Children of the "new" consciousness. Part 1

Staircase from Heaven - Crystal People

FROM 2000 The year began the active stream of children - crystals, since Kryon's magnetic service ended the installation of the Earth's magnetic grille and immediately, in the parallel, was tuning the crystal lattice. The first "inclusions" of crystals is already present in the Indigo group, their energy is the primary platform for a new type of people.

Crystals - Pioneers: have activated 12 DNA spirals, which characterizes - Open consciousness .

Group of crystals - "Activators of the Planet Earth" and its true heirs: the earth will get to meek!

bio-Program No. 9 - Pentagonal Star is - the new light body and has 12 vertices or 12 chakras, the "butterfly" prototype. More details about this information - in the following article.

At the moment, and over the next years, the information field of the Earth is "saturated" by high-frequency light (progressive "infusion" occurs due to new energies through indigo and crystals);

We can compare them with residents of the body, underground cities of the 5th dimension light, which would have to adapt to our density. Since 5-dimensional consciousness is divided into 3 - sub-line ( 12 (3) Activated DNA layers, 24 (6) - DNA layer, 36 (9) - DNA layers), new crystalline children can be embodied in the earth's density - 4d, while maintaining the 1st dimension of the 5th dimension (12 activated DNA layers).

The crystals are pioneers come to our world from among the strongest shower capable of landing in our 3D earth density.

"You are now speaking for us a great catalyst and a great transforming consciousness, through which we can grow as never before. We love you without a measure and thank you without a measure for it, because it's all done in love and without fear. You are more and more aware of our tasks as cosmic brothers and sisters, like our reflections, like our game partners. Thank you, dear and beloved for your light. For what you allow you to let it in yourself and for how you transform it. May our light and intently consciousness of our, because we have more desire, than to connect with you all your aspects, all your shades and spirals. To dance with you in the eternal dance of light, love and life! Yes, it will happen! "

Archangel Michael.

Brief psycho-physiological characteristics of crystal children:

The first crystal children "work" over adaptation to earthly conditions, making the path of the soul-embatriotic flow in the 5th dimension on earth.

In contact with energy / information and the atmosphere of 3D, they are withdrawn by "children's diseases" in the early years, getting acquainted with earth viruses. So, the "newcomers" undergo primary adaptation on Earth;

Born from parents infected with AIDS, crystal children are a key carrier that "hacks the block" in their DNA, opening the program of self-healing. After a deadly disease, they are "self-assessing".

Information on the increased protective function of their immune system is transmitted to all souls embodied on Earth, which has a 5-dimensional level of consciousness, a quantum way, as the effect of the "Monkey Sota" effect.

Emotionality: smiling, radiating joy, have their own charm, affectionate, responsive, gentle - emitters of crystalline energies;

Abilities: Love interact with your surroundings, everything turns into a game, as a natural way to communicate and knowledge, possess all creative abilities known in 3D: draw, dance, sing, a computer know, etc.;

These children are self-sufficient, open, influence the consciousness of people with their energies, "study" in an amazing way - imprinting in their minds heard, seen, tried - looks like a phenomenal memory;

Energy criteria for crystal group:

The first stream - the newly born:

Lemurian souls that are embodied at this time returning from the sunken Lemuria;

Star brothers and sisters carrying cosmic energies in order to "make vaccinating" high-frequency intensive energies - as soon as possible;

Reincarnated, returning from the "short-term business trip", our earthly souls (departed through dying from 3D), but already activated by the updated energies of the house ( 6 );

"The energies of the house have changed during the time you change on earth .... Had, embodying now, bring upgraded energies at home .." Espo

The second stream - an indigose embodied already on Earth, which has revealed a capsule, which produces a thin body of light for the 5th dimension (Pentagonal Star).

The third stream is "stubborn" children of light, awakened and freed from 3D concepts.

Employees of light that have received a new contract and seeking activation 12 DNA layers ( 12=1+2=3 - this is crane Ascension Layer ), transforming (5) the former Mer-Ka-Ba to the new version of the Light Body - Pentagonal Star;

Diffusion is the keyto questions "Who am I?", "Where am I?", "With whom I?", "Why am I?":

"The transition is not a whim.

This is the rally of evolution.

This is not your new way of thinking, lifestyle, or your practitioners.

This is not a new form of meditation, it is not even your new appearance, and not your new body.

These are your indigenous, real, quantum changes, to get away from which no one can now on the planet.

You will have to change. You have to make a gigantic wave, explosive transition to a new level of your existence, your vibrations "

archangel Michael

Old, familiar, familiar methods of spiritual work - do not give answers and solutions, but only for some time soothes an internal impulse anxiety. Such a person always wants something important ( in his understanding) To do, that is, to be in the dellai, immersing yourself in a bustle of the outside world ... .. and considering it "spiritual search";

Answers to these sacred questions lie in the information individual field of a person in which they are reflected (the psyche is a reflector) several layers of the levels of co-knowledge ( 3D , 4d. , Access to 5d. ) - The combination of these three levels is the earth's level of co-knowledge. With what "shelf" within himself, a person gets knowledge: - the one he is, the one he owns, he can;

- "Knowledge" at the 3rd level reflects contacts with the outside world, or with social programs. "Knowledge" at the 4th level is a contact with its emotional part of his soul (intuition, creativity, relationships, feelings), "knowledge" at the 5th level opens access to mystical abilities (receiving gifts of the master - I);

Today will be able "Climb" or pass the barrier of the three-dimensional consciousness only those who will look for answers inside yourself (8 ), not beast;

Now, no external teachers will be able to help, but only a little "push" or direct .... "Where can I go, and not for whom I have to go ...". " The anxiety of the soul, as information from the 4th dimension, is an important signal to the transition (up and forward), and ends there and then when you go out of duality. Here there is a meeting with his inner teacher;

In people who are in the power of the Dual Consciousness (or limited, closed), there are distrust of something or to someone, doubtfulness, concerns, anxiety, uncertainty in themselves, as there are no more direct contact with their I-ESM ( 8 - Angelic manifestation in man);

In crystalline energies there are no such reactions, as consciousness with activated crystal has other qualities: openness, clarity, integrity.

There are things that are impossible to train.

The man himself in his inner house finds the place that "opens" ..., revealing his consciousness.

It is from this place that the distinction or "start" begins to activate.

For Distinction it is important to know the tasks of your energyGroups .

Since each group has its own tasks (children of light, indigo, crystals), then their more effective implementation is in a group with homogeneous (relative) energies. Example: Grandparents, parents who received a change in their consciousness - better understand their children and grandchildren (indigo and crystals), since their vibrations will be in one energy group.

Communication of generations and the relationship between different groups of light workers - these are different paths leading in one place - in the 5th dimension. Carriers of crystalline energy possess this new key - distinction.

Evacuation or independent ascension

The most important thing today 20 10 g. ( 1 )-Beginning of the new turn , the year of the specifics, so that human beings focused their attention on the bodies of light. This means that for ascension from Mer-Ka-Va, we must go into the body of the Light Mer-Ka-Vik. This is a "parachute", which will reveal at the time of the ascension of the Earth. People suddenly discovery the body of light, capable of moving in space. This is what it is impossible to learn. This is done individually!

"... This is what you have not been familiar with that, but what is also a reflection of you, because there is inside you. This is simultaneously new and revealing your ancient knowledge in you. Do not be surprised to this paradox ... "

Archangel Michael.

TO 20 12 it is planned a physical quantum leap of the Earth. Who today is already open (activated) light bodies - "live" simultaneously in the 3rd and 5th dimensions. It feels like a split consciousness that can deliver different degrees of discomfort: from the third already "came out", and in the 5th not fully activated. People who feel forceed in different topics of their lives - "sat down on the twine", and this is not a very convenient pose. The reason for this was the poorer the new version of the Earth with simultaneous existence - old. This is the temporary position of the transition period: one part of the consciousness is mastering the expanses of the new land, and the other part - serves the physical body in 3D and everything else is connected with it.

"The collision of illogical, inconsistent and impossible leads you to the exit beyond the limits of my own mind, forcing you to" hobble ", like your computers, in the desire to comprehend the information unknown to you. So let yourself "hang out" your mind, revealing in you those unused previous opportunities to comprehend, which are stored deep inside your consciousness. "

In the radiance of love, Archangel Mikhail.

Nobody knows exactly what scenario will be expecting us to the time of the "appointed" ascension, which can happen from the earth and its inhabitants. One of the desired options that most of the world's population will independently be able to move in their new light bodies, the angels will release their wings. "

Crystal children can have such abilities. Confused indigo, should enter direct contact with their highest me, and then they will reveal "parachute". Pioneers may encounter a problem: that the old form of Mer-Ka-Ba, remained unchanged. Then, obviously, the team of Astara with measures for evacuation will come into effect.

"Sleeping fire snake landdeploacing your rings and moves! What will you do with this information? Now we will say goodbye. What will you do with this information? You will set out your place and go out the door. "It was not so interesting," you may say. So do some of you. And coming out of this hall, you will understand that shift is you.

He is impossible without people on this planet. "

Crucian "Shift is!"

Crucian "New Communication - Crane about third-language"

"It's about time, right?

Each of you is unique. We cannot say for sure what will happen to the life of each of you, as, moving forward, you co-creates changes - put the new rut for your train. But we say: there is energy with your name on it, corresponding to your intention. Oh, there is something more. Before we tell about some of the awareness that you are about to get in the new energy, we would like to say about the new gift. It's time to understand the approaching window (possibilities). Using a metaphorical term, we will call it "Tremat". The third language has nothing to do with three languages. This is a metaphor describing communication in the language of the Spirit. The "third" refers to the worship and catalyst, which is the number "three". Look at the top three and that they imagine themselves. Here is the third language. This is the language of three, communication between the father, son and the Spirit. In past channeling, these metaphors were defined, and you said that they mean.

All three (Father, Son and Spirit) create the one who you are spiritually. The third language interacts with the lattice shift and is an improvement in the spiritual language between the human being in the duality of the Earth and those you call God. Let me give another definition of the third language: this is a beautiful loving meditation language, operating at 100% 24 hours a day. Some who felt disconnected will now be connected to God for life! "

to be continued...

In love and light, Israeli group

Longitudinal electromagnetic waves appear in the crystal.

... Fourth dimension - there are properties of mental energy


Crystal people

Many thousand years ago on the planets in the Sirius system there were two races of reasonable creatures.

One - from the planet Kron - was humanoid, and called himself a civilization of crystalline people.

Representatives of the second had a lionic appearance, and sometimes also visited the Earth.

In the similarity of the sphinx with the lion there is no simple chance.

The lionin-like Sphinxes were put in the pyramids in memory of representatives of this, affecting the imagination of earthlings, civilization.

In the legends about Shambal, it says that from Sirius to Earth, through the Cranium Channel, which is the channel for which the Sirius energy reaches the solar system, a giant crystal was delivered - the Changthomani stone created by crystalline people to attract thin energies from the highest dimensions.

Changthomani is a crystal of life and consciousness that increases vibrations and helps in its sphere of influence faster along the spiral of evolution.

Small fragments of Changthomani are laid in the ground in places of occurrence in the future centers of culture or civilizations.

Also small pieces of meteorite are given to keeping the most significant people, teachers of humanity.

At the end of the nineteenth century, information was obtained about one civilization from Alpha Centaur, which considers himself crystalline.

Her representatives flying to Earth were called the sons of fire, knowledge carriers.

They argued that the brain is a substance of liquid crystals, like everything in man and in the surrounding world.

"The so-called fourth dimension is the properties of mental energy" - writes Nikolai Roerich in "Living Ethics. In this fourth dimension of the space around the Earth, there is a structure in the form of a crystal lattice of the Earth - Merkaba.

Energetic nodes have a form of pyramids.

Einstein predicted the birth of physics over permeable crystal structures.

Liquid crystals, without which monitors of modern televisions, computers, and many other devices, were discovered by Russian physicists V. Tsvetkov and V. Frederix beginning of the last century.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich in "Living Ethics", even before this discovery, wrote:

"Element is a spatial matter, weightless and immeasurable. Semi-amorphic crystals in the form of so-called spontaneous manifestations. Substance of the not manifested spirit drinks space. "

Later, D. Rendls physicist expressed the assumption that our planet is formed by liquid crystal structures and that it itself is a giant crystal.

And Samara physicist Valery Trufanov believes that the entire universe is a single crystal, within which instantaneous transmission of information is possible.

In this crystal, longitudinal electromagnetic waves occur and spread.

The brain of people with paranormal abilities also radiates not traditional transverse, but longitudinal waves, resonant with crystal radiation.

From here we can conclude that a person is the active part of the single crystal interacting with it, as part with the whole, and the resulting response.

The water structure also consists of liquid crystals that slide relative to each other - scientists consider. A person more than half consists of water.

Therefore, we can say that we, like civilization of Sirius, are crystalline people. Water accumulates and saves the information obtained to it. And it does not matter to it, in what language they communicate with her, she understands any speech.

It discovered the Japanese scientist Masar Emoto.

Its experiments have shown that crystals generated from water differ in a large variety, depending on the nature of the informational impact on them. The basis of the water crystal structure is a hexagon.

Space and time are not an obstacle to transmit information. The water in the body remembers all our everyday thoughts, feelings and emotions.

At the same time, she herself has a strong impact on a person, depending on the stored foreign information. Cosmos across the water affects human development.

You can cite such an example.

It was believed that the water acquires the properties of living water on baptism. Scientists A number of years for a few days a year recorded intensive neutron flow bursts, exceeding the background levels of 100 - 200 times, it is these days!

The maxima came on the 17th, on the 18th or 19th day of January. The neutron flux from the space comes mainly along the earth's axis and it is maximum in northern latitudes, the most effect on the water.

In the direction of the south, it gradually weakens, gliding on the tangent to the surface of the water, and everything will penetrate into its thickness.

At the equator, its impact is practically coming.

Andreeva Galina Viktorovna


Humanity made a turn, and as a result, people released all attachments to reflections.

Many of you have seen the last of those who created the shell that defended the Earth initially. These are those who built the pyramids. Much inexplicable becomes clear when you look at things from the point in which you are now.

Many artifacts on Earth still have no explanation in the traditional idea, about where they come from and for what they are on Earth. These memories were specifically blocked by you according to the original plan.

The pyramids form a protective shell around the Earth, even though they were forgotten in many places. True, not all pyramids, created this shell, some were just copies of the original, created by humanity, with different levels of efficiency.

Power pyramids

The network of pyramids around the world formed a shell around the planet who defended the Earth from special meteorites and comets. This defense was delivered intentionally.

You have heard about two significant meteorites that appeared on the covers of newspapers around the world, but you do not know about small meteorites that appear now.

Due to the fact that the protective shell was removed, you will see many meteorites that will fall to the ground in November of this year. You will see a comet that will bring a new life to Earth.

We tell you about it, because all life on Earth was brought by comets. Your scientists disagree with us, but we tell you, none of you from the ground.

You very carefully placed yourself here.

Now you go along the path of evolution. Previously, to reach at home, you needed to die and leave the physical body, then reincarnate again and return to Earth.

Now, the first time, humanity passed through the gates without a physical return home, not dying. You go along the path of Ascension and with each step, you step further than yesterday. All this is the beauty you hold in front of you. All this under your control.

Do not be afraid of comets, they bring new forms of life, they irrigate the ground with new forms of life. You lost the forms of life for many years, and now the land is inhabited in a new way, so watch the comet in November and celebrate its appearance.

You have already given her name, but we will not call him, because our and your names are different. Your scientists know that this comet is approaching and that it will bring cloud of cosmic dust with him.

In fact, it disintegrates on a plurality of small particles every time, and this time it will bring cosmic dust to Earth.

Now, your scientists are trying to calculate whether they will be able to see falling dust. They expect this November comet will bring a lot of dust.

This comet will not hit the Earth.

She will not hurt the earth, it will fly at a great distance from the ground, and will fly away the sun around, and spreads the beautiful seeds of life on Earth. You are here at this point in time, dear, in this critical time for all mankind and for the land as a whole.

The land is re-charged with energies, its energy line, magnetic energy lines that form a magnetic lattice, now weaken their strength. The magnetic structures of the earth weakened by 12% over the past 100 years.

It also leads to your awakening from sleep.

It's fine.

Espoo, group


... The release of all energies of the 4th dimension grille occurred.

"The pyramids form a protective shell around the Earth: a network of pyramids around the world formed a shell around the planet, which protects the Earth from special meteorites and comets. This defense was removed deliberately. "

Friends, we - the planet and humanity left the crystal lattice of the 4th dimension of Merkaba, making a shift of consciousness and therefore, the previous protection was removed (all, not only from meteorites).

The crystal mesh moved to the 5th dimension; Multivariance of life forms is provided from there;

Those who moved their consciousness in 4 measurement, rebuilds the relationship in their consciousness with the highest octave and now vital energy gets from a five-dimensional structure.

This means that everyone now moves from collective egregors, which previously reflected strength / light / blessing / secureness - in the individual essence of themselves.

It is here that your personal strength is present, current from your essence!

And protectedness is not collective energy, but individual, it comes from this place.

Do not seek the reflection of God in another person, look for this sacred place in yourself - she, energy of security, inside each of us, and no one will give you anymore.

11. Chakras. The power of life

Chakras - energy points having every color corresponding to all the colors of the rainbow. Like a human aura, composed of all the colors of the rainbow. It is worth thinking about words in the Bible, said after the Flood: Here I believe between us a rainbow as a promise in order not to harm more people. Around our planet multicolored rainbow, around our body - multicolored aura. "In the image and likeness." There is no holiness of both human and planets. It is known that astronauts see the rainbow not as an arc over the planet. And as a hoop. And in the icons, people for some reason paint the Holy Nithe \u200b\u200babove their heads shown. Subconscious memory of the holiness of the planet? But figurative thinking makes it makes it identify the image with familiar objects - like a person. Image - drawing of consciousness.

What is interesting, but intensify the strength concluded in us to harmonize your own body, we can through our chakras, affecting a certain color, sound, pronunciation of letters in sound. Each color and chakra corresponds to its letter. True, we do not know ourselves. We do not raise the level of your consciousness and floundering as a fly in the web of ignorance and delusions generated by the perversions of our own mind that does not allow creating a harmonious world on its own planet - in our common house. Unfortunately, it is worth recognizing that this situation was originally provoked by us, but implemented through the negative energy that came on the planet from the outside. Bible: "Network and loop on you, a resident of the earth", "Spirit of evil, hovering in the air." Would you like to know the truth to become free?

Vedas were drawn up in time immemorial when people were completely different, more virtuous and more resistant. Currently, which is called Kali-Yuga, Epochemus Evil or Demon Cali, people are different, worse than the forefathers. Yes, men at this time really checked. They strive for evil and reject good, finding an insatiable thirst for pleasure. As a result, evil in the world is inevitably increasing, the nation is undermining war against other nations. People fell so low that they are no longer able to understand their fall, can not see the path to salvation.

The female essence is humiliated, that there is the essence of the global world. This intelligent energy expresses its attitude towards us through the prophets in the Bible: "And if they have no maintenance ... then I will leave your children ...". The vital energy of people falls, both falling and sustainability to all negative manifestations of life. Male power increases only through a woman, through its energy that opens through a worthy attitude towards a woman, through unconditional love for her. If a man does not know how to treat a woman, he is in vain she cares his strength, without understanding the energy of life. In this energy - the holiness of a woman, mother, ancestor, the Virgin. Giving birth to god-like people. But who can she give birth to a weak force? And this woman is not guilty. Energy enclosed in a woman can give only one who is worthy of her god-like essence. At this time, most marriages can be considered disharmonious. You, people, do not live, and survive, losing the joy of life. Why? Don't you notice that the gods recognized by you, men, in many religions humiliate women's essence? The laws you are taking follow the same principle. It turns out that you are trusting yourself. Close the source of energy for its own strength. Yes, a woman is not equal to a man - she is above him!

You need to know and remember that the more we use vital energy, it will be less than life potential in the following embodiments. Such is the program. If there is no vital energy, then there is no joy of life.

Now imagine how much of this initial energy did you spend in former incarnations? Some mindlessly torn it on empty. Someone used it for knowledge, reducing his life. Such is the knowledge fee. If knowledge was for the benefit of people, the work of such scientists, researchers are a feat of the soul.

Energy aimed at the creation of good, returns to the "Living Cell"

(In its "matrix") in the new embodiment of ten times more. The remaining cells are destabilized if the accumulated negative "rolls". So do not live in one day, think at least a little about the future.

We did not know these laws, we did not know any measures. Is it because at this time, ours, our spirit is so weak? The weak spirit can not protect the soul from the arbitrariness of the mind. This leads to the disharmony of the life of the people themselves. Moreover, some stars of the galaxy "feed on" the energy produced. The arbitrariness, creating them above humanity, will be terminated as soon as you prove your consistency as a type of life. When you are truly worthy of people who can be proud of. Then the Holy Spirit of mankind will get off his knees. And it will raise all the peoples from the knees. What is the Holy Spirit? This energy is positive, energy accumulated in the space of the planet, and affecting people. If it is more - a person becomes stronger, independent. But the presence of negative energy, which is much more, inhibits this by the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ from the face of all people of the planet exclaimed: "Milicness I want, not the victim!". But he was not heard with the "gods" nor people. I say: "I want justice!". I wish all my heart so that justice and conscience reign in our world. Knowledge and directions, data in my books - the path to the new world for all of us.

The perversion of the mind is perverted by the very essence of life. A variety of rites, magical rituals, and sometimes secret drunkenness and orgies, covered by mystical fog, were awkwardly around the main provisions of the Tatr for the Millennium. Exagination has exhausted sound thoughts. And, notice, it is happening in any of the religions. External, fetached, hides true meaning, essence, idea. Therefore, we have what we have. Gorky, insulting for humanity. Why do you need secrets and sacraments? Why are you afraid of each other? You are one family, you are residents of one house - our planet. Who and what pushes you on the distribution? Where fear, there is no secrets - there is a revival, there is a new birthday! And the new world will become the old world, in harmony living! I am part of you! And I am only here! We have a body.

The person is the one who knew the essence of his (soul, energy from which weaves), who developed himself in knowledge, having received the knowledge of who raised the level of his consciousness through knowledge and applied him in his life, who seeks to harmony and creates her Being just who conveys this knowledge to their descendants. In this sense, the goal, and the justification of the life of a person. So we return ourselves to the original. In chastity and cleanliness, dobryraviya and unconscious, justice and honesty, responsibility and purposefulness to improve their world for the sake of harmonious coexistence wisdom of our world. "I am looking for a man!" - Diogen said, walking through the streets of the city with a lit candle. Darkness consciousness. Backward mind in the old century. And now?

I am looking for a man!

Hope on God - what is not stupid fault?

Misconceptions - darkness blossoms bloomed.

Like a desert - ignorance. As in the desert Mirage -

In the path of death took us.

In the age of progress ignorance of past centuries

Decrace yourself and double-strength

Create your world, without unnecessary shackles -

The world of good, peace for everyone, peace for the world.

Only in unity we are power!

Diogenes of the Cup of the White Day

Questioned: "I am looking for a man!"

I carry it to you, giving

The light of the truth of this world,

The light of the truth of this century,

To wake a person in you.

12. People-crystals

The concept of primary - crystal is preserved in the ancient memory of people. As you know, each stone has its own energy. What is it going from? These stones are formed by chemical interaction, thermal impact, conditions, etc. from substances that make up the planet itself. Billions of years of existence, billions of human beings left behind a "live cage", which can be enclosed in a crystal. What do the crystals mean in this case are in the sacred stups in Tibet? Different forms of life - Different crystals?

Crystals are one of the forms of continuing the existence of the immortal part of the outerness - "live cells". Crystal Truth, crashed into fragments. People are crystals. As in the sense that we are the implementation of everything that is in outer space and in the materiality of the earth. Crystals, different in their embodiment, carrying different energy in 12 versions. Is it not the meaning of the cube of Jerusalem from 12 stones? 12 gates - 12 ways to achieve harmony, pearls, meaning for longevity, prosperity, happiness? About this in the book the moment of truth. For the crystal there is no concept of time. Straight. Eternity. Imagine if on the scale of the space system, the universe is a single process, then on our planet - numerous! As "Sleep of God": Crystal - then an explosion, fire, movement, formation of galaxies, starry systems, the creation of sweeps. Phoenix, revived from the ash. "Sleep", which is ongoing many billions of years.

And the person has this dream - a plural number of times for his life. Plus to this - the ability to create your own world many times: the family is to continue in the descendants of its own, to build a house (its universe), not even once. And we are free in your choice! Is it not a miracle? I do not cease to be surprised!

DNA (the creation of the State and Mos) is similar to the wriggling snake, the spine in its structure is similar to the snake (each department of the spine "answers" for certain organs of the body; if the nerve endings occur - the limbs will suffer; if the infringement of blood vessels will suffer, the internal organs will suffer) . The intestines (our microcosm) in us is like a snake manifest (if we are too clogged with food, it, starting to decompose, poisoning the body, stimulates the deposition of salts in the spine, which leads to infringement), spermatozoa looks like a snake (but the female egg is perfectly row - as a planet). But not everything is good, as it seems. Fertilizing the egg, he begins to grow in the lane of a woman, feeding her practically. Not from the sky, these 3 - 5 kilograms of a new creature are falling! A woman gives itself to the continuation of your kind. How not to appreciate this gift? "Know yourself - and you know the universe!". We are a prototype of everything! At once, two minds - in our brain, one of the gods in the heart of love, "Angel" - the soul in us, even the conditional immortality in the human body is concluded in the "Living Cell"! By the way, in the form of a snake. The divine particle of a person is in each of its cage, it is a DNA molecule. If the cosmos itself is a single cell, then in man - these cells are millions!

Do not think about external. Think about the qualities of your soul.

The external itself will take place if the nuggets of gold are sprinkled inside you

coloring the gold color of the illusion of your aura.


The origins of indigo

According to metaphysics, the first children of Indigo, or rather, their forerunner began to appear in the 1940s and 1940s, in the military and postwar years of World War II. The world as if he began to understand that he was one, and the main task of humanity is its preservation. There were signs of rapprochement of the East and the West, so much time formerly fenced and only observed by each other. Western technologies began to take place in the East, and Eastern philosophies came to the West. Wide spread began to receive yogistic and other oriental practices. Then the amount and volume of channeling information increased. To the most significant information of the period of time, among many others, it is still possible to attribute unscredited Edgar Casey and entering the printed book of "Urantia".

Energotype of these generations paved the path for the next, more decorated, waves of new children in the 70s and 1980s, which became noticeable everywhere in all countries. This wave is called the first. The rapid progress of technology, the accelerated process of awareness of global issues was the contribution of Indigo of the time. The people of the first wave of Indigo have now become adults, exchanged the second and third decades, they entered the main stream of public life and began to make real changes to it.

Indigo continued to incarnate in subsequent years, but in the 90s, crystalline children began to appear when the crystal lattice was initiated to activation, and the electromagnetic lattice continued to decontamination. If the activation of the crystal lattice did not happen, the crystalline generation biophism could not be supported, and the energy report could not be formed.

In 2003, an event occurred, known as "Harmonic Concordants", which meant the reorientation of humanity to the transition to a new lattice. New energies have a very strong impact, for many types of life, it can be injured, because the point of the mood of these energies is different from the energies of the magnetic property and is aimed at opening a cardiac chakra, which was mostly in a "sleepy", not activated state. The magnetic lattice energy was maintained by lower three chakras. The differentiation of the maintained energies and energy rays is explained by the difference between the color auras of indigo and crystals.

In esoteric sense, we can say that Crystal children present the next stage in human development, started by the children of Indigo. The mission of crystals is to complete the energy work laid by Indigo. Indigo affiliation to systems of a deactivating electromagnetic lattice determines their mission - to dismantle and remove the old and leaving processes of consciousness and change physiology. The purpose of crystals - together with the activation of crystalline energies, initiate the process of resuming and restoring energy-bio-forms and social reorganization.

Indigo shows and give way likebreak out of limiting and repressive systems of thoughts and beliefs based on management and strength, and replace these systems to new principles based on the energies of love and unity in the world order. Thanks to Indigo, a grandiose breakthrough in technologies and intellectual development was achieved. According to the encyclopedia of the "Briton", humanity of modern civilization were accumulated, approximately the following knowledge, broken fractally:

The period of 0 - 15 centuries is equivalentperiod of 15-19 centuries,

the period of 15-19 centuries equalcenseperiod 19th century - mid-twentieth century ( 1950s),

period 19th century - mid-twentieth century equalcenseperiod 1950s - 1980s,

period 1950s - 1980s equalcenseperiod 1980s - 2000.

That is, the 15th centuries are equal to 20 years of modern time. This, of course, we owe Indigo.

Interestingly, the Peoples of Maya had their ideas about times, independent, of course, from "British". "The Great" year they called a period of time consisting of25,626.83 years. "Great" year, in turn, was divided into 5 periods, each of which was obtained equal5125.36. For Maya.The "Great" year did not correlate with the twelve signs of the zodiac, and the world in which we now live, they called the "fourth world." But,The "fourth world", according to the peoples of Maya, should be completed and go to the "fifth world" everything in the same year (2).

Mathematics for peoples Maya served numerology based on numbers 5, 10 and 20.

3113BC-2012ad The period of the 4th world, according to Maya 5125 years old
1500-2012AD. American period (since the opening) 5125 years old
1961-2012AD. Photon belt (entrance to the photon belt) 5125 years old

2007-2012AD. Shift Earth Poles 5123 years

As can be seen from the table, each subsequent period is 10 times shorter, but also 10 times more intense, being filled with various significant and insignificant events and accomplishments.

The last 512.5 years equal to the entire period of the 4th world.

The last period at 51.25 is 100 times more intense than the entire period of the 4th world and 10 times more intense than the modern era of the New World Americas.

The last 5.125-year period will (and, it seems that it is, it is 1000 times more intense than the entire period of the 4th world, 100 times more intense than modern era of "New World Americas" and 10 times more intense than the entry period in the photon belt. It remains hoping that I will pass the ransom.

Such intensive periods of the Earth, of course, need strong and prepared representatives of the human race, ready to stand at the moments of changing quantum transitions.

Crystals show how to open the forces of love and skip them through the opening heart chakra, or the sacred heart, and take the energy of the new lattice. During the time, we will understand that children are taught how to proclaim a high primordial beginning of a human spiritual, free from the influence of the past, to revive tolerance, kindness and self-relief, and see wonders of creation as a normal phenomenon. Crystals - the continuation of indigo, without the energy of Indigo, the appearance of crystals would be impossible in our process of evolution. Indigo - peak of the evolution of the modern world, Crystals - Proprietary new planet.

A little more about crystalline children

The Indigo was written a lot and published books, knowledge of crystals is only beginning (1, 3, 4). Let's give the last more attention.

Crystal children are born in families where the child is a long-awaited and priceless gift for parents. Often parents can be indigorated adults, or in the family there is already a senior indigo child. In this case, magnetic and cristical energies are balanced and complementary, children and parents simply find a common language, the world and love rules in the house.

Crystals are born by large babies, the weight of which exceeds the standard, with head, enlarged in size in the proportion to the parts of the body. When describing children, they always mention their eyes, large, with an atypical look at the infant. Children from infancy can look into the eyes of parents and surrounding for a long period of time, not blinking, and so insightful that it confuses adults. It seems that they are "reading you", feel, feel.

In the maternity hospitals, such children are easily distinguished, the child rarely cries, but inspects the space around, as if trying to comprehend, where he, and what happens to him. "Here is another crystalline," the nurses say. Or, more often - "Another Indigo," because there are few crystals, but Indigo is being born now fashionable.

From early, children are extremely sensitive. Years up to four or five are very attached to the mother, looking for support, protection and support in an unfamiliar for them. For them, this is the first embodiment on Earth, and they need to be certified by stability, which is ensured by the physical presence of the mother. With conflict situations in the family, intense relationships, even if the problems are not taken for everyone to review, the child always feels a disharmony on the subconscious level, and this is very worried. At such moments it becomes a capricious, the suffering of the baby splashes straight from the heart.

When they grow up a little, it will be possible to notice with what love the crystals belong to other children, always trying to help them, do not interrupt their games, calm if someone from kids cry. An animal will be a big friend with which a little man is happily and greatly communicating, believing that he and his friend are in full mutual understanding. Show relief in friendship, so wounded that they may feel guilty of someone's pain, a quarrel, or the care of a person from life.

Also, as we have already noted, children are very sensitive to food. This is not due to the "bad" character, but due to the fact that children have an open connection with nature, their body determines that it is natural, natural, organic, and what artificially created, or contaminated. Allergies are caused by food that is not acceptable for its body. Sometimes adults do not understand why the child refuses to eat. It would seem that all in the house are eating, other children in other families do not refuse, but with our such problem. Lead to a doctor, the doctor does not find anything, writes off the questions of education and disciplines. Meanwhile, the immune system is strong in a small body, it knows exactly what is good for him, and what does not fit.

Environmental sensitivity dictates selectivity to the setting, to the ventilability of the room, air purity. The crystals of naturally genetically "feel" toxins both in food and in the environment. Meat is perceived as a killed animal, so parents do not understand why, suddenly the child becomes a vegetarian. Children also love water, in a set by using it with food, and adore bathing, or just close to the lake, the river, the sea, the ocean. Selectable in clothing, prefer comfortable clothes made of natural fabrics, choose the right and color like them.

Crystals can be a clean healing channel. As natural healers, they have a gift to help people remove blocking and thus activate the healing processes. They do not always realize their healing abilities asto this may scare them and confuse, or bring them a feeling of depression. Since they are unusually sensitive, children can at one time heal only one person. Then they need to be in a quiet place to cleanse their energy system. When working with several people, they can upset their system. Well react to massage or energy impact of anyone who has a balanced energy.

Their inner force at external calm attracts, they sincerely admire, sometimes not understanding where this charm utters, they happen, envy. Most often, children are minor, but when they say, calm and wise, they listens to them. Soviets do not seek, only when they are asked about it.

Crystals from small age categorically do not perceive greed, miserness, cruelty, anger, and "The inhuman attitude of a person to man" seems to be an anachronism. When they face these categories of modern life, then depressed and not react to anything.

But, perhaps, the most difficult vanity characteristic of the crystal is the power, power and power of its nature. The child is always affectionate, open, sparkling, a little simple, becomes an insurmountable stubborn when it concerns his early formative principles. It is impossible to shout on it, it is impossible to talk rudely with him, he will not submit to any orders and persecution until he is explained why anything needs to be done as adults believe. Sometimes children seem to be serene, or even buzzly, but this is due to the fact that they are trying to restrain the manifestation of emotions because of fear of losing control.Respect for a small person is an immutable rule in communications with him. With the failure of these conditions, the powerful energy that the crystal is endowed with a small age will awaken to the fight, of which the parent or teacher will unlikely come out by the winners.

Crystal children also have no real understanding of danger. At the deep level, they know that they are always safe. Such perception gives them a connection with the crystal lattice, and the experience of staying in the physical body is so significant to this energy process that the awareness of the restrictions of the physical form and the possible consequences of the risky act does not find a response in its matrix code. Therefore, adults sometimes find the behavior of children stupid, reckless, or inexplicable even from the point of view of children's logic. And in this case, the only method remains a conversation, a soft conversation. Reproaches, threats, will not be punished.

Meanwhile, endowed with the gift of creation, they will strive to create a reality that will provide them with safety and comfortable self-education. Reality will create in accordance with spiritual laws given by them at the intuitive level. Being peacekeepers and healers from birth, they know what laws are good, and how they work.

To the same extent that they are easily controlled, they can roll powerful hysteries if attempts to change reality do not lead to success. With this use any means, including manipulation, and other tricks of power. The hysteria can also break out if the child feels that the adult, who is with him, is not sincere, is irritable, does not tell the truth, I curse for any occasion. Children feel right away, and their reaction does not make himself wait.

Teenage crystals can close themselves, often living in their inner world. In any case, they are very responsive, soft, bright, carry the energies of love. But sometimes it is hard for them from what they know how to know more, which is given to others. They do not want to demonstrate this, and, as a result, stretch to intragroup communication. Adults sometimes do not know that children are endowed with the properties of telepathy, telekinease, clairvoyance. Intellectualism is appreciated in society, the rest is not taken into account. Therefore, demonstrating their mental talents, children intuitively hide the energy abilities. They are easier to find understanding with im-likes than with people who do not understand their specificity.

The underlying dar of telepathy is just the reason that crystal children do not speak at an early age and are diagnosed with autism. They think that telepathic communication is normal, so everyone communicate, and the conversation is only an app to contact. Ground, begin to see that something is wrong here, without sounds and oral speech, they cannot be understood. According to the program "NTV: inexplicable, but the fact. Genius", only in Russia today there are 50-60 thousand children who communicate telepathically.

Crystal children may also suffer from hyperactivity and attention deficit - ADHD. This happens when powerful energies excited in them do not find themselves applications, TV and creative potentials cannot determine the vector direction of exit. Then, as well as Indigo, these energies are mistakenly redirected on the path of destruction.

Metaphysics say that some children choose not fully incarnate in physical bodies, since most of the energies are kept at higher dimensions and thus they get the opportunity to bind the energy of higher frequencies and the ascension energy in the present 3-dimensional measurement. Their pure connection with their "Higher I" is a good guide and assistant. They are also so injured by the energy limit of the physical body, which is preferred to stay in interdimensionality. The deep knowledge that they have a mission on binding on the land of crystalline energies, which must be performed, is extremely important for them, and is perceived as a need that cannot be avoided. This is not a light energy work, therefore, sometimes, on the physical plan of crystals become tired, irritable and capro. Each child born in the embodiment of the crystal, enhances the crystalline energy on the planet.

Crystal energies are more powerful, but slower and peaceful. The big vibration frequency is achieved, the less physical action is required as such, our daily bustle and constant concern. High energy levels are managed by processes of intention and manifestation, which completely eliminates the need for the rapid race of today's world. Crystals will direct the stream of energies into this slowdown, calm, but powerful direction. For them, it is not for them to join the drama, disassembly of relationships, conflicts. The main principle of their residence is unity in awareness.

Metaphysics also indicate that "CRYS TAL" ( crystal) Very close to the "Christal" (Christian), where the pronunciation in words is the same, but different by writing.Some children come with awareness of communication with the Divine, a single creator, Christ-aware of the energies of love and compassion. These children can talk about the angels, spiritual guides, higher beings, ascended masters.

The integration of indigo and crystalline energies paves the path to the evolution of the human genome. According to esoterics, the next stage is the emergence of children of crystal rainbow, in which all the initial steps laid down by the first two energy of new children will rise another step. It is expected that all chakral centers will be open from the birth, all the spatial spirals of DNA, the symmetry of the brain hemispheres will acquire a complete form. Most likely, children of the crystal rainbow will be able to avoid in the cornition of difficulties with a physical body, due to the increasing volume of new energies. ADHD and autism will go to the past.

The proposed scheme of the comparison of energy is approximate, knowledge will, in all evidence, accumulate, deepen and replenish.




Children of crystal rainbow



1940x -


1980x -



starting from 2010.

Peak manifestation



1990-2010 (2012)


2010 (2012)

Chakral system

6- aya Chakra ("Third Eye"

Additional 5 chakras

Energy of the heart

12 chakra


aura colors


Crystal mattegold,

with R.aznotic pastel shades

All clean,

bright colors Rainbow




4-6 activated spirals

Intermetal assimmetry with the activation of the right hemisphere

Matrix of modern lattice

Weak karmic addiction



Technological orientation

Improved memory, giftedness

Activity over the usual level, ADHD, Telekinosis


Honesty, prymota

Militancy, butgreveling







6-8 activated spirals

Transition to intermetrous symmetry

Transition to a new crystal lattice

Freedom from Karma

Energy of love and compassion

Bright gifts

Unity of humanitarian and technical

Access to Akache

Telepathy, autistic


Trust, openness





Power of nature

Ability to heal

Incarnation memory

Thrust for animals, crystals, minerals, water,

embossibility in food


12 activated




Completion of the transition to the crystal lattice.

Photon energies

Lack of karma

Energy of love and compassion

Bright gifts

Unity of Humanitarian

And technical

Access to Akache

Telepathy, telecision, clairvoyance

High energies

Full truthful


Love, forgiveness,

Full openness

Strong Volia

Life with enthusiasm and azart

The ability to heal

Incarnation memory

Refusal of chemical products

Creationin all areas of activity


Getting rid of the restrictions of the past.

Karmic cleansing. Enhance the vibration of the planet


Crystalline energies.

Transition to 4-5 densities

The next after indigo generations will not need to fight with public paradigms or re-form the structure of the global process. This work will be implemented indigo, which will clear the way to the world and the seeds of the new evolution. The life of subsequent generations will be filled with love based on spiritual ascent both in the world of spiritual and in the world material and physical, will rise to areas where human consciousness will be able to embody into powerful energy capable of changing matter.

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