May 1944 liberation. Crimean operation

Today, the memorable date of the military history of Russia. On May 12, 1944, the Crimean offensive operation was completed. It was distinguished by the verified directions of the main blows, the good interaction of the shock groups of troops, the forces of aviation and the fleet. At the beginning of the war, the Germans needed 250 days to master the heroically defended Sevastopol. Our troops liberated the Crimea for only 35 days.

Beginning of our offensive

35 days

On May 7, at 10:30, the Soviet troops began the general storm of the Sevastopol fortified district, during the massive support of the entire aircraft of the Front. The troops of the main shock grouping of the front at a 9-kilometer plot broke through enemy defense and seized during the fierce battles of Sapun-Mountain. On May 9, the troops of the front from the north, the East and the Southeast broke into Sevastopol and liberated the city. The remnants of the German 17th Army, pursued by the 19th Tank Corps, were departed to Cape Chersonesos, where they were finally crushed. At the Cape, 21 thousand soldiers and officers of the enemy were taken captured, a large number of equipment and weapons were captured.

On May 12, the Crimean offensive operation ended. If in 1941-1942 The German troops needed 250 days to master the heroically defended Sevastopol, in 1944 the Soviet troops turned out to be enough just 35 days to hack powerful fortifications in the Crimea and clean the opponent almost the entire peninsula.

The goals of the operation were achieved. Soviet troops broke through deeply echelonized defense at the Perekopsty, the Kerch Peninsula, in the Sevastopol region and defeated the 17th Westerhop of the Wehrmacht. Its losses only on land amounted to 100 thousand people, including over 61,580 people with prisoners. Soviet troops and fleet forces during the Crimean operation lost 17,754 people killed and 67,065 people were injured.

As a result of the Crimean operation, the last major enemy bridgehead, who threatened the rear of the front of the rear at the Right-Bank Ukraine, was liquidated. For five days, the main base of the Black Sea Fleet was released - Sevastopol and favorable conditions were created for further attack on the Balkans.

Crimean operation - offensive operation of troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front (commander of the army general F. I. Tolbukhin) and a separate seaside army (Army General A. I. Eremenko) in cooperation with the Black Sea Fleet (Admiral F. S. Oktyabrsky) and the Azov military Flotilla (Council Admiral S. G. Gorshkov) April 8 - May 12, with the aim of liberating the Crimea from the German fascist troops during the Great Patriotic War 1941/45. As a result of the Melitopol operation on September 26 - November 5, 1943 and the Kerch-Eltigen landing operation October 31 - November 11, 1943 Soviet troops broke through the strengthening of the Turkish shaft at the Perekop Isthmus and captured the bridgeheads on the southern shore of Sivas and on the Kerch Peninsula, but to free the Crimea at that time Failed due to lack of forces. The 17th German army turned out to be blocked and, relying on deeply echelonized defensive positions, continued to hold the Crimea. It consists of 5 German and 7 Romanian divisions in April 1944 (about 200 thousand people, about 3,600 guns and mortars, over 200 tanks and assault guns, 150 aircraft).

Soviet troops numbered 30 rifle divisions, 2 brigades of marines, 2 fortified areas (about 400 thousand people, about 6,000 guns and mortars, 559 tanks and self-propelled guns, 1250 aircraft).

On April 8, the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front, with the support of aviation of the 8th air army and aircraft of the Black Sea Fleet, moved to the offensive, the 2nd Guards Army was overlapped by Armenian, and the 51st Army reached the flank of the opponent's reprocess group, which began waste. On the night of April 11, a separate seaside army was transferred to the offensive, with the support of aviation of the 4th air army and aircraft of the Black Sea Fleet and in the morning of G. Kerch. The 19th Tank Corps introduced in the 51st 36th Army lane, which forced the Kerch group of the enemy to start a hasty departure to Z. Developing an offensive, Soviet troops on April 15-16 came to Sevastopol ...

Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Such was our task on May 9

In the Crimean operation I want to stop especially, for it, in my opinion, is not covered enough ...

If you look at the maternity cards 1855, 1920, 1942 and 1944, it is easy to see that in all four cases the defense of Sevastopol was built about the same. This is explained by the most important role that the natural factor played here: the location of the mountains, the availability of the sea, the nature of the area. And now the enemy clung to the points favorable from the point of view. The new Commander Almenndinger broke out by a special appeal to the search: "The Führer instructed me the command of the 17th Army ... I received an order to defend each span of Sevastopol bridgehead. I demand that everyone is defended in the full sense of the word; So that no one moved away and keep each trench, every funnel and every turn. In the event of a breakthrough of the enemy's tanks, the infantry should remain in its positions and destroy the tanks both at the forefront and in the depth of defense with powerful anti-tank weapons ... the honor of the army depends on the protection of each meter entrusted to us the territory. Germany expects that we will do our duty. Long live Führer! "

But on the first day of the assault on the Sevastopol fortified district, the enemy suffered a major defeat, was forced to leave the main defensive line and take the troops to the internal distribution. Eliminate defense on it and finally release Sevastopol - such was our task on May 9th. The struggle did not stop at night. Especially actively operated our bombarding aviation. We decided to resume the general attack at 8 am on May 9. From the commander of the 2nd Guards Zakharova, we demanded an day to eliminate the enemy on the northern side of the city and go to the coast of the Northern Bay throughout its length; Left balance body strike on the ship side and master it. The commander of the Primorsk army Melnik was ordered by night actions of the infantry to master the nameless height of the south-west of the Association No. 10 and provide commissioned by the 19th Tank Corps.

Exactly at 8 o'clock the 4th Ukrainian resumed the general assault of Sevastopol. Fights outside the city continued all day, and our troops came out to its endowed by the enemy a defensive line from the Streletskaya bay to the sea. The last strip of the Crimea was lying ahead, which still belonged to the fascists - from Omega to Cape Chersonese.

On the morning of May 10, the order of the Supreme Commander was followed: "Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasilevsky. Army General Tolbukhin. The troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front, with the support of massive blows of aviation and artillery, as a result of three-day offensive fights broke through a strongly fortified long-term defense of the Germans, consisting of three strips of reinforced concrete defensive structures, and a few hours ago, stormed the fortress and the most important naval base on Black Sea - the city of Sevastopol. Thus, the last focus of the resistance of the Germans in the Crimea and the Crimea is completely cleaned from the German fascist invaders. " Next, they were listed all distinguished in battles for Sevastopol troops, which were presented to the assignment of the name of Sevastopol and to awarding orders.

On May 10, the capital of the Motherland Saluteoval was the valiant troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front, who liberated Sevastopol.

35 days

On May 7, at 10:30, the Soviet troops began the general storm of the Sevastopol fortified district, during the massive support of the entire aircraft of the Front. The troops of the main shock grouping of the front at a 9-kilometer plot broke through enemy defense and seized during the fierce battles of Sapun-Mountain. On May 9, the troops of the front from the north, the East and the Southeast broke into Sevastopol and liberated the city. The remnants of the German 17th Army, pursued by the 19th Tank Corps, were departed to Cape Chersonesos, where they were finally crushed. At the Cape, 21 thousand soldiers and officers of the enemy were taken captured, a large number of equipment and weapons were captured.

On May 12, the Crimean offensive operation ended. If in 1941-1942 The German troops needed 250 days to master the heroically defended Sevastopol, in 1944 the Soviet troops turned out to be enough just 35 days to hack powerful fortifications in the Crimea and clean the opponent almost the entire peninsula.

The goals of the operation were achieved. Soviet troops broke through deeply echelonized defense at the Perekopsty, the Kerch Peninsula, in the Sevastopol region and defeated the 17th Westerhop of the Wehrmacht. Its losses only on land amounted to 100 thousand people, including over 61,580 people with prisoners. Soviet troops and fleet forces during the Crimean operation lost 17,754 people killed and 67,065 people were injured.

As a result of the Crimean operation, the last major enemy bridgehead, who threatened the rear of the front of the rear at the Right-Bank Ukraine, was liquidated. For five days, the main base of the Black Sea Fleet was released - Sevastopol and favorable conditions were created for further attack on the Balkans.

The 17th German army holding the Crimean Peninsula, despite the fact that from November 1943 he was already in the "bag", continued to remain quite powerful and, most importantly, a combosive grouping of troops: In total, under the command of General Ervina Jenek, a miraculous From Stalingrad, there were 12 divisions. The command of the Wehrmacht seriously believed that it was the Crimean group that could influence the successful outcome of the planned general offensive in the territory of the Ukrainian SSR.

But by the end of January 1944, the Commander of the 17th Army was forced to admit that the transition to the onset of speech could not go. The worst of everything for the German command was that the group can only hold the Crimea, under the observance of a number of conditions, for example, by transferring reserves and applying confruders in the Kerch area.

At the same time, Jenek perfectly understood that the German army could no longer "lose the meter of the territory" in Crimea.

The holding of the Crimea was the most important task of the Higher German Command - only owning the peninsula could be sure that the Balkan Flang was covered and the most important marine communications going to the West Coast of the Black Sea. In addition, in Berlin, he was seriously afraid that the loss of the Crimea would lead to the fact that Romania and Bulgaria will come out of the "axis".

The command of the 17th Army by the beginning of April 1944 did everything possible to fulfill the order of Hitler and retain the peninsula.

However, the situation will change very soon. The troops of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts, turning to the offensive, distracted the significant forces of the enemy, and the exit to the border with Romania and the liberation of Odessa made it impossible to transfer large forces for the retention of the Crimea.

Preparation for the operation in the Crimean Peninsula began in February 1944.

Initially it was assumed that the troops would go to the offensive in the Crimea in the second half of February. However, the period of the operation was subsequently transferred several times, and only on March 16, the front command received an indication of the NGC bet on the beginning of the operation after the liberation of Nikolaev and as the Red Army advanced to Odessa. However, this decision was not final: the latest adjustments made the weather.

According to the plan of operation, the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front should have applied a simultaneous blow towards Simferopol and Sevastopol, and then dismember and completely destroy the enemy grouping.

The task of defeating the Crimean enemy grouping was entrusted to the troops of the 4th Ukrainian front under the command of the general of the army of Fyodor Ivanovich Tolbukhina. Under his command was a shock group, numbering almost 470 thousand people. In addition, the coming troops were supported by the Crimean partisan detachments with a total number of about 4 thousand people.

Early in the morning of April 8, 1944, Soviet artillery and aviation struck the German positions. "Nightmare", as then it was called the surviving Nazis, lasted two and a half hours. And at 10.30 in the morning, the onset passed the troops of the 2nd Guards and the 51st armies of the 4th Ukrainian Front - the Crimean Offensive Operation of Soviet troops began.

To the end of April 10, the enemy's defense was broken at the Perekop Isthmus and in the Sivas area. Soon the first digging records began to appear in the diaries of German officers.

At the same time, the retreat, which was conducted in the direction of Sevastopol, did not mean the delivery of the Crimea. Moreover, Hitler in the order of April 12 categorically banned the evacuation of combat-ready divisions and gave the order to defend Sevastopol to the last cartridge.

But the command of the 17th Army immediately after the beginning of the offensive of the Soviet troops realized that there was no opportunity to resist in the Crimea. The only thing that remained to make the retreating German and Romanian troops is to destroy it. Moreover, a detailed plan of destruction during evacuation from the Crimea was already sent to the troops.

In the meantime, the leadership of the Wehrmacht feverly felt orders for the destruction of what was not destroyed, the Soviet troops had already planned the liberation of Simferopol ...


Those parts of the enemy who managed to walk to Sevastopol - namely, the last major battle of the Crimean offensive operation passed, - was a pathetic sight. If the German divisions could be said that they were though pretty battered, but they could have resist, then about the Romanian troops, as about combat-ready compounds, speeches had no longer.

Locked in the city of General Yenek, realizing that his army was doomed, climbed Hitler with telegrams asking for the evacuation of troops.

And at the time when the wounded Germans were exported from Sevastopol and already useless Romanian connections, the Soviet command pulled up new forces to the city ...

The interchange occurred on May 5, 1944 - the Soviet troops began the general attack on Sevastopol.

On this day, the offensive operations of the Soviet troops were successfully completed with the aim of liberating the Crimea from the German troops during the Great Patriotic War.

The operation was carried out from April 8 to May 12, 1944 by the 4th Ukrainian Front and a separate seaside army in cooperation with the Black Sea Fleet and the Azov military flotilla. From the Soviet side, 470,000 people were involved, 5982 guns and mortars, 559 tanks and sau, 1250 aircraft. With German - about 200,000 people, about 3,600 guns and mortars, 215 tanks and assault guns, 148 aircraft.
April 8, at 8.00, artillery and aviation preparation began, a total duration of 2.5 hours. Immediately at its end of the troops of the front switched to the offensive, inflicting the main blow to the forces of the 51st army from the Sivash bridgehead. On the same day, the 2nd Guards Army, acting at the auxiliary direction, liberated Armenian.
Within three days, the troops of the 4th Ukrainian front, fierce battles and to the outcome of the day on April 10, broke through the defense of the enemy at the Perekop Isthmus and south of Siva. There was an opportunity to bring movable front connections to operational space - 19th Tank Corps. For the reconnaissance and organization of interaction with infantry to the supervisory code of the 63rd Rifle Corps of the 51st Army, the commander of the 19th Tank Corps General Lieutenant I. D. Vasilyev arrived. There, as a result of aviation raid, Vasilyev was seriously injured and his deputy Colonel I. A. Kispeys entered into command of the corps. Tank parts entered the breakthrough at the area of \u200b\u200bthe 51st army and rushed at Dzhankka.

April 11, the city was released. The rapid promotion of the 19th Tank Corps put the Kerch groupage of the enemy under the threat of the environment and forced the command of the enemy to start hasty departure to the West.
On the night of April 11, simultaneously with the 19th Tank Corps, a separate seaside army was transferred to the offensive, which, with the support of aviation of the 4th air army and the Black Sea Fleet by the morning of the Kerch trembled.
Developing an offensive, Soviet troops were released on April 13, Simferopol, Evpatoria and Saki, April 14 - Sudak and on April 15, Alushta, and on April 16 came to Sevastopol. Attempting to take the city from the move failed and the Soviet army began to prepare for the storm of the city.
It was advisable to unite all the land armies under one beginning, so on April 16, the seaside army was included in the 4th Ukrainian Front and its new commander became K. S. Melnik (A. I. Yerömenko was appointed commander of the 2nd Baltic Front). From April 16 to April 30, the Soviet troops have repeatedly made attempts to storm the city, but every time they achieved only private success. On May 3, General E. Yenek, who did not believe in the opportunity to successfully defend the city, was removed from office. The general assault on Sevastopol was appointed by the Soviet command on May 5. Having started it according to the plan, after four days of the hardest battles on May 9, the troops of the front freed the city.

On May 12, the remnants of the enemy troops at Cape Chersonese folded the weapon.
Historian Kurt Tippelskirm Events of the last days of battle describes as follows:
"The remains of three German divisions and a large number of scattered groups of German and Romanian soldiers fled to the Chersonese cavity, the approaches to which they were defended with the desperation of doomed, no per minute stopping hope that the court would be sent for them. However, their durability turned out to be useless. On May 10, they received a stunning news that the promised loading of ships was delayed for 24 hours. But the next day they were looking for a saving trial on the horizon. Heated on the narrow block of land, depressed by continuous air raids and exhausted by attacks a much superior enemy forces, German troops who lost all hope to get rid of this hell, could not stand it. Negotiations with the enemy about the surrender laid an end to the senseless sense of help. Russians, in their reports, we usually not observed any boundaries of believability, this time, perhaps, were right to determine the loss of the 17th Army killed and the prisoner in 100 thousand people and informing the huge number of captured military equipment. "

All the time during the operation, Crimean partisans were provided to the Soviet troops. Troops under the command of P. R. Yampolsky, F. I. Fedorenko, M. A. Macedonsky, V. S. Kuznetsova violated the communications of the enemy, arranged raids at the headquarters and columns of the Hitlerians, participated in the liberation of cities.

During the retreat 17 of the Wehrmacht army from the Crimea to Sevastopol on April 11, 1944, one of the detachments of the Crimean partisans captured the city of the Old Crimea. Thus, the road was cut down from Kerch by divisions of the 98 infantry division from the composition of the 5 Army Corps 17 of the Army. In the evening of the same day, one of the regiments of this division was released to the city, reinforced with tanks and assault guns. During the night battle, the Germans managed to capture one of the urban quarters (North Street, Polina Osipenko, Suul-Daria), who was in their hands 12 hours. During this time, German infantrymen destroyed all his population - 584 people. Since the conditions of the battle did not allow, as it was usually done, to drive the doomed in one place, the German infantrymen were performed methodically for the house at home, shooting all those who came across the eyes, regardless of gender and age.
The Crimean operation was completed with the full defeat of the 17th German army, only the irrevocable losses of which during the battles amounted to from 120 thousand people (of which 61 580 captives). To this number, you need to add significant losses of the enemy's troops during marine evacuation (during which the Romanian Black Sea Flotilla was actually destroyed, which lost 2/3 of the cash coating composition). In particular, by this time refers to the flooding of the assault aviation of German transport Tethyl and Tayya, which is included in the list of the largest victims of the sea catastrophe of all times (up to 8 thousand dead). Thus, the general irrevocable losses of German-Romanian troops are estimated at 140 thousand soldiers and officers.
Soviet troops and fleet forces during the Crimean operation lost 17,754 people killed and 67,065 people were injured.
As a result of the liberation of Crimea, the threat was removed the southern wing of the Soviet-German front, and the main naval base of the Black Sea Fleet - Sevastopol was returned. By beating the Crimea, the Soviet Union returned his full control over the Black Sea, which sharply shaken the position of Germany in Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria.
For heroism and skillful actions 160 compounds and parts were awarded the honorary names of the Evpatorian, Kerch, Perekopsky, Sevastopol, Sivash, Simferopol, Feodosian and Yalta. 56 compounds, parts and ships are awarded orders. 238 Warriors were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, thousands of participants in battles behind the Crimea were awarded orders and medals.

In early February 1944, Soviet troops finished eliminating the latter on the left bank of the Dnieper of the enemy bridgehead. The queue was the elimination of the Crimean grouping of the enemy.

By this time, the inner position of Romania, its relationship with Germany sharply deteriorated. In the course of the Uman-Botosan operation, the Soviet troops at the end of March 1944 crossed the state border and by mid-April they were deepened on the territory of Romania per 100 km, freed 10 thousand square meters. km, on which 400 thousand people lived. On April 2, the Soviet government stated that it did not pursue the goal of acquiring part of the Romanian territory or the change of the existing system. It suggested Romania the condition of the truce to exit the war. At the same time, progressive forces inside the country filed a declaration to the government in which they demanded the exit from the war and the conclusion of the world with the states of the anti-Hitler coalition. But the government of Antonesska, fearing responsibility for crimes, decided to continue the war on the side of Germany.

The bid of the Supreme Commands decided to strike the 4th Ukrainian front with the troops from the north of the Perekap and Sivas and the auxiliary - the troops of a separate seaside army from the Kerch district in the general direction to Simferopol, Sevastopol.

The Black Sea Fleet was ordered to block the Crimean Peninsula from the sea.

By this time, the 17th German army had 5 German and 7 Romanian divisions, separate rifle shelves "Crimea" and "Bergman", 13 separate security battalions, 12 sapper battalions. She had a great artillery strengthening: 191 and 279 brigades of assault guns, 9th anti-aircraft artillery division, 60th artillery regiment, three shelf (704, 766, 938) coastal defense, ten art drawing of high power. The 4th German air fleet and the Romanian Air Force had on the airfields of the Crimea from 150 to 300 aircraft.

The main forces of the 17th German Army - the 49th Mornetral Corps (50, 111, 336th Infantry Divisions, 279th Brigade of Assault Guns), 3rd Romanian Cavalry Corps (9th Cavalry, 10th and 19- I am infantry divisions) defended in the northern part of the Crimea. On the Kerch Peninsula, there was a 5th Army Corps (73, 98th Infantry Divisions, 191th brigade of assault guns), 6th Cavalry and 3rd mining Division Romanian. The coast from Feodosia to Sevastopol covered the 1st Romanian Main Personal Case (1, 2nd Infantry Divisions). The west coast was controlled by two regiments of the 9th Romanian Mornetral Division. On the 1st Romanian corps pinned with partisans.

Using defense experience on the Taman Peninsula, the enemy equipped the strongest defensive frontiers: in the north - three stripes of defense, on the Kerch Peninsula - four. From Saki through Sarabuz and Karasubazar to Feodosia, a rear defensive frontier was preparing.

German soldiers and officers understood the hopelessness of their position, but were not still morally broken. In early April under Kerch, the Efreitor 73rd PD Helfried Merzinger said that the German soldier is not yet ready to stop the fight. "Russian leaflets German soldiers read, but I will say directly - the hurricane fire of the Russian artillery acts much more convincing than these flyers."

Table 6. The ratio of the forces of the parties to the beginning of the operation *

* History of World War II, 1939-1945. T. 8. P. 104-105.

There was a stubborn struggle. Therefore, it was decided to create significant superiority in the forces. At the Perekop Ithmus, the 2nd Guards Army of General G.F. began to operate. Zakharova (13th Guards, 54th and 55th Corps - Total 9 Rifle Divizions) and on Sivola - 51st Army General Yaz. Crazer (1st Guards, 10th and 63rd Corps - only 10 rifle divisions) and parts of the amplification.

The 51st Army, who applied the main blow, was strengthened by two artillery divisions, two tank, two mortar, two anti-aircraft artillery and ten artillery shelves, four engineering and self-brigades. The army of 91 thousand people had in service 68,463 rifles and automata, 3752 machine guns, 1428 guns, 1059 mortars, 1072 anti-aircraft guns and 49 tanks.

To ensure the rapid breakthrough of the enemy defense, four-five-time superiority and fire facilities were created on selected offensive sites.

The time of the beginning of the Crimean operation was transferred several times due to the need to complete the elimination of the Nikopol enemy grouping, incomplete readiness of the crossing through Sivash, due to the state of roads. Finally, they decided to start the operation, after the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front go to the Odessa area. There was meant the strengthening of the negative psychological impact on the enemy, feelings of isolation and doomed.

At the Kerch direction, the offensive was to begin for two or three days later the onset of the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front.

The troops of the 4th Ukrainian front applied the main blow from Sivash, from where the enemy did not expect him, since the paths of the prodigation here were much more complicated than on the skeleton. The main role in the defense breakthrough was to play the 1st Guards Corps, who commanded Lieutenant-General I.I. Missan. At the same time, the troops of the 2nd Guards Army broke through the defense at the peregon. At the meeting before the operation of the General Army, F.I. Tolbukhin said: "General Enek will need for a while to correctly navigate in the events. It is likely that he will figure out only by the end of the first day of the offensive, when the most important tasks of the breakthrough will already be solved in favor of the Soviet troops, and a favorable moment for counterators will be omitted. "

Outstanding commander F.I. Tolbukhin talked before the operation with each commander of the regiment, seeking detailed knowledge of the task, the degree of association of troops with everything necessary.

The feature of the construction of the troops of the 51st army was that the second echelons of rifle buildings could be entered into battle on two adjacent directions, depending on the designative success.

On the eve of the offensive, almost all compounds conducted exploration a fight, which confirmed the enemy grouping.

April 8, 1944 at 10 o'clock. 30 minutes. After a powerful artillery training that lasted 2.5 hours, the troops of the 2nd Guards and the 51st armies were transferred to the offensive. The first day of the first day was achieved by the 267th Rifle Division of Colonel A.I. Tolstov from the 63rd Corps of General P.K. Koshoy. For the development of scheduled success, the Commander of the front ordered to enter the 417th Rifle Division of General F.M. Barobor and 32 tank brigade. At the same time, the 2nd battalion of the 848th Rifle Regiment of the 267th Division on Personal Instructions F.I. Tolbukhina Vyod forced the Aigul Lake and attacked the enemy to the flank. At night, another battalion was broken on this bridgehead under the command of Major M. Kulentko.

The enemy sophisticated, sophisticated in the offensive and defense, did not expect the rapid transfer of the main strike from the strip of the 1st Guards Corps to the strip of the 63rd Rifle Corps, did not expect bypass and coverages in the constrained area of \u200b\u200binterstice defile. But Soviet troops used shallow-water lakes for leakage through enemy defense. Relaxing the counterdasters, the troops of the building on April 9th \u200b\u200badvanced from 4 to 7 km. The front commander strengthened the 63rd corpus of the 77th division from the reserve of the army and the Arddivisia of the breakthrough from the reserve of the front, and also aimed at this direction of the 8th Army of General General T.T. Khryukina. During April 10, the casing troops knocked out the enemy from the interstice defile and created the conditions for entering into a breakthrough of the 19th Tank Corps.

Early in the morning on April 11, the Tank Corps of Lieutenant General I.D. Vasilyeva from the turn of South Tomashevka three columns entered the breakthrough and after three hours with the move entered into battle with the garrison, defending the city of Janka. The enemy was broken and 18 o'clock went to the south. This accumulated a deep coverage of the Perekopsko-Ishun group of the enemy.

By this time and the troops of the 2nd Guards Army, who had advancing at the Perekop Isthmus, also achieved significant success. On the first day of the offensive, the 3rd Guards Rifle Division of General K.A. Tsalikova and 126th Infantry Division General A.I. Kazartseva seized Armenian. To the outcome of the second day, the 2nd Guards Army broke through the first defensive strip and the enemy hastily moved to the Ishun positions.

The success of the Soviet troops at the Perekop Roshchka was promoted by landing of the landing through the Perekopsky Bay - the battalion of the 1271th rifle regiment of the 387th division under the command of Captain FD. Dibrova. There were 512 people in the battalion and there was good weapons: 166 automata, 45 machine guns, two 45-mm guns, six 82 mm mortars, grenades. On April 10, at 5 am, the battalion was secretive with sapper boats and began to adopt. Soon the enemy sent 13 tanks against the landing and the reinforced car gunners. In hot battle, the enemy lost 3 tanks and up to 40 people killed (battalion loss: 4 killed, 11 wounded, one gun and three mortars). The opponent began to move away. Pursuing him, the battalion captured the battery of mortars and prisoners. For this brave battle, all soldiers and battalion officers were awarded orders and medals, and Captain FD Dibrov awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

For 34 hours of persistent fighting troops of the 2nd Guards Army broke through Perekop positions. This affected not only the moral and political state of our troops and advantages, but also the increased combat skill of the team and ordinary composition, the growth of technical equipment and material support of the army. It was achieved almost complete suppression of enemy artillery and firing agents. This explains the relatively fast hacking of enemy defense.

At the junction of the two armies, 347th Melitopol Red-known Rifle Division General Major A.H. Yuhimchuk, who in 1941, was defended with his regiment here. To reduce the time of movement from its trench to enemy positions, they break down the enemy's moves of messages - "mustache". The attack walked over the ruptures of their shells and without the traditional "Hurray", which the enemy took the signal to the opening of fire. The shooters of the shooters in the first trench did not delay and continued to move into the depths of enemy defense.

The commander of the Armillery of the 2nd Guards Army, Lieutenant-General I. Strelbitsky notes the decisive role of artillery of special and high power in the breakthrough of strong fortifications. Malocaliberian artillery and light mortars have not spent half of stocks. Rifle cartridges were now spent ten times less. This is how dramatically changed compared to 1941. The ratio of fire in the general military battle. Middle fire fighting and hand-to-hand struggles have become rare. A breakthrough of enemy defense was carried out with small relatively losses.

To the end of April 10, the troops of the 2nd Guards Army were detained by the enemy in the Ishun positions. The decisive promotion of the 51st Army, as well as bypassing enemy positions from the flanks, contributed to the success of the breakthrough of the 2nd Guards Army. 87th Guards Rifle Division under the command of Colonel K.Ya. Timka Part of the Forces passed the Karod Carkinite Bay, and the 126th Rifle Division of General A.I. Karartsva part of the forces crumpled Lake Old and at 6 o'clock on April 12 struck the enemy's rear. Taking advantage of the confusion in the enemy's mill, the remaining connections of the army attacked the enemy from the front and overturned it. Due to the possible environment, the enemy defend the third position (according to the r. Chatyrolyk) could no longer and hastily began to move away. Soviet troops faster and arterly broke through the defense at the silence than the opponent did this in the fall of 1941.

The harassment of the enemy began, in which a major role was played by the orders of F.I. Tolbukhina Front Mobile Group: 19th Tank Corps, 279th Infantry Division, planted on cars, and 21st fighter-anti-tank artillery brigade. The pace of the onset of troops of the 51st army was on average 22 km per day (on certain days up to 35 km). But the enemy, having a lot of transport, moved quickly.

The movable group of the front, which was commanded by the Deputy Commander of the 51st Army, Major General V.N. Rodows, April 12 came to Simferopol, the resistance of a strong garrison was failed to break the resistance of a strong garrison. After spending at night, rearrangement of forces, as well as replenished with approached parts, a movable group in the morning of April 13 began an attack on the city. After five hours, to 11 o'clock in the afternoon, the capital of Crimea Simferopol was completely released. At the same time, up to 1 thousand people were captured. At the same time, the side mobile detachment from the 63rd of the Rifle Corps under the command of Lieutenant Colonel M.I. Suchukova moved to the district center of Zoi to block the road to the troops, who left the Kerch peninsula, and force them to minimize them on a narrow and uncomfortable seaside road. A hot battle occurred in Zeye - artillery led fire on the booth, the fights crossed in hand. More than 300 fascists were destroyed and almost 800 people were captured. The enemy, throwing cars, guns and several tanks, began to move through the mountains to the sea.

Commander of a separate seaside army General of the Army A.I. Eremenko, preparing an offensive, decided to break through the defense of the enemy in the center, while bypassed the strongly fortified Knot of Bulganak from the north and south. It was also decided to bypass the city of Kerch and a strongly fortified coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. The troops had a group of separation, consolidation of the terrain, accompanying artillery. In the army, corps and divisions, moving groups were created in case of persecution of the exhaust enemy. The main care of the command was to prevent secret enemy waste.

The successful actions of the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front staged a threat to the surroundings of the entire Kerch grouping of the enemy. The command of the 17th German army decided to remove his forces from the Kerch Peninsula. Intelligence on April 10 discovered the preparation of the enemy to the departure. In this regard, General A.I. Eremenko ordered at 21 o'clock. 30 minutes. Start artillery and aviation training and at 22 hours advanced detachments to attack the front edge. Attack was crowned with success, at 2 o'clock the main forces of the army were transferred to the offensive and 4 o'clock were mastered on April 11, the first position of the enemy defense was mastered. The seemingly impregnable defendant of the enemy was broken. Moving groups of housings were introduced into the breakthrough, so as not to allow the enemy to gain a foothold at intermediate positions.

Levoflang 16th Rifle Corps General K.I. Proofova began to contend the city of Kerch and on the north of his outskirts surrounded up to 2000 soldiers and officers. Inserted into the breakthrough 255th Brigade of Marine Corolons Colonel I.A. Vlasov made an even deeper byext and came to the southern rocks of Mitridat. According to the commander of the corps, this maneuver has completed the case. By 6 am on April 11, Kerch was released.

On April 11 throughout the Crimea, advanced detachments of all armies and buildings planted on cars, tanks, guns, hastily pursued hasty opponent. As soon as the possibility appeared, they overtook the retreating enemy troops, captured prisoners, weapons, technique.

An opponent's attempt to delay the offensive of a separate seaside army at the Ak Manai positions was not successful. Parts of the 11th Guards Rifle Corps, who commanded Major General S.E. Christmas, ahead of the retreating opponent, quickly mastered this line, capturing more than 100 guns. Using this success, the 3rd mining case, which by April 17 commanded General N.A. Schworev (as long as General A.A. Lucinsky was on cure), no delay moved to the station Vladislavovna.

Before the buildings, new challenges were delivered to the exemption of the central and southern parts of the Crimea: the 11th Guards Corps continued to pursue the enemy in the direction of Karasubazar - Simferopol; 3rd mining - through the mountains to Sevastopol; The 16th rifle - along the southern coast of the Crimea. General K.I. Provov recalls that the representative of the TGK K.E. Voroshilov set the 16th Corps to the task: "... by all means to preserve the Crimean health resorts."

Corps commanders skillfully led the offensive on the broken directions. The 16th Rifle Corps was able to reach the enemy's waste from Feodosia, Sudak, Yalta. For bypassing Yalta through the mountain of Ai-Petri, the commander of the 227th rifle division regiments G.N. Preobrazhensky was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Departing, the German command left the Romanian parts as a fit of cover. Romanian captured officers showed: "At first we retreated together with the Germans, when Soviet troops overtook our columns and, as they say, collars were clung to Pasha, the Germans quickly got into cars. Part of the Romanian soldiers and officers also tried to sit in the car, and the Germans opened them on the Germans. But still it did not save them. In a day, we also met them at the prisoner of war. "

April 13, Evpatoria and Feodosia were liberated. In Karasubazar, the troops of the 51st and seaside armies were connected, forming a common front. On April 14, Bakhchisarai, Sudak and Alushta were liberated.

The enemy, leaving barriers, prepared mechanized funds and took significant forces. His troops failed to go around and destroy his large groupings in the foothills. In the area of \u200b\u200bBakhchisaraya, the troops of the 2nd Guards and 51st armies were connected, some mixing of troops occurred. As a result, the pace of persecution of the enemy decreased. This allowed him to "bounce" to Sevastopol and stuff a defense there. On April 15, Soviet troops came to the external defensive division of Sevastopol. Here the enemy took a powerful defensive area, counting on its long-term retention.

Hitler announced Sevastopol "City-Fortress". But no one wanted to defend this fortress to the last soldier. The Germans retired to Sevastopol to have the first to evacuate. Romanians did not want to die for the saving of German regiments and preferred to give away. Some decisions of the Hitler's command are curious.

April 9 Commander of the German Romanian forces in. Crimea General Eneke asks powers to prepare for departure to the Sevastopol fortified area to "avoid the destruction of the entire army", i.e. asks for freedom of action. Despite the support of this request to the commander of the Army Group "A" Sherner, Hitler did not give such consent.

On April 10, Eneke reported that with his permission, the 5th Army Corps will go to Ak Manai Positions, the 19th Romanian Division - from the Chongar Peninsula, and the 49th Corps will hold the position until the evening on April 12.

On April 11, Eneke reported on the breakthrough of the Northern Front and that he gave an order to retreat the army in a rapid pace to Sevastopol. This caused a sharp discontent of the head of the General Staff and Hitler himself. The commander of the 49th Corps General Konrad was dismissed and then sent to the court (General Hartman became commander from May 6). Nobody knew whether the retreat was to Sevastopol on the beginning of evacuation.

April 12 - the order of Hitler "to hold Sevastopol for a long time and not evacuate from there by combat units." On this day, Sherner visited the Crimea and agreed with concerns that "Russians with their tanks will be in Sevastopol before us."

On April 13, the main task of the 5th Army Corps - to arrive in Sevastopol as soon as possible, for what to turn south to the coastal highway. On April 14, the advanced parts of the army buildings "got" to Sevastopol and occupied defensive positions.

Attempts by the Soviet troops to capture Sevastopol with the go and those who began to break the emergence of the evacuation failed. April 17, 63th Corps of General P.K. The black river came out on the line. On April 18, the troops of the seaside army and the 77th Simferopol division of the 51st Army were traded by Balaklava and Kadykovka, and the 267th division and parts of the 19th Tank Corps approached the last powerful defensive line - Sapun-Mountain. By this time, all connections felt the lack of ammunition, and the aviation was without fuel. Former head of the headquarters of the front Marshal of the Soviet Union S.S. Turquoises wrote that the difficulty with a flammable was the result of the fact that when preparing for the operation, the bet significantly reduced the pashi of the application, considering their overestimated. " It was necessary to prepare the assault on the fortified Sevastopol.

The Soviet command was decided to let the ammunition (1.5 ammunition), tighten the 19th tank corps to the Balaclava district and heavy artillery, go to the offensive April 23 so that the blow from the Balaclava to cut off Sevastopol from the bays located to the south-west, in Same time the 2nd Guards Army break through the Inkerman Valley to the Northern Bay and take it under the fire of straight floods. Aviation strikes to focus on the ports of the port and transport in the sea.

By this time organizational changes occurred. A separate seaside army was included in the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front. She began to be called just the Primorsk army, and Lieutenant General K.S. entered into command Miller. Decreased from Crimea Office of the 4th Air Army K.A. Verchinina, 55th Guards and 20th Mainline Division, as well as the 20th Rifle Corps, located on the Taman Peninsula in Reserve.

Preparing for the sturm of Sevastopol, on April 18, the front commander issued an order with the opportunity to last effort:

"Comrades Fighters and officers of the 4th Ukrainian Front! Under your impact for 3 days, the "impregnable" German defense for the entire depth of Perekop, Ishunsky, Sivash and Ak-Manai Positions collapsed.

On the sixth day, the capital of Crimea is occupied by you - Simferopol and one of the main ports - Feodosia and Evpatoria ...

Today, parts of the armies came to the last frontier of Sevastopol enemy defense on the Black River and Sapun-Mount Ridge, which is 5-7 km from Sevastopol.

The last organized decisive assault is needed to drown an enemy in the sea and capture its technique, I urge you to this ... ".

The occurrence of April 23 showed that with excellent work of artillery and aviation, it was not possible to destroy defensive structures, although the infantry in certain directions has advanced by 2-3 km and occupied the front trenches of the enemy. According to intelligence data, the opponent's bridgehead also had 72,700 soldiers and officers, 1345 artillery guns, 430 mortars, 2355 machine guns and 50 tanks.

After a long discussion of the situation in the Sevastopol district, all command instances came to conclusion: to end the enemy's residues in the Crimea as soon as possible, the general assault on the Sevastopol fortified district with all the troops of the front with the active use of aviation, fleet and partisans are needed.

So, the general assault on the Sevastopol fortified district! Despite repeated reminders of the Supreme Commander I.V. Stalin about the need to complete the elimination of the Crimean enemy grouping in the coming days, the preparing the assault has not yet been completed, it required the time to replenish and regrouping forces, the supply of ammunition and fuel, the destruction of the most dangerous objects of enemy defense, the formation of assault groups and their training. It was decided to start on May 5.

On April 16, the command of the German 17th Army brought that the departure was able to complete, without allowing the pursuit of the opponent in Sevastopol. Enesek considered it a feat, despite the fact that there was only a third of the guns and a quarter of anti-tank agents. The martial spirit Romanian fell, and they could not be used for defense. With the on April 9, 235 thousand people, the number of their troops by April 18 decreased to 124 thousand.

human. This speaks of losses, although the part was evacuated (without Hitler's permission).

On April 12, General Sherner reported to Bucharest, which ordered "to ensure a safe evacuation of Romanians from Crimea." April 14-18, Sherner reported to the General Staff that six divisions should be delivered to the holding of Sevastopol district and serve 600 tons of satisfaction every day. Because it is impossible to do this, so I offered to evacuate Sevastopol. Hitler stood for a long-term retention of Sevastopol by enhancing a heavy weapon area.

On April 22, the command of the 17th Army, together with the Maritime Commandant of Crimea, developed an evacuation plan ("Leopard") by sea and air, designed for 14 days.

On April 21, Turkey stopped the supply of chrome ore to Germany and "joined" to the anti-fascist coalition.

On April 25, Hitler decided to hold Sevastopol for another while. To raise the mood of soldiers and officers, double cash salaries were installed in the Crimea, the land promised in the battles.

April 30, he was removed from the command of the 17th Army, General E. Enek. The command adopted General K. Almenndinger.

But now the situation in the Crimea was determined by Soviet, and not the German command. The entire last decade of April and the beginning of May on the roads to Sevastopol stretched guns, weapons with ammunition. At the airfields brought fuel and bombs. In divisions, assault groups were formed, the kernel of which was the Communists and Komsomol members, groups of separation and even groups of overcoming anti-tank RVs. In all shelves and battalions, workouts were held on the ground, similar to enemy positions and their fortifications.

From April 29, artillery and aviation began to systematically destroy the strengthening of the enemy. Aviation of Front, Fleet and a bouncing Aviation of long-range Aviation until May 5 made 8,200 crashes.

In battles for Sevastopol Squadron Captain P.M. Comozine destroyed 63 enemy aircraft. Comozin personally and in the group knocked 19 enemy aircraft and was awarded the second medal "Golden Star". Successfully operated the 3rd Fighter Aviakorpus under the command of General E.Ya. Savitsky. He himself flew several times to exploration on the trophy fighter Me-109. For the skillful command of the aircraft and personally shot down 22 opponent aircraft, he was again awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Brave Air Bosz V.D. Lavrinenkov was also awarded the second medal "Golden Star". In the Crimean sky, many heroic exploits were made in that spring.

According to the front of the commander of the front, the main blow was applied on the left flank by the Primorsk Army and the 63rd Corps of the 51st Army on the Sapun-Mountain-Karant site to go to the sea (seschalters) west of Sevastopol. But in order to mislead the enemy, to sow his strength, on May 5, the troops of the 2nd Guards Army with the powerful support of the 8th air army attacked the enemy from the north. The opponent paid part of his reserve for this direction. On May 6, part of the forces passed into the offensive of the 51st Army, and at 10 o'clock. 30 minutes. May 7 inflicted the head of the Primorsk army.

F.I. Tolbukhin recalled that the enemy expected the offensive along the Balaklava highway. It was the only possible way, and here he put almost all his artillery. "We didn't have any hope of hoping in another place; Then we had to take a demonstrative offensive on the Meknziev region of the Mountain from West to the East. Three days defeated the 2nd Guards Army, the cavalry, the three days, our aviation made 3,000 flights over these mountains.

I remember how we expected, when finally the enemy will start pulling away from the Balaclava direction. And even in the morning on the third day, it was established that part of the artillery reached for the Mekenziev Mountains, and at 7 o'clock the fourth day we inflicted the main blow to South Sapun-Mountain. "

There is a large historical and fiction on the sevastopol's storming, a beautiful diorama on Sapun-Mountain is constructed.

At the external defense groove of the total length of 29 km, the Nazis could focus large strengths and means, to create their high density: up to 2 thousand people and 65 guns and mortars per 1 km of front. On the steep stone rods of this mountain, the opponent built four tiers of trenches, 36 dollars and 27 sucks. The assault of the Sapun-Mountain and the liberation of Sevastopol is one of the brilliant pages of the chronicle of the Great Patriotic War.

May 7 at 10 o'clock. 30 minutes. The Attack of Sapun-Mountain began. She lasted nine hours. In the main direction, the 63rd corps PK acted. Koshoy (77, 267, 417th Rifle divisions) and the 11th Guards Corps S.E. Christmas (32nd Guards, 318, 414th Infantry Divisions, 83rd and 255th Marine Brigades). Only at 19 o'clock. 30 minutes. On the ridge of the mountain strengthened the 77th Infantry Division of Colonel A.P. Rodionova from 63 Corps and 32nd Guards Rifle Division Colonel N.K. Pozbournkov from the 11th Guards Corps of the Primorsk Army. With the mastery of this key position, the troops were able to develop a shot directly to Sevastopol. During the night, the 10th Rifle Corps of the 51st Army was put forward here, which commanded K.P. Nevers.

May 8 - on the second day of the assault - considerable success reached the 2nd Guards Army. The troops of the 13th Guards and the 55th rifle corps knocked the opponent with Mekenziev Mountains and in the evening reached the Northern Bay. The remains of the 50th German infantry and 2nd Romanian minority divisions were cut off from the main forces and pressed to the sea. On the same day, the troops of the 51st and seaside armies broke through the main lane of the enemy's defense and reached the inner divorce of the city defense.

On the night of May 9, the offensive continued so that the enemy had no time to regroup and bring his parts in order. He was led by each division one rifle regiment. By morning the troops of the 2nd Guards Army came out to the Northern Bay throughout its length. Its artillery straight tipped bay north, South and Streletskaya. At the same time, the compounds of the 55th rifle building, which was commanded by Major General P.E. Lovyagin, came to the ship side and to the southern bay.

By the decision of the commander of the front on May 9 at 8 o'clock, a common attack resumed. The troops of the 51st Army after noon broke into the city from the south-east. The troops of the 11th Guards Corps entered the city from the south. 24th Guards Rifle Division Colonel G.Ya. Kolesnikova forced the northern bay. To the end of May 9, the heroic Sevastopol was completely released. Moscow Saluteoval in honor of this victory is twenty-four volley from 324 guns.

Commander of the 54th Rifle Corps of the 2nd Guards Army General T.K. Kolomiets, who commanded the 25th Chapaevsky division during the defense of Sevastopol, became the first commandant of the liberated Sevastopol.

This brilliant operation of the Soviet Armed Forces demanded a large moral and physical stress in many respects. After the assault of Sevastopol, the soldiers lay there, where they hated them soybeans: near the stone, in the roadside ditch, in dust on the road. The dream was, as a faint, and only weapons in the hands spoke about their readiness to rush again on the enemy.

The seaside army along with the 19th tank corps nominated to this direction at that time was attacked towards Cape Chersonesos, from where the enemy continued to evacuation. There was also a 10th rifle building of the 51st Army.

Commanded by all enemy troops at the Chersoness Peninsula General Beme put on a direct tip, anti-aircraft, anti-tank and field artillery and thus hoped to keep the bridgehead until the evacuation was completed. The remaining sneakers also burned to the ground. Installed mine fields, wire bodies, flamets and everything else, which could be adapted for defense.

During the 10th and 11 may, the troops of the seaside army, the 19th tank and the 10th rifle buildings were preparing for the decisive assault on the last defensive shaft, covered by Cape Chersonese. Artillerymen put forward to the guns forward to destroy enemy fortifications to the straight press; Engineering troops prepared the area of \u200b\u200battack; Scouts conducted an active search. The captured prisoners showed that on the night of May 12, numerous vessels are suitable for Khersonese to shine the remaining troops. The overall departure for the landing of troops on ships is scheduled for 4 o'clock in the morning.

Commander Front F.I. Tolbukhin ordered at 3 o'clock to attack the enemy, prevent evacuation, exterminate or capture the remains of enemy troops. Exactly at 3 o'clock on May 12, a thousand guns and mortars of the Primorsk Army and the 10th Rifle Corps of the 51st Army opened fire on the enemy defense and the cluster of troops. Under the cover of darkness, assault detachments began to attack and broke through narrow corridors in enemy defense. Behind them began the assault to the advanced shelves. By 7 o'clock in the morning, the coast of Bay Streletskaya, Round, Omega, reed was cleaned of the enemy; Our troops have reached the coastal of Cape Chersonesos (between the Cossack and Sea bay). On this block of the Crimean Earth, the enemy copied tools, sneakers, people. But no longer had the strength that could stop Soviet soldiers. By 10 o'clock on May 12, part of the seaside army and the 19th tank corps were broken to Cape Chersonese. At the same time, the Black Sea fleet and aviation did not allow enemy ships to the shore, sterling some of them in the eyes of the fascist host's eyes. Seeing the hopelessness of the situation, over 21 thousand soldiers and officers (including more than 100 senior) surrendered. At the airfield, General Beme himself was captured.

What happened at this time to the sea? The Commander of the 17th German army Almenndinger asked for marine and air vehicles to Sevastopol to evacuate "Romanians unsuitable for battle" and deliver replenishment and ammunition. After April 8, the Germans were able to transfer two march battalions to Sevastopol (1300 people), 15 anti-tank and 14 other guns. On the evening of May 8, in response to the report of the Sherner, that on the evacuation of Sevastopol, with its normal course, eight days will need, Hitler agrees to evacuation. After a day, General Almenndinger to the request to leave on Chersonese, the senior commander of the 49th Hartman Corps was ordered to "justify the confidence of the Führera." On May 8, the last 13 fighters flew from Chersonesos to Romania. From Romania, all transport and military vessels were sent to Sevastopol - about a hundred units. The intentions of the Hitler's command on the night of May 11 to bring all "in one reception" did not justify. The remains of the Hitler's troops have fought without heavy weapons and almost without ammunition, which have lost great losses.

From April 8 to May 13, the Black Sea Fleet carried out an operation on violation of the enemy's marine communications. For this, submarines, bombardment and minno-torpedo air and near communications - assault aviation and torpedo boats were used. In view of the impossibility of creating a fighter cover due to the remoteness of our airfields from communications, the action of large superwater ships was not envisaged. However, during the operation, when the enemy, having lost the airfields, did not have aviation, it was advisable to use the Squado Mission and Creiser for the blockade of Sevastopol. From the book by A. Hilgruzer "Evacuation of Crimea in 1944" It can be seen that by May 5, in the area of \u200b\u200bSevastopol, only fighters that covered evacuation remained in the enemy. From May 9, the Soviet artillery began to fill the last enemy airfield on Cape Chersonesos and enemy aircraft stopped in the Crimean sky.

Two brigades of torpedo boats were used to destroy vessels from Sevastopol. Further, a brigade (7-9 units) of submarines operated on the sea. Aviation Fleet has shocks all over communications from the ports of the Crimea to the Romanian ports of Sulin and Constanta, it was the main shock force. About 400 aircraft took part in the hostilities (including 12 torpedoes, 45 bombers, 66 attack aircraft and 289 fighters). Ports from Ak-Mosque to Feodosia were permanent objects of their attacks. At the first stage, until the enemy retained the airfields and a strong group of aviation, the fleet Air Force systematically attacked enemy ships to the sea. At the second stage, when the enemy went to Sevastopol, they, together with the torpedo boats and artillery, tried to establish the close blockade of the Sevastopol bay, and then Cape Chersonese.

The torpedo boats went out in the sea at night. Due to the remoteness of the basing places, they spent most of the time for transitions and in the area of \u200b\u200baction remained only a few hours. Submarines were searching for an enemy using intelligence data and the results of aviation strikes and torpedo boats. However, submarines and boats were little to block the flow of various vessels. Therefore, it was rarely possible to destroy the convoy completely.

On April 11, 34 plane-attack aircraft under the cover of 48 fighters caused several consecutive blows on the accumulation of floating agents of the enemy in the port of Feodosia, performing 218 aircraft-departures. The trawls, two amphibious barges, three boats and other plaques and other plastessions were surfacing, the attempt to evacuate the sea. On April 13, 80 attack aircraft of the 11th assault aviation division under the command of Colonel D.I. Manjelos, accompanied by 42 fighters, made a massive raid on the accumulation of vehicles with the German troops who were preparing for the exit from the port of Sudak. As a result of the strike, three self-propelled landing barges with German troops and five barges were damaged. Panic and confusion, orders of officers relating to the further loading of troops reigned. Loading stopped, the soldiers refused to follow the ships and fled towards Alushta. A high percentage of hitting the courts in the sea reached attack aircraft, applying an unexpectedly for the enemy a topmacht method of bombing, i.e. bombing with a shaving flight. By the end of April, a number of assault and fighter aircraft fleet was relocated at the Saki airfield (Evpatoria's airfield), which improved the conditions for the struggle for the domination of the air in the area of \u200b\u200bSevastopol and gave the opportunity to attach attacks on solitary ships in the sea. The fleet's military air forces during the operations on communications (from May 8) made 4506 aircraft-departures, 68 different ships were sinking. In air battles and from the fire of anti-aircraft artillery, they lost 47 aircraft. The opponent lost about 80 aircraft during this time.

The torpedo boats actively operated, which used torpedoes and jet shells. Their possibilities after removing in Yalta and Evpatoria have increased. Small groups of the boat went out at night in the specified area of \u200b\u200bthe sea, made the search for the enemy's vessels or went to the drift, waiting for the passage of enemy conmen. So, a group of four torpedo boats under the command of the captain of the 3rd rank A.P. Tulya discovered a big convoy of 30 ships and guarded their warships; As a result of the bold attack, four self-propelled barges with troops and one boat had been accepted. In three cases (5, 7 and 11, May 11), the torpedo boats managed to break through the strong cooling of the convoy and attack the transport ships. At the same time, reactive shells were effective. After the first volleys, the opponent usually went out of battle.

Successfully acted underwater boats, which per surveys made 20 trips, released 55 torpedoes on the enemy and 28 shells, dried 12 transport vessels and several ships were damaged.

For each convoy from Romania to the Crimea, there were blows from various kinds of strength each in their area. As a result of the decisive actions of Soviet aviation, torpedo boats and submarines, 102 different enemy vessels were surfed and more than 60 were damaged. Of every ten enemy ships and courts who participated in evacuation, nine ships were sinking or received severe damage.

It is appropriate to bring some information about how the German command evaluated the evacuation of troops from the Crimea. General K. Tippelskirm writes: "The remains of three German divisions and a large number of disparate groups of German and Romanian soldiers fled to the Kherson cavity, the approaches to which they were defended with the desperateness of the doomed ... squeezed on the narrow block of land, depressed by continuous air plates and exhausted attacks much Superior enemy forces, German troops who lost all hope to escape from this hell, could not stand. " The Document of the Romanian Chief Maritime Staff states that during the evacuation of the Crimea, 43% of the tonnage of the German, Romanian and Hungarian ships were surrounded from the Crimea. Approximately the same ships were damaged. German Admiral F. Ruga with bitterness recognized: "In all, Russian aviation is more unpleasant for small ships, especially with the evacuation of the Crimea ...".

Head of the headquarters of the German-Romanian fleet on the Black Sea of \u200b\u200bConradians so describes the last days of the evacuation of Sevastopol: "A large cluster of people on a close space m. Chersonese and influx of new military units made more difficult to load on ships. On the night of May 11, panic began on the berths. Places on the courts were taken from the battle. Courts were forced to fall off, without finishing the loading, since otherwise they could sink. "

On the night of May 10, the last enemy convoy went up to Sevastopol in the composition of Tethyl diesel-electric power supply and several landing barges. Having accepted 5-6 thousand people, the courts came to Constanta with dawn. However, Tethyl was surrounded by aviation not far from Cape Chersonese, "Thia", the south-west left in full swing with a strong guard. Every 20 minutes, ships, guarding it, had to open fire on attacking Soviet aircraft. In the end, they spent the whole guest. At around noon, Torpeda, discarded from the plane, got into transport and he sank, carrying about 5 thousand people to the bottom of the sea. On the morning of May 12 burned out and sunk a large ship "Romania"

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