Programming Olympiad is estimated to be the total result. Information systems Marketing

FunctionIF A. Construction of graphs and charts

Workshop 6. Fish is a pity ...

Option 1

The stock of fish in the pond is estimated at 1,200 tons. The annual increase in fish is 15%. The annual slab plan is 300 tons. The smallest fish stock, below which the stock is no longer restored, - 400 tons. Build a table to count the number of fish in the pond for 15 years. Mark, starting at what point is it impossible to perform the specified slave plan. Build a schedule for changing the number of fish in the pond.

Option 2.

Fish stock in the pond is estimated at 1000 tons. The annual increase in fish is 13%. The annual slab plan is 180 tons. The smallest fish stocks below which the stock has not recovered - 250 tons. Build a table, counting the number of fish in the pond for 20 years. Mark, starting at what point is it impossible to perform the specified slave plan. Build a schedule for changing the number of fish in the pond.

Option 3.

Fish stock in the pond is estimated at 1800 tons. The annual increase in fish is 17%. Annual catch plan - 400 tons. The smallest fish stocks below which the stock has not recovered - 500 tons. Build a table that counts the number of fish in the pond for 16 years. Mark, from what moment it is impossible to perform the specified capture plan. Build a schedule for changing the number of fish in the pond.

Programming Olympiad

Option 1.Programming Olympiad is assessed by the amount of points obtained for each of three tasks, plus 0.1 from the amount gained for students of classes under the 10th. 12 people took part in the Olympics: 4 of the 8th grade, 3 from the 9th, 3 - from the 10th and 2 from the 11th. The first task was assessed by a maximum of 10 points. The second - in 8, the third - in 12. The scorements of more than 27 points receive a 1st degree diploma, more than 25-26 degrees, more than 23 to the third degree. Create a table of participants and their results. Determine the diplomas of the participants. Build a diagram on the amount of scored points for the 1st degree diploma.

Option 2.Programming Olympiad is estimated by the sum of points obtained for each of the three tasks, plus 0.1 times the amount typed classes for students under 10 th. 14 people took part in the Olympics: 3 of the 8th grade, 4 from the 9th, 4 from the 10th and 3 from the 11th. The first task was estimated to a maximum of 12 points. The second - in 10, the third - in 12. Screensing more than 30 points receive a 1st degree diploma, more than 27-26 degrees, more than 25 to the third degree. Create a table of participants and their results. Determine the diplomas of the participants. Build a diagram on the sum of the points gained for the 2nd degree diploma.

Option 3.Programming Olympiad is assessed by the amount of points obtained for each of three tasks, plus 0.1 from the amount gained for students of classes under the 10th. 10 people took part in the Olympiad: 2 of the 8th grade, 3 from the 9th, 3 from the 10th and 2 from the 11th. The first task was estimated to a maximum of 15 points. The second - in 12, the third - in 10. The scores of more than 34 points receive a 1st degree diploma, more than 30 - 2nd degrees, more than 27 - third degrees. Create a table of participants and their results. Determine the diplomas of the participants. Build a chart in the amount of shuffle points for the 3rd degree diploma.

The competition is carried out among students of the 10-11 classes of schools of the city studying computer science at the base level. Competition participants are invited to perform three tasks: an electronic test on computer science, practical tasks in the Word text editor and Excel spreadsheets.

Purpose: Determining the level of formation of knowledge of students on the subject and possession of them in various ways of processing information in spreadsheets, text editors.

  • improving the skills of work in the field of information technology;
  • search for talented schoolchildren who have successfully applying information technology.


Learning 10 and 11 classes studying the subject "Informatics and ICT" at a basic level.

No more three people from one educational institution.

Form of holding:

The duration of the event is 2 astronomical hours.

The contest is single-level, students 10 and 11 classes perform the same tasks.

Requirements for the participants of the competition:

Competition participants should be able to:

  • use information on the theory of information and methods for converting information to solve the tasks for defining information volume, know the units of information measurement, the basic concepts of the file system, operations in Windows OS, know the query language for searching for the Internet.
  • apply basic logic operations and build logical expressions; Laws of the Logic Algebra to convert logical expressions (simplifying logical expressions), solve the simplest logical tasks.
  • work in the Word text editor environment: format text and work with drawings, tables, be able to create automatic table of contents, footers, document sections, apply page numbering.
  • working in spreadsheet environment: format tables, build charts to illustrate work, properly use relative and absolute references in formulas, apply standard functions (both statistical and mathematical), work with multiple documents.

Task 1. Work in Word.

Create folder Members Members Xxx (Enter your registration number!) In the My Documents folder. Create a document in the Microsoft Word text processor and save it (before work) under the name Collection of recipes Xxx.

Source materials for work are in the folder PC operator:

Pictures for recipes - (taken from the Internet) .

Task: Create a "Culinary Recipes Collection", containing recipes of the 2-3 dishes that have chosen and comparative table measure and weight of some products. When making a document, use the following formatting parameters:

1. Page Parameters: A5, All Fields of 1.5 cm, orientation - Books.

Title Page Collection of Recipes: Must Have:

  • figure frame, name "Collection of recipes" - Figured text
  • logo: You can use a drawing cook (Figure 6), Any drawings from the Clipart collection, autofigurines and curly text for slogan directed along the contour. All objects must be grouped.
  • collage of several most interesting recipes
  • at the bottom of the center in the center: Your registration number, the name of the competition, the area, year.

Page with recipes (2-3): On a separate page - one recipe:

Recipe name - ordinary color text, size 14-16 PT;

Photography dishes - Insert from the folder Pictures appropriate recipe, add the frame to the framing the appropriate color, if necessary, change the size of the pattern;

Recipe text Select from the test file Annex1.doc.. Position the text of the recipe in two columns, the list of the necessary products. Place the marked list (meanwort). The text of the recipe - 10 PT, inscription - normal.
Attention! Text is taken from the Internet, so when formatting, we advise you to enable the display of "non-printable characters".

For a single recipe design, use the copy of the format: for the name of the dish, for the product list, for the text of the recipe.

Add to a free place in one of the recipe page columns logo with useful advice(Tell the Council yourself or take from recipes). Text - 8 Fri, italics.

You can add the background page.

A page may look, for example, as in the figure below, and maybe somehow otherwise.

4. On a separate page, create a table comparison table and weight. Take data from file Table.doc.. Use the text conversion to the table. The table hat is shown below.

5. Name pages. Add the name of this file to the footer.

6. Create automatic table of contents And place it on the second page (next to the title page).

Task 2. Work in Excel.

Task: Programming Olympiad is estimated at the amount of points obtained for each of the three tasks, plus 0.1 from the amount gained for students of the 10th grades. 12 people took part in the Olympics: 4 of the 8th grade, 3 from the 9th, 3 - from the 10th and 2 from the 11th. The first task was assessed by a maximum of 10 points. The second is in 8, and the third - in 12. Screensing more than 27 points receive a 1st degree diploma, more than 25-26 degrees, more than 23 - third degrees. (The wording of the task is taken from the book I. K. Safronova "Task-Workshop on Informatics", St. Petersburg: "BHV-Petersburg", 2002)

Practical task:

1. Create a table of participants and their results. Determine the diplomas of the participants.

2. Build two charts: one - by the sum of the points gained for all participants of the Olympiad, the second - for the 1st degree diploma. The diagram should be the following parameters: the name of the chart, the names of the participants, the values \u200b\u200bof the total points.

Table example:

Class Task 1. Task 2. Task 3. The amount of points Diploma
10 8 12
Ivanov Petya 8 6 8 9 26 2 degrees
Sidorov Ivan. 8 1 2 9 13
Egorov Misha 8 9 8 11 31 1 degree
Petrov Igor 8 8 6 12 29 1 degree
Mikhailov Yakov 9 10 5 12 30 1 degree
Orlov Egor 9 9 3 1 14
Kostin Sasha 9 6 7 6 21
Pashin Dima 10 8 7 6 21
Pankratov Roma. 11 10 6 9 25 3 degrees


Families of participants and points for each task can come up with their own.

Values \u200b\u200bin the columns "the amount of points" and "diploma" are the result of calculations using formulas. To determine the degree of diploma, use the conditional function and the condition of the task.

Test ( Annex3. - EXE file compiled in the test shell KTC Net2 )

1. How much of the information will receive the second player in the game "Guess the number" with an optimal strategy if the first player guess the number from 1 to 128?

  • 5 bits
  • 7 bits (correct answer)
  • 9 bits
  • 3 bits

2. Specify the information volume (in bytes) of the bitmap image with a size of 10x10 pixels, if it is known that in the image it uses a palette of 256 colors.

  • 100 bits
  • 100 bytes (correct answer)
  • 800 bits
  • 800 byte

3. Considering that each character is encoded with two bytes, rate the information volume of the following sentence in Unicode encoding: "I am an experienced PC operator!" (Quotes do not count)

  • 256 bits
  • 24 byte
  • 480 bits
  • 384 bits (correct answer)

4. Access to the http.txt file located on the server is carried out using the FTP protocol. The table fragments of the file address are encoded with letters from A to J. Record the sequence of these numbers encoding the address of the specified file.

5. In some directory, the task file was stored. After the subdirectory has been created in this directory and moved the task file to the created subdirectory, the full name of the file has become E: \\ Class9 \\ Physics \\ Problem \\ task5. What was the full name of this file before moving?

  • E: \\ Physics \\ Problem \\ task5
  • E: \\ Physics \\ task5
  • E: \\ Class9 \\ Problem \\ task5
  • E: \\ Class9 \\ Physics \\ task5 (correct answer)

6. Select the file name satisfying the template ???? 1.Ech.

  • pole.exe.
  • filel.doc.
  • file1.exe (correct answer)
  • proba1.exe.

7. Continue the phrase: "The object created in the appendix is \u200b\u200bcalled ..."

  • Task
  • Appendix
  • Document (correct answer)
  • Folder

8. When working with the spreadsheet in the cell A1, the formula \u003d D1- $ D $ 2 is recorded. What kind will the formula acquire, after the A1 cell copies into the B1 cell?

  • \u003d E1- $ E $ 2
  • \u003d E1- $ D $ 2 (correct answer)
  • \u003d E2- $ D $ 2
  • \u003d D1- $ E $ 2

9. The "Note. TXT" file has been changed in the Notepot program. Then the window tried to close. What will press the "Cancel" button?

10. What is the "clipboard"?

  • Special folder to synchronize desktop data with portable computer
  • Special network folder for sharing information between computers of the working group
  • RAM area for temporary storage of information (correct answer)
  • Standard Windows program for email messaging

11. What ways can you put a dedicated file in the "clipboard"? (Specify all the right answers)

  • Select the command "Copy" context menu of the object (correct answer)
  • Press the CTRL + C key combination (correct answer)
  • Press the CTRL + V key combination
  • Select the "Edit - Copy" menu (correct answer)
  • Press the F5 key

12. What is the name of this window?

13. You drag the file icon with the left mouse button from one folder to another within the C: disk. What action was it?

  • Copy File
  • Moving file (correct answer)
  • Rename file.
  • Creating a label
  • Nic

14. How to highlight running files in the list in a row? (Specify all the right answers)

  • Click on the first file, then holding the SHIFT, click on the latest file (correct answer)
  • Click on the first file, then holding the CTRL, click on the latest file
  • Click on the first file by holding the shift, press the down arrow on the keyboard (correct answer)
  • Right-click on the first file, select the Select command, then right-click the last file.

15. Conclude allocated files to the rectangle with the left mouse button (correct answer)

  • Choose the right statements. (Specify all the right answers)
  • The "File - Save" command always saves the file to the "My Documents" folder.
  • The "File - Save" command when reusing does not request the file name (correct answer)
  • The "File - Save As" command always allows you to enter a different file name (correct answer)
  • The "File - Save How" command does not allow you to change the file name.
  • "File - Save How" command does not allow you to change the folder when saving the file

16. How can I close the window with saving all changes (select all the correct answers)?

  • Press the "Close" button (1)
  • Press the "OK" button (2) (correct answer)
  • Press the "Apply" button (3)
  • Press the "Apply" button (3), then "close" (1) (correct answer)

17. What file is usually the file with extension.exe?

  • Textual
  • Graphic
  • Archive
  • Executable

18. The minimum object used in a two-dimensional raster graphic editor is

  • Color palette
  • Pixel (correct answer)
  • Texel
  • Object (cut, circle, etc.)

19. What key combination in Microsoft Word allows you to start typing text from a new page?

  • Ctrl + Enter (correct answer)
  • Ctrl + Shift.
  • Page Down

20. The light scoreboard consists of light bulbs, each of which can be in two states ("enabled" or "off"). What the smallest number of light bulbs should be on the scoreboard so that with it can be transferred 100 different signals?

  • 7 (correct answer)

Task Evaluation Criteria 1. Work in Word

Maximum score 45
Page settings: Size - A5, Fields - 1.5 cm, Orientation - Books 1
Front page:Frame-1, collage - 2, inscription -1, signature_number - 1 5
Logo: Grouping -1, text by contour-2, Auto Pouring - 2, adding drawings - 1 6
Pages with recipes 20
Name (color, size is not< 14 пт)-1, Использование стиля -заголовок -2 3
Photo (compliance with the recipe, flow around text-1, framing-1, size) 3
Text (2 columns, labeled list of products, size - 10pt, Design: italics) 2 b +1 break-new column 7
Useful Tips: Text - 8 Fri in Autofigur With Pouring (2), Flooding, Grouping with Logo (2) 4
Registration of the page - the overall impression, composition, originality 3
Pagination 1
Table of contents:Automatic - 3, Own - 1, extra. Design - 1. 4
Footer (lower, file name, no on the 1st page) 3
Table - cap: combining cells, text direction, font (3), column width -1, filling -1 5

Task Assessment Criteria 2. Work in Excel

Evaluation of work:

  • Test 20 points (1 point for each question)
  • Word 45 points (maximum)
  • Excel 35 points (maximum)
  • Total - 100 points (maximum for all work).

Exercise 1. The applicant is considered enrolled in the university if the sum of the estimates obtained by them at the exams are not less than the passage and the assessment in mathematics above the triple. Find the number of applicants entered by the university.

A. B. C. D. E. F.
Passing Score:
Surname Mathematics Russian language Literature Sum Enrollled

Comment. When you find the number of applicants received to the university, use the logical function of the result. Find information about it yourself in the help system.

Task 2.. Five subscribers call from the city BUT in town B.. If the telephone long-distance call was made on weekends (Saturday, Sunday), or on holidays, or on weekdays from 20 o'clock in the evening to 8 am, it is calculated at a preferential rate with a 50% discount, there are no benefits in all the remaining time . Calculate how much each of the five subscribers must pay for negotiations.

Comment. If the call goes at a preferential rate, then the condition should be fulfilled: the day of the week \u003d "Saturday" or the day of the week \u003d "Sunday" or a holiday \u003d "yes" or the start of the negotiations\u003e \u003d 20 or the start time of negotiations<= 8.

Therefore, in the cell G3 we enter the formula:

If (or (C3 \u003d "Saturday"; c3 \u003d "Sunday"; vz \u003d "yes"; e3\u003e \u003d 20; e3<=8); $D$1*F3; $B$1*F3). Ссылки на ячейки D1 и В1 абсолютные, так как при копировании формул име­на этих ячеек не должны меняться.

Task 3.. Programming Olympiad is assessed by the amount of points obtained for each of three tasks, plus 0.1 from the amount gained for students of classes under the 10th. 12 people took part in the Olympics: 4 of the 8th grade, 3 from the 9th, 3 - from the 10th and 2 from the 11th. The first task was assessed by a maximum of 10 points. The second - in 8, the third - in 12. The scorements of more than 27 points receive a 1st degree diploma, more than 25-26 degrees, more than 23 to the third degree. Create a table of participants and their results. Determine the diplomas of the participants. Build a diagram on the sum of the scored points for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees.

Task 4.. Electricity supply company charges with customers at the rate: 0.6 rubles per 1 kW / h for the first 200 kW / h; 0.9 rubles per 1 kW / h, if consumption over 200 kW / h, but does not exceed 500 kW / h; 1.2 rubles per 1 kW / h, if consumption over 500 kW / h. The services of the company use 10 customers. Calculate fee for each client. Determine how many customers are consumed over 500 kW / h.

Task 5.. Conduct statistical data processing: Make a variational series, construct a frequency histogram, polygon relative frequencies. Find the scope of varying h. Wed, D ( x.) - dispersion, σ ( x.) - secondary quadratic deviation, V. - Camefficient of variation, fashion, median.

Option 1.The original table of distribution of 30 applicants by the number of points obtained by them on the entrance exams is given.

Option 2.In an experiment to underline a number of 10 double-digit numbers, the results of memorization after the first presentation were for 35 subjects the following values: 5, 3, 5, 5, 4, 3, 4, 3, 1, 4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4 , 5, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 2, 4, 5.

Option 3.Among 38 students at the beginning of the school year, read test was conducted (maximum points of points - 128). The following results were obtained: 90, 66, 106, 84, 105, 83, 104, 75, 95, 97, 75, 44, 95, 75, 75, 44, 95, 75, 75, 51 109, 89, 58, 59, 72, 74, 75, 81, 71, 68, 112, 62, 91, 93, 84.

Option 4.The teacher suggested 125 students a control task consisting of 40 issues. As an assessment of the test, the number of issues on which the correct answers were obtained. Discrete frequency distribution is given in the table.


Option 5.There are results (in cm), shown by a group of schoolchildren (70 people) in the test "Jump in height from the place" 35, 39, 30, 30, 27, 25, 28, 31, 41, 46 38, 40, 25, 31, 41, 25, 31, 39, 31, 36, 38, 36, 27, 29, 30, 36, 35, 36, 31, 31, 31, 33, 31, 31, 31 36, 51, 36, 38, 33, 29, 32, 35, 40, 42, 44, 44, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 34, 32, 45 , 41, 32, 31, 30, 29, 26.

Option 6.30 pupils 10 Class republic Novotoryalskoy High School Mari El for the test flexion and extension arms-ups showed the following results (the number of times.): 39, 68, 34, 35, 38, 37, 34, 36, 35, 20, 18, 17, 20, 19, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 16, 40, 25, 26, 30, 34.

Option 7.20 students of grade 9 one of the schools of the Kirov region for the test run at 1000 m showed the following results (min sec.): 3.53; 3.55; 3.55; 3.54; 3.50; 3.51; 3.50; 4.39; 4.40; 4.38; 4.42; 4.35; 4.41; 4.37; 4.38; 4.43; 4.46; 4.39; 4.40.

Task 6. To determine whether there are significant differences between the mean values \u200b\u200bof the two samples.

Option 1. The level of abstract thinking in two 3rd classes of one parallel among students of one school was studied. Was developed by the corresponding test and is provided pupils 20 pupils 3-A showed the following results (X): 19, 32, 33, 44, 38, 35, 39, 39, 44, 44, 24, 37, 29, 40, 42, 32, 48, 43, 33, 47, and 15 students of 3-B are the following results (Y): 17, 7, 17, 28, 27, 31, 20, 17, 35, 43, 10, 28, 13, 33, 43, 10, 28, 13, 33, 43 45.

Option 2.. In the experiments of Nevbylitsin V.D. The tests according to one of the indicators (in the rate of extinction of the conditional reflex) formed 2 groups: persons with a predominance of excitation and face balanced. With these applications, experiments were carried out by definition of A-index. For a group of excitable (7 people), the following values \u200b\u200bof the A-index are obtained: 91, 56, 73, 51, 82, 46, 78. For a group of balanced (15 people): 65, 72, 82, 95, 78, 84, 88, 81, 94, 70, 68, 83, 96, 92, 89.

Option 3. The presentation of schoolchildren about various time intervals was studied, incl. and ideas about the minute interval. The tests have pressed the stopwatch button, they allowed him to move, and when, in their opinion, a minute passed, stopped him. The subjects could not look at the dial. The testimony of the stopwatch in 20 students of the III class amounted to the following series (in sec.): 2.4; 3.9; 4.7; 9.1; 11.0; 12.7; 14.9; 16.0; 20.8; 25.3; 29.0; 30.6; 32.1; 32.7; 33.3; 36.3; 38.1; 43.5; 47.4; 53.8, and in 20 students v class: 2.9; 12.5; 13.0; 13.5; 17.2; 17.7; 20.5; 22.7; 24.6; 26.3; 29.7; 30.7; 31.8; 33.8; 38.5; 42.8; 53.8; 55.9; 60.6; 76.1. Is there a significant difference between the submissions about the minute interval from students of the III and V classes?

Task 7. With the help of statistical methods, examine the relationship between values.

Option 1. The duration of the duration of the familiarization is given (in sec.) And the playback time (in sec.) System of spatial lines.

Familiarization: 2.5; 1.9; 3.7; 2.0; 4.3; 2.4; 2.3; 4.8; 1.7; 3.2; 3.6; 2.3; 4.9; 1.8; 2.8; 4.0; 1.8; 3.0; 2.4; 4.5; 2.3; 3.4; 2.0; 2.5.

Perception: 3.2; 1.5; 2.4; 3.6; 4.5; 3.0; 3.1; 4.2; 2.9; 3.5; 4.0; 3.0; 4.3; 2.5; 2.9; 3.6; 2.5; 3.2; 2.9; 3.9; 2.7; 3.6; 2.4; 3.0.

Option 2.. 25 students of the 9th grade of one of the schools of the city of Yoshkar-Ola when testing the body hold in His on the crossbar showed the following results (sec): 37, 69, 46, 46, 50, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45 , 36, 35, 36, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 37, 38, 39, 35, 35, 37, 38, 39, 45, and when conducting a test flexion and extension of hands in the stop (count. Times): 39, 68, 34, 35 , 38, 37, 34, 36, 35, 20, 18, 17, 20, 19, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 16, 50, 41, 34, 35. Estimate the closeness of the relationship between these two tests, build a graph of dependency.

Option 3.. Is it possible to say that the opinions of two judges who estimated on competitions on figure skating the performances of men in mandatory exercises were agreed if they put the following assessments in 9 participants:

Judge 1: 4.7, 4.9, 5.1, 5.6, 5.7, 5.3, 5.8, 5.9, 5.5

Judge 2: 4.3, 4.5, 5.3, 5.2, 5.5, 5.5, 5.9, 5.6, 5.7

Option 4.. The data received at competitions on a distance of 15 km for the two groups of skiers: the first goes the distance traditional moves, and the second - the ridge. Compare the numeric characteristics of these two groups (if the data is non-major).

1 grade: 37.02; 36.74; 37.82; 38.12; 36.91; 37.28; 38.21; 37,51; 37.56; 38.25

2 gr .: 35.81; 35.61; 35.02; 35.53; 35.84; 35.12; 26,12; 36.49; 35.62; 36.28.

 De Case Task

Case 1 subtask 1

- values \u200b\u200bin columns G and H (use the logical function "if");
- average value in the G15 cell.
According to the calculations received, set the compliance between the following participants of the Olympics and the number of scored points:
Avilova O. S.
Vasilyeva K. A.
Denisov A. M.








Values \u200b\u200bin column G are calculated by the formula: \u003d If (D4\u003e \u003d 6; B4 + C4 + D4 * 1,2 + E4 + F4; sums (B4: F4)) .
Values \u200b\u200bin column H are calculated by the formula: \u003d If (G4 .
The value in the G15 cell is calculated by the formula: \u003d SRNVOV (G4: G13) .

Thus, Avilova O. S. scored 19 points, Vasilyeva K. A. - 43.4 points, Denisov A. M. - 44.8 points.
Case 1 subtask 2

Students perform 5 tests on computer science. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If no less than 6 points were obtained for test number 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to the estimate "2"; The rating "3" corresponds to the number of points from 20 to 29; estimate "4" - from 30 to 39; Assessment "5" - 40 points and above.

According to the source table, set the correspondence between students' last names:
1) Serov T. V.,
2) Bondarenko D. A.,
3) Golubev V.V.
and the colors of the graphs built according to their estimates.



"Excess" The graph has a blue color.

Case 1 subtaskaya 3

Students perform 5 tests on computer science. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If no less than 6 points were obtained for test number 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to the estimate "2"; The rating "3" corresponds to the number of points from 20 to 29; estimate "4" - from 30 to 39; Assessment "5" - 40 points and above.

Perform sorting in the spreadsheet on the "Evaluation" column descending. Determine the total number of students who have received estimates "3" and "2".


After performing all the calculations and sorting by the "Evaluation" column descending, the source table will take the form:

Thus, the total number of students who received estimates "3" and "2" is equal to 4.

Option 2.

Case 1 subtask 1

Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be reduced).

Enter the formula to the spreadsheet to the electronic table:
- values \u200b\u200bin columns G and H (in both cases use the logical function "if");
- average values \u200b\u200bin cells D15, E15, F15;
- the total amount of points for all participants in the G16 cell.
Using the calculations received, set the compliance between the task numbers and the average results of their solution:
Task number 1.
Task number 2.
Task number 3.








Values \u200b\u200bin cells D15, E15, F15 are calculated according to the formulas:

\u003d D4: D13) ,
\u003d SRNVOV (E4: E13) ,
\u003d SRVNOW (F4: F13) .
After completing all the calculations, the source table will take the form:

Case 1 subtask 2

Programming Olympiad is assessed by the amount of points obtained for each of three tasks, plus 10% of the amount gained for students under the 10th grade. Participants who scored 27 points and more receive a diploma of 1 degree, 25-26 points - a diploma of 2 degrees, 23-24 points - a diploma of 3 degrees. Participants who scored less than 23 points receive incentive letters.

Analyze the diagram below in accordance with the proposed response options.

The diagram shown in the figure displays ...

The option "Distribution of participants in training classes" is not suitable, since in this case there should be two equal sector in the circular diagram (for 8 and 10 classes), and not three.
The option "The contribution of points for each task in the overall result of the winner is not suitable, because the tasks were three, therefore the sectors in the diagram should be three, and not four.
The option "The best results in each nomination" is not suitable, because all four results are different. In addition, to compare individual values, it is advisable to use histograms.
Consider the remaining option "Distribution of participants by categories awarded". The 1st degree diploma was awarded 3 participants, 2nd degrees - 3, 3 degrees - 1, grades - 3.
So, the diagram shown in the figure displays the distribution of participants by categories awarded

Case 1 subtaskaya 3

Programming Olympiad is assessed by the amount of points obtained for each of three tasks, plus 10% of the amount gained for students under the 10th grade. Participants who scored 27 points and more receive a diploma of 1 degree, 25-26 points - a diploma of 2 degrees, 23-24 points - a diploma of 3 degrees. Participants who scored less than 23 points receive incentive letters.

The total result on all participants is equal ...
^ Round the result to one semicolon, for example, 225.5.


After completing the calculations, the source table will take the form:

Thus, the total result on all participants is 241.2.

Option 3.

Case 1 subtask 1

Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be reduced).

Enter the formula to the spreadsheet to the electronic table:
- values \u200b\u200bin columns F and G (to calculate values \u200b\u200bin column G, use the logical function "if");
- average values \u200b\u200bin cells B14, C14, D14, E14;
According to the calculations received, set the compliance between the objects and the average results of the examination on them:
computer science
Russian language








Values \u200b\u200bin column F are calculated by the formula (for string 3): \u003d Amounts (B3: E3)
Values \u200b\u200bin column G are calculated by the formula (for string 3):
\u003d If (and (b3\u003e 24; c3\u003e 28; d3\u003e 25; e3\u003e 34; f3\u003e \u003d 240); "Enroll"; "Refuse")
Values \u200b\u200bin cells B14, C14, D14, E14 are calculated according to the formulas:
\u003d SRNVOV (B3: B12) ,
\u003d C3: C12) ,
\u003d D3: D12) ,
\u003d SRVNOV (E3: E12) ,
After completing the calculations, the source table will take the form:

Thus, the average result of passing the exam in mathematics is 60.8 points, in computer science - 53.8 points, in the Russian language - 58.3 points.

Case 1 subtask 2

Applicants hand over four exam in the form of the exam. The message "Enroll" will come to those applicants that:
- points for each object above the "threshold" value (in mathematics more than 24 points, in physics - more than 28 points, in computer science - more than 25 points, in Russian - more than 34 points);
- The amount of points in all subjects is not less than 240.
The remaining applicants will receive the message "Refuse".

According to the source table, establish the correspondence between the names of applicants: Chernova P., Khasanov R., Denisov V. - and the colors of the graphs built according to their points.

"Excess" The schedule has ______________ color.


"Excess" The graph has red.

Case 1 subtaskaya 3

Applicants hand over four exam in the form of the exam. The message "Enroll" will come to those applicants that:
- points for each object above the "threshold" value (in mathematics more than 24 points, in physics - more than 28 points, in computer science - more than 25 points, in Russian - more than 34 points);
- The amount of points in all subjects is not less than 240.
The remaining applicants will receive the message "Refuse".

Perform sorting in the spreadsheet on the "Size of Points" column descending. Determine the last enrolled applicant and its result.
In the response field, enter through the comma without spaces the surname of this applicant and the amount of its points (for example, Ivanov, 35).

After performing all the calculations and sorting by the "amount of points" column, in descending order, the source table will take the form:

Thus, the last enrolled applicant will be Golubeva V. with the amount of points 246.

What would get the test content Send a request for e-mail 0

№3120 Information technologies in management - 127 questions. Origiz217 - 350 rub

1. Applicants hand over four exam in the form of the exam. The message "Enroll" will come to those applicants that: - points for each object above the "threshold" value (in mathematics more than 24 points, in physics - more than 28 points, in computer science - more than 25 points, in the Russian language - more than 34 points) ; - The amount of points in all subjects is not less than 240. The remaining applicants will receive the message "Refuse". Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be reduced)

2. Applicants hand over four exam in the form of the exam. The message "Enroll" will come to those applicants that: - points for each object above the "threshold" value (in mathematics more than 24 points, in physics - more than 28 points, in computer science - more than 25 points, in the Russian language - more than 34 points) ; - The amount of points in all subjects is not less than 240. The remaining applicants will receive the message "Refuse". According to the source table, establish the correspondence between the names of applicants: Chernova P., Khasanov R., Denisov V. - and the colors of graphs built according to their points

3. Applicants hand over four exam in the form of the exam. The message "Enroll" will come to those applicants that: - points for each object above the "threshold" value (in mathematics more than 24 points, in physics - more than 28 points, in computer science - more than 25 points, in the Russian language - more than 34 points) ; - The amount of points in all subjects is not less than 240. The remaining applicants will receive the message "Refuse". Perform sorting in the spreadsheet on the "Size of Points" column descending. Determine the last enrolled applicant and its result. In the response field, enter through the comma without spaces the surname of this applicant and the amount of its points (for example, Ivanov, 35)

4. Most professionals in the field of business communications believe that the etiquette in the brightest and full form has developed and developed in such a country as

5. In the 60s of the last century, IP was used to control and control, in the 70s - for planning and modeling, and by the 80s have already become applied to making decisions and strategic planning.

6. In UML, the following types of diagrams are distinguished

7. In business communications, the Afront call violation of politeness rules

8. In business communications traditionally accepted the size of the business card for men

9. In the IDEFO model, the function of a specific system, in graphical form, the rectangle is indicated, is

10. As part of the UML modeling language to simulate the behavior of the system objects, during the transition from one state to another, diagrams are used.

11. As part of the UML modeling language, diagrams are used to simulate the system behavior at various uses.

12. As part of the UML modeling language, diagrams are used to model the physical architecture of the system.

13. Due to the fact that launch signs have a bilateral nature, they can be allocated

14. In decision-making support systems, a component that provides simple interaction between users of the system, the database and the reference option is

15. In decision-making systems, the meeting of mathematical and analytical models is

16. In decision-making support systems, the meeting of current or historical data from a number of applications or groups organized for easy access to applications is

17. The mutual location of the interlocutors in space, the choice of a certain distance, the presence or absence between them is important in the business etiquette. Such an organization of space in etiquette is called etiquette _____

18. Evening reception, which begins between 17.00 and 18.00 and lasts about two hours without seating at the table called _____

19. Return of the processed data to the subject of control occurs in the process

20. Enter the terms corresponding to the process of perception, mutual understanding of participants in communication: 1. A method of knowing another person, in which the assumption of its internal state is based on attempts to put itself in the partner of communication partner - _____. 2. Emotional empathy to another person - _____. 3. The mechanism of self-knowledge in the process of communication, which is based on a person's ability to represent how it is perceived by a partner for communication _____. 4. The mechanism of interpreting the actions and feelings of another person (clarification of the causes of the behavior of the object) - Casual _____

21. The choice (the development of algorithms for calculating the transformation of input information on the output is carried out within the following task formation set

22. The division of information systems on strategic, managerial, knowledge and operational is a classification for

23. Suppose you are comfortable. Among the requirements for the applicant, one of the main is its ICT competence. At the interview, you must demonstrate knowledge, skills and skills when working with graphic and text editors, confident use of the Internet. To coding a pixel color in a 24-bit RGB model, hexadecimal intensity values \u200b\u200bof the color component of the RRGGBB format format, where RR is a red code, GG - green code, BB - blue code. The pixel with the code 808080 will correspond to _____ color

24. Suppose you are comfortable. Among the requirements for the applicant, one of the main is its ICT competence. At the interview, you must demonstrate knowledge, skills and skills when working with graphic and text editors, confident use of the Internet. The user is going to download MP3 files from the file sharing. Data transfer rate via ADSL connection is 512 kbps. The free connection time is limited to 5 minutes. The size of one music file on average is 4 MB. Calculate the largest number of files that it will be possible to download for free per session. Time spent on requests, not to take into account; assume that the files can be pumped over each other continuously; The file loaded not completely will not be saved. Assume that 1 kbps \u003d 1000 bits / s

25. Suppose you are arranged to work. Among the requirements for the applicant, one of the main is its ICT competence. At the interview, you must demonstrate knowledge, skills and skills when working with graphic and text editors, confident use of the Internet. The user is going to download from file hosting of MP3 files. Data transfer rate via ADSL connection is 512 kbps. The free connection time is limited to 5 minutes. The size of one music file on average is 4 MB. Calculate the greatest number of files that it will be possible to download for free per session. Time spent on requests, not to take into account; assume that the files can be pumped over each other continuously; The file loaded not by half a life will not be saved. Assume that 1 kbps \u003d 1000 bits / s. Answer: _____

26. Suppose you are arranged to work. Among the requirements for the applicant, one of the main is its ICT competence. At the interview, you must demonstrate knowledge, skills and skills when working with graphic and text editors, confident use of the Internet. To coding a pixel color in a 24-bit RGB model, hexadecimal intensity values \u200b\u200bof the color component of the RRGGBB format format, where RR is a red code, GG - green code, BB - blue code. The pixel with the code 808080 will correspond to _____ color

27. Suppose you are comfortable. Among the requirements for the applicant, one of the main is its ICT competence. At the interview, you must demonstrate knowledge, skills and skills when working with graphic and text editors, confident use of the Internet. The user is going to download MP3 files from the file sharing. Data transfer rate via ADSL connection is 512 kbps. The free connection time is limited to 5 minutes. The size of one music file on average is 4 MB. Calculate the largest number of files that it will be possible to download for free per session. Time spent on requests, not to take into account; assume that the files can be pumped over each other continuously; The file loaded not completely will not be saved. Assume that 1 kbps \u003d 1000 bits / s

28. If there are married couples, the order of the greeting is set as follows: (Install the sequence of events for business etiquette)

29. A hard method of negotiating in business communications is characterized by such a feature as

30. Information systems in the twentieth century. started to be used to control and manage

31. Information systems in the twentieth century. developed into the issuance support system manufactured by order and early strategic planning systems in

32. Information systems in the twentieth century began to be used to control and manage

33. Information systems in the twentieth century began to be used for planning and modeling in

34. Information systems in the twentieth century developed as systems with operational levels designed to perform elementary operations in

35. Information systems in the twentieth century developed as systems with an ex-plutum level designed to perform elementary opa-radiation in

36. Information systems in the twentieth century have developed into a decision-making system manufactured by order and early strategic planning systems in

37. The organization of space in the negotiations includes

38. Refers to speech etiquette

39. Control of the professional level of full-time employees their training is carried out in the next direction of the development of AIS

40. Brief summary of the most important facts and arguments; Expression of sincere thanks for attention; Offer ask questions. All this refers to _____

41. Leaders of groups of programmers and analysts, project managers, physical instruments managers, data transfer managers and heads of paperwork automation groups are

42. The method of building a model of an enterprise, which begins with a general review of the object of the study, and then implies its consistent detail called

43. The model always starts with the presentation of the process as a single functional block with interface arcs, which beyond the limits of the region under consideration, it turns out when using the methodology

44. The soft method of negotiating in business communications is

45. On business meetings, a man from jewelry can only wear an etiquette

46. \u200b\u200bAt international negotiations, the stay does not include

47. It is not customary to indicate on business cards

48. Unchecked information is fixed or collected within the organization or from an external environment in the process

49. Processed data is transmitted to personnel or processes where they will be used in the process.

50. One of the positive consequences of the implementation of information technologies is that the processing of source data and calculation is entrusted

51. Programming Olympiad is estimated at the amount of points obtained for each of three tasks, plus 10% of the amount gained for students under the 10th grade. Participants who scored 27 points and more receive a diploma of 1 degree, 25-26 points - a diploma of 2 degrees, 23-24 points - a diploma of 3 degrees. Participants who scored less than 23 points receive incentive letters. Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be reduced)

52. Programming Olympiad is estimated on the amount of points obtained for each of three tasks, plus 10% of the amount gained for students under the 10th grade. Participants who scored 27 points and more receive a diploma of 1 degree, 25-26 points - a diploma of 2 degrees, 23-24 points - a diploma of 3 degrees. Participants who scored less than 23 points receive incentive letters. Analyze the diagram below in accordance with the proposed response options

53. Programming Olympiad is estimated at the amount of points obtained for each of three tasks, plus 10% of the amount gained for students under the 10th grade. Participants who scored 27 points and more receive a diploma of 1 degree, 25-26 points - a diploma of 2 degrees, 23-24 points - a diploma of 3 degrees. Participants who scored less than 23 points receive incentive letters. The total result on all participants is equal ... round the result to one decimal sign, for example, 225.5

54. Operations to determine the assignment of the task, its goals, periodicity and execution time are carried out within the framework of the following set of operations

55. Operations for determining the composition of the props of output information, the location of the props of output information with the reflection of the con-trolnical example, describing the fields (props of the output document are pro-found within the following task formation set

56. Operations to determine the composition of the props of output information, the location of the props of the output information with the reflection of the control example, the description of the fields (the props of the output document are carried out within the following task formation operations

57. Determine compliance - 7 questions

58. The peculiarity of building a model of an enterprise, consisting in the hierarchical ordering of the allocated elements of the system with the definition of the relationship between them, inherent in the following method

59. The peculiarity of building a model of an enterprise, which consists in using the graphical representation of the relationship between the system elements inherent in the following method

60. The peculiarity of building a model of the enterprise, consisting in the dismemberment of the complex system on the part, represented as "black boxes", each "black box" implements a specific function of the control system, inherent in the following method

61. An estimated factor in appearance for a business woman is

62. The first step towards establishing a business acquaintance is

63. According to the protocol in the seating of passengers next to the driver sits down

64. The concepts "functional block", "Interface arc", "Decomposition", "Glossary" are the main in the methodology

65. Representatives of departments for whom applications are created, with the exception of a group of information systems are

66. Conversion of information in the form, user-friendly occurs in the process

67. When developing business card design, it is necessary to take into account that usually a business card is served

68. Greeting is one of the manifestations of courtesy, represents a special form of mutual respect. Such an element as a handshake came to us from the depths of centuries. At one time he demonstrated the absence of _____ in hand

69. The duration of the presentation must be

70. The negotiation process develops from

71. Work with PEVM leads to (two correct answers)

72. Work on improving the forms of documents processed in the AIS circuit are carried out in the next direction of the development of AIS

73. Place the AIS classes in the chronological order of their appearance

74. The type of AIS, which is characterized by a large amount of source data and the easiability of their processing algorithms is called

75. The type of AIS, providing data processing on an optimization algorithm for solving an economic task called

76. The type of AIS, designed to generate new knowledge that are not contained in the source data is explicitly called

77. The type of AIS, intended to search for and issuing information on the request of the consumer called

78. Development and implementation of methods for monitoring the reliability and completeness of data are carried out in the following direction of the development of AIS

79. Rationalization of technical means according to the bandwidth parameter, the use of progressive funds in the technology recording and storage technology are carried out in the following direction of the development of AIS

80. The Roman citizen could be found in such a binding clothing as

81. From the point of view of a microeconomic theory, information technologies should affect the dimensions of the contracts of them using them

82. From the point of view of a microeconomic theory, information technologies should affect the dimensions of the management costs of their firms using

83. From the point of view of a microeconomic theory, information technologies should affect the number of secondary managers and employees as follows.

84. From the point of view of a microeconomic theory, information technologies affect the dimensions of the contracts of firms using them

85. From the point of view of a microeconomic theory, information technologies affect the dimensions of the management costs of their uses

86. Information fixed on the material carrier in the formalized form are called

87. Information fixed on the material carrier in formalized form are called

88. Information that reduces the a priori user uncertainty in which area is called

89. Decreased time costs (due to control automation) for information processing should lead to

90. Improvement and development of new data processing software are carried out in the next direction of development AIS

91. According to the rule of Moore, computational power of computers doubles every

92. Drawing up a list of input information and the composition of the details of each type of input information, the location of the input information details, the description of the fields (requisite input documents are carried out within the following task formation operations

93. Drawing up a list of input information and composition of details of each type of input information, the location of the input information details, the description of the fields (the details of the input documents are carried out within the framework of the following task formation operations

94. Employees of information systems communicating between a group of information system and the rest of the organization are

95. Employees of information systems that communicate between the information system group and the rest of the organization are

96. Employees of information systems that develop software for a computer are

97. The combination of equipment (computers, software, procedures, documentation, forms and personnel responsible for the input, movement, management and distribution of data and information is

98. The combination of equipment (computers, software, procedures, documentation, forms and personnel responsible for entering, movement, management and distribution of data and information is

99. The specifics of interaction is that each participant has retains its autonomy and can provide self-regulation of its communicative actions. R. Bales combined the observed samples of interaction in four global categories, which record the form of interaction: group the following areas of interaction and main behavioral manifestations

100. Standard reduction "P.C. (Pour Condoleance) ", which, as a rule, is made by a simple pencil in the lower left corner of the card, means _____. (Entertain one or two words)

101.Tudent perform 5 tests on computer science. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If no less than 6 points were obtained for test number 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to the estimate "2"; The rating "3" corresponds to the number of points from 20 to 29; estimate "4" - from 30 to 39; Assessment "5" - 40 points and above. Perform sorting in the spreadsheet on the "Evaluation" column descending. Determine the total number of students who have received estimates "3" and "2"

102.Tustress perform 5 tests on computer science. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If no less than 6 points were obtained for test number 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to the estimate "2"; The rating "3" corresponds to the number of points from 20 to 29; estimate "4" - from 30 to 39; Assessment "5" - 40 points and above. Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be reduced)

103.Tudent perform 5 tests on computer science. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If no less than 6 points were obtained for test number 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to the estimate "2"; The rating "3" corresponds to the number of points from 20 to 29; estimate "4" - from 30 to 39; Assessment "5" - 40 points and above. According to the source table, establish the correspondence between the last names of students: 1) Serov T. V., 2) Bondarenko D. A., 3) Golubev V. V. and the colors of graphs built according to their estimates

104.Tudent perform 5 tests on computer science. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If no less than 6 points were obtained for test number 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to the estimate "2"; The rating "3" corresponds to the number of points from 20 to 29; estimate "4" - from 30 to 39; Assessment "5" - 40 points and above. Perform sorting in the spreadsheet on the "Evaluation" column descending. Determine the total number of students who have received estimates "3" and "2". Answer: _____

105.Students perform 5 tests on computer science. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If no less than 6 points were obtained for test number 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to the estimate "2"; The rating "3" corresponds to the number of points from 20 to 29; estimate "4" - from 30 to 39; Assessment "5" - 40 points and above. Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be reduced). Enter the formula to the electronic table to calculate: - values \u200b\u200bin columns G and H (use the logical function "If"); - average value in the G15 cell. According to the calculations received, set the compliance between the following participants of the Olympiad: 1) Bondarenko D. A., 2) Ignatiev S. A., 3) Kudinov V.S. and the number of points scored by them

106.Teoria Communication develops a whole number of sciences, in particular

107.Type of the letter below: "We ask you to inform when and under what conditions you can supply us 200 sets of equipment" refers to type _____. (Two words, in the nominative case)

108. Typical Question solved by decision-making support systems, consisting in the ability to record, execute, to save, for later use, regularly executed series of commands and messages is formulated as _____ _____. (enter two words

109. ATPICAL QUESTION SUMMARY SYSTEM SYSTEMS SYSTEMS POSSIBILITY WITH POSSIBILITIES PUBLIC SECURITY CONSTRUCTION To subsequent use, regularly executed series of commands and reports is formulated as command _____

110.Typical Question soluble solutions support systems, which consists in identifying for the selected resulting variable of all input variables affecting its value, and estimate the value of the resolution variable at a given change in the input variable, for example, is 1% formulated as an analysis _____

111. Atypical question solved solutions to support decision-making systems, which consists in combining the results obtained in various forecasts or for different models is formulated as

112. Typical question solved solutions to support decision-making systems, which consists in combining the results obtained in various forecasts or for different models is formulated as _____

113. Typical question solved by decision-making support systems, which consists in assessing the change in the output variables in random changes in the input values \u200b\u200bare formulated as an analysis _____

114. Typical Question soluble solutions to support decision-making values \u200b\u200bof controlled input variables that ensure the best value of one or more resulting variables is formulated as _____

115. ATPICAL QUESTION SUMMARY SYSTEMS The decision-making support systems, which consists in directly entering the model of the previously had data and manipulate them in forecasting, is formulated as an analysis _____

116. Ltipical question solved solutions to support decision-making systems, which consists in directly entering the model of the previously had data and manipulating them during forecasting, is an analysis _____

117. Typical issue soluble solutions support systems consisting in comparing the results of two or more predictions made at various input assumptions, or comparing predicted results with valid, called _____

118. Typical question, solutions to decision support systems, consisting in studying the behavior of the resulting variables, depending on the change in the values \u200b\u200bof one or several input variables

119. Typical question soluble solutions to support the behavior of the resulting variables depending on the change in the values \u200b\u200bof one or several input variables is the analysis

120. Typical question, solutions to the decision-making systems, which are in finding the values \u200b\u200bof the input variable, which ensure the desired end result is

121. Typical question, solutions to the decision-making support systems, which are in finding the values \u200b\u200bof the input variable, which provide the desired end result is the analysis

122. Typical question, solutions to the decision-making support systems, which consist in assessing the values \u200b\u200bof the output values \u200b\u200bfor a given set of input variables values \u200b\u200bis

123. Typical question, soluble decision-making systems, which consists in assessing the behavior of the output values \u200b\u200bwhen changing the values \u200b\u200bof input variables is

124.Clide the correct sequence of stages of design of automated information systems

125.Tellite the correct sequence of design stages of forms of input and output documents AIS

126. The successful communication implies feedback - receiving information about the results of interaction. Set the compliance of communication functions when working together to workers in the labor process

127. Incidentally, the difficulties in the negotiations arise due to

№3038 Information technology management - 135 questions. Origiz156 - 350 rub

1. (DB) is a combination of structured data stored in the memory of the computing system and displaying the state of objects and their relationships in the subject area under consideration

2. ... is a complex of special software to manage the download, launch and execution of other (user-defined) programs, as well as to manage computer computing resources.

3. Automated system is a software package that includes an array of legal information and tools for working with it, called

4. Alphabetical list of descriptors with their vocabulary is called

5. Database stored in different nodes of the computer network and logically connected in such a way as to compile a single set of data, called


7. A highlighted workstation for the organization of multicast facsimile, with several fax modem boards is called

8. A selected workstation for an email organization, with electronic mailboxes is called

9. Computing systems with limit characteristics of computing power and information resources are called

10. Urban or rural settlement, municipal district, urban district or internal territory of the city of federal significance is called

11. A group of equivalent or loved ones by the meaning of keywords is called

12. Documented information, access to which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is called

13. Sufficiency of information for making a decision is called

14. The availability of information is the degree of the possibility of obtaining information called

15. Task. Study of age criminal activity in table. The data reflecting the relationship between age and the change in the percentage of persons with the crime. Information about age criminal activity

16. Conclusion of transactions for the purchase or sale of securities or currency assets over the Internet, is called real-time

17. Fill in the schema

18. Fill in Table

19. Registered signals, observations are called

20. The information recorded on the material carrier with details, allowing it to identify, is called

21. Changing any signal parameter in the communication channel in accordance with the current data transmitted values \u200b\u200bis called

22. Integrated management information systems of a territorially distributed corporation based on in-depth analysis analysis, widespread use of information support systems for decision-making, electronic office work, are called

23. INFORMATION SYSTEM - A single storage of documents with the search tool and the issuable documents required by the user is called

24. The information system, which is a comprehensive integrated automated information system intended for the information and analytical support of state and municipal authorities, is called

25. Information technology, as a system of methods and methods of transmission, processing, storage, and providing information based on the use of technical means called

26. Picture

27. Picture

28. Picture

29. Picture

30. Picture

31. Picture

32. Picture

33. Picture

34. Picture

35. Picture

36. Commercial activity, which is aimed at making a profit and based on the integrated automation of the commercial cycle through the use of computer networks is called

37. A complex of language and software tools intended for creating, maintaining and sharing databases by many users is called

38. Computer (program) using a specific resource in a computer network is called

39. Computer (program), managing a certain resource in a computer network, is called

40. A computer that has direct access to the global network is called

41. The computer through which the user gets access to network resources is called

42. Computers that are computing systems intended for the organization of a multiplayer environment are called

43. Models involving the organization of interaction of authorities with citizens are called

44. Data model of some subject area, which is a set of relationships varying in time, is called

45. The model involving the organization of state and municipal procurement via the Internet is called

46. \u200b\u200bThe model involving the provision of information and services from the state and municipal management bodies of economic entities and entrepreneurs through state and municipal Internet portals is called

48. A set of devices and programs that allows you to effectively organize procedures for creating, accumulating, storing, processing and sending electronic documents, called

49. The most significant for the display of the word and phrase document, which possess a call function, is called

50. The largest theoretically achievable amount of information that can be transmitted by the system per unit of time is called

51. The accumulated information about the surrounding reality, recorded on material carriers, ensuring the transfer of information in time and space between consumers to solve specific tasks is called

52. The availability of information in the amount of perception required for the implementation is called

53. The science of management, communication and information processing is called

54. Some digital information that acts as a real equivalent of paper money is called

55. Some formalized semantic system designed to express the content of the document and search query is called

56. Ensuring the client the possibility of managing a bank account over the Internet on the basis of electronic payment systems is called

57. Reverse conversion of the modulated signal into a modulating signal is called

58. Objective unity naturally related to each other objects, phenomena, information, knowledge about nature, society is called

59. Determine compliance 19 questions

60. Organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of information technology documents, including using the funds of computing equipment and communication, implementing information processes called

61. The organizational, socio-economic and scientific and technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting the information needs and the realization of the rights of citizens, state authorities, local governments, organizations - _____

62. The organization of textual information in which the text is a plurality of fragments with explicitly specified associative connections between these fragments, is called

63. Selected documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, foundations, data banks, other information systems) are called

64. Data Pack (Message), which contains in its header the information needed to transmit it from the source to the recipient, regardless of all previous and subsequent messages, is called

65. A pair of programs that interact with each other according to certain rules is called

66. The subsystem, which only knows what data is received by its input and what data are obtained at the output; About the same way data is processed inside it, nothing is known

67. Designed for processing requests from all network workstations Multiplayer computer, providing these stations access to common system resources, is called

68. Software and hardware complex, providing the collection, storage, analysis and provision of territorial-coordinated data based on electronic geographical maps called

69. A software and hardware complex for processing documents and automation of users in control systems is called

70. Programs designed to organize a lightweight user interaction with the computing system in the window dialogue mode, are called

71. Processes for collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching and distributing information are called

72. The network operating on the network is a high-power computer that has software (applications), with which network clients can work, called

73. Information about persons, subjects, facts, sob

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