapezium is 6 cm, shorter - 4 cm, and the height is 5 cm, the figure of the figure will be: ½ x (6 + 4) x 5 \u003d 25 square centimeters.
  • Find the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hexagon: S \u003d ½ × p × a. The above formula is true only for the correct hexagon with six equal sides and six of the same corners. Letter P. The perimeter of the figure is denoted (or the work of the length of one side to six, which is fairly for the correct hexagon). Letter a. The length of the apophem is denoted - the distance from the center of the hexagon to the middle of one of its sides (the point located in the middle between the two adjacent peaks of the figure). Multiply the perimeter and apophem in centimeters and share the result by two to find the square of the right hexagon.

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