A brief teaching of your girlfriend containing good advice. Prince Vladimir Monomakh

Vladimir Monomakh's Board falls on 1112-1255. At the Kiev reign, he sat down, being a 60-year-old man formed and wise. Maybe therefore, the years of his reign are considered the best for the ancient Russian state.

One of Rurikovich

Grandson Favorite Son of the Grand Kiev Prince Vsevolod and the Byzantine Princess Anna (the daughter of the Konstantinople's emperor Konstantin Monomakh) was born in 1053. After the revolution, he was a support father in everything. Naturally, Vsevolod widen the Kiev throne to him. But Vladimir's hated internecasters refused the great reign in favor of the cousin Svyatopolka II Izaslavich, as the father of Monomakh Vsevolod took the Kiev throne after the expulsion of his brother Izyaslav. Kievans did not really love the Svyatopolka and his environment, primarily for friendship with the Polovtsy and for the fact that the usurization has reached unprecedented sizes.

Wise and popular

Immediately after the death of the Kiev Prince Monomakh, an invitation was sent to the Grand Diction, but he did not rush to the capital, because he did not want to break the informality of the throne, as he believed that he had to edit the saint or Oleg Seversky, or David Chernigov, or Yaroslav Muromsky - all Descendants of Svyatoslav. His slowness took advantage of the Kievans, suffering from the unbearable blowjob of the Roshovshchikov, and the city broke out in the city, accompanied by pogroms. Again sent the race to Monomakh. This time he did not hesitate. Vladimir (his church name is Vasily) and before the class of Kiev throne was the glory of the peacemaker, the winner of Polovtsy (he concluded 19 peaceful contracts) and the united land of Russian land (his sons were sitting in major cities - Novgorod, Smolensk and Rostov, and Brother Rostislav Docused in Pereyaslavl).

Brilliant Beginning

The Board of Vladimir Monomakh in any city - Smolensk 1073-1078, Chernigov 1078-1094, Pereyaslavl 1094-1113 - was wise and successful. Related Kiev residents demanded only Vladimir on the jurisdiction, upon arrival of which the uprising subsided. But the monomah figured out his reasons, in order to avoid unrest in the future, and significantly cut down the randers' rates (not higher than 20% per annum) than facilitated the life of the bottom. "The Charter of the cuts" was adopted after severe harmonization with the representatives of the elite. After those managed to pronounce that the usurism ultimately harms not only Russia, but also themselves, it was decided to expulse all the Rostovist Jews outside the country. It was stipulated that all the fundamental property "Financiers" can take with them, but no longer should be returned to Rus. Naturally, many of the Jews adopted Orthodoxy.

The second prototype of Vladimir Krasnoy Sunny

The years of the reign of Monomakh became the last rise of Kievan Rus. Lucky commander, a good politician, educated man and a talented writer, who left the literary works after himself, he secured Russia years of quiet life - Pechenegs were expelled, the Polovtsy were afraid of robbing Russian lands, because in the campaigns against them, the prince relied on the national militia, and not on mercenaries. He was very popular in the people, his features completed the image of the epic Vladimir Krasnaya Solnyka (the first prototype was his grandfather Vladimir, the Baptist of Russia). The exploits of Ilya Muromman occur for the years of Vladimir Monomakh's reign

Large foreign policy victory

The foreign policy of this has reached its heyday with the sons of the deceased Byzantine Emperor Alexey I Ioanne II, who estimated the campaign of a large Russian troops to Constantinople. Wishing the world with Kievan ruus, the Greeks voluntarily went on huge concessions - Monomakh honored the title of the king, to the significance of equal to Basilevus Byzantium. He was presented with royal clothing, scepter, power and crown, the famous and legendary "Cap of Monoma". The union was enshrined by a dynastic marriage - the son of John, the heir to Alexey, married the granddaughter of the Kiev Prince. Thus, the Board of Vladimir Monomakh was marked by the establishment of a strong related union with the Byzantium.

Flexible politician

True, a warned campaign to Constantinople envisaged the capture along the path of the sudunay lands, but the monomah is always for the sake of peace to come. Therefore, these land remained for Byzantia. After the fight against Minsk Prince Gleb and his capture, these lands became friendly Kiev - his supreme power was recognized there.

The unusual advantages include the fact that during the reign of Vladimir Monomakh, three-quarters of all Russian lands were focused in his hands. With all neighbors, where contractual way, and where - the military, worldwide were concluded. So, a rebellion of Volyn was suppressed, where the saint of Svyatopolka, who had to be the son-in-law Vladimir, Yaroslav. He turned his courtyard to hostile Kiev Lair. Here they fled both the Jews-Roshovshchiki, and all sorts of eternal energies of Russia. A large army from Chekhov, Hungarians, Polyakov went to Kiev. To meet him, I was afraid of Mstislav Vladimirovich. Yaroslav himself was already killed by Russian warriors in the siege of Volyn. To help the deceased was illogical, the enemy army retreated.

Growth of the power of Russia

Neither Volga Bulgars, whose fleets were defeated by Russian warriors, no residents of the Baltic States and Finland, who regularly paid tributes, did not make raids on Russian lands to the rule of Vladimir Monomakh. All this made it possible to engage in the improvement of the state. Churches were built, trade was expanded, began to minimize the coin, books were translated from the Byzantine language, schools began to open, in which the children were given to their studies. As an educated person and a gifted writer, Vladimir left his descendants his works - "teaching" and "walking". In addition, Nestor, the monk Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, is created "Tale of Bygone Years" (1117 years). The Board of Vladimir Monomakh in Kiev turned the city into a major trading and cultural center. He left good memory about himself in centuries and an example of managing the state, which makes the country prosperous. He speak well about him not only in written in the years of his rule "Tale of Bygone Years", but also in the Ipatiev Chronicle and in the "Word of the Land of Russian". And after his death, some of his descendants were crowned with the kingdom of the "Cap of Monomakh".

The beginning of the board of Vladimir Monomakh had been on April 20, and ended on May 19, 1125, on the day of his death. With Vladimir Monomakh, dynastic marriages were widespread. He overtook all his many children with almost all the venance of Europe. Marriages and children of Khanov were concluded.

Results of the Board

The strong power with which the neighbors were considered, left behind Vladimir Monomakh, the results of the board of which can be brought as follows. The main achievement was the cessation of the raids of Polovtsy, who ruined the country. Rus's authority has increased incomparable after victory over them. More than its growth contributed to weighed foreign policy and dynastic marriages.

Monomah strengthened the centralization of power, and thus he managed to maintain full control over all cities and commercial destroyers of Russia. As a result of the termination of civil workers and the onset of peaceful life, all branches of farms, literature and art began to develop, and also significantly increased the country's power - both military and economic.

Vladimir Monomakh was born on May 26, 1053. His father was Vsevolod Yaroslavich. Back in the youth years in his biography, Vladimir Monomakh became Rostov Prince. Then he managed Smolensky, later - Chernigov.

After the death of Vsevolod, Yaroslavich gave way to the throne of Svyatopolk, his brother. The great merit of Prince Vladimir Monomakh in the biography became the defeat of Polovtsy. Monomakh gave way to Chernigov Oleg Svyatoslavich. Polovtsy regularly attacked the Pereyaslav Principality, where she settled monomah. On Lishech's congresses, Vladimir tried to unwind Russia for the confrontation of Polovtsam. After several defeats, Polovtsy Rus was released.

When Svyatopolk died, Vladimir Monomakh suppressed the Kiev uprising and headed the Board of the country. Then the famous "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh" came out. Considering the brief biography of Vladimir Monomakh, it should be noted that the period of his rule was generally favorable for Russia. Conducted crossbursions.

For the whole biography, Vladimir Monomakh wrote several works. For example, "teaching", "Letter Oleg Svyatoslavich", "Prayer". The Grand Duke dies on May 19, 1125.

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He joined the cereal table (1113) already sixty years old, but there was still a bodra and spirit and body. Polovtsy did not dare to disturb Russian land with it. Princely gravestites swept. Truthful and devout, good-natured and at the same time warlike, monomas were high in the eyes of all his contemporaries, accustomed to see witness, violence and malice. The specific princes respected Vladimir and at the same time they were afraid of him - he was merciful, but there was a strict. When some prince began to be confused, he tried to persuade him in every way, to pacify, to settle the case peacefully. If the restless prince persisted, then Vladimir punished him strictly, even took the lot from him.

Vladimir Monomakh on the monument "Millennia of Russia"

"My children or who are different, writes Vladimir Monomakh," after reading this challenge, do not dare, but take it in my heart. First of all, for the sake of God and the soul of your fear of God, in my heart and alms, let's dismount. This is the beginning of every good.

Three good deeds from sin to get rid of God's kingdoms not to lose: repentance, tears and alms. Not a grievous one commandment, my children. God forget, do not be lazy; Pray you, do not forget these cases. Neither loneliness (hermiting) nor a monacy, nor hunger (post), which is exposed to some pious people, are not so important as these three things ...

Listen to me, my children, continues monomes. - If not all the teachings are taken, then accept at least half. Let God soften your heart: Shed tears about your sins, saying: "You loved the robber and sootar, the sinners, sinners,". And in the church, do it and go to bed. When we are going on a horse, say mentally: "Lord, Pommühi." This prayer is all better.

In total, do not forget more poorly, but as you feed them. Syrota and widow themselves on truth truth; Do not give them strong offense. Neither the first, nor fault, do not kill and do not let you kill, at least deserved death; Do not ruin any Christian soul.

When we are talking about, do not swear by God, do not be baptized; There is no need for this. If you have to kiss the cross (give an oath), then think first pretty, can you hold back an oath; And wandering, hold the oath, so that, violating it, do not destroy your soul.

Bishops, Popov and Igumen read, take a blessing from them. Love them and as they take care of them, so that they pray for you.

You still don't have pride in your heart or in mind: We are all mortals - today are alive, and tomorrow in the coffin. Everything that God gave us is not ours, but assigned to us for a short time. In the land of treasures do not break away: then a great sin. Old man read as father, young as brothers.

In the house, do not be lazy, but look after all; Do not rely on the Tiuna of your and your degree so that you come to you do not laugh at your home and over lunch. Do not be lazy in the war, do not hope for your governor, do not indulge in a drink, nor food nor sponge. Send themselves. Having arranged everything, go to bed near the warriors, and get up early. Weapons do not remove with yourself without seeing whether there is a danger or not: a person can suddenly die from carelessness.

When you pass on your lands, do not let the servants tallery and harm either your own, nor in villages, nor on the Niva, so as not to curse you.

Where you arrive where you stop, drink, fill the poor. Most of all honor the guest, where he would come, whether a person is simple, or notable, or ambassador. If you can't honor the gift, then treat the courier and drink. Guests by this passion for all countries will be separated by a cassette about a person, as good or as evil.

Patient visit; Defenders Watch and do not mininate anyone without bringing, tell me every kind word. My wife loves, but do not give her power over themselves.

What you know useful, do not forget, and what you do not know, to study. My father, sitting at home, knew five languages. For this is a great honor from other lands. The bastard is a thin mother: what you know, you will forget; What do you do not know, they will not be learned. Create good, do not be lazy to anything good.

First of all, go to church. Let the sun will not find you in bed. So I did my father blessed and all the best people. Having created the morning prayer and giving God to praise, it follows with a friend to think about things or create the court to people, or go hunting (if there are no important affairs), and then go to bed. At noon, God himself is awarded to sleep and man, and a beast, and a bird.

But I will tell you, my children, about your writings and lows. (In this part of the "teaching", Vladimir Monomakh lists his campaigns in detail.) All my trips were, the following, 83 large, and other smaller and I will not remember. Nineteen times I concluded the world with Polovtsy at the father and after his death. More than a hundred leaders have released them from the shackles (from captivity). They are beaten at different times about two hundred. But how I worked on hunting and loving: the horses of the wild 10, by 20, I knit with my own hands; Two rounds (wild bulls) Metal me on the horns with a horse together; deer bode me; Two moose - one legs fatched, the other horns were bodied; Wear ripped off my sword from my side; Bear from the knee docused catching felt; The Lut Beast jumped to my knees and fell a horse with me, and God retained me with the whole and unharmed; From the horse many times I fell, I broke my head twice and my hands, and my legs threatened my youth, my life did not regret my life, I did not spare my heads. What could be done and to my tags, I did it myself - in the war and on the lov, at night and during the day, in the summer heat and in the winter stub. I did not give myself peace, did not rely on landing, nor on Birich - everything did everything that it was necessary; I myself looked at the order in the house, the hunting case himself rules, about the stables, about fallaces and hawkat himself cared. A simple man, the widow's widow did not give offense strong; For church orders and service he looked after.

Do not condemn me, my children, or other who read these words, - completes Vladimir Monomah his teaching. I do not praise myself, and I praise God and glorify the mercy of him for the fact that he, sinful and thin, kept me from death so many years and created me with something worn and capable of all human affairs.

After reading this challenge, try to create all kinds of good deeds. Death, my children, do not be afraid of any of the war, nor from the beast, but create your own business as God gives you. There will be no you, like me, harm from the war, or from the beast, or from the water, or from the horse, if there is no will of God, and if death is death, then no father, nor mother, no brothers can to rescue. God's guard is better than human ... "

From the teachings of this, it is clear how I deeply understood Vladimir Monomakh, the doctrine of Christ, as he cared about the right court and the protection of weak, as the duties of the prince said highly. And he himself really performed them not for fear, but for conscience.

Vladimir Monomah's termination was tirelessly, about the reconciliation of the warring, the princely congresses (Lishechsky, Vitichevsky and Dolobsky) were going to his thoughts. Prince Vladimir constantly insisted on the general Union of the princes against Polovtsy, because contemporaries so high and put this great man.

He, according to the chronicler, was not bred, according to the commandment of God created good enemies, was very gracious to the beggar and poor, did not gent the estates of his - everything distributed to the needy. It is clear why the monomach and simple people loved so much, and the clergy; And the squad could not not love him - the leader who did not know the fear of fighting, the brave hunter, the prince of merciful and generous, although not giving his close-in will, who did not allow them to offend the people. Piously, Vladimir Monomakh was distinguished that, standing in the church and listening to church singing, could not resist tears. Only to the Polovtsam, the sworn enemies of the Russian Earth, he was harsh, and sometimes merciless. (In one case, he even allowed his boyars to kill two Polovtsy ambassadors.) Died by monoms on the 74th year (1125).

The kings of Moscow subsequently, a great honor for himself was considered to be called the descendants of Vladimir Monomakh. The so-called monomakhov gold hat and some other accessories of the solemn tsarist ulora (Scepter, Power and Barma) are kept in the Armory Chamber. According to legend, they were sent to Vladimir Monomakh by the Greek emperor. Subsequently, the Moscow kings lay on this cap and Barma on the wedding day to the kingdom.

Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh Brief biography for children

Vladimir Monomakh briefly speaking this is a talented warlord, a competent management manager, Prince Smolensky, from 1078 Prince Chernigov, from 1113 Prince Kiev. He began to show his military valor to the Father, Kiev Prince Vsevolod Svyatoslavovich. Actively and participates in military campaigns of his father, as, for example, in the war against Chekhov on the side of the Poles. Successfully beats off the incessant raids of the Polovtsy. Gets from the father of the Princely Table Chernigov, and remains here for a long time. After the death of the Father, calmly reacted to the waters on the Kiev throne of his brother Svyatopolk Iaslavich. But, despite the voluntary refusal of Kiev, Vladimir continues to fight for power, defended control over Rostov, Smolensky, and in 1102 he retained his son Mstislav Novgorod.

During the reign of the Kiev prince, Svyatopolk Iaslavich Vladimir Monomakh seeks to organize joint military campaigns against Polovtsev (1103 - the battle on the day, 1111, the battle on Salney). And in 1094, as a result of the military invasion of Prince Oleg, implemented with the support of Polovtsy,
Vladimir is inferior to the Chernigov prince Oleg Svyatoslavich. After that, he was drawn into long-term internecine wars. In 1096 he managed to return Chernigov, but the collisions continued. The result of this long-term military confrontation was marked on the Lubachest Congress (1097), the princes made it to consolidate for each of Rurikovich's Rurikovich, the definite victim received by the inheritance of the father. So, Vladimir Monomakh returns to his control Smolensk, Rostov parish, as well as Pereyaslavl South and Novgorod.

After the death of Svyatopolka in 1113, Kiev boyars invited Vladimir to the reign. During his reign, the Kiev Rus is growing and actively developing. Particular attention, Vladimir Monomakh pays the development of the legislative base of the new state. With it, it appears a set of Russian truth laws, one of the most interesting documents of this Code is the so-called "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh", or "Charter on the cuts". According to this charter, the profits of Roshovshchikov were significantly limited, and the position of debtors and the "procurement" was improved. Vladimir Monomakh, as the Grand Duke of Kiev, controlled more than half of the Russian lands, and competently arranging his sons by land in controlled principles kept power as a whole.

In 1116, Vladimir supports the Byzantine Safety Lzhastiogen II, and is sent to a military campaign against Byzantium. This initiative did not bring success and territorial increase in Kievan Rus. And in 1123, concluding the union marriage between the granddaughter of Monomakh and the Byzantine emperor, the parties established the world.
In general, the Board of Vladimir Monomakh briefly can be considered competent and progressive. Thanks to his policies and military successes, they managed to support the cohesion of Russian lands, and Kievan Rus was fixed and developed.

More brief biographies of great commander:

Vladimir Second Monomakh, or Vladimir Vsevolodovich was Prince Smolensky from 1067, Chernigov - from 1078, Pereyaslavsky - from 1093, the Grand Duke of Kiev - from 1113, as well as by the state leader, a warlord, a writer, a thinker. His father was Vsevolod First Yaroslavich, and Mother - the daughter of Emperor Byzantia Konstantin Monomakh. According to the nickname of the family of Mother Vladimir and received his name - monomah.

Start of activity

Childhood and early youth, Vladimir spent at the father's yard in Pereyaslavl - South. From the young age, his father trusted him to head a squad, to go to distant military campaigns, fight against Polovtsy. He even managed to suppress the revolt of Vyatichi. From 1076 to 1080, Vladimir participated in several internecine wars. In the same period, his father received the Kiev principality, and Vladimir Monomakh himself sat in Chernigov, repeatedly defended his lands from Polovtsy raids and from nomads-Torkov.

When his father died, KN. Vsevolod (1093), Vladimir could take his place in the Kiev throne, but to make it voluntarily offered his cousin, and himself remained to rule in Chernigov. His power in Rostov and Smolensk remained.

Internecine Wars (1093 - 1113)

After the death of the Father - Vsevolod Yaroslavich - Vladimir was able to fight a lot. In one of the first battles with Polovtsy, he with Brother Rostislav and Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich on the Sturged was suffered severe defeat. Brother Rostislav then drowned in the river, and Vladimir, when attempting him to save himself almost drowned. Then, with the same Polovtsy, together with Svyatopolk, fought again - under Halep, after which the sides concluded the world and brought his wedding of Svyatopolka and the daughter of Polovtsy Khan Toggang. During this period, Vladimir fought with the CN. Oleg Svyatoslavich, who became an ally of Polovtsy, and gave him Chernigov (1094).

After that, he donkey in Pereyaslav's land. In 1096, I sent my son Izyaslav to conquer Moore, and, in the meantime, he fought against Svyatopolk against, kicked him out of Chernigov and besieged in Starodub. At the same time, they were forced to be distracted by Toggankan and Bonyak, which came to the Russian borders on both sides of the Dnieper. Vladimir and Svyatopolk returned from Starodube and smashed Torcan in battle on a pipe, in which the tumans died.

This gave a certain respite from Polovtsy invasions. Trees, meanwhile, managed to capture Murom, Rostov, Suzdal. After the intervention of Vladimir and his sons, Oleg was broken and deprived of Ryazan. But nevertheless, despite many lesions, the Lubacheth decided to give Svyatoslavichi all the inheritance of the Father: Chernivi, Murom, Novgorod-Seversky, Kursk, Ryazan. From this time, internecine wars on the left bank of the Dnieper subsided.

After the said Lishech Congress, Vladimir Monomakh held several more military campaigns against the Russian princes, but in 1103, in the Union with other princes, developed a plan for the joint struggle against Polovtsy and carried out several campaigns against them, as a result of which the Polovetsky troops were divided until 1111.

Prince in Kiev

When Kiev Prince Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich died in 1113, the folk riot broke out in the city. Then Kievskaya knew how Vladimir Monomakh's Principality. He suppressed the uprising, but issued laws that facilitate the position of the bottom: "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh" ("Charter on the cuts"), which became part.

During the reign of Vladimir Monomakh, the positions of Kievan Rus strengthened. He and his sons managed in three quarters of its territories. Monomah's authority, which heard himself in the fight against Polovtsy raids, made it possible to maintain stability in the country and concentrate most of the land of ancient Russia to the authorities of the Kiev Prince. In the merit of Monoma, the story also puts the creation of the second edition of the "Tale of Bygone Years", which he instructed the monk Northré (Silvestra) in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. It is her who know our contemporaries.

Writer Monomakh

As a wise statesman and thinker Vladimir Monomakh left three works: the most famous - "teaching Vladimir Monomakh", autobiographical memoirs "Paths and fishing", as well as a letter to Cousin Oleg Svyatoslavovich.

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