A. Pushkin Analysis of the poem "Winter Morning" "Frost and Sun-Day Wonderful ..." - Presentation. Presentation to the lesson "A

Type of lesson: Illustration

I. Educational aspect of the lesson.

  • Fixing knowledge of students on the laws of building drawing (plans, color decision).
  • Mastering the technology of drawing a landscape on a computer.
  • Based on acquired knowledge in drawing, teach students to apply them in the Paint program.

II. Educational aspect.

  • Rail aesthetic feelings from students.
  • Formation of training activities through cognitive interest and solving cognitive tasks.
  • Compliance with the safety rules when working with a computer, raising accuracy.

III. Developing aspect.

  • Develop a sense of excellent and need for self-improvement.
  • Develop the ability of students to adapt in a modern information environment.

Computer, landscape sheet, notebook, pencil, eraser.

Musical Row:
"Seasons" composer Tchaikovsky F.I.

  • January "At Camelka."
  • November "On Troika".
  • December "Sky".

Cabinet design:

  • Number, month
  • Theme lesson
  • Families Artists
  • Reproduction
  • Record player
  • A computer

The organizational moment is an emotional attitude to a lesson.

  • Preparation of children to perceive the music of Fyodor Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
  • Listening to music.

Guys, you now listen to music. What feelings do you have?
- Did you like music?
- What paintings did you submit yourself?
(We listen to the music of Tchaikovsky "Seasons")
The guys are answering the questions supplied by the teacher. They represent the paintings of the Russian oven, clock, snow, evening, fireplace, etc.

Guys, you today listened to the music of Tchaikovsky "Seasons", and it is not by chance that in your imagination there were pictures of winter, since the music work of Tchaikovsky is called "January", as you yourself understand, this is a winter month. And which Russian does not like winter, holidays, riding on the troika, shints, etc. Look at the picture of the artist ...
- How did you guess, today in the lesson we will talk about winter and draw illustrations to the poem A.S. Pushkin. " Winter morning". At the lesson of literature, you met a poem. Maybe there are wishing to read it by heart.
(Children read poems)
- Do you know what is an illustration?
- Guys, and which of these pictures could there be an illustration for a poem?
I call the artist and the name of the picture.

Shishkin I.I. "Winter"

I. Grabar "February azure"

Reproductions of A. Labushkin "Winter Morning", A. Plastova "First Snow" were shown.

And now you imagine your illustration to this poem. Presented?
Before portraying on a computer, let's remember the rules for building a picture.
1. Plans.
2. Color solution.

  • Cold colors of winter
  • Color solution in the plans.

Please sit behind the car.
Independent work of students on creating illustrations.
Exhibition of drawings of the guys created in the lesson.

Mikhailov Andrei "Winter"

Andreeva Anna "Winter Morning"

Muhamedzhanov Azamat

Total lesson:
Did you like it?
Evaluation of the results of work:
- Well done!
- Those who did not have time to finish their work will continue her in the next lesson. Give the name to your picture and save it.
- Bye!

Slide 2.

"Frost and sun-day wonderful ..."

"Winter Morning" is one of the brightest and expressive works of winter. It is a brilliant and at the same time direct sketch of the feelings and thoughts of the poet caused by the beauty and the decele of the winter morning in the village.

Slide 3.

The work was written by Pushkin very quickly, within one day (November 3, 1829) in the village of Pavlovsky Staritsky County of Tver province, in the estate of P. I. Kulf.

To the Tver Province to their good familiar, the family of Wolfov, Pushkin drove this time on the way back from the Caucasus.

From the history of creating a poem

Slide 4.

Frost and sun; Wonderful day!
You still do not sleep, a lovely friend -
It's time, beautiful, wake up:
Open the unfortunate eyes closed
Towards North Aurora
Star of the North, come!

The mood of joy, cheerfulness is created with the help of emotionally painted vocabulary: "Wonderful", "Afferent friend", "Beauty". Double and bright definitions show the power of the feeling of the poet, happiness that overflows.

Slide 5.

Isn't it surprising us with the phrase open a look? After all, now you can only throw out the eyes, ascertain your eyes, raise the eyes, but do not open. Here, nouns have the old meaning of the "eyes".

Interest represents and the word closed. Before us, the so-called truncated communion, which was one of the favorite poetic libations of the poets of half of the 19th century.

The word Aurora, following the pretext, meets, should stand in a dutiful case (Aurora). Pushkin has Aurora. This is not a typo, but now an outdated archaic form.

Slide 6.

"Nega - the statute.

1. Full satisfaction. Live in the black

2. Labor, pleasant condition. Fombing Nege. " (From the dictionary S.I. Yohegova) Nega -1. The state of serene rest.

2. Equipment, enjoyment. (vocabulary of Pushkin language)

The word "Nega" does not correspond to the listed values \u200b\u200bin the poem. To modern Russian, it is better to translate it with a word sleep, as a dream is the most complete "state of serene rest."

Slide 7.

Evening, you remember, the blizzard was angry,
On the muddy sky of the world, worn;
Moon, like a pale spot,
Through the clouds of a gloomy gueser,
And you sad sitting -
And now ... Looking out the window

The vocabulary of the stanza creates a gloomy mood: "The blizzard was angry", "Miscellated", "Tuchi Gloomy". But the magnificence of the winter morning is felt even stronger in contrast from yesterday's storm.

Slide 8.

Evening: "Last night"

Darkness, darkness (in normal consumption)

The poet uses in the meaning of "thick snow hiding in the fog all the surrounding"

Slide 9.

Under blue skies
Gorgeous carpets
Shiny in the sun, the snow lies;
Transparent forest one black
And spruce through frost green,
And the river under the ice shines.

Slide 10.

All Amber Brilliant Room
Ozaren. Merry crash
Flooded oven.
It's nice to think at the Lena.
But you know: Does not be told in Sanki
Filler block prohibit?

The author from the love of the beauty of nature proceeds to the description of the interior (the inner space of the building, premises), to the transfer of the feeling of peace and peace of the homely hearth. The feeling of joy of the poet is growing and demanding movement, I want to visit the cute heart of the place

Slide 11.

  • Right - bargain.
  • In the time of Pushkin, the same form was used on equals.
  • There is no doubt that the form forbid appeared at the poet for rhymes as a fact of poetic liberty, which was due to the stove standing by the word.
  • Lena - a low protrusion of a Russian oven, on which, basking, rested or slept.
  • Telica - order (feasible.).
  • Slide 12.

    Sliding in the morning snow,
    Dear friend
    An impatient horse
    And visiting empty fields,
    Forests, recently so thick,
    And the beach, cute for me.

    Let's foresee - give out (feasible.)

    The beauty of nature awakened the lyrical hero to life, to creativity, to the joy of memories.

    Slide 13.

    The work was performed by students of 5 grams of class MOU SOSH No. 3 under the leadership of the teacher G.A.Ahler.

    See all slides

    "Pushkin Winter Evening" - for Pushkin Russia Thanks on behalf of the whole people! "Winter evening". Storm - bad weather with a strong destructive wind. Yakovleva Arina Rodionovna. A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning". Old lacker - small, bad hollow. The roof of the temper is a very bad roof. Spine - spinning device. ... Our Old Toggy and sad and dark.

    "Copper rider Pushkin" - A.S. Pushkin. Figure "Copper Horseman". Bronze Horseman. XII, called: "Petersburg. Transportation" Thunder ". Article about the poem" Copper Horseman ". Copper rider - Monument to Peter 1. Illustration to the poem" Copper Horseman ".

    "Pushkin Landscape" - I used to say goodbye to Bliss and my soul. I see the lot flows and the first formidable collapse of the movement. Night shadow rolled down from heaven. But you know: Does not be told in the Sanki Filk to proceed to prohibit? The value of landscape lyrics in the life of A.S. Pushkin. Landscape lyrics always occupied a special place in the work of A.S. Pushkin.

    "Pushkin and Love" - \u200b\u200bthe teacher of the Russian language and literature MOU "SOSH No. 52" Efremova G. V. Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina. Elizabeth Xherevna Vorontsova. Singer of love, singer sovereign (love Lyrics A. S. Pushkin). Anna Petrovna Kern.

    "Song of the mean Oleg" - the solemn slowness of speech makes it possible to conclude about the traditions of OD. What do you know about the life of ancient Russia? I don't stop the foot to your old stirrup. The image of Prince Oleg enters the "song ..." solemnly, great. A.S. Pushkin "Song about the name Oleg." It is precisely in loyalty of human memory and there is a pledge of immortality:

    "Fresh-loving Lyric Pushkin" - to expand the concept of lyrics A.S. Pushkin. Friendship Creative activity of freedom and patriotism. Equipment: Plates with names of groups, ICT. Rise an active life position, a sense of patriotism. ? Winnocheing \u003d freedom-loving. Objectives: to teach the analysis of lyric works, work out the skills of expressive reading.

    Slide 1.

    A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning" Analysis of the poem in order to identify funds to help the author to convey the beauty of winter nature.

    Clade 2.

    "Frost and Sun-Day Wonderful ..." "Winter Morning" is one of the brightest and expressive works about the winter. It is a brilliant and at the same time direct sketch of the feelings and thoughts of the poet caused by the beauty and the decele of the winter morning in the village.

    Slide 3.

    The work was written by Pushkin very quickly, within one day (November 3, 1829) in the village of Pavlovsky Staritsky County of Tver province, in the estate of P. I. Kulf. To the Tver Province to their good familiar, the family of Wolfov, Pushkin drove this time on the way back from the Caucasus. From the history of creating a poem

    Slide 4.

    Frost and sun; Wonderful day! You still dreamed, a lovely friend - it's time, beautiful, wake up: Open the unfortunate gaze, towards the North Auror the star of the North of the North! The mood of joy, cheerfulness is created with the help of emotionally painted vocabulary: "Wonderful", "the adorable friend", "Beauty" sonorous and bright definitions show the power of a poet's feeling, happiness that overflows.

    Slide 5.

    Isn't it surprising us with the phrase open a look? After all, now you can only throw out the eyes, ascertain your eyes, raise the eyes, but do not open. Here, nouns have the old meaning of the "eyes". Interest represents and the word closed. Before us, the so-called truncated communion, which was one of the favorite poetic libations of the poets of half of the 19th century. The word Aurora, following the pretext, meets, should stand in a dutiful case (Aurora). Pushkin has Aurora. This is not a typo, but now an outdated archaic form.

    Slide 6.

    "Nega Charmany. 1. Full satisfaction. Live in the black 2. Labor, pleasant condition. Fombing Nege. " (From the dictionary S.I. Yohegova) Nega -1. The state of serene rest. 2. Equipment, enjoyment. (Pushkin's Language Dictionary) The word "Nega" does not match the listed values \u200b\u200bin the poem. To modern Russian, it is better to translate it with a word sleep, as a dream is the most complete "state of serene rest."

    Slide 7.

    Evening, you remember, the blizzard was angry, on the muddy sky of the world, worn; The moon, like a pale spot, through the clouds of a gloomy gueel, and you sat sadly - and now ... Looking into the window of the vocabulary of Stanfs creates a gloomy mood: "The blizzard was angry", "Moched", "grouse clouds". But the magnificence of the winter morning is felt even stronger in contrast from yesterday's storm

    Slide 8.

    The evening "last night" the darkness of the darkness, darkness (in normal use) the poet uses in the meaning of "thick snow hiding in the fog all the surrounding"

    Slide 9.

    Under the blue skies, magnificent carpets, shiny in the sun, the snow lies; The transparent forest is one drawn, and a fir tree is green, and the river under the ice gloves.

    Clade 10.

    The whole amber brilliance room is illuminated. A cheerful cracker cracks flooded oven. It's nice to think at the Lena. But you know: Does not be told in the Sanki Filk to proceed to prohibit? The author from the love of the beauty of nature proceeds to the description of the interior (the inner space of the building, premises), to the transfer of the feeling of peace and peace of the homely hearth. The feeling of joy of the poet is growing and demanding movement, I want to visit the cute heart of the place
    1. 1. Presentation to the lesson of the literary reading "A.S. Pushkin "Frost and the Sun" (Grade 3, "Perspective") of the primary classes of the Isozimovsky branch of the MBOU Kochetovskaya Sosh needed by N.Yu.
    2. 2. We listen to the poem performed by Dmitry Zhuravleva
    3. Read the poem yourself, emphasize incomprehensible words.
    4. 4. The negative state of the serene rest, pleasure, blissfulness - in the meaning of the "Eyes" of the evening of the Mound - darkness, darkness. The poet uses in the meaning of "thick snow hiding all the surrounding" to ban - damage the Aurora-Morning Star to be ordered - order dictionary work
    5. 5. Analysis of the poem reading a poem can feel that it is imbued with a joyful mood. All poem can be divided into parts
    6. 6. 1 stanza. The beginning of the poem is a joyful exclamation. Sonorous and bright definitions "wonderful, adorable" show the power of the feeling of the poet, the happiness that he overwhelms
    7. 7. 2 stanza. The poet in the description of nature uses the contrast state of nature. The magnificence of the winter morning is felt even stronger in contrast from yesterday's storm, which is described as accurately
    8. 8. 3 stanza. In the third stanzha, the author describes the sky, snow, forest ... the snow is compared with a magnificent carpet. In the stanza there is a repeated anaphora (and spruce ... and river ...) Single words are used: glossy, glitter.
    9. 9. 4 stanza. The author of the love of the beauty of nature proceeds to the description of the interior (the inner space of the building, premises), to the transfer of the feeling of peace and rest of the homely hearth uses the reception of allemention ... Flooded oven cracked with a fun cod "(A.S. Pushkin). The feeling of joy of the poet is growing and demanding movement, I want to visit the cute heart of the place
    10. 10. But you know: Does not be told in the Sanki Filler to ban it? Gliding in the morning snow, a dear friend, we will foreshield the bearing an impatient horse
    11. 11. And we will visit the fields empty, forests, recently so thick, and the shore, cute for me.
    12. 12.  - What feelings did you cause this poem?  - What pictures did you imagine?  - Why does Pushkin remember yesterday's blizzard? How does it help to pass his mood?  - What does the room look like this morning?  - What kind of intonation will you choose? Conversation
    13. 13.  The mood of cheerfulness, joy is created with the help of the words "Wonderful", "Adorable", "Beauty", "magnificent", "brightness".  The narrative in the poem is leading from the first person, appeal to the interlocutor. The poet chooses the form of a dialogue in order to transfer the intonation of a relaxed conversation.  The author of the poem appears before us good, simple, close people - dialect words, short sentences, handling, shared tone. We draw conclusions
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