The analysis of the village of Pushkin is briefly the most important thing. "Village", Analysis of the poem of Alexander Pushkin

Poem " Village"It was written by Pushkin in 1819, in the so-called" Petersburg "period of his work. For the poet, it was the time of active participation in the socio-political life of the country, visiting the secret union of the Decembrists, friendship with the Ryleev, Lunin, Chaadaev. The most important issues for Pushkin during this period were the publication of Russia, the social and political non-free of many people, the despoticness of the autocratic-serf system.

The poem "Village" is devoted to the topic of serfdom extremely relevant for that time. It has a two-part composition: the first part (before the words "... But the thought is terrible ...") is an idyll, and the second is a political declaration, the appeal to the strengths of this world.

The village for the lyrical hero is, on the one hand, a certain ideal world, where silence and harmony reigns. In this region, the "shelter of calm, work and inspiration", the hero acquires spiritual freedom, indulcates "creative thinks." Images of the first part of the poem - "Dark garden with its cool and colors", "light streams", "Niva striped" - romanticized. This creates an idyllic painting of rest and peace. But a completely different side of life in the village opens in the second part, where the poet ruthlessly reveals the ugliness of social relations, arbitrary landlords and the powerful position of the people. "Blizzard Wild" and "Slavery Skinny" - the main images of this part. They embody "ignorance murderous shame", all the irrefidence and inhumanity of serfdom.

Thus, the first and second part of the poem are contrasting, opposed to each other. Against the background of the beautiful, harmonious nature, the kingdom of "happiness and slaughter", depicted in the first part, the world of cruelty and violence of the second looks particularly ugly and flawed. The poet uses the reception of contrast to distinguish the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work - the injustice and cruelty of serfdom.

The same purpose also serves the selection of fine-expressive linguistic agents. Speech intonation in the first part of the poem calm, smooth, friendly. The poet carefully selects epithets, transmitting the beauty of rural nature. They create a romantic and peaceful atmosphere: "Purchase of my stream", "Mills of Krilat", "Lake Azure Plains", "Peaceful Noise Oakman", "Silence of Fields". In the second part of the intonation is different. It becomes excited. The poet picks up the label epithets, gives an expressive speech characteristic: "Bald of wild", "On the womb of the people chosen by the fate", "exhausted slaves", "an inexorable owner." In addition, the last seven lines of poem are filled with rhetorical issues and exclamations. They demonstrate the perturbation of the lyrical character and its reluctance to put up with the unfair device of society.

The poem of the "village" Pushkin, whose analysis we will spend, meaning not to understand what the lyrics are difficult to divide on the thematic basis. Frames of one topic are close for this Elegy. It found a new form of incarnation of winsted motifs, but, in addition, a picture of rural nature was created, and thoughts about history, literature, creativity were expressed.

The main artistic means in the poem "Village", by genre nature near Elegy (from Greek. "Sad song", genre form in lyrics, a poem expressing focused reflection or being an emotional monologue that transmits the sadness of a lyrical hero from the consciousness of moral and political imperfections or from Love troubles), is an antitz. Antiteza (from Greek. "Contraity") is an open contrast, a contrast that is not hidden behind other ratios, but detected thanks to the artistic features of the work. In the "Village", the deployed antithesis occurs between two parts of the poem. The first consists of three stanza published in 1826, called "Privacy". They used free yamb. In the initial quatraisy, a combination of three stages of a six-star yamba with a four-stranded end, which is constant in the first Russian Elegy owned by V.A. Zhukovsky ("Evening", 1806). As in it, the lyrical hero, who stays on the lap of nature, the roads of the landscape - "Peaceful noise of Dubrov", "silence of fields". About the coolness of a dark garden, flavors of flowers and hay, overflows of water in the streams and lakes there is a speech in the second stanza, which continues to outline rural harmony. The idea that in nature the attentive observer offers not only beauty, but also the equilibrium of flowers, sounds, smells, sounded from Zhukovsky. It did not get into the eyes, it was "quiet" ("How quietly your harmony is pleasant! .." - "Evening"), but she paused the soul, forcing me to believe in the meaningfulness of being.

Pushkin's lyric hero's eyes in everyone are seen "Traces of contentment": the meadow is stolen by Syan's skirds, on the lake whites the fisherman's sail, the backs of the rags are roasted, the wings of the mills are rooted along the shore, the wings of the mills are rotated, the furnaces are rotated, where the grain is dried.

The wealth and diversity of human life complement the harmonious combination of colors and sounds in nature (dark garden - light streams, azure lakes are yellow Niva; silence fields - the noise of streams). Everything moves, overflows, makes a "moving picture." The wind blows over it, spreading flowers fragrances and smoke, breaking out of the Ovin pipes.

"Scattered" ("away the scattered huts ...") On Earth, life causes the lyrical hero to forget about the delusions, inspired by the capital's time. It was luxuriously, the feasts were replaced by fun, he was fascinated by the Great Tsirches (Cyrce, or Kirk, - in Greek mythologists, the name of the wizard held on his Odyssey island, - Homer. "Odyssey", X), but there was no place for "Labor and inspiration. The soul came to life only in the "deserted corner", soothing the silence of nature. In the inner world of the lyrical hero, harmony agrees, the flow of his days is "poured", he does not pay attention to the time, immersed in reflections. For all oblivion of external existence, it seems "idleness", but in reality intensive inner life is a work that brings happiness. In the first stanza of Elegy, the creation of a picture of nature, which will become an antithesis of what people turned a peaceful corner, but also attracted attention to the reasons for the reasons for fisiness and false charm:

Greetings you, desert corner,

Shelter calm, works and inspiration,

Where the days of my invisible stream

On the lap of happiness and slaughter.

I am yours - I exchanged the vicious courtyard with a circus,

Luxury peirs, fun, delving

On the peaceful noise of Dubrov, on the silence of fields,

For the fear of free, girlfriend thinking.

In the third stubborn, the lyrical hero returns to the landscape outlined at the beginning of the artistic purpose (prototypic was the impressions of nature, seen by the poet in Mikhailovsky, the childbirth, which he visited in his youth) is inferior to the lyrical outpouring characterizing his interests. Feeling liberated from the shackles of secular crowds, from the influence of the crowd, worshiped by villains and fools, he acquires true pleasure alone: \u200b\u200balone with him is looking for answers to his doubts in the writings of historians and writers ("Oracles of the centuries, here I ask you!", Oracle - Lat. "Summer"). There, his moral feeling finds a response, delivering joy, bliss. His point is confirmed by the truths opened to other era. Regardless of time, freedom remains valuable for a person, sympathy, the independence of thinking is the humanistic ideals who inspire the Creator: awaken the soul from the "sullen sleep", "the female female is born." In them, the grain of truth, greeting in it to give excellent outcomes in creativity.

The most important for the lyrical hero are educated demands: it does not just seek to understand the works of the defenders of the national interests and preachers of reasonable transformations in society, but learns "The Law of Bentwood", listens to the "shy plenty", is ready to express "the grandeur of the wrong". The second part of the poem, due to the appearance of which it was not published completely, contains a sharp criticism of the main vice of social life in Russia - serfdom. "The Thought terrible" about him overshadows thinking, encourages to forget about the beauties of nature, and about creative plans. None of the inner sensations swallows the groans of the "blooming Niv", does not obscure the spectacles of the "murderous shame", noticeable "everywhere", in general, "here", in Russia. The long-suffering of the people and the ignorance of "Baria of Wild" - those moral defects, which give humanity ("a friend of mankind" - the definition, meaningful to the educational characteristics of the views of the lyrical hero) from the "Chief of Chief" of the Day - "Beautiful Dawn" of Freedom. In the final lines, as in the poem "to Chaaadaev", a remniscovery sounds from the Radishvskaya OD "Volost", which also indicates a six-end yamb of the final (in the text of Elegy, such six-end lines alternate with four-stranded, this alternation has an irregular nature, forming a free Yamb) .

Between the first and second parts of the Village poem (Pushkin), the analysis of which is interested in, there is a detailed antitea. Its basis are the humanistic ideals of the lyrical hero, who are opposed to the painting of slavery. His "shy Moluba" (he should learn from her with fate, anyone who is able to free himself "from the fumes") is necessary an expression that only a poet can be found, to whom "Terrible Dar", allowing "hearts to disturb." Thus, the important point in the content of the poem becomes reflections on the role of the artist in public battles. He is not one of those in the open struggle fighting with self-defense, but the convicts of Victiya (an eloquent person), which appears to peoples and kings, increasing the effectiveness of morals, thanks to the expressive strength of art:

Well in my chest, my burning fever burns?

And I do not give me the fate of the Vityth of the Terrible Dar?

In a story about the signs of serfdom, epithets enhance realistic in their reliability and concreteness image of reality are of particular importance. Ignorance - "murderous" vice, the yarra of the "crayon" for everyone, the owners of the souls - "wild", "inexorable", "insensitive"; Slaves "exhausted", submissive "violent vine", doomed to lean "on an alien plow" that do not dare to feed "hopes and inconsistencies in the soul." They are workers, "farmers", but their "property and time" assigned themselves, like conquerors, landowners who have turned them into slaves. Social differences arose "on the Pump of People", the proof of which becomes the presented canvas. And its details, and stylistic features do not leave doubts that the lyrical hero is important not only to condemn the lawlessness, but also to identify the insensitiousness of "villains", which raised in the near "Beach", who do not notice the tears and groans, tormented by "Vir Young", " Young sons ", their aging parents. The lyric outpouring emphasizes the emotional glow of experience, the story turns into an angry condemnation, regardless of the semantic plan. Evaluating it, Alexander I, who received an Elegy list from the author, responded about the poem unexpectedly calmly, as an expression of "good feelings." Indeed, in the Elegy Finals, the lyrical hero, waiting for the dawn of freedom, its sunrise connects the king with "Mania" (action) of the king:

I will see, about friends, the people of unsentful

And slavery, fallen in the mania of the king,

And over the Fatherland of Enlightened Freedom

Will it finally go to the beautiful dawn?

However, it is not even possible to remember what the essence of "seemingly urging" ("to Chaaadaev"), outlined in other verses devoted to the winsted aspirations. It is quite carefully to listen to the voice of the lyrical hero of the "Village", turning to the hearts, souls of the friends of mankind ("But the thought of terrible my soul darkens ...", "Oh, if my voice knew my heart to disturb!") To put an elegio to one! A row with them, highlighting it as an outdoor protest against the ustivo Russian society. As in the "liberty", the main part of the Bunki Pafos (the direct-emotional attitude of the author to reality, according to V.G. Belinsky, "idea is passion"), which is obvious when analyzing the artistic features of the work. His shaped row, the emotional filling is carried by the imprint of the "terrible" premonitions of witnesses of the age-old oppression of the people, which turned to the Pushkin generation into an offensive archaism (from Greek. "Ancient"), "killing shame", which have been inherited and requiring immediate intervention. The reader of the "Village", captured by the alarm of the lyrical hero, the passion of his revelations, was unwittingly, the question was, what would happen if the young people would not see the actions of the authorities, eliminating social disadvantages. In Elegia, there is no answer, how to deal with the oppression of the people, its artistic goal does not include calls for methe. The mood of the lyrical hero is far from the abstract rebellion. Along with the accuracy of the detailed picture of the rural life in the poem "Village" Pushkin and psychological specifics are also present. The inner world is rich and diverse, but in it is noticeable dominant (from Lat. "Mandatory"): following the truth, peace, peacefulness, greatness, bliss - the most significant concepts that determine the happy being are unattainable without liberation from social and spiritual captivity; A person should be the master of his fate, choosing the "Freedom Frequency", following the creative aspirations of the "free soul" or the struggle for the occurrence of the Era of "Freedom dedicated to", consistent with the movements of his heart, listening to the fact that "in the spiritual view of the depth."

Behind the expression of a specific emotional mood, painting in unique colors of each of the poems, where the main thing is the freedom-loving theme, the characteristic of the spiritual world of their author is visible. Among the heroes of his lyrical works - fighters for social justice, and at the same time, "thoughtful singers" ("liberty"), thinkers looking for truth, peaceful sloths immersed in contemplation of nature, forgetting on her Lona about "luxurious peters, fun, Loose "(" Village "). Each of these states is ready to say: "I am yours ..." (ibid), embodying the psychological specifics of experiences. Considering his work, it is impossible to forget nor the general one. In addition, such a dynamic is noticeable in the perception of the world of Pushkin, which without context and temporary perspective the poem is impossible to evaluate. The political aspects of winsitia in the early 1820s depart into the background, giving way to the romantic elevation of the ideal of freedom. However, already in 1827, poems appear, in which the final assessment of the contribution of its generation into the historical process is given.

The poem "Village" caused anger and discontent of the government. After all, it is in him the great Russian poet refuses the Barly Wilderness, which has turned the life of ordinary people to the "painful jar". But it is their works and that beautiful painting is built, which is described in the first part of the poem.

History of creation

Analysis of the "Village" Pushkin Schoolboy can start with the history of creating a work. It was written in 1819. When the young poet after release from the lyceum received the position of college secretary in St. Petersburg, he did not even suspect that Alexander I himself would be glad to send him to Siberia, and maybe even at Solovetsky Islands. Only thanks to the petition of close friends of the poet - V. Zhukovsky, A. Karamzin, A. Turgenev - the sentence was decided to replace the reference to the south of Russia.

Dissatisfaction of the king

What caused the anger of the king, who defeated the Napoleonic army and in honor of which he stood on the Palace Square, was heated by the glory "Alexandria Pipple"? The reason was the winsted works of the poet. The king somehow even reproached the then head of the Lyceum E. A. Engelgardt for the fact that his graduate "flooded Russia with his outrageous works." Pushkin was not a member of not a single secret society, which then there were many. After all, for this he had too unpredictable and hot-tempered. However, it turned out that just for one poem, in which the Great Russian poet freely expressed his thoughts, he was exiled south. After all, this particular work was impregnated with hopes for the fact that the country can expect great reforms.

What did the poet objit

At that time, the poet worked on the creation of the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", which he began during his training in the Tsarskoyel Lyceum. But, finally, being on freedom after six years of study, the poet begins to write about the "liberty of the Holy". And its first work belonging to the genre of ODY, he called "liberty". In it, he condemned Tiranans who neglect the laws. And in the work of the "village", which was written after two years, the great Russian poet angry condemns the serfdom.

Continuing the analysis of the "Village" Pushkin, it can be indicated that this work is a socio-political monologue. It affects the social problems that the author deeply worried. In terms of his beliefs, Pushkin was a supporter of the constitutional monarchy, while he reigned the serfdom, pointing out that the liberation of people should have occurred by the ruler. During the lifetime of the poet, only the first part of the work was printed. The second applied only in the lists. Overall, the poem was published by Herzen abroad in 1856, and in Russia - in the 1870s.

Artistic means

Making a literary analysis of the "Village" Pushkin, a student for a good assessment can be described and those artists who used the poet. A large role in the poem is played by opposition, antonymic images, for example, "Blizzard Wild" - "Tight Yar". The poet includes a work and exclamation, which are peculiar to the genre of ODA, as well as rhetorical issues. Such techniques are usually used in the journalistic style of pamphlet. We see that in the "village" Pushkin means of expressiveness uses a variety of. Also, the special sound of the product gives its size - a six-power Yamb. In a different way, it is called "Alexandrian Verse" and is often used in the sides.

Sublime and accusatory work

The work of Pushkin is full of accusatory pathos, Old Slavic terms, as well as antique images (the influence of classicism) is affected. Much in it and solemn, high-speed turns. After the first part of the work was published, the emperor Alexander I ordered gratitude to the poet, and after the spread of the second - Sophisticated the great poet to the south of Russia. Conding the analysis of the village of Pushkin, it is possible to mention one of the most interesting features of the poem. This is his composition - the poet uses the reception of genre offset. The first part is more like a sentimental pastoral, the second closer to the political pamphlet.

Idyllic place

At the beginning of the poem "Village" Pushkin, the reader is immersed in the idyllic picture of the village. The first stains undoubtedly include idyllic landscape lyrics. Here are paintings that are drawn by the poet, breathe beauty and tranquility. He writes that in this area lives completely different moral values. And for the great Russian poet in particular, it is important that in the village he has the opportunity to create. Most of the images mentioned in the first part of the Village Pushkin's poem are romanticized. This is a "dark garden", "Niva strzi".

The village for the poet is the place of silence and tranquility. Here he finally acquires spiritual freedom. Epitts in the "Village" Pushkin create a picture of pacification. This quiet corner is much more expensive to the poet than the "vicious courtyard of the circus", or, for example, "Luxury Peters". The lyrical hero is sure that he will find peace in creativity in this idyllic place, but his dreams were not realized. The intonation of the first part of the work is calm, friendly. The poet is carefully engaged in the selection of epithets that use in large quantities. This helps him pass the picture of a rustic landscape.

Barsky arbitrariness

Sometimes, as a homework, a schoolboy is given a question that Pushkin is opposed to in the "Village". Humanistic ideals of the poet are opposed to the painting of cruelty and slavery. Reception of antithesis is used here. Reality destroyed all his Duma about calm in the village. A completely different color has the second part of the work. She was not missed by censorship, and instead of her the poet had to put four lines of dots. In it, Alexander Sergeevich mercilessly refuses those who were the ruler of people to death.


This composite reception is the contrast between the first part of the work and the final - is intended to have a great impact on the reader. And with his help, the poet succeeds even more to strengthen the impression of the implanting image of tyranny, which does not give people to live freely, to embody their vital aspirations.

The pictures of this arbitrariness are terrified by the fact that anyone could be on the site of the fortress, which in a gravitant work losing the human appearance. With the help of his poetic gift, Pushkin masterfully depicts the images "Bar", and it makes it indirectly - the reader sees what the life of a serf peasant is turning due to this arbitrariness. The main definitions that are given by the poet in the second part is the Barity of Wild, "Barry Skinny." With their help, it becomes a clear theme of the "village" Pushkin - injustice of the serfdom.

Poet citizen

And the poet dreamer turns into a worthy citizen - he now speaks not on behalf of a private person, but from the entire advanced society, which seeks to provide freedom to the people from serfs. The great Russian poet understands that everything in the country solves the ruler. And he hopes that someday this slavery will be canceled on the "Tsar", and in the end, for the Russian state, a fundamentally new era will finally come over the "Fatherland of Enlightened Freedom", when the oppressed person will receive his rights, and will no longer be Must give his life to the altar of the life landscaping of spoiled and cruel landlords.

We looked at the history of the creation of the village of Pushkin, the features of this work that created so many difficulties for the poet, but the way it served for him to express his opinion on injustice. In the work, the poet does not give a response, as it should be struggling with injustice. The mood of the storytellor cannot be called Bunlet. Its the inner world is rich, but in it the reader can also see those concepts that are for the lyrical hero the most valuable - this is the following truth, peace, freedom, creativity.

The village atmosphere was given to the soul A. S. Pushkin, peacekeeping, at the same time the poet was oppressed by the messenger of the peasants. These mixed feelings were reflected in the poem, which will be discussed in the article. Schoolchildren study it in grade 9. We offer to familiarize yourself with the brief analysis of the "village" according to plan.

Brief analysis

History of creation - Over the poem, the poet began working in 1819 in Mikhailovsky, and completed him in St. Petersburg. Published the village only in 1826, called "Privacy".

Subject poem - Beauty of rustic nature and oppression of the people.

Composition - Analyzed work - a monologue of a lyrical character, which is divided into two parts, contrasting in mood: appeal to rural nature, the story about the messenger of the peasants. The poem consists of five stuff with different number of lines.

Genre - Message with elements of Elegy.

Poetic size - Sixtust Jamb, all types of rhymes are used in the work.

Metaphor"Sheet calm, works and inspiration"(about the village), "Lono of happiness and forgets", "Mill Millings", "Blizzard ... awarded a violent lotion and work, and property, and the time of the farmer".

Epitts"Luxury Peters", "Dark Garden", "Fascinated Skirds", "Azure Plains", "Niva Stripes", "Privacy of the Great", "Singness Effective".

History of creation

At the beginning of the XIX century, the peasant question was actively discussed in Russia. The authorities received information about the circumstances of the life of a simple people, the literature was replenished with works that reveal the problem of the oppression of the peasants, and the censorship strengthened oversight. In such conditions, in 1819, a poem of the "Village" appeared.

Alexander Sergeevich began working on the work in Mikhailovsky. His initial version got into the hands of Alexander I. The emperor responded positively about verses and even expressed his gratitude to the young poet. But at that time Pushkin did not publish the "village". In 1825, after the Decembrist uprising, control of censorship increased. The poem had to make edits to printed it. The first part of the text with the adjustments was printed in 1826 called "Privacy". The full text saw the world only in 1829. The name "Village" was used in later publications.


In the work, the author reveals two topics: a rustic atmosphere and oppression of peasants. Contrast by mood, they are complementary, give each other expressiveness. Both problems are transmitted through the prism of the perception of the lyrical hero.

The first four storage poems are devoted to a rural atmosphere. They depict beautiful landscapes, the emotions of the lyrical "I" are displayed. The hero appeals to the "deserted corner", enjoying him as peacefulness. A man admits that for the sake of these sensations left fun and peers. Here he feels like thoughts themselves are born in his head.

Next, the lyrical hero recreates the driving landscapes. The peculiarity of nature paintings is that with their help "love" to the rustic atmosphere is expressed. Landscape sketches are very colorful. They cover everything: meadows with skirds, lake streams, hills and fields. Larithic hero in the distance, hero sees herd, huts and mills. From nature paintings, the calm is calm, at the same time they are dynamic. In the fourth stanza, the lyrical "I" says that the Lono of Nature is the best place for creativity.

After idyllic paintings, strings appear expressing the oppressed state of the lyrical hero. The thing is that landscapes are only a wonderful shell, whose own - unhappy life of the peasants. Barity allowed to pick up all: work, time, property. Alexander Sergeevich openly says that all this is illegal, violent. In the last rows, the lyrical hero expresses the fact that the people will once be released.


In the sense, the poem is divided into two parts: the appeal of the lyrical hero to the village, including landscape sketches and the story about the life of the people. The formal composition does not correspond to the semantic. The poem consists of five katrenoes, each of which continues the previous one.


The product genre is a message with elements of Elegy. The author describes landscapes, binding them with thinking, at the same time the lyrical hero appeals to the village. In the last rows, disappointment and sadness is a poetic size - a six-storey jamb. A. S. Pushkin used all types of rhymes: Cross Avav, Ring AVVA and parallel AAVA.

Means of expressiveness

In the work of the poet uses means of expressiveness. With the help of them, he creates a panoramic painting of the village, transfers emotions, overwhelming the lyrical hero.

In the text are often found metaphor: "Sheet calm, works and inspiration" (about the village), "Lono of happiness and slaughter", "Wilder Mills", "Breath ... awarded a violent lotion and work, and property, and the time of the farmer."

Supplementary landscapes and reflections epithets- "Luxury Peters", "Dark Garden", "Fragrant Skirds", "Azure Plains", "Niva Stripes", "Privacy of the Great", "Pryaistless", "exhausted slaves."

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The article will describe in detail one of the most famous poems of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and his analysis was held. "Village" (Pushkin) is a work that reflected the political views of the poet, his opinion about and the role of the Russian peasantry in the life of the country.

Features of Pushkin Poetry

The work of the Great Poet is divided into several stages. However, they are all united by a number of topics and features that have arisen in the early period of the formation of Pushkin. Especially influenced the formation of the artistic consciousness of the writer, communication with the Decembrists and famous writers. Also on the development of his literary abilities influenced Russian folklore and Western European culture and literature.

The second stage of the creativity of the poet, belonging to the settlement, reflects the analysis of the verse "village". Pushkin during this period led an active political and social life, especially the need to make reforms that would help change the autocratic device of Russia. Subsequent periods of creativity of the poet are related to references. They begin to prevail romantic, philosophical, and later and realistic motives.

Analysis: "Village" (Pushkin)

Analysis of any poem is carried out according to a specific plan, which may be as follows:

  • History of creation.
  • Theme and idea.
  • Lyrical "I".
  • Composition.
  • Poetic size.
  • Fine-expressive means.

History of creating a poem

As noted above, the poem belongs to the second, the St. Petersburg period of creativity of the poet and was written in 1819. Active secret meetings with Decembrists, Communication with Chaadaev and Ryleev - Everything influenced the theme of the Village poem. Analysis of the Pushkin poem includes the statements of the poet about the despotism of the autocracy, about the political and social non-free people, about the inhumanity of serfdom.

Topic and idea

The main theme of the work is the problem of serfdom. Pushkin seeks to show its disadvantage, barbarism and antigumanism. To focus on cruelty and unfair attitude to the people, the poet resorts to opposition. Structural analysis of the verse "village" (Pushkin) allows you to talk about a two-part composition.

The first part of the poem (ends with the words "in the spiritual view of the depth ...") reflects the idyllic picture of rustic life. Pushkin chants her peace, natural beauty, harmony, she gives inspiration and contributes to creativity and poetic classes, morally cleans. The second part sounds a sharp opposition, where the poet openly speaks against autocratic despotism, indicates the suffering of the oppressed people, for the unnaturalness of serfdom and the cruelty of the slavish system.

The image of the lyrical hero

The lyrical hero is a person who can appreciate the beauty and harmony of the world existing according to the laws of nature, which is the village. For him, this is an idyllic world, "shelter calm ... and inspiration", here he gains freedom. The poet draws a paradise picture: Niva, meadow, "Garden with its cool and flowers", "bright streams", "Peaceful noise of the oak".

The hero in the first part performs a romantic with a finely organized soul and the ability to feel the perfect, in the second part - from the civil position, which confirms the analysis. The "village" (Pushkin) is a work where the lyrical "I" of the poet is transformed sharply, the romantic turns into a politician who perfectly understands the shortcomings of the monarchist building of his country. Relative to the image of the landowners: "Blizzard Wild, without a feeling, without the law ..." This ignorant depressing force lives at the expense of "slavery of the skin".

The lyrical hero is bitterly regrets that his voice can not be "disturbing the heart", so he is unable to change the arbitrariness in the country. His cherished dream see the "Loos Enlightened Freedom" so that the landowners stop satisfying "and labor, and property, and the time of the farmer."

Composition and poetic size

The poem is written in the form of a speech presentation, in which the poet expresses the thoughts and ideas of progressive people of their time. It begins the story with the appeal to the rustic beauty and the description of idyll. Such an entry is absolutely complied with continuing to develop its thoughts in the selected style, the poet equally builds the second and third stanza. It uses the same technique in the second part, starting stains from the word "here." The abundance of exclamation and question offers is also determined by a spectrum style. Pushkin is not profitable to such a composite construction. His poem is a call not only in content, but also in form. This is an open speech that requires the elimination of the century ago of injustice.

Structural analysis of the work of the "village" Pushkin makes it possible to conclude that the poem is written alternating with four-stranded. Rhymes Cross, Men's Rhyme (1st, 3rd strings) alternates with the female (2nd, 4th lines).


Differently not only content, but also different parts of the village of Village. Analysis of the Pushkin Work can be continued by the fact that the poet intonationally builds the beginning so that the reader is immersed in the world of calm and friendliness. This atmosphere is created through epithets: "peaceful noise", "silence of fields", "Azure Plains".

The second part is more expressive, the poet is outraged and excited. From here a lot of words with a bright emotional color: "Bald of wild", "an inexorable owner", "Pugub people", "a painful jar".


Speech against serfdom is such a major topic of the Village poem. A brief analysis of the Pushkin work showed that the poet would rebel against the tyranny of self-balance and wishes justice and freedom for the Russian people.

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