In Shukshin, I came to give you will. "I came to give you will"

April 24, 1671 was captured Stepan Razin - The leader of the national uprising of 1670-1671. The royal governors took the Cossack to the capital, where the prisoner was brutally tortured and eventually executed. On the good intentions of the folk hero and his courage in the face of death Vasily Shukshin Posted by the novel "I came to give you will": From the point of view of the classic, Razin is a champion of justice and the defender of the Russian people. publishes a fragment from the book (Publishing House "AST", 2009).

And they touched again all forty fortifications of Moscow. Razin imported to Moscow. Three hundred hiking firing with leaning banners marched ahead. Then Stepan was driving on a large cart with the gallows. Under this gallop, from whose crossbar whose loop was hung, a formidable Ataman was crucified - his hands, legs and her neck were chained with the chains to the columns and the gallows of the gallows. He was dressed in rags, without boots, in white stockings. For the cart, chained to her, also chain, walked Frol Recor.

The cart was three suited (Roven) horse. Behind the cart, a little bit, drove the top Cossacks led by the root and Mikhail Samaranyin. There were an unprecedented procession, too, Sagittarius with guns, a downgrade. Stepan did not look around. He seemed to think one majority of the Duma, and she was so occupied by him that there was no desire, nor the time to see what was going around.

Writer, director and actor Vasily Shukshin. 1973. Photo: RIA Novosti

So they brought them to the Kremlin and held in the Zemsky order. And immediately proceeded to interrogation. The king was not ordered to break.

Well? - Gloomy and solemnly brought a twin deac. - Tell me ... thief, gentlebuga. How did I start it? .. who matched?

Write, - said Stepan. - Take a big sheet and write.

What to write? - made a deac.

Three letters. Great. And carry them soon the great prince of All-All.

Do not be angry them, marriage! - Frolh cheated. - What are you?

What are you! - Stepan was pretty amazed. "We have a king! .. And with the kings it is necessary to talk briefly. And then they are angry. I know.

Brothers brought to the basement. For the first began for Stepan. Rose to the pub: tied up behind their hands and the free end of the belt pulled the ceiling. The legs were also tied up between the legs they looked for a log, one end of which was fastened. On another, free, raised over the floor, one of the executioners sat down - the body stretched out, the hands turned out of the joints, the muscles on his back tightened, sank.

The whites master took his gun, departed back, wounded the whipped his hands over his head for himself, ran up, cried out and sharply, lowered the resin knot on his back. Blowing Loe along the back of the brown scar, which began to be frother and frozen blood. Svulor passed through the body of Stepan. The executioner again departed a few years ago, again jumped and cried out - and the second shot of the skin next to the first. It turned out that they cut the belt from the back.

The master knew his business. The third, fourth, fifth strike ... Stepan was silent. Already blood streams flowed from the back. The raw end of the belt softening from the blood, stopped dissecting the skin. Palace changed the whip.

Will you talk? - asked Dek after each strike.

Stepan was silent.

The sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth - whistling, vibrating, terrible blows. Stacking Stepan has raised the executioner. He was famous for the craftsman, he was glad. He changed the second whip.

Frol was in the same basement, in the corner. He did not look at his brother. I heard the blows of the whip, every time he shuddered and baptized. But he did not hear that Stepan published at least one sound. Twenty blows counted the heater, sitting on a log.

Fragment of Boris Kustodiev's painting "Stepan Razin". 1918.

Stepan was in forgetting, dropping his head on his chest. There was no living place on his back. He was removed, they drove water. He took a deep breath. Raised Frol.

After three - four shots, Frol groaned loudly.

Terepi, brother, - Seriously, said Stepan with alarm. - We walked nicely - you need to suffer. Knut did not archangel, the soul will not reach. Think that - it does not hurt. It hurts, and you think: "I do not hurt." What is it? - How a flea bit, she, God! They do not know how to beat.

After twelve strikes, Frol lost consciousness. He was removed, thrown onto the straw, they were drunk too. Began to burn in the roar of coals. Climbed, tied up the hands in the front now, we slept through the legs and arms of the log, scattered hot coals on the iron sheet and put Stepan back on them.

Oh! .. - he exclaimed. - From this gets! And well, a swor-ka on the log - so that it came to the bones ... so! Long time in the bath was not - heat the bones. Oh ... so! Ah, Sukina Kids, - Could, True ...

Where is gold buried? Who was written off? - Dyacpa. - Where are the letters? Where did you write? ..

Wait, Dycche, let me get in a hunt! Oh, in the greatness of you! .. In the three gentlemen of God Mother, did not know what such a bath - I would have snewed someone ... Nice bath!

Nothing gave this torture.

Excerpt from the novel Vasily Shukshina "I came to give you will"

Vasily Shukshin

Step Razin

His called - Vashek. Vashek had: twenty-four years from the genus, one eighty-five growth, a large duck nose ... and impossible character. He was a very strange guy - Vashala.

Who he just did not work after the army! Shepherd, carpenter, trailer, butter on a brick factory. At one time, hoped tourists in the surrounding mountains. I did not like anywhere. Having worked for a month or another in a new place, Vasek came to the office and took the calculation.

- incomprehensible you still man Vassek. Why do you live like that? - Interested in the office.

Vashek, looking somewhere above the leaders, explained briefly:

- Because I'm talented.

Contamors, people are polite, turned away, hiding smiles. And Vashala, who casually putting money in his pocket casually (he despised money), leaving. And walked along the alley with an independent view.

- Again? - asked him.

- What now"?

- Did you quit?

- Yes sir! - Vashek trumping in a military man - more questions will be?

- Dolls went to do? Hym ...

On this topic - about the dolls - Vashek did not speak with anyone.

Vasek's houses gave money to mother and said:

- Lord! .. Well, what should I do with you, Mustra Kolomenskaya? Crane you are so! BUT?

Vassek shrugged: he himself had not yet known what to do now - where to go still work.

She passed the week, and the matter was found out.

- Will you go to the accountant to learn?

- Only ... It's very serious!

- What are these exclamations?

"Debit ... a loan ... arrival ... consumption ... sunset ... bypass ... - and money! Money! money!.."

Vashek lasted four days. Then she got up and left straight from the lesson.

"Muskotka," he said. He did not understand anything in the brilliant science of economic accounting.

Last time Vashek worked as a hammerman. And here, having failing the week two heavy sledgehammer, Vasec gently put it on the workshop and told the Blacksmith:

- Why?

- There is no soul in work.

"Tpillo," said Blacksmith. - Get out of here.

Vashek looked at the old man's blacksmith.

- Why do you immediately go to personality?

- Balabolok, if not trepal. What do you understand in the gland? "There is no soul" ... even anger takes.

- And what is there to understand something? These horseshoes, I don't want any idea without any understanding.

- Maybe you will try?

Vashek gave a piece of iron, quite cleverly rinsed the horseshoe, cooled in the water and filed an old man.

The blacksmith is easy, like a lead, crumpled it in his hands and threw out of the forge.

- I go to the cow smoking such a subcovery.

Vassek took a horseshoe made by an old man, I also tried to drive her too - it was not there.

- Nothing.

Vashek remained in the blacksmith.

"You, Vashek, a guy - nothing, but Boltun," the blacksmith told him. - What are you, for example, tell everyone that you are talented?

- That's right: I am very talented.

- Where is your work done?

- I do not show her anyone, of course.

- Why?

- They do not understand. One Zakharych understands.

The next day Vashek brought some kind of puppy in the blacksmith, wrapped in a rag.

The blacksmith unfolded a rag ... and put on a huge palm of a little man carved out of wood. The little man was sitting on a log, leaned with her knees. Head lowered his head; Persons are not visible. On the back of the little man, under the calm shirt - blue, with white peas - sharp shovels stick out. Thin, black hands, shaggy hair, with subpassions. The shirt is also rooted in several places. Neck thin and dwelling.

The blacksmith looked at him for a long time.

"Smolokur," he said.

- Yeah. - Vashala swallowed a dry throat.

- There are no such now.

- I know.

- And I remember those. What is he? .. thinks if?

- Sings sings.

"I remember those," said Blacksmith again. - And what do you know about them?

- told.

The blacksmith returned to the Vod Solokur.

- similar.

- What's this! - exclaimed Vashek, wrapping the smolder into a rag. - Do you really have such!

- All smolders?

"Why? .. There is a soldier, the actress is one, Troika ... another soldier, wounded. And now I am cutting off the walls.

- And who did you study?

- And himself ... no one.

- And where do you know about people? About the artist, for example ...

- I know everything about people. - Vashala proudly looked from above on the old man. - They are all terribly simple.

- Won like! - exclaimed the blacksmith and laughed.

- Soon I will do it ... you will see.

- people laugh at you.

- It's nothing. - Vashala was visiting a handkerchief. - In fact, they love me. And I love them too.

The blacksmith laughed again.

- Well, the fool you, Vashek! He himself says that he loved! Who does it?

- I could say so so much.

- Why consistent? I love them too. I even love them more.

- Which song he sings? - Without a transition, Kuznets asked.

- Smolokur? About Yermak Timofeich.

- And where did you see the artist?

- in the movie. - Vashala grabbed the nipples from the mountain, signed. - I love women. Beautiful, of course.

- And they are you?

Vashek blushed slightly.

- Here I find it difficult to tell you.

- He! .. - Kuznets became anvil. - Wonder you guy, Valek! But talking to you interesting. You tell me: What is your benefit that you cut it out? Well, all the same doll.

Vashek said nothing to it. He took the hammer and also became anvil.

- Can you answer?

- I do not want. I'm nervous when they say so, "answered Vashek.

... from the work of Valek walked always quickly. Waved his hands -onal, awkward. He was not tired at all in the blacksmith. Chagal and in the leg - on the manner of Marsha - sang:

Let them say that I reproduce buckets,
Eh, let them say that I am expensive!
Two kopecks - donyshko,
Three kopecks - side ...

- Hello, Vashek! - Greetings to him.

- Great, - answered Vashek.

At home, he had dinner naskoro, went to the hubby and did not leave there until the morning: she cut the wall of razin.

He told him a lot about Wadim Zakharovich, a pension teacher who lived next door. Zakharych, as he called Vashek, was the kindest soul man. It's one he said that Vashek was talented. He came to Vassek every evening and told Russian history. Zakharych was lonely, woven without work. Recently began to drink. Vassek deeply respected the old man. Until late night, he sat on the bench, pushing his feet, did not move - he listened about the wall.

- ... a man he was strong, wide in the shoulders, lightly on the leg ... a little ripping. Dressed just like all the Cossacks. He did not love, you know, different passing there ... and so on. Well this was a man! How it will unfold, how the grasses are shy - the herbs of Nikli. And the fair was! .. since they got so much that there was nothing to eat in the troops. Cooked a horse. Well, the horse is not enough. And I saw a wall: one Cossack was completely sipped, sits by the fire, poor, sweeping his head: I finally reached. Wall pushed him - she serves his piece of meat. "On," says, you eat. " He sees that Ataman himself handed over from hunger. "Eat myself, Batka. You need more. " - "Take!" - "Not". Then the wall as a saber snatched - she was already whistled in the air: "In the three gentlemen, a mother's soul! .. I said to: Take!" Cossack ate meat. And? .. Cute you, a dear man ... You had a soul.

Vashek, with rapid eyes, listened.

- And the princess is something like! - quietly, whisper, exclaimed. - I took in the Volga and threw ...

"Princess! .." Zakharych, a punishhead elderly with a small dry head, shouted: "Yes, he left these boyars in Tolstopus." He wanted them! Understood? Saryn on kick! And that's it.

... Work on the walls of Raznaya Rassed tight. Vasheka, as much as his face looked. Did not sleep at night. When "was done," he did not bind the clock over the workbench - Roshkal and God ... The thickened nose and said quietly:

- Saryn on kicks.

Spin leaned. In the eyes began to bother. Vashek threw a knife and jumped along the hubber on one leg and laughed quietly.

And when "was not done," Vashek sat motionless from the opened window, throwing the clutch hands behind his head. I sat an hour, two - looked at the stars and thought about the wall.

Zakharych came, asked:

- Vasily Egorch at home?

- Go, Zakharych! - shouted Vashek. She covered the work with a cloth and met the old man.

- Hello Bula! "So He grabbed Zakharych -" Cossacks ".

- Great, Zakharych.

Zakharych mowed on the workbench.

- did not finish yet?

- Not. Soon too.

- Can you show?

- Not? Right. You, Vasily ... - Zakharych sat on the chair, - you are a master. Large master. Only not drink. This is a coffin! Understood? Russian man talent may not regret it. Where is the mixture? Give…

Vashek served Smolokur and he himself dug up with jealous eyes into his work.

Zakharych, bitterly wrinkling, looked at a wooden man.

Every year, in the first week of the Great Post, the Orthodox Church for different voices of Klyala:

"The thief and a traitor, and a crosstact, and the shrinking gentleman of the Razin forgot the Holy Cathedral Church and the Orthodox Christian Faith, a great sovereign changed, and many dirtyness and bloodshed and murder in the city of Astrakhan and in other grassroots grades, and all Custracy did not stick, broke, then he himself soon disappeared, and with like-minded people will be cursed! Yako and cursed new heretics: Archimandrite Cassiap, Ivashka Maksimov, Nekras Sleeveless, Wolf Kuritsyn, Mitya Konoglev, Grishka Fraveev, Additional and Thief Timosha Akindinov, Former Propopop Avvakum ... "

True bucled on the frost of stal bells. Shuddered, silence swinging; Grunted sparrows on the roads. Over white fields, solemn sorrowful sounds flooded over the snowdrifts, sent people to people. Voices in the temples of God told the sweeter - something terrible, bold:

"... The fear of the Lord God of the Almighty disguised, and an hour for the mortal and day forgetting, and the reward of the future by a malicious thing in the extension, the church was outraged and wrapped, and to the great state of the king and the great prince Alexey Mikhailovich, All Great and Malya and Belya Russia, Allevia, Cross kissing and oath overwhelmed, IHO work rejected ... "

Above the hills are patient, over housing is buzzing casting copper music, as beautiful, alarming, how familiar. And they listened to Russian people, and baptized. But go sorts - what's there: trouble and horror or hidden pride and pain for the "despicable hour of mortal"? Silent.

... "The people of Christian-Russian indignant, and many nuneys seized, and wander to the fathers, the fathers on the sons, and sons on fathers, brothers on his brothers, the souls are bought from the physician of countless Christian people, and the premogne innocent bloodshed fault of the former, and to all the state of Moscow, the gloor, the enemy and the crossect, the robber, gentleman, human-bias, bloodstand, the new thief and the traitor of the Don Cossack walls, the Mentors and the grankers of such evil, with the first of their advisers, his will and the villain of his attachments, the detention of him leading Affiliates, Yako Dafan and Aviron, may be cursed. Anathema!"

Such something - the gravestone-mortal - powered by the present voices with the pegs Ataman Razin, alive, even before the Moscow ax cut him down in Square, Official.

Golden Days, in August 1669, Stepan Razin led his Vatagu from the sea to the mouth of the Volga and became the island of four bugs.

Dangerous, protracted, exhaustive, but extremely lucky hike in Persia - behind. The differences were shipped slightly alive; They are not the first, they are not the last "ran to Khvasyn", but they were only those rich only. There, in Persia, the Cossack life remained for "Zipuny", and a lot. And the most, maybe, dear - sore of a curve, a beloved friend Stepan, his twin. But the Strongs of the Donets were broken from all kind of good, which was "branded" from the "squinty" sabers, courage and treachery. Cossacks swollen from salty water, there was a lot of birth. All 1200 people (without prisoners). It is necessary to gain strength now - to relax, find out ... and the Cossacks again took up the weapon, but it was not needed. Yesterday, the Metropolitan of Astrakhan Joseph was etched - Salted fish, caviar, iaxigu, bread, how much was ... And there was little. They also took boats, non-gap, boilers, axes, bugs. Therefore, it was not necessary for the weapon that the slave people from the study were almost stripped, and those that remained, did not think to resist. And Ataman did not touch anyone to touch. He still left a different church utensil on the study, icons in expensive salaries - in Astrakhan, in the Astrakhan knew his kindness and tendency to peace. It was necessary to somehow go home, to Don. And in front of his campaign to Persia, the Razinki tightly touched the Astrakhans. Not so much astrakhans as Astrakhan Governors.

Two ways home: the Volga through Astrakhan and through the graters of the river Kuma. There and there - Sgorov Sagittari, which, maybe, already ordered to transfer Cossacks, they have good and disarmaled with them. And after - scatter and dissolve from home, and not such an oral. How to be? And good to give a pity, and disarm ... and why give something?! Everything was produced by blood, in deprivation of won ... and - all to give everything?

... The circle was noisy.

From a barrel put on the priest, a large Cossack is naked in all sides, naked on the belt.

What are you going to visit Kuma?! - shouted to him. - Duck and then it's not a KUM who loves the darmersmannikov, the other will treat, than the gate locks.

I am not arrogant to me, but I have this thing - I'm not grasp! - Proudly answered the Cossack with a barrel, showing a saber. - I myself can do whom to treat.

He has a Cossack grasp: how to grab a woman for tits, so shouts: "Chur on one!" Oh and greedy!

The circle laughed.

Kondrat, and Kondrat! .. - Ahead was the old dry Cossack with a large hooked nose. - What are you going to ignite it, you do not kum? How to check it?

Check out? - Kondrat revived. "And let's pull out your tongue: if it is shorter than the same nose," Iger to me. Ruby me tada my head. But I'm not a fool, straw my head to substitute myself to substitute: I know, you have a tongue three times and a half around the neck turns around, but the nose, if you are captured on one side, only before the nape ...

Will dust! - Kondrat knocked off the Cossack barrel in Esaulian clothes, serious, reasonable.

Brothers! - he began; Around crushed. - Drake her throat - the head does not hurt. Let's think how to be. Two roads home: Kuma and Volga. Wallpapers are closed. There and there it is necessary to make a swing force. You will not miss good for good. And since this is the case, let's decide: where is it easier? In Astrakhan, we have long been waiting for us. There, now, I think, the two days of Godovalshikov-Sagittarov gathered: new came and keep the old on us. Tych five, or even more. We are a thousand with a little. Yes, the twigs won! This is one. Terks - there are also Sagittari ...

Stepan sat on the stone, somewhat away from the barrel. Next to him - who was standing who was sitting - Esuyuly, Sotniki: Ivan Chernoyatarya, Yaroslav Mikhailo, Frol Minaev, Lazar Timofeev and others. Stepan listened to Suknin indifferent; It seemed that his thoughts were far from here. So it seemed - it does not listen. Without listening, he, however, I heard everything well. Suddenly sharply and loudly asked:

How do you think, Fedor?

On the graters, diet. There is not sweet, but everything is easier. Here we are all heads without a sense, we will not pass. And the graters will give God, take, zazimu ... there is where to peak.

Ugh! - Again, the dry dura living old man Kuzma was blown again, on the nicknamed stirm (steering wheel). - You, Fedor, sort of and the Cossack was not so! We will not pass there, they will not be empty here ... And where are you somehow allowed? Where that's us so directly with tears asked: "Go, Cossacks, Purchase us!" Tell me such a town, I run there without pants ...

Not sat down, stimped, - toughly said serious Esaul.

You are not going to mouth mouth! - called and stimple.

What do you want?

Nothing. And I give up to me, someone in vain sabluka myself hung.

Duck to twist it - to whom, like, stimple, - silently noticed Kondrat, standing next to the old man. - Comedy to you, it is at all without need: you are not Tokmo Astrakhan with our tongue, but you will put Moscow on the karachi. Do not be offended - you have a long one. Show, huh? - Kondrat depicted serious curiosity on his face. - And then they chat, it's not a simple, but it seems to be wool ...

Language is just! Said Stirm and pulled a saber out of herbal. - I better show you this Lyalka ...

Stop! - Chernoyatarya poked down, the first Esaul. - Males. Language wallpapers. It's about talking, and they are here ...

This story is about one myth and a person who wanted to say the truth. And about the system that kept myths and destroyed living people who spent the truth. And even about the fact that he lost not only Soviet, but also the world cinema, about millions of spectators who did not see the film Shukshin "Stepan Razin".

The beginning of this story can be attributed by 1630, when the Cordon of the Left-Bank of Ukraine and the area of \u200b\u200bDonsky's troops, Stepan Razin was born. The one that later was dried in the Volga "Persian Princess". His father was from serviceable home Cossacks, and with his mother, the situation was intact. According to one information - the captive Turkishka, and on the other - the Nativenaya, from Slobozhansky, Matrona Govorukha. Natural data from Stepan had non-hot. In addition, he knew the conversational Kalmyk, Tatar and Polish, understood the Persian. Whether the literacy intelligently, it was definitely not established, but most likely he owned reading and writing skills. He entered the story as Liya Ataman, who performed successful robbing trips to Zipunov. This is evidenced by the loud robber than Stepan Razin on the Volga, and especially the Persian campaign of 1668-1669. So in the battle at the pork island, he broke the experienced Persian fleet of Mamed-Khan. Of the 50 Persian ships with a team of 4 thousand people survived only three vessels. The ruins captured the Son Mamed-Khan, and according to legend - and his daughter. Her People's Solva and turned into the Persian Princess.

Stepan Razin was distinguished by a steep temper, and often they were mastered the seizures of uncontiguous anger. He had a serious reputation as a puzzle and brutally managed his robbery Vatagoy. Dutch master ships Stretis, who saw a raid and his comrades in Astrakhan just after the Persian campaign, left the following description: "The appearance of his majestic, the posture is noble, and the expression of the face is proud; The growth of high, the face is rinking. He had the ability to inspire fear along with love. That it ordered it, it was fulfilled unquestioned and badly. "

Moscow found it for the best to forgive them to robbing their guilt and skip to Don, having received its share of the stunned in Persia, and swinging firearms, first of all, guns. Recanits behaved independently, but the government clearly did not speak, although something in his behavior was already alarmed. Zasa was higher than the robbery. In Tsaritsyn, for example, he pulled off the local velvet-nobleman for his beard and punished the people not to threaten, because he, Razor, will return and then everyone who is against the people will have to be thin ...

But from this point on, a friendly chorus of textbooks and other literature of the Soviet Powders said that Ataman Steenka Razin became the leader of the class struggle, wise and noble, who fought for popular interests against common class oppressors. The fact is that in 1670 Stepan Timofeevich Razin coolly changed his fate, raising a large-scale uprising on the Middle Volga region, where, after the Persian campaign, there was a continued authority. The uprising was, of course, was suppressed, and the rich donor Cossacks were given the rich Downesses to punishers. The national leader was executed in Moscow Lutuy death through quarters.

Soviet power needed his own ideology and in its own "holy martyrs" for popular happiness. Among those turned out to be the wall of the difference.

And now we will be transferred to the age of XX. In August 1967 on the film studio they. Gorky discussed the script of Vasily Shukshin "Stepan Razin". Time was afternoon, incomprehensible, officials were lost in guessing: what to resolve what to prohibit. High circles led by the USSR Culture Minister P. Demichev expressed their discontent about the film Tarkovsky "Andrei Rublev". After showing the draft version, the film was recognized as cruel, naturalistic, and most importantly - "degrading the dignity of the Russian man."

The script offered by Shukshin conceded a more complex and ambiguous pages of Russian history, brutal and bloody. Nevertheless, the name Stepan Razin was joining the vigilance of party officials from art. The scenario was enthusiastically praised for "grand folk characters", "naked drama", "magnificent language".

At the Film Studio level, Vasily Makarovich received approval and hope for resolution. But the scenario went on according to the assertion of instances, where they sat at all stupid, but very well-read and understand Soviet censors. They quickly missed that Shukshin was going to make a film not only about the martyr, but also about the tormentor. He wants to get closer to the historical truth, and it is impossible to be allowed.

In the second half of the 19th century, the well-known Russian and Ukrainian historian N. I. Kostomarov gave the following identity definition of a wall of razin: "There was something charming in his speeches. The crowd chulsy in it some unprecedented power, in front of which it was impossible to resist, and called him a sorcerer. Cruel and bloodthirsty, he was amused as other people's and his own sufferings. The law, society, the church, - everything that the personal motives of man constraints, they became hated him. The compassion, the honor, the generosity was his unfamiliar. It was a geek of an unsuccessful warehouse of society; The revenge and hatred of this society was imbued with all his being. " Of course, you should make a discount on some bias of the liberal Kostomarov, who denied the violent struggle, but in general, the portrait fell right, especially hatred and revenge in the whole society. The fact is that Kostomarov read and analyzed the historical documents. Shukshin could not know the writings of Kostomarov, they were not promoted in the Soviet Union and belonged to closed funds. But Shukshin's documents read (censored this time spook) and came to the conclusions close to the statement of Kostomarov. I also read these documents issued in special collections, known only to historians. The abundance of cruelty on both sides is not amenable to a simple description. And the string of Razin can see not only as a people's leader, but also as a "beast of the abyss."

Shukshin wanted to show this contradiction, the complexity of the folk nature of that era and, thus, broke the stereotype of the hero-martyr. The reaction of one of the censors is characteristic. By quoting the string from the script: "At the feet of Stepan, overtaking it, a frisky blood stream was fitted," the censor puts his remark: "Shukshin came crazy!" Yes, Shukshina, like Griboedovsky Chatskom, turned out to be "grief from the mind." Trying to clarify your position, it was fully opened for destroying criticism in his address: "The difference was cruel, sometimes senselessly cruel ... I did not give the tenth more thing that there is in the documents. There were asked: when there is such a scene - a person fifteen in a row, stamping the head, flowing blood ... How to imagine it? It is necessary to obviously rely on a sense of measure. We will find that measure that will allow it to imagine. But the conversation about cruelty to some extent should remain. "

Vasily Makarovich would manage to make a film not only about Stepan Razane, but also about the dark sides of the nature of the Russian man, about the inhumanity of civil wars. It was scary for the Soviet Realism system.

Stepana Razinis executed on Red Square. "He was laid between two boards. The executioner cut off her right hand on the elbow, then the left foot knee ... "

Shukshin also "executed" gradually. Having received a preliminary permit, Vasily Makarovich began to grow "the Razinsky" beard, with the film crew rang all the Volga, selecting the nature to work on the film. In 1971, the solution from above, all work in the picture was resolutely prohibited. With exacerbation of ulcers, Shukshin hit the hospital, but Sergey Bondarchuk suggested his help here. It is only necessary to make a picture of "about our time" - and the ban on the film about the distribution will be removed. The unfolded Shukshin, ran away from the hospital immediately on Mosfilm. There were still "reserve" money for one inexpensive film. So in 1973, "Kalina Red" appeared.

Vasily Makarovich felt that he was already released a little time. With great reluctance, he gave way to the requests of Bondarchuk to play in his film "They fought for their homeland." And everything in order to resolve the shooting of razin. Slowly passing through numerous bureaucratic obstacles, the matter went. By that time, the scenario of Rasin turned into an independent novel "I came to give you will." The novel promised to printed, and the shielding of the literary work is already easier. In the summer of 1974, an official permission was made about the launch of Stepan Razin. For several days, Shukshin escaped from filming from Bondarchuk to Moscow to solve his problems. He was full of creative plans, met with the operator and the artist of the future film. But it was his last meeting with his family. Shukshin's heart could not stand overloads ...

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