Why nuclear power plants exploded in Chernobyl. History Chernobyl

Saturday, 26 Apr. 2014.

The "explosion" of the fourth reactor at the Chernobyl NPP was not, in fact, the "explosion of the reactor", but the explosion of a portable nuclear charge laid under the reactor. The Chernobyl catastrophe is a planned sabotage aimed at the systematic destroying of the USSR, superpowers, which has become the USA on the enslavement of the whole world ... Do not talk about the main targets of the ecological accident! Who organized the "Tests on the Chernobyl, April 26, 1986?!

So many times told the world ..., but he, alas, I regain.

(Based on Basny I.A. Krylov).

Unfortunately, today there is no accurate data in free access (not to mention reliable information) regarding the Chernobyl "catastrophe", so we do not have anything else, how to simply do the refutation of existing fraudulent data.

The Chernobyl nuclear "catastrophe" (also called [in English] "misfortune") was planned, actually, with two main goals, although the second goal itself, in turn, additionally added to the first:

1) It was one of the few deadly blows (along with provoking the Soviet leadership to invade Afghanistan, the Korean flight 007, the so-called "restructuring", a competently organized sharp decline in oil prices, an "anti-vodka campaign", and several other other blows ) who was inflicted to the weakening Soviet Union with the aim provide his full collapse.Because "someone" simply hated the Soviet Union.

2) it was a very competent provocation designed discredit peaceful nuclear powerin general, in the eyes of a gullible alone, however, as in the eyes of gullible politicians. "Some" simply hated atomic power plants and wanted them to extortion like dinosaurs. In addition, a sharp decline in peaceful nuclear energy, which followed the Chernobyl events, added to the colossal economic losses that the Soviet Union was already understood as a result of a sharp decrease in oil prices, and thus added, in turn, to the first reason, described above.

Although the Chernobyl "disaster" was planned, mainly against the former Soviet Union, she inflicted almost a fatal blow of France, which before this event spent huge resources to their own nuclear research and on the development of their own peaceful nuclear power. As a result of this "catastrophe", France lost almost all of its former customers from among the "civilized" countries.

If some country still craves today to purchase French nuclear reactors - it will most likely, the so-called "Plutovskaya State" - such as North Korea or Iran - which only wants to use a similar reactor for accumulating weapons plutonium for its atomic bomb.

Most of the so-called "civilized" countries fully turned whatever long-term plans to develop their own nuclear programs and for the most part, all nuclear power plants that existed before are dismantled.

But the people persistently do not want to understand that there was a deliberate sabotage in Chernobyl, and not the random "production incident" at all.

To understand what happened in Chernobyl, it is not at all necessary to be a "specialist in reactors." But you need to know absolutely exactly what they do not explode or an ordinary explosion, ne all - nuclear. So in order to understand what happened in Chernobyl, you do not need to know the device of a nuclear reactor. It is enough just to be a free-sisted person who is friendly with elementary logic and does not pay the slightest attention to what they write in the newspapers and speak a zombie box.

And on the other hand, it is possible to be three times a specialist in reactors, and even four times in nuclear weapons, and even be directly, and even a well-deserved member of the elimination of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, but not to understand anything ... due to crushing slave complexes and The reluctance to translate the toggle switch to turn on its brains to the "On" position

  • Details and investigation in the article Dmitry Khalevova "Comparison of so-called." Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe "1986 with armonuclear disaster 2001 in Manhattan."
  • If you have not read Dmitry Khalevova about demolition of the twin towers of the World Trade Center using underground thermonuclear explosions, then first read this article, and only then return to the article about Chernobyl, because otherwise, much in the article below may be incomprehensible for you! This is a very serious warning and please treat him seriously! A convincing request is not to read this article until you read the previous one!

Read and draw conclusions, could there be a "random production accident" or the nuclear explosion on the Chernobia was a planned promotion, which was known in advance.

And then think about yourself - are the nuclear reactors with nuclear explosions (If specialized atomic bombs and then with great difficulty, the nuclear explosion is produced) or not. AND whether someone could learn about the fact that nuclear reactors can produce such nuclear explosions.

Whatever it was, do you like it or do not like it - no "radiation" in Chernobyl is not, and most importantly, never happened. Although it is absolutely not so in the case of a nuclear demolition of twin towers in Manhattan - because there it was any radiation. What you can learn from the corresponding articles About the nuclear demolition of the World Trade Center in New York.

Chernobyl - the biggest bluff of the XXI century

At 00 hours of 37 minutes on April 26, a powerful explosion was happened at the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl NPP. A large number of radioactive substances was thrown into the atmosphere.

Panic, which has been repeatedly enhanced by protecting access to the information censorship of the USSR, covered the world. "Chernobyl catacombs", "Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl", "death from Chernobyl" - these were the names of articles in the Western press. "In Chernobyl, thousands of people are buried in the Rips" - informed important daily and weekly editions. The atmosphere of fear, which then filled everything, and today paralyzes public opinion.

In fact, the explosion of the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl did not become one of the largest tragedies of the XXI century. Because of the explosion thousands of people did not died, they were not seriously infected for hundreds of years huge areas of land. Doses of radiation who were subject to residents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus practically did not have any effect on health.

People did not become more often painful, number of children born with genetic deviations, did not increase.

Such conclusions can be made on the basis of the latest report of the UN Science Committee on the Impautions of Nuclear Radiation (UNSCER). This report was prepared by 142 the most famous specialists from 21 countries.

After 15 years, we see that the Chernobyl accident was perfectly used primarily by environmental organizations and nuclear energy enemies. Its development "thanks" to Chernobyl was inhibited for decades.

Death from fear, or how many people actually suffered as a result of an explosion in Chernobyl

Only 134 people - NPP workers and members of rescue teams - were exposed to actually high doses of ionizing radiation, as a result of which they had an acute disease, according to the authors of the UNSCAR report.

28 of them died as a result of irradiation, and two - from burns. These are all deaths!

About 381 thousand people who were involved in the elimination of the consequences of the accident were exposed to radiation, a little exceeding 100 MSV (minissifers). Dressessing is considered to be a dose of 1000 MSV. Surveys of those people who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the accident show that they are even healthier than those who have not been exposed to radiation, says Zbignev Yavorovski from the central laboratory of radiological protection, which since 1973 represents Poland in UNSCAR. It is one of the co-authors of the report.

"Fourteen years after the accident in Chernobyl there are no scientific evidence that the number of cancer diseases has grown, mortality has increased or other diseases that may be associated with radiation," we read in the report.

But at the same time there was a significant increase in cases of psychomatic diseases, diseases of the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system. Their cause is not radiation, but fear. People are afraid that they received a dose of radiation or what they live on an infected land and are about to get sick. Scientists have never published nonsense, which appears in the media - says Professor Leonid Andreyevich Ilyin from the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Health of Russia. He participated in the elimination of the consequences of the catastrophe and represents UNSCAR in Russia. "The media exaggerated the size of the tragedy, spreading the opinions of various" specialists ". "The worst consequences have a psychological nature. They were caused by fear and eviction from the territories that were recognized, often very hastily, dangerous, "says Ilyin.

Chernobyl or creeping paranoia

Such conclusions were made before. In March 1996, Economist magazine published an article that was called "Chernobyl, cancer and creeping paranoia." It indicated that the direct influence of radiation on the body was insignificant. "Much worse the consequences of fear and ignorance. People did not know and still do not know what is the real danger and threat. This is the biggest health problem, "wrote" Economist ".

Immediately after Chernobyl, thousands of pregnant Ukrainians and Belarusians decided to themselves or they were persuaded by doctors for an abortion. In 1986-87 In these two republics, many abortions were conducted, the number of which was 1/3 of all children born in this period in Eastern Europe. In some regions, the number of miscarriages increased by 25%. Why? Women were afraid to give birth to mutants. Dr. Hervig Paretsk claims that Ukraine does not notice an increase in the birth of children with severe defects. UNSCAR specialists argue that the growth of genetic diseases was impossible, because after a very high dose of radiation, which people received in Hir and Nagasaki (which is hundreds of times higher than in Chernobyl, and received in a split second), the offspring of the Japanese who survived Nuclear explosions, no genetic deviations are noted.

The only consequence of the catastrophe may be 1.800 cases of children's diseases of thyroid cancer in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. But these data cause some doubts. Thyroid cancer, which is caused by radiation, is developing in a hidden form of 6 - 9 years. And the increase in the number of cancers is celebrated after a year after the catastrophe. The relationship between various doses of radiation, which were subjected to children and the cases of thyroid cancer were subjected. UNSCAR experts argue that there may be other causes of cancer growth. They until the most recent stage do not give clinical signs. In Ukraine, Belarus and Russia until the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, such studies were not conducted, therefore medical experts discovered what was already existed regardless of the catastrophe.
Also in Poland in the light of the last knowledge of the threat was much less than we assumed ...

Safe infected zone, or how much really land is infected with an explosion in Chernobyl

A strongly infected zone around the NPP has an area only about half a kilometer square. This follows from the cards that were presented in the UNSCAR report. Most territory around the station is safe for people's health. Why did they evicted people from the city of Pripyat? Why is he closed today? Large-scale resettlement was performed very quickly. Within 11 days (from April 27 to May 7, 1986), 116 thousand people had to change place of residence. "Deciding the decision to evict, did not take into account the opinion of Russian scientists who offered the majority of the population around the station to leave alone," says Dr. Mikhal Valigorski, Head of the Department of Physical Medicine Center for Oncology in Krakow. "Migrants did not die from the deadly doses of radiation, but because of a strong stress. We observed similar reactions to stress in Poland during flooding in 1997 ... "

In the city of Pripyat and on most of the closed 30-kilometer zone can live. The results of measurements conducted by international experts clearly show that the level of radiation on this territory is safe for people. The average level on the infected area is only 8 MSV per year. In places of strong infection, it ranges from 30 to 80 MSV. In 1999, each Pole received an average dose of 3.3 MSV.

How did the Chernobyl lies appear

When at the end of 2000, the Ukrainian authorities solemnly closed the Chernobyl NPP, the media around the world distributed the apocalyptic picture of the catastrophe. In messages of the Polish press agency, it was possible to read: "In Ukraine, the number of deaths caused by a nuclear explosion exceeded 4,000. 3.5 million people sick due to the impact of radiation ... "And today there is no data for the number of deaths. The number varies from 15 to 30 thousand. "

In May, in the American press it was written that 80 people died immediately during an explosion, and 2.000 people - on the road to the hospital. Allegedly, they were not buried in the cemetery, but in the village of Pirogovo, where the warehouse of radioactive waste is located. "Newyork Post" came out with an editorial "Mass grave - in Kiev, 15 thousand people will spike bulldozers in the piva." Similar absurd stories appeared not only during the time when the USSR authorities prevented the receipt of objective information, they appear now. One of the most authoritative Norwegian magazines "AFTEN POSTEN" in 1990 published a large article, which was called "Chernobyl - Eternal Nightmare". After 5 years, the Reuters Agency on October 13, 1995 reported on 800 thousand children who were injured as a result of the Chernobyl accident.

In October 2000, French television showed the film "Chernobyl: Autopsy Tuchi." French scientists protested against this program. The letter to the chairman of the television was signed by the chairmen of the largest scientific communities and organizations associated with biophysics, nuclear medicine and nuclear physics. Two years earlier, a similar protest wrote Polish scientists to Polish television. He was associated with the show of the British film "Igor - Child Chernobyl". The film shows a child with deformed limbs and is argued that the reason is the Chernobyl accident. According to the authors of the film, such anomalies develop in millions of children on infected areas.

"All this information is a lie," scientists say. "Fear seeds before the consequences of the accident fell on fertile soil. We can say that people expected bad news. It was caused primarily by fear of the atomic bomb, "explains Professor Kazimierzh Obukhovski from the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Bydgosh. "The catastrophe happened when there was still a conflict between nuclear powers, and various organizations shouted about what the consequences of the nuclear war would be. People waited for information that mole confirm their fears and fears. Only such information they considered believable. "

Chernobyl or profitable myth

Why is Chernobyl myth so effectively supported?

Firstly, we are talking about money, secondly, about money, and, thirdly, about money. Ukraine and Belarus have been inherited from the USSR heavy burden. It was recognized that 600 thousand people (who were recognized by the victims of the accident) should receive compensatory payments in the amount (in terms of) several dollars due to the loss of health caused by radiation. No politician will decide to remove these payments and benefits. Withdrawing Belarus until 2015, it consumes only for Chernobyl payments - $ 86 billion.

You still need to add costs to ensure the safety of the reactor itself. The construction of the SuperSarcophage will cost $ 300 million. At present, the USA and Western Europe were transferred to the elimination of the effects of the explosion of $ 800 million, and the EBRD plans to spend 2.3 billion euros for these purposes. According to Kiev to cope with the consequences of the accident, there will be $ 5 billion over the next 20 years. In Ukraine, the opinions are increasingly appearing that the intensity of the requirements of Ukrainian politicians appearing for financial assistance is explained by the desire to patch holes in their own budget. Some of these funds are diverged by pockets.

Therefore, Chernobyl is still presented in the coarse paints. In 1995, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine issued a press release, which indicated that 125 thousand people died as a result of the Chernobyl catastrophe. This message caused a strong protest of the World Health Organization. Valery Pickers, who in the Ukrainian ministry engaged in the consequences of the disaster, recently publicly stated that "the most severe diseases that the inhabitants of Ukraine suffer from the accident at the NPP, it is cancer and a different kind of blood disease, respiratory tract, food and nervous system." In turn, Vladislav Ostapenko, Director of the Belarusian Republican Institute of Radiation Medicine, Reuters said that due to the Chernobyl explosion, his country threatens a demographic catastrophe, because for several years the mortality rate exceeds the birth rate. Every year, 2.5 thousand children are born with genetic defects. Ostapenko, however, does not mention that in almost all countries of the former USSR, including the Asian part, there is a demographic decline. In addition, if you take into account the number of inhabitants of Belarus, then severe genetic defects in newborns should be 5 times more. But they have nothing to do with radiation, especially Chernobyl. In each population of such defects about 6%.

Chernobyl is a large hoax of international environmental organizations

The Chernobyl catastrophe from the very beginning was the main weapon of environmental organizations in the fight against nuclear power. Accident and allegedly its terrible consequences should be a warning for all those who were going to build nuclear power plants. The campaign was very successful. Parliament of Germany, in which most green and social democrats have, decided to eliminate all NPPs. In France, where there was no radiation phobia before, environmentalists also forcing the adoption of a similar solution. At the same time, the nuclear lobby nuclear environmentally struggling with nuclear power engineering is accused of obtaining money from oil and gas concerns interested in eliminating existing NPPs and suspending the construction of new ones. The Environmental Organization Greenpeace has large money than the budgets of some Africa countries. Where does this money come from?

Professor Zemovda Syukovsky, Director of the Institute for Nuclear Problems in Warsaw, says: "Greenpeace is one of the most active organizations fighting against nuclear energy. This organization is known for a number of positive shares for the sake of environmental protection. But in relation to nuclear power plants, it is deeply mistaken. Maybe these people manipulate ... People who call themselves ecologists cannot not hear rational arguments. Nuclear power is the least hazardous to the environment, in contrast to incineration based energy. Fear of radiation arises primarily due to ignorance. Radiation is associated with something mysterious and overly dangerous. "

Speaking about the catastrophe in Ukraine, environmental organizations reluctantly recall a similar accident at the Three Mile Island power station in Pennsylvania in 1979. Thanks to the relevant security system, radioactive substances did not fall into the atmosphere, none of the residents were injured, and several workers received not a danger to life a dose of radiation. As it turned out, the problem is not in radioactive fuel, but in an adequate security system.

The data that scientists conducts do not confirm the thesis that nuclear power plants are fatal danger to people and the environment. During the burning of a million tons of stone coal (without filters), 20 thousand tons of dust are ejected into the atmosphere, 25 thousand tons of sulfur oxide, 6 thousand tons of nitrogen oxides, as well as 2 thousand tons of carbon oxide. It is easy to imagine what health effects may have such a way to produce energy. For comparison, a 1.000 mw nuclear power plant produces only 30 tons of high-voltage waste. "If all the electricity was made in Britain at nuclear power plants, the radiation waste would fit on the football field," says Professor Tourski from the center of Theoretical Physics and School of Exact Sciences in Warsaw. In his opinion, the waste problem is another myth that is used to convince that atomic energy is bad.

Chernobyl was blown up to ruin the USSR

The tragedy at the Chernobyl NPP was deliberately provoked to collapse the USSR and the separation of Ukraine from Russia.

These are the results of an independent physico-technical investigation conducted by Nikolay Kravchuk's physicometer (finished the department of the theory of the atomic nucleus of the Physical Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov).

The results of the study are set forth by him in the work. "Mystery of the Chernobyl catastrophe", Published in 2011 in Moscow, where she received a certain resonance. Even before the publication of the book, after the first leaks in the Ukrainian press, Kravchuk was immediately dismissed from work At the Institute of Theoretical Physics Nanu.

The conclusions of Kravchuk supported the book at the book by Professor, d.n. I.A. Kraverke, and D.F-M.N. V.A. Vyshinsky. However, the results of the scientist did not reach the wide Ukrainian public.

Kravchuk addressed support for representatives of the Kiev Russian Club. Kiev Russian club considers it necessary to bring her results to the public of Ukraine.

The scientist claims that the explosion of the reactor was planned in advance and carried out under the leadership of the Gorbachev Central Committee of the CPSU, and the wines were carefully fell on the staff of the station, which turned out to be a "scapegoat". Then the nuclear makers were forced to justify in the conditions of a circular order and pressure "Perestroisters". As it was indirectly recognized as the global community of the Gorbachev leadership, to which all the threads are leading.

"In August 1986, the official version of the deployment of the events for the Chernobia was presented at the IAEA session, and here is its main conclusion:" The root cause of the accident is a very unlikely combination of violations of the order and the mode of operation, admitted to the power unit personnel, "Nikolai Kravchuk notes. That is, to blow up Chernobyl without a predetermined external intervention, the station's staff simply could not.

Neither the Ministry of Energy of the USSR, nor the minatom of Russia, nor the state of Ukraine, guided by corporate solidarity in the extremely closed sectorate of nuclear energy, were not interested in an objective investigation, and did everything so that it does not take place, in particular, manipulated the station's operational logs. As a result, it was still not possible to take a reasonable official version.

From April 1 to 23, 1986, "the state of the active zone of the reactor has changed significantly. Such changes occurred not by chance, but as a result of well-planned, pre-implemented actions, "Kravchuk writes. On the fourth power unit contained the maximum number of radioactive materials at 1.500 MKI. By the time the test reactor was in an extremely unstable state with power drops. In addition, in some cells of the reactor there was more highly enriched fuels with atomic submarines (plutonium-239), which led to a sharp increase in power and temperature in the active zone. At the same time, the stock of graphite rods that drowning the reactor was exhausted. Qualified SAEC specialists (A. Chernyshev) were not admitted to work on the day of testing, and those who were then at the station, "asked to convince A. Dyatlov's test leader to immediately stop testing, stop the reactor." Alas, in vain, since he received directly opposite instructions.

In addition, most reactor emergency protection facilities have been disabled. "The experiment was carried out precisely with the turbogenerator (TG-8), which broke the bearing, and not with a good TG-7." Vibration tests on reinforced vibration were carried out simultaneously with idle operation of the turbine with a reduction in frequency and an increase in the amplitude and power of oscillations. After the steam explosion, which occurred due to the malfunction of the technical systems (bearing), did not withstood overload from the resonance during the testing process, the "reaction of the conversion of water and a steam into a rathyge-oxygen mixture (that is, the second stage of the explosive process), approves the scientist.

After the hydrogen volume explosion in the closed space of the reactor, a seal was sealing to the walls of nuclear fuel from "two or more polysychek", for some reason, in the reactor in excess, the local critical mass was achieved, which led to the "quiable" explosion. But only he could move 90 degrees "the upper cover" "Pans" weighing more than 2000 tons, placed over the active zone, "inside the block there was a plasma cloud with a temperature of 40 thousand degrees", which marked the external eyewitnesses of the accident. The presence of hidden Higher History Uranium 238U "was existed in the presence of an excess of California in the products of the accident" in the first day, - Nikolai Kravchuk argues, - "It was he who gave 17% of the gamma activity, turning again in Plutonium-239 (with a half-life of a little more 2 days - which is essential for the subsequent)! It is worth noting the seismic impact of the explosion of such a force, such a scale that shook the building of the block mass in tens of thousands of tons, "he could certainly induce a local earthquake", which was registered. However, contrary to these obvious evidence, the fact of a nuclear explosion, as well as his symptoms, tried not to recognize.

By itself, this explosion did not bring immediately to a wide radioactive infection. A sharp rise in radiation in the following day occurred due to the gradual increase in the plutonium reaction and a series of explosions, significantly enhanced in improper extinguishing with water and sand in terms of the fact that the contents of the reactor are intelligent.

"If immediately there was an understanding of the essence of what happened, it was clear and what to do - no backfill, except for throwing bags with boric acid!" "It was then, from April 27, radiation contamination of the surroundings have sharply increased - ten times, so that the happening on the evening of April 26 was inevitably, and no boric acid would help at that moment ... And if it were clear right away, it would be an obvious that the most priority was: to focus on the immediate evacuation of the population of the 50-kilometer zone. " However, this was not done.

The fate of one of the immediate perpetrators of the catastrophe, Anatoly Dyatlov, who gave criminal orders and awareness and also about other tests on the block, which should have been guaranteed by Chernobyl guaranteed for him, even if it could not be done at the previous stage (This, alas, managed). What, according to Kravchuk, "allows you to understand and his actions, and behavior after the accident - as if he had a guarantee from too heavy punishment?" After 4 years, in October 1990, after official letters signed by Academician Sakharov, Elena Bonner, and other prominent liberal gravers of the USSR, was ahead of schedule for the disease. He was treated in the burn center in Munich. He died in 1995 from heart attack. And Dyatlov team gave Georgy Kopchinsky, then the head of the nuclear power plant of the Central Committee of the CPSU Central Committee in the Heavy Industry and Energy of the Central Committee of the CPSU, who had previously worked for the Chernobia, the former head of the Department of Nuclear Energy and Industry of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, then the former Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of Ukraine on Nuclear and Radiation security, finally, in 2000 - the general director of the state station of Ukraine, and now giving advice in the field of atomic security!

Perhaps he is one of the initiators of the etching and silence of Nicholas Kravchuk. And Dyatlov, and Cocchinsky, published their own descriptions of the Chernobyl disaster that do not contain any clear versions of its causes.

Nauseas as a way to disinformation

Actually, one of the first official publications of the version "Diversion" was the publication in the "Labor" newspaper No. 74 in 1995. In it, the author tried to justify it in that it was not clear "yellow spots" in the object "Shelter", Which in its interpretation was the remnants of TNT or plastic explosives. This hypothesis immediately caused a very skeptical attitude from the nuclear scientists (the author of this "sensation" in the workpaper "Labor" is neither scientist nor an atrochet). For they were well known that Troil has a pale yellow color, and new stains in the object "Shelter" in the rays of the lanterns were overflowing with bright yellow shades.

However, their formation on the surface of "nuclear lava" was a phenomenon of new and unexpected. Therefore, researchers urgently selected samples and conducted their chemical and radiochemical analyzes. It turned out that the "yellow spots" are the sediments of water-soluble soles of uranium, with which the miner mines are familiar with the Troatil, as expected, have nothing to do. Just water with a long contact with actually uranium partially translates it into water-soluble forms and tolerates through the smallest gaps to other places where they are deposited in the form of bright yellow spots. This turned out to be a solon of their origin.

But the sooner, the experimental results of E. Sobotovich and S. Chebanenko can be explained (DANS USSR, T.315, No. 4), which reported in the area of \u200b\u200ba large number of samples of a finely enriched uranium? Isn't that evidence? The authors themselves were then expressed very carefully, as it relys to this scientist that "the source of the enforcement environment of this finely dispersed form of uranium: not yet set."

Indeed, this source immediately was not significantly installed. And this gave a reason for various species of speculation and, in particular, about the intended secret loading into the active zone of the special feature reactor, secretly and specially made from highly enriched weapons uranium to explode the reactor of the 4th block.

About the Chernobyl catastrophe

About Henry Ford and its publications, about the forces behind the catastrophe

5N32 (32D6) - Corrugated radar station (ZGRLS) "Arc"

Another hypothesis is associated with the fact that the Soviet contaminant radar station "Arc" was located near Chernobyl, intended for early detection of launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles. Details.

The station was built a year before, and April 1986 passed government tests. According to some reports, 7 billion Soviet rubles were invested in its development and construction, which is twice as expensive than the most Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Near the Radar, built in the vicinity of the city of Chernobyl, Chernobyl-2 was created, in which the military and their families lived. The authors of this hypothesis believe that the target of tectonic weapons was not a nuclear power plant, but radar, but for some randomness of the radar, he was not injured, and the reactor suffered.

However, the authors of this hypothesis imply an excessive nobility of our enemies. In fact, the target was the station, and the push was made at the time of preventive work by no means accidentally. "Arc" became an additional, bonus goal - the authors of the sabotage were clear that the staff would be forced to leave the radar, which will be in the zone of infection.

The push found the reactor at the most critical moment of his work. Operators so that an unscheduled stop does not occur, disabled emergency protection. At the time of the push, the emergency system still worked, but the rods of emergency protection jammed and they did not have time to drown out the reactor.

Of course, you can write off the version of the "specially organized sabotage" at the Chernobyl NPP on the "passion of conspiracy", but on March 25, 2012 at the meeting in the State Duma, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Management and Ecology I.I. Nikitchuk said : "As a person who has worked in the nuclear industry for almost 30 years, I am inclined to consider a diversion that happened to an accident at the Chernobyl NPP".

Speech by the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee

by natural resources, environmental management and ecology

People threw out in a panic rumor boiler

S.P. Yarmonenko - Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Winner of the USSR State Prize, works in the Russian oncological scientific center. N.N. Blokhina Ramna, editor and publisher of the scientific journal "Medical Radiology and Radiation Security" writes:

"Now about genetic consequences. The risk of their occurrence in the conditions of Chernobyl exposure is extremely unlikely. In fact, neither with one of the accidents, including radiation incidents in the Southern Urals and Japanese bombings, genetic effects in generations are not registered, although the doses there have been higher as an order. And more. The history of ratiosal-genetic risk assessments begins in the 1950s. The first data at the time were obtained on drosophilas and seemed terrifying - the "mutation fraction" was 100%. From here, it was necessary that the frequency of genetic diseases in children should double if Parents were irradiated in a double dose, which at that time, 0.4 grams were adopted for a person. In further experiments, already on mice, these data were not confirmed. Genetic risk due to irradiation, firmly moved to the place, much less significant than risk Carcinogenic. In almost the same person, he is not registered at all and with significantly large doses.

And another one, absolutely contrived side of Chernobyl myths. All printed and electronic media overflow information about increasing the number of different somatic diseases - diseases of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, psychogenic disorders, as well as an increase in total and child mortality, reducing the birth rate, etc., and so on. And all this is associated with irradiation. In fact, according to 100 years of scientific and practical experience, it is known that such radiation disorders does not cause radiation, especially at small doses. An objective statistical analysis did not reveal a mortality rate, either to reduce the fertility in any category of persons subjected to irradiation, compared with the same indicators in unwound.

The carriers of "nightmare sentiment" are not only journalists, but also some "specialists", not burdened with sufficient knowledge in the field of quantitative radiobiology and radiation medicine. Here are the visual examples. Everyone remembers not many years from the screens of the eight-world foal from the long-suffering Ukrainian village of Narodichi, the reason for the doubling of the legs of which was attributed to the effects of the Chernobyl explosion. Meanwhile, 2 days after the accident, a six-legged foal was born in the neighboring village, which, of course, did not grow out for these 2 days. In the fall of 1991, I had a chance to meet with a progressive writer and publicist Ales Adamovich. I deeply respected his civil position on many issues, but I wanted to find out the reasons for the intransigence of Alexander Mikhailovich to those professionals-scientists who tried to unnecessary to assess the radiological consequences of Chernobyl. Adamovich seriously spoke of the falling as oaks, Belarusians, about the rectum falling around them - and all this from Chernobyl radiation. I gave him my tutorial on radiobiology, but I could not convince him.

And another example. Magazine "Knowledge - Power"? 8 for 1988. The Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine D.M. is responsible for the correspondent questions. Grodzinsky. "Radiation damages DNA. But in the Chernobyl tragedy, there are just other processes in the arena, oddly not related to the formation of tumors or manifestation of genetic anomalies in offspring. No matter how strikingly, some ordinary diseases of the infrared inflammatory, infarction, nerve diseases are developing. The most likely consequences of this kind of accidents. " Then there are even more stunning data: "Herd of chickens were formed. The roosters for some reason began to form new families, their aggressiveness grown. Chickens and roosters stopped being afraid of the fox. The same story may occur with people." Sleeve comments.

Convenient claims for increased mortality among liquidators and the population of Belarus and Russia. These figures do not exceed the average not subject to the exposure of the population of the same age in the overwhelming majority of the regions in both countries. The irresponsibility of those who account for this data comes to the fact that such ridiculous information they invest in the set of authoritative personalities, up to the members of the government. For example, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations S.K. Shoigu bitterly told the cemetery of death 16,000 liquidators. But without statistical comparative analysis it does not say anything. As an example, the results of a qualified analysis of mortality of 105 liquidators living in the Kaluga region within 10 years after an accident conducted by a major Patomorphologist E.F. Lushnikov: "The mortality rate among liquidators over the age of 8 was lower among the men of all ages of all ages, and for 7 years - men of working age. No relationships have been found between the duration of work in Chernobyl, dose of radiation and causes of death. Requires the establishment of health hazard, associated with alcohol use and socio-economic circumstances. " According to special registers in which liquidators are recorded throughout Russia, there is also no increase in their mortality in any region.

The harmful consequences of the spread of panic myths are not limited to their destructive influence on the health of the population living in the regions dirty by radionuclides. Because of fear, it began to limit the use of radiation for diagnostic purposes there due to the fear. Meanwhile, early diagnosis is the main priority in modern medicine. Here is an example. In Moscow, there is an outstanding neurosurgeon academician A.N. Konovalov, which is among the ten largest surgeons of the world. He perfectly operates on the brain, including his tumors. At one of its demonstration operations, the largest neurosurgeons of the world, who admired its brilliant operating equipment were present. But then one of the guests said: "What we see, deserves the highest assessment from the point of view of professionalism, but for us such huge tumors are highly rare thanks to the development of their diagnostic methods in the early stages." Early importance is the early diagnosis of tuberculosis and indoor cancers. And the fact that now the possibility of its implementation, in particular and in the Chernobyl precipitation zone (due to the saturation of X-ray diagnostic equipment), is good, since it is possible to count on identifying the early stages of these diseases.

The overwhelming majority of the population of 5 million living on the territories contaminated by radionuclides, as well as from hundreds of thousands of liquidators, should not be afraid of adverse effects for their health of emergency irradiation. Of course, it is impossible not to be considered with the shocks of the last 15 years after the accident: starting with false and late information to a senseless mass resettlement, which appeared unbelief to government, administrative authorities, and even to the health care system. Therefore, it's time to stop branding people by the "victims of Chernobyl radiation", because in this case the next generation of born in 1986-1987 will be considered the same victims and require the benefits for which the state should pay for another 50-60 years. People who survived this tragedy, not by their fault, were socially affected by which they also could not be a lifetime. After all, they are not considered any life, for example, chases. You just need to solve pressing challenges on social and medical rehabilitation of persons who have undergone the impact of harmful factors of the accident and the development of polluted territories.

PS. The Chernobyl Syndrome developed in the CIS countries arose on the wave of the unrestrained anti-nuclear campaign and non-optimal decisions of previous governments. But we have not learned anything. People threw the panic rumors in the boiler and hold the hell to this day, and after all, the closure of Chernobia and the Multimillion dollar costs associated with it, I am sure to cause irreparable harm to the population of Ukraine. "

Chernobyl. Big lie

Alla Yaroshinskaya - philosopher, politician, the little girl wrote a documentary story "Chernobyl. Top secret".

In this novel, she will publish secret documents about the criminal concealment of the Pravda authorities of the USSR on the global consequences of a nuclear catastrophe, "stolen" not only 75 million people in the former USSR, but also in Europe, and on other continents, publishes the results of research of independent doctors, arises Forgotten by the authorities of Chernobyl victims:

"I recently got a unique document with a note" Top secret. (Work post.) Ex. Single ". The meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSUs dated April 29, 1986. It seems that this is the first meeting on which the question of Chernobyl. On the third day After the explosion.

His gorbachev himself led him. There were all members of the Politburo. Here for the first time it was decided which information to give peace and country. After the message V.I.Dolgih about the "glow of the crater" of the reactor, about the "cast bags from helicopters" ("360 people plus 160 volunteers were mobilized for these purposes, but there are failures of work"), about the "three languages" clouds - Western, Northern and South, "they began to discuss the problem," how to give information. "

"Gorbachev M.S. (...) The more honest we will behave, the better. " (Bravo, Mikhail Sergeevich!) But already through paragraph: "When we give information, I must say that the station was put on scheduled repair so that the shadow does not fall on our equipment." But what about the restructuring and new thinking? They did not apply to the Chernobyl accident. Isn't Chernobyl and became a catalyst for the collapse of the Communist Empire?

The protocol is clearly visible to throw by members of the "Noble Assembly". They invent, how to better deceive the world and our own people. Plans arise along.

"Gromyko A.A. It is necessary (...) to give fraternal countries more information, but to give a certain information to Washington and London. The corresponding explanations would have to be given to the Soviet ambassadors.

Aliyev G.A. Maybe give information to our people?

Ligachev EK You may not have a press conference.

Gorbachev M. S. Probably, it is advisable to make one information about the progress of the accident.

Yakovlev A.N. Foreign correspondents will look for rumors. (...)

Ryzhkov N.I. It is advisable to give three reports: for our people, for socialist, as well as for Europe, USA and Canada. A person could be sent to Poland.

Zimynin M.V. It is important that in information notes that there was no nuclear explosion, but there was only a radiation leakage as a result of the accident.

Collars V.I. It can be said that there was a disruption of tightness at an accident.

Dobrynin A.F. Right. After all, Raigan is probably already on the table laid photographs. (...)

Gorbachev M.S. Decision is accepted. "

Under the protocol from hand signed: "A. Lukyanov". The same Anatoly Lukyanov, who later headed the USSR Horse Council on the proposal of Gorbachev, and then in August 1991 he became an accomplice of the coup of the communist revenge.

The mood and decisions of this meeting of the Politburo were strictly respected in the work of its operational group on Chernobyle. Journalists at its meetings were not allowed. Only once, on May 26, 1986 (Protocol No. 18 of the Operational Group), invited the editors of central newspapers. They were given a party order: "The main attention to to pay measures taken by the CPSU Central Committee and the Government to ensure the normal labor and social living conditions of the evacuated population, eliminating the consequences of the accident, to widely reflect the active participation of workers in the implementation of these measures."

Hardly not at every meeting discussed messages for the media. All texts were approved by voting, with a specific date of publication.

"Secret. Protocol No. I. On April 29, 1986 (...) 10. To approve the text of the government message to publish in print. To approve the text of information to the heads of a number of capitalist countries on the Chernobyl NPP and the measures taken to eliminate its consequences. To approve the text to managers of a number of socialist countries on the state of affairs to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. "

On that very day, this question was considered and politburo. The decision noted: "4. (...) Prepare information on the progress of work on the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for the population of our country, the leadership of fraternal parties of socialist countries, as well as heads of states and governments of other European countries, the United States and Canada (texts are attached).

Everything that the head of the government of Nikolai Ryzhkov offered at the first meeting of the Politburo in Chernobyl. For internal use - one information, or rather, misinformation, for the brothers according to the socialist reason - the other, for the "damned" capitalists - the third.

Specific instructions are already given in one of the applications: "Sofia, Budapest, Berlin, Warsaw, Bucharest, Prague, Havana. Belgrade - Sovposlam. We urgently visit T. Zhikova (Cadar, Honneker, Yarazelsky, Cauchesska, Gusaka, Castro, Zharkovich or a face, replacing it, and, referring to the instruction, pass the following (...) Explain that similar information will be transferred to the US Guide and a number of Western European countries. Add that if necessary, more information will be transmitted to friends. "

Interested in Nuance - "Additional Information" will be "transmitted to friends." And not friends?

"Secret. Protocol number 3. May 16, 1986 (...) send to areas adjacent to the placement zone of the Chernobyl NPP, a group of Soviet correspondents in order to prepare materials for printing and television, indicating the normal vital activity of these areas. " An essay on the specified, so to speak, the topic.

To attract the attention of the country's leadership to the plight of people living in radioactive zones, the news journalist from Belarus has tried. His note is attached to protocols.

"Secret. Teletepists. This telegram does not show anyone except the editor-in-chief. Copy to destroy. (...) I inform you for your information that the radiation situation in Belarus has complicated significantly. In many areas of the Mogilev region, radioactive contamination was found, the level of which is significantly higher than the level of areas that we wrote about. For all medical canons, people living in these areas is associated with a huge risk for life. I had the impression that our comrades were confused and do not know what to do, especially since the relevant Moscow authorities do not want to believe in what happened (...) I inform you about Telex, because all the telephone conversations on this topic are categorically Forbidden. July 8, 1986 N. Matukovsky. "

But how carefully prepared for press conferences for Soviet and foreign journalists.

"Secret. June 4, 1986 (...) Annex to Protocol No. 21. Directives for coverage at a press conference of the main issues related to the causes and course of eliminating the consequences of the accident on the fourth block of the Chernobyl NPP (...) 2. When illumination of the liquidation The consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant: show the successful implementation of large-scale technical and organizational measures aimed at eliminating the consequences of the accident (...) 4. Indicate the inconsistency of claims and evaluations of both individual officials and the press from a number of Western countries who are allegedly significant Environmental and material damage caused by the spread of small amounts of radioactive substances with air masses from the Chernobyl NPP area.

Well, how didn't it "strengthen propaganda activities aimed at exposing the false fabrications of the bourgeois organs of information and special services, about events at the Chernobyl NPP"? This prescription from the secret circular CPSU Central Committee of May 22, 1986 wanders in different presentation from the document to the document. Well, it is necessary to somehow deal with radiation! And now the main communist of Ukraine, Vladimir Shcherbitsky reports in secret message to the Kremlin: "The public opinion is closely studied, the regular informing of the party asset and the population is organized (the party asset is as if not belonging to the population, some kind of high caste. - A.Ya .), Explains the fiction of bourgeois propaganda, various kinds of rumors. "

And how did they not disgust all this all this and speak?

Secret false instructions to officials, ambassadors and a pocket press What, to whom and how to preserve a nuclear catastrophe in the USSR, have become a good tradition for many years. In Soviet times, on the eve of each Chernobyl anniversary, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU developed and approved the "Plan of the main proactive counter-platobagandars". Especially Ryano offered his services to Comrade Falin, headed by
1987 The Gabist Printing Agency "News", fearing "possible attempts of subversive centers of imperialism to use the anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP to deploy the next large-scale anti-Soviet campaign" (annex to a completely secret protocol of the secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPSU No. 42 of 26.02.87.).

Apparently, he began it, because soon Falina was built into the rank of secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Today he himself swam in one of these "subversive centers" in Germany, modestly introduced by the "historian". Egor Kuzmich Ligachev, the most odious figure in the Politburo, was carried out by the "Plan" of counter-platopagandistic shares. For the planned lie on the eve of the first anniversary of the disaster, on April 10, 1987, at a meeting of the Secretariat, the CPSU Central Committee voted, as always, unanimously (absolutely secret protocol No. 46): "... voted: TT. Gorbachev - For, Aliyev - for, collars - for, Gromyko - for, Ligachev - for, Ryzhkov - for, Solomen residents - for, Chebrica - For, Shevardnadze - For, Shcherbitsky - For ".

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant happened 30 years ago. For three decades, thousands of articles were written on the theme of the "largest man-made catastrophe", hundreds of research were conducted, dozens of scientific reports were written. But do you really know about what happened on April 26, 1986 in fact? Especially for "living in the era of the catastrophe", that is, all of us, the site portal has collected 30 well-known and little-known facts about the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Fact number 1.

As a result of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986, the fourth atomic reactor station was completely destroyed, 97% of radioactive nuclear fuel was thrown into the atmosphere. 12

Destroyed fourth Energy Communist Party Chaps in 1986. Photo: wikipedia.org.

Fact number 2.

The first informational message about what happened on the Chernobia for the general public was made by TASS on April 28, 1986 at 21.00 and sounded like this:

"An accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. One of the reactors received damage. Measures are taken to eliminate the consequences of the incident. The victims provided the necessary assistance. Created a government commission to investigate the incident ". 1

Fact number 3.

An array of trees, located two kilometers from the Chernobyl, received the name "Red Forest" on a brown-red color of the trees, coming as a result of inquiring by trees of high dose of radiation in the first days after the accident. one

Aerophotus "Red Forest" in 1986. Source: chaes.com.ua.

Fact number 4.

The evacuation of the city of Pripyat, located in three kilometers from the Chernobyl NPP, began 36 hours after the catastrophe. one

Fact number 5.

The average age of residents of the city of Pripyat at the time of evacuation was 26 years old. one

Schoolchildren of the city of Pripyat in 1985. Photo: prhipyat.com.

Fact number 6.

On the first day after the accident in the city, unusual grocery trays, where it was possible to buy deficient products at that time: fresh cucumbers, dry sausage. 7.

Fact number 7.

The total number of people escaped from the zones that were subjected to pollution amounted to 200 thousand people. one

Fact number 8.

Directly in the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, more than 600 thousand people were involved, of which 60 thousand were killed, 165 thousand were disabilities. one

Fact number 9.

As a result of the explosion of the reactor into the atmosphere, among other things, a huge amount of hot particles fell, the distribution area of \u200b\u200bwhich was reached Germany. Once in the body, such particles create intensive irradiation microzones cause tissue destruction. 2.

Fact number 10.

The first country, officially registered the first testimony of the Chernobyl catastrophe, was Sweden: it was there for the first time the content of radioactive neptune-239 in the atmosphere was recorded. 2.

Fact number 11.

According to the IAEA, the design of the reactor exploded at the Chernobyl NPP was initially "explosive": did not comply with international safety standards and had dangerous design features. one

Fact number 12.

On May 23, 1986, a fire had happened at the Chernobyl NPP. To eliminate fire, it took up to 8 hours, 268 firefighters took part, some of which received significant doses of irradiation. The fire was strictly classified by the order of Mikhail Gorbachev. one

Fact number 13.

According to one of the versions, the explosion of the reactor was triggered by a local earthquake, which caused a strong vibration preceding the catastrophe. one

Fact number 14.

In addition to radioactive substances, 250 thousand tons of toxic for living organisms of heavy metal - lead appeared in the environment. 2.

Fact number 15.

The spread of the radioactive iodine of high concentration in Belarus in the first days after the disaster was so great that caused by the exposure of millions of people was called "iodine strike". 6.

The reconstruction of the distribution of iodine-131 in Belarus as of May 10, 1986 Source: Chernobyl.by.

Fact number 16.

23% of Belarus territory turned out to be contaminated with radioactive cesium-137 at the level, which is higher than the permissible norm. 3.

Fact number 17.

Compared to the daubic period, by 1990 the number of cases of thyroid gland among children in Belarus increased 33.6 times. 3.

Fact number 18.

During the period 1990-2000, the frequency of all oncological diseases in the country increased by 40%. eight

Fact number 19.

In January 1987, an unusually large number of cases were registered in Belarusdown syndrome. one

Number of children S.down syndrome, born in Belarus in the 1980s and 1990s. Source: wikipedia.org.

Fact number 20.

Post-Chernobyl radioactive irradiation can affect the specific mutation of cells (chromosomal aberrations) of descendants suffered up to the fourth generation. 2.

Fact number 21

The general damage caused by Belarus Chernobyl disasters is estimated at $ 235 billion, which is equal to the 19 Bids of Belarus for 2015. 3.

Fact number 22.

According to the scientific journal OECOLOGIA, birds with color color turned out to be more sensitive to radiation - their number in the exclusion zone is reduced faster than the number of monochrome species. four

Fact number 23.

Plants that have grown in contaminated territories are subject to serious generative mutation. one

So the 20-year-old pine ordinary looks like, grown in the "Red Forest". Photo: chernobyl.in.ua.

Fact number 24.

Mushrooms, cumin, some forest berries (for example, blueberries) absorb radiation to the greatest extent. You should be especially careful with these food products. 2.

Fact number 25.

Over time, radioactive substances can turn into new elements. Thus, radioactive plutonium-241, having a half-life at age 14, gradually turns into another, more mobile, and, accordingly, more dangerous for living organisms of element - amerce. one

Fact number 26.

Fact number 27.

The last Chernobyl unit finally stopped his work on December 15, 2000 at 13 o'clock 17 minutes. one

Fact number 28.

This looks like a radiation background map at the Chernobyl NPP to the state of 00 hours of 02 minutes 26 April 2015 (in the ICD / hour). Dangerous for a person is considered to be higher than 1.2 μSv / hour. eight

Chernobyl accident is without exaggeration the largest similar catastrophe in the history of mankind. The approximate story of this terrible event knows almost every:

On the night of April 25-26, 1986, an explosion, destroying the fourth power unit, had an explosion, destroying the fourth power unit, occurred on the commissioned in 1977 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The Chernobyl accident claimed a huge number of lives, and its consequences were terrible not only for Ukraine, but also for almost the whole world. All you have probably heard of any interesting facts related to this. At least the fact that now terrible mutants are found in the zone of alienation, and directly from 4 power units are even worse. But most of the similar stories are no more than the legends who write, for the sake of clichelism of the material.

Very soon there will be the anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. Call it in some holiday, or a solemn event, of course it will not work. But despite this, we decided to figure out all interesting facts that were able to find and write the most believable for you, but they do not become less terrible.

Chernobyl catastrophe: interesting facts

Let's try to sort a little in the chronology of all events. At a minimum, we will not start with the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, and we learn interesting facts that were represented by the catastrophe itself. And it turns out to be quite a few.

First: even before the accident, the Chernobyl AC, which was erected by a shock pace, caused many issues from security engineers.

And now a little more specifically. Chernobyl speakers, like most of the like structures during the USSR, was built very quickly and worked then "to wear". Vladimir Vyatrovich was the director of the archive of the Security Service of Ukraine during the work of the AU. He told that already two years after the launch of one power unit at the KGB began to receive complaints (on a second, it was 7 years before the accident).

"In some sections of the structure of the second block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the facts of caring from projects and violation of the technology of building and installation work are recorded, which can lead to accidents and accidents", - quoted Vyatrovich Report KGB of January 17, 1979.

In 2006, data from the SBU archives were declassified, which even many officials were unavailable during the USSR. There was said that over the past two years of work of the station due to poor-quality installation work, non-compliance with security measures during construction, violations of technological discipline, five accidents and 63 equipment refusal occurred at the station. The fact is not interesting, but terrible - the last similar message was dated April 25, 1986.

As we can see, an accident on the Chernobyl AU could not only foresee, but also to prevent.

Chernobyl catastrophe: how it was

1:23 On April 26, 1986, the first explosion occurred. It happened during the experiment to study the ability to use the inertia of the turbogenerator rotor to develop any amount of electricity, if in the future the reactor will stop.

To carry out this experiment, a capacity of 700 MW was needed, but before it began its level fell to 30 MW. The operator tried to restore the power and began the experiment at 1:23:04 at the above planned indicator of 200 MW. After a few seconds, the power of the reactor began to grow and at 1:23:40 the operator pressed the emergency protection button.

After you have pressed this button, two more explosions occurred, which almost completely destroyed the entire power unit.

It was the operators that at the time were per console in the Chernobyl ac, were found guilty of this catastrophe and later convicted. Anatoly Dyatlov was one of them. According to him, engineers performed all instructions that were spelled out in safety rules.

Only 20 years later, all operators were justified. In the report, which was then done, was said that most of the acts of operators who previously called violations, actually corresponded to the rules adopted at that time.

Chernobyl catastrophe: the amount of radiation

With confidence it can be said that not everyone knows how terrible the consequences of the Chernobyl accident were. 50 million Curi - exactly the amount of radiation then got into the atmosphere. To understand the scale of this, here is a small comparison:

This scale is equal to the consequences of the explosion of 500 atomic bombs, which in 1945 reset the Americans on Hiroshima.

Chernobyl catastrophe: heroes

Of course, as in any other similar case, and in this story there are her heroes. These are firefighters that received the greatest dose of radiation. There were more than 100 people. According to data that is in general access, 31 of them died in a very short time.

Firefighters worked as much until May 9th. An interesting fact is that with helicopters they have grown in sand and clay. And it is likely that it only dyed a radioactive flame.

And the zone of the defeat, which was formed immediately after the accident, stretched 50 thousand square kilometers - 12 regions. 150 thousand square kilometers around the station are unsuitable for living.

Chernobyl catastrophe: victims

It is impossible to calculate the exact number of victims from such a catastrophe. From numbers that can at least shed light on this terrible statistics can be allocated as follows:

  1. 250 thousand people were evacuated
  2. 134 people who were present in the block at the time of the accident received a radiation disease
  3. 28 of them died during the month
  4. 2 people died directly from the explosion
  5. According to various data, 100 thousand people can reach the number of victims from the Chernobyl accident.

Is it possible to repeat Chernobyl

It is worth noting that there are quite a few speakers on the territory of the former USSR, which are built by the type of Chernobyl. Only in Russia there are more than 10. But after the accident in Chernobyl, all such stations have made a number of changes that exclude such a development of events.

Chernobyl now: what happens in the exclusion zone

Over the past few years, Chernobyl has become a rather popular destination for tourists. Look at the ghost city Pripyat, to be like an abandoned houses, admire incredible nature and similar. Yes, all this is quite possible there.

But go to the sarcopagu and look at a huge number of military equipment, which remained there is prohibited. And not only by law, but and common sense. After all, the amount of radiation is still on a dangerous level.

For almost eight centuries, Chernobyl was just a small Ukrainian town, but after April 26, 1986 this name began to designate the most terrible technogenic catastrophe in the entire history of mankind. The word "Chernobyl" itself bears the sign of radioactivity, the imprint of the human tragedy and the mystery. Chernobyl scares and attracts, and many more decades it will remain the focus of all over the world.

Accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986 is the beginning of the reference of the new period of human relationships and the atomic nucleus. Period, complete concerns, caution and distrust.

An object: Power unit number 4 Chernobyl NPP, city Pripyat, Ukraine.

Victims: 2 people died during a catastrophe, 31 people died in the next months, about 80 - in the next 15 years. 134 people developed radiation disease, in 28 cases led to death. About 60,000 people (mostly - liquidators) received high doses of irradiation.

Causes of catastrophe

A unusual situation has developed around the Chernobyl catastrophe: literally until seconds there is a course of events of that fatal night on April 26, 1986, all possible causes of an emergency situation were studied, but it is still unknown that it was led to an explosion of the reactor. There are several versions of the causes of the accident, and over the past three decades of the disaster overgrown with many speculations, fantastic and frankly delusional versions.

The first months after the accident, the main guilt for it was pinned on operators, which allowed a lot of errors that led to an explosion. But since 1991, the situation has changed, and with NPP staff, almost all charges were removed. Yes, people made a few mistakes, but they all corresponded to the regulation of the reactor operating at that time, and none of them was fatal. So, as one of the causes of the accident, the low quality of the regulations and safety requirements is recognized.

The main causes of the catastrophe lay in the technical plane. Many volumes of investigations of the causes of the disaster are reduced to one: the exploded reactor RBMK-1000 had a number of constructive deficiencies that, with certain (rarely rare!), Conditions are dangerous. In addition, the reactor simply did not comply with many rules of nuclear safety, although it is believed that this did not play a special role.

The two main causes of the catastrophe are considered a positive steam coefficient of reactivity and the so-called "end effect". The first effect is reduced to the fact that when water boiling in the reactor, its capacity increases sharply, that is, nuclear reactions are more actively starting to go. This is due to the fact that steam absorbs neutrons worse than water, and the more neutrons - the more active the reaction of the division of uranium.

And the "end effect" is caused by the features of the design of the rods of control and protection used in the RBMK-1000 reactors. These rods consist of two halves: the upper (length of 7 meters) is made of material absorbing neutrons, lower (5 meters long) - from graphite. The graphite part is necessary in order for pulling its channel in the reactor in the reactor, which absorbs neutrons well, and therefore it may worsen the course of nuclear reactions. However, the graphite rod pushed out the water not from the entire channel - about 2 meters of the lower part of the channel remained without a squeezing rod, and therefore filled with water.

It is known that graphite is significantly worse absorbs neutrons than water, and therefore, when lowering the fully pulled rods in the lower part of the channels, due to a sharp displacement of water with graphite, nuclear reactions are not slow, and on the contrary - sharply accelerated. That is, due to the "end effect" in the first moments of lowering the rods, the reactor is not muffled, as it should occur, but on the contrary - its power is increased by jumping.

How could all this lead to a catastrophe? It is believed that the positive steam reactivity coefficient played a fateful role at the time when the reactor capacity was reduced, and at the same time, circulation pumps were reduced and revolutions - due to this, water inside the reactor began to flow slower and began to quickly evaporate, which caused the acceleration of the current nuclear reactions. In the first seconds, the power growth was controlled, but then he acquired an avalanche-like character, and the operator was forced to press the emergency lowering button. At that instant, the "end effect" worked, in the fraction of a second the power of the reactor increased with a jump in the jump, and ... and the explosion thundered, almost put the cross not the entire nuclear energy, and left an indelible mark on the face of the Earth and in the hearts of people.

Chronicle of events

The accident at the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred so rapidly that until the last seconds all the control devices remained operational, so that the entire course of the disaster is known in literally to share seconds.

On April 24 - 26, a reactor stop was scheduled for a planning and preventive repair - this is, in general, the usual practice for nuclear power plants. However, very often, during such stops, a variety of experiments are carried out, which cannot be carried out with a working reactor. On April 25, it was appointed just one of these experiments - the test of the "Rotor of the turbogenerator" mode, which could fundamentally become one of the reactor protection systems during emergency situations.

This experiment is very simple. Chernobyl NPP turbogenerators are aggregates consisting of a steam turbine and a generator generating electricity. The rotors of these aggregates are combined, and their total weight reaches 200 tons - such a Mahina, overclocked to a speed of 3000 revolutions per minute, after stopping the supply of steam, it may time to rotate for inertia, only due to the acquired kinetic inertia. This is the "eleg" mode, and theoretically, it can be used to generate electricity and powering circulation pumps when the standard sources of electricity is disconnected.

The experiment was supposed to show whether the turbogenerator is capable of providing power pumps until the emergency diesel generators come to the standard operation mode.

From April 24, it began to gradually reduce the capacity of the reactor, and by 0.28 on April 26, it was possible to bring it to the required level. But at this moment the capacity of the reactor fell almost to zero, which demanded the immediate rise of the control of the steering. Finally, the reactor capacity of the reactor reaches the necessary value, and at 1:23:04, late for several hours, the experiment was officially given. There were problems here.

The turbogenerator in the "eleg" mode was stopped faster than expected, due to the circulation pumps connected to it. This led to the fact that the water began to take place more slowly through the reactor, throw it faster, and a positive steam reactivity coefficient intervened. So the reactor power began to grow gradually.

After some time - at 1:23:39 - the readings of the instruments have reached critical quantities, and the operator pressed the AZ-5 emergency protection button. Completely removed rods began to dive into the reactor, and at that moment the "end effect" worked - the reactor power increased repeatedly, and after a few seconds the explosion thundered (more precisely, at least two powerful explosions).

The explosion was completely destroyed by the reactor and the building of the power unit was damaged, a fire began. Firefighters quickly arrived at the accident, which for 6 o'clock in the morning fully coped with fire. And in the first two hours, no one assumed about the scale of the catastrophe and the degree of radiation infection. An hour after the start of extinguishing, many firefighters began to appear symptoms of radiation damage. People received large doses of radiation, and 28 of the firefighters died of radiation sickness in the following weeks.

Only at 3.30 am, on April 26, a radiation background was measured at the disaster site (since at the time of the accident, regular control devices were out of order, and compact individual dosimeters simply shook), and an understanding of what actually happened.

From the first days after the explosion, measures began to eliminate the consequences of the catastrophe, the active phase of which lasted for several months, and actually lasted until 1994. During this time, over 600,000 people took part in the liquidation work.

Despite the powerful explosion, the bulk of the contents of the nuclear reactor remained on the site of the destroyed fourth power unit, therefore it was a decision to build a protective structure around it, which later became known as "sarcophagus". The erection of shelter was completed by November 1986. Over 400 thousand cubic meters of concrete, several thousand tons weakening the radioactive radiation of the mixture and 7,000 tons of metal structures left for the construction of Sarkophaga.


There is still no disputes on what kind of nature had an explosion of a reactor on the fourth Chernobel power unit.

Many experts converge in the opinion that the explosion was similar to the nuclear. That is, an uncontrolled chain reaction has begun in the reactor, similar to what happens when undermining a nuclear bomb. These reactions continued the fractions of a second, and did not move into a full-fledged nuclear explosion, since all the contents of the reactor were thrown out of the mine, and the nuclear fuel was dissipated.

However, the main explosion of the reactor contributed to the explosion of other nature - steam. It is believed that due to an avalanche-like growth of the formation of steam inside the reactor, the pressure has repeatedly increased (in fact - at 70 times), which was raised by a multi-torch plate, covering the reactor from above, as the cover of the pan. As a result, the reactor was completely dehydrated, uncontrolled nuclear reactions began in it, and the explosion.

The other version of the incident suggested Konstantin Pavlovich Checheners, a person dedicated to the analysis of the causes of the Chernobyl achees for more than 10 years, during which he personally investigated actually every meter of the reactor mine and the reactor hall of the fourth power unit. In his opinion, due to the emergency stopping of pumps, the temperature in the lower part of the reactor, pipelines (water pressure in them reached 70 atmospheres) was ripped, and as a result, the entire reactor, like a colossal jet engine, was thrown out of the mine, to the reactor hall . And already there, under the roof of the hall, there was an explosion that had a nuclear nature, but relatively small power - about 0.01 kilotons. This explosion and destroyed the roof and walls of the reactor hall. That is why actually all fuel (90-95%) was thrown from the reactor mine. Chechener version for a long time contradicted the official position and therefore remained (and remains) almost an unknown wide circle.

To present the scale of the catastrophe, it is necessary to understand what is the RBMK-1000 reactor. The base of the reactor is a concrete mine with dimensions of 21.6 × 21.6 × 25.5 m, at the bottom of which lies with a steel sheet with a thickness of 2 m and a diameter of 14.5 m. On this plate there is a graphite masonry of a cylindrical shape, penetrated by channels for Fwells, The coolant and rods are actually this is the reactor. The laying diameter reaches 11.8m, height is 7 m, it is surrounded by a water sheath, which serves as an additional biological protection. From above, the reactor is covered with a metal plate with a diameter of 17.5 m and a thickness of 3 m.

The total mass of the reactor reaches 5,000 tons, and all this mass was simply thrown by an explosion from the mine.

The consequences of the Chernobyl accident

The Chernobyl catastrophe is in the first row of the most serious technogenic accidents in the entire history of mankind. She had so destructive consequences as now - almost 30 years later - the situation remains very heavy.

The explosion of the reactor led to a monstrous scale of radiation pollution. In the reactor at the time of the accident there was about 180 tons of nuclear fuel, of which from 9 to 60 tons were thrown into the atmosphere in the form of aerosols - a huge radioactive cloud rose above the nuclear power plant, and settled on a large area. As a result of pollution, significant territories of Ukraine, Belarus and some regions of Russia were subjected.

It should be noted that the main danger is not uranium himself, but highly active isotopes of its division - cesium, iodine, strontium, as well as plutonium and other transuranone elements.

In the first hours after the accident, it remained unknown after an accident, but in the afternoon on April 27, all the population of the city was hurried, in the following days, people were exported first from a 10-kilometer zone around the Chernobyl NPP, and then from 30 kilometer. Until today, the number of evacuated people is exactly unknown, but about 115,000 people were evacuated for more than a hundred settlements for the entire 1986, and in subsequent years there were more than 220,000 more people.

Subsequently, the so-called "alienation zone" was created around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in which the ban on all economic activities was introduced, and to prevent the return of people, almost all settlements were in the literal sense of the word destroyed.

Interestingly, even now in some areas of contamination, there are superdeasy content of radioactive isotopes in the soil, plants and, as a result, in cow's milk. This situation will be observed for several more decades, since the period of the Cesium-137 half-life is 30 years old, and strontium-90- 29 years.

Over time, the radioactive background in contaminated territories is generally reduced, but this effect has unexpected manifestations. It is known that during the decay of radioactive elements, others are formed, and they can be both less and more active. So, during the decay of plutonium, an amereration is formed, which has a higher radioactivity, therefore, over time, radioactive background in some areas is growing only! It is believed that in contaminated territories of Belarus due to the growth of the number of Amereration by 2086 the background will be 2.5 times more than immediately after the accident! Soothes only that the bulk of this background is alpha radiation, from which relatively easy to protect.

The terrible consequences of the accident caused mass discontent with nuclear power, people began to just be afraid of nuclear power plants! This led to the fact that in the period from 1986 to 2002, not a single new NPP was built, and the construction of new power units at the already existing stations was either frozen or completely discontinued. And only the last ten years in the nuclear power plant there was an increase, but it applies more to Russia - a new strike has caused an accident at the Japanese NPP "Fukushima-1", and a number of countries have already announced a refusal of atomic energy (so, Germany wants to completely abandon NPP Already by 2030).

The Chernobyl catastrophe also had some very amazing consequences. The exclusion zone has long been the subject of gloomy jokes about mutations and other terrible things caused by radiation. But in fact, the situation in those areas is completely different. Almost 30 years ago, people left the 30-kilometer zone, and since then no one lived there (with the exception of several hundred "self-seeds" - people who returned here, despite all the prohibitions), did not smell and did not sow, did not pollute the environment And did not drop waste. As a result, radioactive forests and fields were almost completely restored, the populations of animals, including rare, and the ecological situation as a whole improved repeatedly increased in them. As it is neither paradoxically, but the radiation catastrophe has become not evil, but rather a blessing for nature!

And finally, Chernobyl caused a new sociocultural phenomenon to life - staving. The exclusion zone is not better embodies the zone created by the Strugatsky brothers in the picnic novel on the side of the road. Since the beginning of the 90s, hundreds of "Stalkers", which dragged all that lied badly, visited abandoned cities and sought to the stalker "Mecca" - forever the postpocaly city of Pripyat in the Soviet past. And it is unknown to anyone, which doses of radiation received these mountain stalkers, and what dangerous things they dragged home.

Stalkerhood acquired such a scale that the Government of Ukraine was forced to adopt special legislation that restrict people's access to the alienation zone. But despite the reinforced control of the boundaries of the zone and all the prohibitions of the new stalkers do not leave attempts to get into the most mysterious, sheepdown by myths and legends region of the planet.

Contemporary Chernobyl

Despite the catastrophe, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant from the fall of 1986 resumed its work: already on October 1, the power unit No. 1 was launched, and on November 5 - power unit No. 2. The launch of the third power unit was difficult because it is in close proximity to the emergency fourth, so he began Work only on November 24, 1987.

On the evening of October 11, 1991, a serious fire occurred on the second power unit, which actually put the cross at the station. On this day, the reactor of the power unit No. 2 was stopped, later work began on its restoration, but they were never completed, and since 1997 the reactor is considered officially stopped. The reactor of the power unit No. 1 was muffled on November 30, 1996. Stop the reactor of the power unit No. 3 was produced by the President of Ukraine on December 15, 2000 - this event was furnished as a show, and broadcast live.

So today the Chernobyl NPP does not function, but it produces work on the replacement of "sarcophagus" (which begins to collapse) with a new protective structure. In this regard, about 750 people continues to work on the territory of the station. The course of work is broadcast around the clock on the official website of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant http://www.chnpp.gov.ua/.

On November 14, 2016, the process of moving the collected new shelter was launched - after 4 days it should take its place above the destroyed power unit.

What is done so that the catastrophe does not happen

It is believed that the main causes of the Chernobyl catastrophe became the structural disadvantages of the RBMK-1000 atomic reactor. But these reactors stood not only on Chernobyl, but also at several stations - Leningrad, Smolensk and Kursk. Millions of people were in potential danger!

After the catastrophe, the question arose about the modernization of all these reactors, which was done in the following years. Now, there are still 11 RBMK-1000 reactors, which no longer represent dangers, however, because of the physical wear and moral obsolescence, most of them will be dismissed after 5-10 years.

Also, the Chernobyl disaster forced to revise the regulations of the operation of reactors and tighten the requirements of nuclear safety. So truly serious security measures at nuclear power plants were introduced only after 1986 - before that it was believed that many scenarios of accidents are simply inconceivable, and fears are infients.

To today, world atomic energy has become one of the most high-tech industries, in which special attention is paid to the safety, reliability of equipment and training personnel. And in many respects it happened due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which showed: the splitting of the atomic nucleus is much more difficult and more dangerous than the whole burning of coal.

04/26/1986 At the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in the 4th power unit, an explosion of a huge force occurred, as a result of which the atomic reactor was completely destroyed. This sad event is forever entered the history of mankind as a "accident century".

Explosion at the Chernobyl NPP. Year 1986, April 26 - Black Date in History

The most powerful nuclear power plant of the USSR has become a source of extremely dangerous pollutants into the environment, because of which 31 people were killed during the 3rd months, and the number of deaths over the next 15 years exceeded 80. The most severe consequences of radiation sickness were recorded 134 people are due to powerful radioactive pollution. The terrible "cocktail" consisted of a large list of elements of the Mendeleev table, such as plutonium, cesium, uranium, iodine, strontium. Mixed with radioactive dust deadly substances covered with a mud train a huge territory: the European part of the Soviet Union, the eastern part of Europe and Scandinavia. He strongly suffered from the Belarusian contaminated precipitation. The explosion of the Chernobyl NPP was compared with Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombers.

How the explosion occurred

During the investigation, numerous commissions have repeatedly analyzed this event, seeking to find out what exactly caused the catastrophe and how it happened. However, there is no single opinion on this score. The force capable of destroying all living on its way, broke out from the 4th power unit. The accident was classified: Soviet media the first days were kept coffin silence, but the explosion at the Chernobyl NPP (year 1986) was recorded abroad on the colossal leakage of radiation and raised anxiety. It was impossible to be silent about the accident. The energy of a peaceful atom was designed to carry out the movement of civilization ahead, to progress, but changed its trajectory and served as the invisible man of a person with radiation.

An explosion began at the Chernobyl NPP, the date of which will be remembered by humanity for centuries, from a fire in power unit No. 4, the signal about which was received on the control panel at 1.24 night. The fire guard promptly started harassment, successfully coping with fire to 6 o'clock in the morning, thanks to which the fire could not spread to block number 3. The level of radiation on the territory of the halls of the power unit and near the station at that time to anyone was unknown. What happened in this watch and minutes with the atomic reactor itself, it was also unknown.

Causes and official versions

Analyzing an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the reasons for which at first glance were inexplicable, experts put forward many versions. Situating the results of the investigation, scientists stopped in several versions:

1. Violation and disrupting the operation of circular pumps due to cavitation (the formation of a shock wave as a result of a chemical reaction) and, as a result, a pipeline breakthrough.
2. Power jump inside the reactor.
3. Low security in the enterprise - the version of Insag.
4. Emergency acceleration - after pressing the AZ-5 button.

The latest version, according to many experts in this industry, is the most believable. In their opinion, the rods of management and protection were shown in the action of active work precisely by pressing this ill-fated button, which led to emergency acceleration of the reactor.

Such a course of events completely refute experts from the Commission of the State Protection Commission. Employees put forward their versions of the tragedy back in 1986, insisting that the positive reactivity was caused by the worked emergency protection, which was why the Chernobyl NPP explosion occurred.

Certain technical calculations that prove the cause of the explosion due to cavitation at the anti-aircraft missile complex refute other versions. According to the chores chores, steam at the entrance to the reactor as the result of the loose of the coolant in the SPC came to the active zone and distorted energy-sensitive fields. This happened due to the fact that the temperature of the coolant in the most dangerous period reached the boiling mark. Emergency acceleration began with active vaporization.

Explosion of the Chernobyl NPP. Other reasons for tragedy

In addition, opinions often sounded about such a reason for the explosion, as a sabotage campaign, which was planned by the United States and is carefully hidden by the USSR government. In favor of this version, photographs of the exploded power unit from the military American satellite, which was wonderful in the right place was when an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl NPP. To refute or confirm this theory is very difficult, and therefore this version remains guessed. It remains only to confirm that indeed in 1986 the explosion of the Chernobyl NPP entailed the declaration of secret objects (contrary radar Douga-1, Chernobyl-2).

Among the causes of the tragedy, the earthquake occurred at that moment. Indeed, shortly before the explosion, seismographs recorded a certain impetus in the nearest surroundings of the Chernobyl. It was the vibration that could provoke an accident, adherents of this version call the reason for the launch of irreversible processes. Strange in this situation, the fact that the neighboring power unit No. 3 for some reason did not suffer and did not receive information about seismic jokes. But after all, the tests on it were not conducted ...

The most fantastic cause of the explosion was put forward - this is a possible ball lightning formed during bold experiments of scientists. It is she who, if you imagine such a course of events, it could well disrupt the mode of operation in the zone of the reactor.

The consequences of the tragedy in numbers

At the time of the explosion, only 1 person died at the station. Already the next morning, another employee died from very serious injuries. However, the worst started later, when another 28 people died literally for a month. They and another 106 station staff at the time of the catastrophe were at work and received a maximum dose of radiation.

Fire elimination

To extinguish fire, when the fire was announced in the power unit No. 4 of the Chernobyl, 69 employees included in the personnel of the fire department, as well as 14 cars. People extinguished the fire, without having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe highest level of pollution. The fact is that at the instruments of the radiation background meters did not seek: one was faulty, the second remained outside the area of \u200b\u200breach, under the rubble. That is why no one could even imagine the real consequences of the explosion at that time.

Year of death and grief

At about 2 o'clock in the morning, some firefighters appeared the first symptoms of radiation sickness (vomiting, weakness and with nothing comparable "nuclear tan" on the body). After the first medical care, patients were delivered to the city of Pripyat. The next day, 28 people were urgently sent to Moscow (6th radiological hospital). All the efforts of the physicians turned out to be in vain: the flames of fire received so much infection that they died during the month. From the huge emission of radioactive substances during the disaster to the atmosphere, trees were also killed on an area of \u200b\u200bnearly 10 square meters. km. An explosion at the Chernobyl NPP, the consequences of which were not only direct participants, but also residents of the three republics of the Soviet Union, made unprecedented security measures at all similar installations.

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