Heating technologies in physical education lessons in doughs. Heating technology in physical education lessons

Heating-saving educational technologies are many of the psychological and pedagogical techniques familiar to most teachers, methods, technologies that do not apply direct or indirect harm to health (Smirnov N.K.).

Health and healthy lifestyle have not yet occupy the first places in the hierarchy of the needs of the person of our society. But in accordance with the Law "On Education", it is the health of schoolchildren to the priority areas of state policy in the field of education.

The question of preserving the health of students at school today is very acute. Doctors note the tendency to increase the number of students having various functional deviations, chronic diseases. Nevertheless, in the curriculum there is only one subject, which can determine the negative impact of the intensification of the educational process: increasing hypodynamine, decrease in the motor activity of students, is the subject of "physical culture".

Therefore, before each physical culture teacher, questions arise:

How to organize schoolchildren's activities in the lesson to give each student the optimal load taking into account its preparedness, health groups?

How to develop students' interest in physical education lessons, the need for a healthy lifestyle, given the emergence of stronger interests in schoolchildren's life?

How to make an attractive physical education lesson for all children? How to achieve an optimal combination of recreational, training, educational components of physical culture activities at the lesson?

How to make the subject of "physical culture" exerted a holistic impact on schoolchildren, stimulating their conscious self-development, self-improvement, self-realization.

When solving these issues arise contradictions.

On the one hand, the teacher of physical culture in the process of its activities it is necessary to take into account the multifunctionality of the lesson, on the other - the increase in the requirements for its valeological orientation;

on the other hand, a high level of requirements for physical fitness of graduates, on the other, is a decline in interest in physical culture lessons.

Therefore, arises problem,actual both for pedagogical science and practice: how to effectively organize a training process without damage to schoolchildren's health? It is possible to answer it, subject to approach to the organization of training from the position of the three principles of valeology: preservation, strengthening and formation of health.

IN AND. Kovalko writes, the success of work on the implementation of health-saving technologies depends on many components:

    active participation in this process of students themselves;

    creating a healthy-saving medium;

    high professional competence and literacy of teachers;

    systematic work with parents;

    tight interaction with the socio-cultural sphere.

Preparation for a healthy lifestyle of a child based on health-saving technologies should be a priority in the activities of each educational institution for school children. To achieve the goals of health-saving technologies, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  • The first condition of recovery is the creation in the lessons of physical culture of the hygienic regime. My responsibilities include the ability and willingness to see and identify explicit violations of the requirements for the hygienic conditions of the lesson and, if possible, to change them for the better - the most, with the help of administration, medical worker, class managers
  • The second is the use of the health forces of nature, which has a significant impact on achieving the goals of health-saving technologies in the lessons. Conducting exercises in the fresh air contributes to the activation of biological processes, increase the overall performance of the body, slows down the process of fatigue, etc.
  • The most important condition is to ensure the optimal motor regime in the lessons of physical culture, which allows you to satisfy the physiological need in motion, contributes to the development of the main motor qualities and maintaining a high-level performance during the entire school day, weeks and year.

Only the integrated use of these funds will help solve the task of recovery.

I understand perfectly well, it is impossible to force all schoolchildren to engage in physical culture and their health, for this we need certain incentives, motives.

To create motivation conditions for physical education, I use:

1. Valeological education of students and their parents.

Parental meetings widely deal with issues related to the state of health, the conditions for its conservation and strengthening, talk about the prevention of diseases, the need for full nutrition. I include parents in the process of discussing problems, bring statistical data. In lessons practicing conversations about a healthy lifestyle. When performing various exercises, I explain to children the value of each of them. With a view to a more visible idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy lifestyle using computer presentations. This specially stimulates the cognitive activity of students, increases interest in the topic, contributes to the assimilation of the basic rules for compliance with a healthy lifestyle.

2. The main types of non-traditional lessons are plot-role lessons, health lessons. In the health lessons of children, I share the groups in groups of weakened children, the following principles and norms of providing such exercises that contribute to the removal of mental stress, excluding long-term static loads. I use exercises that are directed not only to the physical development of children, but also having a medical and educational effect, corrective exercises. For example, walking on the stairs, gymnastic sticks, the rope strengthens and develops the muscles of the foot and warns the development of flatfoot. Exercises with a skipping and hoop contribute to the formation of proper posture, they have a beneficial and respiratory system at the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

3. Combining game, competitive and circular method. Applying one or another method, take into account the age features of students, do not allow overwork, send their actions and control the load. In order to fully and accurately describe the equipment of the exercises for clarity, show a sequence of actions. In its practice, we apply the methods of learning exercises, suggest, helping to perform, but at the same time take into account the physical development and level of physical fitness of the child. I am sure that the methods of belief and encouragement have a special impact on children.

It is on the interest of children to classes, it is necessary to build lessons, thereby forming the skills and skills that ensure health motivation. In my lessons I try to create such conditions so that the child "appetles appetite" to engage in physical culture and sports so that he understands the usefulness of movements for his health.

But only in the lessons of physical culture, we will not be able to solve the problem of organizing the physical activity of students, hypodynamine prevention. And the extracurricular forms of physical education and sports and mass work play a big role.

Hydodine prevention depends largely on the family's position to this problem. That is why I pay great attention to attracting families into various events of extracurricular activities. In our school there are already traditional events with the participation of parents: "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family," a cheerful anthill "," Bogatyr playing "," together with dad ".

To analyze your activities, I spend an annual monitoring of the state of physical fitness of students in order to:

  1. To identify the state of physical fitness and health of schoolchildren.
  2. Develop recommendations for individual work on improving the physical fitness of students.
  3. Analyze the effectiveness of work on physical education, preservation and strengthening students' health at school.

I spend this monitoring according to such a scheme:

To the generally accepted control tests offered by the program, add tests of presidential competitions, I spend them not twice a year, and every quarter. Tests are aimed at the development of basic motor qualities: flexibility, endurance, strength, speed, coordination abilities. According to testing data, groups of students who need adjustment are standing out, I spend a correctional work with them. To do this, we develop complexes of exercises aimed at the development of lagging physical qualities.

Testing results of each class I will call in the "Health Passport", and the students fill the self-control diaries, in which it is very clearly seen: whether there is a positive dynamics or not, and what is worth working especially. Thus, many students try to improve their results, but I can only tell me how to do it.

Analyzing the results of their work, I note, noting the system of work on the health-saving educational technologies allowed:

1. Encourage performance on the subject.

2. The dynamics of the growth of physical fitness preparedness.

3. Attach students' interest in physical culture and motivation to comply with a healthy lifestyle.

4.Side the dynamics of student health

Health-saving technologies should undoubtedly be used in the process of the recovery of schoolchildren, in particular, in the lessons of physical culture.

Fishman Arkady Vladimirovich
Position: Teacher of physical culture
Educational institution: MOU "Yablonevskaya Osh"
Locality: from. Yablonevo, Cokeln district, Ryazan region
Name of material: article
Subject: "Heating technology in a modern lesson of physical culture"
Publication date: 25.03.2017
Section: secondary education


at a meeting of the methodological association

teachers of Physical Culture and Obzh

Shodlin District

teachers of Physical Culture MOU "Yablonevskaya Osh"

Fishman Arkady Vladimirovich

"Heating technology in modern

lesson of physical culture. "

g. bolar

1. Modern lesson - as a form of organization of work on the formation

cultures of a healthy and safe lifestyle

2. Heating technology in a modern physical lesson


2.1. The main components of the health-saving technology.

2.2. Functions of the health-saving technology.

2.3. Types of health-saving technologies and conditions for their introduction in

educational process.

3. System of work on the use of health-saving technologies on

lessons of physical culture

4. The main provisions of the health education in the lesson

physical culture at school


List of used literature

"Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health".

Arthur Shopenhauer

1. Modern lesson - as a form of organization of work on

formation of culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle

As you know, good health contributes to successful learning, and

successful learning - health improvement. Education and Health

inseparable. Recently, the catastrophic becomes increasingly

worsening student health. His share of responsibility for the prevailing

the situation is the education system. We are all sharper to understand our

responsibility for the welfare of new generations. On the fore

acts upbringing in children health needs as vital

values, a conscious desire to keep a healthy lifestyle.

Modern physical culture lesson must contribute

healthy Schoolboy. Must be provided

health-saving conditions for children's learning: the lesson should be loaded

be individualized, rational, should lead to success without

overwork and loss of health. It is important that in the lessons of physical

culture occurred real education of health culture,

forming the need to keep a healthy lifestyle, resist

harmful habits. To increase the motivation to physical classes

cultures need to create a healthy psychological climate on

lesson, use of ICT, accounting for the opinions of students in assessing

(self-esteem, mutualization), individual approach, taking into account the physical

abilities of each student.

As you know, education in our country, being involved in

modern socio-economic transformations undergo

serious changes. However, there is one aspect in the system

education, which modern changes touched insignificantly.

Oddly enough, this is a leading organizational form of educational activities -

The lesson should always be the center of attention. So he should be

interesting, i.e. Modern. Modern lesson is, above all lesson,

on which the teacher uses the possibilities of the student, its active

mental growth, deep and meaningful learning knowledge for

the formation of its moral bases. The term "health-saving interior

qualitative characteristics of any educational technology, its

"Safety certificate for health", and as a combination of those principles,

receptions, methods of pedagogical work that completing traditional

teaching and education technologies give them a sign

healthy saving.

In terms of health, the truth is fully true: "It is better not

do in any way than doing wrong! " But how about? Teach a child

young man general principles, modern systems and methods

the protection and promotion of health is definitely - the task of educational

institutions. And already for advice on private issues, for

adjustment of the healing program taking into account individual

features, with the aim of restoring a shameless health man

can contact the physician (physiologist, psychologist), specialist on issues


Laying on school and teacher such seemingly unusual

tasks - concerns about the health of students - is determined by the following reasons:

First, adults are always responsible for what is happening with

children under their care. This also applies to child health.

It is in school, under the "supervision" of teachers, schoolchildren spend

a significant part of the time, and not help them, to preserve health, it would be

manifestation of silent and unprofessionalism.

Secondly, most of all influences on the health of students -

desired and unwanted - carried out by teachers, in the walls

educational institutions. If you adhere to the point of view that

all health issues should be done by doctors, then to each class

it is necessary to attach, at least one doctor. - IN-

third, modern medicine is not engaged in health, but diseases, i.e.

not prevention, but treatment. The task of school is different - to save and strengthen

health of their pupils, i.e. Preventive. Therefore, the main thing

acting person caring for the health of students in educational

institutions - teacher.

The problem of children's health today is more relevant. At present

time can be confidently asserted that it is a teacher who teacher in

condition to make the health of a modern student more than a doctor. it

does not mean that the teacher must fulfill the duties of medical

worker. Just a teacher should work so that the training of children in

the school did not damage the health of schoolchildren.

Very large influence on the functional condition of the body

schoolchildren has the structure of the lesson. According to many researchers,

the structure of the lesson must be flexible, but be sure to take into account the dynamics

schoolchildren's performance. During the work phase (first 3-5

minutes) the load must be relatively small, it is necessary to give

schoolchildren enter the work. In the period of optimal stability

performance (the next 20-25 minutes) load may be

maximum. The load should then be reduced, because fatigue develops.

From here it is clear that the practice is not always justified when the teacher is the first,

the most productive part of the lesson is to remove a home assignment:

it is better to devote this part of the lesson to study the new material, and the poll

to transfer to the second, less productive.

An important part of the teacher's health-saving work is

rational organization of the lesson. Indicator of a rational organization

the educational process is:

The volume of training load is the number of lessons and their duration,

including time spent on homework;

Load from additional classes at school;

Active Musk Classes: Dynamic Pauses, Lessons

physical culture, sporting events, etc.

In order to improve knowledge, skills and skills

health care, teachers use various methods and techniques:

practical method, game, competitive, active learning methods,

educational, educational and educational programs.

Of course, the health of students is determined by the initial state of its

health at the time of arrival in school, but not least important and correct

organization of training activities, namely:

Strict dosage of training load;

Building a lesson, taking into account the performance of students;

Compliance with hygienic requirements (fresh air, optimal

thermal regime, good illumination, cleanliness);

Favorable emotional attitude;

Conducting physical attacks and dynamic pauses in the lessons.

No need to forget that rest is a change of activities.

Therefore, when planning a lesson, it is necessary to prevent one-way work. AND

on the contrary - frequent changes of one activity other requires students

additional adaptation efforts. Must be used in the lesson

methods contributing to the activation of initiative and creative

self-expression of students themselves when they really turn from

"Consumers of Knowledge" in the subjects of action on their receipt and creation:

1) free choice (free conversation, choice of action, choice

method of action, choosing a method of interaction, freedom of creativity, etc.);

2) active methods (students in the role of teachers, training,

discussion in groups, role-playing game, discussion, seminar, student as

researcher); 3) Methods aimed at self-knowledge and development

(intelligence, emotions, communication, imagination, self-assessment and mutualization).

An important condition for the modern lesson is observance of SanPine:

1) the place and duration of the use of TSO (in accordance with hygienic

standards), teacher's ability to use them as initiation opportunities

discussions, discussions; 2) poses of students, alternation of poses (whether

the teacher is realistic behind the counter, landing of students; whether poses alternate in

according to the type of work); 3) Fizkultminthki and others

wellness moments in the lesson - their place, content and

duration. The student is able to focus only on the fact that he

i wonder, like, so the task of the teacher is to help the student to overcome

fatigue, despondency, dissatisfaction. After all, often we hear from their

pupils: "Then everything is clear to me, when it is interesting." So the child should

it is interesting in the lesson. From the first minutes of the lesson, with greetings you need

create a feeling of goodwill, because Students are developed

intuitive ability to catch the emotional mood of the teacher.

Composition of physical culture are: good health, good

physical development, optimal level of motor ability,

knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture, motifs and basic

methods for the exercise of physical education and wellness and sports

activities. It is at the lesson of physical culture should be carried out

work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students. Teacher must

work not only over the development of physical qualities, but also over the strengthening

health. We cannot cure children or stop the course of the disease, but in

our forces prevent the emergence of many diseases. For example, such

as a violation of posture, flatfoot, diseases of the organs of vision,

gastrointestinal tract. The teacher must teach the child to be careful

relationship to your health. Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle

junior schoolchildren expedient to carry out through mastering

theoretical section of the Physical Education program.

The theoretical part of the program includes learning the basics

physical Culture:

Feature of the origin of physical culture, the history of the first

Olympic Games;

Health and physical development of man;

The work of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, the role of vision and

hearing in man's life;

Effect of physical exercises that tempering procedures, personal hygiene

and the regime of the day for health promotion;

Physical qualities and their relationship with physical development;

Formation of correct posture;

Terminology of learning exercises;

Causes of injuries in physical culture classes and its rules


This material can be mastered as on specially designated lessons (1-

2 hours a quarter) and in the course of lessons.

Each lesson of physical culture carries a recreational

task. Prerequisite is the consideration of age-related features

students. In the first grade, before proceeding to classes

physical culture, it is necessary to spend a conversation with children about the subject

"Physical culture" that they will study at this lesson, with

what sports will get acquainted. New knowledge is better to present

with mysteries, illustrations. Strange words are necessary

write on cards to get acquainted with their spelling, and for the best

remember to pronounce chorus. When studying each sport you need

give an idea about him, and after find out what exercises is

studied sport. To acquaint children with theory follows every lesson,

constantly operating with new words. Only then studied concepts will be

sound in speech of students. Much attention should be paid to themes: "Mode

schoolboy's Day, "" Healthy Lifestyle "," Hardening of the Organism ",

"Food. Power Mode »," Physical Activity "," Diary

self-control. "

Children need to give creative homework:

Make up your day;

Draw an illustration (factors are negative and positive

affecting health);

Write an essay (on the topic "My healthy lifestyle").

In the practical part, students must learn how to

perform complexes of morning gymnastics, complexes of physical

exercises on the development of flexibility, coordination, strength, for formation

proper posture. Also students should get to know

exercises aimed at improving vision, hearing. They can be

include, as in generalizing exercises, and in the final

parts of the lesson. In general array exercises should include respiratory

exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnoye. They contribute

prevention of sharp respiratory diseases improve access

oxygen in the brain. You need to familiarize students with

exercises aimed at preventing flatfoot and strengthening

muscular corset.

2 . Heating technology - the basis of a modern lesson

physical culture

A number of modern conceptual development of construction

educational systems makes out the leading positions,

defining the need to introduce healthy productive

(healthy-saving) technologies in education that lead the lead

the role in the humanization of education and the implementation of the health center

paradigm of the human health of the third millennium - the epoch of the heyday

health Cultures (M.O. Zotov, 2009).

Training technology prerequisites laid in works

domestic scientists P.Ya. Galperina, V.V. Davydova, N.F. Talyzina,

I.P. Kaloshina, Z.A. Reshetova, I.I. Ilyasova, L.N. Lando, N.A.

Menchinskaya, M.Ya. Mikulinskaya, L.F. Obukhova, O.S. Anisimova, B.I.

Kiogyaeva, S.I. Shapiro, A.B. Naumova, V.V. BELICH, V.P. Bespalko, V.M.

Monk, as well as foreign scientists B. Bloom, J. Miller, E.

Galantera, K. Pribrama, M. Minsk and others.

By definition, V.V. Serikova, technology in any sphere is

activity to maximize reflecting objective laws of this

subject sphere built in accordance with the logic of development of this

spheres and therefore providing the greatest conditions for these conditions

compliance with the result of the activities of predefined goals.

Healthy educational educational technologies (zot) implemented

based on personal development situations, involve active participation

the very study in the development of the culture of human relations, in

forming the experience of health resistance, which is purchased through

gradual expansion of the scope of communication and student activities,

the development of its self-regulation, the formation of self-consciousness and active

life position on the basis of upbringing and self-education, formation

responsibility for their health, life and health of other people.

The healthy-saving technologies are implemented on the basis of personality

oriented approach. In traditional pedagogy, the concept

heating-saving technologies are interpreted in different ways.

A healthy-saving technology, according to V.D. Sonykina (2003),

Conditions for learning a child at school (lack of stress, adequacy

requirements, adequacy of training and education techniques);

Rational organization of the educational process (in accordance with

age, sex, individual characteristics and

hygienic requirements);

Compliance with educational and physical activity by age possibilities

Required, sufficient and rationally organized motor

N.K. Smirnov (2006) gives the following definition:

"The healthy-saving educational technologies are complex,

built on a single methodological basis, system of organizational

and psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, technologies aimed at

security and strengthening the health of students.

2.1 Basic components of the health-saving technology

The main components of the health-saving technology are:

Axiological, manifested in awareness of higher-value students

his health, conviction necessarily lead a healthy image

life that allows the most fully accounted for

use your mental and physical opportunities;

Epistemological associated with the acquisition of the required process

health care knowledge and skills, knowledge of oneself, their potential

abilities and opportunities, interest in their own health issues,

to the study of literature on this issue, various techniques for

improving and strengthening the body;

Agent, which includes a system of values \u200b\u200band installations,

which form a system of hygienic skills and skills required

for the normal functioning of the body, as well as the system

exercises aimed at improving skills and skills

care for oneself, clothing, place of residence, the environment;

Emotional-Volve, which includes manifestation

psychological mechanisms - emotional and volitional;

Ecological, taking into account the fact that a person is like a biological view

exists in a natural environment that provides a human personality

defined biological, economic and production


Physical and wellness component involves possession

ways of activity aimed at improving the motor

activity, warning hypodynamine.

2.2 Functions of the Health Saving Technology

Forming: carried out on the basis of biological and social

regularities of the formation of a person;

Informative-communicative: ensures broadcast experience

healthy lifestyle, continuity of traditions, value

orientation forming careful attitude to individual

health, values \u200b\u200bof every human life;

Diagnostic: lies in the monitoring of student development based on

prognostic control, provides instrumentally verified

analysis of prerequisites and factors of prospective development of pedagogical

process, individual passage of the educational route each


Reflexive: lies in rethinking prior

personal experience, in preserving and increase health, which allows

measure actually achieved results with prospects.

Integrative: unites people's experience, various scientific concepts and

education systems, directing them on the way to preserve health

smart generation.

2.3 Types of health-saving technologies

In the psychological and pedagogical science allocate various types


Health-saving (preventive vaccinations, provision

motor activity, vitaminization, organization of healthy nutrition)

Wellness (physical training, physiotherapy, aromotherapy,

hardening, Gymnastics, Massage, Fitotherapy, Artherapy)

Health learning technologies (inclusion of relevant topics

objects of the generalization cycle)

Education of health culture (elective development classes

personal students, extracurricular and out-of-school events,

festivals, contests, etc.).

Characteristics of health-oriented technology as a system,

implies the presence of a structure, elements, its components, their

the relationship and subordination of a single goal. In the aggregate of the main

the elements of the health-saving technology are included


1. Information - includes conceptual provisions

realizing goals and tasks.

2. Instrumental - includes a description of the material and technical base and

educational and methodical support.

3. Social - determines the personnel potential, its competence,

readiness to implement technology in the educational process.

4. Financial - determines the sources, volumes and system of budget and

extrabudgetary funds.

5. Regulatory support - the use of state

regulatory acts, maintenance of office work in this area.

Among meaningful (specific) technological principles (with

the conditions for compliance with the Communicative principles) that need

recognize with the development of the healthcare system of education N.A.

Solovyov will allocate the following:

The principle of the unity of the communication of the elements of the system of the health-saving

technologies (its main components are interrelated and interdependent:

the change in one of them certainly requires changes to others);

Principle of diagnosticity of goaling;

The principle of functional completeness and functional relationship

at the same time all components and components of the educational system);

Principle of openness of functional and methodical actions (all that

it is done in the process of introducing and becoming a zot, should be clear,

logically reasonable and information open for all subjects

educational process);

The principle of objective estimate of the final result (only when performing

this requirement is possible productive control and correction, search

management methods); -

the principle of continuity and completion (consistent not

activities at different levels of education, both in the macro and in


The principle of variability of funds, methods and organizational forms

introduction of ate (wide range and variety of funds, methods,

organizational forms and types of healthcle technologies provide

maximum effect);

Principle of optimization (suggests in each particular case

the best option plan).

Despite the differences in the interpretations of the concept "Health-saving

educational technologies "and the use of some authors

the concepts of "Health Product Pedagogical Technologies"

(emphasizing the developing, forming potential and functionality

education), the opinions of specialists agree on the need

designing the health-minded environment that is the most important

an element of work to preserve and strengthen the health of students.

N.T. Rylova (2007) defines a health-saving medium

educational institutions as a set of managerial,

organizational, training and wellness conditions aimed at

formation, strengthening and maintaining social, physical,

mental health of students, teachers based on psychological

pedagogical and medical and physiological means and support methods

educational process, prevention of risk factors, implementation

complex of interdepartmental measures to create a social

adapted educational environment.

The purpose of the zy is to ensure the conditions of physical, mental,

social and spiritual comfort promoting conservation and

strengthening the health of the subjects of the educational process, their productive

educational and practical activities based on scientific

organization of labor and culture of a healthy lifestyle of personality. Based

the components and their characteristics, we can say that this system

represents a combination of organizational and functional and

psychological and pedagogical installations that define a multivariate

set and layout of actions, forms, methods, techniques, operations, procedures,

educational tools providing practical

oriented immersion of students in a specially created Wednesday. it

system of organizational forms and technological units,

specific result-oriented - human health and society.

Planning and conducting health work suggests

organization of the health-saving space institution of education,

unifying phenomena, spheres, paths and processes of implementation

healthy educational technologies, and united in

several structures by the nature of these phenomena and psychological

pedagogical characteristics. The impact of this space on

learning, pupils and teachers occurs directly in

educational institution, but its primary impact is

starting mechanism for further changes processes as

pedagogical space and actors operating in it.

In these educational institutions, maintaining health

learning largely depends on the organization of the School Conditions System

environments that promote the formation, preservation and health promotion,

implementation into the educational process of health-saving technologies.

Among the health-saving technologies used in the system

education, N. K. Smirnov allocates medical and hygienic, physical education

wellness, environmental health-saving technologies,

life safety technology,

healthy-saving educational technologies.

The most significant of all listed in the degree of their influence on

health, adaptation and student development are health-saving

educational technologies that are divided into three groups:

Organizational and pedagogical, defining the structure of the educational

process, partially regulated in SanPiN-Ah, promoting

prevention of overwork, hypodynamine and other deadaption


Psychological and pedagogical technologies related to immediate

work teacher at the lesson, as well as with psychological and pedagogical

accompaniment of all elements of the educational process;

Educational technologies that include training programs

care about your health and formation of student health culture,

motivating them to conduct a healthy lifestyle, prevention of harmful

habits providing also carrying out organizational

educational work with schoolchildren after lessons, enlightening them


Introduction into the practice of education of the system of health-saving and

healthy technologies implies, above all, provision

compliance of the forms and content of the educational process is personal,

intelligent and adaptive opportunities for students taking into account

individually typological features of the body, sensitive and

critical periods of ontogenesis.

In order to ensure a long-term wellness and

adaptively developing effect, it is necessary to create in educational

institution of an adaptive and educational environment.

3. System of work on the use of health-saving technologies on

lessons of physical culture

The main criteria for the health-saving properties of pedagogical

technologies are:

1. Successful teaching (level of development of mental operations, pace












3. Social adaptability (self-assessment dynamics, formedity






communicative qualities).

How to start your work in this direction?

First of all, we establish the relationship with medical

school employee, get acquainted with the results of medical examinations of children,

we take into account the testimony of health workers in the school of schoolchildren's health.

It is necessary to make a card of the health of each child in which

it is necessary to reflect diseases, psychological and psychosomatic

features and deviations, if any. Relying on the map

determine the level of intellectual development (low, medium, high).

Distribution by level makes it possible to choose for each student

individual approach. This will solve the main task of the teacher,

increase learning motivation through the creation of a favorable

educational Environment: The atmosphere of goodwill, creating a situation

success for each student. In this case, an important role is played

emotional component of motivation (encouraging, rated the slightest

positive result, establishing good relationships between

teacher and student).

Build effective, psychologically comfortable relationships













tSO means). Creating an emotional and positive atmosphere






performance and reduce fatigue. Changing the forms of the lesson,

from the classic to non-standard, reduces the tension in the child, gives

the ability to find your niche. Conducting non-traditional lessons, especially

related to the use of computer technologies, necessarily weak

pupils are given in advance small messages. It is always success. Child

begins to feel its significance, self-esteem increases, appear







psychophysical state.

There is an erroneous view that "physical culture lesson

is an

healthyBearing. "

there are principles of health-saving technologies, without compliance

whose lesson will not carry a positive content. Among them:

Accounting of age-related individual characteristics;

Accounting for the health of the student and its individual psychophysical





performance of students (introductory part, basic and final);





efficiency and expansion of the functionality of the body


The main goal of pedagogical activities in physical culture

Creating conditions for physical development, conservation and strengthening

schoolchildren's health.

The main task of educational activities is:

1. Complex implementation of the basic components of the program.











Educational material must first meet the requirements

standard and be focused on the final result;

the basic level of education is based on the basis, but also

time to each student is given the possibility of selecting content.

activity in the lesson, based on the level of physical fitness








looks like


in the following way:

Health Actions

Pedagogical effects

Means of improving


Knowledge and skills

Consulting and control


Lesson of physical culture

To achieve the goals of health-saving technologies apply

the following groups of funds:

Hygienic factors;

Wellness forces of nature;

Motor focus.

The first condition of the recovery is the creation in the lessons of physical

culture of hygienic regime. The duties of the teacher enters the ability and











administrations, doctors.

Scheme. Hygienic means of achieving health

The second condition is the use of the wellness forces of nature, which

has a significant impact on achieving the goals of the healthy

technologies in the lessons. Conducting outdoor activities contributes

activation of biological processes, increases overall performance

the organism slows down the process of fatigue, etc.


is an



motor regime in the lessons of physical culture that allows

to satisfy





r a s in and t and y

o S N O V N Y X

d v and g at e l

katch e with t in

p ode d e r and n and y

high-level performance during the entire school day, weeks



technology can



personally oriented



features of each student and aimed at possible more complete

r A C K \u200b\u200bP S T and E

p o t e n c and a l a.

o t n e s t and technology






gymnastics, a variety of game technologies.

For the teacher it is very important to correctly organize a physical lesson

culture, because It is the main form of the pedagogical process. For

planning and conducting a lesson based on the main modern

requirements for the lesson of physical culture with the complex

health-saving technologies:

Rational lesson density;

Inclusion in the lesson questions related to the health of students,

contributing to the formation of the schoolchildren of the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy image

life and needs in it;

Optimal combination of various activities;

The choice of methods and techniques of learning contributing to the activation

initiatives and creative expression of students;

Formation of external and internal motivation of students' activity;

Implementation of an individual approach to students taking into account personal


Creating a favorable psychological climate, the situation of success and

emotional discharge;

Inclusion in the lesson of receptions and methods that contribute to self-knowledge

the possibilities of their body, the development of level self-assessment skills

his physical development;

Targeted reflection of its activities throughout the lesson and in

the final part of it.

Modern physical culture lesson and increase its effectiveness

it is impossible without the development of personal-oriented learning.

The most important requirement for the lesson of physical culture is to ensure

differentiated and individual approach to learning taking into account

health status, gender, physical development, motor

preparedness, features of the development of mental properties. Starting K.

work with first-graders first of all determine what formulation

students will have to work for several years. At the beginning

academic year reveal the level of physical fitness with

tests (conducts a psychologist) and the health status of students (according to

medical maps).

Personal oriented and differentiated Approaches

important for students like low and high results in

areas of physical culture. Low level of motor development

quality is often one of the main reasons for the abomability of the student

physical culture. And the student with a high level is not interested in

the lesson designed for a medium student. In addition to dividing students on

basic, preparatory and special groups, almost every class

conditionally, it is possible to divide children for another several groups (categories):

Completely healthy, but "fat" children who do not want to work;

Children who have temporarily transferred to the preparatory group due to illness;

Poorly physically developed children who are afraid of ridicule are closed;

Well physically developed children who may lose wish

do in the lessons if it is very easy and not interesting. That's why

differentiation and tasks, and content, and the pace of development

software material, and assessing achievements.

Here we stop on the technology of personal-oriented

physical education, which is the main in the educational process.

Under personal-oriented physical education is understood

targeted physical formation of a person by development

his individual abilities. Personal oriented approach -

this is a way to implement the content of differentiated physical education

education by means of a system of means, methods and organizational

forms that ensure an effective achievement of the purpose of education.

pedagogical technologies of differentiated learning motor

actions, development of physical qualities, knowledge formation and

methodological skills and technologies for managing the educational process,

ensuring the achievement of physical perfection.

Training motor actions.

Is carried out by a holistic method with subsequent differentiation

(allocating machinery parts and "breeding" them in difficulty) and then

integration (merge) of these parts in different ways depending

from the level of technical preparedness of students for more

quality exercise. Training motor actions

provides for the possibility of choosing operations to solve certain

motor Tasks. In this case, each traine can master

motor action in preferred for its composition of operations, which

will be the basis for the formation of an individual, most effective,

style activities. Studying strong group, inside the class,

master the training material on average for two lessons faster than medium and

weak students.

There are various learning tasks in students: one group is

preparatory or applying exercises performed in lightweight

conditions; The other is the complicated summarizing exercises; Third - action

in general, but in a lightweight version, etc.

More prepared children perform exercises in competitive

conditions or changing complicated conditions (application

burdens, increased support, various resistance), as well as for them

the number of repetitions and the number of circle passage increases. Less

prepared trainees work under standard conditions.

At the lesson, individual work is required

studying who do not have the implementation of a particular

motor action. These children receive individual tasks as on

lesson and homework on this motor action.

Individual work with students at different stages of the lesson contributes

preservation of physical, moral and social health


Development of physical qualities.

Differentiated development of physical qualities in groups of different

preparedness is carried out using both the same and

of various means and methods, but the magnitude of the load is always planned different, in

resulting in the level of physical fitness of students

significantly improves compared to the initial level. In more weak

groups children earlier complement the tasks, they remain

more time to relax and restore. For students having

insufficient level of physical fitness in the near

future we plan to enter individual tasks cards with

an indication of exercises, sequences of their execution, dosage.

Exercises of tasks cards, respectively, will be


In the lessons we try to apply non-standard equipment and small

inventory (gymnastic sticks, rope, hoops, dumbbells, rubber and

spring expander, etc.), conduct lessons with musical

accompaniment, include rhythm elements, breathing exercises.

This allows you to increase the motor density of lessons and make them more


Be sure to control the physical exertion of each student by

the frequency of heart abbreviations before the start and after graduation.

To determine the functional state of students in the process

physical exertion of a different character not only compare the magnitude

pulse shifts with character and load values, but also trace

the speed of recovery of the pulse during the rest. Children who have before

the heart rate is above 80 UD / min., and less trained children when building

we put on the left flank. For such students using limiters

you can make an inner circle with a smaller radius where they can

perform individual exercises, breathing exercises and

relaxation, walking, jogging, etc. (Health Island).

In the preparatory part of the task lesson are performed by all children, but

tasks, their volume, intensity, the number of repetitions, the pace of movement;

personal supply and preparatory exercises are given,

it is allowed to do more frequent and long rest pauses.

In the practice of physical education work widely applied

competitive and game technologies to help solve not only

problems of motivation, development of students, but also of health care. IN

the game and through gaming communication in a growing child manifests itself

the worldview is formed, the need to influence the world, adequately

perceive what is happening. It is in the game regardless of the child's consciousness

there are various muscle groups, which also has the same beneficial effect on


When carrying out exercises in the game or in a competitive form

weak disciples are distributed over all teams and is more often replaced.

these players. In the relay, more trained schoolchildren begin and

estales finish and, if necessary, make two repetitions. For

performing tasks in pairs The children are selected bye and they are given different

the difficulty of exercise, and you can also use cards with

tasks and with exercise schemes.

Special attention in the lesson we pay for children with overweight and weak

children who do not want to do because of their awkwardness. Good

results can be obtained if at first attract such children

help when carrying out mobile games and relay. Initially, they help in

judging, then involving in the events, take part in the game and

they cease to shy their motor awkwardness. Continuing in this way

engage in lessons, these children acquire confidence in their forces and

gradually turn on regular classes. At this stage, classes

for different groups should be different: training, toning

or gentle.

Differentiated posting mark on physical and

technical preparedness of students.

In assessing the physical fitness of students, is taken into account as

the maximum result and the increase in their result. Moreover

individual achievements (i.e., the growth increases) have a priority

value. When setting marks in physical culture, and

theoretical knowledge and engineering technique, and

adjacent, and the ability to exercise physical education

activity. In their own methods of promotion, verbal

approval. Some children must be convinced of their own opportunities,

calm, cheer up; others - hold back from excessive zeal; Third -

interest. All this forms a positive attitude among schoolchildren

to the execution of tasks, creates the basis for public activity. Everything

marks are trying to argue. Temporarily liberated

children and students classified as a state of health to special

the medical group should be present in the lessons: help in

preparation of inventory, judging. In the games they are interested in solid roles, in

the relay of them can be appointed by the captains of teams for the organization of children and

help with discipline, they can take part in acceptable tasks,

get acquainted in the lessons with theoretical information, with the technique of execution

some motor actions that do not require large energy

the work of students is also evaluated.

Constantly focusing strong children on what they are required to help

weak, to offer them to prepare a weaker comrade for successful

exercise and set them for this high rating.

Comprehensive study of schoolchildren, comparison of various data

allows you to identify the reasons for the lagging of children, establish the main of these

reasons and exercise pedagogical impact based on the methodology

differentiated learning. This technology facilitates the process.

learning, to the intended purpose, the student is suitable with a gradual accumulation

the stock of motor skills, of which the necessary action is formed. From

wealth exercises, forms and methods of their application lessons become

more diverse, and the learning process is more interesting. pupils

they are willing hard, with interest perceive the satisfying and varied

tasks, fulfill them consciously, have fun

execution process.

Ensuring a differentiated approach to students, taking into account their

physical development and motor preparedness; attainment

high motor density, dynamism, emotionality,

educational and instructive orientation of lessons; U. formation

learning skills and abilities of independent practices physical

exercises - all these are the most important requirements of the modern lesson

physical culture.

Gaming technologies

Game activity In the lessons of physical culture occupies an important





lies in the fact that it takes into account the psychological and pedagogical nature





lies in the fact that it is not under pressure from life





move, play. Gaming forms of work in the educational process can bear

a number of functions:








Special attention is paid to rolling games in primary and average.

link, because at this age the basics of gaming activities are laid,

aimed at improving game skills and technical and tactical






sports games. And, of course, moving games, this is a wonderful base





athletics »

are used



fixing and improving running skills, jumps and throwing, on






orientation in space, etc. In the section "Sports

games »- Games and Plates for Mastering Tactical Skills

studied sports games. In the section "Gymnastics" - Moving games with


martial arts.


are held

moving games for mastering and fixing the technique of ski moves.

It all gives a positive result. Positive emotional

mood, a sense of joy from students - one of the criteria of successful

Adaptive gymnastics technology

Adaptive gymnastics in the system of physical education is necessary

for special medical groups, as well as to work with students,






basic health groups, also need specially corrective

classes that allow you to more successfully overcome training loads.

Currently, more and more children are coming to school.


Joint actions of doctors, class managers, teachers

physical education should be comprehensive diagnostics. The results of this




health »







student, on the basis of which the child is sent to the individual

and group classes.

Correctional or Adaptive Gymnastics - Medical Physical Education Method




posture. Includes static (70%) and dynamic (30%) exercises. IN

the basis of the method is the principles of left-right-rolling interactions

brain and physiological stereotype movements (circular, cross).

Adaptive gymnastics, as a preventive method, useful

all children, but especially younger schoolchildren, since upon admission to

school increases physical and mental loads, and this requires

a certain adaptation from the child. Especially well adaptive










held 3 times a week to 15 minutes. Exercises that are offered

this gymnastics are directed:

To improve and strengthen the stem function of the foot, and therefore

posture correction;

For removal of overwork, excitation through execution

static and psychophysical exercises;

To strengthen the spine

Group activities

Group technologies help restore physical and spiritual

forces, give birth to a sports healthy excitement, the spirit of the team, the spirit of the desire for

victory, a sense of pride for successfully competences.

The result of the widespread use of game and group technologies on

fiscultural lessons at school becomes a change in the relationship to the subject.





command and Moving Games were used, visiting physical education lessons

regularly and with pleasure. Indicators of the success of data

technologies in the lessons become high results of students' performances

in competitions, subject olympiads and competitions.

Combining methods, physical education techniques









age features of students, prevent overwork, send

their actions and control the load.

For the purpose of full and accurate description of the exercise techniques, the teacher









the physical development and level of physical fitness is taken into account

It is necessary to train schoolchildren with the ability to consciously evaluate

own physical development and make up complexes of exercises, and

also explain to students that systematize special exercises and

the sequence of their execution secure the results achieved in









common goodsAgogical











exercise performing, learning to analyze and evaluate them.

Special attention should be paid to homework. Modern



physical education








homework for various categories






actively participate in the process of self-improvement.

Unconventional lessons.

The main types of non-traditional lessons is plot-role

games, health lessons with the use of adaptive gymnastics. On the lessons

health children are divided into groups. In groups of children with weakened health

exercises are offered that contribute to the removal of mental

voltages, long-term static loads are excluded. Are used

exercise that are directed not only to physical

development of children, but also having a healing and educational effect,

corrigative, Correction Exercises (for example, walking on the stairs

for stop, cones, rope strengthens and develops foot muscles and

warning the development of flatfoot). Exercises with a skip and hoop

contribute to the formation of correct posture, they have a beneficial effect on

cardiovascular and respiratory system.

4. The main provisions of the health education in the lesson

physical culture at school

1. Creating such a general education program that forms and

provides student health.




the results of medical examinations of children, their accounting in educational

work; Help parents in building healthy livelihoods

pupils and families in general.

2. Creating conditions for interested attitudes.

Control tests, tasks, testing, etc. We must only give






If this did not happen, then the teacher should contribute to individual

jobs Relevant adjustments. It is fundamentally important to

this student did not compare with others on the principle "better or worse

others, "and compared with himself: I've been better than yesterday, but

i will try

must be real and stimulate students to actively work. Until

the criteria for estimates are based on comparing the results of knowledge of knowledge and

skills with some contrived "medium" values. In this case

a strong student does not feel the need for everyday training work, and

weak, feeling doomed, does not have aspirations for him. If a










quickly forget the unnecessary material. In this case, violated




it turns out as if cut off from the previous, independent and even


3. Inclusion in the process of occupying elements of outdoor activities





the lesson of physical education - in other lessons and change: physical attacks,

fizkultpauses, dynamic (movable) changes. Such an active rest

a warning


fatigue and restoration of mental efficiency intensification


blood circulation




stagnant phenomena in blood circulation and respiratory system exercises














the muscles of the back, responsible for posture and other.

4. Ensuring the necessary hygienic conditions in classrooms








sanitary and hygienic standards.

Traditional physical education system focused on














physical culture all the severity of its development transfers to those offered in

program regulations, i.e. actually transfers the burden of responsibility

for the effectiveness of physical education from themselves to students. Moreover,






oriented on the "average" student, by themselves they are in the present

interpretations are the most important factor not to upbringing students

physical culture, and alienation from her. However, the solution of this




no fundamental difficulties.

To the expression "Health-saving technologies" many already

used to


in its own way.




health ",









vitamin salads, etc. This activity at school has several













students; The correct organization of the motor regime and physical education









health status and accounting for its savings.

The main goal of the work of physical education teachers is to provide a schoolboy

the ability to preserve health for the period of study at school. For this


form the learning knowledge, skills and skills

on a healthy lifestyle;

teach schoolchildren to use the knowledge gained in everyday

teach schoolchildren to accept mobilization and relaxation and spiritual


The tasks are solved through:

improving the technique of a lesson,

individual work with poorly spent and physically developed






abilities and natural deposits,

motivation of schoolchildren to the teaching.

The theory and practice of physical education convincingly testify

















central nervous system and, thus, general health promotion and

improving the health of the body.








reports and communication reports.

In some lessons, you can use questions and tasks,




"Health Saving":

1. Let the definition of the concepts of "health" and "healthy lifestyle".

2. Name




implement them in your life?

3. Name 10 reasons to say "no" drugs.

four . To and to and m and

with p about with about b and m and

u pp and in l e n i

with a m about h u in with t in and e m

do you own work?

5. How to breathe correctly:

None of the options are worse and no better than the other.

Classes in lessons, participation in competitions, in a word, physical education -


physical education

help the guys get rid of the suton shoulders and cliffs, develop them






conditions with a sharply aggravated environmental situation and increased

stressful effects.

However, in teaching physical culture there are several typical problems,

forcing teachers to turn to the experience of their colleagues, to innovative

ideas, to science.

Weak material and technical base

Overloading halls.


physical education


extracurricular activities.






walking, running, jumping, throwing, skills in equilibrium make it possible




preparatory taking into account the dosage of physical exertion and age





motor skills and skills.

From early spring and to late autumn classes, if possible

warn outdoors. All lessons must have a high motor


In lessons to use frontal and group methods. For




The creative atmosphere in the lesson in a large extent depends on the preparation for

by him, which includes a carefully thought-out explanation of the educational material,

















complex: The relay is replaced by keeping the basketball ball, imitation

exercises - climbing on a rope, juggle - transmission of the ball in pairs.








all sorts










Independent activities of students, contribution to hard work






temporary rest for regulation of respiratory and cardiovascular



confidence in your strength.

On individual sections of the program, you can use cards with

exercises of three degrees of difficulty. If the student is not good enough


the exercise,


quest card





the end of the specified term of the student is obliged to pass the training standard or



the exercise.






the coefficient "3". In addition, cards can be with motion models

and description of the procedure for performing various exercises from all sections

curriculum. This allows the differentiated and

individual approach in learning.


health care






healthy lifestyle, teach independent practices in physical

exercises using them for leisure and rest. Guys are clearly seen



culture "



normal physical development in the future.

To ensure an effective health-saving process

sanitary and hygienic learning conditions must be observed







individual characteristics of the child;

It is necessary to create a favorable emotional and school and










The purpose of the health-saving pedagogy is to provide a graduate

schools high level of real health, arming it necessary

luggage knowledge, skills and skills necessary to keep healthy

lifestyle, and raising his health culture.

Implementation in training










health-saving technologies can not be spilled out of the general system.

education, they contribute to competent and rational use

other techniques and training, development and education. At present

heavily saving




technologies that are based on the age characteristics of cognitive









combining motor and static loads, learning in small groups,

use of visibility and combination of various forms of provision






forming a positive motivation to study ("pedagogy of success")

cultivation in knowledge of health knowledge.

For teacher is very important properly organize a lesson since he

is an




process. From

the hygienic rationality of the lesson largely depends on the functional






long maintain mental performance at a high level

and warn premature fatigue.

List of references:

1. Analysis of the lesson from the position of health care. [Electronic

resource] - Access mode :: // School6nojabrask.narod.

2. Gorokhova N.A. Organization of health care in school [text] / N.A.

Gorokhova // Obzh.-2010-№7. P. 33-38.

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heating technologies cripk and pro. - Heel-saving


4. Glazerina LD, Lopatica T.A. Physical teaching technique

cultures: 1-4 cl., met. Manual and program. - M., 2003.

5. From childhood to adolescence: a program for parents and teachers

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L.G. Golubeva et al.] - M., 2007.

6. Nazarenko LD. Health basics of exercise. - M.,

7. Certification of pedagogical frames. Directory. 3rd ed. - M.: IF

"Education in documents", 2001.

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school managers / Sost. T.V. Morozova - M., 1997.

9. Zvereva V.I. Diagnosis and examination of pedagogical activities. -

10. Shishov S.E., Callae V.A. Monitoring the quality of education at school. -

M.: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1998.

11. Fomenko I.A. Certification of pedagogical workers

general educational institutions. - M., Arcta, 2005

12.Antonova L.N. Psychological grounds for implementation

health-saving technologies in educational institutions / L.N.

Antonova, T.I. Shulga, K.G. Erdyneva. - M.: Publishing House MGOU, 2004. (Regional

target program "Development of the formation of the Moscow region for 2001-2005

gG. "). 13. Beezery MM, Sonykin

V.D., Reason, V.N. "Health School" Moscow,

Pedagogical University "First September". 2006 14.Wine E.N.

Formation of the health-saving medium in the general education system //

Valeology.-2004.-№1. 15. Vashlaeva L.P.,

Panina TS Theory and practice of forming a healthy-saving

teacher's strategies in advanced training // Valeology.

2004.-№4. 16. Zenova T.V. Materials

to prepare the complex-target program "School of Health" // Practice

administrative work at school. - 2006.-№1. 17.Sokratov N.V., Tissren

P.P. "Heating technology in educational process

schoolchildren. " Orenburg. Publisher OGPU. 2007

18. Makeeva D.Z., Lysenko I.V. Educational and Methodical Kit

"Magic lessons in the country health." SPb., Education and

culture, 1999

19. Caraseva T.V. Modern aspects of implementation

health-saving technologies // "Primary School", 2005. - № 11.

20.Kaskin V.N., Shpulagina L.A. "Health. Educational - methodical

manual for teachers 1 - 11 classes, Moscow, 2001

21. Kazaktseva TS, Kosolapova TL. To the question of the healthcare

activities in educational institutions // "Primary School",

22. Mitina E.P. Health-saving technologies today and tomorrow //

"Primary School", 2006, No. 6.

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Use of health-saving technologies in the lessons of physical culture in the system of work Sagdeev S.Ya.


physical culture Health-saving lesson

Relevance of work

Health is the basic value of a person, it is at school age that the foundations of the health-saving thinking and behavior of the person are laid. On the other hand, the school medium most often does not create conditions for health promotion. According to experts, about 90% of children have a deviation in physical and mental health; 30-35% of children entering school already have chronic diseases; Over the years of study, the number of violations of vision and posture increased five times, the number of mental health disorders increases four times, the number of children with digestive organ disease is three times: up to 80% of young people in medical criteria are not ready for service in the armed forces. This health condition is the result of a long adverse effect of not only socio-economic, environmental, but also a number of pedagogical factors.

The intensity of educational labor of students is very high, which is a significant factor in the weakening of health and the growth of the number of different deviations in the body's state. The causes of these deviations are:

In accordance with the Law "On Education", the health of schoolchildren belongs to the priority areas of state policy in the field of education. Therefore, in front of a physical culture teacher, questions arise: how to organize schoolchildren's activities in the lesson to give each student an optimal load taking into account his preparedness, health groups? How to develop interest students to physical education lessons, the need for a healthy lifestyle? When solving these issues arise contradictions.On the one hand, a high level of requirements for physical fitness of graduates, on the other, is a decline in interest in physical culture lessons.

The relevance of the work is to solve problems: How to effectively organize a learning process without damage to schoolchildren's health?

In this regard, one of the priorities Z.adaps in my work, it became the preservation and strengthening of children's health, the formation of the concept of health and healthy lifestyle. The essence of the work is to ensure physical health, a healthy lifestyle of students through the optimal combination of theory and practice, the choice of modern means, methods and forms in the process of teaching physical culture. Given the analysis of the existing situation, we are convinced of the feasibility of using health-saving technologies as one of the ways to preserve and strengthen students' health.

Leading pedagogical idea of \u200b\u200bexperience:creating conditions for the development of schoolchildren's motivation for physical culture classes, strengthening and preserving the health of students based on health-saving teaching technologies.

Purpose:to identify and show the possibility of applying health-saving technologies in the lessons of physical culture as one of the optimal methods of physical development, conservation and strengthening the health of students.

Z. adachi:

1. Subject to the scientific and methodological basis of health-saving technologies.

2. To examine the classification, principles, funds, methods of health-saving technology.

3. Moving the optimal forms of learning.

4. Play the system of work on the use of health-saving technologies in the lessons of physical culture.

Novelty of experience It is to implement innovative health-saving technologies in the lessons of physical culture, the use of valeological techniques for the motivation of students to a healthy lifestyle.

Practical significance: Materials of this work can be used in the preparation and planning of the material to the lessons of physical culture, exploitation of extracurricular activities.

System of work By implementing a comprehensive program can be represented as a scheme:

1. Theoretical aspect. Heating-saving educational technologies

1.1 Classification of educational technologies

Technology is a model of joint pedagogical activities for designing, organizing and conducting a learning process with unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers in all details.

Heating technology combine all the activities of the education institution for the formation, preservation and strengthening of students' health and considered as a set of techniques and methods for organizing an educational process without prejudice to the health of schoolchildren and teachers. Healthy saving can act as one of the tasks of a certain educational process. It can be an educational process medico-hygienic directional (carried out with close contact pedagogue - Medical Worker - Pupil); physical and recreation (Suggested the priority of physical culture activities) and others. Only due to the integrated approach to schoolchildren's training, the tasks of forming and strengthening students' health can be resolved.

The fundamental priorities for pedagogy improvement are as follows:

1. Healthy child is practically achieving child development.

2. The treatment is a set of medical and preventive measures and the form of the development of psychophysical capabilities of children.

3. Individual-differentiated approach is the main means of improving and developing work with students.

purposehealth-saving teaching teaching technologies is to prepare a schoolboy the opportunity to preserve health for the period of study at school, to form the necessary knowledge, skills, skills on a healthy lifestyle, to teach the use of the knowledge gained in everyday life.

1.2 Principles of Health Saving Pedagogy

Communitary principles - These are the main provisions that determine the content, organizational forms and methods of the educational process in accordance with the common goals of health-saving educational technologies.

The principle of consciousness and activity - aims to form a deep understanding, sustainable interest, meaningful attitude towards cognitive activity.

Principle of activity - suggests students with high degree of independence, initiatives and creativity.

Principle of clarity - obliges to build a learning process with the maximum use of forms of attracting human senses to the learning process.

The principle of systematic and sequence manifests itself in the relationship of knowledge, skills, skills. Regularity, compositeness, continuity in the educational process throughout the entire period of training.

Principle of repetition - As a result of multiple repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are produced.

Principle of graduality . He implies the continuity of one level of learning to another.

Principle of accessibility and individualization . Based on individual features, the teacher comprehensively develops a child, plans and predicts its development. The appointment of the principle of accessibility and individualization is seen to the exclusion of negative and harmful effects for the body of students due to excessive requirements and tasks.

Principle of continuity Closely related to the principle of systemic alternation of loads and recreation. The combination of high activity and recreation in different shapes of students increases their effectiveness. Streamlining the process of pedagogy improvement contributes cyclic principle . It consists in a repetitive sequence of classes, which improves the preparation of the child to every subsequent training phase.

The formation of motor skills and skills, the engine's motor ability, the functionality of the body is developing in the process of using healthy-saving technologies based on the principle of accounting for age and individual characteristics of students .

Principle of recreational orientation decides the task of strengthening the health of the child in the learning process.

The principle of an integrated interdisciplinary approach to schoolchildren's training inappropriate interaction of teachers and medical workers.

Principle of active learning consisting in the widespread use of active forms and methods of training (training in pairs, group work, game technologies, etc.).

The principle of sharing responsibility among students for their health and health of the people around.

The principle of communication theory with practice - Calls on persistently to teach students to apply their knowledge to the formation, preservation and health promotion in practice.

1.3 Methods of health-saving technologies

Under methods Health-saving educational teaching technologies are understood by ways of applying funds to solve the tasks of pedagogy of recovery. Under the methods of training often understand the combination of ways, ways to achieve goals, solving problems of education. In the health-saving educational teaching technologies, two groups of methods are applied:

Specific (characteristic only for the process of pedagogy improvement) and common goodsAgogical (Applied in all cases of training and education). Only the optimal combination of specific and general-generating methods in accordance with the methodological principles can ensure the successful implementation of the complex of tasks of health-saving educational training technologies.

In the structure of the method allocate receivers As an integral part, a separate step in the implementation of the method. Receptions can be classified as follows: protective-preventive (personal hygiene and learning hygiene); compensatory-neutralizing (Fizkultminutki; Wellness, finger, corrective, respiratory, etc. Gymnastics; medical physical education; massage; self-massage; psychogympics and trainings, allowing partially to neutralize stressful situations); stimulating (Elements hardening, physical exertion, techniques of psychotherapy, phytotherapy, etc.); information and teaching (Letters addressed to parents, students, educators).

1.4 Structure of the learning process in the conditions of health-saving pedagogy

The entire learning process in the conditions of health-saving pedagogy includes three stages that differ from each other, both private tasks and features of the technique.

First. Stage of primary familiarization with basic concepts and ideas.

purpose - To form a healthy lifestyle from the student and achieve the implementation of elementary roles of health.

Main goals:

1.Dine a semantic understanding of the elementary rules of health.

2. Create elementary ideas about the basic concepts of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Communicate the execution of elementary rules of health care (at the level of the initial skill).

4. Durable misunderstanding of the basic concepts of a healthy lifestyle.

Second. Stage of in-depth study.

purpose- To form a full understanding of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Main goals:

1.The view of the elementary rules of health.

2. Consciously perform elementary rules of health care.

3. Formation of practically necessary knowledge, skills, skills, rational techniques of thinking and activity.

The third. The stage of consolidation of knowledge, skills and skills on health care and their further improvement.

purpose - The ability to translate into the skill with the possibility of its target use.

Main goals:

1. Complete stability and automatism fulfillment of the rules of health.

2. Communicate the rules of health conservation in accordance with the requirements of their practical use.

3. Fight a variable use of a healthy lifestyle rules depending on specific practical circumstances.

2. Description of the system of work on the use of health-saving technologies in the lessons of physical culture

2.1 Objectives and tasks of educational activities

The main goal of pedagogical activity is to create conditions for physical development, preservation and strengthening the health of schoolchildren.

The main task of educational activities is:

1. Complex implementation of the basic components of the program.

2. Singing the main tasks of physical education at every stage of training.

The training material must first of all meet the requirements of the standard and be focused on the final result;

The basic level of education is based on, but at the same time, each student is given the possibility of choosing the content of activities in the lesson, based on the level of physical fitness of its motor abilities and health status. The implementation of the health-saving space in the lessons looks roughly as follows:

2.2 Technologies, Means and Training Methods

To achieve the goals of health-saving technologies, the following groups are applied:

Hygienic factors;

Wellness forces of nature;

Motor focus.

The first condition of recovery is the creation in the lessons of physical culture of the hygienic regime. My responsibilities include the ability and willingness to see and identify explicit violations of the requirements for the hygienic conditions of the lesson and, if possible, change them for the better - by itself, with the help of administration, doctors.

Scheme. Hygienic means of achieving health

The second condition is the use of the health forces of nature, which has a significant impact on achieving the goals of the health-saving technologies in the lessons. Conducting outdoor activities contributes to the activation of biological processes, increases the overall performance of the body, slows down the process of fatigue, etc.

The most important condition is to ensure the optimal motor regime in the lessons of physical culture, which allows you to satisfy the physiological need in motion, contributes to the development of the main motor qualities and maintaining a high-level performance during the entire school day, weeks and year.

Teaching methods:

Verbal (story, conversation, explanation),

Visual (demonstration of the correct exercise),

Practical (performing motor action, independent and individual work).


Work in pairs, troika, teams;

Independent work; Differential choice of tasks;


Control over the health of students;

Methods for organizing training activities:

Frontal (exercises are performed by all students at the same time),

Group (exercises are performed simultaneously with several groups),

Individual (individual disciples get tasks and independently perform them),

Potochny (students perform the exercises with each other).

To create motivation conditions for physical education, I use:

modern educational technologies;

combining methods, techniques of physical education;


non-traditional lessons;

work with gifted children;

valeologic education of students and their parents;

extracurricular forms of physical education.

2.2.1 The use of modern educational technologies in the lessons of physical culture (honeycomb)

One of the funds to effectively ensure the new quality of schoolchildren's education is the use of modern educational technologies in the physical culture.

Among the health-saving technologies You can especially allocate personal-oriented learning technologies, which take into account the peculiarities of each student and aimed at a fullest disclosure of its potential. This includes technologies of differentiated learning, training in cooperation, adaptive gymnastics, a variety of game technologies.

Gaming technologies

Game activity In the lessons of physical culture occupies an important place in the educational process. The value of gaming activities is that it takes into account the psychological and pedagogical nature of the child, meets its needs and interests. The intrinsicness of the game lies in the fact that it is not under pressure from the vital necessity, but from the physiological necessity of students to move, play. Gaming forms of work in the educational process can carry a number of functions:








Special attention is paid to rolling games in primary and middle, since at this age the foundations of gaming activities are laid on improving the game skills and technical and tactical interactions necessary for further study and mastering sports games. And, of course, mobile games are a wonderful durability of motor abilities and skills. In the section "Athletics" program, I use mobile games aimed at securing and improving running skills, jumps and throwing, on the development of high-speed, speed-powerful abilities, orientation abilities in space, etc. In the Sport Games section - games and relay on the mastery of the tactical and technical skills of the studied sports games. In the "Gymnastics" section - mobile games with martial arts elements. At the lessons of ski preparation I use and spend mobile games for mastering and fixing the technique of skiing.

In extracurricular work in our school, great attention is also paid to sports and moving games. Students attend basketball, football, volleyball, ski racing sections. The school hosts athletics tournaments, basketball, mini-football, volleyball, "funny starts", health days, etc. It all gives a positive result.

Positive emotional attitude, a sense of joy from students - one of the criteria of a successful lesson.

Adaptive gymnastics technology

Adaptive gymnastics in the system of physical education is necessary for special medical groups, as well as with students who have deviations in health. However, children belonging to the main health groups also need specially corrective classes that allow you to more successfully overcome training loads.

Currently, the school comes more and more children with weakened health.

A physician, class teacher, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out by the teacher. The results of this diagnosis are reflected in the "Health Passport" of the student. The dynamics of changes are taken into account in individual work with students. According to the results of the diagnosis, recommendations are drawn up on the correction of the student's health, on the basis of which the child is directed to individual and group classes.

Correctional or adaptive gymnastics is the method of therapeutic physical education for children with manifestations of MMD, diseases of the lungs, with a violation of posture. Includes static (70%) and dynamic (30%) exercises. The method is based on the principles of the left-right-rolling interactions of the brain and the physiological stereotype of movements (circular, cross).

Adaptive gymnastics, as a preventive method, are useful to all children, but especially younger schoolchildren, as physical and mental loads increase when entering the school, and this requires a certain adaptation from the child. Especially well adaptive gymnastics has established itself when working with children of 7 - 10 years with manifestations of minimal brain dysfunction, expressed in violation of reading, letters of various neurotic reactions. Classes are held 3 times a week to 15 minutes. Exercises that are offered by this gymnastics are directed:

To improve and strengthen the stem function of the foot, and therefore for the correction of posture;

On removal of overwork, excitation through the performance of static and psychophysical exercises;

To strengthen the spine

Group activities

Group technologies help restore physical and spiritual forces, give birth to a sporty healthy excitement, the spirit of the team, the spirit of the desire for victory, the sense of pride for successfully spent competitions.

The result of the widespread use of gaming and group technologies in physical education lessons in our school was a change in the relationship to the subject. Students of all ages, in which team and mobile games were regularly used, visited physical education lessons regularly and with pleasure. An indicator of the success of these technologies in the lessons was high results in competitions. Over the past years, the teams of our educational institution occupy prizes in urban, district, zonal and regional competitions.

2.2.2 Combining methods, techniques of physical education

To create a health-saving space, combine the game, competitive and circular method, taking into account the age features of students, do not allow overwork, send them to action and control the load.

In order to fully and accurately describe the exercise techniques, I show a sequence of actions clearly. In its practice, I apply the methods of learning exercises, I help to perform, but at the same time take into account the physical development and the level of physical fitness of the child. I am convinced that the methods of belief and encouragement have a special impact on children.

I will consider consciously assess the physical development of your own organism and make up complexes of exercises. The disciples themselves follow their own state of well-being during classes and make up their exercise complexes. I explain to students that the systematics of special exercises and the sequence of their implementation are fixed by the results achieved in the course of classes. It causes interest in classes, to activity and desire to work on themselves. When choosing methods and techniques, we take into account the commonabout and methodological requirements. Explaining the new material, learning and fixing it, I draw the attention of children to the main mistakes in the technique of exercising, learning to analyze and evaluate them. Much attention pays for homework. I have developed and collected complexes of homework. Thanks to them, students are taught to independence, actively participate in the process of self-improvement.

2.2.3 Implementation of interdisciplinary ties

One of the forms of development of cognitive interest are interprecotement in the lesson, this contributes to the integration of the consideration of the educational material of the physical culture lesson with the content of other items.

Interdisciplinary communications are performed in training a number of functions: a methodological, educational, educational, educational, constructive.

The advantages of integrated classes are that they are:

Promote an increase in the motivation of the teachings, the formation of educational activities, the cognitive interest of students, the holistic scientific picture of the world and consideration of the phenomenon from several sides.

Intergovernmental ties significantly revitalize teaching, stimulate the cognitive activity of students.

With certain mathematical concepts at the initial stage of study, students get acquainted when building in one rank (this is direct), in a column of two, three- (parallel straight lines), in the circle - (circle), etc. Work on general physical training is impossible without understanding such biological concepts as breathing, metabolism. This allows, on the one hand, to learn more deeply, and on the other hand, develop a stable habit of systematic classes. The life experience of the student and acquired knowledge and skills according to these disciplines make it possible to carry out the relationship between the content of learning with other objects in the lessons of physical culture, which contributes to the formation of sustainable interest in physical culture.

2.2.4 Non-traditional lessons

The main types of non-traditional lessons are plot-playing games, health lessons with the use of adaptive gymnastics. In health lessons, children are divided into groups. In groups of weakened children, the following principles and standards for providing children with such exercises that contribute to the removal of mental stress, eliminate long-term static loads. I use exercises that are directed not only to the physical development of children, but also having a medical and educational effect, corrective exercises. (For example, walking on the staircase for stop, cones, the rope strengthens and develops the muscles of the foot and warns the development of flatfoot). Exercises with a skipping and hoop contribute to the formation of proper posture, they have a beneficial and respiratory system at the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

2.2.5 Work with gifted children

The leading in the knowledge of sports gifting is to determine the possibilities of a motor organization of a person and his mental abilities, which can be both congenital and acquired in the process of activity. The task of the teacher is to create such a situation that would maximize the leading ability of each child - in this case its sporting activity or to create an educational environment for the development of already manifested abilities, conditions for disclosing its capacity to meet the needs of this student.

When choosing the content and methods of working with gifted children, we take into account that every age-related stage of child development corresponds to different types of leading activities. For example, elementary school (children of 7-10 years old) are gaming activities aimed at the development of physical qualities, through the game. In this age group, I try to identify gifted children at the initial stages and attract them to regular physical education classes and attend the sports sections of the school and the city. There is also an important attraction of parents. Since the participation of parents is also of great importance in the development and formation of gifting.

For the adolescent period (11-15 years), the leading activity is the social and communicative activities, joint object activities: competitions, contests, Olympics. In this age group, we include gifted children in competition with the same gifted children or older since competition and even the experience of the lesion gives good results. In communicating with peers, a gifted child often assumes the role of organizing group affairs and games, so I attract such children:

Demonstration of exercises

Instructors in working with lagging

Judging competitions

Assistance in organizing and conducting sports holidays and health days.

For older age (16-17 years), the leading type of activity is design and research activities as the necessary means of self-determination of a schoolboy. At the same time, the "design object" for a schoolboy is he himself. He must choose in the surrounding world and predict such its abilities that are necessary for the successful socialization of the child in independent life.

At this age I try to attract the guys to:

Participation in competitions and contests,

Participation in subject Olympiads of various levels,

Performances with propaganda zh

Sport activity in front of younger schoolchildren.

The practice of our school has shown that the following forms of work are most suitable in working with gifted students:

Sectional sessions on sports;


Participation in the Olympiads;

Work on individual plans;

Summer health sites for children;

Cooperation with other schools;


In my work I try to do everything to identify gifted and capable children so that it is interesting for them to learn, to show an example of other students, to attach them to sports activities and self-development.

2.2.6 Valeological education of students and their parents

At parental meetings, there are widespread issues related to the state of health, the conditions for its conservation and strengthening.

In the lessons, practicing conversations about a healthy lifestyle. When performing various exercises, I explain to children the value of each of them. We also vaccinate the hygienic skills of the child, providing for its participation in regulating the overall mode of the day, in particular, the movement mode during the day. I bring up the right attitude of children to hardening the body.

On the formation of the value of health is the educational work with parents.

Parental meetings affect the following theme:

Propaganda of individual, family responsibility for the state of the child's health;

Formation of a healthy lifestyle in the family, conscious attitude of children and their parents to the state of health as the main success factor at the subsequent stages of life.

With the participation of parents Sports activities are held:

- "Merry starts";

- "Day of Health";

- "Dad, Mom and I am a sports family";

Joint hiking on the nature of students and parents.

2.2.7 Extracurricular forms of physical education

The extracurricular forms of physical culture and health and sports work play a major role. They allow you to increase the volume of motor activity and contribute to the more complete realization of their individual abilities and motor potential.

In order to increase the motor activity of students extracurricular work, we build in such a sequence that is aimed at securing the skills and skills obtained in the lessons. All events are usually held through the sections of the curriculum. The main extracurricular forms of physical education are:

Sports holidays, health days, friendly meetings, high school students are organized and held at school, and training teams to school, urban, district, zonal and regional competitions are organized. In sporting events and competitions, we try to use as many children as possible. Participation in the competitions of school, urban and district levels in many ways contributes to the involvement of schoolchildren to circle occupations. Fifth year I am leading a group of sports recovery. Work in this direction has an effective impact on physical development, preservation and promotion of schoolchildren's health. My pupils, as a rule, do not hurt and show a high level of physical fitness, perform all standards for testing and testing. The question of the preservation and strengthening of health is the main thing when planning the work of the school recreation camp. One of the forms of recreation organization in the school camp are outdoor activities, sports games. This contributes to health promotion; Staying in the fresh air, the impact of the Sun and the physical activity, all this increases endurance, performance, creates a charge of cheerfulness for the whole year.

2.3 Monitoring the health status and physical fitness

Monitoring tasks:

1. Milign the state of physical fitness and health of schoolchildren.

3. Analyze the effectiveness of work on physical education, preservation and strengthening students' health at school.

Systematically monitors the assessment of the recreation potential and health-saving activities of the school .

For 10 years, there is a monitoring of student health and dynamics analysis. For three years, children's health indicators are improved, there is no injury.

Monitoring the health status of students and physical fitnessas follows:

number of students in health groups.

Health Dynamics

Type of disease

Number of students with this type of disease

academic year

(Total students - 688)

academic year

(Total students - 662)

academic year

(Total students - 659)

academic year

(Total students - 651)

Violations of vision

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system

Violations of posture

Total students with chronic diseases

Total students having disability

* In 2010, only 9.5% of students with the first group of health came to be trained in the first classes.

number of cases of injury

The proportion of students covered by sports activities (sections, groups) organized in an educational institution

3. Performance of work

Analyzing the results of your experience, I note that the use of health-saving educational technologies has enhanced:

Performance under the subject;

The dynamics of the growth of physical fitness training;

Interest of students to physical culture and motivation to comply with a healthy lifestyle.

Performance on the subject

Average mark


Results of the Games of Schoolchildren G.O. Pokhvistnevo

Year of

Results of objective Olympiads in physical culture

Surname, name


tour place


tour place

Ponomareva O.

Panova A.

Blinov M.

Frolov M.

Panova A.

Blinov M.

Physical education

Kalinin V.

Ponomareva O.

Panova A.

Karimova V.

Frolov M.

Physical education

Rustamov D.

Agafonova E.

Verukhin V.

Polyrov T.

Tikhanov A.

Frolov M.

Karimova V. Molttsova T.

Physical education

Dunyashina E.

Verukhin V.

Tikhanov A.

Achievements of the teacher


Laureate of the School Competition "Teacher of the Year 2008"



Thank you letter


For a good organization of sports and mass work

For active participation in the urban sports school and promotion

For excellent student training

according to the results "Lead of high school students





heads of G.O. Pokhvistnevo

For success in organizing and improving the educational process, a great personal contribution to the development of education GO. Pokhvistnevo

Head of G.O. Pokhvistnevo






For high-quality student training for final certification

For participation in the second open tournament on the pool shooting "Voroshilovsky shooter"

For help in conducting a military-sports game "Honor"

For responsible attitude to the open lesson on the introduction of new educational technologies, the creation of high activity of students during training

For the preparation of students who have taken the IV team in the VII Olympic Games of the Samara Region on the athletics Cross

For the preparation of students of the district stage of the All-Russian Schoolchildren Olympics


USR administration G.Pokhvistnevo





For the help of the III of the Open Tournament on Pool Shooting "Voroshilovsky Shooter"

For the results achieved in the training of citizens, initial military training

USR administration G.Pokhvistnevo

21 Military Commissariat of the Samara region.


So, the goal of the health-saving pedagogy is to provide a high level of real health school graduate, arming it with the necessary luggage of knowledge, skills and skills necessary to conduct a healthy lifestyle, and raising his health culture . The introduction of the educational process of health-saving technologies allows to achieve positive changes in the state of schoolchildren's health. However, health-saving technologies cannot be eliminated from the overall education system, they contribute to the competent and rational use of other techniques and learning, development and education. Currently, the health-saving educational technologies include technologies that are based on the age characteristics of cognitive activities of children, training at the optimal level of difficulty (complexity), variations of methods and forms of training, optimal combination of motor and static loads, training in small groups, use of visibility and combination The various forms of providing information, creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere, forming a positive motivation to study ("pedagogy of success"), in cultivation of knowledge of knowledge of health issues.

For teacher is very important properly organize a lesson, as it is the main form of the pedagogical process . From the level of hygienic rationality of the lesson, the functional state of schoolchildren in the process of training activities, the ability to continuously maintain mental performance at a high level and warn premature fatigue.


1. Derekleyeva N.I. Motor games, trainings and health lessons. Moscow "Wako", 2004.

2. Kovalko V.I. Heating technology. Publisher "Vako", 2004.

3. Kodjaspirov Yu.G. Developing games in the lessons of physical culture. LLC DROFA, 2003.

4. Mishin B.I. Desktop book teacher physical culture. AST Arstel Moscow 2003.

5. Lyakh V.I., Zdanevich A.A. Comprehensive program of physical education of students in grades 1-11 Moscow "Enlightenment" 2007.

6. Smirnov N.K. "Heating Educational Technologies in Modern School", Moscow, 2002


Characteristics of a healthy-saving lesson

2. Dynamic organization of the lesson: - Fizkultminutka, - the pose of students during the lesson.

3. Activity approach during the lesson: - accounting for individual characteristics of students, - accounting for students' temperament, is the ability to work with various groups - a differentiated approach in learning.

4. The character climate of the lesson: - the lesson's majority, - the manifestation of a trust approach to students - the presence of an emotional discharge in the lesson, - creating a situation of success.

5.Next pedagogical knowledge and skills: - alternation of various activities, - alternation of methods, their number - the lesson density, is the rate of graduation, - determining the moment of the onset of students' weight and reduce their educational activity - teacher's ability to assess the level of student performance.

6. Formation of the head of health and culture in the lesson: - inclusion in the training programs of models of health lessons, is the formulation of an educational task for the instill of the culture of health.

Lesson Analysis Scheme from Health Saving Positions

1. Hygienic conditions in the class: cleanliness, temperature and freshness of air, the rationality of class lighting and boards, etc.

2. The number of types of training activities used by the teacher (4-7 species per lesson).

3. Duration and frequency of alternation of various types of training activities (7-10minut).

4. The number of teaching species used by the teacher (at least 3 per lesson; no later than in 10-15 minutes).

5. The use of methods that promote the intensification of the initiative and creative expression of students (methods of free choice, active methods aimed at self-knowledge and development).

6. The duration of the TSO application in accordance with hygienic standards.

7. Fizkultminthki and Fizkultpauses (for 15-20 minutes of lesson for 1 minute of 3 lung exercises with 3-4 repetitions).

8. Inclusion (if possible) into the meaningful part of the lesson of issues related to health and healthy lifestyle.

9. The presence of students from motivation to educational activities in the lesson.

10. A favorable climate in the lesson. Lack of microconflicts.

11. The prevailing expression of the teacher's face. The presence of emotional-semantic discharges.

At the end of the lesson, pay attention to the indicators:

· Total lesson density (60% - 80%).

· The moment of fatigue on students (5 to 10 minutes to the end of the lesson).

· Temps and features of the end of the lesson. Negative include:

1. Unreasonably fast pace of the final part;

2. Lack of time for students' questions;

3. The need for a hurry, no comment, recording homework.

1. Invalid student delay in the class after a call to change.

2. Condition and view of students leaving lesson:

Calm and business, satisfied, moderately excited.

Tired, confused, aggressive, "sweened".

Pay attention to the teacher himself.

Scheme of self-analysis lesson

1. In which class a lesson was conducted

2. Characteristics of group health groups of this class

3. Form of the lesson

4. Topic, goals, lesson tasks

5. How to solve the tasks that exercises were helped by the solution of health problems

6. Is the theoretical material used?

7. Characteristics of each stage of the lesson.

1. For what purpose did each stage of the lesson been carried out?

2. What exercises were used in the preparatory stage?

3. In what form was carried out the main stage?

4. Did the safety appliance in the lesson?

5. How was insurance and self-insurance organized?

8. What forms and methods of work were used in the lesson?

9. Are the main tasks made in the lesson achieved?

Posted on Allbest.ru.

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