Mongolo Tatar Igo saved. Was the Mongol-Tatar Igo? (Version of A.

In the late autumn of 1480, the great standing in the thief ended. It is believed that after that, the Mongol-Tatar yoke was not in Russia.


The conflict of the Grand Duke Moskovsky Ivan III with Khan Big Horde Ahmatom arose, according to one version, due to the non-payment of Dani. But a number of historians believe that Ahmat Dan received, but went to Moscow because he did not wait for the personal presence of Ivan III, who had to get a label to the Grand Diction. Thus, the prince did not recognize the authority and power of Khan.

It was not particularly offended by Akhmat that when he sent ambassadors to Moscow to ask Dani and Obroks over the past years, the Grand Duke again did not show proper respect. In the "Kazan History", even so: "The Great Prince was not afraid ... Taking Basma, I spun, I broke, threw the ground and extorted my legs with my". Of course, this behavior of the Grand Duke is difficult to imagine, but the refusal to recognize the power of Akhmat followed.

Confirmation of the pride of Khan is in another episode. At the "Ugorshchina", Ahmat, who was not in the best strategic position, demanded that Ivan III himself came to the Ordane bid and became the string of the Vladyka, waiting for the decision.

Female participation

But Ivan Vasilyevich cared his own family. His wife disliked his wife. Branched, the prince first of all saves his wife: "The Great Princess Sofia (Romanka, as chroniclers expressed), John sent together with the casseau on Belozero, gave an order to go further to the sea and the Ocean, if Khan goes Oku," said the historian Sergey Solovyev. However, it was not rejoiced to her return from the Whitezer: "Sophia's great princess ran from Tatars on Beloozero, and not any nobody chased."

Brothers, Andrei Galitsky and Boris Volotsky, raised the rebellion, demanding to divide the inheritance of the deceased brother - Prince Yuri. Only when this conflict was settled, not without the help of the mother, Ivan III could continue to fight the Horde. In general, "female participation" in standing in the thorough. If you believe Tatishchev, it was Sophia who persuaded Ivan III to take a historical decision. The victory in standing is also attributed to the intercession of the Virgin.

By the way, the size of the required Dani was relatively low - 140,000 Altyn. Khan Tukhtamysh for century before that collected from the Vladimir principality about almost 20 times more.

Did not save and when planning defense. Ivan Vasilyevich gave a decree to burn pose. The inhabitants moved inside the fortress walls.

There is a version that the prince simply looked down from Khan after standing: one part of the money paid in the thief, the second - after the retreat. Behind Okoy Andrey Little, Brother Ivan III, did not attack the Tatars, and gave a "out".


The Grand Duke from Active Action refused. Subsequently, the descendants approved his defensive position. But some contemporaries were different.

With the news of the approach of Ahmat, he panicked. The people, according to the chronicle, accused the prince that he exposes all the dangers of his indecision. Fearing attempts, Ivan went to Red Selo. His heir, Ivan the young, was at that time with the troops, ignoring the requests and letters of his father demanding to leave the army.

The Grand Duke drove still towards the Ugration in early October, but I did not get to the mainstream. In the city of Kremenets, he waited for brothers who came to him. And at this time there were fights in the thorough.

Why didn't the Polish king help?

The chief ally of Akhmat-Khan, the Great Lithuanian Prince and the Polish king Casimir IV, did not come to the rescue. The question arises: why?

Some write that the king was concerned about the attack of the Crimean Khan Meuglia-Hire. Others point to the inner gravestites in the Lithuanian land - "plot of princes." "Russian elements" dissatisfied with the king, looking for support from Moscow, wanted reunion with Russian principalities. There is also such an opinion that the king himself did not want conflicts with Rus. Crimean Khan was not afraid of him: the ambassador from the middle of October led in Lithuania.

And the freezing Khan Ahmat, waiting for frosts, and not reinforcements, wrote Ivan III: "And this is if from the shore of the duty, because I have people without clothes, and horses without late. And the blowjob of the winter of winter is ninety days, and Az again will be on you, but I have a cloudy water. "

Proud, but careless Ahmat returned to the steppe with prey, raving the Earth of the former ally, and remained wintering in the mouth of the Donets. There, Siberian Khan Iwak three months after the "Ugorshchina" personally killed the enemy in a dream. Ambassador was sent to Moscow to declare the death of the last ruler of the Big Horde. Historian Sergey Soloviev writes about it like this: "The latter Golden Horde for Moscow khana died from one of the descendants of Genghishane; He had sons who were also destined to die from Tatar weapons. "

Probably, the descendants were still left: Anna Gorenko considered Ahmata his ancestor on the maternal line and, becoming a poetess, took the pseudonym - Akhmatov.

Disputes about place and time

Historians argue about where there was standing on the thief. They also refer to the area under the cap, and the village of Gorodets, and the place of confluence of Ugra with Okoy. "To the mouth of the Ugra along its right," Lithuanian "shore, a land road from Vyazma, according to which Lithuanian help was expected and which the Ordans could use for maneuvers. Even in the middle of the XIX century. The Russian General Staff recommended this road for the movement of troops from Vyazma to Kaluga, "the historian Wadim Kargalov writes.

The accurate date of the arrival of Ahamat is not known. Books and chronicles converge in one: it happened not earlier than the beginning of October. Vladimir chronicle, for example, accurate up to one hour: "Pride at the Ugric of October at 8 day, a week, in 1 hour of the day." In the Vologda-Perm chronicle it is written: "Away the king will donate from the Ugra on Thursday, the eve of the days" (November 7).

If you remove the whole lies from the story, it does not mean at all that the truth will remain alone - as a result, it can not stay anything at all.

Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

Tatar-Mongol invasion began in 1237 with the invasion of Batya's cavalry in Ryazan lands, and ended in 1242. The result of these events was two-day yoke. This is said in textbooks, but in fact the relationship between the Horde and Russia were much more complicated. In particular, this is what the famous historian Gumilev says. In this material, we will briefly consider issues of the invasion of the Mongol-Tatar troops from the point of view of the generally accepted interpretation, as well as consider the controversial issues of this interpretation. Our task is not to prompt a fantasy on the subject of medieval society, but to provide our readers the facts. And the conclusions are the case of everyone.

Beginning of invasion and prerequisites

For the first time, Russia and Horde troops came together on May 31, 1223 in the battle on Kalka. Russian troops led Kiev Prince Mstislav, and opposed the subcentages and Juba. The Russian army was not just defeated, it was actually destroyed. There are many reasons for this, but they are all considered in the article about the battle on Kalka. Returning to the first invasion, it happened in two stages:

  • 1237-1238 - a campaign to the eastern and northern lands of Russia.
  • 1239-1242 - a trip to the southern lands, which led to the establishment of yoke.

The invasion of 1237-1238

In 1236, Mongols began another trip against Polovtsy. In this campaign, they achieved great success and in the second half of 1237 approached the boundaries of the Ryazan principality. Commed by the Asian Connection Khan Bati (Batu-Khan), grandson of Genghis Khan. It was 150 thousand people in his submission. With him, hiking participated in the subcent, who was familiar with Rusychi in previous clashes.

Map of Tatar Mongol invasion

The invasion occurred at the beginning of the winter of 1237. It is impossible to establish an accurate date here as it is unknown. Moreover, some historians suggest that the invasion occurred not in winter, and in the late autumn of the same year. With a huge speed, the connion of Mongols moved around the country, conquering one city by one:

  • Ryazan - fell at the end of December 1237. Siege lasted 6 days.
  • Moscow - Pala in January 1238. Siege lasted 4 days. This event was preceded by a battle under Kolomna, where Yuri Vsevolodovich tried to stop the enemy with his army, but was defeated.
  • Vladimir - fell in February 1238. Siege lasted 8 days.

After taking Vladimir, in fact, all the eastern and northern lands were in the hands of Batya. He conquered one city after another (Tver, Yuriev, Suzdal, Pereslavl, Dmitrov). In early March, Palkok, opening the path of the Mongolian army to the north, to Novgorod. But Batie made another maneuver and instead of a campaign to Novgorod, he turned his troops and went to storm Kozelsk. 7 weeks came the siege, ended only when the Mongols went to the trick. They announced that they would accept the surrender of the garrison of Kozelsk and let everyone go. People believed and opened the gate of the fortress. The battered words did not restrain and gave the order to kill everyone. So the first campaign was completed and the first invasion of the Tatar-Mongolian troops on Russia.

The invasion of 1239-1242 years

After a break for a year and a half, in 1239 a new invasion began on Russia's Russia Khan Batiya. This year, based events occurred in Pereyaslav and Chernigov. The lethargy of the onset of Batya is connected with the fact that at that time he led an active struggle with Polovtsy, in particular in the territory of Crimea.

In the fall of 1240, Bati led his army under the walls of Kiev. The ancient capital of Russia could not resist for a long time. The city fell December 6, 1240. Historians celebrate special atrocities with which the invaders behaved. Kiev was almost completely destroyed. Nothing left from the city. That Kiev, which we know today, has nothing to do with the ancient capital (except for the geographical position). After these events, the invaders army divided:

  • Part went to Vladimir-Volynsky.
  • Part went to Galich.

Capturing these cities, Mongols switched to the European Hike, but he interests us little.

The consequences of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion on Russia

The consequences of the invasion of the Asian troops on Russia historians are definitely described:

  • The country was conquered, and became completely dependent on the Golden Horde.
  • Rus began to pay tribute to the winners annually (money and people).
  • The country fell into a stupor in terms of progress and development due to the unbearable yoke.

This list can be continued, but, in general, everything comes down to the fact that all the problems that were in Russia at that time have written off on the yoke.

This is the case, if briefly, the Tatar-Mongol invasion from the point of view of official history and what we speak in the textbooks. In contrast, we will look at the arguments of Gumilev, as well as ask a number of simple, but very important issues to understand the current issues and the fact that with the IGOM, as with the relations of Russia-Horde, everything is much added than to say.

For example, it is absolutely incomprehensible and inexplicable, as a nomadic people who lived a two-year-old time ago, created a huge empire and conquered half of the world. After all, considering the invasion of Russia, we only consider the vertex of iceberg. The Golden Horde Empire was much more: from the Pacific Ocean to Adriatic, from Vladimir to Burma. Giant countries were conquered: Rus, China, India ... None after no one could create a military machine that could conquer so many countries. And the Mongols were able ...

To understand how hard it was (if not to say that it is impracticable) let's consider the situation with China (so that they do not blame that we are looking for a conspiracy around Russia). The population of China at the time of Genghis Khan was about 50 million people. Nobody led the Mongol census, but, for example, today this nation has 2 million people. If we consider that the number of all the peoples of the Middle Ages increases by now, then the Mongols were less than 2 million people (with women, old men and children). How could they conquer China in 50 million inhabitants? And then also India and Rus ...

Strange the geography of the movement of Batya

Let's go back to the invasion of Mongol-Tatar on Russia. What were the goals of this campaign? Historians talk about the desire to plunder the country and subordinate it to themselves. It also says that all these goals have been achieved. But this is not quite so, because in ancient Russia there were 3 richest cities:

  • Kiev is one of the largest cities in Europe and the ancient capital of Russia. The city was conquered by Mongols and destroyed.
  • Novgorod is the largest shopping city and the richest in the country (hence and its special status). At all, not suffered from invasion.
  • Smolensk is also the city of the trade, was considered to be rich in Kiev. The city also did not see the Mongol-Tatar troops.

So it turns out that 2 of the 3 largest cities did not suffer at all from the invasion. Moreover, if we consider looting, as a key aspect of the invasion of Batya on Russia, the logic is not traced at all. Judge for yourself, Bate takes Torzhok (2 weeks spends on the assault). This is the poorest city whose task is to guard Novgorod. But after that, the Mongols do not go to the north, which would be logical, but unfolded south. Why was there for 2 weeks to spend not the necessary Torzhok on anyone to just turn south? Historians give two explanations logical at first glance:

  • Under Torzhoy Batu lost a lot of warriors and was afraid to go to Novgorod. This explanation could be considered logical if it were not for one "but". Kohl soon lost a lot of his army, he needs to leave Russia to replenish the troops or take a breather. But instead, Khan rushes at the assault of Kozelsk. Here, by the way, the losses were huge and as a result of the Mongol, rushing rushing. But why they did not go to Novgorod - it is incomprehensible.
  • Tatar-Mongols were frightened by the spring spill of the rivers (it was in March). Even in modern conditions, March in the north of Russia does not differ in the softness of the climate and they can safely move. And if we talk about 1238, then the era of climatologists is called a small glacial period, when winter was much severe modern and overall temperatures are much lower (it is easy to check). That is, it turns out that in the era of global warming in March to Novgorod can be reached, and in the era of the ice age, everyone was afraid of the spill of rivers.

With Smolensk, the situation is also paradoxical and inexplicable. Taking Torzhok, Batya goes to storm Kozelsk. This is a simple fortress, a small and very poor city. Mongols stormed 7 weeks, lost thousands of people killed. What was this done for? There was no benefit from taking Kozelsk - there is no money in the city, there are no food warehouses either. Why are such victims? But only 24 hours of movement of the cavalry from Kozelsk is Smolensk - the richest city in Russia, but the Mongols do not even think to move towards him.

Surprisingly, all these logical questions are simply ignored by official historians. Standard excuses are given, they say, who knows these savages, so they decided themselves. But such an explanation does not withstand any criticism.

Nomads in winter are never fighting

There is another remarkable fact that the official story simply spares, because It is impossible to explain it. Both Tatar-Mongolian invasions were committed on Russia in winter (or started late in autumn). But these are nomads, and nomads begin to fight only in spring to finish battles until winter. After all, they move on horseback to feed. You can imagine how you can feed the many thousands of Mongolian army in the snowy Russia? Historians, of course, say it is a trifle and should not even consider such questions, but the success of any operation directly depends on the provision:

  • Karl 12 could not establish the provision of his army - lost Poltava and the Northern War.
  • Napoleon could not establish provision and left Russia with a half-starving army, which was absolutely unable.
  • Hitler, according to many historians, managed to establish the provision only by 60-70% - lost the second world war.

And now, understanding all this, let's see what was the army of the Mongols. It is noteworthy, but there is no certain number of quantitative composition. Historians call numbers from 50 thousand to 400 thousand riders. For example, Karamzin speaks about 300 thousandth bats. Let's consider providing the army on the example of this figure. As famous Mongols have always been sent to the Military Hiking with three horses: the rider was moved (the rider moved), the worker (transported personal belongings and weapons of the rider) and the fighting (walked empty, so that at any moment could become fresh in battle). That is, 300 thousand people are 900 thousand horses. Add horses to this, which were transported to the guns (more specifically known, then the guns of Mongols were brought to collected), horses that were taken for the army, an additional weapon was taken, etc. It turns out, according to the most modest estimates, 1.1 million horses! And now imagine how snow-covered in winter (in the era of a small glacial period) to feed such a flock in someone else's country? There is no answer, since this is impossible.

So how many was the army at the Bat?

It is noteworthy, but the closer to our time the invasion of the Tatar-Mongolian troops occurs, the less the number is obtained. For example, the historian Vladimir Chilivihin speaks about 30 thousand who moved scattered, because in the unified army they were not formed. Part of the historians lowers this figure even below - to 15 thousand. And here we encounter an insoluble contradiction:

  • If Mongols really were so much (200-400 thousand), how could they feed themselves and their horses in the harsh Russian winter? The cities did not give up the world to make a provisionant from them, most of the fortresses were burned.
  • If the Mongols were really only 30-50 thousand, then how did they manage to conquer Russia? After all, the army in the area of \u200b\u200b50 thousand against Batya was exhibited every princess. Be Mongols really so little and act on their own - under Vladimir would have buried the remains of the Horde and Batya himself. But in fact everything was different.

Conclusions and answers to these questions We offer the reader to search for yourself. For our part, we did the main thing - indicated the facts that completely refute the official version of the invasion of Mongol-Tatars. At the end of the article, I want to note another important fact that the whole world recognized, including the official story, but this fact is silent and a little is published. The main document for which many years has been studied the yoke and invasion - the Lavrentievsky chronicle. But, as it turned out, the truth of this document causes big questions. Official story acknowledged that 3 pages of the chronicle (which refers to the beginning of the yoke and the beginning of the invasion of the Mongols on Russia) changed and are not original. I wonder how many other pages from the history of Russia changed in other annals, and what happened in fact? But it is almost impossible to answer this question ...

Golden Horde - one of the most sad pages in stories of Russia. Some time after the victory in battle on Kalka Mongols began to prepare a new invasion of Russian land, examining the tactics and features of the future opponent.

Golden Horde.

Golden Horde (Ulus Juni) was formed in 1224 as a result of the section Mongol Empire Genghis Khan between her sons on the western and eastern part. The Golden Horde has become the western part of the empire from 1224 to 1266. With the new Khan Mengu-Timur, it became independent in fact (although not formally) from the Mongol Empire.

Like many states of that era, in the XV century she survived feudal fragmentation And as a result (and the enemies offended by the Mongols were very much) by the XVI century finally ceased to exist.

In the XIV century, Islam became the state religion of the Mongolian Empire. It is noteworthy that the Ordane Khans (including in Russia) did not impose their religion at the controlled territories. The concept of "golden" at the horde was gained only in the XVI century because of the golden tents of her khan.

Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Tatar-Mongol yoke, just like mongol-Tatar yoke- not quite right in terms of history. Genghis Khan considered his main enemies of the Tatars, and destroyed them most (almost all) tribes, the rest obeyed the Mongolian Empire. The number of Tatars in the Mongolian troops was meager, but due to the fact that the empire occupied all the former Tatars lands, Chingishan's troops began to call tatar-Mongolian or mongol-Tatar conquerors. In reality, it was about mongolian IGE.

So, Mongolian, or Ordan, IHO is a system of political dependence of the ancient Russia from the Mongol Empire, and a little later from the Golden Horde, as a separate state. The complete elimination of Mongolian yoke occurred only by the beginning of the XV century, although the actual one is more than.

Mongolian invasion began after the death of Genghis Khan Batu Khanom (or khan Batym) In 1237. The main troops of the Mongols were strung up to the territories near the current Voronezh, which before that were controlled by the Volga Bulgaram, until they were almost destroyed by Mongols.

In 1237, the Golden Horde seized Ryazan and destroyed all the Ryazan Principality, including small villages and villages.

In January-March 1238, the same fate suffered Vladimir-Suzdal Principality and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. Tver and Torzhok were taken last. There was a threat of taking the Novgorod Principality, but after taking the trading on March 5, 1238, without reaching less than 100 km to Novgorod, Mongols turned around and returned to the steppe.

Until the end of 38 years old, Mongols only made periodic raids, and in 1239 they moved to South Rus and on October 18, 1239 took Chernigov. Putivl was destroyed (the place of action "Crying Yaroslavna"), Glukhov, Rylsk and other cities in the current Sumy, Kharkov and Belgorod regions.

This year Megging (The next ruler of the Mongolian Empire after Genghis Khan) sent additional troops from the Transcaucasus and in the fall of 1240 Khan Bati besieged Kiev, preliminarily repalted by all the surrounding lands. Kiev, Volyn and Galitsky Principles at the time of the rules Danila Galitsky, the son of Roman Mstislavovich, who at that time was in Hungary, unsuccessfully trying to conclude an alliance with King Hungarian. Perhaps later, the Hungarians regretted his refusal by Danil, when the Horde Batya seized all Poland and Hungary. Kiev was taken to the beginning of December 1240 after a few weeks of siege. Mongols began to control most of Russia, including even those areas (at the economic and political level) that they did not capture.

Kiev, Vladimir, Suzdal, Tver, Chernigov, Ryazan, Pereyaslavl and many other cities were completely or partially destroyed.

There was an economic and cultural decline in Russia - this explains the almost complete lack of the chronicles of contemporaries, and as a result - the lack of information for the current historians.

For a while, Mongols were distracted from Russia because of the raids and invasions to Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian and other European lands.

For practically 2.5 centuries, Russia was located under the Tatar-Mongolian oppression. Historians estimate this time as stagnation in all spheres of life: political, economic, cultural.

For the princes of Russia, the Golden Horde existed a significant limitation of power. They depended directly from the will of the Khanov. To get a label (special permission) for the prince, many ruler had to go on significant concessions, and sometimes humiliation. During the period, the peak of fragmentation in Russia occurs, besides, the amount of grazing and intrigue increases significantly. Brother walked on his brother with the permission of Khan. Cities, shopping centers were ruined, treated treasury, all this led to the launch of once great principalities.

The simple people also extremely negatively experienced Mongol-Tatar yoke. The Khan army was erased on his way during the raids and collecting Dani. Locked and burned villages, villages and cities. Peace inhabitants took the cattle, pulled out fields and crops. All this led to hunger. Many civilians took into slavery.

Start of Tatar-Mongolian yoke

Why Tatar Mongols managed to capture Rus:

  • In the 13th century, the fragmentation of the state very weakened the position of Russia, every princess alone could not resist the Great Mongolian army;
  • disagreement of Russian princes;
  • the power of the Grand Prince was not centralized.

For the first time, Mongol-Tatars appeared among Russian borders in 1223. That year, the first meeting with the Great Mongolian army on the river occurred. Rod. Then the army of nomads caused a crushing, after which the feast was tripled on the backs of the Polovetsky and Russian princes. All were either killed or crushed. But deep into Russia, Tatar-Mongola did not move, returned to the steppe.

Invasion on Russia

In the winter of 1237, Han Bati, grandson of Genghis Khan, directed his strength to the northeastern lands of Russia. According to the will of the Great Khan, Russian lands were in his grandson's ulus. The first on the path of nomads got up. The city was besieged, the princes of neighboring principalities came to the rescue: Vladimir and Suzdalsky. After six days of siege, the city was erased from the face of the earth. Modern Ryazan is about 60 km from the previous city.

At the beginning of 1238, Bati moved on. Troops were met near Kolomna, where almost all Vladimir Raint died.

After 5 days of the siege, Moscow was burned, all residents were killed.

For the month, the Orda Army passed approximately 300 km and approached Vladimir. Prince at that moment was not. Yuri Vsevolodovich was in the north, collecting forces to fight. The rest of the residents, together with the Grand Prince, were in the city and hid in the Assumption Cathedral. Ordans burned the temple with all people inside.

Yuri Vsevolodovich learning about the fall of the city and the death of the family immediately nominated with the collected army towards meets. The battle occurred on the river. The Russians were defeated, and the Grand Duke himself was killed.

Nomads went north, robbing and burning everything in their path. Before they did not reach about 100 km. There were several reasons why Tatar-Mongols turned back:

  • the impact of the army. All victories of Baty went to the price of large losses;
  • natural conditions. Spring began and Connection began to move on blurred roads and spilled rivers;
  • remoteness of Novgorod. The North city was hidden by dense forests, on such a terrain, the Mongolian army could not conduct effectively battle.

On the way back, the battered waspiled by the small town of Kozelsk, who lasted 7 weeks, after which he was taken and erased from the face of the earth. Khan nicknamed his "evil city."

In 1240, Bati returns to Rus, this time in the southern lands. The first fell Kiev. In 1241, Galico-Volyn Principality was attacked. After that, nomads go to Europe, but tolerate a number of failures and return.

In 1243, on the border with the south of Russia, Batya lays the state of the Golden Horde with the capital in the city of Sarai. After that, the separated Russian land recognized their vassal position, while the statehood of Russia was preserved, as well as religion. It is worth noting that the Goldenopa Khans in their policies adhered to religious tolerance. Russians were not forced to forget Orthodoxy, and the Tataro-Mongols themselves adopted Islam in only 1312.

However, in political and economic relations during this period, the Mongol-Tatar yoke is established in Russia. The control of Russian princes was carried out by backers, they were collected and tribute.

The punitive detachments sent to disagree with Khan's politics. Rus lived in fear and destroyed state.

Overthrowing Mongol-Tatar yga

Ivan 3 bursts the Khan dip

The first victory over the Mongols won on the Kulikov field. After 1380, IHO continued for 100 years. Only in 1480 there was a well-known standing on the river. Ugra. Confrontation between and Khan Akhmat. Khan retreated than he made it clear that she no longer had claims. So the end of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke came to Russia.

Causes of the defeat of Mongol-Tatars:

  • combining Russian principalities around Moscow;
  • reforms in the Army of Russia;
  • gravestics inside the Golden Horde
  • weakening of the Mongolian army.

The consequences of IGA

The yoke lasted 243 years old. Rus was in the stagnation and only at Ivan III began the revival of the Russian state, his culture and power. The influence of the Mongol-Tatar Iean extremely negatively affected the development of the country and slowed down, compared with other major states. The backlog was affected by many subsequent centuries.

In the 12th century, the state of the Mongols expanded, their military art was improved. The main occupation was cattle breeding, bred mainly horses and sheep, they did not know agriculture. They lived in felt tents-yurts, they were easily transported during far nomads. Each adult Mongol was a warrior, since childhood was sitting in the saddle and owned weapons. Cowardly, unreliable in the warriors did not get, became an outcast.
In 1206, at the congress of Mongolian, named Great Khan was proclaimed Techovkin with the name of Genghis Khan.
Mongols managed to combine hundreds of tribes under their power, which made it possible to use them in the troops during the war someone else's material. They conquered Eastern Asia (Kyrgyz, Buryat, Yakuts, Uigurov), the Tangut Kingdom (south-west of Mongolia), North China, Korea and Central Asia (the largest Central Asian state of Khorezm, Samarkand, Bukhara). As a result, by the end of the 13th century, Mongols owned half Eurasia.
In 1223, Mongols switched to the Caucasian ridge and invaded the Polovetsky lands. Polovtsy turned for help to Russian princes, because Russians and Polovtsy traded each other, concluded marriages. The Russians responded, and on the river Kalka on June 16, 1223, the first battle of Mongol-Tatars with Russian princes took place. The army of Mongol-Tatars was intelligent, small, i.e. Mongol-Tatars had to divide what lands lie ahead. Russians came to just fight, they weakly imagined that behind the enemy is in front of them. Until the Polovtsy request for help, they did not even hear about the Mongols.
The battle ended with the defeat of Russian troops due to the treason of Polovtsy (they were rushed into flight from the very beginning), and also due to the fact that the Russian princes failed to unite their forces, underestimated the enemy. Mongols offered to give the princes to surrender, promising to keep them their lives and let go of the will for the ransom. When the princes agreed, the Mongols were tied up, put the boards on them, and the nose from above, began to send a victory. Russian warriors, remaining without leaders, were interrupted.
Mongol-Tatars retreated in the Horde, but returned in 1237, knowing already, what an opponent in front of them. Batu Khan (Battered), grandson of Genghis Khan led a huge army with him. They preferred to attack the strongest Russian principalities - Ryazan and Vladimir. Defeated and subordinate to themselves, and in the next two years - all of Russia. After 1240, there was only one land independent - Novgorod, because Baty reached its main goals, to lose people under Novgorod did not make sense.
The Russian princes could not unite, therefore defeated, although, according to scientists, the battered lost half of their troops in the Russian lands. He occupied Russian lands, offered to recognize his power and pay tribute, the so-called "output." Initially, she was going to "in kind" and amounted to 1/10 of the crop, and then was transferred to the money.
Mongols have established the ogo system of total suppressing national life at the captured territories. In this form, the Tatar-Mongolian IHO lasted 10 years, after which the prince Alexander Nevsky offered the Horde new relationships: the Russian princes went to the service to Mongolian Khan, were obliged to collect tribute, to turn her into the Horde and receive a label on the Grand Diction - a leather belt there. At the same time, the prince who pays more received a shortcut for the reign. This procedure was provided with backers - Mongolian commander, who with the army managed Russian lands and watched, whether the tribute is going correctly.
It was the time of vassalitet of Russian princes, but thanks to the act of Alexander Nevsky, the Orthodox Church was preserved, raids stopped.
In the 60s of the 14th century, the Golden Horde split into two warring parts, the border between which was Volga. In the Left Bank Horde there were constant gravestics with the change of rulers. In the Right-Bank Horde, Mamay became the ruler.
The beginning of the struggle for liberation from the Tatar-Mongolian Iga in Russia is associated with the name of Dmitry Donskoy. In 1378, he, feeling the weakening of the horde, refused to pay tribute and interrupted all Baskakov. In 1380, Mamay's commander went with the whole Horde for Russian lands, and the battle of Dmitry Donskoy occurred on the Kulikov field.
Maama had 300 thousand "Sabel", and that Mongols almost did not have infantry, he hired the best Italian (Genoese) infantry. Dmitry Donskoy had 160 thousand people, of which only 5 thousand were professional military. The main weapons of the Russians were clubs, hinge and wooden horns.
So, the battle with Mongol-Tatars was suicide for Russian troops, but still the Russians remained a chance.
Dmitry Donskaya crossed Don on the night of September 7-18, 1380 and burned the crossing, there was nowhere to retreat. It remained to win or die. In the forest, he hid 5 thousand deugers, behind his troops. The role of the squad was to save the Russian army from bypass from the rear.
The battle lasted one day for which the Mongol-Tatars was outpathed by the Russian army. Then Dmitry Donskoy ordered an ardent shelf to leave the forest. Mongol-Tatars decided that they were the main forces of the Russians and, without waiting, when everyone came out, turned and began to run, flooding the Genoese infantry. The battle turned into persecution of the running opponent.
Two years later, a new horde came with Khan Tuchtamiam. He captured Moscow, Mozhaisk, Dmitrov, Pereyaslavl. Moscow had to resume the payment of Dani, but the Kulikov battle was a fracture in the fight against Mongol-Tatars, because The dependence on the horde was now weaker.
After 100 years in 1480, Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan III ceased to pay the payment of Horde.
Han Horde Ahmed came out with a big army against Rus, wanting to punish a recurrent prince. He came up to the border of the Moscow principality, to the River Ugration-Influx of Oka. Ivan III came there. Since the forces turned out to be equal, they stood on the River Ugra, Summer and Autumn. Fearing of the coming winter, Mongol-Tatars went to the Horde. It was the end of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, because The defeat of Ahmed meant the collapse of the powers of Batya and the independence of the Russian state. Tatar-Mongolian Igo lasted 240 years.

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