Daniel Defo "Life and the extraordinary amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo" - a document. Daniel Defo "Life and extraordinary amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo" - Document How many years old Robinson parrot lived

Visiting Robinson Cruzo:

carousel game for mid-school students

according to the novel, D.Defo

February 2, 1709 from Masa-Tierra Island Removed lived there, alone, more than four years Alexandra Selkirkawho became the prototype of Robinson Cruzo.

And after 10 years, in 1719. Famous Roman came out Daniel Defo "Life and the extraordinary amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo", i.e. the book for more than 285 years. And she cost, appearing, not at all cheaply - 5 shillings. Related readers had to postpone shillings gradually, because to read the book wanted everyone who only knew how to read.

The author of the book was English writer D. D. D., who himself had sixty years by the moment of writing the book, sixty years of adventure. He was born in London in 1660His father was a small merchant, and the young man after the end of the college was prepared for a preacher's career. As a child, he witnessed the epidemic of the plague and a large London Fire. Inquisitive, brave, enterprising, DEFE changed a lot of various activities in his century. I traveled a lot in Europe, I visited my pirates, tried tirelessly to get rich, engaged in trade, ruined, I went to prison for debts, thirteen times I got rich and was again poor. Participated in political struggle and even uprising. For angry pamphlets against the Anglican Church and the government, he was subjected to fines, imprisonment and once - an unforgettable humiliation: stood in pads in a shameful pillar. He was in the public service, served secret orders - he was an English spy in Scotland. I published the newspaper "Review", as well as posts by the Treasurer of the Royal Lottery's Treasurer.

And on the slope of years, the will of the circumstances remaining out of politics, D.Defo to the four hundred works already available in his writing baggage added and became the most famous - "life and extraordinary amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo." At the request of readers, DEFO soon published two continuations: "Further adventures of Robinson Cruzo" and "Serious reflections during the life and amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo." There were no loud success of continuing and were not worthy of him.

So far, no one knows: why at the seventy-year-old age defo left his house in the suburbs of London and hid in secret refuge. He died on April 26, 1731.

Questions Quiz:

    What country lived Robinson Cruzo? /England/

    When Robinson Cruzo went on a trip, running out of the house?

    How old was the hero of the book when he first went to the maritime journey? /eighteen/

    Who was the prototype R. Cruzo? / Alexander Selkirk /

    Where was the uninhabited island, where Robinson Crusoe was thrown after shipwreck? / Off the coast of South America in the Atlantic Ocean /

    Where did I spend my first night on the island R. Cruzo? /On the tree/

    Where did Robinson have workers and guns on the uninhabited island? / Crossed from a broken ship /

    What animals took R. Cruzo from the ship? / Two cats and dog /

    How R. Cruzo Transfer Products and Things from Ship to Store? / On the raft /

    Where did you choose a robinz place for the home and why? / on the hillside /

    What animals were found on the island of R. Cruzo? / goats, turtles, birds /

    What edible fruits grew on the island? / Melon, grapes, lemons /

    As noted by R. Cruise stays on the island? / did hell on the post /

    How did R. Cruzo is the island, to which he got? / Despair Island /

    Whom of the first animals on the island tamed Robinson Cruzo? / goat /

    What the first thing with my own hands made R. Cruzo? /raft/

    What took Robinson with him, leaving the island? / umbrella and cap /

    What clothes did Robinson go? / When shirts and pants were worn out, she sewed his clothes from the skins of animals killed by him /

    Why is the umbrella and clothes R. Cruzo sewed the fur outside? / for rainwater stamped, and not absorbed /

    How many boats built Robinson Cruzo? / Two /

    What was the name of Robinson's Parrot Cruzo? / Ass /

    How many years did the parrot live with Robinzon on the island? / 26 /

    What did R. Cruzo use to enter his dwelling? / Power ladder /

    How many housing was R.Kruzo, what were they from? /Two; from sails /

    What grain crops sown Robinson on his island? / Rice, barley /

    When Robinson is born to yourself the first cakes from the grain? / for the 4th year of life on the island /

    How many years did Friday live with R. Cruzo on the island? /five/

    How old was Robinson on the island? / 28 /

    What did Robinson do to scare away birds that harm him harvest? / hung rapid birds on a high pillar /

    What kind of kitchen dishes used R. Cruzo? / Clay /

    Which phrase taught R. Cruzo parrot? / Poor, poor Robinson /

    As R. Cruise saved by the savage and why? /Friday/

    Who robinson took with him, leaving the island? / Friday and parrot /

    Thanks to R. Cruzo, living on a desert island, managed to stay alive? / Work, energy, perseverance /

    How did R. Cruzo managed to leave the island? / On the ship whose team rebelled and they stuck to the shore to land captain /

    Who saved from Robinson on Island? / 2 savages and one Spaniard from eats by cannibals /

    What happened to R. Cruzo, after he left the island? / Returned to England, rich, married /

    Where R. Cruzo kept his stocks? /In a cave /

    Who, by the will of the Father, should be r. Cruzo? / Lawyer /

    What made a shovel R. Cruzo? / Iron Tree /

    What country lived Robinson Cruzo?

    When Robinson Cruzo went on a trip, running out of the house?

    How old was the hero of the book when he first went to the maritime journey?

    Who was the prototype R. Cruzo?

    Where was the uninhabited island, where Robinson Crusoe was thrown after the shipwreck?

    Where did I spend my first night on the island R. Cruzo?

    Where did Robinson have workers and guns on the uninhabited island?

    What animals took R. Cruzo from the ship?

    How did R. Cruzo delivered foods and things from the ship to the shore?

    Where did you choose a robinz place for the home and why?

    What animals were found on the island of R. Cruzo?

    What edible fruits grew on the island?

    As noted by R. Cruise stays on the island?

    How did R. Cruzo is the island, to which he got?

    Whom of the first animals on the island tamed R. Kruzo?

    What the first thing with my own hands made R. Cruzo?

    What took with him R. Cruzo, leaving the island?

    What clothes did Robinson go?

    Why is the umbrella and clothes R. Cruzo sewed the fur outside?

    How many boats built Robinson Cruzo?

    What was the name of Robinson's Parrot Cruzo?

    How many years did the parrot live with Robinzon on the island?

    What did R. Cruzo use to enter his dwelling?

    How many housing was R. Cruzo, what did he do them?

    What grain crops sown Robinson on his island?

    When Robinson is born to yourself the first cakes from the grain?

    How many years Friday lived with Robinson on the island?

    How old was Robinson on the island?

    Where did Robinson kept its reserves?

    What did Robinson do to scare away birds that harm him harvest?

    What kind of dishes used Robinson Cruzo?

    Which phrase taught Robinson Cruzo parrot?

    How did Robinson called the Saviar saved by him and why?

    Who robinson took with him, leaving the island?

    Thanks to R. Cruzo, living on a desert island, managed to stay alive?

    How could Robinson leave the island?

    Who saved from Robinson on Island?

    What happened to R. Cruzo, after he left the island? /

    Who should be R. Cruzo in the will of the Father?

    What made myself a shovel R. Cruzo? / Iron Wood /

We all know the exciting story about Robinson Cruzo. But few people thought about how his name is, and here we are not talking about the prototype of the hero, but about the fact that neither Robinson neither Cruzo is names, these are two surnames. In the novel, it is said that Robinzon is a maternal surname, and Cruzo is the surname of the Father of German. The story is conducted on behalf of the hero, but the heroes are not directly submitted. We can only recognize his name from the dialogues described, so buddy on the ship calls his bob. Parrot calls his Robin Cruzo. It can be concluded that his name is Robinson, according to the mother's name, and, accordingly, all derivatives of Robin, Bob. And Cruzo is his last name.

The prototype of the hero is the Englishman Alexander Selkirk, English Sailor. He spent on the island for about 5 years, not 28 as in the novel.

What was the name of Robinson's Parrot Cruzo?

Perhaps the favorite creature on Robin island was the parrot he tamed. The first word that Bob heard on the island of the aliens was "ass", this was exactly the name for the parrot. In the novel, this name is mentioned several times. And very often Robinzon talks about his friend, he was not just an occupation, but pleasure for a wild man. The fact that the parrot has a name, and other animals do not have, it is very symbolic, it shows how it was important for a living chat for Robin.

What was the name of Robinson's dog Cruzo?

In contrast to the parrot, Robinson does not call a dog by name in his notes. My dog \u200b\u200band my dog, it's all as calling her Robin. The name is also not indicated by the author during the narration. According to the verbs that use the Bob of the Diary:

  • she jumped and swam
  • she was and she replaced
  • she died.

It can be assumed that the dog without behalf and Robinson calls her just "dog". Perhaps she has no name because, in the novel, names are given only to those who know how to talk, who allows not to forget the hero of the human language. And maybe because initially when she lived on a ship, the dog did not have a name. Although it is very rarely talking about it, but it can be seen as she was Robinzon's road.

Tired of a sad existence and he decided to go to serve the sailor of a military fleet. During the service, he walked a lot across the oceans and seas, repeatedly participated in maritime battles and as a result he got into the team to the famous pirate, captain Damperu. Then the restless Alexander served in several teams of ships, after which he stopped on the frigate of the captain of Stredling, who made a capable young assistant.

Pirate ship with Selkirk on board suffered a light wreck in May 1704, when the storm made it to the island of Mas-A-Tierra, where the frigate was forced to become anchored.

After the crash, Alexander remained on the shore with a weapon, an ax, blanket, tobacco and a pylon pipe. Alexander flew into despair: he had no food, no fresh water, and the guy did not have anything left, except to put a bullet in his head. However, the sailor rearrange himself and decided to explore the island. In his depth, he discovered a stunning variety of flora and fauna - Alexander began to hunt on wild goats and sea turtles, caught fish and mined fire by friction. So he is five years old, after which he picked up a warship.

Books on Alexander Selkirka

The first book about the adventures of Alexander Selkirka, "industrial swimming around the world" was written by Woods Rogers in 1712. Then the former sailor himself wrote a book called "Interference of Providence, or an unusual description of the adventures of Alexander Selkirka, written by his own hand."

The autobiographical book of the future Robinson Cruzo did not become popular - apparently because Selkirk was still a sailor, not a writer.

The book "The Life and Unusual Adventures of Robinson Cruzo, Robinson from York, who lived 28 years old on a deserted island," was written by Daniel Defo in 1719. Many readers learned in the main hero of the book, which became the world famous, Alexander Selkirka, a forced hermit from the island of Mas-A-Tierra. Daniel Defo himself repeatedly confirmed his acquaintance with Selkirk, whose history was used by a writer in his book. Thanks to the defense, the live prototype of Robinson Cruzo was set up a monument in his homeland - the Scottish village of Largo.

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Alexander Selkirk differed in a bad character. Unlike Robinson Cruzo, he was not a victim of shipwreck. After the next scandal between the Selkir and the Captain of the Pirate Ship ship, the rebellious boots was on the shore. Yes, and Alexander himself was not against this, because in the midst of the dispute, he stated that the ship needs urgent repair, and he did not intend to expose his life to unnecessary risk.

The captain of the ship William Dumpier gave the order to leave the scandalist on the island of Mas-A-A-Tierra, where the team replenished their supply of drinking water.

Alexander Selkirk was even glad that he was freed. He knew that the vessel was constantly moored to this island, so he did not doubt the moment that he would be taken aboard in very soon. If the wayward boatswain knew at the time that he would have to spend here alone 52 months, it would probably behave more carefully.

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Visiting Robinson Cruzo:

carousel game for mid-school students

according to the novel, D.Defo
February 2, 1709 from Masa-Tierra Island Removed lived there, alone, more than four years Alexandra Selkirkawho became the prototype of Robinson Cruzo.

And after 10 years, in 1719. Famous Roman came out Daniel Defo "Life and the extraordinary amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo", i.e. the book for more than 285 years. And she cost, appearing, not at all cheaply - 5 shillings. Related readers had to postpone shillings gradually, because to read the book wanted everyone who only knew how to read.

The author of the book was English writer D. D. D., who himself had sixty years by the moment of writing the book, sixty years of adventure. He was born in London in 1660His father was a small merchant, and the young man after the end of the college was prepared for a preacher's career. As a child, he witnessed the epidemic of the plague and a large London Fire. Inquisitive, brave, enterprising, DEFE changed a lot of various activities in his century. I traveled a lot in Europe, I visited my pirates, tried tirelessly to get rich, engaged in trade, ruined, I went to prison for debts, thirteen times I got rich and was again poor. Participated in political struggle and even uprising. For angry pamphlets against the Anglican Church and the government, he was subjected to fines, imprisonment and once - an unforgettable humiliation: stood in pads in a shameful pillar. He was in the public service, served secret orders - he was an English spy in Scotland. I published the newspaper "Review", as well as posts by the Treasurer of the Royal Lottery's Treasurer.

And on the slope of years, the will of the circumstances remaining out of politics, D.Defo to the four hundred works already available in his writing baggage added and became the most famous - "life and extraordinary amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo." At the request of readers, DEFO soon published two continuations: "Further adventures of Robinson Cruzo" and "Serious reflections during the life and amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo." There were no loud success of continuing and were not worthy of him.

So far, no one knows: why at the seventy-year-old age defo left his house in the suburbs of London and hid in secret refuge. He died on April 26, 1731.
Questions Quiz:

  1. What country lived Robinson Cruzo? /England/

/ September 1, 1651 /

  1. How old was the hero of the book when he first went to the maritime journey? /eighteen/

  2. Who was the prototype R. Cruzo? / Alexander Selkirk /

  3. Where was the uninhabited island, where Robinson Crusoe was thrown after shipwreck? / Off the coast of South America in the Atlantic Ocean /

  4. Where did I spend my first night on the island R. Cruzo? /On the tree/

  5. Where did Robinson have workers and guns on the uninhabited island? / Crossed from a broken ship /

  6. What animals took R. Cruzo from the ship? / Two cats and dog /

  7. How R. Cruzo Transfer Products and Things from Ship to Store? / On the raft /

  8. Where did you choose a robinz place for the home and why? / on the hillside /

  9. What animals were found on the island of R. Cruzo? / goats, turtles, birds /

  10. What edible fruits grew on the island? / Melon, grapes, lemons /

  11. As noted by R. Cruise stays on the island? / did hell on the post /

  12. How did R. Cruzo is the island, to which he got? / Despair Island /

  13. Whom of the first animals on the island tamed Robinson Cruzo? / goat /

  14. What the first thing with my own hands made R. Cruzo? /raft/

  15. What took Robinson with him, leaving the island? / umbrella and cap /

  16. What clothes did Robinson go? / When shirts and pants were worn out, she sewed his clothes from the skins of animals killed by him /

  17. Why is the umbrella and clothes R. Cruzo sewed the fur outside? / for rainwater stamped, and not absorbed /

  18. How many boats built Robinson Cruzo? / Two /

  19. What was the name of Robinson's Parrot Cruzo? / Ass /

  20. How many years did the parrot live with Robinzon on the island? / 26 /

  21. What did R. Cruzo use to enter his dwelling? / Power ladder /

  22. How many housing was R.Kruzo, what were they from? /Two; from sails /

  23. What grain crops sown Robinson on his island? / Rice, barley /

  24. When Robinson is born to yourself the first cakes from the grain? / for the 4th year of life on the island /

  25. How many years did Friday live with R. Cruzo on the island? /five/

  26. How old was Robinson on the island? / 28 /

  27. What did Robinson do to scare away birds that harm him harvest? / hung rapid birds on a high pillar /

  28. What kind of kitchen dishes used R. Cruzo? / Clay /

  29. Which phrase taught R. Cruzo parrot? / Poor, poor Robinson /

  30. As R. Cruise saved by the savage and why? /Friday/

  31. Who robinson took with him, leaving the island? / Friday and parrot /

  32. Thanks to R. Cruzo, living on a desert island, managed to stay alive? / Work, energy, perseverance /

  33. How did R. Cruzo managed to leave the island? / On the ship whose team rebelled and they stuck to the shore to land captain /

  34. Who saved from Robinson on Island? / 2 savages and one Spaniard from eats by cannibals /

  35. What happened to R. Cruzo, after he left the island? / Returned to England, rich, married /

  36. Where R. Cruzo kept his stocks? /In a cave /

  37. Who, by the will of the Father, should be r. Cruzo? / Lawyer /

  38. What made a shovel R. Cruzo? / Iron Tree /

  • What country lived Robinson Cruzo?

  • When Robinson Cruzo went on a trip, running out of the house?

  • How old was the hero of the book when he first went to the maritime journey?

  • Who was the prototype R. Cruzo?

  • Where was the uninhabited island, where Robinson Crusoe was thrown after the shipwreck?

  • Where did I spend my first night on the island R. Cruzo?

  • Where did Robinson have workers and guns on the uninhabited island?

  • What animals took R. Cruzo from the ship?

  • How did R. Cruzo delivered foods and things from the ship to the shore?

  • Where did you choose a robinz place for the home and why?

  • What animals were found on the island of R. Cruzo?

  • What edible fruits grew on the island?

  • As noted by R. Cruise stays on the island?

  • How did R. Cruzo is the island, to which he got?

  • Whom of the first animals on the island tamed R. Kruzo?

  • What the first thing with my own hands made R. Cruzo?

  • What took with him R. Cruzo, leaving the island?

  • What clothes did Robinson go?

  • Why is the umbrella and clothes R. Cruzo sewed the fur outside?

  • How many boats built Robinson Cruzo?

  • What was the name of Robinson's Parrot Cruzo?

  • How many years did the parrot live with Robinzon on the island?

  • What did R. Cruzo use to enter his dwelling?

  • How many housing was R. Cruzo, what did he do them?

  • What grain crops sown Robinson on his island?

  • When Robinson is born to yourself the first cakes from the grain?

  • How many years Friday lived with Robinson on the island?

  • How old was Robinson on the island?

  • Where did Robinson kept its reserves?

  • What did Robinson do to scare away birds that harm him harvest?

  • What kind of dishes used Robinson Cruzo?

  • Which phrase taught Robinson Cruzo parrot?

  • How did Robinson called the Saviar saved by him and why?

  • Who robinson took with him, leaving the island?

  • Thanks to R. Cruzo, living on a desert island, managed to stay alive?

  • How could Robinson leave the island?

  • Who saved from Robinson on Island?

  • What happened to R. Cruzo, after he left the island? /

  • Who should be R. Cruzo in the will of the Father?

  • What made myself a shovel R. Cruzo? / Iron Wood /
page 1
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