What are you known to achieve ancient Egyptians. Achievements of the culture of ancient Egypt now I want to tell in detail about Egypt, because in this country there is more than amicable and attractions relatively

How high was the technical development of the ancient Egyptians? It is difficult to answer this question, having such contradictory information: on the one hand, the construction of a pyramid, developed medicine, shipbuilding, and on the other - the absence of an elementary wheel ... How developed different areas of the science of these people from the distant past, who inhabited the banks of the Nile?

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the most incomprehensible and most famous achievement of the ancient Egyptian civilization was the construction of a pyramid.

Great pyramid today.
Photo: Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images

Even modern scientists will argue about the appointment of these majestic structures. Could people who inhabited the banks of the Nile 5 thousand years ago and who used in construction simple levers and ramps, build them? Why in more ancient times of the Egyptian civilization were built large in size and more correct proportions of the pyramid? Why in time they did not develop, but, on the contrary, became less perfect geometrically?

The principle of the lever used by the ancient Egyptians during construction.
Photo: cr / en.wikipedia.org

There are so many speculations around the pyramid that it is difficult to disassemble that the truth is, and that fiction. Turn to the most authoritative sources.

Great Pyramid in Giza, Golden Proportion and Number FI (φ)

Great pyramid and large sphinx in Giza.
Photo: Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images

The relationship between the "golden" number of FI (the number of golden section) and the proportions of the pyramid first described the English writer John Taylor in the middle of the 19th century. According to its calculations, the perimeter of the pyramid, separated by its height, is approximately 2φ. In his book, released in 1859, he puts forward the theory that the pyramid symbolized the Earth, since the height of the pyramid correlated with the radius of the globe, and the perimeter of the pyramid - with the equator.

Later in the 19th century, Taylor's ideas developed Charles Piazza Smith, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh.

Modern American mathematician Ralph Greenberg, Professor of the University of Washington, on the website of this school, writes that the perimeter of the pyramid, separated on its height, gives a fairly accurate number 2φ, and its tilt is 4 / φ, and the level of error does not exceed 0.4%.

It seems unlikely that the ancient Egyptians could know the number FI with their level. An explanation of this may be that the ancient Egyptians enjoyed much easier proportions, which were given almost the same accurate results as modern computing.

According to Greenberg, the "magical ratio" was due to the use of standard simple modules for measuring the length. However, it is interesting that the proportions of the "golden section" were applied only in the Great Pyramid and Pyramids of Heffren and Micheerin, which were built nearby, as well as in the pyramid of Sakhura. In later such structures, the ratio of the height to the side is different.


Sunny Freamer of Heops Long 43.4 meters and up to 5.9 meters wide.

Ancient people who inhabited the banks of the Nile were able to build durable ships for another 3000 BC, but did it in a special way. Thus, the most oldly found in the city of Abidos boats were "sewn" from the boards with belts. And the gaps between the boards plugged the cickens and herbs.

Such boats were narrow, but very long: their length reached 23 meters! And in other ancient-found ancient ships, the boards were attached to each other even with the help of grooves.

Other technical achievements

The irrigation canal in Abu Simbel, preserved since the time of Ancient Egypt.
Photo: David Degner / Getty Images

The Neil River spilled irregularly, and the ancient Egyptians for the cultivation of their crops - wheat, barley and buckwheat - had a permanent irrigation. For these purposes, common irrigation systems were built throughout the ancient Egypt.

In addition, the Egyptians had a pottery circle and made so many ceramics that it was enough not only to ensure their own needs, but also for export.

The process of manufacturing ceramics.

But the wheels people who inhabited the shores of the Nile have not used. They appeared the first chariots during the time of the domination of the ancient nationality of Gixos, who seized power in the country.

The ancient Egyptians mined themselves for the construction and other needs of minerals and ores and even organized long-range expeditions to produce such fossils. They were engaged in the prey of construction and decorative stone, copper, lead ore, gold, emeralds and semi-precious stones, as well as salts. From a special mineral, they did plaster. The sulfur was used to create cosmetic drugs.

And if the ancient Egyptians did not have enough of something, they imported it from abroad: they were established with all their regions. From neighboring countries, gold, tin, copper, lags, aromatic resins, black wood, elephant bone, as well as exotic animals - monkeys and baboons were brought. They exported mainly grain, fabrics, papyrus, glass, stone products and ... Gold again.

home stuff

Judging by the artifacts that have retained for the descendants of the tomb and pyramids, the wealthy ancient Egyptians had a well-established life: they made amazing furniture with legs stylized under the paws of animals, chairs, benches, tables and chests. The interiors were complemented by sculptures, painted ceramics, decorative vases, glass products, which the ancient Egyptians did extremely skillfully. They knew even how to adjust the color and transparency of the material.

They were familiar with the technology of making a faience - glaze of cups of cups, amulets and other products. Fayans Ancient Egyptians perceived as an artificial semi-precious stone.

Ancient Egyptian bed.
Photo: DesignerGirlee.Wordpress.com.

Women had calculations, jewelry of gold, Lyapis, ivory and even meteorite alloys. The ancient Egyptians had several types of board games - Senenet and Mahan, loved also to listen to music. The ancient Egyptian musicians played flutes, harp, pipes, later in the country and drums were delivered. Rich Egyptians were entertained by hunting.

Women's comb.
Photo: Werner Forman / Universal Images Group / Getty Images

The houses of the ancient Egyptians themselves were built of raw bricks, which kept well the temperature. The walls of their premises could be bleached by plaster. Each house had its own small mill - a stone for grinding grain - and a stove for baking bread. The floor was paved with mats, and tapestries could hang on the walls ...

This was the life and life of ancient Egyptians, simple and developed at the same time, people who handed the descendants unique majestic pyramids, but did not give any knowledge about these incomprehensible structures. Many unsolved riddles still store land on the banks of the Nile, on which one of the most ancient famous civilizations originated.

The culture of ancient Egypt is divided into several periods: dodinal old, average, new and later kingdom. And lasts with IV thousand BC. - the time of formation and centralization of management in the state, up to the 30s BC. - The reign of the last Pharaoh from the genus Ptolemyev () and the conquest of the Roman Empire, headed by August (Octavian) - the descendant of Julia Caesar. During the existence of the world civilization, many revolutionary discoveries were made, the results of which we use and these days.

1. Achievements of Egypt in Mathematics and Astronomy

The first mathematical studies were made in Egypt. Residents of the Nile Delta invented a decimal calculus system, able to share and multiply. The meaning of PI, which was based on the basis of the proportions of the Great Pyramid of Heops and the tomb of other pharaohs. Egyptians knew how to determine the area and volume.

The main achievements of ancient Egypt were made in astronomy. In next with the modern city, Luxor was found the first zodiacal circle into the world. Its original is kept in the Louvre Museum in Paris, tourists can see the exact gypsum copy in Egypt.

Also in Egypt, several ancient zodiacal cards were discovered. It was known that the life cycle of Sirius is 1460 years old, and Mars and Venus have certain phases.

The Egyptians invented the first calendar. Calculate the number of months, and then and then days a year helped them harvest fees, which depended on the seasonal spill of the Nile. After conquest, Rome was assigned the right to discovery. One of the months was named after Julia Caesar - "July".

Zodiac, temple denders. Louvre, Paris.

2. Achieve an ancient Egypt in medicine

Thanks to archaeological finds, it became known that the higher spiritual persons of the state - priests, had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe human anatomy. They owned perfect technologies for the most complex operations, which have become available more recently: the trepanation of the skull, amputation, eye operations. Treatment and oil treatment was widely used, special attention was paid to sports.

The prototype of modern chemical ampicillin for the treatment of infectious diseases was invented in Egypt. The discovery occurred simply: breadpage over time was covered with mold. She was applied to the inflamed place and after a while the wound was delayed. The composition of ampicillin was studied only in the middle of the XX century.

Egyptian doctors served with the courts of the kings of neighboring states. In the most famous physician, Egyptian Dudzhhorrent was becoming.

3. The emergence of writing in ancient Egypt

The Egyptians invented the material for writing historical chronicle - Papyrus. It was made from the lotus stems, which grown on the banks of the Nile. The technology of preparation of material for writing was brought to perfection: some sheets with invaluable information are in excellent condition today. The text on them is freely reading, pictures are well distinguishable. Knowledge, reported in papyrus, are the basis for obtaining information about the cultural past ancient civilization and member states. They contained encyclopedic information and first geographical maps reflecting the submission of Egyptians about the location of neighboring empires. On one of them depicts the route of the Faracon Army around Continent Africa.

Papyrins of ancient Egypt

4. Achievements in the construction of Egypt

The best monuments of architecture ancient civilization were built from ideological purposes. They demonstrated an unlimited power of immortal pharaohs. A distinctive feature of the buildings of ancient Egypt was greatness, monumentality and massiveness.

Before the construction of the Eiffel Tower in 1889, Hefren's Pyramid was considered the highest structure in the world. Large Sphinx and Hopeca's burial complex on the Plateau Giza are the last surviving miracle of the world from seven. By other impressive architectural monuments, the Temple of Ramses II in Abu-Simbel, the tombs of Abidos, on the territory of the ancient capital of FIV.

5. Religion of the ancient Egyptians

The origin of civilization marked the occurrence of the era of polyterism in combination with the abundance of female kuts to worship. They held in the hierarchy of idols the highest place: Isis (Isis), Hathor (Hortor, Dender).

In their honor, whole temple complexes were built: the temple of denders in Luxor, in Aswan. They worshiped and brought gifts ordinary citizens, uttering prayers about the reeling of the Nile and a good crop. In their honor they made rites of sacrifice and Pharaohs, whose power was sidewrd to the derogation and sent to the favor of the favorables of celestial. Also, in the image of the sculptures of regililation figures, the features of the animal of the world were used. Some kings called themselves their names like the rulers of zero dynasties, crocodile, falcon.

At the last stage of the existence of an ancient Egyptian state for religious representations, the features of monotheism (the reform of the Pharaoh Ehnaton) were characterized. A special place during the traditional rituals was given to a condemnant cult. How to read prayers and carry out the process of mummifying was known only to the clergy - the priests dedicated to all the secrets of traveling to the other world. Texts of spells with drawings were later combined in, drawn on the walls of the tomb of the Great Pharaohs.

Special attention was paid to the balsaming of the body after death. Mummy wives, children (the first Egyptian dynasties) and even pets were placed in the tomb with the dead. In the special hall, furnishings and stocks of products and gold were kept, whose volume depended on the master's prosperity. Compliance with all the requirements of the burial required significant material and time costs. Not every citizen could afford this procedure.

Literature of ancient Egypt

In the ancient Egyptian papyrus and rock paintings, not only the texts of religious subjects were depicted, but also the scenes from the daily life and government management. Various genres were used: teaching, biography, fairy tale, humorous and even satirical historical studies.

The ancient Egyptians were not to joke and composed entire agendas, ridiculeling the control system. The most famous works were the "Song of the Arfist", "Sinauchet's story", "Conversation disappointed with his soul. In the understanding of the culture of the ancient Egyptians, obeliski played great importance to which hieroglyphs were applied with the descriptions of military campaigns, the lives of ordinary Egyptians, the achievements of pharaohs.

The basis of the culture of ancient Egypt was the following postulates that were reflected in the literature:

  1. Elimination of justice, high moral principles. Fear of torment in the past world after death. With weights, on one bowl of which are the good deeds, to another - the sins of a person.
  2. Elements of the manifestation of the collective mind. Displacement of the traits of a civilized society and primitive.
  3. The desire for the knowledge of the surrounding world, rationalism. Strict hierarchical ties in culture and science.
  4. Traditionality, honors of religious cults of ancestors.

The chief symbol of the ancient Egyptian culture was the figure of the sphinx connecting the features of a person and an animal.

The merits of the architect Egypt Imhemepa

The most outstanding achievements of ancient Egypt were created thanks to the knowledge of the approximate of the yard of the architecture and. An official sometimes mistakenly assigned the status of Pharaoh. Its merit includes the development of a scheme and calculations for the construction of the Heopse pyramid. He suggested the most correct model of the inclination of the structure, which ensured its stability.

Due to non-compliance with the proportions, the ancient complexes located in the Sakcar necropolis near Giza are in an extremely deplorable state. Many of them are completely destroyed and pour stones. Esoterists, arguing that the pyramids became the result of the work of extraterrestrial civilizations, suggested that great knowledge was reported to IMHOTEP in alien creatures.

Video writing and religion of ancient Egypt

Egypt gives us the most vivid example of the stage of becoming an ancient Eastern culture, where practical achievements and the development of pragmatically-oriented rationality are combined with the fundamental role of feelings and images that have been inherited from the primitive myth.

The origins of Egyptian culture lie in ancient times. Chronologically the history of ancient Egypt is divided into:

    Ancient kingdom: 3197-2160. BC e.

    The average kingdom: 2160-1580. BC e.

    New Kingdom: 1580-1,100. BC e.

    Late period: 1100 before and. e. - 395 g. e.

In the III millennium BC. e. The lower, middle and upper Egypt, which presented three independent states, were united. From this event, the development of the culture and history of ancient Egypt begins.

In the last period, Egypt loses its power, and other nations are gradually conquered: Persians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantine. In Early Middle Ages, Islam penetrates into Egypt.

Geographical position

Ancient Egyptian state originated along the River Nile, in the north of Africa. Its location was determined by the fertility of climbing soils formed by the spills of the Nile, and the ability to receive several yields per year. This geographical and climatic factor played a decisive role in Egypt's economic and political development.

Administrative division into nomes (agricultural communities), which were ruled by nomarhi, made it possible to ensure clear management of the country.

Features of the worldview

Social device. The scheme of the social device resembles a pyramid: the vertex was held by Pharaoh (king), focused on all the forms of power in one person. Behind him - priests, ministers, warlords, nomarhi. The next, lower level was occupied by scribes, tax collectors that control the execution of laws. The step below is the peasants, even lower - artisans, merchants. At the foot of the pyramids - slaves who did not have any rights. Rows of slaves were replenished with prisoners of war: Egypt led conquering wars.

More than three thousand years, the Egyptian state was the most powerful for his time. The strong state power, an established management system, made by the legislation, high culture of agriculture, the development of science and a huge role of religion in the life of the Egyptians (the very religious people in the history of the ancient world).


Ancient Egypt is considered a classic worship country to gods in the form of animals. In addition to the NosjiPetsky, each group of people had their own local sacred animals. Egyptian gods had a harsh, "animal" appearance and were to be frightened, to force to be afraid, obey and worship.

The gods in the image of ancient Egyptians are creatures with the human body and animal heads, their divinity here is depicted through the images of the creatures inhabiting the sacred nature.

The most common ancient Egyptian cults are the cult of animals, the cult of Nile, the cult of Pharaoh, the cult of the Sun, the cult of the dead (clutter cult), the cult of Osiris (the cult of nature).

The cult of animals is the most ancient. The most popular gods animals are a crocodile, a cat, bull, snake, cow, scarab beetle. In all periods of its history, an ancient Egypt preferred a solar cult (the cult of the Sun) associated with the worship of the Sun (RA) and the deification of Pharaoh. The God of Amon is the patron saint of Pharaohs - symbolized their divine origin from the Republic of Armenia, and the connection of two deities in one (amone) argued the identity of the Sun and the Supreme Ruler.

On the Pantheon of the main gods can be classified as Osiris, the God of the dead, the cult of which personified the worship of the dying and ever reborn nature. With this cult is associated with the worship of Isis (the goddess of fertility), her son Mountain and Touot (God of wisdom). Their antipode was God evil - Seth.

One of the features of the ancient Egyptian beliefs, determined by the character of the ancient Egyptian art, is a clock cult, which is based on the faith in the afterlife and immortality of the soul ("Ba") and its patron ("ka"). According to Egyptians, a person consists of two elements - the material (body) and the spiritual ("ka" and "ba"), after the death of the soul leaves the body through his eyes and the court of Osiris is waiting for it. The soul of a sinner must be given to the confusion of the monster with a crocodile head and a dog's body. The soul of the righteous is caked by eternal life, for which she needs an external shell. The consequence of these ideas is embalmed (the manufacture of mummies). Mumia could replace the statue - an accurate copy of the deceased. The clock cult led to the development of chemistry, medicine (surgery), the art of a sculptural portrait.

Most of the rites of ancient Egypt were associated with the Nile - the source of the prosperity of the state. Holidays in honor of the Nile were important state agricultural holidays, such as the holiday of the first furrow or the beginning of the harvest. At the occurrence of the spill time, Nile Pharaoh threw a Papyrus to the river with an order about the beginning of the spill, he also started the plowing, cut off the first sheaf of the new harvest.

Thus, the religious system of Egyptians with a developed cult of gods and the dead, steady and conservative, fastened all the manifestations of culture, art, science in a single ideological monolith.

Ancient Egypt is one of the first states on Earth, located in Northeast Africa, in the lower course of the Nile River. Natural conditions are a significant factor in the development of this civilization. It is known that in the Nile Valley, the harvest Egyptians were collected twice a year. About 3 thousand BC. In Egypt, there was already a state. The level of culture of ancient Egypt is evidenced by the pyramids and a developed irrigation system. The pyramids were a tribute to the sun, the channels are a tribute to Nile. One of the noteworthy phenomena of Egyptian antiquity is the sphinxes - fantastic creatures from the head of Pharaoh and the body of a lion, personified the unity of man and nature, wisdom, mystery and strength of the Egyptian ruler. Writing and counting case were developed for another 3000 years BC. The name of the person was believed to have his soul from Egyptians, they believed in the immortality of the soul, in the afterlife. That is why Pharaohs (the living like of the Sun with the eternal soul) - the ancient Egyptian kings, the construction of the pyramids began during his lifetime - their tomb. The desire for immortality gave rise to a funeral cult, in this regard, the development of embarrassment was developed in Egypt, the art of making mummies.
The ancient Greeks called the Egyptians the wisest people. The achievements of the culture of ancient Egypt are really significant: papyrus, monumental stone architecture, pyramids, sculptural portrait, knowledge in astronomy, medicine and mathematics.
Sumero-Akkada civilization is ancient on earth. The population lived on the territory of the Valley of the Tiger River and Euphrates (the entire valley was called Mesopotamia or Twire). In IV - III thousand BC. Here, the highest culture arose: Sumer - Akkad - Babylonia - Assyria - Iran. They stirred, fought with each other, they were erected by cities, created the highest culture.
It is the Sumerians that are the attachments of the entire Babylonian culture. Their achievements are great and indisputable: they wrote the first Ellogia, compiled a library directory. Sumerians were the first authors of medical books - recipe collections, they developed and recorded the first agriculture calendar, left the first information about protective plantations. Even the Sumerians also recorded the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the first in the history of the fish reserve in writing. The first string musical instruments - Lira and Harp - also appeared at the Sumerians.
Sumerum belongs to the oldest writing on Earth. She arose in the middle of the IV century. BC. And he was wedge-shaped invasses, squeezed on raw clay signs. Over time, the carts from the drawings and images became more and more symbolic. The first sample of the literary work of human society, which has come down to us thanks to the clinopy, "the legend of Hilgame-She", the king of the city of Uruk.
Ancient Sumerian civilization was replaced by Babylonia (II century BC). Since that time, Babylon (the word "Babylon" translates as the "gate of God") during almost two thousand years remained the economic and cultural center of the whole ancient world. The city of Babylon joined under its primacy all areas of the two-frequenses valley. The Old Vendor Kingdom reached the highest heyday at the Kama Hammurapi Tsar (1792-1750 BC) - experienced commander, politics and legislative. In Babylon, there was his set of rules - the laws of Hammurapi, recorded by Rock saw on a 2-meter clay pillar. In these laws, economic life, morals, life, the worldview of the ancient inhabitants of the two frequencies were reflected. The Supreme Deity of the Babylonian Pantheon was Marduk, he was the patron of the city of Babylon. Seven major astral gods served as the basis of a modern seven-day week. Babylon was a huge and noisy eastern city. He was surrounded by a powerful, thick wall, on which two chariots could freely dispense. There were 24 prospectuses in the city. The attractions were the hanging gardens of the Semiramid, the Assyrian Queen - one of the seven wonders of the world.
In the middle of the 3th millennium BC In the northern two-frequency, the state of Assyria was formed. It was distinguished by the extremely Militarist spirit, and the Assyrian lords hit the whole of the ancient East of their thirst for power and unheard of cruelty. Assyrian art is performed by Paphos of Power, it glorified the victory of conquerors, gave unparalleled for world art image of royal cruelty, and made without a shadow of pity or regret. This indicates the cruelty of the morals of Assyrian society, its low religiosity.

List of the greatest achievements of ancient Egypt.

Do you know that the ancient Egyptians were very developed for their era by the people who presented the world a huge amount of inventions, buildings and knowledge. It is about them that will be discussed in this article.

The Pyramid of Cheops

The most important achievement of the ancient Egyptians is considered to build the famous peyramid of Heops (Hufu). The height of this pyramid reached 146 meters, now it is somewhat lower, but still it is a massive construction that deserves admiration. The pyramid consisted of an incredibly large number of marble blocks of rectangular shape. The average weight of one such block fits 2, 5 tons, but there are and much more heavy stones, the hardest weighs 35 tons. Amazing Egyptian technologies helped build this brilliant structure.
However, now, among some number of people, there is an opinion that the Egyptians could not build a similar structure, since they simply did not have the technologies for this. But studies have shown that they still possess such technologies.
Now the pyramid of Heops is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. But the most important thing is that this is the only miracle of the world that survived to the present day.
Suggested the Egyptians and in the construction of ships. They made ships from ordinary boards pulled by belts. And between the boards they placed grass or reed, so that there were no cracks where the water was supplied. Such ships were very light and very long. The construction of such ships was rather fast, and they were durable for nail swimming and for drainage swimming around the coast of Egypt.

Irrigation system

One of the most unique achievements of Egyptians is Abu Simbel's irrigation canal. Since the powerful Egyptian River - Neal, spilled irregularly, they needed a constant source of water and mule, in order to grow a rich amount of wheat, barley and other cultures. To preserve the harvest, it was decided to break through a large number of channels for which water ran from Nile. Thus, the Egyptians could grow plants of various cultures throughout the year.

Quality ceramics

Boas the Egyptians and the production of high-quality ceramics. Thanks to the pottery circle, they could produce a huge number of excellent products from ceramics. The number of such products was so much that they were used not only in their own needs, but also a large number of ceramics products was aimed at exporting to other states.

Achievements in mathematics

As now it is known, the Egyptians were very talented mathematicians and skillfully used these knowledge in their lives. Residents of ancient Egypt could not only dodate and separate, but share and multiply.
However, the most important thing was that they could determine the area and volume. And this was played a key factor in the construction of Egyptian pyramids, including during the construction of the famous Peyramid of Heops.

Calendar invention

The ancient Egyptians were the people who were the first to invent a calendar. They calculated the number of months and days of the Egyptians using the dating of the Nile spill, as well as during the harvest season.
Interestingly, after the conquest of Egypt, the Roman Empire, the Romans assigned it open. Julius Caesar was the man who seized Egypt and in his honor was called one of the months of the year - July. Thousands of years ago, such a simple seemed to be the invention, without which we could not imagine our lives.

Medicine in Egypt

As shown by the latest archaeological finds, the Egyptians have understood something in medicine and had large knowledge of human anatomy. They could accomplish such complex operations as the trepanation of the skull, the operations in the eyes, the amputation of the limbs and so on. They treated the truth with various oils and herbs. From serious illness, they, of course, did not help, but the weak birth could overcome, and they were an excellent tool in prevention.
They also came up with the first antibiotics. Bread, if a long time is covered with mold and putting this mold to the wound, the Egyptians disinfect them, and they were faster themselves.

Papyrus invention

Previously, people could write only on solid surfaces, like clay vests or walls, but the Egyptians were invented by the prototype of paper - papyrus. He was made from the stalks of Lotus, and he would be very strong, which allowed the millennium to be kept. Even now, the inscriptions on the papyrus have a great condition and can be read without problems, unless of course you know ancient Egyptian language.
These are the Egyptians. As you can see, based on the above, it is written to conclude that the Egyptians were a very developed people, even for our time. They made a huge contribution to the development of many sciences, and we use their data and achievements.
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