Memories of the earthquake in Tanshan. The largest earthquakes in China in the XX-XXI centuries


The Tansshan earthquake in its indicators is the second in history after the creepy events in 1556 in Shaanxi, in which over 830000 people died, and 212 Chinese provinces were covered by the destruction.

In the Chinese province of Hebei in the large industrial city of Tangshan, the largest natural catastrophe of the 20th century occurred. It happened in 1976. July 28 at 03:42 Local Time Tangshan experienced the most powerful earthquake of magnitude in 8.2 points. The population of the city was more than 1.2 million inhabitants.

The official statistics of the Government of the People's Republic of China issued such indicators to the people: the number of victims was calculated in 250,000 people, and the magnitude of oscillations is indicated at 7.8 along the 10-Tibal Richter scale. According to other calculations, the number of victims from the incident earthquake comes from 650,000 to 800,000 people.

Residents of the villages noted the strange behavior of dogs that refused food and restlessly loudly. Animals as sensitive seismographs tried to warn about the impending danger, but people easier to write such a strange behavior to the epidemic than to believe in their gift of predictors of natural disasters.

The epicenter of the earthquake was localized at 22-kilometer depth. The city was destroyed in 23 seconds almost to the ground just one shock. They suffered from shock wave and nearby cities - Beijing and Tianjin. In Beijing, up to 100 people were buried alive under the collapsing walls of buildings, and about 800,000 inhabitants received various gravity.

The earthquake destroyed more than 5 million homes, others were so dilapidated that it was impossible to live in them. Repeated underground shocks (Aftershoki) had a 7.1 magnitude, they crushed the city even more and provoked a greater number of victims of this Tanchean tragedy. All the paths of the report were destroyed by taking off the whole population of the city from civilization.

The Chinese Communist Party, overcrowded by intraiser disagreements, did not accept assistance from other states (UN, Red Cross, USA). China for a whole three years kept real information about the tragedy. Apparently, therefore, the numbers of the victims of this catastrophe are so collected. There is reason to believe that the Chinese government deliberately hid and undertakes for this cataclysm 3-4 times.

Damage from the earthquake was evaluated by specialized organizations several million dollars. In the center of Tançany in memory of the tragic July installed Stelu. And the information center-museum, which contains all information about earthquakes, will remind each wishes about the Tanchean spontaneous catastrophe.

This center is unique, because It is the only seismological museum in China. This tragic event was reflected in the plot of the sensational film Feng Syogan - "earthquake".

On May 12, 2008, a strong earthquake occurred in Sichuan province. The epicenter of him was 90 kilometers from the administrative center of the province - County Cities. May 13, the earthquake repeated. According to preliminary data, the number of earthquake victims reached almost 12 thousand people.

December 16, 1920 In the heyuan, the province of Ninxia occurred an earthquake of 8.5 points on the Richter scale. 240 thousand people died, another 20 thousand people died from the cold, having lost her bed. This earthquake was the most large-scale in China on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe affected territories.

May 23, 1927 In the city of Gulang Gansu Province, an earthquake of 8.0 score on the Richter scale occurred. About 200 thousand people died.

December 26, 1932 In the city of Chanma, Gansu Province there was an earthquake of 7.6 score on the Richter scale. More than 70 thousand residents of the city died.

March 8 and 22, 1966 In the city of Catyti, the province of Hebei was recorded underground shocks by force of 6.7 and 7.2 points, respectively. As a result, 8064 people were killed, 38 thousand were injured.

January 5, 1970. An earthquake occurred in the province of Yunnan by force of 7.7 points on the Richter scale. 15621 people died, 32431 were injured.

July 28, 1976 There was the worst earthquake of the century in China. Underground shocks reached the strength of the 7.9 score on the Richter scale. The epicenter was located in the city of Tanshhan Hebei Province, 150 kilometers east of Beijing. 90% of buildings in Tanção were destroyed instantly. After 15 hours, underground shocks repeated. This time they reached the strength of 7.1 points on Richter Shakal. The scale of destruction and the number of victims were unprecedented: the city was practically destroyed. In 1979, 250 thousand dead was officially announced (before that, the data on victims were not reported). In the report placed in the Hong Kong newspaper, reportedly, 655 237 people .

September 21, 1999 An earthquake occurred in Taiwan by force of 7.6 score on the Richter scale. Killed 2295 people. Wounded 8729.

February 24, 2003 In the Xinjiang area, an earthquake of 6.8 points on the Richter scale occurred. The epicenter of the earthquake was located in the Ciashi district, not far from the mountainous border with Kyrgyzstan, at a depth of approximately 33 kilometers. The number of victims exceeded 280 people. More than 4 thousand people were injured, several thousand were declared missing.

November 26, 2005 There was an earthquake in the cities of Jiujiang and Zhuychant Central Province of Jiangxi. Earthquake by force of 5.7 score on the Richter scale took the lives of 14 people, another 377 people were injured. More than 8 thousand buildings (mostly low residential buildings) were destroyed to the ground.

July 22, 2006 An earthquake in Yunnan's province occurred, 90 kilometers from the city of Zhaotun. The power of underground jog reached 5.1 points on the Richter scale. Died at least 13 people and 41 more suffered. Destroyed 56 buildings.

After the destructive earthquake of the last century, the Chinese government abandoned all the proposals for help from other countries and the International Red Cross, so that the world does not recognize the real distress situation. It pretended to abandon international assistance in the form of labor, materials and financial resources, and people who were trapped under the pile of wreckage died, without hope for salvation. Hundreds of thousands of life died as a result of the natural cataclysm. As an organization, the Chinese Communist Party never appreciated human life when it concerned her own power. The story has shown that the cruel and suffocating nature of the Chinese Communist Party never changed and will never change.


( Message Yang Fanya ( Yang Fan) from Beijing for "Voice of America" ) The suffering caused by the tsunami in Asia, here, on which the attention of most Chinese people are still focused. When people talk about the tsunami caused by an earthquake, the conversation often comes to the earthquake in the city of Tanshan ( Tangshan. ) In 1976. The most destructive earthquake of the last century in Beijing, Tianjin ( Tianjin) And Tsanshan, forever remain in the memory of those who survived it.

Every day on television, the Chinese could see dramatic scenes left by the tsunami. And it caused sorrow in the hearts of people for victims, and returned to the memories of the strongest earthquake in Tanshan 28 years ago. Pensioner living in Beijing, Mrs. Qi ( Qi) She said: "We all watched news on television during these past few days. The list of dead continues to grow. Everyone talks about it when they are going together. It is really very sad and it reminds me of an earthquake in Tanshan. Then I was 28 years old and I expected the birth of my second child. We slept, and suddenly in the midst of the night woke up, as our beds were shaking greatly. The husband said that it was an earthquake, so we grabbed the towel, wrapped our child into it and ran out on the street. "

For a few seconds, Tangshan city was demolished to the ground

History will remember the day forever. July 28, 1976 at 3:42 am, an earthquake of 7.8 points hit Tissania, the city of the heavy industry in the north of China. Flashing lightning in the sky and strong noise, similar to Ryuva, were accompanied by a cruel wind. As the land began to shock, the millionth city for a few seconds was demolished from the face of the Earth. Mr. Tang ( Tang ) I remember: "Then I lived in this city. When an earthquake hit the city, almost all the buildings unexpectedly disappeared. The buildings with two or several floors were collapsed. One-story buildings were also collapsed. All my fingers were broken. We lived in a one-story house, and he fell as soon as we managed to jump out. Everything happened very quickly. After several jolts, all the lights went out. Everything was swinging around and collapsed. It was very scary. "

Everywhere there were cries of unfortunate people, as if it was the end of the world

During the earthquake, Mr. Ji Zhipin ( Ji Zhiping. ) It was located as a buyer in the Department of the Tyshan factory for the production of internal combustion engines. He is the only family who remained alive. He told that he felt strong jolts and was buried under the destroyed building before he even understood what happened. Fortunately, the bike at the top separated it from fallen ruins, giving the opportunity to breathe. But the legs were clamped between two plates, and he could not move. He said: "The situation was so tragic. People were buried alive. They came the shouts and moans of people who were still alive. They were very sorry. In the district, several dozen buildings were destroyed and several thousand people were buried under them. Shouts were dried everywhere As if it was the end of the world. "

The most devastating earthquake of the 20th century

Since the center of the earthquake was only 16 kilometers (approximately 10 miles) below the surface of the Earth, the number of victims was huge. According to the information shown in the book Big earthquake Tançany The earthquake power 400 times higher than the strength of the atomic bomb released on Hiroshima in Japan. According to Chinese official reports, 242,000 people died during the earthquake in Tanção, Tianjin, Beijing and nearby areas, and more than 164,000 people were seriously injured. The earthquake completely destroyed the city of Tangshan, and the damage was more than 10 billion yuan (Chinese currency). It was the most destructive earthquake of the 20th century.

The Chinese government refused to help

After the earthquake, many countries offered their financial assistance and everything necessary to help people in areas affected by a natural disaster, but the Chinese government refused all kinds of assistance. However, in distress areas, something has never seen anything before: shelters for earthquake victims. All public areas, such as stadiums, university towns, sidewalks, and even Tiananiman Square were filled with temporary aspirations for victims. For a long time after the earthquake, many of the inhabitants of Beijing, Tianjin and Tançany were forced to live in these shelters. The author of this article lived in such a shelter since 1976 to 1980, where several stages of his life passed, such as the end of the college and marriage. Mrs. Qi, which was mentioned earlier, gave birth to a second child in such asylum.

From all countries of the world, China is obviously susceptible to the greatest risk of suffering from earthquakes. The vulnerability of the country before natural disasters is explained by the movement of two plates of tectonic origin, moved away from each other: the Indian plate responsible for the formation of the Himalayas and moving in the northeast direction, as well as the Pacific plate moving to the West and gradually leaving the Eurasian stove.

Therefore, seismology in China has a long history. But, despite the modern warning system, an earthquake in Tanynan (Industrial Center), which was 149 km southeastern Bacyin (Beijing), was a complete surprise for many. First, according to scientists, Tanshhan was outside the high risk zone, and at the time the status of scientific knowledge was attached to this conclusion. Secondly, the warning system did not work properly.
Underground mining
The earthquake of 7.8 score on the Richter scale occurred on July 28, 1976 at 03 hours and 40 minutes. In the city of Tanshhan with a population of 1.6 million people at this time almost all slept. Many died immediately, crushed by stone blocks of collapsed buildings. Tanshan was an important center of the mining industry. Underground mines on the territory of the city and around him only provoked even greater destruction.

During the first few hours, any attempts to provide effective aid could be speeches. This became possible only with the onset of dawn. A huge problem was access to the city: all the roads, with the exception of one, were blocked. Unfortunately, on this misfortunes were not over: after 15 hours after the first shock, the second, incredibly powerful Aftershock by force of 7.1 points, buried under the wreckage of workers to cleales and those who were trapped, survived after the first shock.

Piles of tel
The bodies of the dead were stacked, and then quickly buried. But because of the hurry, from which burial was conducted, in the following years the problem arose from time to time: during heavy rains, fragments of human bodies appeared from the Earth, which were needed to quickly be reburied. Later, the Chinese authorities officially announced 250,000 dead, although many are the opinions that this figure is much higher - about 500,000. 100,000 people were gained to conduct rescue work, they were included in their number both military and volunteers. Over the country sounded a call about providing material assistance.

The wave of destruction rolled not only through the territory of Tanshan. In the province of Hebei, several districts were injured, Port Tianjin, located 100 km south-west Tançany, was also forced to count the losses. The shocks were felt on the territory of Bacein (Beijing). Many people were forced to spend the night in the tents for a long time due to the danger of building collaps.

At that time, the alert system had four categories: from advance alarm to a sudden threat. As a rule, the population is notified only in the latter case. In the summer of 1976, the results of seismological studies pointed to the potential possibility of an earthquake, but then no one had a feeling of hung threat. The information was sent to the regional and local authorities. Further studies have shown that half of the population of Tançany still knew about the prevention, which was separated by Molva. However, people did not treat him seriously for only the reason that it proceeded not from the authorities.

Fighting for power
Outside of China, for a long time, no one knew about the earthquake itself or his consequences. Information about terrible disaster leaked through diplomats and correspondents in Bajin. But the authorities closed access to foreigners to the affected areas, and also abandoned all types of assistance offered by him. Moreover, the time of the earthquake coincided with the beginning of the struggle for power in the highest Chinese leadership. The Chairman of Mao Zedong seriously ached, for this reason the real power was focused in the hands of the four leaders of the Communist Party, including the wife of Mao Zedun. However, among the members of the highest echelon, the authorities were severely dissatisfied with the "gang of four" politics, - as they later died. Mao died on September 9, 1976. His official successor was Hua Tofen, who was in this post due to the powerful person - Dan Xiaopin, who arrested the "gang of four" and sentenced them to death immediately after the death of Mao. Hua Tofen, as part of a government visit, visited Tangshan on August 4.

The restoration of the city began immediately after the earthquake and was completed in a short time. An example for comparison can be the following: after the 1906 earthquake for the restoration of San Francisco, took 30 years. Tangshan was restored for 10 years. Today, the city, numbering 7 million inhabitants, is one of the most prosperous cities in China. In addition, he received the Award "Celenee City of China". In the center of the city, the victims of the earthquake was established by a monument.

We offer to take a look at the report of the Genological Society of London on the strongest earthquakes over the past 100 years. Armenia, USA, Japan, China, Chile and others - all these countries suffered from natural cataclysms.

At 5:12 am in San Francisco there was a powerful earthquake, the magnitude of which was 7.8 points on the Richter scale. Underground shocks were felt even in the center of Nevada, located in the depths of the continent. As a result of this catastrophe, almost 80% of buildings in the city of San Francisco were destroyed, 300,000 people were left without bed, 3000 - died.

The epicenter of the earthquake of magnitude of 7.5 points was located in the Strait between Sicily and the Apennine Peninsula. As a result of this earthquake, which is considered the most powerful European earthquake, the city of Messina and Reggio Calabria were almost completely destroyed. In Messina, almost half of the inhabitants died. The total number of dead is estimated at 70-100 thousand people (some sources call the figure to 200 thousand).

This earthquake of the magnitude of 8.3 points is also called the Great Earthquake Kanto, since the province of Japanese Kanto most of all suffered from the impact of the element. During the two days, 356 underground jokes occurred, and the height of the tsunami in the Bay of Sagami reached 12 meters. The number of dead in that catastrophe is estimated at 142,800 people.

4. Quetta, Pakistan, 1936.

The earthquake completely destroyed the city infrastructure, the number of dead amounted to almost 40,000 people, and the damage was estimated at $ 25 million.

5. Concepcion, Chile, 1939.

Magnid of underground jokes amounted to 8.3 points. 28,000 people died, the damage was almost 100 million dollars.

This city regularly has to worry powerful earthquakes. In 1939, the element claimed life from 36 to 39 thousand people.

The earthquake of magnitude 5.9 points lasted only 15 seconds, but the number of dead was 15 thousand people, 12 thousand were injured, 35 thousand were left without bed.

8. Chimbote, Peru, 1970.

The earthquake of the magnitude of 7.7 points seriously damaged the enterprise of the fishing industry, which caused unemployment and impoverishment of the population over several years. During the earthquake itself, 67 thousand people died, and the damage was 550 million dollars.

This earthquake of magnitude in 8.2 points is considered one of the largest victims in the history of observations. Then the element took more than 650 thousand lives.

As a result of the earthquake, more than 22 thousand people died with a magnitude of 7.5 points, and 70 thousand were injured. Damage amounted to 1.1 billion dollars.

This earthquake of magnitude 8.1 points is considered one of America's most destructive earthquakes. The number of those who died then amounted to 9 thousand people, 30 thousand and 100 thousand were wounded left without bed.

The magnitude of the catastrophic evacuation earthquake was 7.2 points. The city of Sitak and another 58 villages were completely destroyed. The number of dead amounted to 25 thousand people, and 514 thousand were left without bed. Damage was estimated at $ 14 billion.

The earthquake, the magnitude of which was 7.1 points, occurred right before the start of the Baseball game "World Series", so in the USA this earthquake is called the "earthquake of the world series". Compared to other dead earthquakes, there were not much of the dead: 68 people. Underground shocks completely destroyed a whole network of roads, and the total material damage was $ 6 billion.

The magnitude of underground jokes was 7.3 points. 6434 people died, the damage was 200 million dollars.

The magnitude of 7.6 points, the number of victims amounted to 17217 people, over 43 thousand were injured. The earthquake provoked a fire at an oil refinery, which took place for several days. The total damage amounted to $ 25 billion.

The magnitude was 9.1 points. As a result of the earthquake, the most deadly in modern history, which was reduced by almost 300,000 people. The monstrous earthquake changed the speed of rotation of the Earth, which is why the day became shorter than 2.68 μs.

The magnitude of the powerful was 8.8 points, the total number of dead reached almost 800 people. As a result of the earthquake, the tsunami appeared, even before Australia.

Magnid to 9.1 points is in the entire history of observations. On March 14, official sources report almost 5,000 dead, but this figure is not final.

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