Summary of 10 feat of Gerion Cow Hercules. Gerion cows (tenth Hercules feat)

Once a malicious illness in a horrible disease. I lost the mind a great hero, madness took possession. In the seizure of fury, Hercules killed all his children and children of his brother Iphikla. When the seizure passed, deep grief mastered Hercules. Calculate from the bad murder committed by him, Hercules left the freques and went to the sacred delphes to an apollo God, what to do. Apollo commanded Hercules to go home to his ancestors to Tirinf and the twelve years to serve Eurisfei. The Song of Latoes predicted the son of Pythia that he would receive immortality if he fulfilled the heurisfey to twelve great feats. Hercules settled in Tirinf and became a servant of a weak, cowardly Eurisfie ...

First feat: Nemoye Lion

Hercules did not have to wait for the first order of Tsar Eurisfie. He instructed Hercules to kill the Nemoy Lion. This lion, generated by titon and the echidial, was a monstrous magnitude. He lived near the city of Merey and devastated all the surroundings. Hercules safely went to a dangerous feat. Arriving in Nemoy, he immediately went to the mountains to find a lair of a lion. Already there was noon when the hero reached the slopes of the mountains. Nowhere was not visible by a single living soul: no shepherds nor farmers. All the living ran away from these places in fear of terrible lion. For a long time he was looking for Hercules on the woody slopes of the mountains and in the gorges of the Lion's lair, finally, when the sun began to be inclined to the West, I found Hercules in the gloomy gorge the lair; It was in a huge cave that had two exits. Hercules piled one of the exits huge stones and waited for a lion, hiding behind the stones. At night, when the twilight was already coming, a monstrous lion appeared with a long cosmatic mane. I pulled the theater of his bow Hercules and allowed one after another three arrows to the lion, but the arrows bounced off his skins - she was hard as steel. Grozno buried the lion, the lever rolled him, like thunder, in the mountains. Wearing in all directions, the lion stood in the gorge and searched for a burning rage through the eyes of who dared to put the arrows into him. But he saw Hercules and rushed a huge jump on the hero. How lightning flashed the Gerkla's cloth and a thunder hit a lion's head. Lion fell to the ground, stunned by a terrible blow; Hercules rushed to Lion, grabbed him with his mighty hands and strangled. Having drunk on his mighty shoulders of the dead lion, Hercules returned to Nemoy, brought the sacrifice Zeus and established Neame Games in memory of his first feat. When Hercules brought the lion killed in Micheney, Eurysfee turned from fear, looking at the monstrous lion. Tsar Michen understood what kind of inhuman force possesses Hercules. He forbade him even approach the gate of Mycena; When Hercules brought proof of his feats, Eurysfee with horror looked at them from high mycken walls.

Second feat: Lerneysian hydra

After the first feat, Eurysfey sent Hercules to kill the Lerneal hydra. It was a monster with the bodies of the snake and the nine dragon heads. Like the Nemoye Lion, the hydra was generated by a titon and the echidial. Hydra lived in a swamp near the city of Lerny and, crawling out of his lair, destroyed whole herds and devastated all the surroundings. The fight against nine heads of hydra was dangerous because one of her heads was immortal. I went on the road to Lerne Hercules with the son of Iolam Iolam. Arriving to the swamp at the city of Lerny, Hercules left the Iola with a chariot in a nearby grove, and he went to look for a hydra. He found it in a wicked cave. Rasking hots his arrows, became Hercules to let them alone for the other in the hydra. In rage led Hercules boom hydra. She crawled, wringly covered with a glittering scaled body, from the darkness of the cave, it fell into his huge tail and wanted to rush to the hero, but the son of Zeus came to her to the torso and pressed against the ground. Hydra's tail was walked around Hercules's feet and rushed to dump him. As an unshakable rock, stood the hero and swords of a heavy cloth one after another knocked down the head of the Hydra. As a whirlwind, whistled in the air of the Palce; The heads of the Hydra fled, but the hydra was still alive. Here Hercules noticed that the Hydra had two new ones at the site of each shot down. Appeared and help hydra. From the swamp, the monstrous cancer crawl and dug his ticks in Hercules. Then the hero called on the aid of his friend Iola. Iolai killed a monstrous cancer, litto a part of the near grove and the burning trunks of the trees gave birth to the neck, from whom Hercules knocked his head. New heads stopped growing at the Hydra. She was weaker and weaker resisted the son of Zeus. Finally, the immortal head flew to the hydra. The monstrous hydra was defeated and collapsed dead to Earth. The winner Hercules was deeply buried deeply and dulpted a huge cliff on her so that she could not get out again. Then the slaughter of the great hero body of the Hydra and immersed his arrows into her poisonously. Since then, wounds from Hercule arrows became incurable. Hercules in Tirinf returned with great celebration. But there was already a new instruction of Evrisfie.

Third feat: Steamfali birds

Eurysfea instructed Hercules to kill Steamfali birds. Almost in the desert turned these birds all the surroundings of the Arcade city of Sleyfal. They attacked both animals and people and tearned them with their copper claws and beaks. But the worst thing was that the feathers of these birds were of hard bronze, and the birds, soaring, could drop them, like arrows, on who would like to attack them. It was hard for Hercules to fulfill this order by Eurisfie. Athena-Pallada warrior came to the rescue. She gave Hercules two copper tympan, God gave Hephaest, and told Hercules to stand on a high hill from that forest, where the pimpalian birds nested, and hit the tympans; When birds take off - shoot them out of Luka. So made Hercules. Going to the Hill, he hit Tympana, and such a deafening ringing rose that the birds of a huge flock took off over the forest and became horrified to circling over him. They rain poured their sharp rain, like arrows, feathers to the ground, but did not get feathers in Hercules standing on the hill. He grabbed his onion hero and began to break the birds with deadly arrows. In fear, the stampali birds were reeling for the clouds and disappeared from Hercules. Birds flew far beyond Greece, on the shores of Evtsin Ponta, and never returned in the vicinity of the stimathal. So he performed the Hercules of Evrisfi's instructions and returned to Tirinf, but immediately had to go to an even more difficult feat.

Fourth feat: Kerine Lan

Eurysfea knew that the wonderful Kerineskaya Lan was living in Arkadia, sent by the goddess Artemida to the punishment of people. Lan this empty fields. Eurisfey sent Hercules to catch her and told him alive to deliver Lan in Mycenae. This lan was extremely beautiful, her horns were gold, and the legs were copper. Like the wind, she rushed along the mountains and the valleys of Arcadia, not knowing the fatigue. A whole year chased Hercules Kerine Lan. She rushed through the mountains, through the plains, jumped through the abyss, swam the river. Further and farther to the north fled Lan. Hero did not lag behind her, he pursued her, not losing sight. Finally, Hercules finally achieved in pursuit of the Far North - the countries of Hyperboreev and the origins of Istra. Here Lan stopped. The hero wanted to grab her, but she slipped away and, as an arrow, rushed back, south. The pursuit began again. Hercules managed only in Arcadia to overtake Lan. Even after such a long chase, she did not lose their strength. Desperate to catch Lan, Hercules resorted to his not knowing Promaha Strem. He wounded the cereal lan with an arrow in his leg, and only then he managed to catch her. Hercules took a wonderful lan on his shoulders and wanted to carry her in Mycena, as the angry Artemis appeared before him and said: "Didn't you know, Hercules that Lan is mine?" Why did you insult me, wounding my beloved Lan? Do you not know that I do not forgive the resentment? Or do you think you are the most powerful of the Gods of Olympians? Hercules bent with awe before the beautiful goddess and answered: - Oh, the great daughter Laton, do not blame me! I never insulted I am immortal gods living on a bright Olympus; I always honored the celestial victims with rich victims and never considered himself equal to them, although I myself am - the son of the throat of Zeus. Without his will pursued by your Lan, but on the command of Eurisfie. The gods themselves commanded me to serve him, and I do not dare to disobey Eurisfie! Artemis forgave Hercules his guilt. The Great Son of the Rulerjez Zeus brought the Kerineskaya Lan alive in Mycena and gave it to Euryfia.

Fifth feat: Ehrimfian boar and battle with bentavra

After the hunt for the slow-moving lan, which lasted for a whole year, Hercules resist. Eurisfey again gave him a commission: Hercules had to kill Erimianfish boar. This boar, who has a monstrous force, lived on Mount Ehriman and devastated the neighborhood of the city of Psopofis. He did not give people mercy and killed them with their huge fangs. Hercules went to Mount Eriman. On the way he visited the wise centaurial foul. With honor, he accepted the foul of the great son of Zeus and made a feast for him. During the Pir, Centaur opened a large vessel with wine to treat his hero better. The fragrance of wedge wines was far away. Separated this fragrance and other centaurs. They were terribly angry at the foul for the fact that he opened the vessel. Wine belonged not to only a foul one, but was the property of all centaurs. Centaurs rushed to the dwelling of the foul and attacked the surprise on him and Hercules when they were having fun to have fun, decorating the heads of wreaths from Ivy. Hercules were not frightened by centaurs. He quickly jumped from his bed and began to throw huge smoking heads in attackers. Centaurs turned to flight, and Hercules wounded them with their poisonous arrows. The hero pursued them to the male itself. There were centaurs from a friend Hercules, Hiron, the wisest of centaurs. Hercules broke into them in the cave. In the anger, he pulled his bow, sparkled the arrow in the air and went into the knee of one of the centaurs. No enemy struck Hercules, but Hiron's friend. Great sorrow covered the hero when he saw someone wounded. Hercules hurries to wash and tear a friend's wound, but nothing can help. He knew Hercules that the wound from the boom, poisoned by bile hydra, incurable. He knew Hiron that she threatens to be painful death. In order not to suffer from the wound, he subsequently voluntarily went to the gloomy kingdom of Aida. In deep sadness, Hercules left Hiron and soon reached the Mount Ehimanf. There, in a dense forest, he found a formidable boar and kicked him out with a cry from the thicket. Long pursued Kaban Hercules, and finally he drove him into deep snow on the top of the mountain. Caban was stuck in the snow, and Hercules, rushing at him, tied him and taken alive in Mycenae. When Eurysfey saw a monstrous boar, then from fear hid in a large bronze vessel.

Sixth feat: Bottom Tsar Avgiya

Soon, Eurisfey gave a new instruction to Hercules. He had to clear from the manure all the livest farm Avgiya, King Elida, the son of radiant helios. The God of the Sun gave his son innumerable wealth. Especially numerous were the herds of autground. Among his herd was three hundred bulls with white, like snow, legs, two hundred bulls were red, like Sidon Purple, twelve bulls dedicated to God Heliosa were white as swans, and one bull, distinguished by extraordinary beauty, shone, like a star. Hercules suggested await the entire huge livestock in one day, if he agrees to give him the tenth of his herd. Avgy agreed. It seemed impossible to fulfill such work in one day. Hercules broke the wall from two opposite sides, surrounding the livestock, and took into it the water of two rivers, an alpharey and pen. The water of these rivers per day took all the manure from the cattleship, and Hercules again folded the walls. When the hero came to Avgia to demand awards, then the proud king did not give him the promised tenth part of herd, and had nothing to return to Tirinf Hercules. Scary dismissed the great hero of the king of Elida. A few years later, heraelized from the service from Eurysfi, Hercules invaded the big army in Elima, won in the bloody battle of autuggy and killed him with his deadly arrow. After the victory gathered Hercules of the army and the victims of the Olympic gods from the city of Pisses, and established the Olympic Games and established the Olympic Games, which were held every four years on the sacred plain, asked by Hercules himself by the goddess of Athena Pallada Olivia. The Olympic Games are the most important of the utmost festivals, during which the universal world was declared in all Greece. A few months before the games throughout Greece and the Greek colonies were sent ambassadors invited to games to Olympia. Games coped every four years. They took advice on running, fighting, caming, throwing disk and spears, as well as in the race of the chariots. Winners at the games received an olive wreath as a reward and enjoyed great honor. The Greeks led the Soul Succession in the Olympic Games, considering the first to be the first to N. e. There were Olympic games up to 393 N. e. When they were banned by the emperor Feodosius as incompatible with Christianity. After 30 years, the Emperor Feodosius II burned the temple of Zeus in Olympia and all the luxurious buildings, decorated the place where the Olympic Games took place. They appealed to the ruins and gradually were listed by the Alphafi River. Only excavations produced on the site of Olympia in the XIX century. n. er, mainly from 1875 and 1881, gave us the opportunity to get an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe past Olympia and the Olympic Games. Hercules revenged with all allies Avgius. The king of Pilos Nels was especially paid. Hercules, having come with the army to Plus, took the city and killed the Notea and eleven his sons. The son of Nalea Periclima, who gave the linger of Sea Poseidon Dar to go to Lion, snake and bee. Hercules killed him when, turning to the bee, the periclamine sat on one of the horses harvested in the chariot of Hercules. Almost the son of Nexa Nestor remained alive. Subsequently, Nestor was famous among the Greeks with his feats and great wisdom.

Seventh Feat: Cretan Bull

To fulfill the seventh order, Eurysfi, Hercules had to leave Greece and go to Crete Island. Eurysfea instructed him to lead to the Cretan Bull Myna. This bull king Crete Minosu, the Son of Europe, sent the oscillator of the land of Poseidon; Minos had to bring a bull sacrificing Poseidon. But Minos is sorry to sacrifice such a beautiful bull - he left him in his herd, and sacrifice Poseidon brought one of his bulls. Poseidon was angry with Minos and lowered a rabies to the bull out of the sea. All over the island rushed a bull and destroyed everything in his path. Great Hero Hercules caught a bull and tamed. He sat down on a wide back of the bull and swam on it across the sea from Crete on Peloponnese. Hercules led to the bull in Mycenae, but Eurisfei was afraid to leave a bull of Poseidon in his herd and let him on the will. I expect again freedom, rushed mad bull through the entire peloponnese north and finally came ran to the attic to the marathon field. There he was killed by the Great Athenian Hero Testa.

Eighth feat: Koni Diomeda

After the taming of the Cretan Bull, Hercules, on behalf of Eurisfie, had to go to Thrace to the King of Biston Domedon. This king was the wonderful beauty and strength of the horses. They were chained with iron chains in stalls, as no junction could hold them. King Diomed fed these horses with human meat. He threw them for the emergence of all alien, who, abandoned storms, picked up to his city. To this Thracian king and came with his companions Hercules. He took possession of the horses of the Diomeda and led them to his ship. On the shore of Nastig Herakla himself Domed with his warlike bestons. Having ordered the guard of the horses to his beloved Abderu, the son of Hermes, Hercules entered into battle with Diisian. There was a little satellites at Hercules, but the Dieded was defeated and fell in battle. Hercules returned to the ship. As Veliko was his despair when he saw the wild horses confused his pet Petra. Hercules arranged a lush funeral to her pet, poured a high hill on his grave, and next to the grave founded the city and called him in honor of his pet Abder. The horses of Diomeda Hercules led to Eurisfei, and he ordered them to release them. Wild horses ran into the Liquekyon Mountains, covered with dense forest, and were confused there with wild beasts.

Hercules at Admet

Mainly stated on the tragedy of Euripide "Alkestid"
When Hercules sailed on the ship by sea to the shores of Thrace for the horses of Tsar Diomeda, he decided to visit his friend, Tsar Admet, because the path lay past the city of Fer, where the Rules of Admet.
Hercules chose Hercules for admem. Grand Mount reigned in the house of King Fer. His alcohis wife should have died. The once goddess of fate, the great Moyra, at the request of Apollon, determined that Admet could get rid of death, if at the last hour of his life, anyone would agree to voluntarily go to the gloomy kingdom of Aida. When the hour of death came, Admet asked for his elderly parents, so that any of them agreed to die instead, but the parents refused. Nobody agreed and from the residents of the far die voluntarily for the king of admet. Then the young, beautiful alcoestide decided to sacrifice her life for his beloved husband. On that day, when Hell was to die, his wife was prepared for death. She washed the body and put on funeral clothes and decorations. Going to the home hearth, alkestide turned to the goddess of Gesthenia, giving happiness in the house, with a hot prayer:
- Oh, the great goddess! Last time I wonder here before you knees. I pray you, to protect my orphans, because I have to go to the kingdom of gloomy aid today. Oh, don't give them to die, as I dying, untimely! Let be happy and rich will be their life here, in his homeland.
Then I walked around the alcohissta all the altars of the gods and decorated them with the pool.
Finally, she went to her chambers and fell in tears on her bed. Her children came to her - Son and daughter. They buried bitterly on the mother's chest. Plated and servants of alkestids. In despair, Admet hugged his young wife and prayed her not to leave him. Already ready to death alkestid; Already approaching the sick steps to the Palace of the king of the king, the hated gods and the people of the death of the Tanat to cut the sword strand of hair from the head of alkestids. The Zlakotrian Apollo himself asked him to remove the hour of his wife's death of his pet Admet, but the inexorable Tanat. The alkestide feels the approach of death. In horror, she exclaims:
- Oh, the two-dimensional badge of Charon is nearing me, and the carrier of the souls of the dead, the right of the root: "What do you drink? Hurry, hurry! Does not tolerate time! Do not delay us. Ready everything! Hurry!" Oh, let me go! We are wearing my legs. Need death. Black night covers my eyes! Oh, children, children! Your mother is no longer alive! Live happily! ADMET, I was more expensive than my own life of your life. Let it be better to you and not the sun shines. Admet, you love no less than me by our children. Oh, do not take a stepmother into my house, so that she does not hurt them!
Suffering unhappy admet.
- You carry all the joy of life with you, alcohisetid! "He exclaims," \u200b\u200ball his life now I will grieve about you. Oh, gods, gods, what kind of wife you will take away from me!
Alkestid says a little heard:
- Goodbye! Already forever, my eyes closed. Goodbye, children! Now nothing I. Goodbye, admet!
- Oh, look at the same time! Do not leave children! Oh, let me die! - Admet exclaimed with tears.
The eyes of the alkestide closed, he cold her body, she died. It disadvantageously spares over the deceased admes and hikes its fate. He tells to cook his lush funeral wife. For eight months, he will tell everyone in the city to mourn alcohols, the best of women. The whole city is full of grief, since everyone loved the good queen.
Already prepared to bear the body of the alkestide to her tomb, as Hercules comes to the city of Frants. He goes to the Palace of Admet and meets his friend at the gate of the palace. With honor met the admemmet of the Great Son of the Egid-containing Zeus. Not wanting to seal the guest, trying to hide admes from him his grief. But Hercules immediately noticed that he was deeply saddened, and asked about the reason for his grief. ADMET gives an obscure answer to Hercules, and he decides that there was a distant relative, which the king sheltered after the death of his father died. Help Her servants ADMET hold Hercules to a guest room and arrange a rich feast for him, and the doors to the female half lock, so as not to reach the herakla's herakla rail. I do not know how misfortune has been comprehended by his friend, Hercules have fun in the Palace of Admet. Cup he drinks the cup. Heavily servants to serve a fun guest - after all, they know that there is no longer their beloved mistress. No matter how hard they try, on the orders of Admet, hide their grief, still Hercules notices tears in their eyes and sadness on the faces. He calls one of the servants to steal with him, says that wine will give him oblivion and smoke the wrinkles of the wrinkles, but the servant refuses. Then Hercules guess that the grievous mountain was comprehended by the house of Admet. He begins to ask the servant, what happened to his friend, and finally, the servant tells him:
"Oh, a stranger, Admet's wife sued today in the kingdom of Aida."
Hercules saddened. He began to hurt that he saw in a wreath from Ivy and sang in a friend's house, which such a great grief was comprehended. Hercules decided to thank the noble admet for the fact that, despite his grief comprehended, he was still hospitably accepted him. The decision was quickly matured from the great hero to take away from the gloomy god of the death of the Tanat His prey - alcohis.
After learning from the servant, where the tomb of alcohols is located, he hurries there rather. Hiding behind the tomb, Hercules waiting for the Tanat to get drunk at the grave of the sacrificial blood. Here they were heard the squeaks of the black wings of the Tanat, he was re-grave; I flew to the tomb of the gloomy God of death and greedily fell into her lips to the sacrificial blood. Hercules jumped out of the ambush and rushed to the Tanat. He covered the death of death with his mighty hands, and a terrible struggle began between them. Straighten all his strength, herakli is fighting with the God of Death. Herakla Tanat's chest squeezed his bony hands, he breathes on him with his chilling breath, and the cold of death fes his hero on his wings. Yet the mighty son of the thunderstroke Zeus won the Tanat. He tied the Tanat and demanded as a redemption for freedom, to return the death of death to the life of alcohoot. Tanat presented Hercules the life of the wife of Admet, and led her great hero back to her husband's palace.
Hell, returning to the palace after the funeral of his wife, bitterly mourned his indispensable loss. He was hard to stay in an empty palace where to go to him? He envies the dead. He is hated life. He calls death. All his happiness kidnat the Tanat and took the Kingdom of Aida. What may be harder for him than the loss of his beloved wife! He regrarges ADMET that he did not allow alcohis to be died with her, then would connect their death. Two soul faithful to each other would receive aid instead of one. Together we would twisted these souls Aheront. Suddenly herakl appeared before the sorrowful admeth. He leads a woman closed covering. Hercules asks Admet to leave this woman who went to him after a hard struggle, in the palace before his return from Thrace. ADMET refuses; He asks Hercules to take to someone else a woman. Heavily admes to see his other woman in the palace, when he lost the one that he loved. Hercules insisters and even wants the ADMET himself to introduce a woman to the palace. He does not allow the servants of Admet to touch her. Finally, Admet, being unable to refuse to his friend, takes a woman by his hand to introduce it into his palace. Hercules tells him:
- You took her, Admet! So guard her! Now you can say that the son of Zeus is a true friend. Look at the woman! Does she look like an alcohoot on your wife? Stop so much! Be again satisfied with life!
- Oh, the great gods! - Admet exclaimed, lifting the bedspread women, - My alcohis's wife! Oh no, it's only her shadow! She stands silently, she did not say a word!
- No, not shadow it! - Hercules replied, is alcohiste. I enhanced it in a grave struggle with the master of the shower Tanat. She will be silent until he is liberated from the power of the underground gods, bringing them atoning victims; She will be silent until three times will change the night day; Only then will speak. Now goodbye, Admet! Be happy and always dishes The Great Custom Hospitality, consecrated by the father of my father - Zeus!
- Oh, the Great Son of Zeus, you gave me again the joy of life! - Admet exclaimed, - What should I thank you? Stay with me. I will be loved in all my possessions to celebrate your victory, Vella bear the gods of great sacrifices. Stay with me!
Hercules left for Admet; He was waiting for a feat; He had to fulfill the instruction of Evrisfie and get him horses of King Diomeda.

Ninth feat: Belt Hippolytes

The ninth feat of Hercules was his campaign to the country of Amazons behind the tsaritsa tsaritsa Ippolite. This belt gave the Gippath God of the war Ares, and she wore him as a sign of her power over all the Amazons. Daughter Evrisfie Admet, Priestess Goddess Gera, wanted to have this belt. To fulfill her desire, Eurysfey sent herakla's belt. Having gathered a small detachment of heroes, the great son of Zeus went to a distant path on one ship alone. Although it was small to be a squad of Hercules, but many glorious heroes were in this squad, I was in him the great Hero of Attica Teskey.
The distant path was to the heroes. They had to achieve the farthest banks of Evksin Ponta, as there was a country of Amazons with the capital of Femiskira. On the way, Hercules stuck with his companions to Paros island, where the sons of Minos are ruled. On this island, the sons of Minos of two Hercules satellites were killed. Hercules, angry with this, immediately began the war with the sons of Minos. For many residents of Paros, he interrupted, the others, drove to the city, held in Siege until he was sent by ambassadors to Hercules and did not ask him to take two of them instead of killed satellites. Then herakli removed the siege and instead of the dead took the grandchildren of Minos, Alkeya and Sfenel.
From Paros Hercules arrived in Miziya to the king of the face, which took him with the great hospitality. Suddenly attacked the Tsar of Bebrikov. Hercules won with his detachment of the king of Bebrikov and destroyed him the capital, and the entire land of Bebrikov gave a faunch. Tsar Lick called this country in honor of Hercules Heraklei. After that, the navir went to Hercules further, and finally arrived at the Amazon city, Femiskira.
Glory about the exploits of the son of Zeus has long reached the country of Amazons. Therefore, when Hercules's ship stuck to Femkira, Amazon came out with the queen to meet the hero. They were surprised to look at the great son of Zeus, who stood out, like the immortal God, among his hero satellites. Queen Ippolitus asked the Great Hero Hercules:
- Nice son of Zeus, tell me what led you to our city? Do you carry us or war or war?
So answered Tsaritsa Hercules:
"Queen, I didn't come here with an army, having committed a distant path at the stormy sea; I was sent by the ruler Mycken Eurisfea. The daughter of his admet wants to have your belt, the gift of God Ares. Eurysfea instructed me to get your belt.
Unable to deny the Hercules of the Hippolyte. She was ready to voluntarily give him a belt, but the Great Hera, wanting to destroy Hercules hated by her, took the form of Amazon, intervened in the crowd and began to convince the warrior to attack the army of Hercules.
"It is not true to Hercules who says," said Gera Amazon, "he appeared to you with insidious intent: the hero wants to kidnap your Tsaritsu Ippolit and take her slave to his house.
Amazon believed the hero. They grabbed the weapon and attacked the army of Hercules. Ahead of the amazon troops rushed fast as the wind, Alel. She was first attacked on Hercules, like a stormy whirlpool. The Great Hero reflected her on the Natisk and turned her to escape, Alel thought to escape from the hero to the rapid flight. She did not help her all of her speed, Hercules overtook her and struck her with his sparkling sword. Paw in the battle and both. Seven heroes from the number of Hercules satellites struck her with her own hand, but she did not avoid arrows of the Great Son of Zeus. Then seven amazons at once attacked Hercules; They were companions of Artemis itself: no one was equal to them in art to own a spear. Covered by shields, they let their spears in Hercules. But the spears flew this time by. All of them struck by the hero of his closet; One after the other was killed on the ground, accomplishing with their arms. The Amazon of the same melanipput, which led the arrow, Hercules captured, and with her captivated and antiopu. The terrible warriors were defeated, their army appealed to flight, many of them fell from the hands of the heroes pursued. Enclosed the world of Amazon with Hercules. Ippolita bought freedom of mighty melanippa at the price of his belt. Antiopa Heroes took with them. Hercules gave it to the award of the Teshe for his great bravery.
So Hercules Belt Hippolytes.

Hercules saves Geesyon, daughter Lomedont

On the way back to Tirinf from Amazon, Hercules arrived on ships with his army to three. The heroev appeared heavy spectacle when they were moored to the shore near Troy. They saw the beautiful daughter of King Troy Laomedont, Hesion, chained to the rock near the shores of the sea. She was doomed, like Andromeda, on the confusion of the monster, who escaped from the sea. This monster sent Poseidon to Laomedonon's punishment for the refusal to pay him and Apollon for the construction of the walls of Troy. The proud king, who, by the sentence of Zeus, was supposed to serve both God, threatened to even crop their ears if they would require the fee. Then, an angry Apollo enjoy the terrible MiR possessions to all possessions, and Poseidon is a monster that empty, no one sparingly, the surroundings of Troy. Just sacrificing the life of the daughter, Lomedont could save his country from a terrible disaster. Against the will had to pee his daughter Hesion to the rock by the sea.
Having seen an unfortunate girl, Hercules aroused to save her, and for the salvation of Hesiona, he demanded from Laomedonta as a reward of those horses, which gave the Troy Troy Zeus king as a ransom for His Son of Ganyada. He was once kidnapped by the eagle Zeus and buried on Olympus. Lomedontte agreed to Hercules. The great hero told the Trojans on the seashore of the sea and hid behind him. As soon as Hercules hurried behind the shaft, as the monster was floating out of the sea and, having rushed a huge mouth, rushed to the Hesion. They ran with a loud cry because of the shaft Hercules, rushed at the monster and stuck him deep into his chest his double-edged sword. Hercules saved Hesion.
When Zeus's son demanded the promised award from Lomedonta, then it was a sorry for the king to part with wondrous hors, he did not give them Hercules and even drove him with threats from Troy. He Hercules Lomedonta's Hercules left, at his anger deeply in the heart. Now he could not take revenge on his king who deceived him, as his army was too small and the hero could not hope soon to master the impregnable Troy. Stayed for a long time under Troy, the great son of Zeus could not - he had to rush to the lippolite belt in Mycenae.

Tenth feat: Cows Gerion

Shortly after returning from the campaign to the country of Amazon, Hercules went to a new feat. Eurisfey instructed him to drive him into the Micheen cows of the Great Gerion, the son of Chrysor and Oceanids of Calliroi. Dalted was the path to Gerion. Hercules needed to achieve the most western edge of the earth, those places where the radiant god of the Sun Helios came from the sky. Hercules one went to the distant path. He passed through Africa, through the fruitless deserts of Libya, through the countries of wild barbarians and finally reached the limits of the Earth. Here, he erected on both sides of a narrow sea strait of two giant stone pillar as an eternal monument about their feat.
I still had to go to Hercules even after that, until he reached the coast of the Greater Ocean. In thought, he got a hero on the shore from the ever-noisy water of the ocean. How was it to achieve the island of EFIEI, where is the pass of her herd Gerion? The day was already cloned in the evening. It seemed both the chariot of helios, descending to the waters of the ocean. The bright rays of Helios were blinded by Hercules, and embraced his unbearable, scorching. In the anger jumped Hercules and grabbed his terrible onion, but a bright Helios was not angry, he smiled friendly with her hero, he liked the extraordinary courage of the great son of Zeus. Helios himself suggested Hercules to cross the EFIEY in the Golden Chelny, in which God of the Sun swung every evening with his horses and a chariot from Western to the eastern edge of the Earth into his Golden Palace. The delighted hero boldly jumped into the Golden Chelny and quickly reached the coast of the EFitya.
He barely stuck to the island, as his terrible double-headed Dog of AFF and rushed to the hero. Hercules killed his herak with one blow to his gravity. Not one ORF protected herd of Gerion. I had to beat Hercules and with the shepherd of Gerion, Giant Eurithion. Quickly coped with the giant son of Zeus and drove the cows of Gerion to the seashore, where he stood the Golden Chelis Helios. Gerion heard the soapride of his cows and went to the herd. Seeing that the dog of his ORFO and Giant Eurithion killed, he chased behind the stunt of herd and overtake him on the seashore. Gerion was a monstrous giant: he had three torso, three heads, six hands and six legs. Three ships were covered during the battle, he threw three huge spears right away in the opponent. With such a giant I had to fight Hercules, but the Great Chairman of Athena Pallada helped him. Untimely saw his Hercules, as he immediately let his deadly arrow in the giant. It came to an arrow into an eye of one of Gerion's heads. At the first boom flew the second, for her third. Grozno waved Hercules his all-rounding terrace, as a lightning, struck Herion's hero, and a trident giant fell on the ground. Hercules transported from Herion's Golden Chelius from the Golden Chelny, and returned Chella Heliosu. Half the feat was finished.
Many works were still ahead. It was necessary to drive bulls in Mycenae. Throughout Spain, through the Pyrenean Mountains, through Gallia and the Alps, through Italy, Hercules Cows. In the south of Italy, near the city of Reguum, one of the cows from the herd, and through the strait of smashed to Sicily. There she saw her king Eriks, Son Poseidon, and took a cow in his herd. Hercules were looking for a cow for a long time. Finally, he asked God Hephasta to guard herd, and he himself crossed in Sicily and found his cow in the herd of the king. The king did not want to return her Hercules; Hoping for his strength, he called Hercules for martial arts. The award winner was to serve a cow. Unable to Ericksu such an opponent like Hercules. The son of Zeus squeezed the king in his powerful arms and strangled. Hercules returned with a cow to his herd and drove it on. On the banks of the Ionian Sea goddess Gera lowered rabies to the whole herd. Frash cows fused in all directions. Only with great difficulty, heraklaned most of the cows already in Frakia and drove, finally, to Eurischeu in Mycenae. Heurisfey brought them sacrificing the Great Goddess heer.
Poles of Hercules, or Hercules pillars. Greeks believed that the rocks on the shores of the Gibraltar Strait put Hercules.

Feat eleventh. Abduction of Cherberry.

There was no more on earth monsters. All destroyed Hercules. But underground, guarding the ownership of Aida, a monstrous three-liter dog of Cerberian. He was ordered to deliver to the walls of Micheen.

Hercules had to go down to the kingdom, where there is no refund. All in it inspired horror. Cerber himself was so mighty and terrible, that he dropped blood from one of his species in the veins. In addition to the three disgusting heads, the dog had a tail in the form of a huge snake with a span. Snakes wriggled on his neck. And such a dog had to not only overcome, but alive to bring out of the underground world. Only the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead Aid and Persephone could be given agreement.

I had to appear Hercules before their eyes. At Aida, they had black, like coal, formed at the location of the remains of the dead, in Persephone - light blue, like cornflowers on arable land. But in those and others it was possible to read genuine surprise: what should this income, violating the laws of nature and lively descending into their gloomy world?

Blooming respectfully, Hercules said:

Do not be angry, powerful lord, if my request will seem to you supper! I need to contact the will of the will of Eurysfy hostile to my desire. It he instructed me to deliver to him your faithful and valiant Guard of Cerber.

Aid's face displeasured.

Not only did you come here alive here, you removed to show the living one who can see alone dead.

Forgive my curiosity, "Persephone intervened." But I would like to know how you think your feat. " After all, Cerberus has not yet been given to anyone.

I do not know, Hercules honestly admitted. - But let me fight him.

Ha! Ha! - Aid looked so loudly that the winds of the underworld. - Try it! But only fighting on an equal footing, without applying weapons.

On the way to the gate of Aida to Hercules, one of the shadows was approaching and requested.

The Great Hero, "the shadow said," you are destined to see the sun. Will you agree to fulfill my duty? I have a sister of the action, which I did not have time to marry.

Call your name and where are you from, - Hercules responded.

I'm from Kalidon, "answered the shadow." There was me called meleagr. Hercules, low by bowing shadows, said:

I heard a boy about you and always regretted that I could not meet with you. Stay calm. I myself will take your sister in my wife.

Cerber, as it should be a ps, was in his place at the gate of Aida, having a soul that tried to approach Stiks to get on white light. If earlier, when Hercules entered the gate, the dog did not turn to the hero of attention, now he thrown on him with an evil growl, trying to overlook the hero of the throat. Hercules grabbed two necks of the cherberry with both hands, and on the third head inflicted a powerful head of his forehead. Cerber wrapped his leg and body torso, breaking the body with his teeth. But Hercules's fingers continued to shrink, and soon the half-hearted dog crumb and stuck.

Without giving Czemarra to come to herself, Hercules dragged him to the exit. When it became light, the dog came to life and thumping his head, scary to the sun's stranger. Never, the land did not hear such evil-exciting sounds. Poisonous foam fell out of the expansion pastes. Everywhere where at least one of her drop got, poisonous plants crossed.

Here and the walls of Mikten. The city seemed to be empty, dead, as they had already been published everyone heard that Hercules returns to the victory. Eurysfea, looking at Czecher in the gate, screamed:

Let him go! Let go!

Hercules did not hesitate. He released a chain on which Cherberus was driving, and the faithful dog of Aida rushed with huge jumps to her owner ...

Feat twelfth. Golden apples heperide.

On the western tip of the Earth, by the ocean, where the day came up with the night, the beautiful nymphs were happily. Their divine singing was heard only Atlant, who kept the heavenly arch on his shoulders, and the souls of the dead, sadly converge in the underground world. Nymphs walked in a wonderful garden, where the tree grew, which concluded heavy branches to the ground. Golden fruits were sparkled in their greenery. They gave everyone to everyone who would touch them, immortality and eternal youth.

Here are these fruits and ordered to bring Eurisfea, and not in order to compare with the gods. He hoped that this instruction was not executed.

Throwing the lion's skin on his back, throwing onions over the shoulder, taking a club, cheerfully walked the hero to the Garden hesper. He was already accustomed to what the impossible is achieved.

Heracle was held for a long time, while the place was reached, where on Atlanta, as on a gigantic support, the sky and the Earth converged. He watched horror on Titan, who kept incredible severity.

I am Hercules, "the hero responded." I ordered to bring three gold apples from Garden Heperd. I heard that you can disrupt these apples you are alone.

In the eyes of Atlanta flashed joy. He conceived something unkind.

I do not reach the tree, "Atlant said." Yes, and I have hands, as you can see, are busy. Now if you hold my wear, I willingly fully fulfill your request.

I agree, "Hercules replied and stood next to Titan, who was above him on a lot of heads.

Atlant sank, and the monstrous severity lay on the shoulders of Hercules. Pot covered forehead and the whole body. The legs went down the ankle into the land drowning by the Atlanta. The time needed to get apples seemed to the hero of eternity. But in no hurry to take back his wear Atlant.

You want, I myself will assign precious apples in Mycena, "he suggested Hercules.

A simple hero was almost agreed, fearing to offend the refusal of the Titan's service, and the Athena intervened on time - she taught him to respond to cunning trick. Pretending to the deliberate offer of Atlanta, Hercules immediately agreed, but asked Titan to hold the arch until he had a lining under his shoulders.

As soon as Herakla Atlant deceived by the delight joy, the habitual wear was taken to his bold shoulders, the hero immediately raised the terrace and onions and, not paying attention to the outrageous screams of Atlanta, went back to the way back.

Eurysfee did not take the Gherrid's apples mined by Hercules so hard. After all, he needed not apples, but the death of the hero. Hercules handed the apples of Athena, and she returned them to hesperdam.

This ended the service of Hercules Eurisfei, and he was able to return to the cut, where he was waiting for new feats and new troubles.

Shortly after returning from the campaign to the country of Amazon, Hercules went to a new feat. Eurisfey instructed him to drive him into the Micheen cows of the Great Gerion, the son of Chrysor and Oceanids of Calliroi. Dalted was the path to Gerion. Hercules needed to achieve the most western edge of the earth, those places where the radiant god of the Sun Helios came from the sky. Hercules one went to the distant path. He passed through Africa, through the fruitless deserts of Libya, through the countries of wild barbarians and finally reached the limits of the Earth. Here, he erected on both sides of a narrow sea strait of two giant stone pillar as an eternal monument about their feat.

I still had to go to Hercules even after that, until he reached the coast of the Greater Ocean. In thought, he got a hero on the shore from the ever-noisy water of the ocean. How was it to achieve the island of EFIEI, where is the pass of her herd Gerion? The day was already cloned in the evening. It seemed both the chariot of helios, descending to the waters of the ocean. The bright rays of Helios were blinded by Hercules, and embraced his unbearable, scorching. In the anger jumped Hercules and grabbed his terrible onion, but a bright Helios was not angry, he smiled friendly with her hero, he liked the extraordinary courage of the great son of Zeus. Helios himself suggested Hercules to cross the EFIEY in the Golden Chelny, in which God of the Sun swung every evening with his horses and a chariot from Western to the eastern edge of the Earth into his Golden Palace. The delighted hero boldly jumped into the Golden Chelny and quickly reached the coast of the EFitya.

He barely stuck to the island, as his terrible double-headed Dog of AFF and rushed to the hero. Hercules killed his herak with one blow to his gravity. Not one ORF protected herd of Gerion. I had to beat Hercules and with the shepherd of Gerion, Giant Eurithion. Quickly coped with the giant son of Zeus and drove the cows of Gerion to the seashore, where he stood the Golden Chelis Helios. Gerion heard the soapride of his cows and went to the herd. Seeing that the dog of his ORFO and Giant Eurithion killed, he chased behind the stunt of herd and overtake him on the seashore. Gerion was a monstrous giant: he had three torso, three heads, six hands and six legs. Three ships were covered during the battle, he threw three huge spears right away in the opponent. With such a giant I had to fight Hercules, but the Great Chairman of Athena Pallada helped him. Untimely saw his Hercules, as he immediately let his deadly arrow in the giant. It came to an arrow into an eye of one of Gerion's heads. At the first boom flew the second, for her third. Grozno waved Hercules his all-rounding terrace, as a lightning, struck Herion's hero, and a trident giant fell on the ground. Hercules transported from Herion's Golden Chelius from the Golden Chelny, and returned Chella Heliosu. Half the feat was finished.

Many works were still ahead. It was necessary to drive bulls in Mycenae. Throughout Spain, through the Pyrenean Mountains, through Gallia and the Alps, through Italy, Hercules Cows. In the south of Italy, near the city of Reguum, one of the cows from the herd, and through the strait of smashed to Sicily. There she saw her king Eriks, Son Poseidon, and took a cow in his herd. Hercules were looking for a cow for a long time. Finally, he asked God Hephasta to guard herd, and he himself crossed in Sicily and found his cow in the herd of the king. The king did not want to return her Hercules; Hoping for his strength, he called Hercules for martial arts. The award winner was to serve a cow. Unable to Ericksu such an opponent like Hercules. The son of Zeus squeezed the king in his powerful arms and strangled. Hercules returned with a cow to his herd and drove it on. On the banks of the Ionian Sea goddess Gera lowered rabies to the whole herd. Frash cows fused in all directions. Only with great difficulty, heraklaned most of the cows already in Frakia and drove, finally, to Eurischeu in Mycenae. Heurisfey brought them sacrificing the Great Goddess heer.

  1. Poles of Hercules, or Hercules pillars. Greeks believed that the rocks on the shores of the Gibraltar Strait put Hercules.

The next story tells about the cows of Gerion, in which Hercules had to face deaths with Giant Eurithion and three-headed Gerion.

Hercules and Gerion

"And the island of Crete, and the kingdom of the Diomeda is too close to Argos," said Eurisfey. "You need to send Hercules even further - so that he sails the sea for a month, or even more." And then Eurisfey remembered that somewhere in the extreme West is the island of Eraphia, on the green meadows of which the herd of the cows of the three-headed giant Gerion graze. Hercules had to submit to the royal order again. The path to the erythy was far and ran through different countries where Hercules defeated many enemies. Among them, the son of gay land - the Antey and the son of the god of the volcano fiery monster Kakus, the battle with whom took place at the very place where the city of Rome was subsequently founded.

Having reached the shores where Libya, taking off with Europe, formed a narrow strait, Hercules watered on both its shores on the giant pillar to please the God of the Sun of Helios, finaling his day work. And indeed, even after the pillars collapsed in the mouth of the Strait, under their own heaviness or cunning of the ger, the place where they stood, continued to be called the poles of Hercules. And Helios, grateful Hercules for the honorable Honor, helped him to cross the island of Eraphy, whose lands have not yet concerned the leg of the mortal. Here, on a wide meadow, the son of Zeus and saw fat cows guarded by a huge two-headed dog.

When the Hercules approach, the beast was angry and rushed to the hero. But the struggle was short: In a matter of minutes, Hercules laid the PSA with a huge pan. Lai woke up the giant-shepherd of Heurithion, who was already ready for battle. But in this duel, the victory was behind Hercules.

After that, the son of Zeus drove Gerion's cows to the place where Golden Chelios expected him. But at that moment the cow was diagnosed so loudly that Gerion woke up and appeared before the hero in all his frightening appearance. He was huge height, with three tricks, three heads and six legs. The monster threw three spears in Hercules, but missed. Hercules, in turn, threw the arrow who did not give a blunder and pierced her eyes one of Gerion's heads. Heated the giant from pain and thrown on Hercules, waving a lot of hands. I would not cope with Herkla with Gerion, if it were not for the help of Athena-Pallades. The goddess has strengthened the forces of the hero, and he laid a giant of the land with several blows of the cloth.

Hercules and Erix

Transported by Gerion cows through the stormy waters of the ocean, Hercules was in Iberia, on the southern tip of Europe. After letting the cows graze, he for the first time in a long time lay down to the ground in order to finally relax from the root works. Waking up from the first rays of Helios, Hercules did not break the flock. Eurysfea, blinded by malice, did not realize that in addition to the sea, there is a long path of land in Argolid - along the coast of Iberia, Gaul, Italy. In the south of the peninsula from herd, one cow broke out and, swimming a narrow strait, turned out to be on Sicily Island. I had to follow a fuzzy. The cow led the local king Eriks, which caused the hero to battle. He Hercules Ericz squeezed in his arms, and he emptied the Spirit. In Sicily, Hercules fought with other local solubs and all overcoming them.

Returning to Italy, along with the four-legged jigsaw, Hercules drove her in herd and continued the way, rich the Ionian Sea. So he spent herd through the entire peninsula in Argold. Eurysfea, taking cows, pretended to be happy with the victory of Hercules. Soon he brought animals to sacrifice the goddess heer, hoping with her help to destroy Hercules.

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Gerion cows (tenth Hercules feat)

Myths of Ancient Greece "Cow Gerion (tenth feat of Hercules)"

Shortly after returning from the campaign to the country of Amazons Hercules
he went to a new feat. Eurisfei instructed him to drive into
Micheen Cows of the Great Gerion, the Son of Chrysora and Oceanids
Calliroi. Dalted was the path to Gerion. Hercules needed
reach the western edge of the earth, those places where it comes
at sunset from the sky, the radiant god of the Sun Helios. Hercules one
went to the distant path. He passed through Africa through
barren deserts of Libya, through wild barbarians and,
finally, reached the limits of the Earth. Here he erected on both
the sides of the narrow sea strait are two giant stone
pillar as an eternal monument about his feat. * 1
* 1 pillars of Hercules, or Hercules pillars. Greeks believed that
rocks on the shores of the Gibraltar Strait put Hercules.
Many still had to go to Hercules yet, until
he reached the shores of the gray ocean. In thought got a hero on
shore in the ever-noisy water of the ocean. How to achieve him
the islands of the EFIEI, where is the pass of her herd Gerion? The day was already cloning
by the evening. Here it seemed and the chariot of helios, descending to
wATER OCEAN. The bright rays of Helios were blinded by Hercules, and covered
his unbearable, scorching. In anger jumped Hercules and
grabbed his terrible onion, but not angry light
Helios, he smiled friendly with her hero, liked him
the extraordinary courage of the Great Son of Zeus. Helios Sam
suggested Hercula to cross the EFIEY in the Golden Chelny, in
which walked every evening the God of the Sun with his horses and
chariot from Western on the eastern edge of the Earth in his golden
palace. The delired hero boldly jumped into the Golden Chelny and
quickly reached the shores of the EFIEI.
I barely stuck to the island like
his formidable double-headed Dog of AFF and rushed to
hero. Hercules killed his herak with one blow to his gravity. Not
one ACF protected herd of Gerion. I had to beat Hercules and
with shepherd Gerion, Giant Eurithion. Quickly coped with S.
the giant son of Zeus and drove the cows of Gerion to the seashore, where
standing Golden Chel Helios. Gerion heard washed his cows
and went to the herd. Seeing that the dog of his ORFO and the Giant Eurition
killed, he chased behind the thief of her herd and overtaking it on the shore
seas. Gerion was a monstrous giant: he had three torso,
three heads, six hands and six legs. Three ships hose to
during the battle, three huge spears threw it right away
enemy. With such a giant had to fight Hercules,
but the Great Chairman of Athena Pallada helped him. Barely saw
his herakl, as he immediately let his deadly
arrow. It came to an arrow into an eye of one of Gerion's heads. Per
the first arrow flew the second, for her third. Grozno waving
Hercules with his discreet cock, as a lightning, struck her
herone's hero, and the damaged corpse fell to the Earth a trite
giant. Hercules transported from the Helios Golden Chelny
gerion's cows through the Stormy Ocean and returned Chelny Hellios.
Half the feat was finished.
Many works were still ahead. It was necessary to drive bulls
in Mycenae. Through all Spain, through the Pyrenean Mountains, through
Gallia and the Alps, through Italy Hanal Cows Hercules. In southern Italy,
near the city of Regum, one of the cows from the herd broke out and through
strait smiled into Sicily. There she saw her king Eriks, Son
Poseidon, and took a cow in his herd. Hercules were looking for a long time
cow. Finally, he asked God Hephasta to guard herd, and
he himself crossed in Sicily and found there in the herd of the king Erics
his cow. The king did not want to return her Hercules; Hoping for
his power, he called Hercules for martial arts. Award
the winner was to serve a cow. Not forces was Ericus
such an opponent like Hercules. Zeus son squeezed the king in his
mighty arms and strangled. Returned Hercules with a cow to his
the flock and drove it further. On the shores of the Ionian Sea goddess
Gera lowered rabies to the whole herd. Fearful cows
they fought in all directions. Only with great difficulty perelovil
Hercules most of the cows are already in Frakia and drove finally
they are to Evrischeu in Mycenae. Eurysfea brought them to the sacrifice of the Great
goddess hero.

Legends and myths of ancient Greece - Cow Gerion (tenth Hercules feat) read

But the servants gave the king to know about what happened in his stables.

The angry king rushed with his warriors to the seashore and then met Hercules.

In the hot battle Hercules defeated militant Thracians. He broke his head with a fierce Domeda's head and threw his body to eat horses.

Then Hercules answered the terrible koblitsa Eurisfei.

Eurysfea, as appropriate as a greedy poult, not saving these mare. Trembling from fear, he ordered them to release them into the wild Liquor Mountains. There, between Rocky Cruks and Pine Forests, angry mountain wolves attacked them, and soon only the elders singers in their songs remembered the terrible animals and their fierce owner.

Hercules in the kingdom of Amazons

Tsar Eurysfea was always sullen and gloomy. He hated everyone who was smarter, brave, stronger him. But there was one creature in the world in which he did not have a challenge, his daughter, gold-haired prince of admet.

When Admet laughed, King Evrisfey smiled. But when she cried, he crossed his teeth, and the grief was man,

guilty of her tears. If Admet said: "I want!", Then her word was stronger than all laws in the kingdom of Eurisfie.

Once the nanny told Admemet an amazing story.

For distant Evletin Putton, "said Nanny," lies the mysterious country of Amazons. There are no men in this country, there are only women. But this is not just a woman. From the cradle, they learn to fight. Their toys are sharp swords and onions with bell-up arrows. Alsomely with young girls, they are already sitting in the sidel and jump in the mountains and shares of their country as the most bold riders. There was not a single commander, who would have managed to cunning or stream, to defeat the bold cauldron of the Amazons. Never an enemy made his way to their capital, in the famous mysterious city of Techela. This city is sitting there, where the turbulent River Thermodone flows into the angry Pont Evksinsky. In the middle of the city, the magnificent palace is towers, and in it the great Queen of Amazons, beautiful hypolight lives.

Many wondrous treasures are kept in pantry and barn of her palace. There are precious stones taken by courageous horses in battle, and military chains from thin gold chains. There are crystal vessels brought from distant Eastern countries, and Pensy Cepraki, which are covered by sweaty backs of royal horses. But more expensive than all jewels for Queen Hippolite her magic belt: it puts on this belt, preparing for battle. It is not beautiful and not pyshin. But he gave him a hippoly of the fierce God of war, bloody arose. This belt brings happiness in battle. That is why Amazon will beat him as a zenitsa of an eye. Mount to someone who wants to take it away from them.

Also, only the gold husband of Admet heard this story, as she wanted to get and try such an amazing belt. Owing their little sandals, she ran along the stone plates of the palace in those chambers where her father lived. Throwing him on the neck, she said that the most in the world is now, now, she wants to receive a magic belt tsaritsa Hippolite as a gift.

Eurisfeu himself could not get this great jewel. But Hercules did not make everyone appointed posts. And here again orders the tricky kingook the hero to leave the native country and take away the magic belt of their queen from brave Amazons ...

Long light herakla rooks fooled by sharp wave noses. He sailed for a long time from cute Greece to the other side, where the sun rises in the summer. Finally, the capital of the Amazon Teeskira grew up in front of him on the seashore. Hercules satellites pulled their lung ships ashore, burned fires around them and became a camp under the walls of the Grand City. Soon heard the sounds of pipes. Tsarina Hippolyte herself came to the camp to find out what to strangers in her land. Peacefully and respectfully met the hero of the bold ladd of Amazons. Without hiding, he told her everything about himself and about his service from Eurisfie. After listening to his story, Hippolita was shot: after all, she, after all, was a woman.

If I were calm, the son of Zeus, "she said, -There did not have to shed blood due to the magic belt. True, I will raise them most of your treasures, but for you I will not regret it. Be my guest, Hercules. Rest in the world. A few days later I will give you my best jewel. "So peacefully argued with these bold and noble people.

But the cunning goddess of Hera still did not lose hope to destroy Hercules hated by her. Dark at night, turning around Amazon, she penetrated the Temeskira and went through her dark streets, finding the oncoming false speeches.

Do not believe Hercules, "she said." His goodness is deceptive. Do not need a belt, he wants to kidnap our queen and take it into distant countries.

And she so much and so long, so slyly persuaded the shivered warriors that in the end they believed her. He immediately jumped on his horses, the Amazons took up the weapons and rushed to the Hercules camp. There were many of them, but little Greeks. The bold horses are one after another attacked the hero himself, but he plunged on the ground after the other. That has already fallen fast, like a whirlwind, Alela. Protofo, a female hero, died, seven times in a row defeated brave soldiers. The leader of Melanippa was captured, and the arons arons ran in horror in front of Hercules. Tsarina Hippolyte hurried to give him his belt. Gorky shook Hercules head:

About Hippolitis, Hippolyte, said he with a string. "I did not want to bloody and the death of your sisters. Why did you obey the insidious speeches of the Mother of Gods?

Before separation, he hugged the queen of Amazons before separation. She disassembled the death of her best friends, but was not angry with Hercules. They broke up with friends, and soon the golden admet was already playing hippolite belt. However, she did not like it. He was poor in appearance and ugly. In order to estimate it as it should, it was necessary to have a great and bold heart. The daughter of the cowardly Evrisfi did not differ at all courage. That is why the hippolite belt soon disappeared where.

Gerion Bulls and Sly Giant Kakos

Far from Greece, on the other side, where in the evening the sun is a blazing circle descends into the green waves of the ocean, lay the deserted Island Eritian among the ever staged waters. He was dick and uninhabsed. Only from time to time they were distributed on it all, heavy steps. It is a huge, like a cloud, the three-headed giant Gerion came here to inspect the herd of his bulls. Security and peace passed on the green meadows of Eritian.

Laimally paint juicy herbs, peacefully roamed the deserted island of these bulls, huge, like the biggest elephant, fire-red, like the clouds that they burn in the evenings at sunset. Neither the beast nor a person could not get to them through the stormy waters of the West Sea. But, afraid for his herds, Gerion nevertheless attached to protect and graze their other Giant, Heurition.

Eurithion was as great as his master Gerion, but was not three-headed. But to help the shepherd-giant was given a terrible dog Ort. This dog was one sip could swallow ten huge lions or tigers at once.

So, behind the bulls of Gerion and sent his mighty servant Hercules a cowardly and greedy Euryzfe, when it was time to make his tenth feat.

For a long time he was passing Hercules to the West, through those lands, where France and Spain are now. He moved through the high mountains, twisted the raw rivers. Finally, he reached the place near which Africa was separated from Europe a narrow and deep strait.

Through this strait, Hercules moved with great difficulty. In memory of his journey on both shores, he put on a high, similar to a column rock. We now call these cliffs of Gibraltar and souta. In ancient times they were called Hercules pillars. They are so far from solar Greece that only boasts and liar dared in those times to assure it as if they, like Hercules, reached their foot. That is why I will look when they want to say that some person lies a lot and brags, they say: "Well, he reached the Hercules pillars."

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