Topic in English on the topic of Russia. The Russian Federation.

RUSSIA IS A GREAT COUNTRY. Let's Learn The History of ITS Emergence, Development and Formation.

RUSSIA Covers An Area of \u200b\u200bAbout 17 Million Kilometers. The Country Is Located in The Northern Hemisphere and Occupies Most Of The Continent of Eurasia. Russia Has Common Borders With Eighteen Countries, Including by Sea. AT SEA, We Border The United States and Japan.

In Russia, a Large Number of Reservoirs, Rivers, Lakes. If We Talk ABOUT THE NUMBER, THEN THIS FIGURE WILL BE ABOUT 2.8 Million Rivers. The Largest Rivers Flowing Through The Territory of Russia Are The Volga, Yenisei, Don, Ob, and Lena. And Only In Our Country, There Is The Cleanest Lake And The Deepest On The Earth - Baikal. RUSSIA HAS THE LARGEST SEA IN THE WORLD - THE CASPIAN SEA.

The Capital of Russia Is Moscow, Where Infrastructure is developed. This city is rich in its history. There Are Many Legalities in The Country in Which The Population Exceeds One Million People.

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RUSSIA IS A COUNTRY IN WHICH A LARGE NUMBER OF NATIONALITIES GET ALONG PEACEFULLY, THERE ARE ABOUT 160 OF THEM. Each Nationality Professes Its Religion. Therefore, in Russia, You can Meet Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, and Many More Different Religions.

The Country Consists of Autonomous Republics (21) and Territories (6).

The State Language Of The Country Is Russian.

The Flag of Russia in Three Colors: White, Blue and Red. On the coat of Arms of Russia, A Two-Headed Eagle Sits Majestically, Looking West and East.


Country geography

Almost 70% of The Country Is Lowland. In The South Of The Country Are Mostly Mountains. Here You Will Find The Highest Mountain - Elbrus (5642 Meters).

The Northeast of Siberia and The Far East Are Reportented by Ranges - Verkhoyansk, Sikhote-Alin. There Are Many Volcanoes in Kamchatka, Some of Which Remain Active Now.

The Russian Federation Is The Largest Country in the World. IT Occupies about One-Seventh of the Earth "S Surface. IT Covers The Eastern Part of Europe and the Northern Part of Asia. Its Total Area Is About 17 Million Square Kilometres.

The Country Is Washed by 12 Seas of 3 Oceans: The Pacific, The Arctic and The Atlantic. In The South Russia Borders on China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In The West It Borders on Norway, Finland, The Baltic States, Belorussia, The Ukraine. IT ALSO HAS A SEA-BORDER WITH THE USA.

There "s Hardly A Country in the World Where Such A Variety of Scenery and Vegetation Can Be Found. We Have Steppes in The Midland, Tundra and Taiga In The North, Highlands and Deserts in The East.

There Are Two Great Plains in Russia: The Great Russian Plain and The West Siberian Lowland. There Several Mountain Chains on The Territory of The Country: The Altai and Others. The Largest Mountain Chain, The Urals, Separates Europe from Asia.

There Are Over Two Million Rivers In Russia. Europe "S Biggest River, The Volga, Flows Into The Caspian Sea. The Main Siberian Rivers - - The OB, The Yenisei and the Lena - Flow from the South To the North. The Amur in the Far East Flows INTO The Pacific Ocean. RUSSIA IS RICH IN Beautiful Lakes. The World "S Deepest Lake (1,600 Metres) is Lake Baikal. IT "S Much Smaller Than" Baltic Sea, But There "s Much More Water in It Than in The Baltic Sea. The Water In The Lake Is So Clear That If You Look Down You Can Count The Stones on The Bottom.

RUSSIA HAS One-Sixth of the World "S Forests. They Are Concentrated In The European North Of the Country, In Siberia and In The Far East.

On The Vast Territory of The Country There Are Various Types of Climate, From Arctic in The North to Subtropical in the South. In The Middle of the Country The Climate Is Temperate and Continental.

RUSSIA IS Very Rich in Oil, Coal, Iron Ore, Natural Gas, Copper, Nickel and Other Mineral Resources.

RUSSIA IS A PARLIAMENTARY REPUBLIC. The Head of State Is The Pressident. The Legislative Powers Are Exercised by The Duma.

The Capital of Russia Is Moscow. IT "S ITS Largest Political, Scientific, Cultural and Industrial Center. IT" S One of the Oldest Russian Cities.

There Are A Lot of OpportUnities Russia to Become One of the Leading Countries in the World. I "M Sure That We, The Young Generation, Can Do Very Much to Make Our Country Strong and Powerful.

the Russian Federation

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It takes approximately one seventh of the Earth. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern parts of Asia. Its total area is about 17 million square kilometers.

The country is washed by 12 seas 3 oceans: the Pacific Ocean, Arctic and Atlantic. In the south, Russia borders with China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the West, it borders with Norway, Finland, Baltic countries, Belarus, Ukraine. It also has a naval border with the United States.

It is hardly a different country in the world where such a variety of landscape and vegetation can be found. We have steppes in the south, plains and forests in the central part, tundra and taiga in the north, mountainous terrain and deserts in the east of the country.

There are two large plains in Russia: the Great Russian Plain and West Siberian Lowland. There are several mountain chains in the country: Urals, Caucasus, Altai and others. Large mountain chain, Ural, separates Europe from Asia.

There are more than two million rivers in Russia. The largest river of Europe, Volga, flows into the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers - Ob, Yenisei and Lena - flow from the south to the north. Amur in the Far East flows into the Pacific Ocean. Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. The deepest lake in the world (1600 m) - Lake Baikal. It is much less than the Baltic Sea, but it has much more water than in the Baltic Sea. Water in the lake is so transparent that if you look down, you can count the stones at the bottom.

Russia has one sixth part of world forests. They are focused on the European Northern country, in Siberia and the Far East.

On the extensive territory of the country there are various types of climate, from the Arctic in the north to subtropical in the south. In the middle of the country, the climate is moderately continental.

Russia is rich in oil, coal, iron ore, natural gas, copper, nickel and other minerals.

Russia is the parliamentary republic. The head of state is the president. Legislative powers are carried out by the Duma.

Capital of Russia - Moscow. This is the largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial center. This is one of the most ancient Russian cities.

There are many opportunities for Russia to become one of the leading countries in the world. I am sure that we, the younger generation, can make a lot to make our country strong and mighty.

Hey! I bet that when corresponding to foreigners, they first ask you to tell Russia, about our national holidays, about the features of Russian mentality. Sometimes to make a story about Russia in English is very difficult, as it is impossible to translate into English such a purely Russian vocabulary, like a matryoshka, carnival, old new year, etc. The same problems arise when you need to write an essay about Russia. An essay in English about Russia is actually our purely Slavic words and do not require translation. By making an essay, you just need to tell in English about what traditions are observed and what people do, for example, when celebrating that carnival itself. Also explain why in our power of the new year they meet twice - in a new one and old style. Then an alien will all become much clearer.

Essay in English about Russia

When writing an essay on the topic "My Homeland - Russia!" In English or on a similar topic, you need to talk about our country from various aspects:

  • Geographical position
  • Approximate population
  • Peoples and nationalities inhabiting our state
  • Russian traditions and customs, features of mentality
  • Cultural and historical memory
  • About two capitals
  • About industry

We have a great country, and we really have something to tell foreigners. Of course, it will be difficult to translate some words, but remember that our own names do not require translation. So, for example, the name of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, it is not necessary to translate how Bottom New City is written in English - nizhni novgorod. The same rule applies to the names of rivers, mountains and other geographical names.

See also an example of how to tell about your favorite season in English in the article "How to name the seasons in English? "

Do not forget the general rules for writing writings, as in this regard, English is no different about Russian:

  • First, express the thesis or declare the subject of the essay in the first paragraph: Russia The Largest Country In The World (Russia is the Grass Country in the world!)
  • Secondly, go to the proof of the thesis or the deployment of the topic: Total Area (general territory), Hospitable (hospitable) ...
  • Thirdly, at the end of the story, sum up the total of the foregoing: I LOVE RUSSIA! (I love Russia!)

An example of essays:

I am Very Proud of the Fact I Was Born and Live in Russia!
Russia is Washed by Twelve Seas and Three Oceans. The Capital of Russia Is Moscow, with the Population of About 10 Million People. Saint Petersburg Has Once Been A Capital of the Country.
The Russian Federation is Rich in Natural and Mineral Resources. Russian Federation IS A Multinational Country. They Are Russians, Ukrainian, Chukchas, Tatars and Many Others.


I am very proud, I was born and live in Russia!
Russia is washed by the 12th seas and three oceans. Our capital is Moscow, with a population of more than 10 million people. St. Petersburg once appeared the capital of the country.
The Russian Federation is the richest natural and mineral resources. This is a multinational country. Russian, Ukrainians, Chukchi, Tatars and many others live here.
Russia is a country of new features!

You can download more examples of English stories with translation on the topic "Russia" by reference below.

English vocabulary on the topic "Russia"

I think everyone knows that Russia in English is written as "Russia", but is pronounced ["Rʌʃʌʃ] (Rasha). To make it easier to write an essay about our country in English, rely on keywords and phrases from the table with translation:

Phrase in english


to be washed bywashed
dENSELY populated.tightly populated of Birth
highly Industrialized.highly developed industry
to Be Rich in Natural Resources rich in natural resources
numerous Places of Interestnumerous attractions
a presidential republicpresidential republic
natural Wealthnatural wealth
multinational Country.multiethnic state
I am Proudi'm proud
THE POPULATION OF RUSSIApopulation of Russia
many beautiful placesa lot of beautiful places
many Nations.many Nations

Using this vocabulary, you have to make a beautiful story about our homeland. I think you will be able to translate the name of our attractions, cultural and literary memos for the Englishman or American.

Foreigners when communicating with Russian often ask to talk about Russia in English, namely, the peculiarities of the mentality of the inhabitants of our country or national holidays.

This case is better to prepare and adequately talk about your country.

If Russia needs to be told within the framework of the speech at the lesson, it is recommended to draw up a small plan, told by briefly for each of the items. The plan may look like this:

  • Introduction
  • Main part:

    Tell about geographical and population;

    Describe the features of mentality, customs and traditions;

    Talk about culture and others.

  • Conclusion


If the story is an oral performance in English, and not a continuation of communication with a foreigner, then you need to start with logical accession. The beginning will make a more beautiful winged expression about homeland. For example, the Sayneck saying: "Men Love Their Country, Not Because It Is Great, But Because It Is Their Own""Motherland love not for the fact that it is great, but for the fact that it is its".

After you can continue, telling that Russia is your native country. You can clarify what kind of city you were born. If we are talking about live communication, then you can immediately begin to the main part. This can help introductory words, such as "well" or "SO".

Main part

In the main part, you need to tell all overall information about the country, bring specific numbers and data. It may look like this:

IT IS A KNOWN FACT THAT RUSSIA IS THE LARGEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. ITS Territory Is About One-Eighth Part of the World's Land Populated by Men. This Country Has Huge Natural and Mineral Resources. About 10 Million People Live in Moscow, The Capital of My Country and One of the Biggest Cities in the World. RUSSIA IS A MULTINATIONAL COUNTRY, AND WHILE THE RUSSIANS MAKE UP THE MAIN PART OF POPULATION, THERE ARO OVER 160 Nationalities of the Country.

It is no secret that the biggest world country is Russia. Its territory is 1/8 of the sushi populated by a man. The country has tremendous mineral and natural wealth. In Moscow, in the capital of the country, 10 million people live, this is one of the largest cities in the world. Russia is a multinational country, the main population is Russian., And in various regions there are over 160 nationalities.

It will be more interesting if many entertaining facts and not well-known facts will be told here. Few know that in Russia there are 11 time zones:

Our Country Stretches Across 10,000 KM, And There Are Eleven Time Zones in Russia, That's Why When Is Almost Midnight in Yakutsk It's Only Noon in Kaliningrad.

Our country extends 10 thousand km and is located in 11 time zones, so when in Yakutsk is almost midnight, only noon in Kaliningrad.

The story can be diluted with the geographic features of the country:

There Are Many Rivers and Lakes in Russia. There Are More Than 2 Million Rivers. The Volga IS Considered to Be The Longest River in Europe. IT FLOWS INTO THE CASPIAN SEA - THE LARGEST LAKE.

There are many rivers and lakes in Russia. There are more than 2 million rivers. Volga River is considered the longest river in Europe. At the same time, it flows into the Caspian Sea, which is the largest lake.

The story about Russia needs to be touched upon and culture. Here you can call outstanding Russian writers. (Yesenin, Pushkin, Tolstoy. Lermontov), \u200b\u200bartists (Aivazovsky, Shishkin, Levitan) and composers (Glinka, Borodin, Mussorgsky). The story can be added by the names of the favorite actors. Many famous actors have Russian roots, for example, David Spiritual, Natalie Portman.

For example:

There Are Many Outstanding Russian Composers Who Are WORLD-RENOWNED. Everyone Knows The Names Of Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov. Their Music Earned The Admiration of the Public and Universally Acclaimed. Tolstoy, Lermontov, Pushkin Are The Most Famous Russian Authors. For example, Alexander Pushkin Is Regarded As The Founder of Russian Literature. He Is The Author of More Than 700 Lyrical PoEMS.

Many Russian composers are known to the whole world. Everyone knows the names of Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov. Their music received a confession of the public and causes admiration. Tolstoy, Lermontov, Pushkin - the most famous Russian writers. For example, Alexander Pushkin is considered the father of Russian literature. He is the author of more than 700 poems.

Of course, tell about your favorite artists. So you will allow you to know better and demonstrate a good level of cultural and aesthetic development. Foreigners will be interested in listening to Russian traditions. Here you can tell not only about traditional holidays, but also unusual traditions. For example, that in Russia the new year is celebrated twice: according to a new and old style. Many holidays in Russia pass like a feast, Russians love to sing at the table and say toasts:

The Old New Year IS The Strangest and Most Confusing Russian Holiday. IT IS CELEBRATED ON JANUARY 14TH AND MARKS THE CHANGING OF THE YEAR ACCORDING TO THE "OLD STYLE" JULIAN CALENDAR. For most Russians It's Just Another Chance to Prolong Winter Holdays, To Have A Festive Meal and To Make New Year Wishes.


It must be remembered that your own names do not need to be translated, but to record transliteration. At the end of the story it is worth telling what it is like in the country, and what can be proud of.

If you are talking about Russia during lively communication with foreigners, you can drive guests to a restaurant where traditional dishes are preparing, or prepare anything yourself. Foreigners will not refuse to spend the evening with your friends, because it is always interesting how evenings are held in Russia.

The Russian Federation in English is written like - The Russian Federation.

Several proposals on the topic of the Russian Federation

  • Vladimir Putin became president of the Russian Federation. - Vladimir Putin Became The President of the Russian Federation.
  • The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. - The Russian Federationis The Largest Country in the World.
  • The Russian Federation is the parliamentary republic. - The RussianFederation Is a Parliamentary Republic.
  • The territory of the Russian Federation is washed by three oceans. - The Territory of the Russian Federation Is Washed By Three Oceans.

Writing on the topic Russian Federation in English and Russian

The Russian Federation.

The Russian Federation Is The Largest Country in the World. IT Occupies about One-Seventh of the Earth's Surface. It Covers The Eastern Part of Europe and The Northern Part of Asia. Its Total Area Is About 17 Million Square Kilometers.

The Country Is Washed by 12 Seas of 3 Oceans: The Pacific, The Arctic and The Atlantic. In The South Russia Borders on China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In The West It Borders on Norway, Finland, The Baltic States, Byelorussia and Ukraine. IT ALSO HAS A SEA-BORDER WITH THE USA.

There Is Hardly A Country in The World Where Such A Variety of Scenery and Vegetation Can Be Found. We Have Steppes in The Midland, Tundra and Taiga In The North, Highlands and Deserts in The East.

There Are Two Great Plains in Russia: The Great Russian Plain and The West Siberian Lowland. There Several Mountain Chains on The Territory of The Country: The Altai and Others. The Largest Mountain Chain, The Urals, Separates Europe from Asia.

There Are Over Two Million Rivers In Russia. Europe's Biggest River, The Volga, Flows Into The Caspian SEA. The Main Siberian Rivers - The Ob, The Yenisei and the Lena - Flow from the South to the North. The Amur in the Far East Flows INTO Pacific Ocean.

Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. The World's Deepest Lake (1600 Meters) is Lake Baikal. It is Much Smaller Than Is Much More Water in It Than In The Baltic Sea. The Water In The Lake Is So Clear That If You Look Down You Can Count The Stones on The Bottom.

RUSSIA HAS One-Sixth of the World's Forests. They Are Concentrated In The European North Of the Country, In Siberia and In The Far East.
On The Vast Territory of The Country There Are Various Types of Climate, From Arctic in The North to Subtropical in the South. In The Middle of the Country The Climate Is Temperate and Continental.

RUSSIA IS Very Rich in Oil, Coal, Iron Ore, Natural Gas, Copper, Nickel and Other Mineral Resources.

RUSSIA IS A PARLIAMENTARY REPUBLIC. The Head of the State IS The President. The Legislative Powers Are Exercised by The Duma.

The Capital of Russia Is Moscow. IT ITS ITS Largest Political, Scientific, Cultural and Industrial Center. IT IS One of the Oldest Russian Cities.


But in Spite of the Problems Russia IS Facing At Present, There Are A Lot of Opportunities for this country to Become One of the Leading Countries in the world.

the Russian Federation

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies approximately one seventh part of the earth's surface. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Its common area is approximately 17 million square kilometers.

The country is washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans: the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic and the Atlantic Ocean in the south. Russia borders with China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the West - with Norway, Finland, Baltic States, Belarus and Ukraine. She also has a naval border with the United States.

It is hardly there is a country in the world where there is such a variety of landscape and vegetation. We have a steppe in the south, plains and forests in the center of the country, Tundra and Taiga in the north, mountainous terrain and deserts in the east.

Russia has two great plains: large Russian plain and West Siberian lowland. There are several mountain chains in the country: the Urals, the Caucasus, Altai and others. The greatest mountain range, the Urals, separates Europe from Asia.

Russia has more than two million rivers. The largest river of Europe, Volga, flows into the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers - Ob, Yenisei and Lena - flow from the south to the north. Amur in the Far East flows into the Pacific Ocean.

Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. The deepest in the world (1600 meters) is Lake Baikal. It is much less than the Baltic Sea, but it has much more water than in the Baltic Sea. Water in the lake is so transparent that, if you look down, you can count the stones at the bottom.

Russia accounts for one sixth part of the forests in the world. They are concentrated in the European Northern country, Siberia and the Far East.
On the extensive territory of the country, a varied climate is from the Arctic to the north to subtropical in the south. In the center of the country, the climate is moderately continental.

Russia is very rich in oil, coal, iron ore, natural gas, copper, nickel and other minerals.

Russia is the Parliamentary Republic. Head of State - President. Legislative powers are carried out by the Duma.

Capital of Russia - Moscow. It is its largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial center. This is one of the oldest Russian cities.

Currently, the political and economic situation in the country is very complex. In the national economy of the Russian Federation there are many problems.

But despite the problems faced by Russia at the present time, this country has every chance of becoming one of the leading countries in the world.

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