Preparing for the exam in literature on your own. How to take the exam in literature: an interview with an expert Pass the exam in literature by 100 points

In 2017, I passed the exam in literature with 65 points. On appeal, we managed to knock out only one primary point, which, when transferred to secondary ones, weighed the same. Therefore, in the end, my result was only 66 points, which upset me very much.

This year, I am pleased with the change in the assessment criteria, and it seems to me that now it has really become clearer what they expect and want from you, because last year they could not tell me at the appeal, because of what exactly I was reduced some points for detailed answers.

My failure

I think many have come across the stories of people who know literature very well, but wrote the exam very badly. Unfortunately, I also know many such examples, one of which is my own. Therefore, now I will tell you from my own experience how this can be caused.

I failed my literature exam last year, got 66 points, which is very low for me, considering that I set myself the bar of 90+. I went through the entire list of literature, with the exception of a few works that were not directly very important, I carefully disassembled everything, my desk was littered with notebooks with written works and tables and notes I made on everything I could. I felt very confident and knew that I was not going with an empty head. I came across a variant with works that I knew well, the themes of the compositions were also successful, but in the end it all ended with my tears and a bad result. Why? Because I have never written a full-fledged probe and could not keep track of the time!

I started writing an essay about 35-40 minutes before the end of the work. Oh, do not rewrite, but write! And since I was in a hurry and worried, realizing in advance that I had already flunked it, I made a bunch of mistakes: in three sentences I wrote the word “history” 7-9 times, and in different meanings, I used the same words and phrases, structure I had the text in my head, but in the end I did not have time to finish the penultimate paragraph and did not write the conclusion at all. When we put the pens aside, I began to re-read my work and was horrified, but, unfortunately, it was too late to fix anything.

My friend failed the exam because she did not understand the assessment criteria very well, she also knew the material quite well, studied with a tutor. She took the exam two years ago, and then the criteria were very vague and evaluated the work much more subjectively than now. In the Unified State Exam 2018, the criteria were made clearer (by this link you can download a file that contains the codifier, specification and demo version - literature), which I hope will benefit those who will take this year.

In general, a fairly large number of people get lower grades for their work because of “factual flaws,” “some inaccuracies,” and the like, although this is not considered a mistake. Quite a few fail on this: they write a good work without mistakes, and they begin to find fault with them for everything that is possible, just to lower the scores. That is why it is best to write a work using as general phrases and common opinion about the works as possible. Often people begin to write out the answer strongly, and they stumble on this - they get reductions for speech, factual errors and on the appeal they only hear “it is clear that you have read and understand, but we cannot raise you, because this is not quite what they are waiting for from you in this answer. " One thing is good - now the formulations of the criteria have become much less vague. Mini-conclusion: you need to write not very voluminously, without any special speech embellishments and as objectively as possible.

Time and mistakes due to haste

As I mentioned, I screwed up because I didn't have time to write the essay. And I didn’t have time because I spent too much time on drafts, and in the end it took a very long time to rewrite.

Don't use drafts to write an entire work on them. Write on them only the plan and the keywords that you will use, because otherwise you simply will not have time to write anything, and you have to not only write, but also check!


How many times has it been said in school that it is very useful to write a plan? But many still do not like to devote his time, but he can really speed up the process of writing detailed answers and the essay itself. Although with detailed answers, you can do much easier - just throw in the keywords that you want to use and that help to reveal the topic - and follow them to write a work.

As for the essay, I think that it is most convenient to first divide it into parts, and write out the keywords in them too. Then, while writing, the likelihood of repeating the same phrases and words decreases, and a structured thought can be expressed quickly and easily.

How much and for what

It is worth constantly keeping a beacon in your head, reminding that time is not rubber. In our classroom, they were reminded of the time only five minutes before the end of the exam, so it's best to keep an eye on it yourself.

I spent a lot of time on detailed answers, which led to a disastrous result. I advise you to spend 5-7 minutes to think over the answer (write out the keywords / plan, as I wrote above), and then 15-20 minutes to write.

It is also not worth delaying the dough, but this, I think, is understandable. Now, when I make samples, I first work with the test, and then, just before proceeding with the detailed answers, I read an excerpt from prose. Because most of the time in the test there is nothing at all connected with the passage, only with the work as a whole or with the definitions. And if you first read the text, then do the test, then, most likely, you will have to re-read it for a detailed answer. With lyrics, I also often do this, first I go through the numbers with the terms, and only then, when it is necessary to determine what techniques the author used, what size the poem was written in, and when answering 15.16 questions, I read the poem itself.

The test takes on average 15-20 minutes. It seems to me that it is more convenient to check afterwards, but then you need to be guaranteed to leave yourself time. It turned out that I just did not immediately transfer everything to the forms, and at the end of the work, during the transfer, I just checked myself again.

Thus, about 100-120 minutes are left for composing and checking. Just 10-15 minutes per plan and you can write calmly, sometimes giving yourself time to think. Because, again, returning to the time of my exam, I wrote almost without thinking due to the fact that I was in a hurry: I just wrote without stopping, and this obviously turned into the fact that I simply did not have time to follow lexical repetitions, actual errors and behind the construction of the proposal as a whole.

It is best to finish with the essay 20 minutes before the end in order to have time to re-read everything written. Because checking the detailed answers right away is not a good idea. Instead, it will be preferable to switch your thoughts to something else, and then re-read it - this way you can see the errors better.

What can surprise you on the exam?

As you sit in the audience and look at the form you come across, you might think that this is a little different from what you expected. Let's see why.


You can easily come across poems not from the codifier, as I had, for example. It's not that it's more complicated, it's just that I was tormented for a long time by the question of why, then, a codifier and selected authors are needed at all, if you may come across a poem not related to them, and for comparison, you can bring works not only from the codifier, but in principle from Russian literature of a certain time.

I came across a poem that I saw for the first time, and for comparison I brought Bunin “I remember a long winter evening”, and everything was fine with me. However, it was a shame that I learned a lot of poems, and in the end I used the one that I knew by heart from the fifth grade.

Expanded Answers

Also, the wording of questions for detailed answers may be completely different from those that were in the probes. Indeed, during training, questions tend to be repeated quite often, however, anything can get caught in the work. But the essence of the question does not depend on the wording! In essence, they are all very monotonous, they simply lend themselves to some kind of "distortion", just to confuse those passing the exam. So don't panic, you just need to think about what it looks like the most.

For example, the work may come across a question about the conflict of heroes, but the wording will include "socio-philosophical disputes", or "confrontation between noble and vile heroes." Or, in the question about nature, there may be something like "how does the hero compare himself to a cedar?"

It's all very simple, but clarifications can be confusing at times. In the end, it is best to reduce everything to a common definition, be it conflict, emotional experiences, the connection between man and nature, and so on.

Test part

Personally, I was also shocked by the assignment with quotations. Were given excerpts of remarks from the story “Ionych” by A.P. Chekhov, and it was necessary to compare them with the characters who pronounced them. Of course, it was necessary to focus on the characteristics of the characters, but since one quote still had to remain superfluous, and it was not possible to single out key phrases / speech features everywhere, I did not cope with this task.

Structure of extended answers

It is very important to pay attention to the speech and the material that is used in the work.

If there is no one hundred percent certainty that the quote is used correctly and accurately, then it is better not to write it.

If there is no one hundred percent certainty that it was this hero who performed exactly this action, then again it is better not to mention it.

If the name of the hero is poorly remembered, then it is better to call him “the main character” or simply give his characteristics (whose relative he is, how he looks, who he is by profession, status, and so on).

You also need to watch out for repetitions, tautology, speech errors. For example, I accidentally used the word “story” in three different meanings and because of this I wrote it six times in three or four sentences. And I noticed, unfortunately, when the exam time was over.

Be sure to pay attention to how often you use the names of the characters. The use of synonyms will help you with this: not just Bazarov, but a friend of Arkady Kirsanov, a nihilist; not just Natasha Rostova, but sister, daughter, beloved, favorite heroine of Tolstoy (one of), and so on.

It is also necessary to diversify works with synonyms in the case of verbs. You should not use only “the author described” and “the author showed”, there are a lot of words that can replace such formulations, and somewhere it is generally better to construct a sentence differently, otherwise it turns out very monotonous and ugly.

Your opinion

This, of course, is very sad, but in no case should you write your opinion. As I wrote several times, it is best to reduce everything to objectivity.

On the exam, no one is interested in what you think about certain topics. The examiners need to see your knowledge of theory and material. Therefore, you can not use any "I think", "I think", "In my opinion" and so on, which we are taught on the contrary, preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian. Therefore, summing up such an intermediate result, I advise from time to time to refresh the memory of the structure spellings and criteria for detailed answers.

I hope my advice will help you avoid my mistakes and write the Unified State Exam in literature with a good score. The main thing is to always remember about the time and the fact that none of the reviewers are interested in looking at your excellent writing skills. There are criteria - you need to meet them. You should not think that passing the exam is good - the goal is transcendental and impracticable, you just need to know from which side it is better to approach it. Take your time, learn cliches and do not be alarmed if you suddenly receive a form that asks for an analysis of the works that you see for the first time.

Currently, the Unified State Exam in Literature is not included in the list of compulsory tests at the end of school. However, the results of this state exam are necessary in order to enter various specialties of Russian higher educational institutions. It can be philology or journalism, television, as well as vocal and acting art. Our article will tell you in detail what you need to know in order to pass literature (USE).

Exam features

In 2017, there were rumors that the structure of the final test in literature would be significantly transformed. But in September of the same year, it became known that this testing had undergone a minimum number of changes. Nevertheless, in one of her interviews, Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva said that next year another, more promising model of the state examination, developed by leading specialists of the Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, will come into force. Thus, test tasks were excluded from CMMs. Now for literature? Let's figure it out together.

Why were the tests removed?

From the developers' point of view, multiple choice assignments for students are not difficult at all. They are just a superfluous element for evaluation. In such tasks, there is a huge share of the probability of guessing the correct answer, and experts from the Institute of Pedagogical Measurements fundamentally disagree with this.

In addition, it became known that in the literature exam, graduates will no longer see open-ended questions and tasks, where they must answer in the form of one word or a sequence of numbers. Thus, graduates lose the opportunity to gain points for knowledge of literary terms. Therefore, C grade students will not be able to get off with "little blood" by passing one part of the exam. In 2018, graduates are expected to demonstrate their ability to express their own thoughts beautifully and clearly.

Testing requirements. Essays

It is known that in the literature exam it is necessary to write several essays. The developers of control and measuring materials have increased the minimum volume of the "main" essay. In previous years, this volume was at least 200 words, but already in 2018 the graduate will be required to compose a text by 50 words more than in previous years.

The institute's specialists have specified the requirements for mini-essays for the next year. They should be at least 50 words long. Since 2018, such a requirement applies not only to the issue of text analysis, but also to comparative tasks. Future graduates have a natural question: "What do you need to pass literature (USE)?" Therefore, we are smoothly moving on to the recommendations.

How to pass the exam in literature?

In order to get as much as possible on testing, firstly, you need to read all the literature that is required to pass the exam. Please note that reading will take a lot of time and effort. And what kind of literature you need to read in order to pass the exam, we will tell you a little later.

Secondly, in bookstores on sale there are a huge number of manuals that guarantee the delivery of the exam without much knowledge and effort. You can buy all these collections, but in fact, you should not expect real success. However, if you solve the tasks in these books, it will be much easier for you to answer the questions on the exam.

Thirdly, there is an opinion that an interested and competent teacher is able to teach his ward everything necessary in order to pass the exam. Having asked in advance how to pass the exam in literature, students hire tutors.

Fourthly, among schoolchildren and students there are a huge number of rituals and signs that supposedly help to pass exams. In fact, these ceremonies have nothing to do with the real world. But, doing them, perhaps, you will feel more confident on the exam.

Graduate experience

We present to your attention the experience of students of the Faculty of Philology, who give recommendations and explain how to pass the exam in literature. As a rule, on September 1, eleventh graders go to the bookstore and buy a huge number of collections on the subject. Current students are advised to buy collections of past years, since the structure of control and measurement materials does not actually change, and their price is much lower. Many complete tasks as often as some solve scanwords. There are schoolchildren who lack the theoretical basis necessary for writing essays. But they make plans, where they write out the theses. Over time, this becomes a habit that a person uses today, studying at the institute.

Note that many universities are often recruited for preparation courses for the Unified State Exam in various subjects. Many people advise attending these classes. As a rule, you need to attend lectures once a week, which last about two hours. There is a lot of work before the exam: you need to constantly write and read in order to come to classes already prepared. In addition, school literature teachers often come to the rescue. With graduates, teachers share theoretical materials, as well as the experience of specialists who check examination papers. Thus, many students pass the exam with one hundred points.

A few words about the list of fiction

As mentioned above, the list of references to pass the exam in literature is rather big. It is pointless to publish this list, as it is in every collection for the exam. In any case, you need to know ancient Russian literature, as well as texts written in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. It is necessary to know and understand the school works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Fet, Nekrasov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Ostrovsky, Tyutchev, Chekhov, Bunin, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Gorky, Yesenin, Pasternak, Mandelstam, Mayakovsky, Blok, Sholokhov Tvardovsky, Solzhenitsyn and other writers, whose texts are included in the list of fiction studied in the lessons from grades 5 to 11.


At the beginning of this article, there was a question about the difficulty of passing the exam. It is not easy to answer it, since the concept of complexity is relative. For some children it is difficult to write essays, for others it is difficult to analyze a literary text. In any case, the exam is a test for which you need to prepare conscientiously in order to get the desired result.

Thanks to our article, you now know how to pass the exam in literature and what you need to do to get a good result. Remember that essay reviewers expect graduates to have a conscious understanding of the problem and a clear vision of the author's position. Also, the attested must be oriented in genres and literary terms. We wish you every success!

This week, students will write their first exams - in literature and geography. Gazeta.Ru decided to help 11-graders and conducted a survey among students who passed the exam for 100 points and entered the leading Russian universities on the budget. The survey participants shared a recipe for their success and told them if they could cheat on the exam.

(100 points for the exam in mathematics and physics)

I passed the exam myself, without tutors and any kind of cheating. The USE in physics and mathematics cannot be difficult, there all the tasks are in the style of "read the condition and do not make a mistake in one formula", but in the Russian language it did not work out to pass 100 points. I lost a couple of primary points somewhere in the area of ​​"logic and coherence of the text" in part C. Here it already depends on the examiner, that is, if in physics or mathematics you can get 100 points, guided by one formula (again, read the condition and not be mistaken, and, of course, make it out neatly), then in Russian half of the success of part C depends on the examiner.

To write off on the exam? I don’t know, I haven’t tried it. It is said to be quite easy. I don’t know if this is true, but it’s probably possible. One of my students (I tutor a little here) has stopped preparing at all, she says she doesn't need more than 60 points, and she will write off something for 60. There are so many ways to cheat a theoretically fair system.

I heard from acquaintances that their friend's dad, a stern businessman, a thunderstorm of the district, came to the director of the school in which his daughter was supposed to take the exam, put a large sum on the table and said: “She will write that she knows, and let yours add the correct answers there. ".

Thank God, everything ended relatively well: she wrote that she knew, but could not finish it. The money was returned to my father, he did not inflict any consequences on anyone, but the fact is obvious: whoever wants to - will write off.

It's still more fun in English. Familiar teachers, appointed by overseers, say that the quality of the microphones on which you need to dictate the text, frankly, is not very good. That is, the recording may turn out to be so clumsy that it will be impossible to make out half of the words. I don’t know if it’s an accident or not, but I didn’t want to take it myself, since I didn’t need it for admission. I'm not even talking about the situation of past years, when everyone was cut off on one task in order to reduce the number of 100-point students in the country. No one was able to prove anything later, although people swore that they had written the problem perfectly.

Daria Titova (100 points for the exam in literature)

“Six months before the exams, I suddenly decided that I definitely need to take literature. Partly because, to be honest, no one else took it, and I wanted to stand out.

And also because I firmly decided to enter the Faculty of Journalism, which greatly surprised my family of doctors.

On this crazy desire, at first I myself crammed primary sources and read criticism.

But my real preparation began at the moment when I found a tutor - a university teacher who once was directly involved in the development of tests in literature. She knew the cuisine itself: how what is evaluated, what is worth and should not be written in essays. With her, my absolutely unsystematic knowledge of the subject was completely washed out of unnecessary tinsel and worries - there were clear plans for the analysis of the works and the final answer. Nothing extra.

It was not without luck: in my ticket I knew all the works well.

I didn't even try to cheat: I didn't have enough time to think about it, plus it was the first exam, and I was scared by the strict environment.

Remembering this whole process now, I think that it is impossible to pass all subjects for 100 points. This exam does not test knowledge, well, or not only knowledge. Such a system needs a mechanical approach. It is worth at least a little to decide on further studies, choose the exams that you will take and focus on them. Five or six 100-point USE does not give any guarantees for a future happy life. "

Alexey Kubarev (100 points for the exam in mathematics)

“I passed the exam for 100 points simply because of my ability (both parents graduated from Mekhmat, there were no problems with mathematics even in one of the best physics and mathematics schools in Moscow). I prepared for the USE only at school on test exams, and I was also helped by a teacher who sometimes gave home problems from the former part of C. I did not have any tutors - I just came and wrote. I wasn’t worried about the complexity, I was worried only about a small amount of time (besides, I write slowly), so during the exam I tried to quickly assess in what way the problems were solved and write the solutions straight away into a clean copy.

I didn’t write anything on the draft, except for some calculations.

Naturally, no matter how capable you are, you cannot guarantee that you will write the USE for 100 points, but you can guarantee 90+. Personally, when I went to the exam, I hoped that I would be lucky with two problems from part C, otherwise I was sure.

I can advise today's 11-graders to worry less during the exam itself and before it. Personally, I performed a lot on stage, so I lost the habit of excitement. Also, in no case should you prepare all night long, especially before the exam. At least a couple of days before it, you need to start going to bed on time: it is absolutely necessary to be asleep during the exam.

Regarding cheating: I have not come across this, but I heard from friends from other schools that, in principle, cheating is real.

For example, they say that people carried cribs by pinning them to their clothes with pins: the pins are too small for a metal detector to sense them.

But this, of course, is not at all for those who are aiming at 100 points: they simply have no time to write off from somewhere there, just have time to solve problems.

It is quite possible to write all the exam for 100 points, although it is difficult. First, of course, nothing will come of it without luck, and luck in three exams is not the same as in one. Secondly, we must not forget about the human factor. Here is the inspector sitting, your work is one hundredth, he is already tired, and you have, say, bad handwriting. Naturally, he gets a negative impression, and the probability of getting a hundred drops dramatically. In mathematics, this is not so scary, but, say, in Russian, you can easily get a drop in the score in an essay on some point like "expressiveness of speech." And then go and prove that you should have the maximum score for this item!

In general, I advise you to worry less, get enough sleep before the exam, and also not pull your hair out after writing for errors or incomplete assignments.

Spoil your nerves (and your hair), but don't raise your score. "

Ekaterina Kartseva (100 points for the USE in history)

“I prepared for the Unified State Exam in a year, before that I hadn't dealt with history at all, I only knew the date of the Battle of Kulikovo. But it helped that I was well treated at school, and in the 11th grade I, one might say, did not attend school. Instead, from eleven to eight in the evening, I spent several days a week with a tutor, who, seeing my zeal, took surprisingly little money from me. Social contacts, of course, suffered over the year, because I did not leave the house.

It's real to prepare well for the exam in a short time, you just need to sacrifice something (time, parties, other subjects). Well, the system is also important.

I prepared like this: every day I started by taking notes from a textbook, then I learned the notes. Then I solved +10 tests, flipped through the public pages in VK, analyzed all the errors and wrote them down in separate notebooks, which I re-read before going to bed. In the evening I asked my mother to check the dates (in both directions), somewhere around 25. Closer to the exam, I already refused textbooks, and more often copied and re-read the collection of tasks from Part C (I collected a large Word file in a year). In general, this whole thing usually took almost the whole day.

In my opinion, you can get 100 points in several subjects if you fulfilled the educational standard at school, and in the 11th grade trained on tests, plus you were lucky on the exam. But for this, all teachers must be strong subject students, and the student must have sustained motivation throughout high school. In general, in practice it is almost impossible to implement, I think. She herself sacrificed mathematics for the subjects that were needed for admission (49 points seemed to be). But in Russian 100 points can always be obtained, the subject is easy.

It was possible to cheat on exams, people took out their phones, I had cribs with me. "

Anna Landau (100 points for the Unified State Exam in Russian)

I studied for two years with a tutor, but I was pretty lucky on the exam, too. I came across a good text with a clear problem, and it was easy enough to find arguments. I believe that it is quite possible to pass the USE in Russian for 100 points, you just need to memorize a certain set of rules, solve tasks, pick up a sufficient number of arguments for different topics and write several dozen essays - so to speak, get your hands on it.

To write off, as for me, it was impossible, because there was strict supervision and control at the entrance.

From my point of view, in order to pass the USE with 100 points, luck is needed rather than knowledge. When I was there, there were also cases when a person who wrote probes for 60 points scored 90+ on the exam itself and vice versa. So the result, rather, depends on luck and on which option comes across.

Natalya Kirasheva (100 points for the Unified State Exam in Geography and Russian)

“It so happened that I passed two USEs - in the Russian language and geography - with 100 points. Honestly, I didn't expect it. Like everyone else, she strove for high results, but the number 100 was never cherished. I did not study with tutors: school studies and self-preparation were enough. There was also time left - for dances, friends and hikes. I believe that the high results are the merit of the teachers. They were wonderful: they didn’t scare me “with this USE, on which our whole life depends,” but calmly, lesson after lesson, put knowledge into our heads.

Was it difficult? To be honest, I don’t remember much excitement. Regarding the possibility to write off: the most cunning, perhaps, will always find one, but for me it is easier to prepare and be confident in my knowledge than to worry and fear that you will be "spotted".

Although I had cheat sheets on almost all exams - not for cheating, but solely for confidence.

I think that it is possible to pass the USE in both Russian and mathematics by 100 points, there probably are such guys. Although I don't seem to have met such people. "

Olga Zinchenko (100 points for the Unified State Exam in Social Science and Russian)

“I got 100 points for social studies and Russian. I studied with tutors (I don’t remember exactly, but, in my opinion, every once a week), in social studies and history I also went to group courses (at the Siberian Federal University and preparatory courses). We had very strong teachers in the gymnasium, so, in fact, the preparation was multifaceted, so to speak. In addition, I studied history, but at the last moment I did not take it (because I became an All-Russian prize-winner in English, which was enough for the universities where I wanted), although, according to the teacher, I could pass 100 points (this, of course, already from the category of the subjunctive mood, but still).

As for the recipe for success, I can say that I took this milestone only through hard work. I performed three or four tests per week (in each subject, including part C), I also listened to audiobooks on history (on the way to the courses / to the tutors). It would be difficult without tutors, since the exam is still a certain format, you can be amazingly literate, but if you did not write an essay according to a certain template, then the points will be reduced.

In principle, I did not write off the exam, but I know that many were sitting with their phones.

Some took pictures of the assignments and sent them, and then tutors / older friends or someone else sent them answers. Now, probably, such a system will not work, I heard that they put jammers, although they scared us too ”.

Surprisingly, but in order to score high on the exam in literature, it is not enough just to be able to write well and have a huge number of books in your luggage. No, this is certainly important and necessary, but we must remember that the final exam in the form of the Unified State Exam has a clear structure, and the examiners have certain criteria by which they evaluate the work of eleventh graders. No matter how creative and original you are, if your work does not meet the basic requirements of the assignment, then, alas, you will not get 100 points. Therefore, in this article we will reveal all the secrets and give you useful tips, listening to which, you can get a high result and enter the university of your dreams.

As already noted, graduates passing the exam in literature simply need to know exactly how the USE is assessed in literature. In fact, everything is very simple and not as scary as it seems at first glance.

When performing 8 and 15 tasks that require a detailed answer in 5-10 sentences, you need to give a direct and concise answer to the question. is on our website. Try not to deviate from the topic, do not use lengthy reasoning, follow a simple scheme - thesis, proof. Nothing super complicated from you is required, it is important to carefully read an excerpt from the given work of art, analyze it and give a short but clear answer to the question, citing evidence from the text as an example. The criteria are:

  1. depth of judgment
  2. persuasiveness of arguments
  3. adherence to the norms of speech.

In just 8 and 15 tasks, you can get 4 points for each (do not forget that the primary points you scored are converted to a 100-point system, and even 1 mistake you made can cost 4 test points, so be careful).

In questions 9 and 16, you are required to compare the proposed passage from a literary work with two other texts. you can look at the website. The most important thing here is a convincing justification why you find the examples from works of art that you give appropriate and how you find them similar. Do not forget that you need to correctly indicate the titles of the works and their authors. The criteria by which your answers will be judged:

  1. inclusion of a work in a literary context
  2. persuasiveness of arguments

Since the exam is always a stressful situation for graduates, we advise you to think over examples of works for various topics in advance, it is more convenient to do this in the table. Divide it into specific topics, for example, war, unrequited love, etc. (you can take them from exemplary CMMs), and select texts in which these problems are encountered. So at X-hour it will be much easier for you, and you will be able to score the highest score for this task.

And finally, the last task is to write a large essay on one of the three suggested topics. you can look at the website. Here you have to show:

  1. knowledge of literary text
  2. knowledge of literary terms
  3. literary outlook

The reviewer will evaluate:

  1. depth of understanding of the topic
  2. persuasiveness of arguments
  3. level of theoretical and literary knowledge
  4. the validity of attracting the text of the work
  5. compositional integrity
  6. consistency of presentation
  7. adherence to the norms of speech.

The only advice we can give you when writing this essay is to prepare for it. You must know all the assessment criteria and, following them, write a solid work that will reflect the depth of your knowledge and the meaningfulness of your arguments.

What do you need to know?

Before you start preparing for the exam in literature, you should find out what the exam consists of, how much time is allotted for solving each task, what you need to read and much more.

Let's start in order:

  1. How long is the exam in literature?

Graduates are given 3 hours 55 minutes. Believe me, this time is enough to complete and check all tasks. But, despite this, from year to year, many graduates lose precious points precisely because they simply do not have time to answer all the questions or rewrite the essay for a clean copy. Therefore, we strongly recommend everyone who is preparing to take the Unified State Exam in Literature to practice writing a CIM in the time allotted for the exam. Schedule the time and objectively assess whether you have time to write, check and rewrite all the essays. If not, then try to reconsider your time spent, maybe it is more convenient for you to start with the last task, and then return to the first part of the work. Determine what is the maximum number of minutes you can spend to answer this or that question and try not to exceed this limit.

  1. How many tasks are on the exam?
  2. The Unified State Exam in Literature consists of two parts. Part 1 is divided into 2 blocks - in the first part, you are required to answer 7 questions that test your knowledge of literary theory, and 2 questions with a detailed answer of 5-10 sentences. The entire first block is devoted to the epic or dramatic genders of literature. Block 2 deals with lyrics and also consists of 7 questions on theory and 2 questions, in the answer to which you must write a "short essay".

    Part 2 is writing essays on one of three suggested topics. Each topic relates to a specific era (1 topic - Old Russian literature, literature of the 18th century or literature of the first half of the 19th century, 2 topic - the second half of the 19th century, and 3 topic concerns literary works written from the late 19th to the beginning of the 20th century). The length of the essay must be at least 200 words.

    1. What to read?
    2. To pass the exam in literature, it is enough to read the entire list of fiction, compiled specifically for this exam, the so-called, which you can read on the website.

      But we must immediately warn you, if during all your school years you have not read practically anything from the school curriculum, then it is impossible to catch up in 1 year. But if you, on the contrary, have always responsibly treated the list of school literature, then you will not have to read anything additional.

      1. When will the results come?

      Both on the exam itself and on the official website of the Unified State Exam, the deadlines for obtaining the results will be indicated. Don't worry, you won't be left in the dark. Try to remain calm, even if your results on literature are delayed (this happens), everything that was in your power, you have already done. And do not be afraid, the inspectors are not animals, they just do their job, and if you worked hard, then your work will be appreciated.

      How to prepare?

      See the previous point. Indeed, to start preparing for the exam in literature, if you have not yet read most of the works, is simply useless. If everything is in order with the list of readings, then it is worth turning to the theory of literature. In the first part, there are as many as 14 questions concerning literary terms (genre and kind of literature, the size of the poem, etc.). All these questions are absolutely simple, so it will be very disappointing to lose your points on them. And in order to prepare, you just need to look through the knowledge of which will be tested, understand and disassemble them in detail, then you will never confuse iambic with chorea.

      Well, there is only one way to prepare for tasks with a detailed answer - training. Write as many essays as possible, try to comply with all the requirements, carefully re-read your works (it is very important to be able to notice your own mistakes), and, of course, it will be very good if there is a person who will check your literary achievements at least for the first time (I think your school teacher should not refuse such a request).

      How is the exam going?

      Just like any other exam. You come to the exam point, leaving before that all the electronic devices at home (after all, you've been preparing hard all year, and you don't need them, right?), Go to a certain audience and wait for the exam to start. When the X-hour comes, the observer once again voices the rules of the event in detail. Next, you proceed to filling out the forms (take this seriously, do not forget to double-check that you filled in everything correctly, otherwise it will be a shame if your name does not appear on a brilliantly executed, 100-point work).

      When all the organizational moments are over, you will finally receive your CMM and can begin to implement it. Read the assignments very carefully! In a stressful situation, you can easily confuse Tolstoy with Dostoevsky, so re-read several times not only your answers, but also your questions (even a perfectly written work on the problem of the little man in Chekhov's work will not be counted if the question was about Gogol). It takes 3 hours 55 minutes, you turn in all your completed forms and go home with peace of mind.

      How did you pass the exam in literature in 2017?

      Some statistical data: in 2017, 43548 graduates passed the USE in literature, of which only 4.3% could not pass the threshold (minimum score) of 32 points. And 44% of those who passed the exam were able to score more than 61 points. So, dear graduates, not everything is so bad.

      Every eleventh grader passing literature once asked in despair: "What is needed to pass the exam in literature?" But you can't even imagine how simple the answer is - you need to prepare. It is not necessary to assume that if the exam requires you not a specific, only correct answer to a question, but a detailed answer in the form of an essay, then you can let the preparation process take its course and trust your intuition, and when writing essays give free rein to your imagination and just speculate on the given topic. This approach will not lead you to success, you must clearly know what is required of you, your essays must correspond to the "requested" format, and the knowledge of literature in your head must be clearly structured. Ideally, you need to have a good understanding of this or that historical context in order to better understand the themes of the work of this or that author. You should also be able to confirm your thoughts with quotes (which you need to know by heart), and this is possible only on one condition - you need to start preparing for the exam in literature in advance! Then you will not have any problems, and even if you are a very emotional person (as everyone becomes at the moment of passing the exam), you will be calmer and more confident in yourself, and this is the key to an excellent result.

      Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

The Unified State Exam in Literature in a month, and you, having dreamed about graduation, have not studied the list of works from the school curriculum ?! There is an exit! Often it is panic that prevents you from tuning in and choosing the right preparation tactics. The Unified State Exam in literature stands apart, the complexity of which is legendary. But do not think that it will take several years of hard study to pass this exam successfully.


Of course, you will have to make an effort, but you can also cheat:

  1. To get started, get acquainted with the codifiers of the exam, which contains a list of all works of art that can be found in any version of the CMM.
  2. Study the summaries of all works, but in conjunction with critical articles, there are a lot of them on the Internet. It's like reading about a movie you want to see in a movie. If it turns out to be not very good, then the money spent on the ticket will be a pity. But you can get ready and study the reviews of those who have already watched the picture on "Kinopoisk". It's the same with books. Just read the reviews of famous critics, not just anyone. Do not forget to write out the main thing to refresh your knowledge before the exam!
  3. Subscribe to the VKontakte public pages, for example, to Literatura-Unified State Exam, where a lot of useful materials are thrown off: criticism, summaries, trial versions, analyzes. While you are on the subway, waiting for your girlfriend at the entrance or you are bored during recess, open the groups and study, you still sit with the phone.
  4. There is also a method for poems. If you overslept and did not learn them by heart, you need to classify all the lyrics into sections: nature, war, love, friendship, creativity. In each group, write the title of the poem and the author. This skill will come in handy for you on the exam in literature in task number 16.
  5. The last part consists of a creative literary task, where points are added for the use of quotations. Even without reading the entire work, on the Internet you can find quotes for each that you memorized. It will be very useful for you.
  6. By the way, another good option is to look. Only, please, do not look at foreign interpretations, which are more like a free interpretation and have little in common with the original source. Give preference to our cinema.

Life hacks from journalism students:

“I passed the exam for 85 points, studying for only two months. The main secret in studying structure.

If you learn how to write essays in a stylistically competent manner, then it is enough to get acquainted only with the key ideas of the works.

Memorizing small facts will only help with the test part, which can be completed in literally two days with the help of collections and trial tests ”, - Maxim.

“The Internet is for the strong in spirit. It can be an invaluable source of information, or it can burn up all your time. In preparation for the exam, I logged out of all social networks, leaving only a phone number for friends. You'd be surprised how productive even one hour of work becomes if you don't check your Instagram likes every five minutes! " - Marina.


“My secret was to practice regularly. The basis of the exam in literature is four mini-compositions and one large one. For a large essay, there are three topics to choose from from different sections of the literature. Therefore, it would be most reasonable to choose one in advance at the beginning of preparation. I love 20th century literature, so I focused on it. For a month I managed to write several compositions on each piece of this section ”- Anya.

“I believe my success lies in the 'rehearsals'. Often, unusual conditions drive a person into a stupor.

Solving the USE training tasks at home over a cup of tea and passing the exam in a nervous environment among strangers are very different. Therefore, try at least a few times to write training tasks in an uncomfortable environment, timing out the time.

For some it may be a noisy cafe, and for others even a metro ”- Dasha.

“While preparing for the Unified State Exam in a short time, alas, the information fits worse, not so measuredly. Therefore, my problem was that the names and surnames of all the characters were mixed in a heap. During the exam, I could not even remember my own ... So I strongly recommend to pronounce the names of the main characters from each work weekly, so as not to forget and not confuse them for sure ”- Tanya.

You see, it's real! Only now you can't waste a day, take up your studies today, and everything will definitely work out. With the right time planning, the preparation process can be a pleasure. Good luck!

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