Cossack uprising. Verkhnedon Uprising

Don Rezind of 1918.

The topic of the Don uprising, it takes not enough space in the minds of modern descendants of the Don Cossacks, but at the same time perceived, somehow too enthusiastically, they melt the Bolsheviks for the end of 1917 and almost until mid-1918, and then rebelled. In fact, not everything is so simple and definitely. The topic of the Don uprising, in principle, it is not possible to deeply and fully state in one publication, because in this article I will touch the most important fundamental historical facts that will help you, create in your head, a solid construction of the perception of this important and fateful event in the history of Don and Don Cossacks in general.

External conditions - from the north, and the North-East, the Don Region "sign" South Russian provinces, which are fully controlled by the Bolsheviks, which are at that time a recognized power in Soviet Russia. In the south in Kuban, the volunteer army is gaining strength, in the west, Ukraine is gradually and systematically engaged in the Germans who do not particularly seek to respect the conditions of the Brest world and are systematically moving towards the borders of the Don region. In Ukraine, the Soviet parts represented by the Chervon Cossacks and the old regiments of the Russian army also roll back to the borders of the Don region. The situation in the fields controlled by the Bolsheviks is also not stable, but large industrial centers support Soviet power.

Internal conditions - the Soviet government, affirmed on the Don, is not stable and has no social support. The Bolsheviks themselves say that Rostov is filled with thieves, hooligan and lumpen - a proletarian element that cannot serve as a support of Soviet power. The center of the Red Cossacks is Stanny Kamenskaya. Southeast Stitsa, including the southern end of the middle don, are controlled by both the bottom guerrillas and the Red Cossacks. The land altered, which began on the Don, has nothing to do with social justice, the daughtered Donkeeping Ukrainians, capture not only landlord land, but also the spare yurt lands left for the Static herds, and begin to dispense them. But the most blatant that the Don Khokhli captures rented lands that they leased the Donskaya Poor. Widow, orphans, Calekny Cossacks, at one moment remain without livelihood and put on the line of survival. On the Don Khokhlah would be worth staying in more detail. Having granted its name from the initial immigrants from the Zaporizhia Sich, at the time of its destruction, Don Ukrainians, have long lost its initial relationship with Ukraine, Ukrainian culture and self-awareness, they mixed up with completely different peoples of whose nobility during its fortress and accommodation. They fell to the Don and were attributed to the Don nobles as a fortress. These were the Veligorous peasants, and Valahi (Moldovans) and the people of Belarus, and so on. Those. Don Khokhli did not constitute some single ethnic community, but rather a collective name for all non-residents settled in the Cossack lands. The most noticeable part of the "Khokhlov" was represented by Tauricanov, the inhabitants of the Tavria of which brought there from different edges of the Empire Prince Potemkin. Perhaps the only ethnic marker for Khokhlov was a distorted Ukrainian language, which was some "Esperanto" for the whole southern part of the Russian Empire. Posted in the humiliated position in relation to the Cossacks, and at the beginning of the 20th century, almost opposed to the Donents of the Tsarist Government, the Don "Khokhli" were irreconcilable to the Donts, at the level of ethno - social not complimentaryness. Not the possibility of further living. What time the great Don Poet of Torovover was well expressed about. He pretty hard spoke that the Donctions and Don Khokhli could not live together. Or either. I could not help but stop at the "Don Khokhlov" factor as this is a key point in understanding the history of Don, civil war on the Don and Don uprising. The indigenous population and the sediments in the general names are combined under the general name "Khokhli".

Political situation.

The complexity of the political situation was that anti-officers were strong on Don, but at the same time the system of Cossack self-government remained almost not touched by the Bolshevik councils. At the same time, the power in the village was in the hands of the former atamans. This power even set a certain connection with the new power, directing it, for example, complaints about the increasingness of Khokhlov on the Cossack Earth.

The next complex factor was the fact that along with the styles engaged in Donskaya partisans, there were mills of fully supporting red. In the Don Top, there were also not ordinary and even hostile relations between members of the Interim Donskoy Government and the hiking Ataman P.Kopov.

Despite the fact that part of the Donets supported the Bolsheviks, the last they did not trust them, believing that, the Donctions "Changes as the May Wind". It must be assumed that the support of the Bolsheviks kept more on anti-officer sentiments and on non-understanding of the part of the Donets Ant Cossack essence of Bolshevism.

Military forces.

At the initial stage, the Don uprising and on its final stages of the strength of the warring parties were not numerous and unlikely, each of the parties could operate more than 10 thousand people. And at the same time, there were no more than 2 thousand people in battles at the battles. from each side.

Event chronology.

It would be mistaken to believe that the Don uprising was a certain lump-sum outbreak of discontent, which agreed into the armed struggle with the Bolsheviks. In fact, the fact that Cossack historians consider the "rebellion" to be broken by several episodes who took place in the first Don district, around Rostov and Novocherkassk, on the Donets, on the top Don and on Hopre. And it is very difficult to somehow synchronize these events, although they took place at one time, but for various reasons, on a different scale and with different actors, not united single command and a single strategic plan. So.

First sparks. 1918.

March 14, the Cossacks of the Gundor Stunnye, without the victims, expel from the village of the detachment of red mines from the surrounding mines.

March 21 (all dates for a new style) Cossacks of the village of Lugansk are beaten by 34 of the arrested officers of which are transported to the center of Bolshevism on the Don in Stanitsa Kamenskaya. Red punishers return officers during the military expedition. Of the 34 officers, only one remains alone. He goes into the detachment of P.Kh. Popova.

On March 23, in Novocherkassk, the local council chaired by Medvedev announces "registration" of officers. In fact, this is a cloud with further liquidation. 10 and 27 of the Don Regiment, as well as 6 hiking battalion, in the ranks of which many officers were hidden, put forward a requirement to terminate "registration". As a result, most ideological Bolsheviks left the city, and the power in the council was not Bolshevik.

March 26, the Cossacks of the village of Grushevskaya, rowed the Red Kamensky Cossacks, take great trophies and go to her face.

On April 1-2, the Cossacks of Zadonsky Stanzov, with the support of the Giant Cossacks, smashed red and expel them.

Novocherkassk while "rant", the military officer of Golubov is freed from the Gauptvakta M.P. Bogaevsky, he appeals to the glory and history of Don, he is with delight, but the garrison still consists of the "revolutionary" Cossacks of Golubova and the Titovian regiment of the Red Guard.

On April 7, the Bolsheviks send a Golubov directive, where they are prescribed by his commander of the revolutionary troops of the Salsky district, where as we remember he did not particularly distinguish.

On April 8, some Sedov appears in Novocherkassk, called the delegate from the Novocherkassian garrison, and is trying to carry out overall mobilization against the Bolsheviks.

On April 9, Novocherkassk includes "horse sailors" (!), And Golubov shoots off the city. From this point on, Golubov "freezes" between red and don's patriots. It will be expensive to cost him. Personality and fate of Golubov are worthy of a separate publication. Therefore, in more detail, I will tell you about it later.

The center of the uprising can be called the village of Krivyanskaya and joined by Mananyan, Nesensenievskaya, Melekhovskaya, Gogaevskaya, Zaplavskaya, Peredorskaya. From there in Krivian, the battle squads of the Donets were approached.

During April 11-17, the headquarters of the uprising was formed in Krivian, headquartered from the Red Colonel Rytikov. The headquarters decides on the attack on Novocherkassk.

Start of fighting.

On April 12, a detachment of horse sailors and one armored person came to Krivian from Novocherkasskaya. Total detachment was 30 people. Reds did not count on active resistance, but assumed to carry out a punitive action and shoot the instigators. As a result, the detachment was chopped, the armored car was captured. Red understood that, dealing with a full-fledged uprising and did not hesitate.

On April 13, the Red Guard consisting of 1 thousand bayonets and 1 of the Kavalry survey was made from Novocherkassk in the direction of Krivian. During the battle, the rebels were held back from the front red from the front, and the Rador hundred from the rear crashed into the chains of the Bolsheviks, bareguard them and turned them into flight. The outcome of the battle was solved in favor of the rebels. Developing success, the rebels occupy a hotline.

April 14, the rebels occupy Novocherkassk. It should be noted that the rebels acted in the absence of weapons and ammunition, often having only checkers and stakes with bayonets.

Friends who took Novocherkassk receive the name of the southern corps.

New detachments are formed, the artillery of the rebels is formed.

In Novocherkassk stood 10 and 27th Donetsk shelves. They did not resist the rebels, but also refused to participate in the uprising by leaving the Donets.

The rebels set the goal to capture Rostov and Alexandrovsk - Grushevsk in connection with which the forces of the rebels were divided into the North and Southern Corps.

April 14, the rebels form the Defense Council. Consisting mainly of simple Cossacks using authority in the villages and shelves. The Council was headed by E ESAUL G.P. Janov.

The main events of the Don uprising.

On April 16, fights were conducted near Rostov and under the quarries. Forces were not equal. Bolsheviks under the command of Krivoshlikov's ensign worker had forces of 40 thousand people, with an excellent assurance of ammunition.

The forces of the rebels did not have a permanent composition. Cossacks were infected with local defense, and after the class of Novocherkasska began to diverge through their stans.

April 17, 1918 (I remember this date), command over the remnants of the rebels takes General K.S. Poles. At first, the remains of reformed rebels call the "Cossack Army", and then the name "Don Army" arises. Thus, Don Cossacks can make the day on April 17 festive. Not slender crowds of the rebels demanded an organization, and officers were still afraid of reprisals and did not want to enter into command. Nevertheless, the forces of the rebels were formed in the following combat units.

Infantry parts.

Novocherkassky regiment - 700 bayonies.

Krivian regiment - 1000 bayonets.

Separated regiment - 900 bayonets.

Nezagengenic regiment - 800 bayonets.

Giant regiment - 900 bayonets.

Melekhov regiment - 500 bayonets.

Rador regiment - 200 bayonbs.

The 6th hiking battalion is 160 bayonets.

The consolidated squad of Aksai, Olginsky, Grushevsky Cossacks - 60 bayonets.

Total 5220 bayonets.

7th Don Cossack Regiment - 700 Checkers.

Command regiment - 400 checkers.

Total 1100 checkers.

Artillery - 6 guns.

Machine guns - 30 pcs.

Cartridges 3 on the rifle.

Shells 6 on the gun.

On April 21, the Titov Regiment of the Red Guard attacks the Don Army, but tolerates a cruel defeat and departs to Novocherkassk, leaving 100 people on the battlefield. killed.

On the same day, the rebels declare the Defense Council - the Interim Donskoy Government - the Higher Power Authority on Don. In a sense, drooping has developed. After all, in addition to the government on Don, there was a campaign ataman P.h. Popov, who originally did not fold the weapons and did not stop the struggle in the future. This historical incident also requires separate consideration on the fields of my magazine. In the meantime, (April 18), the "Circle of Done", controlled by P.Kh, is formed in Nizhny Kurmanyar. Popov.

On April 21, Popov occupies the district center of the 1st Don district, Stanitsa Konstantinovskaya. He calls Red Army gangsters and shows - "Cossack blood pours" threads "!

On April 24, after very difficult negotiations, the temporary government transmits all the completeness of the authorities to the Major Popov's Major Major, but reserves the right to convene a circle. The intrigue was in the class question. The temporary government consisted mainly of the authority of ordinary donts, devices and ordinary Cossacks, and Popov represented the forces staffed by representatives of the privileged layers of the Don Society. We remember well on previous articles who were represented by Don Parisans. Popov's popularity of ordinary Cossacks was not great.

At that moment, the group assembled by Popov consisted of Manthanov's detachments, Gnilorybov and Kartalsky, who immediately moved in the 2nd Don District, to occupy the village of Nizhne - Chirskaya.

Kalmyks distinguished by strong anti-Bolshevik sentiments made up a convoy headquarters, and were also reduced to the Kalmyk Regiment under the command of N.V. Suvorov.

On April 21, the fragmented detachments are reduced to the Northern Group under the command of Semilatov, the Juncker, and the consolidated regiment of Klimov, and the Kalmyk Regiment, and the Northern Group have numbered 3200 fighters. The base for the northern group served Stanitsa Rador.

The South Group was formed in the Swabian. The hiking caustic shelves of the lower studs entered her, the 6th walking battalion, the 7th Don Regiment of the Old Army, the consolidated Cossack Regiment of Torub. The number of the southern group was 6.5 thousand people. As the southern group is mobilized, it was divided into three divisions. 1-Don walking division, 2nd Don Infantry Division, 3rd Don Infantry Division. All the shelves of divisions were the Cossacks of the lower beds. Unsensenger, Giant, Melikhovskaya, Krivianskaya.

A zadonskaya group was also formed. Moskinskaya, Egorlykskaya, etc. Numerical 3, 5 thousand people.

The order of general mobilization was released on April 15 and many beddown squads equal in numbers immediately reorganized into regular connections of the Don Army.

On April 19 - 20, Cossacks of Kuramanyar made raid on the Bolshevik village Nagava. The composition of the 3rd honeycombs and horseback regiment of the Cossacks opened a new Katchalovsky Front.

On April 19, the Donetsk Group controlling the lowerland of the Donets was formed, under the command of Starikov's military foreman and Esuul Living. The group included squads of Ust - Belokaltvan. Ermakovskaya, Ekaterininskaya, Ustryanskaya, Vladimir, Verkhne - Kundryuchenskaya, Nizhne-Kundruychenskaya Stanitsa. In the upper course of the Donsti, the squad of Esuula Sukharevsky and Esuula Ryzhnikov was acted. Their base was the village Gundorovskaya. They hung over the center of Cossack Bolshevism above the Kamensky village and were consequently cut off from the fundamental forces of the rebels.

In the middle of the course of Don there were areas of defense, in the village of Starogrigorvskaya, Triolastyransky, Sirotinskaya. In total, 10 defense regions were formed in total Done.

At the top don, the partisan movement began without a special scale, so in the area of \u200b\u200bStanitsa Uryupinsky, Dudakov's detachment was acted. Later, the squad merges with the detachment of Esula Sonina and eventually formed in Zotovsko - the Uryupinsky squad.

In the area of \u200b\u200bStanitsa Migulinsky, large-scale clashes of Cossacks with red, leaving the territory of the Voronezh province, but this episode is a separate article.

On the south-west in Novonicolaevskaya formed a four hundredth regiment.

Cossacks of 10 and 27 Don regiments, Golubovsky Cossacks and Cossacks of the 2nd Spare Don Regiment remained neutral to the uprising.

10 and 27 Don shelves, leaving Novocherkasska on the way, decided that they would dissolve old people on the houses raise the youth and continue the service of Soviet power. On the path, the shelf finally decomposed and the remains of the 27th regiment were disarmed by the detachment of Starikov's military foreman in the Grushevsky farm.

Strategic configuration.

Donetsk group cut the railway White Kalitva branch - Lhaha. The southern band covered the area from the south. Overlooking the Rostov branch - trading. As noted at the beginning of the south, parts of the voluntary army appeared, and the Germans began to roll from the West.

Matching Ataman Popov decides to re-occupy Novocherkassk. But decides not to attack not in the forehead, but to start with the class of Alexandrovsk - Georzhevsk. April 28, sevenieves began assault. Everything would be fine and successfully, if Melikhovsky, Rador and Bagaevsky shelves did not leave the front and did not go home. The assault failed.

Cossacks of the South Group began rallies and negotiations with the Bolsheviks. Cossacks did not like officers - partisans appearing in their ranks. And then I have to make a retreat. It is obvious that neither the Bolsheviks have not satisfied the bulk of the Cossacks or the return of old orders. Obviously, they wanted a certain Cossack socialism, without Panov, Akhvitzers and other elements of the old order.

On April 26, Colonel Denisov spent in Unwitred Rally. But on the same day, the punishers in order to eliminate the harmful spirits were sent out of the orders of the hiking Ataman. However, the "guidance order" gave the opposite result, the southern group generally lost combat capability. Only on May 2, after disarming the reeling hundred and putting them in order, combat capability began to recover.

On May 1, the Bolsheviks, correctly assessing the moment attacked the Southern Group from Novocherkassk, but unexpectedly broken and fled. And again the outcome of the case decided the cavalry, the summary hundred Podzhaul Safronov was handed over to the red chains, tilted them and drove them back under the blows of Cossack checkers. At the same time, the trophies amounted to 8 guns of 5 thousand shells, 200 thousand cartridge, and 4 trucks, which initially the Bolsheviks masked under the armors.

On May 3, parts of the Volunteer Army went to the village of Egorlykskaya and immediately faced red.

In the West, Germans appear in the Gundorovskaya district. Red rolled back through Ukrainian - the Don border and ironically and by the order of Lenin (the fulfillment of the conditions of the Brest World) is immediately disarmed.

On April 20 - 22, Gundorovtsy with the help of Germans and German cavalry and artillery defeated and crowded the Bolsheviks from the borders of Gundorovsky yurt. Before this, the Red Connants scribied two thirds of the Gundor village.

At the top don, the Cossacks were destroyed and disarmed red troops, including a fully exterminated Tiraspol regiment.

By the end of April, the beginning of May 1918, the strength of Soviet Russia was significantly weakened both in the numerical composition and materially - technical terms. The morale and the military command were also not at the height.

On May 4, the detachments of the Volunteer Army approached Rostov. They commanded Drozdovsky. Attack began in the evening of the same 4 May. In the evening - nights on May 4, parts of volunteers and parts of the Southern Group began to concentrate near the borders of Rostov and Novocherkassk. At 3 o'clock in the morning, on May 5, 1918, the Cossacks hit Novocherkassk with the support of the river landing. The Equestrian group of Torubsov moved bypassing the Aksayan to gain volunteers and continue the attack on the city. When attacking from the south of Cossacks suffered large losses, but the Northern Group entered the city almost without loss.

May 7 Bolsheviks flee from Rostov. They go through a bush to Tikhoretsky exporting everything you can.

The same on May 7, Bagaevtsi, Nesenzgenevtsy, the seeds are shaking the Persian direction and go home.

On May 8, the Bolsheviks are in the semi surrounded between Rostov and the village of Zverevo begin a breakthrough to Rostov. They poured out of trains from the Okrain Novocherkassk and under the cover of a dense machine-gun fire were crowded. The path of them was blocked 150 - 200 Cossacks of the Boyreats returned from the house to the "service." Shooting 70 shells, the Cossacks rolled back to the Wick, and then went to the sewing, opening the Red Way to Novocherkassk. The Cossacks did not have reserves. The onset of the red restrained 2 guns, and 6.5 thousand Cossacks were still sitting on the houses and had to arrive in the city by 12 o'clock in the day. The situation was saved by the equestrian drozdovsky mountain battery, which opened a quick fire on the chains of red. A squall fire of the Armored Armade of Drozdovtsev, who embarked into the combat order of red fires of 4-windows embroidered into the combat orders of red fires, and at that time, the Cossack Cornia Semilietes struck them.

The hiking squads of Yakovleva and Juncker hit the Bolsheviks from the go. The infantry approached the baudes, and the cavalry unfolded to the attack from the hiking columns. Red in panic ran. The Cossack checkers cut them, and only a minor part of the red fighters went to Lyuhu and Tsaritsyn.

On the same day, Connee Torubtiv and German troops entered Rostov.

At the same time, the part of the volunteer army during the attack on the village of Krylovskaya took gigantic trophies.

On May 9, the temporary Don Government, prescribed a collection of a circle of rescue don on May 11, 1918.

Don uprising won.

Don uprising can not be called "white". Cossacks rebelled against the Bolsheviks, without taking the goals and methods of the Bolsheviks when establishing the Soviet power on the Don.

Part of the Don Cossacks, during the uprising kept either neutral or hostile towards the rebel.

It is quite difficult to combine into one logical integer partisan movement and the Don uprising. Partisans are a fragment of the old world who fought for the restoration of the former QWO status. The Don Rezind is the uprising of the masses of the Donets against the gripful and anti-people policies of the Bolsheviks carried out the infringement of the rights of the indigenous population of Don. Donctions rebelled not for the king and not for the previous way of life, and against the infringement of their rights, as the indigenous people of Don, against the expropriation of the Earth, every vertex of which was watering the blood of our ancestors. And although the Don Cossack has not yet understood with what rough and dark power it deals, the first sprouts of the awareness of the animal ruffle of Bolshevism have already become brewing through the crowd of the usual conquest of the supreme power.

The uprising was not carefully planned. It had all the features of the People's War, with the invaders. The inconsistency of military formations, attachment to native foci, defense and not the desire to go from their yurts. But all this is the inevitable features of the People's War, so it was at all times and will probably be.

In the XVI century, an armed uprising of the Cossacks against the speech by the compulpist occurred. The uprising was headed by Bogdan Khmelnitsky. From this well-known fact, we can catch one of the reasons for the rebellion of Bogdan's rebellion into Polish power. Namely, on the Khutor Bogdan, who he inherited from his father, attacked the Polish substartar of Chaplinsky, he beat Khmelnitsky's children, captured his wife and looted the farm. After that, Bogdan did not resort to extremes, but he went to court. After passing all the ship instances and not receiving decent compensation from Polish power, Khmelnitsky went to seek help to the king of Poland, but he could not do anything. He reminded Khmelnitsky that he had a saber, and the fact that he himself could solve his problem. The king also offered Khmelnitsky to unleash the war with Turkey, thereby untie the hands of the king. In Poland, it happened that the king has the power only during the war, and Jan Casimir, wanted to take advantage of this to establish an absolute monarchy. You see if everyone has, and Yana was trimmed ...

But the reason is not alone. In the XV-XVI centuries, the Polish Sejm began to select autonomy and privileges from Cossacks, introducing its administration. In this we capture another reason, perhaps the main thing at the time of the beginning of the war. Cossacks wanted to take some places in the Sejm. The religion was not in the last place, as Poland imposed Catholicism and oppressed Orthodoxy, and as we know, Orthodoxy was one of the main demands on the troops in Zaporizhia.

There are different interpretations of the reasons. For example, in Ukrainian textbooks, they only suggest that the Cossacks wanted to protect the Ukrainian people who have not even formed, but Kazaktvo and there are the final stage of the formation of the Ukrainian nation. And in Russia, they are prescribed that the Cossacks have eased accession to Russia, but this also has a rather dubious assumption, because the idea of \u200b\u200baccession arose only during the war. I believe that such manipulations of history make the so-called "cattle" from humans.

So, the main reasons for the start of the war: religion, autonomy and the privileges of the Cossacks, and the offended Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

The nature of the war was heterogeneous and changed throughout the war. According to the initial requirements of the Cossacks, it is possible to determine the nature of war as a class-feudal, the usual class-feudal war, such a world has seen hundreds. But after a number of victories, the character of the war changes dramatically, because the army of Khmelnitsky arrives simply, not the Cossacks, and in sources we see that the army under the guidance of Bogdan is gaining 300 thousand people, the Cossacks from this mass, well, Maxima thousand 80-90. And now the character of war becomes national liberation. Not a small role in such a tributary of people played and Orthodoxy, it began to be very agitating people to take a weapon and to help Khmelnitsky.

Requirements change with the change. For example, if at first the uprising was the conversation about the privileges of the Cossacks, or rather about their absence, now Khmelnitsky demanded to remove Catholicism, Uniate, Judaism from the territory of three voivodes from Bratslavsky, Kiev and Chernigov. Required to remove the Polish army, administration and education from the territory of the same voivodes, hereinafter referred to as hetmanschina. Not small attention was given to the Jews, they were forbidden to be in the territory of Hetmans. All these conditions were adopted by the Polish side, as Poland could not accept them, being weakened, she could lose their independence and signed the Zborovsky treaty.

But the war did not fade. After signing the contract, the parties began to prepare for war, to its continuation. In December 1650, the Polish Sejm adopted a decree on the start of the punitive campaign on the hetmanshene. This time, Poland was better prepared, she was able to smash the Tatars who helped the Cossacks all the war, in fact Poland took the entire cavalry of the Cossacks. As a result, the Cossacks were defeated and were forced to sign a Belotserkovsky peace treaty, which significantly cut Zborovsky. In April 1652, the Cossacks again try to win their rights from the Poles, but after a series of victories, they suffer defeat. Throughout all the wars, Bogdan Khmelnitsky conducted a correspondence with the king of Russia, and asked him to accept Hetmanshene into Russia, but Alexey Mikhailovich did not agree until 1653, when the Zemsky Cathedral was collected, they decided to accept the hetmans in Russia on the rights of autonomy. From this point on, the moment of signing the clarification contract, the character changes again due to the advent of the new entity in the war, namely Russia, now the war is interstate, and this war went to 1667, as a result, Russia was able to pick up Chernihiv region and Kiev .

All this war led to the emergence of the first Prokrainian state, the word "Ukraine" was already used in March articles, identifying with the "Troops Zaporizhia". This uprising has a huge role for Ukraine, as the Ukrainian nation, it is at the stage of the Cossacks that finishes form.

Cossacks and Cossack uprisings

The oppression of peasants in small Russia as Polish and local feudalities led to constant uprisings, the main driving force of which were Cossacks. And in order to understand the subsequent events, we need to try to understand what Malorossiysk Cossacks were represented. They shared on Zaporizhzhya and registries.

The origin of the Zaporizhia troops has already been said a little. But the registry Cossacks had a number of fundamental differences from the Cossacks. Initially, they were also called by the city Cossacks, because they lived mainly in small towns of the south and southeast of Malorusia. So, for example, in 1600, Kenev's population consisted of 960 bins and 1300 Cossacks with families.

Just like the se seches, the so-called citys (that is, the urban) Cossacks ignored any authorities, recognizing only their elders. But the city Cossacks were in a much greater dependence on the Polish authorities than the Cossacks. Starting with Sigismund II of August, Polish kings tried to create obedient parts from the city Cossacks.

So, in 1578, Stefan Batori identified a salary of six hundreds of Cossacks and allowed them to accommodate their hospital and arsenal in the city of Ltachtomirir. For this, Cossacks agreed to obey the officers appointed by the king, and refrain from unauthorized attacks on the Tatars, which strongly complicated the conduct of foreign policy of the Commonwealth. According to the rules, all six hundred Cossacks were listed in a special list - the registry. And since then, these registered, "registered" Cossacks began to be used not only for the protection of borders from the Tatars, but also to control the "nonstainstroy".

In 1589, the number of registry Cossacks has already reached three thousand. Mostly it was settled, family, well-arranged Cossacks, often possessed significant property. For example, the testament of some kind of Tishka Volovich included a house in Chigirine, two estates with fish ponds, forests and pastures, 120 hives and 3 thousand gold ingots (of which thousands in the mortgage under great interest). Nerestral city Cossacks were substantially poor in the registries.

In 1620, the Cossacks participated in the famous battle under Khotyn, where they smashed a huge Turkish army together with the Poles. Moreover, Polish troops numbered 57 thousand people, and Cossack - 40 thousand. After the battle, Poles demanded that 37 thousand Cossacks returned to the peasant estate. Cossacks rebelled. In the summer of 1625, the Poles took a punitive expedition. The thirty thousand troops headed the Crown Hetman Stanislav Endopolsky.

On October 30, 1625, the detainees broke the Cossack Army of Hetman Mark Zhmail at the old settlement under the Kurukov Lake. However, the Cossacks remained significant forces, and on November 3-6, negotiations began at the site of the battle. On November 5, the city Cossacks chose a new hetman Mikhail Doroshenko - Grandfather later the famous hetman Peter Doroshenko, and the next day an agreement was signed with Poles. The city Cossacks recognized themselves with the subjects of the Polish king, the king also increased the number of registered Cossacks to 6 thousand, and the rest of the velocked was for the register and deprive of all the Cossack title. Such people were named with statements and made up a vast majority against the registries.

Of the six thousand registry Cossacks, one thousand was supposed to be in turn to be behind the Dnieper thresholds, not to let the enemy towards crossing the Dnieper and not allow him to invade into the royal land. All Cossacks were forbidden to go out into the sea, to take land raids on Muslim land and ordered to burn marine boats in the presence of Polish commissars.

Of the registry Cossacks, six regional regiments were drawn up - Kiev, Pereyaslavsky, Belotserkovsky, Korsunsky, Kanevsky and Cherkasy. The center of the regiment was the city (on it and was given the name), where there was a regimental foreman. Shelves shared for hundreds. Registry artillery and military "music" (trumpeters, drummers, etc.) were placed in Kanev. Over all the shelves stood a military officer headed by hetman.

Immediately make a reservation: the agreement concerned only the city Cossacks, the Cossacks of the same articles of the agreement concerned.

In 1632, the king of Sigismund III died in Poland, and the Seimas gathered on this occasion began to elect a new king. At this time, deputies from nonstainstanding Cossacks were on the free (selective) selection. Recalling the fact that the Cossacks constitute a part of the Polish state, the deputies demanded on behalf of the troops to ensure the Orthodox faith and the right to vote in the king's elections. On this demand, the Senate Senate Commonly answered the Cossacks that although they really constitute a part of the Polish state, but such, "like hair or nails in the body of a person: when the hair or nails grow too, they will cut them. So come with the Cossacks: when they are a bit, then they can serve as a compulsory speech, and when they breed, they become harmful to Poland. " Regarding the provision of Orthodox faith, the Cossack deputies said that this question would consider the future king of Poland, and relative to the participation in the election of the king, they answered that the deception of the king was the right of the Senate and the Zemstvo collection.

Thus, the Cossacks and residents of Malororsia were recognized as defective citizens, and Malorusia - the Colon of Poland.

In the 20th century and Soviet, and nationalist historians, putting on and passing the facts, distorted the history of the Cossacks. The first to prove that the actions of the Cossacks were exclusively an element of the class struggle of the peasants against the feudalists, and the second claimed that both Zaporizhzhya and registry Cossacks were a special class of Ukrainian people who fought for the national independence of the "Willy Ukraine" within the 1991 borders.

As you can see, the goals of the "Sovkov" and the nationalists were different, and they created mythology about the same.

I note that in Russia someone is trying to declare Don Cossacks with a special people. With the same success, you can declare people and pomps and require state sovereignty for them. But, as already mentioned, in fact, in the XV-XVIII centuries, the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks themselves considered themselves Russians, they said and wrote in Russian with small intersions of local expressions, that is, we can talk about showing Zaporozhtsev, or rather - "slang". Zaporizhzhya Cossacks often went to Don, and, on the contrary, the Don on the Dnieper, and no one considered anyone foreigners.

Reception to Zaporizhzhya Cossacks was very simple - it was necessary to cross the right way and speak Russian, anyway on which dialect. The Cossacks shared in the Sich and Winter Cossacks. The first lived in the Cossack capital - Schove - Kensen. By the way, she was not always on the island of Hortietsa. The Schech Cossacks were a privileged part of the Zaporizhia Cossacks. Only they had the right to choose a foreman from their environment, to receive a cash and bread salary, to participate in the sharing of mining, to finish all the deeds of the troops. All of them were idle or at least considered themselves those.

Family Cossacks were allowed to live only near the seed on the beams, meadows, the shores of rivers, estates and lakes, where there were either entire settler, or individual wintering and a farm. The Cossacks who lived in them were engaged in barking, cattle breeding, trade, crafts and crafts, and therefore were called not by "lyshers" and "comrades", and the subjects or compulsions of the Sachevy Cossacks, "wintering", "Sidney", "Gniszyuki".

All nationalist historical historians - Javornitsky, Pereshevsky, etc. - diligently bypass the question of the operation of sechenics. Caporozhtsy never conducted financial statements, and it is impossible to bring any numbers. But the fact that "wintering" fed the sechenians is not questionable.

"Officially winter foods were called Sydney or nests, in a mockery - Bababuli and Greaching; They constituted a supervision, that is, the subject of the actual sichetic kozak. The Turks called the Cossacks who lived farms on the border between the Zaporizhia and the ownership of the Ottoman Empire, for some reason the "Ceranon" name. Nests were called on the war only in exceptional cases, according to a special shot of a gun in Sichy or in the call of special mesh studios from Koshoy Ataman, and in this case, despite the fact that they were married, were obliged to bear military service unquestioned; By virtue of this, each married facility was charged with the duty to have a gun, a spear and a "other goat", and also certainly be in the Kosh "to take the coice of military orders"; In addition to military service, they were called for Karaulov and Cordons, to fix in Sichy Kureni, the construction of artillery and other Kozatski buildings. But the main thing is the duty of nestshekov was to feed the sichetic nosals. These were in our own sense of the word Zaporizhzhya household: they treated the earth according to the property and quality of it; Divorced horses, horned cattle, sheep, prepared hay at the winter time, arranged aparts, gathered honey, Sadily gardens, cultivated gardens, hunted on animals, worked out fishing and crayfish, conducted a small trade, made salt, contained postal stations, etc. . The main mass of all the excess Zimovchan was delivered to the need for the needs of the Sichevic Kozak, the rest left to feed themselves and their families. Sachet archival acts preserved before our time show that and in what quantity it was delivered from the heads to Sychich: So, in 1772, on September 18, it was sent out of a panel with a Barvenkovskaya wall of eight oxen, three bulls, two cows with calves and t. P.

... as Veliko was the number of horses in Zaporozhye Kozakov, it can be seen from the fact that some of them had 700 heads and more ... Once the Koshest Atama Petr Kalnishevsky sold at once to 14,000 horses heads, and Colonel Athanasius the capacious Tatars, during a raid, took up to 7000 horses ...

... to the same extent with horse breeding and cattle breeding was developed at Zaporizhzhya kozak and sheepstormalism: there was up to 4,000 in another Kozak, even 5,000 sheep heads: "Horned cattle and sheep are pretty large; Wools are removed once and sold in Poland. "

Can one person without his wife and children, even if not engaged in hiking and drunkenness, serve 700 horses or 5000 sheep? It is clear that there is no. By the way, and Javornitsky writes: "... Sheep the flocks were called from Zaporizhia Kozakov Otara, and shepherds - shepherds - the names were learned from the Tatars; Shepherds, dressed in shirts impregnated with lard, in the balls made from calf leather, drowning in postal from pork skins and a belt joined, with "Haman" over his shoulder, with shiva and a spider with a side, winter and summer dragged the so-called Cauchy , i.e., wooden, on two wheels, kites, outside covered with felt, inside the "cabin": in them, the shepherds hid their food, stored water, cooked food and covered with bad weather. "

Alas, in three volumes of the "History of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks" of Javornitsky (only 1671 pages!) It does not mention the social status of Shebanov. The fact that they are not Cossacks are clear from the text. And then who? There can be only two options: or slaves, or serfs, belonging to the most likely rich se serates, and in some cases worked for all Zaporizhia army.

As for the ordinary registry Cossacks, many of them by 1648 themselves had flants themselves. And all the command of the registries was simply a landowner, let them be illegal, from the point of view of the Polish authorities, owned by lands and chlopes, but landowners!

So the stories of Javornitsky, Grushevsky and K ° that the Cossacks tried to give the Malorosiysk people to Equality, rid from the landlocking oppression, etc., just "children's bow on the lawn", you can't tell more gently.

Cossacks really wanted to save flakes from the oppression of the gentry, both the new Polish and the old Russian, who consisted of the descendants of the princes and boyars of Kiev, Chernigov and other principalities. And by the middle of the XVII century, it is very difficult to distinguish between Polish and Russian nobility in the municipality, and somewhere impossible. But the Cossacks in Malorussessions never thought even about utopian socialism, they themselves wanted to become landlords and live through the operation of the peasants.

In order not to be accused of a preissance of the attitude towards the Malorosiysk and Zaporizhia Cossacks, I will say that at the beginning of the XVII century in the Moscow state there was a situation close to the situation in the south of Malaya Russia. So, from 1604-1618. Along with the Polish detachments, the gangs of Zaporizhzhya, Little Russian (registrant and nonstainstroy), Don and local Cossacks acted. I note that both Russian governors and the local population always clearly divided Lyakhov and Cossacks (Cherkasy), but extremely rarely allocated from them, for example, Cossacks.

By the way, apparently, the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, returning from a raid to the Vologda lands, was tortured by Ivan Susanin. True, nor on the Person Mikhail Romanova, nor the Kostyevsky monastery, nor the glorious city of Kostroma Kazaki in this case they did not attend.

I must say that Zaporizhzhya, and the Malorossiysk Cossacks severely robbed Russian cities and villages, resisted by the warriors and the peasants on Cola, quartered, etc. Rubba and Zhgli Orthodox churches, killed Popov. Another question is that, "coming down to a pension," many Cossacks were removed into Orthodox monasteries to pour sins and did large contributions. By 1648, a lot of former Malorosiysk and Zaporizhia Cossacks were monotored in the abode of the Russian state.

It is worth staying at the local Cossacks, that is, Ryazan, Vyazene, Nizhny Novgorod, and others. At one time, the "Soviet" historians exceeded the peasant war under Heaven under the leadership of Ivan Bolotnikov. However, neither Bolotnikov himself nor his Cossacks (local!) Did not at all at all at the base of the feudal system. Their "program minimum" was to be reoped as much as possible, and the "program-maximum" - to become landlords or even boyars themselves.

And, I must say, the dreams of many of them came true. The same simple Cossack Ivashka Zarutsky became a boyarian at Tushinsky thief, together with Patriarch, Philaret taught the thief of the mind. And it would be based on the Zarutsky Boyar dynasty in Moscow, and the hell flew toward the poor Ivashka, he climbed into the bed to Marink Mnishek and reign. The clan Boyar Romanov did not suffer a competitor, and the poor cumshot in Moscow on Coke.

But the many former Tushinsky associates who helped Mikhail Romanov to sit on the throne, the new king made landowners. In 1614, Cossack Bulgak Alekseev received 133-quarters of the Earth, Mikhail Gorchakov - 100 quarters, and by 1622 he already owned 700 quarters, the associate of Zarutsky Mikhail Markov in the Vologda district received 150 quarters, and in the Shatsky county 600 quarters, etc. . Here we are talking about "native" Cossacks. Thus, the fighting chops, for several years who have been produced by the scatteries, only for the fact that in time "put on the desired horse", in the 20s of the XVII century became large landowners. Later, most of them tried to fit the ancient noble childbirth or even declare themselves with the descendants of the princes Rurikovich.

All the Cossacks in Malaya Russia were led in the same way. Flants dreamed of becoming Zaporizhia "Lycaria" or the registry Cossacks, the Cossacks wanted to become landlords, and Cossack Germans are large magnates, and the same independent, as well as Polish Pans.

Polish Pany lived "According to the concepts", at the level of small Central Asian khans. Moreover, the lawlessness of Polish magnates worked not only in relation to peasants and the Cossacks, but also in relation to the nobles, owned by the lands in Malorus, and regardless of their ethnic origin and religion. As a result, the detonator of most Cossack uprisings was rebeling, applied by the magnate of the gentry or a representative of the Cossack Top.

I will list only the largest uprisings:

1591-1593 years. Kristof Kosinsky's Ukrainian gentry raises Cossacks and peasants. The rebels capture the city of White Church, Tripolie, Pereyaslav, Boguslav and besieged Kiev.

1594-1596. The uprising raises Cossack Ataman Severin Nalyvayko. In the summer of 1595, the rebels seize Slutsk, Bobruisk, Mogilev, and others. The uprising swept a huge area from Zaporizhia SECHE to Mogilev and from the Russian border in the East to Lutsk and Kremenets in the West. Only in May 1596, Polish troops managed to suppress the uprising. Nalyvayko himself was executed in Warsaw 1 (11) April 1597

And went, went ... The whole first half of the XVII century is Cossack uprisings with small breaks.

However, the inconsistency of the magnates not only does not stop, but also take more and more scope. Here, for example, the major magnate Jeremiah Vishnevetsky in 1643 seized at the city's head of A. Kharlevskiy Gaivoron settlement with surrounding villages, attaching them to his huge rearprovsky possessions. Next year, he selected the Kazanovsky city of Romna "with parish" from the surrounding church of A. Kazanovsky city, in addition, at different times he took over the rivers Orzhina and Khorol "Nimney 36 Miles".

Polish Zhelichich Chigirinsky Substurity Daniel Chaplinsky in 1645 attacked the pitu Saturov, who belonged to his neighbor to the Chigirinsky Century Bogdan Khmelnitsky. Chaplinsky captured the humno, where four hundred shock bread was, and took it. But the worst thing was that the support was sinking the Mother of the Centnik. Bogdan recently widowed and did not seem to be married again. Most likely the cause of the raid and there was a dispute because of the women, and not because of the shop bread. In addition, Chaplinsky ordered to focus the ten-year-old son of Bogdan, after which the boy was twisted and soon died. Bogdana Chaplinsky held four days in chains, but then let go.

Bogdan Khmelnitsky with ten Cossacks in January 1646 arrived in Warsaw and personally beat the man King Vladislav on his offenders.

According to the Moscow cunicle's Moscow Lazutchik, the old man in Warsaw, the old man Vladislav complained to Khmelnitsky to his impotence before the lawlessness of Panov. The king gave the Cossacks of Suknov, and Khmelnitsky, besides, gave a saber with the words: "Here is the royal sign: you have a saber with sides, so do not give you offenders and ravages to the sabers; As the time comes, be on the grief and on my naughty in the whole of my will. "

We ask a rhetorical question - could it be in Russia that with Aleksa Mikhailovich that under Peter I or Catherine II? Yes, it could not be physically! And not only in Russia, but also in any powerful centralized European state. Magnates lawlessness is evidence of the weakness of the state and the harbinger of his death.

But back to the fate of the Chigirin Century. Upon returning to Subbot, Khmelnitsky received an invitation to the banquet from Hetman. But the tricky Bogdan quickly uncoupled than this banquet will end for him, and did not go. Then the endpool sent twenty riders to take Bogdan by force. Khmelnitsky with four Cossacks reflected the attack on the farm: five people were killed on the spot, and the rest fled. Without a long time thinking, Sotnik with the son of Timothy and loyal to him the Cossacks saddled her horses and picked up in the traditional refuge of the Cossacks - to Sch.

The Polish detachment of 300 Poles and 500 of the registry Cossacks went (apparently from the codak) to Sich to catch Khmelnitsky. According to the Cossack legend, Bogdan sent the two comrades to the registrant Cossacks, who explained to them that Khmelnitsky - the victim of the Poles, etc. The case ended in Bunlet, the registry Cossacks were killed in Lyakhov, and they themselves went to the Zaporozhets.

Arriving in Schish, Khmelnitsky appealed to the Zaporozhets: "I will not have a soul and body to you, - Protect me, an old comrade, protect yourself, and you also threaten!" The Cossacks touched by this speech, the Cossacks answered Khmelnitsky: "You fit you, Pan of Khmelnitsky, Hbyl-strong and a sly heart!"

Cossacks began to gather around Bogdan, dreamed of shaping with lyhas. In the first days of March 1648, Bogdan with Timofey and several comrades left the Snash to Tokmakovsky Island to feed the horses. This was done by many Cossacks, and the Polish trains in the Snish did not suspect anything. And Bogdan, meanwhile, piled into the Crimea.

Han Islam-Gury II fluctuated for a long time, whether to give his warriors to help Khmelnitsky. Finally, Khan decided, but forced Bogdan to swear on his saber and leave the son of Timofey hostage. Nevertheless, Islam-Garya himself did not go to Malorossee, but sent Tugai Bay with Four Thousand Horse Tatars with Khmelnitsky Murza.

On April 18, Khmelnitsky suddenly appeared in Schove. By that time, Koshevaya Ataman gathered in the juice of all Sich and Winter Cossacks. At the dawn of the next day, three cannon shots rang out. From everywhere, the crowds of the Cossacks gathered on the Rada. This time there were so many people that everyone did not fit, as usual at Rada, in the Schechen Maidan (main square). Then Schechie Ataman offered to go into a clean field for "siene fortition". There, according to an eyewitness, it turned out to be thirty thousand Cossacks.

In the middle of the circle, Bogdan came out, accompanied by four noble Tatars and announced that he started the war with the Poles together with Crimean Khan. "Hearing these words, the army answered:" Glory and honor to Khmelnitsky! We like a flock without a shepherd. Let Khmelnitsky be our head, and we are all how many of us are there, everyone is ready to go against Panov and help the Khmelnitsky to the last loss of our belly! " These words were said were the "single mouth and a single heart" of the entire assembled in the square of the Zaporizhia Snow Forge. After this speech, the same hour Koshevy Ataman sent a sech writer to the military scarbant with several curent attacks and meaningful comrades and ordered the military chaininess sent from there to hand them out in the Khmelnitsky Square. "

Lazes immediately reported to the Poles about the events in Zaporizhia. But even earlier, the Crown Hetman Nikolai Pototsky moved with the army to Ukraine and on February 18, 1648 entered Cherkasy, and Putman Hetman Martyn Kalinovsky - to Corsun. I note that all these movement and preparations for war took place without the knowledge of the central authorities. Already the back of Pototsky unsubscribed Vladislav IV: "I have not without important reasons, I didn't have impassively moved to the stall with the army of your royal grace ... It would seem that 500 people of the Buntovshchikov mean. But if you judge, with some courage and in what hope to raise a riot, then everyone has to admit that not an insignificant reason forced me to move against 500 people, because these 500 people were indignant in conspiracy with all Cossack shelves, with all the Ukrainian. If I would not oppose this speed with this movement, then the flame would have risen in the Ukrainian, which would need to be extinguished or great efforts, or for a long time. "

Poland is not such a big country, and the messenger for a day or two could hand out to Warsaw and a day later to return with the order of the king. These four days for Potocks did not play any role, during this time and the army could not be prepared for the campaign. But, as we see, the Crown Hetman ignored the king and told him about his campaign when the change could not be changed. This episode, firstly, well shows the morals of Polish magnates and the weakness of royal power, and secondly, puts points over I: Bogdan walked not to fight with the Polish people and not even with the king, but with a hay of greedy magnates and tenants.

On April 22, 1648, Bogdan Khmelnitsky left the army and moved towards Lyakh. Without special problems, the Cossacks captured the fortress of the coded and moved to the duct of yellow water, where on May 6, 1648, the Polish six-thousand avant-garde was headed. A few days later, the troop and Kalinovsky's army was broken under Corsun.

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19. 1. Mameluki is Circassians Circassians. Scaliger history recognizes that the Cossacks won Egypt. Mameluki is considered Cherkesov, p.745. Together with them, other Caucasian mountaineers arrive in Egypt, P.745. Note that Mamiluki captures power in Egypt in 1250

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19. 3. Circassian Cossack Sultans Mameluki are based on a dynasty in Egypt, which is ruled from the middle of the XIII century to 1517. Moreover, the first half of this dynasty is usually called Bagheryite, and Mameluki - Bacharrit. Then, "from 1380 to 1517, Circassian owned in Egypt

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Chapter 9. Cossack uprisings in Ukraine (1580-1653) Formally Cossack wars until 1654 are not Russian-Polish wars, but without at least a brief acquaintance with them it is impossible to understand the essence of Russian-Polish wars 1653-1655 and 1658-1667 already know that the joining of the Western and

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Fight for liberation. Cossack uprisings of the late 16th century Newly elected Polish king Sigismund III Vase (1586-1632) began to cut the Cossack rights and privileges. He issued a decree, but the number of registry Cossacks was reduced from 6.000 yes 4,000 and they were deprived of many rights and

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13.1. Mameluki is Circassians Capaccians Scaligerian story admits that it is the Cossacks who won Egypt Mameluchi considered Circassians, with. 745. Together with them, other Caucasian mountaineers arrive in Egypt, with. 745. Note that Mameluchi captures power in Egypt in 1250,

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13.3. Circassian Cossack Sultans in Egypt Mamiluki are based on a dynasty in Egypt, which is ruled from the middle of the XIII century to 1517. Moreover, the first half of this dynasty is usually called Bagheryite, and Mameluki - Bacharrit. Then "from 1380 to 1517 ruled in Egypt

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Fight for liberation. Cossack uprisings of the late XVI century Newly elected Polish king Sigismund III Vase (1586-1632) began to cut the Cossack rights and privileges. He issued a decree on which the number of registered Cossacks has decreased from 6,000 and 4000 and they were deprived of many rights and

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New Cossack uprisings. The golden age of the Polish gentry winsted Cossacks did not want to put up with the existence of the fortress Kodak, which prevented their return home, and began to prepare a response. In the summer of 1635, most of the Polish troops were in

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Cossack uprisings against Poland Cossacks in steppe Ukraine in the Dnieper and his tributaries grew from the year. Since the time of Lublin Uly, the tide in the steppe is particularly enhanced. At this time, the Polish-Lithuanian government and nobles are very bittting about attachment.

The answer to the national and frostal oppression, it was especially strengthened after the Lublin Ulya, on oppression that the Magnans provided Cossacks and breastners were the large Cossack-peasant uprisings, which from time to time covered entire areas of Ukraine.
National Liberation Protests began in the first half of the XVI century. And despite the cruelty of the suppression, continued until its end. In 1536, the inhabitants of Cherkassy were rebelled against the arbitrariness of Cherkasy Older Tyshkevich. Meschan supported the Cossacks, the peasants, and later residents of the city of Kanev. Only with the help of the army of punishers the government managed to suppress the speech.
In 1589, the registers were not insulated in the Register of the Unauthorized "Cossacks drowned the Royal Commissioner (the messenger. And next year they attacked the landlord estate around the town code and defeated them. The rebel ions appeared on the podolia, in Kiev region, began unrest of the White Church. . Scattered speeches have shown the crown of the Terrible uprising.
In December 1591, the major speech of the Cossacks and the peasants began in the Kiev region, and later embraced Volyn and Podolia. The head of the uprising was Cristof Kosinsky. The leaving of the Ukrainian impoverished gentry, young Kosinsky tied life with the Cossacks. He lived for a long time at Zaporizhzhya Schash, took part in numerous campaigns. For courage and military merit, he was elected and approved the position of the hetman of the registry Cossacks. But he also faced the oppression of the magnates: the Belotserkovsky Starosta Prince Janusch Ostrogsky collapsed Selo, Kosinsky received from the king as a reward for the valiant service.

Currently, the Polish government has reduced the registry, and 3 of it is excluded Cossacks - "ViPinchs" were deprived of work, fees for it and relevant privileges. It pushed them to fight.
Pedburivs of the registers to the uprising, Kosinsky appeared in mid-December 1591 on the Zaporizhia Sash and encouraged to speak and doddes (Zaporozhtsev. At first he led the detachments from the juice on the White Church - the estate of his offender. The Music was actively supported by the Cossacks, and the Belotserkovsky castle was taken with the battle.
After taking the White Church, the rebels captured Boguslav, Tripolie and Pereyaslav. After replenishing the ranks from the meshman, the rebels diverged in the Kiev region, Volyn, Bratlashchin. At meetings with small governmental detachments of punishers, the Cossacks and the peasants won. Capturing the Kiev castle, the rebels won a lot of weapons. Their ranks were replenished with the Cossacks and the peasants, the estates of the magnates and the gentry were rummaged, taken good, burned documents for the ownership of the Earth.
Prince Konstantin Ostrogsky gathered under the city of Konstantinova Large Army, which went to suppress the uprising. The decisive battle began on Volyn near the city of the heel on January 23, 1593, the battle lasted a cylinder, but no one won in it. In May 1593, the rebels besieged Cherkasy, where the Cossack offender Alexander Vishnevetsky hid. The gentry began negotiations with the rebels. During the conversation, the treacherously grabbed Kosinsky and killed. Having promised the stabbing of the registers, the gentry brought them out of the uprising. The Cossacks in the fall of 1593 made another smooth and hiking on Kiev. But he ended unsuccessfully. Returning to the Sis and at home, the Cossacks and the peasants were ready to take part in a new uprising.
Therefore, the next 1594 broke out a new one, a large Cossack-peasant war. She was headed by brave warrior, "Man is an extraordinary, talented military leader, a wonderful Pushkar" Severin Nalyvayko.
According to legend, he was the son of a craftsman-speed from the town of Gusyatina and since childhood experienced grief. In his eyes, A. Kalinovsky's native father died in his eyes. The guy early went to the wander. At first, he lived with his mother in the city of Ostrog, where the elder brother Demyan studied. Later went to Zaporizhia to test, where the talents of a warrior were talented, who did not know fear, masterfully owned by all kinds of Cossack weapons. Returning to Ostrog, Severin entered the Sotnika Korugwi Konstantin Ostogvsky by the centurion, he participated in the battle under his heel, suppressed the Cossack uprising. At this time, it became known about the preparation of a large hike on the Podolia of Tatar and Turkish detachments. Nalyvayko is called to stop the invaders. He quickly collects a large squad of volunteers (2,500 Cossacks) - "Hunters" - and leads them in summer 1594 in Moldova, to combat the Turkish Tatar invasion. After breaking the large detachment of Tatars, the participants of the campaign captured a significant amount of weapons and several thousand horses. This allowed, returning home, to significantly increase the armed detachments and send them to the fight against their own exploiters. Nalyvayko urged Cossacks, blessing and peasants to jointly oppose the Turkish-Tatar aggressors and against the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. In his detachments, many people struggled, and the rebel army reached 12 thousand people. Among the participants of the uprising was with the Cossacks and Hetman of the Regional Troops of the Zaporizhia Gregory Loboda, as well as his associate Colonel Matvey Shaul. The rebels carried out numerous campaigns, the oppressors were hung, the evidence was harvested, taken good and documents. The Cossack-Peasant War was overwhelmed by the Kiev region, Volyn, Bratlashchina. Rightly smashed by the population: the peasants and the breasts declared themselves with the Cossacks, organized troops, chose atamans and joined the army of the rebels.
Large detachments of the rebels under the leadership Nalyvayiko moved to Belarus and captured Slutsk, Bobruisk, Mogilev. "Oh, in the city of Mogilev, the smoke pulled out, like that of Zaporizhia army from guns and emptied," the People's Duma later sang. At the beginning of 1596, the uprising began in Galicia.
Despite the defeat of minor detachments of government troops, the King of Polish instructed the fierce enemy of the Cossacks, the Crown Hetman Stanislav Zolkev Command of the Big Army. Under her ons, the rebels concentrated and began to retreat to the White Church, then in Kiev. After unsuccessful clashes with the Poles of Nanivaikivtsi, they approached the Dnieper to Pereyaslav. Here, the Cossack hetman was already officially elected, Nalyvayko led the Cossack-peasant masses on Lubenshchina. It was plan to lead them to the border to go to the ownership of the Moscow state. But government troops cut off the path of retreat. Then Nylvaykivtsi (about 10 thousand) were not confused. In May 1596, they built near the River Solonitsa (Sulu's inflow) a large camp of the wagons put in four rows and bonded among themselves. The camp was surrounded by a moat and shaft. First, the defense, which lasted two weeks, was successful. Men, women and children showed unprecedented heroism and courage. But soon there was no food and water in the camp. A terrible heat began, and with her disease, horses. The dispute between the registry Cossacks, Vipichikama and the peasants rose, killed Gregory Lobod, allegedly for treason. On May 28, 1596, the foreman for treacherously grabbed and Nalyvayko and Shaul and handed them to S. Zolkevsky. The camp was defeated, and the main mass of the rebels, including women and children, was killed. This event was called "Solonitsky tragedy." Only a completely misant number of armed Cossacks made his way to the will and moved to Zaporizhia. Terror reigned in Zdneprovye: the detachments of the punishers traveled out the Cossacks from wintering workers, thousands of executed, put on the count. Peasants and Meshan Zhgley, quartered. Mustil's gentry for the uprising.
Severina Nalyvayiko was taken to Warsaw. Ten months he was brutally tortured by exposing terrible torture. April 11, 1597 On the Market Square of Warsaw, the Palach cut off his head, and then the body wounded him on the scaffold. S. Nalyvayko forever remained in the memory of the people as a fighter for his best life. Legends went to execution: that he was crowned with a hot crown, burned in a copper bull, that he was miracle. A lot of thought is folded about his victory. About him mentioned this year. Shevchenko, the poet of Kondrati Ryleev, and writer Ivan Le wrote Roman "Nalyvayko".
So, through insufficient organizedness, weapons, weak cohesion suffered one of the first large national liberation uprisings of the Ukrainian Cossacks, the peasantry and meshness.

The first Cossack uprisings and their consequences

The strengthening of the Polish oppression and toastly Panov in Ukraine, which began after the Lublin Unce, by the beginning of the 90s, Hu1 century began to dissuade the wide sections of the population, both the peasants, and the mesh, with the rights of which were to be considered less and less, but they had all new and new taxes. The discontent was universal. The Zaporizhzhya Cossacks were unhappy with the register and get the "liberty" and "privileges" in which they were deepened, and the regional Cossacks were dissatisfied, which the government constantly delayed the payment of a salary. In addition, the decision of the Seima 1590 of the Cossacks, which included the registry was put under the authority of the corona hetman, who was supposed to be appointed by the centuries and another lands from the gentry. Universal discontent has grown and wider, there was only a spark that the flame of the People's War flared. Actually, I needed a leader who could unite and enthusiastically be displeased who would trust him and walked behind him.

Such a leader was destined to become a hetman (or senior) of the Low Zaporizhia troops to Jan (Cristofu) Kosinsky. The leaving of the fine-present gentry, the Pole by origin, he served on Zaporizhia and as a reward for loyalty to the crown was granted by King Sigismund 111 estates. However, the Belotserkovsky Starosta Vasily Ostrogsky did not allow him to manage the granulated lands. In response to this, Kosinsky collected 5,000 Cossacks, the estate of V. Theestrojsky, seized several locks and towns, including the city of Ostropol (Tripolie) over Dnipro. Although the core of Kosinsky's troops was Zaporizhzhya and the registry Cossacks, the Panskaya Chelye and other people flowed from all sides. Without experiencing a lack of arms and ammunition, Kosinsky moved to Volyn, but in the battle against regular Polish troops under the heel in February 1593 was defeated. Apparently, given the reasons for those who prompted Kosinsky to Bunut, they were quite gentle. He was obliged to dissolve their people, give the guns and firearms, as well as to renounce Hetmanity. With these conditions, Kosinsky agreed, but soon they violated them, gathered a new army and tried to take Cherkasy, but in battle with Prince Alexander Vishnevetsky died.

The example of Kosinsky was infectious and entailed a new Cossack uprising, which was also an answer to the amplification of Panish arbitrariness.

Severin (Semexius) Nalyvayko was born in the city of Ostrog, where his family lived and where his elder brother, Damian, was a court priest at the famous enlightener and active advocate of Orthodoxy of Prince Konstantin Ostrog. Mattering, Nalyvayko entered the prince for military service and even took part on the side of Polish troops in the battle under the heel, where Kosinsky was broken. However, at this time, Pan Kalinovsky took the farm near his father near the town of Gussyatin, and he himself beat himself that he soon died. This atrocity pushed Nalilyo from the gentry. Collecting the squad of hunters, he began to call himself the Cossack and went to Zaporozhye in 1594, where at that time he was Hetman Grigory Loboda. Both of these leaders were digiously different from each other and, it seemed, there could not be anything in common between them. Loboda was a "true" Zaporozhet in several generations. He was not inclined to adventures, reluctantly admitted to bring runaway slats, sought to ensure that the entire Cossack Starin consisted of reasonable and respected people. In the detachment, Nalyvayiko was full of all sirrall, including criminals, but all of his people were distinguished by courage and courage, fearlessness and contempt for death. Having a certain military experience, Nalyvayko appreciated artillery and himself was an excellent canonom, so there was always enough guns. In addition, all his army consisted of equestrian parts, which made it possible to quickly move and apply sudden strikes to the enemy. Although most of the Zaporozhetsev to Nalyvayko treated the loboda, Loboda managed to evaluate his military valor and in the same year at the invitation of Austria they made a joint campaign in the Dongya lands on Taper (Bender) and Kilia. Next year, Nalyvayiko made a successful raid on Hungary.

Returning to Ukraine, Nalyvayko settled in Ostrog. Using the patronage of Prince Ostrozhsky, who professed Orthodoxy, he initially taught making raids on the estates of Panov and spiritual people, hostile to Greek faith, and then raised an open uprising. Quite quickly to him joined a large number of Russian horses who fled from the oppression of Panov, and in the winter of 1596, Nalyvayko moved to Volyn to the city of Lutsk, where there were especially many supporters and servants of the bishop Cyril Terletsky, the most prominent figure of Ulya. From Volyni Nalyvayko led his troops to Belarus, where they attacked Mogilev. Nalivaikovtsy were distinguished by special cruelty, they did not give any mercy of shutters, xengs and renegades from Orthodoxy. The uprising began to take dangerous for Poland. Character and Sigismund 111 was forced to withdraw troops from Moldova to suppress him. In the meantime, Nalyvayko went to the Kyiv region, where the Zaporozhtsev's uprising was also risen led by Hetman Lobodo.

In May 1596, they joined the White Church and the general command passed to the Lobod. Although the number of united troops has now increased to 7 thousand people, but there were no more than 3,000 selected troops at 20-30 guns. In addition, the Cossacks very much interfered by the conversation in which there was a large number of women and children. Understanding that they are unlikely to stand up against regular Polish parts, the Cossacks decided to switch to the left bank of the Dnieper, but not far from Tripolia, the Crown Hetman Zolkevsky blocked them.

Despite the fact that in the bloody battle, they were defeated, the rebels still crossed the left bank and tried to strengthen themselves at the beginning in Pereyaslavl, and then in the broken of Solonitz near Luben. In the course of the beginning of the siege, Loboda entered into negotiations with Zholkevsky, but he only delayed them. Nalyvaykovtsy suspected Lobod in treason and killed him. Cremper was chosen by the new hetman. In the end, in June 1596, the Cossacks were forced to surrender. Under the terms of the contract, they issued Nalyvayko and all the senior, guns, firearms and ammunition, chorugvi and silver pipes. Despite the fulfillment of the Cossacks of all the terms of the contract, the Poles attacked unarmed and a massacre began. Of the 10,000 people (including women and children) managed to escape no more than 1500. Nalyvayko was sentenced to death and executed, and the decision of the Cossacks was proclaimed by banits, that is, outcasts and deprived of all Cossack places, including Terekhtemirov. The Cossack registry itself was also eliminated, and the Cossacks lost their social status and were reduced to the position of the Halds. Essentially, the entire Ukrainian people were declared a rowersman. Polish garrisons were sent to Ukrainian cities, and exclusively Poles began to be appointed to all government agencies. Brest Lithuanian Union has further aggravated the state of affairs, since the Orthodox Churches have become powerful to the clergy and are transferred to the Jews, who had to pay for permission to blow a child, wedding and sending other religious rites.

Part of the Russian gentry passed into the Catholic faith and began to change his last names on the Polish manner, trying to prove that they are offacarious Poles. These people, the Polish government left in previous positions and provided them with the rights of Polish gentry, and who resisted innovations and confessed the Orthodox faith, declared schismat.

The defeat of popular uprisings under the leadership of Kosinsky and Nalyvayko significantly weakened the Cossacks and to some extent the rest of the Ukrainian population was staggered, therefore, in the next few decades, folk performances are not marked. After the defeat of the uprising, under the leadership of Nalyvayiko, part of the Cossacks folded the weapon and returned to the houses, others went to Zaporizhia, inaccessible to the crown troops. The main focus of the Cossacks switched to the fight against the Tatars and the organization of ambushes on the Dnieper crossing. Selected by Hetmans Gnat Vasilevich (1596-1597) and Tikhon Baybuz (1598 g) adhered to moderate politics, seeking to keep the Cossacks from conflicts with both Turkey and Poland. Hetmans paid attention to the most part of the strengthening of Zaporizhia troops and an increase in its organization.

However, this state of affairs lasted long. Peaceful days peaceful days ended, from the south they began to threaten the Turks from the north of Livonia. The Poles again remembered the Cossacks and the Zaporizhia army again rushed into military campaigns. In 1600, 4,000 Zaporozhtsev, headed by Samoil Cat, went hiking to Moldova and under the flushes caused a serious defeat of the Turks. In the next two years, a cat with a 2000 Cossacks in the Polish troops fought in Livonia, where in battle under Felinn in 1602 he accepted death from the enemy bullet. Left without his leader, the Cossacks on the way back rushed robbery and violence, devastating the territory on which they passed. The most terrible memories have been preserved about their inconsistencies. In 1604, 12,000 Zaporozhtsev went along with Lhadmitria campaign to Moscow, which amounted to more than half of his troops, and later, when hetman, Olevchenko, for the call of King Sigismund 111, to the Poles to the Poles were joined even up to 40,000 Cossacks, most of which consisted of hunters (fucking) . Zaporozhets, acting on the side of the Falseedmitria, played a decisive role in the battle of Novgorod-Severski, participated in the capture of Smolensk, in the composition of the troops of the Crown Hetman Zholkevsky departed Moscow.

In the future, at the first officially recognized prompolye, Zaporizhia Hetman, Peter Konashevich-Sagaidachny the role of the Cossacks rises to a new qualitative level. Cossacks began to constitute not only military but also social-purely strength, with which the Polish government was forced to be considered, going towards the requirements of the Cossacks.

Evtushenko Valery Fedorovich

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