Cursed Gold Napoleon. Mysters of "Valo Napoleon": where the trophies of the French troops disappeared. The monument was cast from a stunned silver.

Treasures "Great Army"

For the first time, the story of the fact that Napoleon "Zakopal" was good in Moscow good at the bottom of the lake, French General de Segur told and English Writer Walter Scott. Like, when the "Great Army" retreated, numerous summies with precious metals and stones stretched behind it. According to the estimates who conducted an "inventory" after some time after captured by Napoleon Moscow, the French were taken from the city about 20 glow puddles, more than 300 puddles of silver, the uncountable number of precious stones, church accessories, fur and weapons. Moreover, they were also hung and the disappearance of the gilded cross from the bell tower of Ivan the Great, as well as the disappearance of the Kremlin two-headed eagle.

By legend in the Semlevsky Lake, the treasures of Napoleon flooded

It is just known that the caravan left burned and ruined Moscow. But before Paris, all this was good and did not have gotten - somewhere shouted. On this and calmed down.

True, not long. The fact is that already in 1824, General de Segure issued memoirs about the Russian campaign. By themselves, they did not imagine anything interesting. But! There was one phrase, which fell firmly in the minds of lovers to shook the treasures: "I had to quit the Semlava Lake exported from Moscow: guns, ancient weapons, the decoration of the Kremlin and the cross from the bell tower of Ivan the Great." Passed oils in the fire and Scott, writing in the biographies of the French emperor as follows: "He commanded that Moscow prey - ancient armor, guns and a big cross with Ivan the Great - were thrown into the Semlav Lake as trophies ... which he had no opportunity to drive with him" .

Scott's creation in 1835 turned out to be in the hands of the then governor of Smolenshchina Nikolai Khmelnitsky. And the official, of course, decided to find treasures. What is interesting, in his plans he did not dedicate anyone, went in search of one. For about a month, the official floundered in a forest lake near the village of Semlyo, but I failed to detect anything.

mission Impossible

The failure of Khmelnitsky made for a while forget about the treasures of Napoleon. They remembered them only in 1911. Then members of the Vyazemsky Committee decided on how it is better to perpetuate the memory of the Patriotic War of 1812. And invented - find treasures hidden by the aggressor. The whole delegation along and across studied the lake. They found the remnants of the rotten cart, horsepower, even a rusty saber of that era ... In general, anything other than jewels.

Then, in search of the break again, the break stretched out on half a century - it was not a time trite. First, the Civil War, then the Second World War. When the situation in the country has stabilized, I again remembered.

Two scientific expeditions were organized in Soviet times

At first in 1960, and then in 1979, two scientific expeditions alternately went to the Semlevian lake. Specialists of different stripes, showing meticulousness, studied everything. Starting from the coastal soil, ending with the chemical composition of water. But they were waiting for them. And in Nakhodka there were only stones and garbage. And then on the agenda appeared quite a logical question: was the boy, in the sense of treasure?

You can, of course, believe on the word to the French general, but who will guarantee that he did not lie or did not confuse? After all, by the Semil Lake, he could call another reservoir, which at the beginning of the 19th century it was quite a lot in the territory of Smolensk province. It is possible that de Segure meant some kind of swamp or pond. In addition, he certainly did not have time to determine his location with one hundred percent accuracy - Russian troops literally breathed in the back. Therefore, the French could throw out a loot as their retreat.

De segure and scott could be wrong

By the way, it indirectly confirms in his memoirs and Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov: "The enemy in flight leaves the summers, explodes drawers with shells and leaves treasures, from the temples of God kidnapped." According to historians' estimates, frightened, tired French in a panic disassembled a looted on the territory from Maloyaroslavets to Berezina. To such opinion, they again pushed Field Marshal: "The old Smolensk road was sleeping with values, a lot of good was discharged into the river. All Russia turned into a huge, endlessly "Semel Lake", tightening at the bottom of the "Great Army" and its accredited emperor. "

But the words of Scott, as many historians believe, should not be seriously treated. The Scottish writer under handle with Napoleon to Russia did not come, and wrote the book, relying on archival documents and memories of soldiers. Therefore, he, most likely, simply rewrote the version of De Segure - she is also beautiful and romantic.

Treasures could be looted in the same 1812

By the way, according to Viktor Mikhailovich, the Military Historian, the Doctor of Historical Sciences, the treasures in that Lake never had. In his opinion, most of the good was repulsed by the Cossacks during their numerous raids on the battered French army. And what remained, Napoleon, it was quite possible, buried somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Belarusian Orsha. He has both the second version, is also quite viable - this is the Ponar Mountain, which is not far from modern Vilnus. There, the French, together with their ordinary Russian soldiers, forgot about what they were fighting and began to jointly plunder. This is what the incident is said in the "Patriotic War and Russian Society" Encyclopedia: "The pursuers at the same time joined the persecuted and took part in robbery. Seen the Russians and the French who forgot about the war and the same drawer together. Gone for 10,000,000 gold and silver! ". So, it is quite possible that the treasures of Napoleon disappeared even then. And two hundred storage devices were looking for just a beautiful legend.

"Treasures of Bonaparta, the limits of our country did not leave"

205 years ago, in mid-September 1812, Napoleon entered Moscow. Inspired as I thought, the victory in Borodina, what did the emperor dream of, waiting for the keys from the Russian capital?

Is it a great place - the place of its world history, or low-lying - looted treasures of Muscovy, who could be taken to Paris?

"There is a very specific list of all that I took the then from the gold-head of Bonaparte. And if for two hundred years, no object from this list has emerged so anywhere or in private collections, nor at auctions, it may only mean one thing: Napoleon's treasures did not leave Russia, they need to look here, "Vladimir Pryvayev convinced , Head of the only treasure devices in Russia.

The invalid cross with the bell tower of John the Great, integrated into faceless and heavy bars gold salaries icons, silver cutlery and candelabers ...

Two hundred years old professionals and lovers are trying in vain to detect the ends of the legendary Napoleon "Golden Hack". Dozens of books and scientific research are devoted to this historical riddle.

Moscow has not been given to the enemy. The merciless frost was driven by the French to the West, causing to think only about the salvation of his own skins, when a piece of stale bread becomes more expensive than all the jewels of the world. Throwing a loot where neither fall in the hope of returning. And still Smolensk generous road on such finds: silver plugs and spoons, gold-plated buttons ... You will be happy to show them in local school museums, including even the rusted kernels from French cannons.

But the most important, invaluable treasure was never found. Where is he?..

Semlevsky Lake 250 years old keeps his secrets.

Mystery standing lake

Smolensk village Semlevo, which is under Vyazma, a few months older than Moscow: the first mention of it is dated, too, 1147, only August. And the seven is famous for the fact that it was here that Napoleon spent the night, forever running away from the non-microgenic Russian capital.

"Whether he spent the night here, he just wanted to spend the night, yes, he changed his mind, having walked the rumble of Russian guns," the locals argue. And with pleasure, they demonstrate "the very place", where there was a hiking bed of the Great Emperor.

However, from the place of bed of the French commander-in-chief - an old church in the center of the settlement - nothing left. She, like many, was demolished in 1937. Now there is a memorable wooden cross, and soldiers and soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, the land of thousands of unnamed graves are buried. The quiet submarine seamlessly, in the afternoon, extinct, curved with the last warm days, was once the epicenter of the insatiable Vyazemsky boiler of a different war - nothing left, no one ...

Stirred all. Past with the present. That first domestic, 1812, on the other, later, Great.

It is a pity, short, human memory, as well as the human age, but everything remembers the Semlevian lake - the oldest, the dark, tightly storing his own and other people's secrets. One of which states that the treasure of Napoleon was flooded in his waters.

Once the Semlevian lake was wider and fully full. Then desole, his shores were tormented by Tina, the surroundings threw the forest; Water squals under his feet through birch poles-brush - she is still warm, almost as in summer, and if you wish, you can even swim, but it is only scary to somehow dive into this bottomless mermaid in blackness, in a quiet pool.

There are no fish, and for some reason they do not wish the birds next to the lake nests. Numerous studies have shown that in the waters of the lake there is a huge number of silver ions of unknown origin, and other precious metals - too. Where are they there? ..

"One of the main assumptions is that at the depths are just a flooded treasure of Napoleon: everyone knows that in our seven, he came with a heavightful weapon, and left here already lightweight. If you just knew how many expeditions came here in search of the Valo-Napoleon, even on my age - everything goes and drive ... - love the hands of Grigorievna Stroelbitskaya, the oldest teacher of the local school, the teacher of the Russian language and literature, the alternate of the Starny: to meet me She came with important entries on the history of the native land. The main part of which is devoted to the gold emperor.

Rarittakes of the school museum village Semlyo.

"Yes, about this trend, if you know, I wrote another Walter Scott," says the love of Grigorievna. - In the Russian Empire, the search for him was also in the XIX century, they began under the leadership of the then-general Governor of Khmelnitsky, came to us and metropolitan engineers who were trying to come up with a way to explore the bottom of the lake. But at that time it was technically impossible, and today, too.

The fact is that the bottom of the Lake Semlevsky is no matter. It is like a puff pastry, in which each layer of water is mixed with a layer of sand and sludge, and so deeper, deeper ... water and muddy lake suspension, clay - and under it again water ...

- Already in the 60s of the 20th century, fifty years ago, I remember, I was still a student, a serious expedition from the Moscow Aviation Institute arrived here, the guys lived here all summer, they took different samples, but it did not work out, I left unsolon Bread, - the love of Grigorievna sighs. - And geologists here worked, and archaeologists. Even psychics somehow came about the treas. Just without anything ...

At the beginning of the zero, the whole delegation of the French grew up. They said that they want to visit memorable places associated with Napoleonic Wars; Having arrived on the shore, tearfully begged to resolve it to explore it, but the authorities decided: it is better not necessary - it is not necessary, but what if they succeed? It will be hurt. Do not go to anyone ...

True Bogarne

But the historian Alexander Seregin from the Moscow region of Barvikha is confident that "Gold Bonaparte" (although why is Bonaparte? This is our Russian gold!) It should be sought in a completely different place. At one time, he even created a center for the search for Napoleon. And he himself headed. He with his comrades with great enthusiasm began for this case; Now, however, enthusiasm was dubbed, but this is not because they do not know where countless treasures are buried, just as they assured, to get them at the present stage there is no possibility. Neither physical nor moral.

"The land in which these relics are stored, state, and even if we agree to carry out the excavation there, almost all of the found will have to give to the treasury: you understand, this treasure has a huge national and historical importance, Seregin sighs. "But about how we learned where it is stored, I'll tell you yet." This is a separate, very mysterious story. The fact is that one day the unknown person granted us, introduced himself as a mathematician ...

At this place in 1812, ranging from Moscow, Napoleon spent the night.

The stranger told that he as an obsessed for many years studying the archives in France for many years to find at least some hooks to the lost clade of Napoleon. And once in his hands, an old engraving was hit, at which the son of Josephine Bogarne, Steyok Napoleon, - Eugene. Landscape behind the back of General Bogarne is our, Midnesday, somewhere between Kaluga, Moscow and Smolensk. Night, stars, yes, the trianglass for some reason is dropped at Bogarne from the head to Earth ...

- It is known that Napoleon really trusted her steppe, he even made it the vice-king of Italy; He could well charge himself a secret mission and on the burial of Moscow gold, "explains Vladimir Pryvayev, the associate of Alexander Sergey and the head of the only office in Russia, which is engaged in finding treasures - not only Napoleon, but in general anyone.

"Of course, a story with the disappearance of the Moscow" Gold Napoleon "is very fascinating, - he adds. - But other unreleased treasures of that era are still kept in the capital. People fled from the war, they took the most valuable from the house and, if possible, the optional, hid it in the walls, in attics, under the floor ... Many such scrons still wait their o'clock. After all, what is treasure? This is an ordinary safe cell. However, there were no banks, people kept their savings in Kubashki: I came, say, a person in Moscow in 1812, threw his cube somewhere, and then suddenly died, no one had time to say anything - so his property became a treasure, and There may be hundreds of such in the capital ...

In favor of the fact that Evgeny Bogarne could be involved in the disappearance of "Moscow gold," says the fact that he, the only one of the approximate Napoleon, for a while, literally for several days, left the emperor's bet, and where he was what he did at that time - It is not known to historians, in the archives of information either.

"You can not eliminate that just these days he at the direction of the stepfather and hid the treasures stolen from Moscow, it was his secret mission," says Vladimir Pryvayev.

Vladimir Pryvayev.

On that old engravings, which showed a mysterious mathematician to professional treassectors, the night sky with a very skillful and detailed image of stars stretches over the Bogar. Those are surprisingly accurately, therefore specialists suggested that, perhaps, their position indicates the coordinates of the hidden treasures.

- We eventually solved the secret of engravings. In fact, we are dealing with an encrypted area of \u200b\u200bthe area, where even a cocardium from the head of the French general served as a hint for the place of detection of the treasure, - all pointed out the same point of space, even after the past 205 years, it was not confused by anything. There are very important and unchanged details, but in more detail I will not tell you anything so as not to cause unnecessary excitement among adventurers and dreamers, "Alexander Seregin explains.

What is the case? Can you dig it yourself? ..

The treasure in the hands did not

"Alas, but no, any treasure, especially invaluable as Napoleonic, opens at one time, and only to someone who is worthy," Vladimir Pryvayev is sure. He regretted that an attempt to visit the terrain and in practice to check in fact the theory of mysterious mathematics was, that's just no good to led to anything. "We barely remained alive that night," says the treasure detector. Although it did not make them harvested, but, as they say, research excitement.

Alexander Seregin.

We left Moscow in November, at the same date, when Yevgeny Bogarna, with an unknown goal left the bid, is all the astronomical coordinates indicated on the encrypted engraving. The roads from Moscow were about four hours. The weather was cold, but dry, characteristic of late autumn. "And suddenly it suddenly threw the snow, and in a few minutes everything was noticeable to them, so there is no zgi," recalls Vladimir Pryvayev. When they arrived at the laid point, it turned out that both Novekhonkiy, only purchased tools for finding the treasure suddenly turned out to be broken. "We bought them in a good store, but did not check the packaging, and never there was such a thing, so that the defective goods were slipped, and here out of the box the details as fell apart ..."

At the end of everything, as the "MK" said, Alexander Seregin, did not barely attacked local bandygans - they fell behind the car, deciding, it is obvious that strange Muscovites are crazy, having decided to dig freeze ground in a clean field at night.

"It means that it is not enough to get enough to him, let us return here, they judged then, but so far I have not had to," Seregin sighs. - As if everything is configured against. Even the mathematician who brought us the portrait of Yevgeny Bogarne, took and disappeared somewhere, the phone did not answer him, was disconnected, and we never saw him anymore and did not hear it. As if it was not at all ...

The treasure detectors are confident that, unlike the canonical version about finding the Napoleon's treasure in the impassive rust of the Semlevian lake, these treasures are actually on land, under the roots of a two-year tree, but to get them, you need to use special explosive devices. "It is clear that few people will decide - to turn such a difficult operation," Alexander Seregin sighs. "But this is good, that means treasure we will definitely wait."

He says that no doubt is that Napoleon's treasure is subject to place in this very place. Here and in Great Patriotic, the most bloody battles were held - and all because the Germans knew the exact coordinates where the treasures were hidden, so they tried to take possession of her height.

- Unnamed this height - Remember, how is it in the song? It seems that there were no special strategic significance in it, and how many people here were used - and everything because of gold, I'm sure! - exclaims Alexander Seregin.

Portrait of Evgeny Bogarne. But not the same.

He is convinced that the treasure is worthy of state attention. Here you need sapper troops: "I just serve my son there now." But he himself says that he moved away from this treasurefishing and writes a global book about how to live on everything next: "Project Russia".

... If you ride through Smolensk villages, through which two years ago, the exhausted French troops, customized by the Russian army, were briefly returned home, then in every village you will definitely tell about the intelligent treasures of Napoleon, buried somewhere in their surroundings. Is it true or to do with fiction - who knows; As Vladimir Pryvayev says, the real treasure opens away from everyone. And only at the right time.

Sun in the sunset sun mysterious Semlevian lake, reflected in it, sparkling, the last September rays - as if gold hidden at the very bottom, they blindly blind.

Slept on the shores in an explosion of testers and funnels fallen soldiers. Guard peace of this land, as permanent hourly. Immediately, underground, it is precisely known where the irreparate wealth of Napoleon is hidden. Only they will not tell anyone about this.

... After fulfilling the secret mission of Napoleon, General Bogarna has changed much. If earlier he was not a fool to drink and bodies, now I was recumbered, calmed down. He said that one day he accidentally fell asleep in one of the Orthodox village churches, from where it was literally everything, to the last Popovskaya Riza, and was the saint night, the patron saint of this temple, who said that if Bogyrna did not come to his senses and would not stop marauding in Russia, it will inevitably die. "Stop caustion, general, otherwise how the dog will die. And you will behave fine, come back home. "

Bogarna chose the second - and for a long time he recalled that damned oriental hike, who did not bring him anything but a shame and flight.

Gold Napoleon's loaded during the war 1812 commissioned the vice-king Evgeny Bogarne. Three hundred fifty wagons, loaded with gold, silver and valuable things tried on the road. But on the way to Smolensk, they mysteriously disappeared ....

Moscow Napoleon Army robbed 35 days. They took everything valuable, which was not burned in fire fiction. All the not exported values \u200b\u200bof the Moscow Kremlin and the patriarchals of the county went to the invaders. The soldiers of the emperor, who did not have the concepts of the artistic value of antique gold and silver products that were in their hands, interpret them into bars. At that time, the Kaluga road was blocked by Russian troops. And Napoleon's army had to retreat on the Smolensk road by the villages, they were already looted.

The retreat was rush. Hunger began in running away from the defeat of the army. People ate horses and even human flesh. Towards with dried treasures reduced the speed of retreat. And then Napoleon ordered to hide most of the contents of the wrap, so that nothing would get the enemy. Gold buried to the ground, treated in rivers and lakes. The whole path of the retreat of the French army, as follows from oral traditions, was littered with sheltered treasures.

At the end of the war, many engaged in search of gold.

The landowners were forced to seek to seek values \u200b\u200bat the bottom of the Berezina River. And the peasants often found gold and silver jewelry.

According to Walter Scott, gold and silver bars, coins, unique diamonds and much more are hidden at the bottom of the Semlevian lake, and much more.

Smolensk Governor General N.I. Khmelnitsky sent an expedition to Semlevsky Lake immediately after the end of the war. All attempts to find the loot were unsuccessful.

Napoleon's gold was remembered already in the 60s of the twentieth century. Searches in the Swellev lake resumed. Water samples were taken for chemical analysis. And they showed that in lake water, gold and silver are contained in tens of times more than in other surrounding lakes. It just turned out that the bottom of the lake was covered with a fifteen-meter layer of il. During the time passed after the war, it began to turn into a swamp. 20 years of searches did not give the expected result.

Some scientists believe that more promising than the Swelian lake is the Belarusian city of Grodno. There are enough swamps and lakes under it, where it was possible to reliably hide the treasures. Hope to get them there much higher.

Interesting case, by the way, occurred near the Belarusian city of Borisov in 1842. In the nest, Soroki found gold coins of the XVI century. Began to look, from where the bird could drain them, but did not find anything.

It is known to historians that, during the retreat, Napoleon stopped in the estate of Selishche. The horses were embarrassed out of his strength, so he ordered me to burrow somewhat smoking a few stern into the ground and notice the place. Thirty years later, a Frenchman who participated in the hiding treasure arrived in the estate. But the terrain by that time has changed beyond recognition. Barrels with gold and still not found.

Not so long ago, the former FAPSI officer under the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Pryvayev decided to do the search for treasures. He requested the governors of Smolensk and Kaluga regions in providing assistance in search of 80 tons of hidden gold. Together with him is going to look for a treasure and historian, director of the Search Center for the Napoleon Search Alexander Seregin. Sergene explains its interest in the Kaluga and Smolensk regions of the Kaluga and Smolensk regions by the fact that someone came to him, who lived in France for a long time. This is what Seregin said about this:

"Our guest spent many years in the archives, trying to attack the traces of Napoleon's treasure among historical documents," Seregin recalls. - In the end, he found a strange engraving. It depicts noble from the nearest environment of the emperor. The one who was responsible for transporting Russian jewels. The author of engravings - the court artist of that time - depicted it with blatant inaccuracies. As if specifically. And as intentionally "threw" to the ground to the Earth, which should be on the head.

Roman Alexandrovich carefully studied the landscape in the background, the location of the stars in the sky. And, focusing on them, calculated where this place is located, against which there is no one.

Stars in the picture were not depicted for beauty, but to identify this area, explains Alexander. - And the triangle is a kind of key. If its copy, made on a certain scale, is on the map, then the cocardium of the tricons will accurately indicate the place of the treasure. But it can be calculated using other details of engraving, which is inherently card schema ...

Almost two hundred years have passed since the First Patriotic War, but until now, Napoleon's treasures do not quietly sleep want to find them. Well, maybe early, or later, someone will be lucky.

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1812. Commandments of the Patriotic War of Boyarinsev Vladimir Ivanovich

Where are the Value Napoleon's Value?

According to the most modest estimates, the French were taken from the Kremlin 18 puddles of gold, 325 poods of silver, thousands of decorations with precious stones, ancient weapons, tons of church dishes, gold and silver salaries with enamel, pearls, gems. Many unique products made of gold and silver, the French were overpayed into ingots, for which in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin was delivered by melting furnaces. In addition to the overall coat with the extraction of personal calls with trophies, each of the Napoleonic Marshals had. In addition, every soldier is in the Racial Personal Prey. Writer Standal, who participated in the Russian campaign, later recalled that he, like his colleagues, made golden Russian coins in his sinel.

It is known that the French from the territory of Russia did not take out most of the vague values.

With a place of tragic crossing of the remnants of the Great Army across the Berezina River, one of the most intriguing rumors of history is connected - about the so-called treasures, in other words, about the values \u200b\u200bstolen by Napoleon in Russia, which were allegedly lost retreats.

Count Segure, Pedantically fixed the entire dramatic path of following the Great Army from Moscow testifies: The main part of the treasure was reached to the borders of Belarus, but no wagon with them went out of its limits. It was the stupid treasures as if through the earth failed.

The first attempts to find the "Treasures of Napoleon" on Berezine were undertaken immediately after the war of 1812 to order Alexander I. But they did not give results, afterwards foreigners came to the place of the former crossing accompanied by representatives of local authorities. When searching for treasures, they used cards and plans, but to detect any rarely. Over the past 200 years, the story of Napoleon's Treasures has covered hundreds of all sorts of non-residents and legends, but some of them, according to experts, require a serious relationship to themselves.

At the end of the nineteenth century, many European newspapers published a sensational message - in Russia the last of the remaining officer of the Napoleonic army was found, who took part in a hike to Russia in 1812, named Jean Batist Saven, who supposedly knows the burial site of the part " Treasures of Napoleon. "

During the tragic crossing over Berezina, Captain Saven was instructed with a small detachment to protect the carts with the Treasury of the General Staff of the Army. There were more than 4 million gold coins in the boxes. The carts with the Treasury rose to the bridge along with the guns of heavy artillery, and at that moment the bridge, without suppressing the overload, collapsed. All the treasury was in ice water. Saven miraculously got off ashore and immediately captured.

Fate cast the captain to the Russian city of Saratov, where he lived the rest of his life under the name of Nikolai Savina. More than once, he applied to the authorities with the petitions about the search for the treasure, but they did not react.

And after a few years, some official became interested in his petitions found in the archive. A large expedition left for Berezin's area, a search for more than a month was continued, but the results were not given.

The search for treasures on Berezine resumed during the years of Soviet power, several times there were special expeditions, the most large-scale of which was the expedition of the State Museum of Belarus in the early 60s of the XX century. Berezina channel in the area of \u200b\u200bthe former crossing of Napoleon was examined with the help of equipment and divers, there was no result.

According to the official certificate of the Russian Ministry of the Interior, the Moscow production of Napoleon was 18 puddles of gold, 325 puddles of silver and an unidentified number of church utensils, precious stones, antique weapons, dishes, fur and others. All this was exported from Moscow and partially remained in the caches On the Smolensk Road.

The main part of the "Moscow production" of Napoleon was several dozen century (by one sources - twenty-five, in others - about forty) and consisted of the utensils of the colors of the Kremlin, old weapons, art and jewelry objects. Part of the products made of precious metals was overclit into the bars. To do this, in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, smelting furnaces were equipped. Adjutant General Narbonon De Costellan recalls how the French "took and melted the silver utensils of the Kremlin churches, adding the army to this cashier." Melting mines worked in other places of the city.

Mention of "Moscow mining" can be found in the memoirs of many French participants of the campaign of 1812.

Officer Marengon: "Napoleon ordered to pick up diamonds, pearls, gold and silver, which were in churches. He ordered even to remove the gilded cross from the domes of Ivan the Great. Ordered to take out all the trophies of the Kremlin. They loaded 25 cartes. "

These days, M. I. Kutuzov, in one of the orders, was noted: "The enemy in flight leaves his calls, blows up drawers with shells and leaves treasures, from the temples of God's abducted"

It is known that after Napoleon's departure from Moscow, many valuable things were found in the Kremlin. The French are invaluable for Russian icons throwing to the ground, disrupting only salaries from them. There were bronze double-headed eagles with the Kremlin towers, a large cross from the bell tower of Ivan the Great.

There is a version that Napoleon, without being able to take out such a number of values, decided to drown treasures in the surrounding swamps, good, there are a large number there.

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Test "Patriotic War of 1812".

1) in 1480

2) in 1612.

3) in 1812.

4) in 1704.

A2. Who was appointed commander-in-chief of Russian troops?

1) A.V. Svorov

2) F.F. Shushakov

3) M.I. Kutuzov

4) M.I.Platov

A3. Where did the decisive battle of Napoleon army occurred?

1) from the village of Borodin

2) at the Nep Support River

3) in Poltava

4) on the Kulikov field

A4. Who is M.I.Platov?

1) Russian commander

2) Ataman Cossacks

3) The commander of the partisan detachment

4) Adjutant M.I. Kutuzova

IN 1. What kind of monument was cast from a dead silver underwent?

1) Monument to Minin and Pozharsky

2) Monument M.I. Kutuzov

3) Panicidal "Vintage"

4) Assumption Cathedral

AT 2. Why war 1812 Remained in history called "Patriotic"?

2) the whole people rose to the fight for the Fatherland

IN 3. Why M.I. Cutuzov decided to retreat and give Moscow Napoleon?

1) he had no strength to fight

3) Napoleon was stronger

4) he was seriously wounded

C1. What actions M.I. Kutuzov allowed him to defeat the army of Napoleon?

1) He passed Moscow, but retained the army.

2) He forced the French Emperor to retreat through the ruined lands,

french army starvation.

3) he acted cunning, did not enter into battle, without sacrificing life


4) inspired soldiers on bloody battles.

C2. What commander was a mentor M.I. Cutup in considerable business?

1) A.V. Svorov

2) F.F. Shushakov

3) Napoleon Bonaparte

4) Peter Great

Verification work. Test "In Search of Justice".

A1. Who was the last Russian king?

1) Ivan IV

2) Alexander II

3) Nicholas II

4) Peter I

A2. Which king canceled the serfdom?

1) Ivan IV

2) Alexander II

3) Nicholas II

4) Peter I

A3. What determination comes to the word "revolution"?

2) A group of people who put forward their program for the development of society.

3) hostilities against invaders

4) War between citizens of one country.

A4. What is a civil war?

1) Decisive actions for the purpose of deep changes in society.

IN 1. When does the Russian king beaten from the throne?

1) in 1917.

2) in 1918.

3) in 1914.

AT 2. Why the war is 1914g. Called global?

3) Russia asked the world

C1. What consequences brought World War II?

1) in the country lacked food

2) the village remained without workers

3) Russian army lacked shells

C2. Who fought during the Civil War?

1) White

2) Red

3) Black

4) Green

Verification work. The test "Century of Bows and Wins."

A1. How did our country be called in 1922??

1) Russian Federal Republic

3) Russian Empire

4) Russian Republic

A2. How many republics went into the USSR?

A3. What city became the capital of our country from 1918?

2) Nizhny Novgorod

3) Moscow

4) St. Petersburg

A4. What is the symbol of the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris?

1) Spasskaya Tower with a five-pointed star

2) Monument "Worker and collective farmer"

3) Krasin icebreaker

4) coat of arms of Russia

IN 1. Who led our country from the 20s. 20V.?

1) Parliament

3) President

4) Tips

AT 2. What word in the list refers to the life of our country of the 20-30s. 20V.?

1) collective farm

4) serf

IN 3. Why did the farmers wanted to unite in the collective farms?

1) yields would be less

2) there was no technology

3) it violated the lifestyle to which they are accustomed

4) no one wanted to work in the village

C1. What refers to the achievements of the 30s. 20V.?

1) Construction in Moscow Metro

2) education has become available to all

3) The first railway is built

4) Power plants were built in the country

C2. How did the illiteracy liquidated in the Soviet country?

1) Schools opened everywhere

2) at the factories opened the FMU (School of Factory Apprenticeship)

3) Admitted to universities improved knowledge on slaves

4) people forced forced to learn

Test "Get up, the country is huge!".

A1. When did the Great Patriotic War begins?

1) in 1939

2) in 1941.

3) in 1945

4) in 1922.

A2. What country attacked our country in 1941?

1) Germany

2) France

3) Japan

4) Mongolia.

A3. What city was in blockade 900 days?

1) Moscow

2) Stalingrad

3) Kursk

4) Leningrad

A4. When do we celebrate the Victory Day?

IN 1. Who led Berlin's assault?

1) Marshal Konev

2) Marshal Rokossovsky

3) Marshal Zhukov

4) General Panfilov

AT 2. Why did our army first failed?

1) it was small compared to the fascist army

2) there were no modern weapons and techniques

3) the attack was a sudden and treacherous

4) There were no talented commander

IN 3. What the name refers to our legendary military technique


1) "MiG"

2) "Shark"

3) "Buran"

4) Katyusha

C1. What cities got the title of Hero?

1) Novorossiysk

2) Murmansk

3) Vladivostok

4) Smolensk

C2. What consequences had the Great Patriotic War?

1) over 27 million people died

2) in the ruins lay cities and villages

3) works of art were taken to Germany

4) Our country has lost part of its territory

Test "Modern Russia".

A1. What a negative phenomenon was inherent in the country's social life in the 1980s

1) people reluctance to receive education

2) lack of freedom of speech

3) aggravation of relations between the peoples of the USSR

4) crime has grown

A2. Which of our compatriots spoke with a sharp criticism of politics

governments at the I Congress of People's Deputies?

1) B.N.ELtsin

2) P.L. Kapitsa

3) A.D. Sakharov

4) M.S. Gorbachev

A3. When did the Soviet Union ceased to exist?

1) in 1991.

2) in 1998.

3) in 2000.

4) in 2005

A4. How did our country be called after the collapse of the USSR?

3) Republic

4) Russian Federation

IN 1. What is sovereignty?

1) state independence

AT 2. Who became the first president of the Russian Federation?

1) L.I.Bezhnev

2) A.D. Sakharov

3) M.S. Gorbachev

4) B.N.ELtsin

IN 3. What word appeared in the speech of Soviet people?

1) Cosmonaut

2) deficiency

3) Credit

4) Internet

C1. What problems arose in the economy of our country in the 1980s??

C2. What political transformations occurred in the country in 1980-1990.?

1) Perestroika was announced

Final test.

1 option.

A1. What is the name of the main law of our country?

1) federal law

2) Constitution

4) Convention

A2. Who is the head of our state?

1) Emperor

2) King

3) President

4) Sultan

A3. What does the expression "BC"?

1) last century

2) in the past millennium

3) before the Nativity of Christ

4) after christmas Christ

A4. What characterization refers to the tundra?

A5. What is the plain spread from the western borders of Russia to the Ural Mountains?

1) Eastern European

2) Volga

4) West Siberian

A6. What animal is called "desert ship"?

1) Saigaka

2) camel

3) Korsaka

4) Varana

A7. What makeful fossil has smoothness?

1) Clay

2) Sand

3) Oil

4) iron ore

A8. What is the soil most fertile?

1) tundra soil

2) meadow soil

3) podzolic soil

4) Chernozem

A9. What a steppe plant has a root-bulb?

1) Tychak

2) Kovyl


A10. What is the beams?

1) cluster of hills

3) High mountains

4) Mountains located in rows

A11. Who entered the story as a Baptist of Russia?

1) Prince Vladimir

2) Yaroslav Wise

3) Alexander Nevsky

4) Peter Great

A12. What was the name of the master who created the first typography in Moscow?

1) Cyril

2) Methodius

3) Ivan Fedorov

4) Monk Nestor

A13. What prince broke a Swedish army on the Neva?

1) Prince Oleg

2) Prince Vladimir

3) Prince Yaroslav

4) Prince Alexander

IN 1. What kind of reserve was created in the deserts?

1) Taimyr

2) "Black lands"

3) Prioksko-terrace

4) Barguzi

AT 2. What is sovereignty?

1) state independence

2) lack of goods of public consumption in the market

3) Open criticism of flaws in society

4) a sharp decline in the economic life of the country

IN 3. What is a civil war?

1) Decisive actions for the purpose of deep changes in society

2) war between citizens of one country

3) War of citizens for their fatherland

4) hostilities against the king

AT 4. Why did the war of 1812 remained in history called Patriotic?

1) Russian people defended the boundaries of the Fatherland

2) the whole people rose to the fight for the Fatherland

3) Russian army reached Paris himself

4) Napoleon attacked only on our Fatherland

AT 5. What approval applies to the food security of the country?

more fertilizers.

foods abroad.


C1. What objects of the World Natural Heritage are located in the territory


1) Victoria Waterfall

2) big barrier reef

3) Altai

4) Lake Baikal

C2. What useful fossils are used as fuel?

1) Oil

2) Limestone

3) Stone Coal

4) Natural gas

C3. What achievements belong to Mikhail Lomonosov?

C4. What value was the baptism of Russia?

1) People quickly got rid of old beliefs

2) New Vera Slotted Russian People

3) strengthened Rus with other countries

4) Literacy developed, enlightenment

Final test.

Option 2.

A1. What is the name of a document that protects the rights of young residents of the planet?

3) Convention on the Rights of the Child

A2. What state according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation is our country?

1) Democratic Republic

2) Monarchy

3) Presidential Republic

A3. What kind of summer is accepted in Russia in our time?

1) from the day of christmas Christ

2) from the day of the founding of Rome

3) from the day of the rule of pharaohs

4) from the day of the presidents

A4. What is the characteristic refers to the Arctic desert zone?

1) The sun never rises high above the horizon; From the vegetation on

the stones are licinc; Animals feed on fish.

2) short summer; Earth pulls away 1.5 m in depth; water does not absorb

therefore, there are many swamps; Plants are stealing on the ground.

3) Summer warm, but winter is harsh; coniferous plants dominate because they are less

demanding of heat; The animal world is diverse.

4) forests are formed by thermal-loving wide plants;

the vegetable and animal world is rich and diverse.

A5. What mountains of Russia are the highest?

1) Caucasian

2) Mount Kamchatka

3) Sayani

4) Urals

A6. What spiny plant willingly eat camels?


2) Colosnyak

3) camel. Spiny

4) Cacti

A7. What is the source?

1) the beginning of the river

2) Place of falling rivers in the sea

4) sandy shallow on the shore

A8. What kind of soil at the World Exhibition in Paris called "black diamond"?

1) gray forest soil

2) meadow soil

3) podzolic soil

4) Chernozem

A9. What kind of mineral is possessed by plasticity?

1) Clay

2) Sand

3) Limestone

4) Granit

A10. Why in subtropics warmer than in moderate belts?

3) There are many volcanoes

A11. What city became the capital of ancient Russia?

1) Konstantinopol

3) Moscow

4) Novgorod

A12. Who created the Slavic ABC?

1) Yaroslav Wise

2) Vladimir Clear Sunny

3) Cyril and Methodius

4) Yuri Dolgoruky

A13. Who led the Russian army in the fight against the Polish invaders?

1) goat minin

2) Dmitry Pozharsky

3) Alexander Nevsky

4) Ivan Grozny

IN 1. Why the war is 1914g. called global?

1) Russia fought with the whole world

2) Many states of the world entered war

3) Russia asked the world

4) The whole world was involved in this war.

AT 2. What a phenomenon in the public life of the country in the 1980s. called restructuring?

internal affairs

IN 3. What event does not apply to socially responsible activities


4) elimination of non-profitables

AT 4. Who wrote the words of the anthem of Russia?

1) A.S. Pushkin

2) S.A. Jenin

3) S.V.Mikhalkov

4) S.Ya. Marshak

AT 5. When does the new law of Rossi come into force?

3) when it was compiled

C1. What objects of world cultural heritage are on site


1) Athenian Acropolis

2) Moscow Kremlin

3) Historical Center of St. Petersburg

C2. What problems in the economy arose in our country in the 1980s.?

1) Food products have practically disappeared from stores

2) the country's agriculture was in decline

3) domestic goods were poor quality

4) the struggle with the illiteracy of people

C3. How did the steppe plants adapted to a long arid summer?

4) in summer, the above-ground parts of the plants die, and the roots of the roots remain in the soil

C4. Name the public holidays of Russia.

1) Day of Russia

2) Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation

3) Constitution Day

4) Militia Day

Constitution of Russia.

A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 C1 C2

3 1 4 2 4 1,2,3 3,4

Rights of the child.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

3 2 3 4 1 2 2 1,2,4 1,3,4

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

2 2 4 1 1 2 4 1,2,3 1,2,4

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

4 3 2 1 4 3 1 1,2,3 1,3,4

1 transfer.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

1 3 2 4 3 3 1 2,4 1,2,3,4

Option 2.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

1 1 1 1 4 2 4 2,4 1,3,4

Constitution of Russia.

A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 C1 C2

Rights of the child.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

The state structure of Russia.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

Traveling abroad of Russia.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

Checking 1-13 lessons.

1 transfer.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

Option 2.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

In search of underground pantry.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

2 4 3 1 2 1 2 1,3,4 1,2,3,4

By maritime expanses.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

3 1 1 2 4 4 1 1,3,4 3

In the icy desert.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 C1 C2

4 2 2 3 1 1 2,3,4 1,2,4

In a cold tundra.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

3 3 4 4 3 1 2 1,2 1,4

Among forests.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

2 3 2 4 3 1 3 1,2,3 3

In a wide steppe.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

1 3 3 4 3 2 3 1,2,4 1,3,4

In the hot desert.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 C1 C2

1 3 2 3 4 2 2,3,4 1,3,4

How to save the nature of Russia.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3

3 2 1 2 1,2,4 1,3 1,2,3

On the pages of the Red Book.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3

1 3 4 4 4 1 2

3 4 1 1 4 4 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1,2,4 1,2,3 2,3,4

In search of underground pantry.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

By maritime expanses.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

In the icy desert.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 C1 C2

In a cold tundra.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

Among forests.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

In a wide steppe.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

In the hot desert.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 C1 C2

How to save the nature of Russia.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3

On the pages of the Red Book.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3

Checking 14-32 lessons.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A8 A8 A9 A9 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3

Moscow-Preherannik Vladimir.

A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 C1 C2

4 1 2 3 3 2,4 3,4

The beginning of the Moscow kingdom.

A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

3 3 4 2 3 2 1,2,3 1,2,4

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

4 3 4 2 4 1 2 1,2,3 1,3,4

On the way to unity.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

4 3 4 2 1 1 3 3 2

The beginning of the Russian Empire.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

4 1 4 2 4 4 3 1,3,4 1,2,3,4

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

3 3 1 2 3 4 2 3,4 1,2,3

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

3 3 1 2 3 4 2 1,2,3 1

In search of justice.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 C1 C2

3 2 1 2 1 2 1,2,3 1,2

Century of troubles and victories.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

2 1 3 2 4 1 3 1,2,4 1,2,3

Get up, the country is huge!

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

2 1 4 2 3 3 4 1,2,4 1,2,3

1 transfer.

3 3 1 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 2 2 2 2 1 1,3,4 1,3,4 2,3,4

Option 2.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3

1 3 4 4 1 4 1 4 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 1,2,3 1,2,4 2,3

Moscow-Preherannik Vladimir.

A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 C1 C2

The beginning of the Moscow kingdom.

A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

The devotees of Russia and the earthquake.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

On the way to unity.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

The beginning of the Russian Empire.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

Life-Fatherland, honor to anyone.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

Patriotic War of 1812.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

In search of justice.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 C1 C2

Century of troubles and victories.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

Get up, the country is huge!

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

Verification work 34-58 lessons.

1 transfer.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3

Option 2.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3

Modern Russia.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

2 3 1 4 1 4 2 1,2,3 1,2,4

4 2 1 3 2 1 2 4 2 3 1,2,3 1,2,4

Final test.

1 transfer.

2 3 3 2 1 2 4 4 3 2 1 3 4

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4

2 1 2 2 2 3,4 1,3,4 1,2,3 2,3,4

Option 2.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A8 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13

3 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 2 2 3 2

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4

2 2 4 3 4 2,3,4 1,2,3 1,2,4 1,2,3

Modern Russia.

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2

Verification work 60-65 lessons.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2

Final test.

1 transfer.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A8 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4

Option 2.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A8 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4

Checking 1-13 lessons.

1 option.

A1. What refers to the characteristics of the Society "Family"?

1) joint economy

2) your language

3) borders

4) state symbols

A2. Who is the head of state in our country?

1) Emperor

2) King

3) President

4) Sultan

A3. What is the name of the main law of our country?

1) federal law

2) Constitution

4) Convention

A4. At what age does a citizen of Russia receive a passport?

1) at 18

2) at 21

3) at 16

4) at age 14

IN 1. What does the duties of the citizen?

1) personal integrity

2) free work and education

3) Caring for the preservation of nature

4) rest

AT 2. What is the name of a document that protects the rights of young residents of the planet?

1) Universal Declaration of Human Rights

2) Constitution of the Russian Federation

3) Convention on the Rights of the Child

4) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

IN 3. What does the State Duma do?

1) executes laws

2) takes laws

3) approves or rejects laws

4) signs laws

C1. What symbolizes a double-headed eagle on the coat of arms of Russia?

1) dominion over the world

2) power, power, wisdom

3) exemption from the Ordia rule

4) the location of Russia in two parts of the world

C2. What holidays belong to the days of military glory of Russia?

1) day removal of the blockade of Leningrad

2) Defender of the Fatherland Day

3) Victory Day of the Russian Army in Poltava Battle

4) Folk Unity Day

C3. Write a story about an outstanding person of your edge.

Checking 1-13 lessons.

Option 2.

A1. What belongs to the characteristics of the "people" society?

1) Territory

2) National Suit

3) joint economy

4) Capital

A2. What state, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is our country?

1) Democratic Republic

2) Monarchy

3) Presidential Republic

4) Socialist Republic

A3. From what age a citizen has the right to participate in management


1) from 18 years

2) from 21 years old

3) from 25 years

4) from 14 years

A4. What is the Constitution?

1) the main law of our country

2) another name of our country

3) the device of our country

4) unification of the peoples of our country

IN 1. What does citizen relate to the rights of citizen?

1) Protection of honor and good name

2) Conservation of Nature

3) execution of state laws

4) Caring for your child

AT 2. Where is the residence of the President of Russia?

1) in the White House

2) in the Moscow Kremlin

3) in the Buckingham Palace

4) in the Hermitage

IN 3. When does the new law of Russia come into force?

1) When the Federal Assembly approved him

2) when he accepted the State Duma

3) when it was compiled

4) when president signed him

C1. What does state symbols?

1) State dance

2) State coat of arms

3) state language

4) State flag

C2. What does it relate to the characteristics of the people?

1) his coat of arms

2) your national costume

3) your fairy tales

4) its territory

C3. Write a letter to a friend about the sights of your edge.

Final test.

1 option.

A1. How does the forest protect the soil?

1) does not give the sun to dry the soil

2) In the forest it is difficult to plow and sow

3) does not give the wind and water streams to wash off the soil, holds it

4) animals in the forest do not push the soil

A2. What a steppe plant has a root-bulb?

1) Ticachak 3) Iris

2) Kickl 4)

A3. What animal is called "desert ship"?

1) Saiga 3) Corsa

2) Camel 4) Varana

A4. What is the beams?

1) cluster of hills

2) recesses with cropped plants slopes

3) High mountains

4) Mountains located in rows

A5. What is the influx?

1) the beginning of the river

2) Place of falling rivers in the sea

3) river flowing into another river

4) the right bank of the river

A6. What kind of mineral is possessed by plasticity?

1) clay 3) limestone

2) Sand 4) Granite

A7. What kind of soil is the most fertile?

1) Tundrow 3) podzolic

2) meadow 4) black mill

A8. What bird lives and climbs in a meadow?

1) Quail

2) Dweath

3) Ivolga

4) Drozd

A9. Which forests grow on the slopes of the Black Sea coast?

1) broadly

2) Conifers

3) Mixed

4) Shrub

IN 1. What animal with long strong legs jumps up to 3m in height?

1) Saigak

2) Korsak

3) Figure Lush

4) Tushkanchik

AT 2. Why do the grass in the meadow you need to start to scam from the center, moving in a circle?

1) it looks more beautiful

2) it is convenient for the tractor

3) Insects and birds will be able to fly into a safe place

4) so \u200b\u200bthe ravine will not be formed

B3. What attracts Herborobov steppe?

1) there is a lot of moisture

2) there hot summer

3) soil steppes fertile

4) there are few trees

AT 4. How can you personally help in the protection of water bodies?

1) monitor waters

2) Cleaning from garbage of streams and banks of rivers

3) Clean the bottom of the reservoir

4) Do not swim in rivers and lakes

C1. How did the animals adapted to the desert conditions?

1) they have fat skin

2) afternoon they break into the sand, do not eat at night

3) they long cost without water

4) Bypassing plants, they get the necessary moisture

C2. What useful fossils are used as fuel?

1) Oil

2) Limestone

3) Stone Coal

4) Natural gas

C3. What objects of the World Natural Heritage are located in the territory


1) Victoria Waterfall

2) big barrier reef

3) Altai

4) Lake Baikal

A1. What trees grow in a taiga?

Final test.

Option 2.

1) Birch, Aspen 3) Pine, Fir

2) oak, male 4) ash, elm

A2. What animal steppe predator?

1) gray partridge 3) mare

2) Drop 4) steppe viper

A3. What is ravines?

1) recesses with steep slopes

2) recess between the mountains

3) rods at the hillsides

4) High hills

A4. What is the source?

1) the beginning of the river

2) Place of falling rivers in the sea

3) river flowing into another river

4) sandy shallow on the shore

A5. What makeful fossil has smoothness?

1) clay 3) oil

2) Sand 4) Iron Ore

A6. What kind of soil is distributed in the steppes?

1) gray forest soil 3) podzolic soil

2) meadow soil 4) black mill

A7. What is the plain spread from the western borders of Russia to the Ural Mountains?

1) Eastern European

2) Volga

3) Medium-grained plateore

4) West Siberian

A8. What characterization refers to the tundra?

1) The sun never rises high above the horizon, from vegetation on

stones meet lichens, animals feed on fish.

2) short summer, the earth pulls out 1.5 m in depth, water is not absorbed,

therefore, there are many swamps, plants are stealing on the ground.

3) Summer warm, but winter harsh, coniferous plants dominate, as they are less

demanding of heat; The animal world is diverse.

4) in forests are growing thermal-loving wide plants; Vegetable I.

the animal world is rich and diverse.

A9. Why in subtropics warmer than in moderate belts?

1) the sun's rays are falling there

2) The belt is always addressed to the Sun

3) There are many volcanoes

4) due to the rotation of the Earth around the Sun

IN 1. Which beer worshiped in ancient Egypt as a deity?

1) Beetle-Krasotele 3) Chernotel's beetle

2) scarab 4) beetle-deer

AT 2. What mountains of Russia are the highest?

1) Caucasian 3) Sayans

2) Kamchatka Mountains 4) Ural

IN 3. Why Lake Baikal Included in the List of World Natural Heritage?

1) it is very beautiful

2) it is the cleanest

3) 2/3 plants and animals that live in this lake are found only

4) on Baikal very beautiful

AT 4. What river flows through the Eastern European Plain?

1) Amur 3) Lena

2) Volga 4) Yenisei

C1. How did the steppe plants adapted to a long arid summer?

1) Narrow leaves will evaporate a little moisture

2) Many plants bloom in spring while in the soil a lot of moisture

3) leaves of plants steppes in the form of spines

4) in summer, ground parts of the plants die off, and the roots of the roots remain in the soil

C2. What harm makes the ecology of the tundra activity of a person?

1) the soil surface is disturbed due to oil production

2) the yagel disappears due to the irregular grazing of deer

3) the environment is contaminated due to mining mining

4) a lot of fish is caught

C3. What animals are taken under protection in the reserve on the island of Wrangel?

1) Tupik

3) Polar Bear

4) Ovenbike

Verification work 34-58 lessons.

1 option.

A1. When did the French army invaded Russia?

1) in 1480

2) in 1612.

3) in 1812.

4) in 1704.

A2. For what Tsar Alexander II called the liberator?

1) He freed Russia from Napoleon's invasion.

2) He freed citizens from taxes.

3) He signed a manifesto about peasant liberty.

4) He freed from prisons undeservedly arrested people.

A3. Who was the last Russian king?

1) Nicholas II

2) Ivan IV

3) Alexander II

4) Peter I

A4. How did our country be called in 1922??

1) Russian Federal Republic

2) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

3) Russian Empire

4) Russian Republic

A5. When did the Great Patriotic War begins?

1) in 1939

2) in 1941.

3) in 1945

4) in 1922.

A6. What city became the capital of ancient Russia?

1) Konstantinopol

3) Moscow

4) Novgorod

A7. Who created the Slavic ABC?

1) Yaroslav Wise

2) Vladimir Red Sunny

3) Cyril and Methodius

4) Yuri Dolgoruky

A8. What prince broke a Swedish army on the Neva?

1) Prince Oleg

2) Prince Vladimir

3) Prince Yaroslav

4) Prince Alexander

A9. What was the name of the master who created the first typography in Moscow?

1) Cyril

2) Methodius

3) Ivan Fedorov

4) Monk Nestor

A10. When Polish invaders opposed Russia?

A11. When did the first Soviet citizen visited in space?

1) in 1957.

2) in 1961.

3) in 1991.

4) in 1945

IN 1. What is a civil war?

1) Decisive actions for the purpose of deep changes in society.

2) War between citizens of one country.

3) War of citizens for their Fatherland.

4) Military actions against the king.

AT 2. What was the name of the Mongol-Tatar state?

1) Byzantium

2) Golden Horde

3) Kievan Rus

4) Knight's Order

IN 3. What symbol appeared on the seal of Ivan III?

1) George Victorious

2) double-headed eagle

3) Bear

4) shield and sword

AT 4. When is the day of liberation from Polish invaders celebrate in our country?

C1. Why was Peter I got the nickname great?

1) he introduced a new calendar

2) He was proclaimed by the emperor

3) He "opened the window" to Europe

4) He did a lot for education and enlightenment in Russia

C2. What achievements relate to the post-war history of our country?

1) Canceled Food Card System

2) a person's flight took place into space

3) Restored the institutions of culture and enlightenment

4) mandatory seven-year education

C3. Why did Ivan III decide to fight the Golden Horde?

1) Russia could not pay tribute

2) Moscow united around themselves Russian lands

3) Rus fastened

4) all the people supported the prince

Verification work 34-58 lessons.

Option 2.

A1. Where did the decisive battle of Napoleon army occurred?

1) from the village of Borodin

2) at the Nep Support River

3) in Poltava

4) on the Kulikov field

A2. Who led Berlin's assault?

1) Marshal Konev

2) Marshal Rokossovsky

3) Marshal Zhukov

4) General Panfilov

A3. What is the name of our legendary military technique of the War of 1941

1) "MiG"

2) "Shark"

3) "Buran"

4) Katyusha

A4. In which Russian city, the Motherland-Mother Monument is erected in memory of the fights

Great Patriotic War?

1) in Astrakhan

2) in Samara

3) in Ulyanovsk

4) in Volgograd

A5. Who entered the story as a Baptist of Russia?

1) Prince Vladimir

2) Yaroslav Wise

3) Alexander Nevsky

4) Peter Great

A6. What city during the Great Patriotic War was 900 days in blockade?

1) Moscow

2) Stalingrad

3) Kursk

4) Leningrad

A7. What was the name of the spacecraft on which Yury Gagarin flew into space?

1) "East-1"

2) "Buran"

3) "Peace"

4) "Challenger"

A8. What kind of Russian city managed posing?

1) Moscow

2) Kiev

3) Ryazanu

4) Great Novgorod

A9. When is the Victory Day celebrated in our country?

A10. Who rose at the head of Russian troops against the Polish invaders?

1) goat minin

2) Dmitry Pozharsky

3) Alexander Nevsky

4) Ivan Grozny

A11. How many republics went into the USSR?

IN 1. Why the war is 1914g. Called global?

1) Russia fought with the whole world

2) Many states of the world entered war

3) Russia asked the world

4) The whole world was involved in this war.

AT 2. Why couldn't Russia give a worthy repulsive to the hordes of Batya?

1) Russian warriors did not know how to fight

2) Mongol-Tatars were better armed

3) Russian princes led internecine wars

4) Russian troops fought foot

IN 3. Why war 1812 Remained in history called Patriotic?

1) Russian people defended the boundaries of the Fatherland

2) All people rose to the fight for the freedom of the Fatherland

3) Russian army reached Paris himself

4) Napoleon attacked only on our Fatherland

AT 4. What monument is erected on Red Square in Moscow?

1) Peter I

2) Dmitry Donskoy

3) minina and fire

4) Alexander Nevsky

C1. What achievements belong to Mikhail Lomonosov?

1) Opening of the atmosphere on Venus

2) construction of non-ferrous glass factory

3) organization of the chemical laboratory

4) Opening of the first museum in Russia-Kunstkamera

C2. What cities after the Great Patriotic War received the title of Hero?

1) Novorossiysk

2) Murmansk

3) Vladivostok

4) Smolensk

C3. Why did the Russian troops of Ivan III won the Golden Horde?

1) Khan Ahmat decided to fight with a numerous Russian army

2) Ivan IVI of the calculating and cautious person

3) Russian army occupied a profitable position

4) Russian warriors defeated

Verification work 60-65 lessons.

A1. When did the Soviet Union collapsed on 15 independent states?

1) in 1917.

2) in 1961.

3) in 1980.

4) in 1991

A2. What is restructuring?

1) the independence of the state from other states in external relations and

internal affairs

2) reforms aimed at qualitative change in the country's development

3) open criticism and discussion of shortcomings in the life of society

4) sharp deterioration in the country's economic condition

A3. How began to be called our country from 1991??

1) Russian Federation

2) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

3) Russian Empire

4) Russian Republic

A4. Who was the first president of the Russian Federation?

1) M.S.Gorbachev

2) I.V. Stalin

3) B.N.ELtsin

4) A.D. Sakharov

A5. What academician spoke at the i congress of people's deputies with sharp criticism

government policies?

1) S.P. Korolyov

2) A.D. Sakharov

3) I.V. Kurchatov

4) P.L.Kapitsa

A6. What is sovereignty?

1) state independence

2) lack of goods of public consumption in the market

3) Open criticism of flaws in society

4) a sharp decline in the economic life of the country

IN 1. What approval applies to the food security of the country?

1) In order for the harvest to be richer, it is necessary to use how

more fertilizers.

2) The country itself should produce food for itself.

3) To feed our numerous population, it is necessary to purchase

foods abroad.

4) the population of the country should provide themselves with products from personal subsidiary


AT 2. What event does not apply to socially responsible activities


1) introduction into the production of scientific developments

2) preservation of the environmental environment of the region

3) Caring for veterans of production

4) reducing jobs in the enterprise

IN 3. What folk fishing appeared in the village of Bogorodskoe?

1) Lace

2) Toy Carved

3) White clay dishes painted blue paint

4) painted scarf

AT 4. What holiday the Moscow Easter Festival ends?

C1. What problems in the economy of our country arose in the 1980s.?

1) Food products have practically disappeared from stores

2) the country's agriculture was in decline

3) domestic goods were poor quality

4) the struggle with the illiteracy of people

C2. What political transformations occurred in the country in 1980-1990?

1) Perestroika was announced

2) the main means of democratization became publicity

3) in some industrial cities a state of emergency was introduced

4) Soviet Union collapsed on 15 independent states

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