Test assignments of EE state social science. Ege in social studies

Russian language and mathematics. According to these past years, social studies passes almost half of graduates (49%). And it is not surprising, since the social studies are needed for admission to all humanitarian specialties.

In fact, the subject "Social Studies" includes information on various aspects of the life of society, studied in the framework of a whole class of humanitarian sciences: economics, jurisprudence, philosophy, sociology, political science, and to some extent, history.

A variant of KIM EGE on social studies has been subjected to minor changes. Developers revised the complexity of tasks No. 28 and 29, which is why the maximum primary score for the entire test increased from 62 to 64.

Evaluation of ege

Last year, in order to pass the exam on social studies at least a triple, it was enough to gain 19 primary points. They were given, for example, correctly performed the first 13 tasks of the test.

As will be in 2019, it is still unknown: it is necessary to wait for an official order from the Rosobrnadzor for the compliance of primary and test points. Most likely it will appear in December. Considering that the maximum primary score increased from 62 to 64, it is very likely that a minimum point can change slightly.

You can still focus on these tables:

The structure of the EGE

In 2019, the social studies of the Social Score test consists of two parts that include 29 tasks.

  • Part 1: 20 tasks (No. 1-20) with a brief response (choose the correct answer from the proposed, set the correspondence between the elements of two sets, insert the missed word in the text);
  • Part 2: 9 tasks (No. 21-29) with a detailed answer (answers to questions, mini-writings).

Preparation for the USE

  • Pass Tests EGE online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests in their complexity and structure are identical to the real exams carried out in the appropriate years.
  • Download Demonstration options for social studies that will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests are designed and approved to prepare for the EGE by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FII). In the same FIII, all official EGE official options are being developed.

The tasks that you will see will most likely not meet on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demonstration, on the same subject.

Common digits of the EGE

Year Min. score Middle score Quantity Did not pass,% Number of
exam, min.
2009 39
2010 39 56,38 444 219 3,9 34 210
2011 39 57,11 280 254 3,9 23 210
2012 39 55,2 478 561 5,3 86 210
2013 39 56,23 471 011 5,3 94 210
2014 39 55,4 235
2015 42 53,3 235
2016 42 235
2017 42 235

The first preliminary results of the USE 2017 on social studies are summed up. We, according to tradition, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the tasks that I had to solve graduates of this year, especially in the writing part 2.

Ege 2017 on social studies took place

And, although the full results of this season of the subsection of the ege have not yet been summarized, we are in a hurry to acquaint the coming generation of graduates who will pass the EGE 2018 on social studies, with the tasks that meet themselves.

So, the mouth of the head of the department Kravtsov was announced that last year it was 17.5% of graduates, in this - 13,8%. Anyway, a lot, on average, every sixth From the passing receives this "twice" and deprives the chance to enter his university.

At the same time, it costs to note that part of the graduates still feeds hopes to increase their score on the result of the exam.

Tasks EGE 2017 on social science

Now I propose to look at the work of a graduate of the Far Eastern Federal District and the tasks encountered in this work. Recall that we cannot show the tasks of part 1, on the execution of which the appeal is impossible. The structure of the tasks corresponds to

Now the graduate replies themselves themselves.

And breaking for completed tasks. It should be noted a high percentage of performance and huge losses on Shared score - 63, What approximately corresponds to the average country this year, but, in the fight for places on the budget of prestigious universities, it may not be wealthy.

Analysis of the implementation of the tasks of the EGE 2017

On task 21. To the text, everything is written very well, in line with the theory. Revenge rechecking should not.

On task 22.removed for the first position. Naturally, economic responsibility is not "... non-compliance with entrepreneurial ethics ...". The logic is violated, any responsibility is measures for failure to fulfill obligations (duties).

... The legal consequences of the non-performance or improper execution by the entity of the prescriptions provided for by acts of legislation in the field of economic relations established by acts of law.

On the task 23. Examples in the first and second positions are not very correctly discharged.

It is difficult to say exactly without text, whether the sources of economic growth themselves are written out, unfortunately.

If they are written correctly, then examples are correct (!). It seems to me that 0 here could only put in the event that the formulation itself from the text was not correct. In any case, it is worth paying attention to the members of the Commission when appeal!

On task 23. You can challenge points, at least ask to reconsider and understand this task! Examples are correct!

24 tasks.The graduate correctly discharges ways to regulate economic policies, but there are no specifics in the examples, which is clearly required in the terms of the task. The graduate simply explains what is meant, and you will definitely indicate.

For example, it was necessary to write that 1) antitrust policy. For example, in the Russian Federation, the FAS structure was imposed a fine on the corporationGoogleFor the abuse of its position in the market.

You see, this is a task of a high level of complexity And requires deep knowledge on the proposed topic. In response, it is not shown.

It is worth paying attention to the members of the Commission when appeal, which the essence in explanation is transferred correctly,

But, no particular chance of success, unfortunately ...

On task 25. You simply got under the verification criterion, according to which the correct definition does not make it possible to check the task execution further.

Indeed, the definition is not true, for "the way to manage anyone, with anything ..." sounds extremely frome ... The tutor should have explained that such a blur in the definition is impossible!

Here, for example, determination from my site

But a classic definition Max Weber:

Power - This is any opportunity, what would be based on, to implement your own will in this social relationship, even contrary to opposition.

It makes no sense to appeal, verified correctly.

On task 26.i had big questions.

TK RF, Article 81. Termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the employer

An employment contract may be terminated by the employer in cases:

1) liquidation of the organization or termination of an individual entrepreneur;

(PP. "B" as amended by Federal Law of 30.06.2006 N 90-FZ)

I believe that the graduate everything rightly explained and led examples! Must stand maximum 3 points!

1 and 3 explanation absolutely fell into the law, and in the second the elimination of the organization is replaced by the word bankruptcy, it is explained that the firm closes ..

Article 3. Signs of bankruptcy of a legal entity

  1. The legal entity is considered unable to meet the requirements of creditors on monetary obligations, on the payment of existences and (or) on the remuneration of persons working or working under the employment contract, and (or) to fulfill the obligation to pay mandatory payments, if the relevant obligations and (or) duty They are not executed for three months from the date when they had to be executed.

(as amended by Federal Law of 29.06.2015 N 186-FZ)

It does not have to dismiss employees, but it is logically true.

27 task. Also absolutely not clear why the score was taken away.

If the concept is correct (from the wording of the task, I can not understand this, unfortunately), then 2-3 progress criteria for modern society (so-called humanitarian), used right!

The wording "level of satisfaction" is very blurred, it will not be reconnected!

The problem of a certain thing is that the concept of progress criteria is very vague, some researchers are not at all that they are not (Korotaev A.V. Social Evolution: Factors, Patterns, Trends. M: Eastern Literature RAS, 2003. - S.7.)

Of the latest information and research:

Social Progress Index (The Social Progress Index) - This is a combined indicator of the international research project The Social Progress Imperative, which measures the achievements of countries of the world from the point of view of public well-being and social progress. Designed in 2013 under the guidance of Michael E. Porter, Chairman of The Social Progress Imperative, Professor Harvard University, a specialist in the field of strategic management and international competitiveness. The editorial council of the publication of the index includes representatives of a number of leading universities and research centers, including the Harvard School of Business and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The index covers countries for which there are reliable indicators, and is based on a combination of data from public opinion polls (12%), assessments of development experts (25%) and statistical information of international organizations (61%).

In determining the success of a country in the field of social progress, over 50 indicators, combined in three main groups, are taken into account:

  1. The main needs of a person - food, access to basic medical care, housing, access to water, electricity and sanitary services, personal safety level. In general, it falls under the written "Satisfaction with life" (!)

  2. The basics of human well-being - access to basic knowledge and literacy level of the population, access to information and communications, health care level Environmental stability.

  3. The possibilities of human development are the level of personal and civil liberties, ensuring the rights and possibilities of a person to make decisions and implement their potential.

Even if the experts considered that the level of health and mortality alone follows from the other, it is necessary to pay attention to that it is statistically Different indicators The level of health care, for example, is measured by the UN in the number of doctors per 1000 people of the population!

Need to appeal, require 1 point!

On the task 28, I am sure there is a hit in two "mandatory" items - 2, 3. It is logical that it was necessary to follow in paragraph 4 and examples of positive deviant behavior, but, in any case, at least 2 points are there.

Criteria are made, no errors, at least 1 point must be challenged!

  1. "Social stratification is a valid stratification of society"

    Stalled an example from India, although it is not very fully revealed!

    So let's summarize!

    For tasks 23 it is quite possible to ask the revision of points, I can't say more accurately!

    For the task 26, 27 and 28, you can get 1 point when revising.

    On the essay 29 can put 0 and take away 2 points.

    The result of appeal to the exam

    What happened in the end? As the overwhelming majority of appeals, the appeal to the conflict commission ended with nothing, the result was left. Here is a small story about the procedure itself:

    Evgeny Sergeevich, hello.

    We do not "beat off at all."

    There is a deaf wall.

    For those questions (to which you wrote about "uselessness" to try) or those where they expressed the assumption of the wrong initial formulation from Nikita, the Commission led exactly the same arguments as you, the word for word. And on the essay they repeatedly for you (which you needed 0 to shine).

    On 26, 27, 28, no our arguments were taken into account and was explained by the fact that the criteria were not observed.

    I, by the way, I have the highest legal and 15 years of practice, naturally caught with her under Art. 81 TK RF. But there it was unbeatable that the third point of Nikita pointed out a disciplinary violation, and it was necessary to specify that it should be rude one-time. My arguments that the child concretized in brackets and disclosed the meaning, remained without attention. When I tried to read the criteria from your tables and explain what they were completed, it was said that the Far East was different

    In general, we have what we have 😄

    In any case, you have a lot of gratitude from me. It is a pity that I got acquainted late. Successes you and all the best.

Social Studies - an object for the USE is not mandatory, although it is included in the list of those disciplines that schoolchildren surrender in the final exam. As the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the Social Status of 2017, selected almost half of all graduates - due to the fact that it is quite easy to study social science.

However, the last few years show more sad statistics: about every fifth student (about 20% of the total number of passed) does not gain the required number of points on the exam. Such depressing numbers were published in the report of Rosobrnadzor for 2016. The students themselves, teachers, experts complain about the complication of tasks, saying that the exam was much more complicated. The department called EGE on social studies in the most difficult exam for students, however, "excellent students" and "good" who scored a high score, there were about 30% of the total number of surrender.

EGE on social science 2017: changes and innovations

A few years ago, the Ministry of Education announced the coming changes in the structure and form of the USE. It was voiced to remove the test part from all exams, that is, a section where you need to choose one correct answer from the four offered. According to both representatives of the ministry, and the teachers themselves, test options for answers give too much space for guessing.

Objects that have already been subjected to the Reformation, and public studies. The first, the test part was replaced by a section with brief responses. At the same time, several of the proposed answers can be correct immediately.

However, these changes - in relation to the test part - passed in 2015. What innovations wait in the year 2017?

According to current legislation, all possible innovations must be brought to the attention of interested persons before the beginning of the school year. By the first September, FIPI did not publish any serious news regarding the Social Score-2017 exam. Therefore, at the end of the school year 2016-2017 there will be no significant changes, the exam will pass on the usual, tested in 2016.


The social studies exam in 2017 will be divided into two large main parts.

The first part is to check common knowledge; Includes 20 tasks to which you need to give a brief answer. It looks like this:

  • task number;
  • task text;
  • replies options, and for one question you can choose several response options at once.

The second part is to check in-depth knowledge; Consists of 9 tasks that imply detail, full response. The part looks like this:

  • at the beginning of the second section, there is a thematic text illuminating one of the parties to social life;
  • task number;
  • task text - Questions from 21 to 24 contain tasks according to the above text;
  • tasks 25-27 contain questions that are required to give an extensive answer;
  • tasks 28-29 contain requirements to write a mini-essay or essay.

Criteria for evaluation

The first part - with brief responses - can bring the one-point responsible for each correct answer. Estimates for the second, deployed, part are subject to a more complex system:

  • Questions 21-22 are estimated at 2 points.
  • Questions 23-28 can bring a maximum of 3 points.
  • Question 29 may add to the overall assessment of the whole five points - subject to the right answer, of course.

The maximum possible number of points is 62, the threshold value is 19 points, that is, in order to get the mark "Purchased" by social science, it is necessary to gain at least 19 points.

Translated to the familiar five-point assessment system look like this:

  • From 0 to 18 points - Two
  • From 19 to 30 points - Troika
  • From 31 to 42 points - four
  • From 43 to 62 points - five.

Schedule EGE on social science

  • Starting Stage - March 24 (Reserve Day April 5)
  • Basic Stage - June 5 (Reserve Day June 20 and June 30 Reserve for all subjects)

And for those who at objective reasons will not be able to pass the exam in the allotted time, in September the department allocates another additional day; The exact number will appear in the final version of the Schedule of the EGE.

By the way, about the schedule: as practice shows, the preliminary project is practically no different from the final version of the schedule. Therefore, to navigate, what day to give social studies, you can now. Well, start training, having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe date of delivery is much easier.

The social science ege consists of two parts, which in the amount contain 29 tasks.

First part Contains 20 tasks with a brief response.

The answer to the tasks of the first part is given to the corresponding record in the form of a word or phrase or a sequence of numbers recorded without spaces and dividing characters.

Tasks 1-3 - the conceptual tasks of the baseline - are aimed at checking the knowledge and understanding of the biosocial essence of the person, the main stages and the factors of the socialization of the individual, the patterns and the trends in the development of society, the main social institutions and processes.

Tasks 4-19 basic and elevated levels are aimed at checking the formation of skills:

  • characterize From scientific positions, basic social facilities (facts, phenomena, processes, institutions), their place and significance in the life of society as a holistic system
  • search social information presented in various iconic systems (text, scheme, table, diagram)
  • use Social and economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive tasks on topical social problems

The tasks of this group represent the traditional five thematic modules of the public courses:

  1. man and society, including knowledge and spiritual culture (tasks 4-6)
  2. economy (tasks 7-10)
  3. social relations (tasks 11, 12)
  4. politics (tasks 13-15)
  5. right (tasks 16-19)

The second part of Contains 9 tasks with a detailed answer.

In the tasks of the second part, the answer is formulated and written by examined independently in the detailed form. The tasks of this part of the work are aimed at identifying graduates who have the highest level of social scientific training.

The tasks of the second part (21-29) in the aggregate are the basic social sciences, forming a public secondary school (social philosophy, economy, sociology, political science, social psychology, lawwork.

Distribution of tasks in parts of the examination work

Parts of work Number of tasks Maximum primary ball Type of tasks
1 part20 35 Short answer
2 part9 27 Detailed response
TOTAL19 62


The execution of the examination work is given 3 hours 55 minutes.
Recommended time to perform various tasks:

  • for each of the tasks 1-3, 10: 1-4 minutes
  • for each of the tasks 4-9, 11-28: 2-8 minutes
  • for task 29: 45 minutes

Hundreds of thousands of graduates will take EGE on social science 2017. As we see, it remains not much time to prepare, and although this subject is considered relatively easy, it is advisable to start working out tasks now. It should be noted that social studies are the most popular optional subject that the disciples are extremely like. In addition, many humanitarian universities require an assessment for this discipline in a graduate certificate.

So that students do not relax in the depths of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as in the State Duma, have already begun to develop a number of innovations, which may be ordered to change the system of testing social science.


Below, the listed innovations can be regarded as rumors and speculation, but it can happen and already in 2017, they will all be involved in the procedure for passing the USE for social studies.

  1. Social Studies - a mandatory subject. This offer has long been on the lips from specialists close to the education system in Russia. In addition to this subject, the history, physics and foreign language may be compulsory. Of course, more chances of history, because officials are already extremely concerned about the fact that not all students freely own the development history and the formation of their state.
  2. Introduction of an extensive oral part. This innovation is only at the discussion stage. Parliamentarians intend to reduce the test part, and in its place to put oral blocks that the student will have to pass the examiner personally. Let's say more, some experts offer to make this exam oral.
  3. The subject will be removed from the exam. Yes, such a proposal has already been submitted to the State Duma. It is provoked by the fact that less technical workers becomes every year. In order for more graduates in profile universities for a while, social studies may disappear from the list of items issued on the exam. Let's hope that this innovation will remain only at the conversation stage.

Evaluation criteria

In 2017, the graduate knowledge assessment system will not undergo any changes. For each completed task, the student receives a certain amount of points that are combined into a single amount. Due to the specially developed scale, the primary, obtained by the student is transformed into the test. It is according to the last Commission and decides, passed the graduate exam or not.

EGE structure for social studies

In total, 29 tasks divided into two blocks are provided in the exam on this subject.

Jobs 1-20 (block 1) - questions or tasks to which you need to give short answers in one word or one digit.

Tasks 21-29 (block 2) - each question implies a detailed reasonable answer. Examples, arguments and other evidence are welcome, capable of making a response wide and correct.

As a rule, this state exam checks knowledge on such sections:

  1. Man and society
  2. Right
  3. Economy
  4. Politicians
  5. Social relations

Literature for training

To pass the exam in social science to "excellent" you need to spend a lot of time for books. Given the fact that the exam is made not one thing, it is necessary to select the right literature, in order not to spend time on unsuitable benefits. Below is a list of textbooks that will certainly be useful during preparation for the USE.

This literature is designed specifically for those who want to prepare in advance for the exam. Some benefits are aimed at the formation of the correct theoretical knowledge. They have all the sections that are taken by the exam. It is noteworthy that all information is represented in a short form, focusing on the main theses.


If you want to feel on time to take it to the social science, FII specialists annually updates the examination of the exam. Each eleven grader can clearly appreciate the complexity of the test, as well as familiarize yourself with the approximate tasks. In addition, students will be able to get points for the passage of demoralism.

This approach allows you to prepare graduates to the future and set it up on a positive result of the knowledge check.

It is worth noting that the demo version is just an approximate picture of what to expect in the real exam in social science. The demo version, as a rule, includes the following items:

  • Instruction with Filling Filling Rules
  • Information about blocks that are included in the social science exam
  • Criteria for assessing knowledge
  • The amount of time allotted for the student to solve all tasks
  • The list of references to which you can use while preparing for the test
  • Rules for the behavior of students during the exam
  • The total number of tasks, in all blocks of the social science of social science.


In order for each compiler of the general education school to feel confident on the exam on this subject it is necessary to begin to prepare for him now. The preparation method depends on the possibilities and desire of the eleventh grader.

Someone appeals for help to tutors, someone decides to read profile literature and prepare for testing on their own, someone, uniting in groups, step by step repeat and secure the material passed. It does not matter which way you choose, the main thing is that it brings the desired result.

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