Nekrasov green noise summary. "Green noise


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Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. "Green Noise"

Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov

There is a green noise,

Green Noise, Spring Noise!

Suddenly the wind is riding:

Swing bushes Olkhovy,

Floral dust raises

As a cloud - all green:

And air, and water!

There is a green noise,

Green Noise, Spring Noise!

Scrubly my hostess

Water will not clutch!

Yes, the trouble with her happened,

How summer I lived in St. Petersburg ...

Herself said, stupid,

Tipung to her tongue!

In the hollow of himself with a framer

Winter locked us,

In my eyes are severe

Looks - the wife is silent.

I keep silent ... and dummy

Kill ... so sorry hearty!

Out - there is no strength!

And here is the winter

Roars and day and night:

"Kill, kill a grant!

Not that very centuryrs are whining

Night, no long night

Do not find peace.

Your eye shameless

Under the song-blizzard winter

Strengthened Duma Luta -

Summary I am an eastern knife ...

Yes, suddenly spring squeezed ...

There is a green noise,

Green Noise, Spring Noise!

How milk lured

Cherry gardens are standing,

Priges the warm sun,

A number of new greens

Will love the song

And linden pale

And White Berezonka

With green oblique!

Malaya straws cohesive

Noise High Maple ...

They noise in a new way,

There is a green noise,

Green Noise, Spring Noise!

Lake People's Duma,

The knife rolled out of the hands,

And all the song I am heard

One - in the forest, in the meadow:

"Love, as long as loved,

Terepi, as long as it is waiting,

Goodbye while saying goodbye

Nikolai Nekrasov is difficult to call the lover of landscape lyrics, although in many of its poems there are entire chapters devoted to the description of nature. The author initially interested in social topics, so to the writers who devoted poems by the beauty of meadows and forests, Nekrasov treated with some condemnation, believing that they simply squander their talent.

Nevertheless, in 1863, under the impression of the Ukrainian folk songs, Nekrasov wrote a "green noise" poem. A similar colorful epithet in Ukraine was often granted spring, which carried a transformation and renewal of nature. Such a figurative expression was so struck the poet that he made it key in his poem, using as a kind of refreven. It is not surprising that later a string from this work was based on the song of the same name.

The poem begins with the phrase that "goes down the green noise". And immediately, the pedantic author gives decryption to this line, telling about how "playing, suddenly the wind suddenly diverges." It runs on the waves on the tops of shrubs and trees, which only recently covered with young foliage. This is the very green noise that is impossible to confuse anything else. Symbol of spring, he reminds that the most delightful time has come, when "as a cloud - everything is divided, and the air, and water!".

After such a lyrical joining Nekrasov still moves to his favorite social theme, with the help of minor strokes recreation of a picture of rural life. This time the poet's attention was attracted by the love triangle, in the center of which was a simple rural woman who changed her husband while he was on earnings in St. Petersburg. Justice winter, locked spouses in the hollow, instilled in the heart of the head of the family not the most pious thoughts. He wanted to kill a betrayal, as it was squeezing such a deception - "so there is no strength." And as a result, the knife is already shaped, and the thought of murder is becoming increasingly tangible. But Spring came and dispelled the obsession, and now "priges the warm sun, the funny pine forests are noisy." When the soul is light, all dark thoughts go away. And the magic green noise will seem to put everything in their place, cleaning the heart from the bad. The husband forgives his incorrect spouse with the words: "Love, as long as he loves." And this is a favorable attitude towards a woman who caused him a strong mental pain, you can perceive, as another gift of Spring, which has become a turning point in the life of a rural pair.

The poem "Green noise" was written in 1863 and published in the "contemporary" number 3 for 1863, then included in the collection of 1864

With the image of the green noise of Nekrasov met, after reading in 1856, the Ukrainian song with the comments of Maksimovich. They were described in them as the Dnieper, to which the girls were addressed in the song, and the whole space was covered with greens, the wind rose, the clouds of flower pollen appeared. These images of Nekrasov used in the poem.

The poem "Green noise" was repeatedly laid on the music (his landscape part).

Literary direction, genre

The poem can be attributed to the role lyrics. The epic hero is a peasant who came from earnings in St. Petersburg and learned about the change of his wife. Nekrasov imites the genre of family-household songs about love and treason. Writers-realists really appreciated the folk songs of this genre, believing what they say about what happens in life, which is typical.

Theme, the main idea and composition

The topic - the husband is experiencing treason of his wife and is held from the murder, yielding to the influence of the spring update.

The main idea: the victory of life (spring) over death (winter), forgiveness over the crowd. The revival of nature after the hibernation and the liberation of a person from the resentment, nozzility and everything that kills the soul.

The poem is built on psychological parallelism (renewal of nature and human soul). Composite it is divided into 4 parts with two alternating themes. The first and third parts are narrated by the arrival of spring and changes in nature, its decoration and updating. Refrain repeats four times.

The second and fourth parts are devoted to the plot about the peasant and his grant-wife. Nekrasov uses a landscape as a frame for describing dramatic events in the family of the epic hero and his confession. In the first epic part, he tells about the treason of his wife, about his oscillations in how to do, to kill the income, ripening for a long winter. The first epic part ends with the arrival of change: "But here spring crashed." In the second epic part, the state of nature and man comes into harmony, the epic hero seems to receive from the very nature of nature, from a song that sounds everywhere, the gift of wisdom and forgiveness, God's gift.

Trails and images

The landscape of Nekrasov is active and dynamic. "There is a boring noise" - this is the personification of the spring and a symbol of a new beginning, change, revitalization of nature and soul. In this folklore, which Nekrasov borrowed from the song, he honestly said in a note, a fresh color and a restless sound are connected. Green noise - metonimia (green noise). The poem personifies the riding wind (strong spring wind), which " playing, diverge" Using personalities, trees are described: pine forests cheerful, Lipa and Berozon love the song, Bereza green Spit.. Spring landscape contains comparisons: green floral alder dust is similar to the cloud, the gardens are cherry as if we were drunk by milk.

In the landscape part of Nekrasov, constant folk epithets use: spring Noise, Warm Sun, Lipa Pillion, White Berozon, Green Spit, Crystina Small, High Clay. Repetition of the word or single-colored words focus on the word: green noise, cohesive cohesive, coarse noise, no longer, new greens, new song.

Epithetes and metaphorical epithets are also used in the epic part: moommall Hostess, Survoy's eyes, Duma Ludea, Winter Cark, Long Night, Eyes Shameless, Song-blizzard Winter, East Knife. These are constant folk epithets or epithets associated with the winter state of nature and the heart of a person. To link the winter in nature and in the heart, Negrasov uses personification: Winter locked his spouses in the hut and day and night roars, demanding to kill a grant and villain.

The speech of the epic hero of Svabun, replete with unfinished phrases. Nekrasov imitates spoken speech with incomplete sentences, phraseological units ("Water will not clutch" - quiet, modest, "Tipong to her tongue", do not care in shameless eyes). The epic hero calls his wife by name-patronymic not from special respect, but in Russian tradition. He annoys the fact that his wife told him about treason, violating the usual harmony, calls her stupid. Words on treason, the epic hero can not even say, replacing them with periphasom: "The trouble has happened to her."

The word Nekrasov is accurate and excited. Phrase " sorry for her heart»Detects Hero's love to his wife. Having made your moral choice, the hero takes love, patience and forgiveness, and the worst in the heart, which symbolizes the defeated winter, gives to the court of God.

Size and rhymes

The size of the poem is similar to a quadruple yamb, but numerous pyricals bring it close to the tonic song venge. The poem has no rhyme (white verse).

  • "Stuffy! Without happiness and will ... ", analysis of Nekrasov poem
  • "Furso", analysis of Nekrasov poem

Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: a different work will be captivated by you more if you will consider it near, and otherwise - if you leave away.

Small chemmered poems annoy nerves more than the creaking of non-scam wheels.

The most valuable in life and in verses is something that has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Among all the arts, poetry is more than others being tempted to replace their own peculiar beauty stolen sparkles.

Humboldt V.

Poems succeed, if created with sincere clarity.

Writing poems closer to worship, what is usually believed.

When you know, the poems grow out of what kind of sera, without keeping shame ... as a dandelion at the fence, like burdocks and a swan.

A. A. Akhmatova

Not in some poetry poetry: she is spilled everywhere, she is around us. Take a look at these trees, on this sky - everywhere blows beauty and life, and where beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

Many people have an essay of poems - this is a disease of the growth of the mind.


Lovely verse is similar to a bow conducted by sound fibers of our being. Nothing - our thoughts makes the poet sing inside us. I tell us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our soul our love and our grief. He is a cockpit. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

There, where graceful poems are poured, there is no place to be favored.

Murassaki Sikiba

I appeal to the Russian renovation. I think that in time we turn to white verse. Rhymes in Russian too little. One causes another. The flaper inevitably drags the stone. Because of the feeling, art looks. Who is not bored with love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

- ... good your poems, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! - Suddenly, boldly and frankly said Ivan.
- Do not write anymore! - I asked the newly imploringly.
- I promise and swear! - solemnly uttered Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poems; Poets differ from the rest only by what they write them in words.

John Falez. "Lover of French Lieutenant"

Any poem is a bedspread, stretched at the episodes of several words. These words will glow as stars, because of them there is a poem.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok.

The poets of antiquity Unlike modern rarely created more dozens of poems during their long life. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, for each poetic product of those times, the whole universe, filled with miracles, is often dangerous for the one who carelessly wake the rear-arms lines.

Max Fry. "Cattle Dead"

One of his clumsy hippopots-poems, I attached such a paradise tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not worry, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not the sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive critics. They are only miserable in poetry pebbles. What can the critic about the depths of your soul? Do not let his vulgar feeling handles there. Let the poems seem to him with a ridiculous muming, chaotic sticks of words. For us, this is the song of freedom from a tedious reason, a nice song, sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Cryger. "Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And there are nothing more tears, as a clean poetry that rejected the word.

Green Noise Nikolai Nekrasov

There is a green noise,
Green Noise, Spring Noise!

Playing, diverge
Suddenly the wind is riding:
Swing bushes Olkhovy,
Floral dust raises
As a cloud - all green:
And air, and water!

There is a green noise,
Green Noise, Spring Noise!

Scrubly my hostess
Natalia Patriyevna,
Water will not clutch!
Yes, the trouble with her happened,
How summer I lived in St. Petersburg ...
Herself said, stupid,
Tipung to her tongue!

In the hollow of himself with a framer
Winter locked us,
In my eyes are severe
Looks - the wife is silent.
I keep silent ... and dummy
People does not give:
Kill ... so sorry hearty!
Out - there is no strength!
And here is the winter
Roars and day and night:
"Kill, kill a grant!
Villas Love!
Not that very centuryrs are whining
Night, no long night
Do not find peace.
Your eye shameless
Neighbors come off! .. "
Under the song-blizzard winter
Strengthened Duma Luta -
Summary I am an eastern knife ...
Yes, suddenly spring squeezed ...

There is a green noise,
Green Noise, Spring Noise!

How milk lured
Cherry gardens are standing,
Tihochonko noise;
Priges the warm sun,
No funny
Pine forests;
A number of new greens
Will love the song
And linden pale
And White Berezonka
With green oblique!
Malaya straws cohesive
Noise High Maple ...
They noise in a new way,
A new, spring ...

There is a green noise,
Green Noise, Spring Noise!

Lake People's Duma,
The knife rolled out of the hands,
And all the song I am heard
One - in the forest, in the meadow:
"Love, as long as loved,
Terepi, as long as it is waiting,
Goodbye while saying goodbye
And - God's judge! "

Analysis of the poem of Nekrasov "Green Noise"

Nikolai Nekrasov is difficult to call the lover of landscape lyrics, although in many of its poems there are entire chapters devoted to the description of nature. The author initially interested in social topics, so to the writers who devoted poems by the beauty of meadows and forests, Nekrasov treated with some condemnation, believing that they simply squander their talent.

Nevertheless, in 1863, under the impression of the Ukrainian folk songs, Nekrasov wrote a "green noise" poem. A similar colorful epithet in Ukraine was often granted spring, which carried a transformation and renewal of nature. Such a figurative expression was so struck the poet that he made it key in his poem, using as a kind of refreven. It is not surprising that later a string from this work was based on the song of the same name.

The poem begins with the phrase that "goes down the green noise". And immediately, the pedantic author gives decryption to this line, telling about how "playing, suddenly the wind suddenly diverges." It runs on the waves on the tops of shrubs and trees, which only recently covered with young foliage. This is the very green noise that is impossible to confuse anything else. Symbol of spring, he reminds that the most delightful time has come, when "as a cloud - everything is divided, and the air, and water!".

After such a lyrical joining Nekrasov still moves to his favorite social theme, with the help of minor strokes recreation of a picture of rural life. This time the poet's attention was attracted by the love triangle, in the center of which was a simple rural woman who changed her husband while he was on earnings in St. Petersburg. Justice winter, locked spouses in the hollow, instilled in the heart of the head of the family not the most pious thoughts. He wanted to kill a betrayal, as it was squeezing such a deception - "so there is no strength." And as a result, the knife is already shaped, and the thought of murder is becoming increasingly tangible. But Spring came and dispelled the obsession, and now "priges the warm sun, the funny pine forests are noisy." When the soul is light, all dark thoughts go away. And the magic green noise will seem to put everything in their place, cleaning the heart from the bad. The husband forgives his incorrect spouse with the words: "Love, as long as he loves." And this is a favorable attitude towards a woman who caused him a strong mental pain, you can perceive, as another gift of Spring, which has become a turning point in the life of a rural pair.

There is a green noise *,
Green Noise, Spring Noise!

Playing, diverge
Suddenly the wind is riding:
Swing bushes Olkhovy,
Lifting the dust flower
As a cloud: all green,
And air and water!

There is a green noise,
Green Noise, Spring Noise!

Scrubly my hostess
Natalia Patriyevna,
Water will not clutch!
Yes, the trouble with her happened,
How summer I lived in St. Petersburg ...
Herself said stupid
Tipung to her tongue!

In the hives itself with a deceiver
Winter locked us,
In my eyes are severe
Looks - the wife is silent.
I keep silent ... and dummy
People does not give:
Kill ... so sorry hearty!
Out - there is no strength!
And here is the winter
Roars and day and night:
"Kill, kill, grant!
Villas Love!
Not that very centuryrs are whining
Night, no long night
Do not find peace.
Your eye shameless
Sawdi will come off! .. "
Under the song-blizzard winter
Strengthened Duma Luta -
Summary I am an eastern knife ...
Yes, suddenly spring squeezed ..

There is a green noise,
Green Noise, Spring Noise!

How milk lured
Cherry gardens are standing,
Tihochonko noise;
Priges the warm sun,
No funny
Pine forests.
A number of new greens
Will love the song
And linden pale
And White Berezonka
With green oblique!
Malaya straws cohesive
Noise High Maple ...
They noise in a new way,
A new, spring ...

There is a green noise.
Green Noise, Spring Noise!

Lake People's Duma,
The knife rolled out of the hands,
And all the song I am heard
One - and the forest, and meadow:
"Love, as long as loved,
Teremp, as long as
Goodbye while saying goodbye
And - God's judge! "
* So the people call the awakening of nature in the spring. (Approx. N.A.Nekrasova.)

Analysis of the poem "Green Noise" Nekrasov

Nekrasov rarely applied to pure landscape lyrics. In his poems there are fragments devoted to the description of nature, but they are not the main. The poet was primarily interested in social problems. He considered an enthusiastic description of Nature with a useless occupation, which only distracts people from reality. Unlike representatives of the "pure" art of Nekrasov did not understand how the landscape could have an impact on human behavior. The exception of the rule looks like a poem "Green Noise" (1863). It is believed that the poet wrote it under the impression of Ukrainian songs and used as the name and refrained traditional folk epithet - green noise.

Naturally, Nekrasov could not do without a peasant theme. The plot is based on a sad story of a man who left the village to earn money in St. Petersburg. In his absence, the wife changed with another, but in the attack of repentance in everything admitted to her husband. In the village society, divorces happened extremely rare, as the collapse of the family seriously affected the joint economy. Therefore, the main character is forced to continue to live with his wife, hopping anger. In hard meditation, he prepares a terrible revenge of his wife and her lover ("Summary I am the East Knife").

Nekrasov recognizes the influence of nature on the thinking of a man. "Winter-Cosmata" every day there is a terrible thoughts about the shame in front of the neighbors and about the dedicated male honor. "Duma Ludea" increasingly captives the consciousness of a deceived husband. Locked by frosts in his hut alone with his wife, he simply cannot switch to other thoughts.

Salvation for a woman becomes "green noise". The coming spring released people to freedom, awakened new hopes and dreams. "Warm Sunny" and the flourishing nature of sinister thoughts out of the souls. He involuntarily refuses revenge and forgives his incorrect spouse. The surrounding natural sounds merge in his consciousness in the song, the meaning of which lies in the simple words: "Love", "Terp" and "Goodbye". The peasant is aware that human laws are nothing compared to the Higher Divine Truth. One of the components of this eternal truth is the forgiveness of sins.

The poem "Green Noise" stands by a mansion throughout the work of Nekrasov. The poet not only recognizes the influence of nature per person, but also sees the resolution of the social problem in the Divine Court. He often repeated that since childhood is experiencing anger and hatred for injustice. However, in this case, he himself succumbed to a joyful feeling and came to understanding the need for forgiveness.

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