Official instruction class. Official duties of the class teacher

The teacher, acting as the head of the children's team, implements its functions relative to both the class as a whole and individual students. It solves the tasks in accordance with the specifics of the age of children who have developed between them relationships, building relationships with each child, taking into account its individual characteristics. The main thing in the activities of the class teacher is to promote self-development, the implementation of its creative potential, ensuring active social protection of the child, the creation of necessary and sufficient conditions for the intensification of children's efforts to solve their own problems.

First level - pedagogical and socio-humanitarian functions, which relate to the group target.

These functions are aimed at creating conditions for social development of students, focused on helping the child both in solving its current personal problems and in preparing for independent life. Among them, it is necessary to allocate three, determining the main content of the activity of the class teacher: education of students; Social protection of a child from adverse environmental impacts; Integration of efforts of all teachers to achieve the educational tasks. Among them, the priority is the function of the social protection of the child.

Under social protection is a targeted, consciously regulated at all levels of society, a system of practical social, political, legal, psychological and pedagogical, economic and environmental measures that ensure normal conditions and resources for the physical, mental and spiritual and moral development of children, preventing the infringement of their rights and human dignity.

The implementation of this function involves ensuring conditions for the adequate development of the child in existing socio-economic conditions. The activity of the class teacher on the social protection of the child is not only a direct artist, but also a coordinator that helps to get children and their parents social support and social services.

Social protection as a class of class teacher is, first of all, a complex of psychological and pedagogical measures that ensure the optimal social development of the child and the formation of its individuality, adaptation to existing socio-economic conditions. By implementing this feature, it must, solve sharp momentary problems, be ready to advance the events and, relying on the exact forecast, to remove those problems and difficulties from the child that in front of it may arise.

It is advisable to consider social protection in the activities of the class teacher in a wide and narrow sense of the word. In the latter, this is an activity aimed at protecting children who were in particularly difficult. These are children from large families, disabled children, orphans, refugees, etc., which are more than others need emergency social protection. In the broad sense of the word, the object of social protection, social guarantees are all children, regardless of their origin, the well-being of parents and livelihoods. Of course, it remains an undeniable principle of a differentiated approach to various categories of children, and priority must be given to the most unprotected categories of children from low-income families or families from risk groups.

To achieve the goals of education and social protection of students, the class teacher must solve a number of private tasks related to the formation of student relations with their peers in the classroom (organization of the collective, its cohesion, activation, self-government development). These tasks determine the second level of its functions - socio-psychologicalto which applies above all organizory.

The main purpose of the organizational function is to support the positive children's initiative related to the improvement of the life of the region, microenvironment, schools and schoolchildren themselves. In other words, the class teacher does not so much organizes students as they assist them in self-organization of various activities: cognitive, labor, aesthetic, as well as free communication, which is part of leisure.

An important feature at this level seems collapse teams, actor not as an end in itself, but as a way to achieve the goals set before the class. One of the tasks of the class teacher is the development of student self-government.

The third level of the functions of the class teacher expresses the requirements arising from the logic of the activity of the entity of the management of the educational process. it management functionsTo which include: diagnostic, goaling, planning, control and correction.

Sales diagnostic Functions implies the identification of the original source level and constant monitoring of changes in students' pupils. It is aimed at studying and analyzing the identity and individuality of the child, to search for the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the results and on the characteristics of a holistic pedagogical process.

By implementing a diagnostic function, a class manager may pursue a double goal: first, to determine the effectiveness of its activities, secondly, the diagnosis from the study instrument can turn into a tool for the development of the child's individuality.

Function keeping It can be viewed as a collaborative development of educational activities with students. The share of the class teacher in this process depends on the age of schoolchildren and the level of formation of the class team.

The objectives of the educational process determine the tasks of controlling the process of developing the child's personality. They can be divided into common and private. General are specified in accordance with the main areas of social relations, which include a child, and privately related to the organization of students.

Children's logic is reflected in the process. planning Class leader's activities. Planning is the help of the class teacher to itself and the class team in the rational organization of activity. The appointment of the plan is to streamline pedagogical activities, ensuring the implementation of such requirements for the pedagogical process, as a systematicness and systematicity, handling and continuity of the results.

In planning it is important to close cooperation of the class teacher with a class team. At the same time, the degree of participation of children depends on their age. Planning follows what leads to the goal. Since goals are defined as strategic and tactical, then plans can be strategic, or promising, tactical, or workers.

The main objective of the function control and correction In the work of the class teacher, it is to ensure the constant development of the educational system.

The implementation of the control function involves identifying, on the one hand, positive results, and on the other hand, the causes of the shortcomings and the problems arising in the process. Based on the analysis of the results of the control, the work of the class teacher is carried out both in the class as a whole and with a specific group of students or a separate student. Control of the work of the class teacher is not so much control by the school administration, how much is self-control for the purpose of correction. Correction is always a joint activity of the class teacher and the team of the class as a whole, a group or individual disciples.

The considered levels of functions determine the content of the activity of the class teacher.

Class leader's rights. Class leader is an administrative person. He has the right:

Receive information about the mental and physical health of children;

Control the performance of each student;

Monitor the attendance of training sessions by children;

Coordinate and direct in a single bed the work of teachers of this class (as well as a psychologist and social teacher);

Organize educational work with graduates of a class through "small pedal counters", pedagogical consultations, thematic and other events;

To take place for consideration by the Administration, the School Council proposals agreed with the Collate of Class;

Invite parents (or those who replace them) to school; In coordination with the administration, contact the Commission on Minors, to the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission, to the Commission and the Tips for Family Family and School in enterprises, solving issues related to the upbringing and learning of students;

Receive help from the pedagogical team of the school;

Determine the individual mode of operation with children (freely, i.e. based on a specific situation);

Refusal to the boundaries of the instructions under the boundaries.

The class teacher has the right to lead an experimental work on the problems of didactic (develop the author's program according to its subject, if it is also a subject teacher) and educational (develop a program of educational work).

Class teacher dutiesthey are as follows:

Organizations in the classroom of the educational process, optimal for the development of the positive potential of the personality of students within the framework of the activities of the general-cool team;

Assistance to the student in solving acute problems (preferably personally, a psychologist can be attracted);

Establishing contacts with parents and assist them in raising children (personally, through a psychologist, social teacher).

For pedagogically competent, successful and efficient fulfillment of their duties, a class teacher needs to be good to know the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children, to be informed about the latest trends, ways and forms of educational activities, to own modern educational technologies.

Planning the work of the class teacher

The work plan of the class teacher is a specific display of the upcoming course of educational work in its general strategic directions and the smallest details. Hence the feasibility of the organic combination of a promising plan for educational work and plans for specific educational events.

Experience shows that it is better when the class teacher has a promising work plan for the entire school year, and then consistently develops detailed plans for training quarters. However, this is determined by the experimental of the teacher, as well as the established traditions of the school and possible instructions on the part of the education authorities.

L.Yu.Gordin believes that the older schoolchildren, the more realize the preparation of the plan for a longer period, i.e. For the entire academic year, and in those classes where the cool leader knows the guys for no first year, has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of their pupils, opportunities and interests. Conversely, than younger students, the less time the class teacher worked with this team, the more expedient to plan educational work on a quarter or half of the year.

The class teacher must begin work on the plan at the end of the previous school year, when the distribution of training load and the class leadership for the new academic year becomes known. If the class teacher accepts a new class, he needs to get acquainted with the personal affairs of pupils, their families, study the current system of educational work in the classroom, traditions, the official and unofficial structure of the team. All this will help the implementation of continuity in educational work.

At the end of the school year, it is advisable to hold diagnostic "cuts" in the classroom with the help of a school psychologist in order to identify the psychological atmosphere, cohesion, value-orientational unity and other essential parameters of collective life. It is useful to identify the prevailing attitudes of pupils among themselves, as well as to study, work, nature, art, and other phenomena and surrounding processes.

Thus, the preparatory stage for the preparation of the educational work plan of the class teacher comes down to the collection of information about the class team and individual pupils, which will determine the nature of the dominant educational tasks.

Development of an educational work plan for the class teacher.Preparation for the preparation of the work plan of the class leader is completed by the preparation of the characteristics of the class team and individual students. This is the initial stage of the deployment of the technological chain of the development of a class of class life and students for the coming period.

The next stage involves the acquaintance of the class teacher with the general school plan of educational work, which is usually ready for the beginning of the new school year. From it it is necessary to take away all those community events, as well as socially useful cases on parallels and groups of classes in which the class should take part. Being correlated with specific dates, these events laid the main framework of the band's life plan. Here it is necessary to emphasize the inadmissibility of identifying plans for the work of the class teacher and the vital activity of the class.

Experienced teachers after these two stages proceed to the formulation of specific tasks of educational work with the class for the school year, thinking out the system of activities and the selection of actually fulfilled social benefits. And novice class leaders it is advisable to pre-relate information received at previous stages with general data on the features of the age of class students and the available recommendations to help class managers.

When determining the dominant educational tasks, it is necessary to proceed from our adopted integration approach to the organization of the pedagogical process. Not fragmented activities in the directions of educational work, and real affairs and a variety of activities should be the basis of the plans. The tasks of education, and, consequently, the specific content on a strictly defined period of time should be determined by the social, age and individual development situations. The social situation seems to dictate the ideas of collective affairs (what to make a team), age - determines the choice of forms of activity, and the situation of individual development gives the meaningful side of working with children's uniqueness. Accordingly, three main objects of attention of the class teacher are allocated: the team, activities and individuality.

In order to ensure the harmonious development of the personality of each schoolchild, selecting the content, the class teacher should include in the plan, and then to the real pedagogical process, cognitive, labor, artistic and aesthetic, physical culture and wellness, value-orientational and other activities. It is important that there is a sufficient diversity of their specific species within the named activities.

When the plan is generally formed, the period of His "Rendering" comes. The class teacher discusses its individual sections with colleagues, teachers working with class, parents and students, and also carries out adjustments with work plans, children's public organizations. The class of the class leader is richer than the plan of the library of the collective, since it contains educational activities concerning both the team as a whole and individual pupils, their study, directions of work with their parents. He, figuratively speaking, makes up a peculiar background, on which the work plan is imposed on the work plan, its asset, organs of student self-government and individual students. In his aggregate, complementing each other, these plans provide for the necessary content of those educational and socially useful cases, the organization and execution of which are aimed at the formation of valuable business and moral qualities in schoolchildren.

The final stage in the technological chain of creating a plan of educational work is its discussion in the class meeting, consolidating those responsible for organizing certain events, the distribution of instructions asset and individual pupils.

Structure of the plan.In real school practice, work plans for class managers have a different structure. This is due to the various conditions of the functioning of schools and individual class teams as pedagogical systems. Structure, and, therefore, the forms of work plans themselves depend on the level of pedagogical qualification of the class teacher. If an experienced teacher can confine themselves to a brief work plan, it is advisable to recommend to compile detailed, deployed plans.

The traditional structure of the work schedule of the class teacher has five sections: a brief description and analysis of the state of educational work; educational tasks; The main directions and forms of activity of the class teacher; coordination of educational activities of teachers working in the classroom; Work with parents and public.

All the schedule plans must be opened by a brief analysis of the state of educational work for the previous year and class characteristics. The characteristic reflects the level of the overall education of the collective, its performance and discipline, as well as the formation of such qualities as hard work, responsibility, organization, public activity, etc. An interpersonal structure is analyzed (leaders, outsiders, microhydroups), the prevailing mood in the classroom, the content of value orientations defining public opinion. The characteristics of individual pupils, in particular, allowing the deviation from the adopted behaviors that are lagging behind in studies, etc.

In the second section, the main, dominant educational tasks that will be solved in the new academic year are formulated. They should be a little to ensure their effective, and not formal, execution. It is important that the tasks take into account the state of the class team, the level of its development, as well as the general tasks facing the school. Since there are no identical teams, then the tasks cannot be the same even in parallel classes. In many respects, they depend on the experiences, and qualifications of the class teacher.

The third section carries the main substantive load, defining both the main activities (public, cognitive, labor, artistic, sports, value-orientation, communicative), and ways to solve educational problems. It is this section that determines the structural originality of the plan, since it reflects those or other approaches to the development and formation of the individual.

In the fourth section of the traditional plan, specific measures are scheduled for the coordination of educational impacts of all teachers working in the classroom. These can be pedagogical meetings, special conservimia, individual conversations with individual teachers and other forms of work.

The final section - "Working with parents" - contains a range of issues alleged for discussion on parental meetings, although the topics of lectures and conversations can be corrected depending on the developing circumstances; There are timing to visit families in order to study the living conditions and raising children; Forms of individual work with parents are planned, communication with the parent committee and the possibility of attracting parents to participate in class and school life.

Currently, it is considered generally recognized that planning on sections in accordance with the main directions of education (labor, moral, aesthetic, etc.) "breaks" a holistic pedagogical process into parts does not cover the entire variety of pedagogical problems. Recognition of the Pedagogical Public In recent years, I received an option of a plan proposed by N.Y. Tyurkova, in which the complex, activity and personal in its individually creative interpretation was reflected in organic unity. Having highlighting the team's education as the main objects, the activities of pupils and the development of individuality, N.Ye.Shurkova suggests after the designation of the dominant tasks to allocate three relevant sections: the organization of the collective, the organization of raising activities and the organization of work on the development of individuality.

Two auxiliary sections should contain a class characteristic and characteristic of individual characteristics of students in which the living conditions of pupils in the family are also reflected (especially if there are difficulties); their interests and inclinations, and in connection with this - what circles, sections, institutions of additional education are visited, and if they do not attend, then why; Health condition and pronounced personality features.

In practice, the education has developed a variety of forms of planning work of class leaders, and, given the specific conditions of various areas of the country, city and villages, new buildings and schools and schools that have long traditions, there is no need for a tough unification of the form of this plan. The class teacher itself chooses the form of a plan, focusing on the requirements that are presented to him and on their pedagogical " I- Concept. "

Planning and preparation of the educational event.Based on a promising plan for educational work, the class teacher is a work plan for a week, which specifies educational events. This plan is advisable to combine with a class teacher.

The object of special attention is to prepare an educational event. In many cases, the preparation process is much significant for the power of educational impact, rather than the event itself. Educational effect remains even if the event for any reason did not take place (for example, a guest guest could not come to come. L.Yu.Gordin notes that the general rule of planning educational work with the class is the plan of only those cases and events that can be carefully, without hurry and attachment, prepared and qualitatively conducted, which will certainly be fulfilled and will bring a team of moral satisfaction , Experiencing the joy of success.

Each planned business is necessary to really design in time, it is enough for days enough, and sometimes weeks for its careful preparation. Considering that the steady educational effect can be obtained only when the organizers and performers are students themselves, it is advisable to use the experience of organizing collective creative affairs according to the IP Ivanov method.

Preliminary work of educators. The role of this collective creative case (CTD) in the life of the team is determined, concrete educational tasks are put forward; There are business options that will be offered to pupils as possible; The prospect of a possible case is being built. At this stage there is a search, exploration. If the team at the first stage of development, then teachers themselves derive children to socially significant work; If on the second, the asset is involved in the search; If on the third - all members of the team are searching for scheduled routes (for example, class, "microdistrict", "nature", "press", "kids", etc.).

Collective planning CTD. It occurs at the general meeting of the team. The general plan of the life of the team is compiled for the next period. First, the work goes in microGroups, and then the questions are solved by the tasks, for example, for whom KTD is organized? Who for joy and favor? Who will participate? Who together? What should be the Council of the case, who will enter it? Where better to spend CTD? How best to spend it? At the end of the collection, the most interesting, useful offers from the microgroup are minimized, elections of the Council of the case occur.

Collective preparation of the case.The Council of the case clarifies the plan for the preparation and conduct of the CTD, organizes a microbroup to prepare good deeds "in secret". At this stage, meetings can be held with people who are able to assist in carrying out cases, materials are preparing, literature is being studied, periodic printing, a press center is created, etc. Experience shows that in general, justified by the methodology for organizing collective creative affairs should not be abused. It is impossible to refuse from traditional conversations, disputes, conferences and other positively proven forms of organizing the pedagogical process. In this case, the class teacher is preparing a plan or a plan-abstract, which notes: the topic and form of organization of work; the purpose and task of it, the time (date, hour); venue of the event; Who charges its preparation and conduct (distribution of orders); equipment and design; The form of accounting for the results of the work carried out. A carefully thought out plan of a particular event is a necessary condition for its qualitative implementation, the condition of achieving and subject and educational results.

On the shoulders of the class leader, the coordination of the process of education and education entrusted to him in high school is placed. He is responsible for the student-educational activities received by students, corrects its organization and helps the student. The work of the class teacher is described in the job description.

The official instruction of the GEF for GEF for 2018-2019 regulates the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 3.02.2006 No. 21 "On approval of methodological recommendations on the implementation of the functions of the class teacher to pedagogical workers." It indicates general requirements for a specialist, his duties and functions, rights and measure of responsibility.

What includes an official instruction of a class manager?

The class teacher is appointed to the post on the orders of the School Director. This position may occupy a teacher who received secondary or higher special education. Official duties of the class teacher Wide: He controls the educational and educational process, interacts with the families of students and external organizations, prepares documentation, represents the interests of children. In drawing up the job instructions, the specialist should take into account the provisions enshrined in GEF.

In his work, a class teacher should be based on:

  • personal-oriented approach;
  • relevant in the educational institution of the concept of education;
  • results of analyzing life phenomena;
  • tolerance;
  • accounting for the material and social status of students' families;
  • taking into account the level of education and family circumstances of children.

The structure of the class of class can be represented in this form:

  • organizational, analytical and prognostic activities in the educational process;
  • class Life Control;
  • the study and use of modern education techniques.

The work of the class teacher can take place in such forms as conversations, discussion, discussions, games, debates, trainings, meetings with various people, excursions, socially significant activities, competitions, creative activity of children. Within the duties of the class teacher on the law on education He holds a conversation, lectures, meetings, extracurricular activities.

Table 1. Official duties of the class teacher according to the instructions

Required education and skills

Basics of teenage psychology and physiology, working methods with gifted and complex children, the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Local Acts. Teacher must have developed communication skills as well as:

  • plan work and predict its results;
  • put and seek short-term and long-term goals;
  • build harmonious relationships with children, colleagues and parents;
  • stimulate the initiative of children, support them;
  • conduct educational events;
  • apply moral and aesthetic technologies in work.

Goals and work tasks

The objectives of the work are:

  • work with students to harmonize relations in educational space, disclosure their potential;
  • in responsibilities of the class teacher on the Law on Education 2018 It includes the construction of harmonious relationships in the classroom;
  • the creation of productive relationships with parents, administration and other educators.

Sadruk controls compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, instructing the safety technique, talks about a healthy lifestyle, optimizes the training load, applies health-saving technologies.

Individual work with students

Maintaining a diary of observation. Allocation of groups of students in interest and abilities, the definition of a "risk group". Diagnosis of psychophysical development of children, outlining their skills and skills, an assessment of intellectual, sports and creative abilities.

Visiting families, personal affairs, prevention of deviant behavior. Promotion of the disclosure of potential and harmonious development of students.

Working with a class team

Functions of the class teacher according to GEF include:

  • monitoring of visits and academic performance of students, checking diaries, making statutory documentation, interaction with teachers subjects, increasing the motivation of students;
  • conducting measures to create a favorable environment in the classroom, an internal climate assessment in the team;
  • carrying out various class events, attracting children to electives and circles;
  • control of the organization of class self-government, organization of work (duty, cleaning the territory).

Work with parents and external environments

Systematic work with parents, analysis of family-living conditions, increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents, the involvement of the family in extracurricular activities, holding parental meetings.

Educational impact

Harmonious development of the identity of the child, educational activities, conversations, etc.


Permanent self-development by passing training courses, studying literature, participation in the exchange of pedagogical experience, competitions, conferences, seminars.

Rights and Measures

Class leader's rights include:

  • control of academic success of children;
  • obtaining information about their psychophysiological development;
  • work with parents at the invitation to school;
  • presence in the lessons of subject teachers;
  • attracting students to disciplinary responsibility;
  • encouraging students for their successes;
  • initiation of improving work;
  • the use of methodological support for teachers and administration;
  • protecting your own honor and dignity.

For non-fulfillment or unscrupulous execution of duties, the classics threatens administrative responsibility.

The functions imposed on the class teacher are fixed in the school charter.

Approximate structure of the official instruction of the class teacher

Structure officer instructions of the class teacher of GEF It is built on the same principle as other job descriptions. The main sections will be:

  • general
  • official rights and obligations,
  • a responsibility.

The general section contains a brief description of qualifying requirements and a description of the position of the class teacher. This section includes such items:

  • the full name of the post, to which category of employees it relates;
  • the procedure for appointment and dismissal;
  • order of subordination: the director of the school and the teacher on OIA;
  • who will perform the duties of the class leadership in the absence of an employee;
  • what laws and regulatory acts are guided by an employee in his work;
  • qualification requirements.

In the section "Officials responsibilities and rights »Class Leader The items discussed above are indicated. With this school charter, the list of responsibilities may vary, then the instruction section is adjusted.

In the section on the responsibility of the class teacher, the types of responsibility are briefly listed:

  • for non-compliance with the official instruction, failure to comply with the director orders, violation of school rules - disciplinary responsibility;
  • physical or moral violence against students - liberation from office;
  • for non-accuracy in the conduct of documentation - recovery in accordance with the organizational documents of the School;
  • damage to the property of the school is financial responsibilities according to civil or labor legislation.

To facilitate the work of the staff, we propose to download an example of an official instruction instruction.

Features of the official duties of the class teacher

The high responsibility of the work is associated with certain difficulties faced by a teacher when performing responsibilities of the class teacher at school according to GEF.

One of the key difficulties is that the job instructions are specified forms, methods and types of teacher's work, but the costs of the time required for such work are not mentioned. Therefore, often the consumers suffer from lack of time, while under the employment contract, the class leadership is an additional responsibility that is performed during working hours. However, time costs often turn out to be inversely proportional to the salary of the class guide. To perform the functions of the class teacher with greater efficiency, we recommend passing a remote advanced training course:

As practice shows, a full-fledged class guide cannot be combined with the main activity. What is included in the duties of the class teacher And why does it require 35-40 hours a week? It:

  • checking diaries and discipline - at least an hour every day;
  • school documentation, the organization of creative and work activities - at least an hour per day;
  • participation in contests, competitions, cleaning, etc.

The usual practice is the appointment to the position of the class teacher-subject teacher. However, in some educational institutions from the class teacher, the training load is fully or partially removed. In this case, the teacher is called a class mentor, a tutor, a curator.

The second visible problem that pops up when analyzing functional duties of the class teacher, is the blurring of the wording instructions, as well as the introduction of such duties in individual institutions that reduce the motivation of teachers. For example, collecting money, disclosure of personal information, etc.

Some difficulties may occur when relationships with the school administration and colleagues when:

  • the class teacher in accordance with the official duties of GEF and the internal order of the school replaces missing colleagues;
  • develops and coordinates a curriculum for a year or a quarter;
  • reports to the administration of the work done.

As seen, cool leader performs features such as Motivation, organization, control of the educational process within the class entrusted to him, the creation of harmonious relations with children, teachers and families, the organization of extracurricular activities of children. However, for the successful implementation of such functions, the employee's activities should be competently organized and is fairly paid.

You can learn more about the class leadership system and the responsibilities of the class teacher in articles:

Appendix No.

Official instruction of the class teacher MBOU SOSH No. 13, introducing GEF

1. General Provisions

1.1. The class teacher is appointed and exempt by order of the Director of the MBOU SOSH No. 13 (hereinafter referred to as the School Director).

1.2. The class teacher must have a higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" without the presentation of work on experience, or higher professional education or secondary vocational education and additional professional education in the direction of an educational institution without presentation of work experience requirements .

1.3. The class teacher in connection with the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation should rethink the tasks of primary general education, the requirements for organizing the learning and education process, extracurricular activities and interaction with the child as an active subject of educational activities, should use the use of new pedagogical technologies.

The main activities of the class teacher are:

Education of students taking into account specifics aimed at achieving the planned results of the development of the main educational program of primary general education.

2.2. Ensuring the level of training of students, relevant to the requirements of new GEF in the direction of personality development: sports and wellness, spiritual and moral, social, general-purpose, general cultural.

2.3. Promoting the socialization of students, the formation of a common culture.

2.4. Ensuring regime compliance with norms and safety regulations in the educational process.

2.5. Ensuring favorable adaptation of children in school; Improving the conditions for the development of pupils

3.1. It makes upbringing students taking into account their psychological and physiological features, contributes to the formation of the general culture of the personality, socialization, conscious choice and the development of educational programs, using various forms, techniques, methods and means of extracurricular activities, including by individual curriculum, accelerated courses within GEF, modern educational technologies, including informational, as well as digital educational resources.

3.2. Reasonably selects programs and educational and methodological support, including digital educational resources.

Sample job manager job description

Conducts educational work, relying on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, age psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies and training and education techniques.

3.4. Plans and implements an educational process in accordance with the basic educational program of primary general education MBOU SOSH No. 13, develops workers of extracursting activities (excursions, travel, campaigns, competitions, collective creative business, projects) based on exemplary general educational programs and ensures it Implementation, organizing and maintaining a variety of activities of students, focusing on the identity of the student, the development of his motivation, cognitive interests, abilities, organizes independent activities of students, including research, discusses with students current events of modernity.

Provides achievement and confirmation of educational level of primary general education. Provides the level of training learning that meets the requirements of GEF.

3.6. Evaluates the effectiveness and results of training and education of students on courses, programs, taking into account the development of knowledge, mastering the skills, the development of creative activity experience, cognitive interest to students using computer technologies, incl. Text editors and spreadsheets in their activities.

3.7. Complies with the rights and freedoms of students, supports educational discipline, the regime of visiting classes, respecting human dignity, honor and reputation of students.

3.8. Makes working programs of extracurricular activities for the school year.

3.9. Controls the presence of educational notebooks on educational subjects, compliance with the procedure established in the school of their design, maintaining, compliance with a single spelling regime.

3.10. Timely in accordance with the schedule conducts excursions, hiking, organizes trips, collective creative business, projects, etc.

3.11. Checks the control dictates and test work on mathematics in 1-4 grams to the next lesson.

3.12. Organizes together with a school librarian and parents (legal representatives) extracurricular reading of students.

3.13. Provides the inclusion of students in various forms of extracurricular activities.

3.14. It works closely with other teachers, parents (legal representatives).

3.15. Makes proposals for the improvement of the educational process at school.

3.16. Participates in the activities of the Pedagogical Council of the school, as well as in the activities of the methodological associations of class managers and other forms of methodical work.

3.17. Provides the protection of the life and health of students during the educational process.

3.18. Communicates with parents (legal representatives).

3.19. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

4. Rights

4.1. The class teacher has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulations on the general education institution, the Charter of the School, collective agreement, the rules of the internal labor regulation.

4.2. The class teacher has the right to making decisions, mandatory for the execution of students.

5. Responsibility

5.1. In the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the class teacher is responsible for:

  • the implementation is not fully the working programs of extracurricular activities in accordance with the curriculum and annual calendar schedule;
  • life and health of students during the educational process;
  • violation of rights and freedoms of students;
  • execution of orders "On labor protection and compliance of safety regulations" and "On the provision of fire safety";
  • safe conduct of the educational process;
  • acceptance of measures to assist the victim of the victim, the operational notice of the accident on the accident;
  • conducting briefings of educational safety on training activities, educational events with mandatory registration in a class journal or journal briefing students on labor protection and safety;
  • organization of study of the learning rules for labor protection, road traffic;
  • implementation of monitoring compliance with the rules (instructions) on labor protection.

5.2. In case of violation of the Charter of the school, the conditions of the collective agreement, the rules of the internal labor regulation, this official instruction, the orders of the school principal, the class teacher is subjected to disciplinary recovers in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For the use of educational methods related to physical and (or) mental violence on the personality of a student class manager can be dismissed according to paragraph 2 of the first part of Art. 336 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

  • priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation;
  • laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities;
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • the foundations of general theoretical disciplines in the amount necessary to solve pedagogical, scientific and methodological and organizational and management tasks at the stage of primary general education;
  • pedagogy, psychology, age physiology;
  • school hygiene;
  • requirements of GEF and recommendations for their implementation in a general education institution;
  • method of educational work;
  • fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor;
  • regulatory documents on the training and education of children and young people;
  • modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning and education, the implementation of the competence approach, educational training;
  • methods of belief, arguments of their position, establish contacts with studying different ages, their parents (legal representatives), work colleagues;
  • technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission;
  • basics of ecology, economy, sociology;
  • labor legislation;
  • basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment;
  • the rules of the internal labor regulation of the MBOU SOSH No. 13;
  • rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Classroom teacher:

7.1. It works in the mode of carrying out the amount of load in accordance with the schedule of training sessions, participation in mandatory planned communal operations and self-plans of mandatory activities on which the rules of development are not established.

7.2. During the holiday period, which is not coincided with holidays, is attracted by the school administration to pedagogical, methodological or organizational work within a time not exceeding the training load before the holidays. The schedule of the class teacher on vacation is approved by the order of the School Director.

7.3. Receives from the School Director and the Deputy Director of the School on educational work information of the regulatory and organizational and methodological nature, meets a receipt with the relevant documents.

7.4. Systematically communicates with information on issues included in its competence, with the administration and pedagogical workers of the school.

With job descriptions familiarized

the instruction received: ____________ __________________________

(Personal signature) (Signature decryption)

"___" ____________ _________

(reference date)


Instructions of primary school teachers MBOU SOSH No. 13, introducing GEF NOO
Unified qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics ...
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Regulations on the Public Council for Nutrition MBOU SOSH №11
The Council operates in accordance with the "Regulation on the Public Council for Nutrition MBOU SOSH No. 11"
Labor protection instructions for postal wagon chief
The typical instruction is mandatory for all postal enterprises regardless of the organizational and legal structure, form ...
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The course of the main general school in the 2011-2012 academic year in the MBOU SOSH №11 graduated from 46 graduates of the 9th grade
1. / Diary of the class teacher.doc
T. T of conducting the championship of the Beznchuk district in athletics among educational institutions in the Olympics
The composition of the participants: GBOU SOSH №1, GBOU SOSH №2, GBOU SOSH No. 4, GBOU SOSH PG T. Osinki, GBOU SOSH with. Cupin, GBOU SOSH with. Surf, GBOU SOSH ...
Regulations on the Working Group on the introduction of new GEF General Education
The working group was created in accordance with the decision of the Pedagogical Council MOU SOSH No. 13 named after P.

A. Leonova Mr. South Sakhalinsk from 2010 ....

Plan of educational work of the class teacher of 7th grade MOU "Pavlovskaya Secondary School"
BP G. Y. Khoroshev School Director N. V. Kozhura 2010. 2010 G.
Director MBOU SOSH №11 A. V. Gutmanova


Official duties of the class teacher

  1. General.
    1. Class teacher - teacher of the school, performing the functions of the organizer of children's life aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing mutual understanding of students, their parents, teachers and other participants in the educational process.
    2. The class teacher, as an administrative person, is appointed and exempt from his post by order of the School Director.
    3. The management of class managers is carried out by the Deputy Director of the School / Head of the Training Part.
  2. The main tasks and content of the work of the class teacher.
    1. To promote the creation of a favorable microenvironment and a moral and psychological climate for each student and conditions for the development of students' communicative culture skills.
    2. In accordance with the age interests of students and the requirements of the school's charter, contribute to updating the content of class life. Participate in the creation of students' self-government.
    3. Participate in the implementation of the Federal Experimental Program "School as a Center for Integrating Main, Additional and Home Education", projects "Children in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg in Children", "School Library-House of Children's Book", "Joint Planning of Students", conduct experimental and methodological work on various issues of educational activities;
    4. Use a variety of techniques, methods and means of educational work, contributing to the expansion of interests and forms of knowledge, awakening in children of active research interests.

      Study individual features, interests of students and promote the creation of favorable conditions for the development and moral formation of the child's personality.

  3. The mode of operation of the class teacher.
    1. The general rules for organizing the work of the school and the pedagogical team leak out from the Code of Labor Law on the Russian Federation, set out in Article 18.
    2. An hour of the class teacher (class hour) - once a week (forms of classroom hours can be the most diverse: themed class hour, a class meeting, preparation for a general-school or community-based work, preparation for excursion, summing up the excursion, etc.).
    3. The number of educational events - in accordance with the plan of educational work of the school.
    4. The number of class parent meetings - in accordance with the plan of educational work of the school.
    5. In vacation and summer time, the school mode is installed according to the additional plan.
    6. In order to organize the work of class managers and to provide methodical assistance in the work, a methodological association is created.
    7. Coordination of the activities of class managers and control over their work is carried out by the Deputy Director of the School Head of the Training Part.
  4. Cool leader should be able to:
    1. communicate with children, encouraging children's activity, responsibility, feeding your own example of deliberation and responsibility;
    2. see and form your educational goals;
    3. make a plan for educational work in its own class;
    4. organize an educational event: conversation, dispute, excursion, hike, class evening, cool hour, etc
    5. organize and hold parental assembly;
    6. use psychological and diagnostic tests, questionnaires and correctly use them in educational work.
  5. Official duties
      Classroom teacher:
    1. leads a magazine of student performance (electronic and paper version);
    2. carries out control on the design of class journals (electronic and paper version) for all academic disciplines in accordance with the learning and thematic planning;
    3. leads personal affairs of students and monitors their design;
    4. organizes a class team: distributes orders, works with a class asset, organizes collective creativity, forms duty duty;
    5. organizes duty in class, school and other public premises;
    6. cares about the appearance of students;
    7. works with the student diaries, contacts parents about student performance;
    8. creates conditions for the development of cognitive interests, expanding the horizons of students (participation in the competitions, competitions, reviews, quizzes, visits to circles, optional classes, organization of excursions, campaigns to theater, exhibitions, etc.);
    9. contributes to a favorable microclimate in the classroom, forms interpersonal relations of students, adjusts and regulates them;
    10. controls the learning successes of each student, noting the successes and failures in order to provide timely assistance;
    11. assists students in the learning adaptation process;
    12. promotes the participation of school students in urban and international competitions, Olympiads in subjects ("Bear", "Kangaroo", etc.)
    13. cares about the health of students, involves them in physical culture, sports activities;
    14. conducts thematic class hours of periodicity 1 time per week, meetings, conversations with students;
    15. provides protection and protection of students' rights, especially paying attention to "difficult" children;
    16. carries out vocational guidance work with students of 9-11th grades, contributing to the independent and conscious selection by students of the further profession, taking into account their abilities and life plans;
    17. organizes and conducts parental meetings by periodicity 1-2 times to Trimester. Works with parents individually, attracts parents to the organization of extracurricular activities;
    18. it is personally responsible for ensuring the protection of the life and health of children during extracurricular activities. Accompanies students during excursions and other extracurricular and out-of-school events. Performs rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
  6. Documentation and reporting.
    1. He leads a map of individual development of the child, taking into account his psychophysical opportunities, constantly increasing the level of child involvement in the educational process, contributing to improving the effectiveness of the learning material (1 time per week will replenish the ICR by the work of students on all academic disciplines). Systematically stimulates the intellectual efforts of the child. Creates conditions for improving the child's confidence in their own forces and upbringing certain independence of views.
    2. Daily finds out the reason for the lack of students, promptly informing the administration of schools and parents about the absence of a student. In writing fixes the lack of a student, indicating the reason for the absence in the relevant magazine and the class journal. Creates conditions for assimilating the child's missed educational material.
    3. Until 01, the beginning of each trimester is a report on the results of studies of the state of socio-psychological microclimate in the children's group.
    4. Once in the academic half-year (December, April - the older school, March -nacchal school) organizes and conducts a presentation of children's achievements, drawing to the discussion of the results of the parents of school students as external experts of the educational program and pedagogical partners of the school.
    5. Up to the 25th of the end of each trimester / half of the year collects the qualitative characteristics of the class students from subject teachers, summarizes and gives an analytical certificate of the school to the school.
    6. Monthly together with students forms a portfolio. Until 01 The start of each trimester represents a temptation to check the student portfolio. At the end of the school year, at the final parent meeting, the parents of student portfolio (accumulated over the year creative and test work of students).
    7. Every year until September 10 issues the parents of the student's tabel (for all academic disciplines) in order to develop uniform interaction mechanisms between adults and children.
    8. Creates conditions for writing school students with mandatory writings: "Which I see school in the new school year," "My ideal teacher" -satem; "Children's Future Children", "My Island of Bomotam" - October; "My achievements and achievements of my classmates" - May. Until 25.09 and 25.05, the writings give the writings to the articulation to analyze the state of the educational and educational process of the school, determining the tasks and ways to solve the problems identified.
    9. Twice a year (until December 05 and until May 05) prepares parents of letters about the achievements of children in educational activities. Letters are handed over to the school teacher with the aim of clarifications and additions in the information received about school students for subsequent departure to parents.
    10. It is responsible for the timely execution of all sections of a class journal in accordance with the requirements of this kind of documents:
      • until September 05, the pages of the class magazine fill in: "General information about students", "Health Sheet", "Information on occupations in extracurricular time";
      • in the first week of each trimester, instructing safety instructions;
      • the day before the end of each trimester, there is a final estimate on the page "Consolidated statement of student performance accounting";
      • until 01, each trimester, it checks the presence of a record on the execution of the curriculum in the trimester signed by the subject teacher;
      • until 28.05 checks in the journal for each subject the presence of final annual estimates;
      • until 01.06 fills the personal affairs of students and learn to check the school's department.
    11. Monthly gives great magazines to check the school teacher.
    12. Once a week checks and evaluates the maintenance of diaries of class students.
    13. Once a week participates in the operational meetings conducted by the school.
    14. Every year until August 28, plans for educational work for the upcoming academic year. Leads educational work with students according to plan approved by the school administration.
    15. Until 01, each month, a report (on the form established at school, a check list) of the work done over the past month with the simultaneous signing of the act of work performed to accrual wages.
    16. On duty at school on schedule, organizing the free time of children during school changes for the safety of life, children's health and reasonable rest.
    17. In case of disability, the school administration is informed in a timely manner.
    18. Creates conditions for the passage of final certification for the course of the main (9kl.) And secondary school (11kl.): Preparation of the necessary documentation for examinations, the decision of organizational issues (promptly informs students and parents about the progress of the final certification, present during certification with students and has They are moral support). Controls the readiness of students to pass the final certification.
    19. Within professional competence, it works with parents. In the case of a conflict situation with a student or parents, the school administration immediately informs to develop a joint optimal solution to the problem.
    20. Official duties of the class teacher are an integral part of the NEO Treaty "Private Communication School Unison.
    21. Official duties can be changed by the school administration unilaterally. In this case, the class teacher must be informed a week before changes in force. Class leader's rights. Cool leader has the right:
    22. Participate in the work of school structures of self-government: pedsoveta, school council and other public school bodies.

      Job description of the class teacher of primary classes that have passed on new GEF

    23. Act with the initiative, to make proposals for improving school activities, perform with business, constructive criticism.
    24. Get acquainted with the documentation of the general education institution.
    25. Receive regular information about the physical and mental health of children.
    26. To be present at any lessons and events conducted by subject teachers in the classroom (without the right to enter the class during the lesson without an emergency and make comments to the teacher during the lesson).
    27. Inviting parents (persons replacing them) to an educational institution.
    28. Attract students for actions that violate the educational and educational process, in the manner prescribed by organizational documents of the general education institution, to disciplinary responsibility.
    29. Encourage students in the manner prescribed at school.
    30. Cooperate with specialists of social services, medical institutions, juvenile inspections.
    31. Determine (to develop, create jointly with a psychologist, social workers, doctors of individual work with students and their parents.
    32. Enhance your qualifications, attend seminars, courses.
  7. Cool leader has no right:
    1. To humiliate the personal advantage of the pupil, insulting it with the action or word, inventing nicknames, hanging labels, etc.
    2. Use an assessment (school score) to punish the student.
    3. Abuse the confidence of the child, violate the word to violate the pupil, deliberately mislead it.
    4. Use family (parents or relatives) to punish the child.
    5. Discussing his colleagues for the eyes, to present them in a disadvantage, undermining the authority of the teacher and the entire pedagogical team.
  8. The responsibility of the class teacher.
    1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without a valid reason for the Charter and other rules enshrined in the organizational documents of the school, the legal regulations of the Director, the official duties established by this Instruction, the class leader carries disciplinary responsibility in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
    2. For late and inaccurate design, maintenance and storage of documents, as well as for their loss, the class teacher is responsible provided for by local school documents.
    3. Guilty of causing a school of damage in connection with the execution (non-fulfillment) of their official duties, the class teacher carries material liability in the manner and within the limits established by the Labor or Civil Law of the Russian Federation.
    4. The class teacher can be exempted from duties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for use, including one-time, methods of mental or physical violence against the student's personality.
  9. Cool leader should know:
    • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
    • documents of the Government of Russia and the Education Education Bodies on Education;
    • Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy, psychology, age physiology and hygiene;
    • basics of prefigure medical care;
    • basics of civil law;
    • pedagogy children's;
    • age and social psychology;
    • psychology of relations: individual and age features of children;
    • age physiology;
    • school hygiene;
    • pedagogical ethics;
    • theory and methods of educational work;
    • programs and textbooks;
    • learning tools and their didactic capabilities;
    • basics of labor legislation;
    • rules and norms of labor protection;
    • safety and fire protection.

Innovative project of the year

Official instructions

Official instruction of the class teacher of the general education institution

Open in Word format

This instruction is developed and approved on the basis of labor
contract with __________________________________________________________
The name of the position of the person on which this is drawn up
Official instructions and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code
Of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and other regulatory

1. General Provisions

1.1. Cool leader is an employee of general education
institutions __________________________________, carries out activities
Name, Education Number
aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing mutual understanding
students, their parents, teachers and other participants in educational
1.2. Cool leader is appointed and exempt
from office by order of the Director of the General Education
persons having a higher pedagogical education or experience with children
at least ____ years, without the presentation of the requirements for the experience in position
class leader, including on the submission of the head of the study
part or head of educational work and directly
obeys the director of the general education institution. For the period of vacation
and temporary disability of the class teacher his duty
may be assigned to teachers who do not have a class manual and
working in this class;
1.3. Cool leader should know:
- Basics of general psychology, pedagogical psychology, general
Pedagogy, physiology of children and adolescents;
- methods and skills of communicative communication with students,
social psychotraining, modern methods of individual and
group classes within the class;
- Features of the educational system;
- working conditions and features of classes in this
general education institution.
1.4. The class teacher in his work is guided
Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education",
Declaration of human rights and freedoms, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter
general education institution and other documents in the field

Proper instruction of the class teacher

The main activities of the class teacher
2.1. organization of the activities of the class team of students;
2.2. Organization of academic work of the class team and individual
2.3. organization of extracurricular class life;
2.4. study of personality and correction in educating students;
2.5. social assistance and progress of students;
2.6. interaction with parents, other educators, social

3. Official duties of the class teacher

The class teacher has the following job responsibilities:
3.1. leads a journal of student performance;
3.2. leads "personal affairs" students and monitors their design;
3.3. Organizes the class team: distributes orders, works
with class asset, organizes collective creativity, forms
duty duty;
3.4. Organizes duty in class, school, dining room and other
public premises, on duty on which is enshrined in the Charter
3.5. cares about the appearance of students;
3.6. Organizes and forms the order of pupils in accordance
with the charter of the general education institution;
3.7. Forms financial support for cool needs and controls
His execution (Cool Fund, payment of various services, etc.);
3.8. carries out traffic control, with clarification of the causes
passes of classes without good reasons; together with social
The teacher visits the families of "difficult" children;
3.9. Works with student diaries, contact with parents
Regarding student performance;
3.10. Creates conditions for the development of cognitive interests,
Expansion of the horizons of students (participation in the Olympiads, competitions, reviews,
Quiz, visiting circles, optional classes, organization
excursions, campaigns to theater, exhibitions, etc.);

contributes to a favorable microclimate in the class forms
interpersonal relations of students, adjusts and regulates them;
3.12. assists students in the learning adaptation process;
3.13. cares about the health of students, involves them in physical education,
sports activities;
3.14. Conducts thematic cool hours with periodicity ______ times
a month, meetings, conversations with students.
3.15. Provides protection and protection of students' rights, especially paying
Attention "difficult" children and children who remain without parental care,
actively cooperating with the social teacher. Reveals and keeps accounting children
socially unprotected categories, children from disadvantaged families;
3.16. carries out vocational guidance work with students of the 9th
classes facilitating independent and conscious selection by students
further profession, taking into account their abilities and life plans;
3.17. Organizes and conducts parental meetings with periodicity
_______ times a quarter. Works with parents individually, attracts
parents to the organization of extracurricular activities.

4. Class leader's rights

4.1. Get acquainted with the documentation of the general education institution;
4.2. attend any lessons and events held
subject teachers in the classroom (without the right to enter the class during
lesson without emergency and make comments to the teacher for
4.3. Study the educational process in lessons conducted
subject teachers;
4.4. Attract students to disciplinary responsibility for
actions, disorganizing educational process, in order,
established by organizational documents of general education
4.5. Encourage students in the manner prescribed by organizational
documents of a general education institution;
4.6. Participate in the work of pedagogical and methodical advice
educational institution, make your proposals for the formation
individual adaptation program of students, creating a favorable
socio-psychological climate in the team;
4.7. Cooperate with social services specialists, medical
institutions, juvenile inspections;
4.8. Independently choose the priority directions of work,
Given the features of the functioning and development of general education
4.9. Raise your qualifications, attend seminars, courses;
4.10. Participate in the work of youth school associations,
Promote their functioning.

5. Class leader's responsibility

Cool leader is responsible:
5.1. for failure or improper performance without valid
Causes of the Charter and other rules enshrined in organizational documents
general education institution, legitimate director orders,
Official duties established by this Instruction, cool
The head carries disciplinary responsibility in accordance with
labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
5.2. For late and inaccurate design, maintenance and
Storage of documents, as well as for their loss, the class teacher carries
Responsibility provided for by organizational documents
general education institution;
5.3. for use, including single, mental methods
or physical violence of the student class teacher
may be released from duties in accordance with the Labor
The legislation of the Russian Federation and the Law "On Education". Dismissal for such
misconduct is not a measure of disciplinary responsibility;
5.4. guilty of causing school damage due to execution
(failure) of their official duties Class leader
carries material responsibility in order and within the limits established
Labor or civil law of the Russian Federation.

Regulatory frames. The duties of the class teacher.

1. Regulatory frames. The duties of the class leader;

2. Job description;

3. Cyclicogram of class teacher;

4. The list of documentation and reporting of the class teacher;

5. List of students;

6. Social passport;

7. Parent information;

8. Additional education;

9. Asset class;

10. Graph of students' duty in the classroom;

11. Schedule of lessons;

12. Information pages;

13. Recruitment plan for sections:

- psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class;

- analysis of educational work for the academic year;

- theme, goals and objectives of educational work;

- plan-grid of educational events in the classroom;

- plan-grid on the prevention of DDTT, fire safety, drug addiction and tobacco;

Plan-grid work with parents;

14. List of parental committee;

15. Meetings of the parent committee;

16. Protocols of parental meetings;

17. Lesson accounting for parental meetings;

18. Safety journal;

19. Application.

Regulatory frames.

The duties of the class teacher.

The role of the class teacher is the management of resources of a general education institution and the environment to implement the tasks of education of students entrusted to him. The responsibility of the class teacher of the school covers various sides of the vital activity of pupils and can be expressed in invariant and variable components.

The invariant component of the class teacher includes:

1) ensuring the life and health of students (control of the attendance of the OU study class; control of the causes of missions; awareness of the health status of students; the maintenance of educational incidence documentation; work with a health list in a class journal; a set of measures to protect and promote health, developed and implemented together with a doctor and parents; involvement of students in physical education and sports activities; coverage of the student hot nutrition; investigating and maintaining safety documentation),

2) ensuring positive interpersonal relations between students and between students and teachers (awareness of interpersonal relationships in the classroom, on the nature of the relationship between students and teachers leading classes; conducting the diagnosis of interpersonal relations; operational regulation of emerging contradictions; determination of problems of optimizing the psychological climate in the classroom; identification of students who have problems in the field of interpersonal relations; attraction of specialists psychological and pedagogical service for solving existing problems)

3) promoting educational programs to schoolchildren (awareness of the features of the content of the education provided for by the curriculum, the problems and prospects for the implementation of the educational program in the student class; Coordination of the activities of teachers - subjects and parents; prediction and monitoring of academic performance; assistance in the development and implementation of individual education trajectories; planning and implementing working with gifted, with poor learning),

4) education of patriotic feelings, the formation of the experience of civil-law behavior, the development of social competence of students (development of the annual cycle of measures that promote the upbringing of patriotism and citizenship, expanding the legal and social competence of students; assistance in the formation of civilian behavior in the process of student self-government; support in the student's self-government of high standards; a systematic development of student self-government based on the original state of affairs in the class team; The implementation of the contractual began in the interaction of the class teacher and students).

Variable component of the activity of the class teacher:

5) programming educational work with class (comprehensive study of the state, problems and definition of perspectives in the education, training and development of class students; qualitative and reasonable goalkeeper, programming and planning work with the class; conducting reporting documentation; implementation of monitoring the effectiveness of own activities; organization of participation of students in competitions and competitions of the city, district and the All-Russian level in accordance with the profile - system-forming activities of the class),

6) preventive work (Definition of students causing the greatest concern as potential discipline violators; development and implementation of a complex of preventive measures agreed with a social teacher, a psychologist, the administration of the OU, the parent committee; attracting a wide range of participants, the possibilities of various organizations to preventive measures).

As resources providing education of students can be considered:

- activities of teachers, pedagogical teams, educational organizations,

- educational programs, educational technologies, methodical support of educational activities,

- cooperation with parents of students, families of students,

- media, social organizations, cultural institutions,

- socially significant activities of the pupils themselves, their public self-organization.

Job description.

General provisions

1.1. This job description is developed on the basis of the tariff-qualification characteristics of employees of employees of educational institutions agreed with the Decision of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 17, 1995 No. 46, taking into account changes made by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1995 N 65. In drawing up the instruction Approximate recommendations on the organization of labor protection service in the educational institution of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 92 of 27.02.1995; Methodical recommendations for the organization of the class teacher in general education institutions (letter of the Ministry of Education of 21.06.2001 No. 480 / 30-16); Methodical recommendations "On the implementation of the functions of the class teacher by pedagogical workers of state and municipal general educational institutions" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 21 of 03.02.2006).

1.2. The class teacher is appointed by order of the Director of School from among teachers working at school with the consent of the pedagogical worker.

1.3. Monitoring the activities of the class teacher is carried out by the Deputy Director for Educational Work.

1.4. In its activities, the class leader is guided by the Constitution and Laws of the Russian Federation, the decisions of the Russian government and the management bodies of the formation of all levels, the rules and regulations for labor protection, the safety equipment, as well as the school charter and other local acts, complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


The main functions of the class teacher are:

1. Organizational coordinating:

Establishing a binding of a general education institution with family;

Interaction with teachers-subjects working in class, other specialists of the general education institution;

Accounting and stimulating the diverse activities of students, including in the system of additional education of children;

Individual, impact and interaction with each student and class team as a whole as subjects of this activity;

Documentation (Class Magazine, Diaries, Personal Cases of Learning, Work Plan, Class Leader, Class Manager).

2. Communicative:

Regulation of interpersonal relationships between students;

Establishing subject-subject relationship between the teacher and the student;

Promoting a general favorable psychological climate in the team;

Rendering assistance to educational in the formation of communicative qualities.

3. Analytics and prognostic:

Study of the individual characteristics of the students and the dynamics of their development;

Determining the state and prospects for the development of the class team.

Official duties

Cool leader performs the following job responsibilities:

3.1. Plans to work in the class for every academic year and every studio quarter. The work plan is approved by the Deputy School Director for Educational Work no later than five days from the beginning of the planned period.

3.2. Ensures the safe conduct of the educational process, promptly informs the administration of the school every accident, takes measures to first-informerable assistance;

3.3. Organizes the study of educational rules for labor protection, road rules, behavior in everyday life, on water, etc., conducts a briefing of students with mandatory registration in a class journal or an instruction registration journal;

3.4. Forms motivation to the teachings of each individual child, studying its age and individual characteristics for the development and stimulation of cognitive interests;

3.5. Provides assistance to students in educational activities; reveals the causes of low progress, organizes their elimination;

3.6. Complies with the rights and freedoms of students;

3.7. Promotes additional education to students through a system of circles, clubs, sections, associations organized at school, institutions of additional education of children and at the place of residence;

3.8. Creates conditions for the successful existence of a child in a secondary school, promotes the versatile creative development of the individual, spiritual and moral formation;

3.9. Together with the bodies of self-government, students are actively promoting a healthy lifestyle; Conducts physical cultural, sports and other events that contribute to the health improvement of students in the classroom;

Ensures the unity of educational impact on the student of the family and school, conducts work with parents; If necessary, the competent authorities are connected to protect the rights of the child or providing financial assistance, ensures the social protection of children;

3.11. Creates a favorable microenvironment and a moral and psychological climate for each classroom study;

3.12. Contributes to the development of the students' skills of communication, helps the learning to solve problems arising in communication with comrades, teachers, parents;

3.13. Exercises the study of the personality of each study in the class of his inconsistencies, interests, directs the self-education and self-development of the student's personality, makes the necessary adjustments to the system of its upbringing;

3.14. Analyzes the state and determines the prospects for the development of a class team;

3.15. Represents the Deputy Director of the School on educational work a written report on its activities at the end of each school fourth;

3.16. Leads in the prescribed order class documentation, controls the filling of the learning diaries and the stimulation of estimates in them;

3.17. Participates in the work of the Pedagogical Council of the School;

3.18. Systematically visits in conjunction with the class of communal measures;

3.19. Systematically improves their professional qualifications; participates in the activities of methodical associations;

3.20. Works on schedule compiled by the approved school principal;

3.21. Organizes class duty at school according to the schedule approved by the school principal;

3.22. Complicate ethical norms of behavior in school, in everyday life, in public places corresponding to the public situation of the teacher.


Cool leader has the right within its competence:

4.1. Receive information about the mental and physical health of children;

4.2. Control the performance of each student;

4.3. Monitor the attendance of training sessions by children;

4.5. Coordinate and guide the work of this class teachers in a single bed;

4.6. Organize educational work with educational class through "small pedsovets", pedagogical consultations, thematic and other events;

4.7. To make an administration for consideration by the Council of the General Education Office, agreed with the class team;

4.8. Inviting parents (or persons replacing);

4.9. In coordination with the administration of the general education institution, contact the Commission on Minors, to the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission, to the Commission and advice to facilitate the family of school at enterprises;

4.10. Determine the individual mode of operation, with children based on the specific situation;

4.11. Will experimental work on education issues.

Approximate job manager job description

On the premium to the official salary, award and other measures of material and moral incentives;

4.13. Participate in contests, festivals and other events, both personally, and his pupils;

4.14. On the logistical and methodological support of the educational process organized by them;

4.15. For support and assistance from the administration;

4.16. For advanced training and professional skills in the school walls and the system of additional vocational education.

A responsibility

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a cool leader is responsible:

5.1. For the life and health of the student class during the events held by them, as well as for violation of their rights and freedoms.

5.2. For non-fulfillment or improper performance without valid reasons for the Charter and Regulations of the Internal Labor Regulations of the School, the legal order of the School Director, local regulations, duties established by the job description;

5.3. Personal responsibility for improper performance of anti-terrorist safety requirements in school in accordance with applicable law.

5.4. For use, including single, methods of education associated with physical and (or) mental violence on the personality of the study, as well as the commission of another immoral misconduct;

5.5. For the guilty causing school or participants in the educational process of damage in connection with the execution (non-execution) of their official duties, the class teacher carries material liability in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil law.

For almost two years now there is this article and a lot of readers complained that my words were not justified by anything, only on experience. They demanded to provide regulations, but I could not find anything. The search for a response to a question of one of the users accidentally brought me to the order of the Ministry with the methodological recommendations on the work of the class teacher and I decided to update the article and comment on it in accordance with the regulatory act.

Even working at school, I was struck and outraged how much the teacher should do everything if he is also a cool leader. I already wrote a little "professional faces" of the teacher. This article will describe the functions of the class teacher from the point of view of the Ministry of Education.

Schools and teachers can focus on their work on order Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2006 No. 21 "On approval of methodological recommendations on the implementation of the functions of the class teacher by pedagogical workers of state general educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal general educational institutions", which regulate the activities of the class teacher.

Classroom teacher - This is a teacher for any subject that leads the whole life (at school and outside the school) of one attached to him class and communicates with parents.

According to the law (Part 1 of Article 60.2. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation) any additional work should be carried out with the written consent of the employee and for an additional fee. In fact, the class leadership is prescribed in the employment contract and the teacher automatically agrees with the performance of this work when signing. Rarely who can refuse this, although it has full right, and it is paid far from the proportionality of time and forces.

The functions of the class teacher and what is needed to implement them:

  • Know Name, surname, home address, telephone (preferably) each child In his class, as well as the names of parents (legal representatives), their phone. I also requested data on the place of work of the parents, but they are most likely redundant.
    In this case, the following functions of the class manager are being implemented from organizational and coordinating:
  • - ensuring the connection of the general education institution with the family;

  • - establishing contacts with parents (other legitimate representatives) students ...;

  • These data are also required to implement the following function:
  • - documentation (class magazine, personal affairs students).

  • Know Features of the nature of the child (if possible) . Not all character traits and tendencies are visible to the teacher at once or even with time. Parents see the student in their own way, in another setting. We all want the child to be perceived as a person with all the characteristics of the character and behavior, so tell about them to the class teacher.
    It may be necessary for:

    - organizations in the classroom of the educational process, optimal for the development of the positive potential of the personality of students in the framework of the activities of the general-cool team;

    interacting with each study and class team as a whole;

    For communicative functions:

    regulation of interpersonal relationships between students;

    establishing interaction between pedagogical workers and training;

    assisting students in the formation of communicative qualities

  • Know the reason for the absence of a child in classes . The class teacher is responsible for the life and health of the child during class. Therefore, you are asked for, certificates, etc. Based on these documents, the administration is the official order for the liberation of a child from classes. Thus, the responsibility for the life and health of the child during occupation takes on the parent (legal representative). This is the function of the control:

    monitoring attendance of training studies learning.

  • Must prepare and conduct Meetings I.

    consultation, conversations with parents (other legal representatives) of students;

  • check diaries at least once a week (Estimate estimates, incur important information for parents, report on the date of the parent meeting, etc.). Now there are electronic diaries, as well as most of the information is laid out on the School website (the school is obliged to constantly update information on the site to ensure the information openness of the educational institution, have this in mind). But many parents would like to receive information from paper carrier in the old way.

    monitoring the performance of each trainee;

  • Know Medical testimony and contraindications of each child - recommended
    The teacher is not entitled to demand medical conclusions and diagnoses. But parents can inform if the child can have allergic or physical characteristics that need to be taken into account when organizing the educational process (for example, bad vision).
  • Know Social status of the family (Is the family of the low-income (officially), how many children are in the family, are parents in divorce).
    This information is collected for the activities of the social teacher.

    providing parents in educating learning (personally, through a psychologist, social teacher, an additional education teacher)

    Hiking with children in cinema, theater and holding other educational or entertainment events

    organization of educational work with students through the conduct of "small pedsovets", pedagogical consultations, thematic and other events;

Methodical recommendations are covered and the forms of work that the class teacher can use to carry out its functions: individual (conversations, consultation); Group (for example, self-government bodies, which for some reason now stopped being relevant, at least in my school); Collective (contests, performances, concerts).

The success of the work is invited to evaluate the level of social development of students (general culture, discipline), that is, according to the results. The work process itself is also assessed, that is, as a class manager organized educational work with students, as interacting with the team of school and parents.

But some things are still not covered in the document, but, in my opinion, it is important for work - this is what it is impossible to do in the work of the class teacher and a little about his schedule.

Cool leader is not entitled

Finally ...

Two years later, I returned to the article with other ideas about the school and work in it by the class teacher. Some readers did not agree with my opinion (though, without explaining why). Now I understand that much depends on people and a lot of teachers who are very like to be exactly a class teacher and a large number of functions do not scare them and does not annoy. For me, this work was in a burden, as I wanted to make more preparation for lessons, and not counting the remaining money for food and diaries.

Have something to add or argue? Write in the comments. Waiting for groups of VC and classmates.

Briefly about the position of the class teacher, its functions and responsibilities for GEF

GEF (federal state educational standards) contains the requirements exhibited for the processes of the implementation of educational programs, as well as the requirements for the activities of the class teacher. In drawing up the job instructions, the positions are considered enshrined in GEF.

Before the class teacher, the task is to organize educational work of the class. Most often, these functions are assigned to the subject teacher. In some educational institutions, the class manager does not at all or has a minimum learning load, then it is called a class mentor, a tutor, a cool curator.

The functions that are imposed on the class teacher are fixed in the school charter. Officially, the task of organizing students is raised before the class teacher, but in practice, this process is reduced to helping the self-organization of students, to support their initiatives and creative impulses. Even the functions of the class teacher include:

  • organization of class work work;
  • organization of extracurricular class life;
  • social assistance and protection of students;
  • interaction with parents of students.

Approximate structure of the job instruction

For all posts that are in the staff of the school schedule, job descriptions are developed. At the same time, the structure in all job descriptions unified. As a basis, you can take the following option when the instruction consists of sections dedicated to:

Do not know your rights?

  • general provisions
  • official duties
  • rights,
  • responsibility.

When developing an official instruction of a class teacher, such a structure of the document is quite admissible. Next, we will tell you what information is to put in each section.

General section Instructions

The first section of the instruction contains a brief description of the posts and qualification requirements that are exposed to the candidate for the post of class manager. So, here include the following items:

  • the full name of the position (class manager), and which category of employees this position applies;
  • the procedure for appointing a position and dismissal (the decision is made by the director of the school, publishing a respective order);
  • the procedure for subordination: the class teacher may obey directly the director of the school or auch of OIA;
  • who is the class lead guide during the absence of an employee;
  • what is guided in his work Class leader: laws (in particular, FZ "On Education" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-ФЗ) and other regulatory acts, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter of the School, etc.;
  • qualification requirements: as a rule, an employee must have a higher pedagogical education and experience with children at least throughout the year, but not necessarily as a class manager.

Official duties of the class teacher

This section of the job instruction may contain the following job responsibilities imposed on the class teacher:

  • lead a journal of progress;
  • draw up personal affairs;
  • organize a class team, which is manifested in the issuance of instructions, working with the asset class, formation of duty duty, organization of creative events;
  • organize duty;
  • organize the order of pupils;
  • to form a monetary fund to ensure cool needs and dispose of funds from it;
  • control attendance, find out the causes of the pass;
  • work with diaries of students;
  • create conditions for expanding the horizons of students, the circle of their interests;
  • promote the formation of a favorable climate in the team, strengthening friendly relations;
  • help adapt to students at the beginning of the educational process;
  • hold cool clock;
  • provide the protection of the rights of students, their interests;
  • carry out vocational guidance work with high school students;
  • careful meetings with parents.

The charter of the school or other documents on the class teacher may also be assigned other duties, then this section of the instructions are adjusted.

Class leader's rights

This section displays those rights that the cool leader is endowed for the trouble-free execution of their official duties. In almost all educational institutions, the class teacher may:

  • attend the lessons of the subject teacher held in the classroom under control, but at the same time it is impossible to interrupt the occupation or do during the lesson comments to the teacher;
  • study how the educational process is held in lessons conducted by the subject teacher;
  • attract students from their class to disciplinary responsibility according to school documents regulating this process;
  • encourage students from their class according to regulatory documents of the school;
  • actively cooperate with colleagues, participate in the pedagogical council of the school, make proposals to improve the learning process;
  • cooperate with medical workers, employees of social services and inspections on juvenile affairs;
  • improve your qualifications.

This is not an exhaustive list of rights, it can, if necessary, be expanded or modified.

The responsibility of the class teacher

The section where the types of responsibility are briefly listed to which the class teacher can be attracted and the grounds for this. The standard here is prescribed that the class teacher can:

  • for non-compliance with the official instructions, a violation of school rules, non-fulfillment of the order of the School Director and other disorders - to attract disciplinary responsibility;
  • for the use of physical or moral violence to students - to be released from office, which is not considered a measure of disciplinary responsibility;
  • for causing damage to the property of the school - to attract to material responsibility on the rules of civil or labor law.

Cool leadership is another direction of the subject of the subject teacher, and the job description helps to distinguish the responsibilities, gives teachers with additional rights and at the same time additional functions. At the same time, official instructions for the class teacher and for the subject teacher should not intersect, which is taken into account when developing them.

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