How the imperative inclination is formed in German. The formation of imperative inclination in German

Having five major grammatical categories, the modern German verb has, along with the number (Mute or Unity.), Face (one of three), time (present, past, future) and pledge (passive, active), also such a dominant as mood.

Actually, the category of inclination in German is the elimination of a kind of certain grammatical compliance in relation to the category of modalities for semantic type (reality, assumption, hypothesis, desire, unreality, motivation, etc.). At the same time, this grammatical category forms in the German language a holistic system, which includes three forms of inclination: the display (Indikativ), imperative (imperativ), as well as the subjunctive (Konjunktiv).

The verbs in modern German are used in the forms of expressive inclination, if the goal of the speaker is the designation of any existing action in the reality that happened, which is happening, or planned to occur in a certain period of time (in the present - Ich Besucheet Meine Freunde., in the past - Ich Begegnete.sie. AUF DER STRAße.. ., As well as the future - ICH HOLE DICH AB.). In view of the designated characteristics, German verbs of the expressive challenge differ in time - (ICH) FRAGE - FRAGTE - ICH WERDE FRAGEN

In turn, the subjunctive Konjunktiv. It will be no longer to express reality, but to transmit the opportunity or desire to commit this or that action - Hätte Ich Zeit, So Käme Ich Zu Freunden. (opportunity). Wenn Ich Mehr Chancen Hätte, Führe Ich Nach Amerika (desire) Another case of the use of the subjunctive inclination in German is the possibility of expressing wishes. - W.ÜSSTE ICH BLOSS IHRE ADRESSE!If we are talking about the coverage of possible or desired events in the past, it will focus on the German subsequent tilting on the fact that those or other actions will simply cannot happen, belonging to the past. - ES W.Äre Besser Gewesen, Wir Hätten Vorher Mit Ihr Gesprochen. (but we did not talk)

At the same time, if we talk about the formation potential of German verbs in Konjunktiv, then it should be noted here that the subjunctive inclination has the same temporary forms as the units in Indikativ. So, the present subjunctive (PRÄSENS KONJUNKTIV) is formed by the following scheme: the infinitive base + suffix -e + personal flexion, and the vowel in the root does not undergo any changes - eR.sAG-E -dusAG-E-ST;eR.geb-e -dugEB-E-ST. The exclusion here mainly make up the forms of the first, as well as a third party of the only number, when you can see the merger of the personal ending of the verb with its suffix, as a result of which the doubling of the consonant is not addressed. If we are talking about a simple time of the subjunctive inclusion in relation to the weak verbs of the German language, then there is a coincidence with the präteritum of the display ( gelehrt.(Send. Skl.) - gelehrt.(Würde - Sile. Skl.)). As for the group of strong verbs, they form a subjunctive tilt from the basics of Präteritum IndicATIVE by adding a suffix -e, and besides this personal flexions of Präteritum, while the vowels (u, o, a) are in the root take themselves. - fahren - F.ühre. Also considered also the so-called, incorrect verbs, the forms of Präteritum Konjunktiv, which are not formed by the general scheme. - stehen.stände.; SEIN - W.Äre; gehen.ginge etc. In specially, German verbs are formed in the subjunctive ignition and form Perfekt, and Plusquamperfekt, etc., the details of which seems to be more appropriate to consider in a separate article.

To express requests or even orders and commands, the verbs in German are put in the imperative form Imperativ), where the verb is always placed in the first place, and the strongest pronoun Sie. (if it is) . - Rufe Morgen An! (order). Achten Sie Bitte Auf Diese Folge! (request).

The following four imperative forms of verbs were most widely distributed: the only number of second person, the multiple number of the first person, the multiple number of the second person, as well as a polite form. - (DU) arbeite - Arbeiten (WIR) - Arbeitet (IHR) - Arbeiten Sie.

It seems possible to form an imperative inclination in the conditions of the German language and through infinitive ( Nicht Aus Dem. Türen. ÖFFNEN!), there is a potential for this and in a number of grammatical structures: haben / sein + infinitives and zu; Modal verb with infinitive - Menschen Müssen Die Umwelt Vor Verschmutzung Schützen. etc.

So, to express the attitude of a particular action to reality in German, there is such a verbal category as a challenge having: reality - der Indikativ, motivation - der Imperativ or irradiance - Der Konjunktiv.

An imperative in German is called imperative (imperativ) and, as in Russian, expresses a direct appeal to someone, therefore the formation of a ladral inclination is characteristic of a 2nd person in a single and multiple number. Appeal may be on "you" (trust form) and on "you" (polite form). The only and multiple number of polite forms grammatically expressed equally. Separately distinguishes the imperative inclination of the 1st person of the singular, which encourages the joint action. Thus, there are four forms of impersonal inclination. Now we will analyze the method of education and use of these forms.

The trust form of the only number is formed by adding the verb of the suffix "-e":
Zeige Mir Dein Buch! - Show me your book!
BLEIBE RUHIG! - Keep calm!
In colloquial speech, often "-e" is lost, but after "-t; -tm; -D; -FFN; -Chn; -El; -IG "The use of suffix" -e "must.
Sag Bitte So Nicht! - Do not say so please! But Antworte Auf Meine Frage! - answer my question!
In strong verbs, the root vowel "-e-" changes to "-i (E) -" at the same time the suffix "-e" is not added.
Schreiben - Schrieb!
Please note that strong verbs will not be added to be lost where it is in the subjunctive tilt:
Laufe Schneller! - Run faster! But du läufst. - You run.
The confidential shape of the plural number coincides with the form in the second person of the plural (the basis of the verb + -t):
Polite form
The imperative inclination in German with a polite appeal to one person or to the group of people grammatically expressed in the same way: the verb in the appropriate form + the pronoun "Sie":
Sagen Sie Das Noch Einmal! - Repeat, please!
The imperative inclination of the 1st face of the multiple number, as the urge to perform a joint action, is formed from the form of the verb of the 1st face of the multiple number + the pronoun WIR:
GEHEN WIUTE INS THEATER! - Let's go to the theater today!
The discontinuished verb prefix in the imperative inclination is placed at the end of the sentence.
Mache Bitte Das Fenster Zu! - Close, please window!

Pay attention to the formation of the imperative entry of the verb "sein":
Seid aufmercksamer! - Be careful!
SEIEN SIE BITTE AUFMERCKSAMER! Please, please carefully!
The imperative inclination is highlighted in speech to the incentive intonation, and an exclamation mark is put on the letter at the end of the sentence.
A distinctive feature is that the structure of the wake-up proposals differs from the typical structure of the German sentence: the verb in the imperative is in the first place!
To give a suggestion, polite shade uses such words as "Bitte", "Bitte Mal".
Mach Die Tür AUF! - Open the door!
MACH DIE TÜR BITTE AUF! - Open, please, the door!
The imperative inclination in German can perform the following functions:
Call: Schützen Sie Die Natur
Order: Macht Eure Bücher Zu!
Please: Gib Mir Bitte Dein Buch! - Give me, please, your book!
Tip: Rauch Weniger! - less smoke!
BANK: RAUCH HIER NICHT! - Do not smoke here!
Warning: Stopp! Mache Musik Leiser! MAMA IST ZU HAUSE. - Stop! Make the music quieter! Mom is at home.

In general, the imperative inclination can be formed for all individuals except 1 l. units. h. and 3 l.

Overlife In German begins with the verb in the imperative form. It is formed from the verb in Präsens:

and for 2 liters units. h. From the base of the verb in the form of 2 liters. units. h., Sometimes with the addition of end. Strong verbs adding 2 liters. units. h. They will be missed, in the form of an imperative inclination is not added. Separated consoles are separated and taken out to last place.

Du Machst Das Fenster Auf - → Mach (-E) Das Fenster AUF!
DU GEHST EINKAUFEN - → Geh (-e) Einkaufen!
Du Läufst Schnell - → Lauf Schnell!

Ending-it in most cases optionally, it is necessary for weak verbs, if the basis ends on d., — t., — n., — m..

→ Bade!
→ Warte!
→ Arbeite!

b) For the remaining three forms (2 l. Mn., 1 liters. h. and polite forms) from the corresponding form of verb, in contrast to the narrative sentence, only the order of words is changing. Separated consoles are separated and taken out to last place.

2 l.. pN. h.
Kinder, Räumt EUER Zimmer Auf!
Zieht Die Mäntel Aus Und Kommt Herein!

1 l.. pN. h.

Polite form.
Kommen Sie Bitte Näher, SO Können Sie Das Bild Besser Sehen!
For this form, the pronoun must be present. Sie..

Verb « sein» it has the following forms of imperative ignition:


Exercises / Ü Bungen.

1. Form the proposals in the impeller:

Ich Will Wäsche Waschen. à Bitte, Wasche Wäsche!

1. Ich Will Das Schlafzimmer Sauber Machen.
4. Ich Will Meine Freunde Einladen.
5. Wir Wollen Einen Kuchen Backen.
8. Wir Wollen Auf Unseren Betreuer Warten.
10. Wir Wollen Uns Unterhalten!

2. Read the mark for students , Find the verbs in the imperative ignition, determine their shape and infinitive. Translate verbs into Russian.

For example.: Halte (Sauber)halten. - Cleaning.
… … … … …

3. Give your friend advice:

Ich Bin Zu Dick (Weniger Essen). → Iss Weniger!

4. Unsere Miete IST ZU TEUER (Eine Andere Wohnung Suchen)
5. ICH BIN ZU UNSPORTLICH (Jeden Tag 30 Minuten Laufen)
6. Meine Zimmerpflanzen Gehen Kaputt (Sie Nicht Zu Viel Gießen)
7. Meine Arbeit IST SO Langweilig (Sich Um Eine Andere Stelle Bewerben)
10. Wir Haben Keinen Praktikumsch Lernen (Besser Deutsch Lernen)

An imperative in German is called an imperative (der Imperativ) and is an appeal to encourage action, and also expresses advice, recommendation, call, request, warning, ban. There are several forms of circulation: confidence, polite, prompting. To build an imperative, it is necessary to know the verbs of the present. Specially formed only the form of the second person in singular. This appeal to "you". Other forms remain the same.

Radilation in German: Education Rules for the Second Face of the Sole

Appeal is most often directed to a particular person. We encourage someone to act, we order, we advise. Therefore, the imperative in the second face of the only number is the most common.

For its formation from the form of the verb DU, the end is removed. So, for example, if a narrative form of offer sounds like "you come in the evening" - du Kommst am Abend. That for the formation of imperative weed, you only need to remove -st. Komm am Abend - "Come in the evening!" Sometimes the verb is added yet. But this is often optional. In colloquial speech, this suffix is \u200b\u200boften lost.

For verbs with ezzet (-ss) at the end of the base, the rule is another: only ending -t is out. For example, ICH ESSE, DU ISST, BUT: ISS! ("Eat"!)

If the root vowels change in the verbs to be cleaned, it is not saved.

When the base ends on -ten, -den, -eln, -ieren, -gen, then additionally is added to the vulnerable. So: "Work - Work" - Arbeiten - Arbeite! "Swim - Bat" - Baden - Bade!

It is easy to learn an imperative ignition in German. The table with examples will help memorize. In fact, in the construction of the imperative there is nothing complicated, you just need to practice a little.

Imperative verbs in the second face in plural

Insecurity in German in 2 liters. Plural is built according to the following rules:

  1. The shape of the verb remains the same.
  2. Personal pronoun takes.

Everything is very simple here: no exceptions, no additional vowels or consonants.

Examples: "You are working" - "Work!": Ihr Arbeitet - Arbeitet!

Other forms of imperative

The imperative inclination in German is also expressed in motivation. In Russian it translates as "let's ...". For example - GEHEN WIR! - "Come!" Or "let's go!".

To form this form, you just need to change the verb and pronoun places. So, for example, "we dance" will be translated as WIR Tanzen. And the urge to dance will be as follows: Tanzen Wir!

The imperative challenge of the verb in German in a polite form is also built as simple. The order of words is simply changing: the verb first goes, and then pronoun.

Compare: "You do" - Sie Machen.

But: "Do!" (You) - Machen Sie!

It is logically explained why for the second person in plural and for polite forms, pronouns are preserved. Verbs in this case have the same endings. The pronouns are left to avoid confusion.

With a polite handling, it is also recommended to add the word "please". That is, not just, for example, "come" (Kommen Sie), and Kommen Sie Bitte. You can also say Bitte Mal. The Germans are generally very important formalities and polite forms.

Its special graduates have verbs sein (be, being), Haben (having), Werden (become). Their hydraulic forms simply need to memorize.

Insecurity in German Forms in the following ways ... -\u003e

Molds of imperative inclination are formed:

1. From the form of the 2nd person. current number by du and ending - st. . At the same time, the end may be added - e. .

Example / Beispiel:

Du gehst. zu Langsam. Geh. Schneller! You go too slow. Go faster!

Du Freust. dich Nicht. Freu (E) dich Doch! You do not enjoy. Rejoice!

Du kaufst Zu Viel Ein. Kauf (E) Nicht So Viel Ein! You buy too much. Do not buy so much!

In the wrong verbs, who have in the 2nd face of units. The number of current time changes the vowel a -\u003e Ä, In the imperative tilt the original vowel (but).

Example / Beispiel:

Du Fährst. zu Langsam. Fahr. Schneller! You go too slow. Eating faster!

2. From the form of 2 persons MN. The number of this time the imperative inclination in German is formed by returning personal pronouns ihr. . The verb does not change in any way and stands in the first place in the narrative offer.

Example / Beispiel:

Ihr Helft. mir Nicht. Helft. Mir! You do not help me. Help me!

Ihr geht. zu Langsam. Geht. Schneller !! You go too slow. Go faster!

3. The imperative ignition in German is formed also from the form of the 1st person of the mold. the number of present by permutation of personal pronoun places wir. and verb.

Example / Beispiel:

Wir Gehen. zu Langsam. Gehen Wir. Schneller !! We go too slow. Come on (those) Let's go faster!

Wir Fahren. Zu Schnell! Fahren Wir. Langsamer! We are going too fast. Come on (those) Let's go slower!

4. The imperative ignition is also formed from the polite forms of the verb by permuting the personal pronoun places Sie. and verb.

Example / Beispiel:

Sie Fahren. Zu Schnell! Fahren Sie. Langsamer! You are driving too fast. Drive slower! (The principle is similar to the construction of an imperative inclination from the form of the first person of the 1st person wir.).

Verbs sein and Haben.have the wrong forms of imperative inclinations:

SEI! Be! / Seid! Be! / SEIEN WIR! Let! / SEIEN Sie! Be!

HAB! Having! / HABT! HAVE! / Haben Wir! Come on (those) to have! / Haben Sie! HAVE!

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