Conditions of records Evaluation and abbreviations. Explosive zone classification What does EX mean

The word "ex" many values. It can be both the prefix, and abbreviation, and abbreviation. What is "ex", read in our article. And you can learn about other words on our website in the section.

"Ex-" as a prefix

The most common value of the prefix "Ex-" - "former" or "past". In this option, it is written through a hyphen: for example, "Ex-Director" ("Former Director"), "Ex-owner" ("Former owner"), "Ex-President" ("Former President").

In addition, the prefix "ex-" can be part of foreign words denoting the output, movement outward. For example, "exhumation" - extraction of burial from the ground, "Expatriation" - the expulsion of a person from the country.

"Ex" as a reduction

To deal with what "ex" as an independent word is quite simple, if you know the value of the console. Very often, "ex" in colloquial speech is used as a reduction - for example, from "ex-boyfriend". There are also specific importance: Russian revolutionaries of the beginning of the 20th century were called Expropriation - a robbery in order to finance revolutionary activities.

"Ex" as an abbreviation

In addition to the console and abbreviation, the "ex" can be used as an abbreviation. Most often, this is understood by the electrocardialism. A more narrowly value is an emergency caesarean section.

    Genre Music parody, Eccentric, humor years from 1989 to the present time of the country ... Wikipedia

    The first part of complex words. Makes know: retired, former, lost its previous position. Ex the agent, ex Governor, Ex Disident, Ex the Groom, Ex Minister, Ex the President, Ex Recordsman, Ex the Dancer, EX Champion ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Lat. EX). Prefix in words denoting San, title, position, in meanwhile: Former, retired, dismissed (official), for example. Ex the President, Ex Minister, Ex-director, exvaist. || The same in any nation. (Slot. Fam.), for example Ex the husband, ex ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    For an ambiguous word that can mean: ex (sopr.) From expropriation, popular in the late XIX beginning of the XX centuries. The source of financing of revolutionary activities in the Russian Empire. Ex Electrocardial ... Wikipedia

    Ex ..., prefix. Forms nouns with meaning: 1) before the former (in the designations of titles, posts), for example. Ex the President, Ex Minister, Ex the Champion, Ex Recordsman; 2) before existed, for example. EX FEDERATION, EXPERIA. Well ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    The first part of the complex words of Latin origin, which contributes to the loss of the former position or quality by the person named in the second part of the word (Exec Admiral, Execi Chancellor, Ex Consul, Ex the President, Ex the Champion, etc.). Dictionary… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

    In the financade language, this prefix means after. For example, Ex Coupon means a coupon after paying percent or dividends. Dictionary of financial terms. Ex the exemplary banknotes of 10 US banks. In English: x See also ... Financial vocabulary

    Ex the ambiguous word that can mean: exend last, former (for example, former champion) EC electrocardiomulator (terrorist method) Ex en ens Provence EX symbol of certification equipment with European testers ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Lat. EX). The particle taken at the beginning of the word, to the titles or positions for the designation, which the famous person is no longer wearing this position or title, for example: ex Professor. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    ex-Oh. - A, m. Ex Homme. Okkaz. Former man. He would be a great artist, and became a bad translator, an infurious poet and mediocre publicist and exym (ex-symbolist, ex Maxist m.); Former person for all the currents in which he wanted ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language


  • Ex-Emperor Napoleon III. Biographical essay ,. Moscow, 1870, printing house F. Johanson. New-fashioned binding. With a war map of 1870, the safety is good. Owned label pencil in the text. Essay traces life and ...
  • "Ex" in Helsingfors. Almost documentary history, S. A. Golubev, S. V. Tatarinov. Is there far from us events of centenary limitations? What has changed in the behavior of people during this time? Do the events of the past have any influence on contemporaries? Well known in 1906 ...

Approximate labeling decoding explosion protection tali rope explosion-proof.

GOST 1 EX. d. IIb. T5.
Explosion protection sign Compliance sign standards Sign of the type of explosion protection Sign of the subgroup (category of the mixture) Temperature class sign (mixture group)

Classification of explosive areas

The class of an explosive zone, according to which the choice of electrical equipment is made, is determined by technologists together with the specialists of the project or operating organization.

According to Russian regulatory documents, the following explosive zone classes:

Class B-1 zones are located in rooms in which combustible gases or housing pairs in such an amount and with such properties, which can form explosive mixtures with air during normal operation modes are distinguished;

Class B-1A zones are located in rooms in which explosive mixtures of combustible gases (regardless of the lower concentration limit of ignition) or vapors of the LVZ with air are not formed during normal operation, but only as a result of accidents or malfunctions;

Class B-1B zones are similar to B-1A, but differ from them by the fact that with accidents, combustible gases have a high lower limit of ignition (15% and higher), as well as with hazardous concentrations with a sharp odor. This class includes zones of laboratory and other premises, in which combustible gases and lvz are available in low concentrations, insufficient to create an explosive mixture and where work is performed without the use of open flame. Zones do not belong to explosive, if working with hazardous substances are produced in exhaust cabinets or under exhaust umbrellas;

Class B-1G-1G - spaces with external installations: technological plants containing combustible gases or LVZ, open oil bugs, overhead and underground tanks with lvz or combustible gases (gas producers), Plum and ponds and ponds, sumps with floating oil films etc.

Class B-2 zones are located in rooms where combustible dust or fibers are released in such a quantity and with such properties, which can create explosive mixtures with air at normal operation modes;

Class B-2A zones - such where dangerous conditions do not occur during normal operation, but may arise as a result of accidents or malfunctions.

Regulatory documents contain the definition of the geometric sizes of each class of zones.

Zone 0.
explosive gas mixture is present constantly or for long periods of time
Zone 1.
there is a possibility of the presence of an explosive gas mixture under normal operating conditions
Zone 2.
unlikely the presence of an explosive gas mixture in normal operating conditions, and if it occurs, it rarely, and there is a very short time
CENELEC / IEC, Europe Zone 0. Zone 1. Zone 2.
GOSTOR 51330.9-99, Russia Zone 0. Zone 1. Zone 2.
PUE (2001), Russia B-I. B-IA, B-IB, B-GI

Equipment designed to work within the zone of a particular class must have an appropriate level of explosion protection.

Level of explosion protection equipment

Explosion-proof levels of electrical equipment are in the Russian classification of the designation 2, 1 and 0:

Level 2 - electrical equipment of increased reliability against the explosion: In it, explosion protection is provided only in normal operation;

Level 1 - explosion-proof electrical equipment: Explosion protection is provided both with normal modes of operation and in case of probable damage resulting on operating conditions, except for damage to explosion protection;

Level 0 - especially explosion-proof equipment, which uses special measures and explosion protection tools.

The degree of explosion proof of equipment (2, 1, or 0) is placed in the Russian Federation as the first figure before the European light blasting labeling.

Equipment Explore Safety Methods

There are several methods for ensuring explosion safety, the purpose of which is to prevent the possibility of contacting the internal spar-forming or fuel elements of the equipment with an external explosive medium, or to prevent the output of the explosion that occurred inside the outer shell of the equipment by localization:

Localization, or torturing the explosion - preventing the spread of the explosion beyond the shell;

Insulation, or sealing - fill with compound, varnish, maintaining high pressure inside the sheath of purging equipment with compressed air or inert gas;

Filling the shell with quartz sand, immersion of equipment into the oil used, for example, for windings of transformers;

Preventing, or restriction of electrical and thermal energies - application in the protection method of the "intrinsically safe electrical circuit".

The European classification provides detailing the explosion protection equipment used in the equipment (it is recognized in the Russian Federation and is found in certificates for explosion-proof equipment):

View of explosion protection Schematic view Basic application Standard
Protection of the form E. e. Terminal and connecting boxes, lamps, control posts, switchgear GOST R 51330.8-99
Blastproof shell d. Switching devices, lamps, control posts, switchgear, electric motors, heating elements GOST R 51330.1-99
Filling or purge p. High-current camshafts, analyzers, engines GOST R 51330.3-99
Intrinsically safe electrical chain i. Measuring and regulatory equipment, Siazi technique, Sensors, drives GOST Z 51330.10-99
Oil filling of the shell o. Transformers, launchers GOST Z 51330.7-99
Quartz filling of the shell q. Transformers, condensers GOST R 51330.6-99
Sealing compound m. Switching devices of low power, indicators, sensors GOST R 51330.17-99
Lack of sparking n. Zone 2.
This type of explosion protection includes simplified variants of various explosion protection methods.
All devices for zone 2, except for commuting devices GOST R 51330.17-99
Special defense s. This type of explosion protection includes special explosion protection methods. Sensors, dischargers GOST R 51330.17-99
Hermetic isolation h. GOST R 51330.17-99

The following Russian classification of levels of explosion protection equipment operates:

Sleeping category of mixture Required level of explosion protection
I (mining methane) II (all gases)
IA iA. Especially explosion-proof
Ib. iB. Explosion-proof
IC. iC. Increased reliability against the explosion

The existing classification provides for two categories: I and II:

There are three categories of category II: IIA, IIB, IIC. Each subsequent subcategory includes (can replace) preceding, that is, subcategory C is higher and meets the requirements of all categories - A, B and C. It is thus the most "strict".

Russia, Europe Atmospheric ignition energy (ICD) Typical representative
I. Zone 0. Increasing danger Methane (mining)
II A. More than 180. Propane
II B. 60-180 Ethylene
II C. less than 60. Acetylene, hydrogen

According to GOST, the following classification is valid for self-ignition temperatures:

Group of mix Self-ignition temperature, ° С
T1. More than 450.
T2. From 300 to 450
T3. From 200 to 300
T4. From 135 to 200
T5. From 100 to 135
T6. From 85 to 100

T1 - hydrogen, water gas, light gas, hydrogen 75% + nitrogen 25% ";

T2 - acetylene, methyldihylorsilane;

T3 - trichlorosilane;

T4 - not applied;

T5 - Seroublerod;

T6 - not applied.

T1 - ammonia, ..., acetone, ..., benzene, 1,2-dichloropropane, dichloroethane, diethylamine, ..., domain gas, isobutane, ..., methane (industrial, with hydrogen content of 75 times large than in mining methane), propane , ..., solvents, solvent oil, alcohol diacetone, ..., chlorobenzene, ..., ethane;

T2 - alkylbenzene, amylacetate, ..., gasoline b95 \\ 130, butane, ... solvents ..., alcohols, ..., ethylbenzene, cyclohexanol;

T3 - gasoline A-66, A-72, A-76, "Galosha", B-70, extraction. Butyl methacrylate, hexane, heptane, ..., kerosene, oil, petroleum, polyester, pentane, turkey, alcohols, fuel T-1 and TS-1, White spirit, cyclohexane, etyl mercaptan;

T4 - acetaldehyde, aldehyde isomaslyanny, aldehyde oil, aldehyde propionic, dean, tetramethyldiaminetean, 1,1,3 - triethoxibutane;

T5 and T6 - do not apply.

T1 - Cox Gas, Sinyl Acid;

T2 - Divineyl, 4.4 - dimethydioxane, dimethydichlorsilan, dioxane, ..., nitrocyclohexane, propylene oxide, ethylene oxide, ..., ethylene;

T3 - acrolein, vinyltrichlorsilane, hydrogen sulfide, tetrahydrofuran, tetraeethoxysilane, triethoxysilane, diesel fuel, formalglogol, ethyl dichlorosilane, ethyl cellosolv;

T4 - Dibutyl ether, diethyl ether, ethylene glycol diethyl ether;

T5 and T6 - do not apply.

Additional Information.

Categories Iia, IIB and IIC are determined by the following parameters: a safe experimental maximum gap (BEMZ - the maximum gap between the shell flanges, through which the explosion is not transmitted from the shell in the environment) and the value of the MTV (the ratio of the minimum current of the mixture of hazardous gas and the minimum current of ignition Methane).

Temperature class

The temperature class of electrical equipment is determined by the limiting temperature in degrees Celsius, which may have during the operation of the explosion-proof equipment.

The temperature class of the equipment is set on the basis of the minimum temperature of the corresponding temperature range (its left border): equipment that can be used in gases with class T4 self-ignition temperature must have the maximum temperature of the surface elements below 135 degrees; T5 - below 100, and T6 - below 85.

Consider an example of labeling (used in Europe until July 1, 2003) according to the "Cenelec" standard:

EX. - sign of explosion-proof equipment according to the CEENEC standard;
d. - type of explosion protection (blasting shell);
IIb. - the explosion hazard category of the gas mixture II variant in (see above);
T4. - a group of mixtures on the ignition temperature (temperature not higher than 135 sº); 

Explosion-proof designations for the American standard FM

Factory Mutual (FM) is on its essence identical to European and Russian standards, but differ from them in the form of the recording. In the US standard, the conditions of use of equipment are also indicated: the explosive class of the medium (class), the operating conditions (Division) and the mixture groups at their self-ignition temperature (group).

Class may have the values \u200b\u200bI, II, III: Class I - explosive mixtures of gases and vapors, Class II - combustible dust, Class III - combustible fibers.

Division may have 1 and 2: Division 1 - this is a complete analogue of Zone B1 (B2) - the explosive mixture is present under normal conditions; Division 2 is an analogue of the B1A zone (B2A), in which the explosive mixture may appear only as a result of an accident or technological disorders.

For work in the Div.1 zone, special explosion-proof equipment is required (in terms of the standard - Intrinsically Safe), and for work in the Div.2 zone - explosion-proof equipment of the Non-Incendive class.

Explosive air mixes, gases, pairs form 7 subgroups that have direct analogies in Russian and European standards:

Group A - mixtures containing acetylene (IIC T3, T2);

GROUP B - mixtures containing butadiene, acrolein, hydrogen and ethylene oxide (IIS T2, T1);

Group C - mixtures containing cyclopropane, ethylene or ethyl ether (IIB T4, T3, T2);

Group D - mixtures containing alcohols, ammonia, benzene, butane, gasoline, hexane, varnishes, pairs of solvents, kerosene, natural gas or propane (Iia T1, T2, T3, T4);

Group E is the air suspension of combustible metal dust particles, regardless of its electrical conductivity, or dust with similar hazard characteristics, having a specific volume conductivity less than 100 com.

GROUP F - Mixtures containing fuel dust of soot, charcoal or coke with a combustible content of more than 8% of the volume, or suspension, having a conductivity from 100 to 100,000 Ohm-cm;

Group G - suspension of fuel dust having resistance more than 100,000 Ohm-cm.

Electrical batteries that have FM certification can be used in the following cases:

Division 1; CLASSES I, II, III; Groups D, F, G (Intrinsically Safe);

Division 2; Class I; GROUPS A, B, C, D (Non-Incendive).

Atheh - New European Explosion Proof Standard

In accordance with the EU Directive, 94/9 / EC from July 1, 2003 introduced a new standard athe. The new classification will replace the old CENELEC and is enforced in the territory of European countries.

Ath - Abbreviation from Atmospheres Explosibles (explosive mixtures of gases). The requirements of the Ateh are applied to mechanical, electrical equipment and protective agents that are supposed to be used in a potentially explosive atmosphere, both under the ground and on the surface of the Earth.

In the Ateh standard, the requirements of EN50020 / EN50014 standards are tightened to the IS (Intrinsically Safe) of the equipment. These tighters provide:

Limiting capacitive parameters of the scheme;

Use of other classes of protection;

New requirements for electrostatics;

Using a protective leather cover.

Classification marking of explosion-proof equipment by Ateh Consider on the following example: II 2 G EEX IB IIB T4

Ex in the hexagon - marking of explosion-proof equipment across ath.

The next markings element determines the equipment group:

I - mine;

II - Other (not mine): Chempermustry, NHZ, refinery, etc. The third element is the Arabic digit - determines the permissible zone of the equipment, it can take values \u200b\u200b0, 1 or 2:

0 - with frequent occurrence of explosive or flammable concentrations of hazardous gases or mixtures (gases, suspension);

1 is the same as 0, but these concentrations may occur only from time to time (for example, in emergency situations);

2 is the same as 1, but with rare cases of these situations.

Fourth element: G - for gases, D - for combustible dust, fibers and suspensions.

Further symbols (after E E X) were considered earlier.

European marking of explosion-proof equipment

Scope of equipment Explosion safety marking equipment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
II. 1 G. EEX. iA. IIb. T3.

1. Explosion-proof equipment has certificates of one of the test laboratories of the EU countries.

2. Scope:

I - underground generation;

II - terrestrial application.

0 - constant presence of explosive substances (more than 1000 hours per year);

1 - frequent 10 ... 1000 hours per year;

2 - short-term less than 10 hours per year.

4. The surrounding atmosphere:

D - dust.

5. E - according to EuroRorms (CENELEC requirements); Ex - explosion-proof equipment.

6. Classification of protection types:

D is an explosive shell;

E - protection of the form "E" (elevated);

O - oil filling;

P - filling or purging the shell under rhizb;

Q - quartz filling;

M - filling compound;

I - intrinsically safe electrical panel: (This type of explosion protection ensures that the dangerous situation cannot result in a spark (with a short circuit), or in the case of a sudden breakage of the power circuit (the energy of the internal inductance of the device), or as a result of heating the conductive wires);

Ia - a dangerous situation cannot occur during normal operation when interfered with the line and with any combination of two possible malfunctions;

IB - a dangerous situation cannot occur during normal operation, with interference on line and one malfunction.

After the main type of protection, an additional one may be indicated.

7. Scope:

I - underground work;

II - ground use;

For protection types "D" and "I" In the case of terrestrial use, subgroups are introduced IIa, IIb. and IIC (largest BEMZ or MTV).

8. Inflammation temperature:

T1\u003e 450 ° C;

T2 \u003d 300 ... 450 ° C;

T3 \u003d 200 ... 300 ° C;

T4 \u003d 135 ... 200 ° C;

T5 \u003d 100 ... 135 ° C;

T6 \u003d 85 ... 100 ° C.

Marking in square brackets indicates that this is the associated equipment.
For example, IIC marking indicates the associated equipment, located in an explosive zone.
The associated equipment placed in an explosive zone and having a type of explosion protection "The blasting heaving" is marked as follows: EX D IICT4.

In the cabin "Note Plus" we try to represent only those vinyl records that satisfy our high demands for their state. The overwhelming majority of our plates are evaluating from Exellent + to Still Sealed. All plates entering us undergo a preliminary check, evaluation and pre-sale preparation. If the plate has noticeable contaminants, then before setting it on sale, we are my plate in the washing machine VPI or Audio Desk with a high-quality specialized detergent and put in a new internal antistatic envelope. If the "native" inner envelope has a collection value, then we put it next to the record in the new package.

To assess the state, we use the designations taken worldwide, describing the condition of the envelope (the first letter in the designation) and the record itself (the second letter in the designation). Below is the decoding, alphabetic designations on the vinyl records used in our store. Our appraisers have tremendous experience in this field, but, the assessment of a very subjective subject and sometimes there are different opinions about the importance of certain factors when classifying collectible records in the category as of state. We are confident in the correctness of our estimates and never mislead buyers, but if you do not agree with our assessment - just choose another instance that matches your requests. The store creates all the conditions so that you can carefully consider the record and even listen to it. Sorting as a state is made only within the framework of the categories below, all records outside this classification are not allowed.

International reductions in the system of visual assessment of the quality of records and envelopes

SS. (Still Sealed) - sealed at the plating plant. The plate is guaranteed new, but the envelope, in rare cases, may not be in perfect condition. This category may include absolutely new plates, just released from the factory, as well as plates visited the private collection, but not printed.

M / M. (Mint / Mint) - envelope in perfect condition and has no defects. The plate, without any flaws, was never listened to never or listened very neatly, there are no visible defects, stains or inscriptions.

M / M- (Mint / Mint Minus) - (sometimes marked with some appraisers as M / NM - MINT / NEAR MINT). Envelope in perfect condition and has no defects. The plate, almost without flaws, was never listened to never or listened very neatly, no scuffs, scratches, stains or inscriptions, but small comments are possible, not allowing to assign the MINT state to the record

M- / M. (Mint Minus / Mint) - (sometimes marked with some appraisers as NM / M - Near Mint / Mint). The envelope is practically ideal, but there are small remarks that do not allow him to assign it a state of MINT. The plate, without any flaws, was never listened to never, or listened very carefully, no scuffs, scratches, stains or inscriptions.

M- / M- (Mint Minus / Mint Minus) - (sometimes marked by some appraisers as NM / NM - Near Mint / Near Mint). The envelope is practically ideal, but there are small remarks that do not allow him to assign it a state of MINT. Plate, practically without flaws. It was not listened to never, or listening very neatly, no scuffs, scratches, stains or inscriptions, but small comments are possible, not allowing the status of the MINT state.

EX + / M (Excellent Plus / Mint) - (sometimes marked by some appraisers like VG ++ / M - Very Good Plus Plus / Mint). The envelope can have small hurry and / or a pair of non-test breaks, splitting one of the ends, can be neatly twisted with transparent scotch. There may be minor inscriptions, stickers (stickers) or traces from them. Plate new, without any flaws. It was not listened to never, or he was very careful. No scuffs, scratches, spots or inscriptions.

EX + / M- (Excellent Plus / Mint Minus) - (sometimes marked by some appraisers like VG ++ / NM - Very Good Plus Plus / Near Mint). The envelope may have small hurry and / or a pair of non-test breaks, splitting one of the ends; It can be neatly twisted with transparent scotch. There may be minor inscriptions, stickers (stickers) or traces from them. The plate is new, almost without flaws. It was not listened to never, or he was very careful. No scuffs, scratches, spots or inscriptions, but small comments are possible, not allowing the state of the MINT to assign the record.

EX + / EX + (Excellent Plus / Excellent Plus) - (sometimes marked by some appraisers like VG ++ / VG ++ - Very Good Plus Plus / Very Good Plus Plus). The envelope may have small hurry and / or a pair of non-test breaks, splitting one of the ends; It can be neatly twisted with transparent scotch. There may be minor inscriptions, stickers (stickers) or traces from them. The plate was obsessed clearly more than once, it has surface scratches, when playing, you can sometimes hear "sand" or crackling, especially in quiet places and between tracks, one or two low-clicks can meet.
VG + / M (Very Good Plus / Mint) - the envelope can have a significant loss and breakdowns, and small oversights / breaks, splitting of seams, stickers (stickers) and traces from them, inscriptions are also possible. Plate new, without any flaws. It was not listened to never, or he was very careful. No scuffs, scratches, spots or inscriptions.

VG + / M- (Very Good Plus / Mint Minus) - (sometimes marked by some appraisers as VG + / NM - Very Good Plus / Near Mint). The envelope can have a significant loss and breakdowns, small oversights / breaks, seam splitting, stickers (stickers) and traces from them, inscriptions are also possible. The plate is new, almost without flaws. It was listened several times. No scuffs, scratches, spots or inscriptions.

VG + / Ex + (Very Good Plus / Excellent Plus) - (sometimes marked by some appraisers as VG + / VG ++ - Very Good Plus / Very Good Plus Plus). The envelope can have a significant loss and breakdowns, small oversights / breaks, seam splitting, stickers (stickers) and traces from them, inscriptions are also possible. The plate was obsessed clearly more than once, it has surface scratches, when playing, you can sometimes hear "sand" or crackling, especially in quiet places and between tracks, one or two low-clicks can meet.

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