Who was the Minister of Defense after Yazov. Yazov Dmitry Timofeevich - the last Soviet marshal

It is not for nothing that they say: "Do not renounce your wallet and prison." It is unlikely that someone purposefully wants to get to places "not so remote", but, unfortunately, this sometimes happens. A former prisoner from Chernigov who was released a month ago, 25-year-old Andriy Martynenko, told the journalists of the Internet portal about the order and manners behind the barbed wire.

Andrey, how did you end up in jail?
A classmate came to me. He said that he was offended by his stepfather, who drunk deeply and made scandals. We met with friends and offered to teach my stepfather a lesson. There were three of us. But my classmate did not agree to this option. Then I offered to steal his scooter from my stepfather in order to somehow "annoy" him. This idea was supported by all.
He also gave the keys to the gate and the garage, and the three of us stole a scooter. One of his comrades took him to his garage, and then tried to sell it. He didn't tell us anything about it. But the police caught him while trying to sell, "pressed" and he turned all the arrows at me.
When I was already at the police station, I did not deny anything. And there was no point. I agreed with the police that I would tell you how it all happened, but on condition that the accomplices were not touched. Well, firstly, it’s not typical for decent people to hand over his own people, and secondly, he didn’t start pulling after himself, because a group crime would have been given a longer sentence.
As a result, the court announced a term of 3.5 years under Article 185 of the Criminal Code.

How did you feel when you arrived at the detention center? Where did you serve your sentence?
There were no particular emotions. No fear, no excitement. I already talked with the former inmates, so I approximately understood what awaited me and how I should behave.
At first he spent several months in the Chernihiv Central, then transferred to Sumy.
When already on the spot in the camp they were assigned to a cell, they came to me and said that the “overseer” wanted to talk to me. The overseer asked if there were any bad deeds behind me. (In the original it reads: "Is there a nasty or a damn thing behind you?"). "Fucking" - he betrayed someone, laid him (for example, during a joint crime, when he was caught - he laid a friend). “Disgusting” - you live decent, but in fact you are not decent (for example, you kept silent that you were a homosexual).

How many people are in the cell?
There are many barracks with "khatami" (cells) in the prison. "Huts" for 4,8,10,15 people. There are different barges. With workers, thieves, etc. If a prisoner wants to work, then he is sent to a barrack with workers. If there is no desire to work (no one forces you to work), then in some other.
I first went to the workers. It was there for a year, glued the bottom in bags. You can work as long as you want. You can work from 9 am to 12 am. But they pay very little. For one sealed bag - 2 kopecks. If you manage to earn money for a pack of cigarettes for 5-6 hryvnias per day, that is good.

Tell us about the hierarchy of prisoners in places of deprivation of will. What is the relationship to each of the castes?

The highest suit is “thieves”. The most authoritative prisoners. Many people know them in prison, city, country. They solve serious matters, they can resolve conflicts, keep the common fund, etc. The thieves live "by their notions", usually they even take pride in being sent to prison. Since you can climb the hierarchical ladder of thieves only if you have a deadline. For them, the prison is a familiar place.
"Guys" is a respectable suit among prisoners. A man is one who lives decently, mostly people who went to prison for the first time and by accident. For example, he killed someone in the moment of self-defense. Or he committed some crime out of stupidity or intoxicated. To be a man, you just need to be a decent person. Do not commit actions that are prohibited and do not have bad deeds behind your back.
"Shnyri". These are those behind whom there are bad deeds. Somewhere he handed over someone, somewhere he snitched, etc. They do not do business with the "snipers". You can talk to them, but you can't fix it, take a cigarette or something else from the snout.
The "omitted" are the lowest caste in prison. They have their own cell, they do not go anywhere except to the "dalnyak" (toilet), and do not touch anything. When an ordinary prisoner goes along the continuation, then the lowered one must stand under the wall so as not to accidentally touch the prisoner. They do the dirtiest work, flush the toilet after others, clean the closets, etc. Everything that is shown in films about the rape of prisoners and the like - for a long time forgotten history... Now there is no such thing.

How are those who are guilty punished? For example, those who could not pay off their card debt.
It happens that they are lost at cards. In this case, if there is nothing to pay with, some take the risk and steal from their own. When a "rat" is found, he is taken to the cells and the prisoners beat him on the fingers and hands with a stool or similar things. Naturally, this can no longer be called a "man".
They can "put on balls" such an owed person. This means that a person will constantly stand at the door and look through the peephole, watch if the police are coming. This is necessary in order to have time to hide all prohibited items in the event of an unplanned check.
There are times when "men" were played at cards. And there was no opportunity to repay the debt. So, in order not to spoil a person's life, the thieves paid off the debt of the "muzhik". Then he was “banned” from playing.
If it was not possible to pay off the debt within the agreed time frame (the deadline for repaying the debt is negotiated before the game), then you can lose your status as a "man".
30% of the game goes to the common fund.

What is the daily routine in prison? What about nutrition?
Wake up at 6 am. About 15 minutes are given to wash and tidy up. Then everyone goes out, for 5-10 minutes, outside to breathe fresh air, after which everyone goes back to the barracks. And then everyone does whatever they want.
There are about 100 people in the barracks. There are several cells in which the prisoners are kept. The cameras are open, you can walk to others, communicate. You can even go out on the street without permission.
They are fed 3 times a day. 8:30, 14:00, 18:00. Time for food is 15 minutes. They were fed various cereals, potatoes, meat was rarely given. In general, food for the prison is brought in in sufficient quantities and of normal quality, but everything is taken by the people who work in the kitchen. It is quite possible to buy this food or exchange it for something. For example, a pack of cigarettes can be exchanged for a can of canned meat. That can of stew, which is intended for prisoners and is muddied by the administration staff.
In the common barrack there is a tile on which you can cook food. Food is prepared from products that are passed on by relatives or friends.
The food that is transferred is kept in refrigerators. There are such refrigerators that not every home has one.

Were there any extreme cases during the detention period?
Yes they were. The caretaker was killed. Everyone went to dinner, and when they returned, the caretaker was already dead. I do not know who did it and why, but such a case took place.

What about the tradition of drinking chefir?
You can cheat every day. This drink requires approximately 3 boxes of tea. It is brewed for 3-5 minutes, filtered and you can drink. It gives an invigorating effect, but it spoils the teeth very much. One tooth was already pulled out because of the chifir. And three more must be deleted.
It is customary for "decent" people to drink chifir once a week, getting together and chatting. But it is impossible, in any case, to cheat "decent" with the lower castes.

How are things going with prohibited items? Phones, alcohol, drugs?
Officially, telephones, alcohol and drugs are prohibited. Certain foods are also banned. But if there is money or "the broom is hanging" (sociability, the ability to communicate effectively), then you can always agree. Telephones, alcohol, drugs - the prisoners had all this. The main thing is not to get caught with such items when checking. Before purchasing a mobile phone, it is imperative to ask permission from the "overseer" (the main prisoner and authority in the barracks).
And all these things get into the zone in different ways. Starting from throwing over the fence while walking around the perimeter, and ending with an agreement with the police working in the camp. Money matters a lot.

Why do prisoners need mobile phones?

Each is different. Thieves to decide matters at liberty, other prisoners, to call relatives and friends. Well, also decide your own personal questions.

What is absolutely forbidden to do in the zone?
You can't swear. Not a single mate or just an offensive word should not sound. Because every word will need to be substantiated. He sent a person in three letters, which means he counted him as omitted. Only omitted ones can be sent. In other cases, you need to justify the presentation. If you could not, then you will have to answer for your words. Although fights are prohibited, it is allowed to beat the guilty ones. Plus, you can easily lose the suit for this.
Everything needs to be explained in human language and communicated culturally. They live in order in prison. Therefore, you need to carefully choose your words and "follow the bazaar."
Stealing from one's own people is also severely punished. Cooperation with the administration is not encouraged.
It is undesirable to say whatever is horrible, lie, invent, etc. Otherwise, you can be considered a balabol.

Were there any cases when a prisoner had to have problems because of his tattoo, the meaning of which in the zone has some kind of interpretation?

I heard that one of the influential thieves "signed that there is no demand for the suit." Now young people are stuffing themselves with different tattoos. This is modern culture. Although, I think that if someone gets to the old school convicts, then they can make him responsible for the tattoo. But during my stay "behind the fence" there were no such cases.
It still depends on the regime. I was serving time in a maximum security prison. In prisons with strict regime everything is much more serious. There, people have 3-5 walks on average. And where I was serving time - only first-movers, mostly.

What are the features of the enhanced mode?

The enhanced mode is more loyal. More order and less chaos. Nobody rapes or beats anyone (only in cases when a person deserves it, no one has the right to just hit a person).
There was a case when prisoners were contacted from the outside. They asked to "put down" one inmate who had raped a 7-year-old girl. Or just make his prison life miserable. But no one agreed, since no one has the right to do this.

What is the attitude of the authorities towards prisoners?

Constantly crushing. The administration wants to live according to their order. I was beaten a couple of times. There was a time when charging was introduced. Those who agree with the innovation can no longer be called "men". Since they "go under the administration." Automatically go to "shnyri".
So those who refused to go to exercise, were taken to the "duty room" and kicked with truncheons on their legs. And so on several times. If even after that the prisoner resists, then he is put "in a pit" (a special room 2 by 2 meters, where there are only bunks, which are lowered only for the night). They are planted on the "pit" first for 5, 10 and 15 days.
I was not beaten for this, as I am disabled. But for other disobedience it was necessary to receive from the administration. And some were beaten so that they were ready to commit suicide.
There was a case when I spoke to my superiors in “you”. For this he received.

How many times can a prisoner be visited?

Long visits are allowed once every three months. The date lasts three days. You can spend three days with your mom or your wife.
Regular visits are allowed every day for two hours. You can also receive transmissions every day. Anyone who has money lives perfectly in prison. Food, mobile phone, other things, exemption from some duties, etc. All this is there. There were some inmates who simply allocated a decent amount for the "common fund" and lived quietly and calmly without worrying about anything.

What needs is the "common fund" used for? How is it formed?
"Common fund" is formed by prisoners. Everyone contributes to the common fund what they can: money, cigarettes, household items, etc. There are simply prisoners who have no relatives or have, but they live very far away and have no opportunity to come or make a transfer.
Where can such people get these things? They have no soap, no toothbrushes, no razors. All this is taken from the common fund. "Obshchak" is held by the "beholder".
Everyone puts in what they can. There are no mandatory contributions. Everything, if possible and according to conscience. We are all human and should help each other.

How to earn credibility in the zone?

First of all, you need to be decent and so that there are no "jambs" behind the person. You need to communicate with thieves, show interest. Help people, if possible, somehow replenish the "common fund". It is advisable to visit the “holy places”, for example, the “pit”.

Can you trust someone while in prison?

No. You can only trust yourself.

What causes conflicts in prison and how are they resolved?
Since everyone understands that you will have to live with people for a long time and you need to somehow reconcile with everyone, conflicts rarely arise. Conflicts are resolved by "thieves". They ask you to clarify the situation and state your vision of who is right and who is not. And then, after listening to both sides, they make a decision.
I had a case when I hit one prisoner. When I drove into the "hut", there was an inmate who was making himself a "looking hut" (the main one in the cell). There were just some grandfathers, so he took unofficial power over them. He began to say something to me, tried to dictate his own rules. Well, I put it in his jaw. Because in the "hut" - everyone is equal, this is the order.
He complained to the thieves that I, they say, hit, violated the order. Five thieves came to our "hut" and told me that this should not happen anymore. And then, when they left our "hut", they laughed at this guy. Because he lives as a "man", and runs to knock on the thieves that someone hit him.

What contingent is in prison? What are the deadlines for people?
Sit the most different people: for theft, drugs, murder. The maximum term is 15 years. There were two grandfathers with me in the "hut". Both are for murder.
One grandfather's granddaughter brought a guy home, and he was drunk. This guy had something pereklinit and he began to rush at his grandfather, shouting "I will kill you", began to choke. Grandfather went to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and stabbed it once. Once was enough to kill. My grandfather was given 7 years for this murder. They would have given more, but the case was qualified as self-defense.
The second grandfather has a slightly different situation. There was a resident at his entrance who constantly clung to him. Well, the grandfather once broke down and stabbed this neighbor with a knife. I killed. They were given 12 years.

Red and black zone, how is it?

The red zone is the area where the administration controls everything. Where order is observed, there are no forbidden things, where everyone works and behaves obediently. The black zone is the opposite. I was sitting in the black zone.

And in conclusion, advice to those who have come to places not so distant. How to behave?
Since it happened so, then you should not worry and worry. The people in the zone are the same as in the wild. You need to be a decent person in life and then there will be no problems. If a person lives in freedom with dignity, then there should be no problems. It is advisable not to lie. It is better to always tell the truth as it is. Because a lot of fellow countrymen come who may know the truth about a person. It's important to watch your words. If you don’t know something or are not sure, then it’s better not to say. Although it is better not to get there.

And in conclusion, I wish all the "men" an apron and suit, and all the best.

Alexander Skorik

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Stages is the popular name for the movement of prisoners between prisons and camps. It goes back to the pre-revolutionary times, when the convicts were driven on foot to the places of hard labor and exile, and the stages were the distances between the fortified towns, in which the streams of convicts rested, gathered, and were distributed. Until recently, there was the concept of a "transit prison" - a prison that served exclusively for such an accumulation and redistribution of the convoy.

When the word "stage" sounds, the soul of the convict freezes, feeling vague anxiety. Stages are always unknown, always new people, trials, when all your past, all your acquired authority disappears and you have to start from scratch to fight for a place in the sun, just like on the first day in prison. As a rule, it is at the stages that the disassembly takes place. When the conflict is not over and the prisoners are separated by the prison walls, they say to each other "see you at the stage", or "see you at the stage (the cell where everyone is gathered before being sent)" and this sounds like a real threat. At the very least, she must be contained in order not to drop her prisoner dignity.

Usually they are transferred from the pre-trial detention center to the places of serving the sentence, less often - the persons under investigation in case of detention in one place, and the place of the crime and, accordingly, the court and investigation in another. They are also transported between zones, most often for treatment, and those under investigation are taken for a psychiatric examination.

The stage can be very long - it may take two months to pass Russia. And if you suddenly need to cross the border, for example, between Russia and Ukraine, it can drag on for six months.

At the stages they are crowned into thieves and lowered into. This is both deprivation and humiliation. At the stages, powerlessness is acutely felt - it is easy to get a club on the back, or a butt on the kidneys, to be bitten by a dog. Each stage is at least two shmons, when sending and arriving, shmons are always thorough, with undressing, with breaking things. It is always psychological pressure - moving at gunpoint, running - screaming, hitting, dogs.

But at the same time, at the stages, you can see old friends, accomplices, find out the latest news, see the edge of the free world. And by the way - for some, new people are fear and problems, for others - new acquaintances and impressions.

It is not worth going to the stages with a large trunk - again, a car prisoner, it is difficult to move with a bag under the batons. In addition, the ideal of a barefoot life is a minimum of property, detachment from things, lightness. Therefore, given the tightness of the compartment, which exacerbates this attitude, the owners of large bags are not only disliked, but they are trying in every possible way to dilute the contents of these same bags, or even blatantly. At the stages at the convoy, you can exchange some of the things for tea, cigarettes, canned food. The craftsmen even manage to brew a chifir in the compartment - by making a smokeless torch from a sheet, blocking the fire from the escorts with their bodies (or, which is easier, of course, by agreeing with him). The drink prepared in this way, of course, has a special taste - a little buzz from breaking the rules, from a sip of freedom. They are periodically taken out to relieve themselves - according to the norms, it seems, every 4 hours, but in practice it happens for everyone - one person, accompanied by an escort. It happens that you will not be interrogated - for this, people stock up on plastic bottles. First, they drink the stored water from them, then pour it there. And if someone suddenly has diarrhea, and sometimes this happens, then the circus begins - both laughter and sin. Therefore, knowing that it is time for the stage, experienced convicts almost stop eating a day before, and in the morning they stop drinking.

If we also take into account that no one feeds on the road either (they give out dry rations in the form of bread, sugar, maybe even some canned food, but all this is rather meager), then upon arrival in a new prison, until you get to a cell, it may take another whole day - a total of two or three days of hunger.

At the stages, you can even be with a woman, having previously agreed through the compartment wall and received consent to a date with the prisoner who missed the man's affection, and then at night, having talked the escort sergeant, giving him a couple of packs of cigarettes, spend half an hour in the vestibule by the toilet. This is certainly exotic - there are too many "if ...", but it happens.

But this is not the worst thing about the stages. First of all, those who feel some shoals from a past life, both free and prison, are afraid of stages. All informers, all outlaws, leaving the walls of prisons and zones, are left without their roofs, which were provided to them in one way or another by the opera. Within the walls of the stage, where people are gathered before the stage, their fate is no longer interesting to anyone - they have worked their way and have already forgotten about them. Now they are on a par with the rest. As a rule, demand occurs here. They rarely kill - at least in our time, but to omit it is in no time. Prejava - a couple of minutes for "debate" - and execution. The most benign method is slapping, which resets a person's status to zero. More radical - with a head in a dyuchku (a point), if there is one, which immediately makes a person "finished", "lowered".

Therefore, those who are not confident in themselves are also afraid of stages - stages are, first of all, new people and very constrained circumstances, where a conflict can arise because of one centimeter of space.


A rest- taking into custody - deprivation of liberty, pursuing its purpose to exclude the possibility for a person suspected of committing a crime, or who has committed it, to interfere with the course of the investigation, to hide, or to commit a new crime.
This measure of restraint is applied by the court's decision, after the charge has been brought against the detainee, which must be brought within the procedural timeframe, but not later than 10 days from the moment of arrest.
An interrogator, investigator, prosecutor or judge, i.e. the body conducting the inquiry shall issue a resolution, and on the basis of it, the court shall issue a determination, which must contain an indication of the crime in which the person is suspected or accused, and the basis for choosing this measure of restraint.
The arrest warrant, as well as its legality, can be appealed on appeal in the next court within three days from the date of its issuance.
As an alternative to arrest, as a preventive measure, the existing Code provides for the following:
- House arrest;
- personal guarantee;
- looking after a minor suspect or accused;
- cash collateral;
- House arrest.

During the investigation phase, the measure of restraint in the form of detention cannot be practically changed, since the new Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation does not have a mechanism for submitting and considering such requests.
During judicial trial the question of changing the preventive measure is decided by the court.

The main provisions related to preventive measures, their application and terms of detention are set out in Chapter 13 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.


After the indictment is presented, the arrested person is transferred to one of the pre-trial detention centers in the city or to another locality.As a rule, every prisoner, regardless of his prison status or mood of the status, will provide support to those who are really in need. It is dictated by "concepts"

Completion of a prisoner's stay in a pre-trial detention center

On the day of sentencing, the prisoner changes status - becomes a convicted person, and is transferred to a prisoner cell. These are the same common cameras, only the mood is "suitcase" for everyone.
Upon the expiry of the time limit for filing a cassation appeal, if it has not been filed, the verdict enters into legal force.
If a cassation appeal has been lodged, the prisoner's stay in the SIZO may be extended for several months. In this case, the verdict comes into legal force immediately after the decision of the court of cassation on this complaint is made.
Within 7-10 days after the entry into force of the sentence, the SIZO administration receives a “law” and sends the convicted person to the place of serving the sentence. They "order" at the stage quickly enough.
It is important to know that after the entry into force of the sentence, the convicted person has the right to additional food and clothing transfers, regardless of when he received the previous ones. Try to get the prisoner together on a journey that can be long and difficult. Be sure to pass a lot of tea, cigarettes, soaps (lice!), Sweets (chocolate or sweets, but sugar will not be allowed into the zone, on the road - you can), dry and freeze-dried products. Refresh the inmate's socks, underwear, shaving supplies, toothbrush and toothpaste. The rest - if possible. Try to donate some money.
The procedure for the transfer of food and belongings for convicts in a pre-trial detention center is standard.
Until the sentence is brought to execution, the permission to visit is issued by the court. In the event that a cassation appeal has been filed, permission should be taken in the same court where the verdict was handed down (court of first instance).
After receiving the "law" in the pre-trial detention center, the permission to visit is signed by the administration of the pre-trial detention center.

Stage to the colony, the procedure for transferring prisoners
After the entry of the sentence into legal force, the convicted person receives a written notification of this - “law”.
From that moment on, he needs to be ready for the stage - being sent to the place of serving his sentence.
Prisoners are transported by rail in special wagons - "zakah car" (popularly - "Stolypin"). A paddy wagon drives them to the carriage.
The conditions of the stage are very difficult, so try, if possible, to prepare your loved one for this difficult event. It is very important to have suitable warm clothing in winter.
When the stage usually arrives at its destination and the convicts are transported to the transit prison. Further, either the distribution of convicts takes place in the colonies of the region where they arrived, or they move on.
Sometimes convicts are taken from the zak car directly to the colony, bypassing the transit prison.
Upon arrival at the colony, the convicts undergo a 2-week quarantine, after which they are assigned to the detachments. Within 10 days upon arrival at the zone, the administration is obliged to send a notification by mail to a close relative or other person at the request of the convict about his arrival at this correctional institution.

Those convicted in criminal cases are subject to distribution in correctional institutions, in accordance with the measure of responsibility applied to them.

Until the verdict of the court comes into legal force or the documents are appealed against, the convicts are in the pre-trial detention center.

They cannot stay in the isolation ward permanently, it is always overcrowded. Therefore, from time to time, convicts are taken to prisons.

In criminal law, this process is called the transfer of convicts. How is the transfer from the pre-trial detention center to the colony, and what requirements the employees of the executive institutions must comply with, we will talk further.

Transition is the forced transportation of convicts in criminal cases to colonies, prisons, camps. The stage involves the entire path of the convict from leaving the pre-trial detention center to arriving at the colony.

Many new experiences await the prisoner on this journey: from long journeys in stuffy compartments without windows to futile attempts to transport all his belongings at one time.

The decision to transfer a convicted person to a specific colony is made by the management of the SIZO.

But before that, an order from central administration Federal Penitentiary Service in Moscow, which indicates in which colonies and in what quantity there are places for convicts.

Due to the fact that in many colonies they serve time only for certain types of crimes, the distribution of convicts by the employees of the pre-trial detention center is not an easy matter.

In a broad sense, a stage is the convict's path from point A to point B. And this path is not always associated with departure to a colony.

There are other situations in which the convicted person is subject to transportation:

One way or another, the penal system is always associated with various movements of convicts around the country.... Our country is huge, which is why convicts travel sometimes for weeks or months.

How long the stage lasts is difficult to answer unequivocally. It all depends on the remoteness of the colony from the pre-trial detention center.

The convict is not informed about the exact time of the transfer. Before departure, the cell is visited by an employee of the detention center, who gives the name and surname of the convict who is to serve.

It is better to start preparing for the stage immediately after the entry into force of the verdict.

Sometimes convicts have to wait a long time for their turn to the stage. This is due to the fact that the FSIN officers are trying to complete the trains for sending the convicts to the maximum. For the sake of one criminal, no one will organize a stage.

Before being sent, a detailed search will be carried out in relation to the convicted person and his property.

Searches, in principle, will be carried out frequently, before and after each movement in a stage. The journey is carried out in a special "carriage". Before railroad convicts are transported in special vehicles.

Usually convicts are taken to a transit prison, from which they are distributed among the colonies. Sometimes transportation is carried out without the use of a transit prison.

At the final destination, the convicts are quarantined for two weeks.

After the convict arrives at the colony, the administration is obliged to notify his relatives about this within 10 days.

How to find out where the convict is after transfer if the administration has not sent a notification?

In fact, according to general rules after the entry of the verdict and before the convict is sent to the stage, he is given one short-term meeting with a relative.

And before the offender is sent to a correctional institution, the administration of the SIZO must also notify one relative about where the convicted person is going.

But even if none of the relatives received information about the route of the stage, they can clarify this information with a lawyer.

Rules for escorting suspects and accused

The suspects, as a rule, are escorted to trial, and the accused are escorted by escort. Escorting in both cases is the rules for escorting convicts, aimed at preserving public safety.

The order of escort is strictly regulated. Violation of the rules for escorting convicts can sometimes lead to serious consequences.

It is worth remembering at least the episode with the shooting in the Moscow court, when the convoy of dangerous criminals was carried out by a girl, and the number of escorts did not correspond to the number of convicts.

Convoy of prisoners in 2020 is carried out by special departments of the internal affairs bodies. For this, security and escort units are being created.

Their tasks include:

  • Assistance in the execution of punishment by transporting convicts to colonies, prisons, isolation wards;
  • Facilitating the administration of justice by transporting convicts to the courtroom;
  • Protecting public safety from a criminal;
  • Protecting a criminal from an outraged public.

The composition of the convoy group is as follows:

  • Chief of the convoy;
  • Chief Assistant;
  • Cynologist with dogs;
  • Guards.

The convoy can be regular or reinforced. The latter is used in cases where the protection of dangerous criminals is necessary.

In a normal escort, there are 2 guards for 1-2 criminals. With reinforced escort, there are 3 guards per 1 offender.

The escorts always have main and alternate routes. The latter are needed in cases where there is a threat of escape or attack on the car.

Reception of convicts for escort is carried out one at a time in a room where only the convict and the escorts are present.

The criminal is subjected to a compulsory search, confiscating prohibited things from him... The escorts are obliged to enter all information about the convicted person in a special journal.

A search during escorting is carried out by one person for 5 convicts. There is always radio communication with the convoy vehicle.

The delivery of convicts or suspects to the courts must be agreed in advance with the staff of the isolation ward.... To do this, a demand for the delivery of a person held in this institution is transferred to the pre-trial detention center.

The request indicates the time and date when the court session will take place, the name of the judge considering his case, and is certified by a seal.

Without a duly formalized demand for the delivery of the convicted person or suspect, the escort will not be carried out.

In the morning, the convoy gathers a group of convicts who need to be taken to the courts and delivers them. In courts, as a rule, there are special closed halls, the entrance to which is set separately from the main one. It is there that the convicts are brought by a convoy car.

The grounds for establishing a reinforced convoy are:

The convoy must be armed for security reasons... The convict is taken to the courtroom in handcuffs and taken to a cell. Already in the cell, the handcuffs are removed through a special window, but not in relation to all convicts.

A guard, at least one, must always be present at the hearing during the hearing.

As a rule, the escorts change and take turns sitting at the hearing. Such convicts are always behind bars in the courtroom or in special glass boxes.

You can never know for sure that a convicted person or a suspect is safe.... There is always a risk of potential danger posed by the escorted or escorted person.

The stage is one of the stages of the execution of the sentence, which consists in the delivery of the convicted person to the place of serving the appointed term. The transportation conditions are far from the best.

Convicts travel for weeks across the country in stuffy or cold carriages, and do not have the opportunity to eat or wash properly. This is one of the main trials that a convict must overcome at the stage of his correction.

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