GDZ in English 6 Verbickle Notebook. What does this collection need

English Grade 6

Workbook (Workbook)

Verbicksk, Gayarelli, Redli, Mind

Ventana Graph

Basic difficulties.

During this year, the guys will starve an extensive program that includes and acquaintance with mysterious stories, and quite modern data. Also, students get acquainted with many complex grammatical aspects. But very often the study of new information is given to them with difficulty. Deal with errors and gaps in knowledge they will give reshebnik "English. Workbook Grade 6 "Verbickle, Gayardelli. Publishing House "Ventana-Graf", 2016

What is this collection you need.

The publication includes sixteen sections, and besides several test works. All rooms have exhaustive answers, so that schoolchildren will be very easy to implement the necessary self-test. But the fact that "GDZ in English Grade 6 Verbickle" You can use online, much simplifies work with it.

Is it worth using them.

Sometimes students simply do not have time to spend a lot of time over teaching aids, looking for answers to their questions. After all, the d / s is to do a lot, and then it is sometimes pressed. Reshebnik to the textbook of the Forward series "English. Workbook Grade 6" Verbicky It will be possible to understand in detail in all the nuances of the subject.

The workbook is part of the Ferward educational and methodological set for grade 6 and complements the textbook to the tasks system providing comprehensive development of skills and skills in auditing, speaking, reading and writing. The notebook includes tests for self-assessment with answers. Complete with the study manual offers a CD with an audio apparatus. Tasks for listening are marked by a special sign.
The CMD "FORWARD" for grade 6 enters the system of educational and methodological sets "Success algorithm".

Add Question Tags To These Sentences.
1 You Like Sports,
2 This Is Your Favorite Song,
3 IT ISN't Trevor's House,
6 We Had A Very Cold Summer Last Year in Russia,
7 Your Brother Plays The Guitar Very Well,
8 He Doesn't Like Swimming,
9 Vera Usually Goes Skiing in Decept
10 Maxim and Nikita Are Fond of Collecting Stamps,

Complete The Santhences.
1 Whose Bicycle Is This? IT'S Sally's Bicycle. IT's Hers.
2 Whose Pen Is This? IT'S Trevor's. IT's.
3 Whose House Is This? IT'S JACK AND JILL'S. IT's.
4 Whose Car Is This? IT'S Ann's. IT's.
5 Is This Pen Mine Or Trevor's? It's not Trevor's. IT's.
6 Is This Robert's Computer? YES, IT IS. IT's.

Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions
Unit 2 Daily Routines
Unit 3 Family Members
Unit 4 Favourite Things
Unit 6 Animal Life
Unit 7 A Postcard from Another Country
Unit 8 Holidays and Traveling
Unit 9 Eating Traditions and Customs
UNIT 10 SCHOOL Subjects
Unit 12 Shopping
Unit 14 The World of Computers
Unit 15 TV Watching
Unit 16 The World of Music
Test 1.
Test 2.
Test 3.
Test 4.

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  • English, grade 6, part 2, Verbickskaya M.V., Gayarerelli M., Redli P., 2015 English books
  • English, Grade 6, Part 1, Verbickskaya M.V., Gayardelli M., Redli P., 2015 - The textbook is the fifth in the Forward series, providing the continuity of learning English from 2 to grade 11 of general educational organizations. Tutorial ... English books
  • English, Grade 6, Workbook, Ter-Minasova S.G., Kutina O.G., 2016
  • English, notebook for repetition and consolidation, grade 6, Kotlyarova M.B.

The following textbooks and books:

Verbickskaya M. V. Forward. English for grade 6. Test 1.
Ex. 1 Page 126. Read The Text and Look At The Pictures. Which of Them Shows Mark's Family? - Read the text and look at the photos. Which one shows the family of Mark?
Hi, I'm Mark Steward. I'm 13. I'm from Liverpool. This Is My Family. My Mother IS 34. HER BROTHER JOHN IS 26. HE'S MY FAVOROITE UNCLE. My Sister Rebecca Is A Baby. She's ONLY 1. My Brother IS 11. HIS Name Is Roger. My Father IS 40. WE'RE A Happy Family.
Picture B.

Hi, I am Mark Steward. I am 13 years old. I am from Liverpool. This is my family. My mom is 34. Her brother John 26. He is my favorite uncle. My sister Rebecca baby. She is only 1 year old. My brother is 11 years old. His name is Roger. My father is 40. We are a happy family.
Photo B.

Ex. 2 Page 126. Write The Numerals from the Text Above in Words. - Write numeral words with words.
0 Thirteen 3 One
1 Thirty-Four 4 Eleven
2 Twenty-Six 5 Forty

Ex. 3 Page 126. Complete The Sentences with the Adverbs Never, Sometimes, Often, Usually, Always. Find The Right Place for the Adverbs. - Complete deals by adveria ever, sometimes, often, usually, always. Find a suitable place for adverbs.

0 I'm Late for Lessons. I'm Never Late for Lessons. - I'm late for classes. I'm never late for lessons.
1 I USUALY GO TO THE SPORTS CLUB TWICE A WEEK. - I usually go to the sports club twice a week.
2 My Sister Always Gets Up AT 7 O'Clock. - My sister always gets up at 7 o'clock.
3 We Sometimes Go to the Cinema on Sundays. - We sometimes go to the cinema on Sundays.
4 WE NEVER GO Home for Lunch. - We never go home for lunch.
5 They Don't Often Watch TV in The Afternoon. - They do not often watch TV after lunch.

Ex. 4 Page 126-127. Change These Sentences Into General Questions. Pay Special Attention to the Forms of the Verbs to Have and to Have Got. - Change these suggestions for general questions. Pay special attention to the forms of the verbs of Have and Have Got.

0 Kate Has Got Two Hobbies - Singing and Dancing. - HAS KATE GOT TWO HOBBES - Singing and Dancing? - Kate has two hobbies - singing and dancing. - Kate has two hobbies - sing and dance?
1 You've Got Many Clubs At Your School. - Have you got Many Clubs At Your School? - You have many clubs in your school. - Do you have many clubs in your school?
2 The Smiths Have Dinner AT EIGHT O'Clock. - Do the Smiths Have Dinner AT EIGHT O'Clock? - Smiths dinner at eight hours. - Smiths dinner at eight hours?
3 Mary Hasn't Got Any Pets. - Has Mary Got Any Pets? - Mary has no pets. - Mary has pets?
4 Kevin Hasn't Got A Computer At Home. - HAS KEVIN GOT A COMPUTER AT HOME? - Kevin has no computer at home. - Does Kevin have a computer at home?
5 You Have Breakfast in the Kitchen. - Do You Have Breakfast In The Kitchen? - You are breakfast in the kitchen. - Do you have breakfast in the kitchen?

Ex. 5 Page 127. Write About the Hobbies using the Phrases Enjoy / Love Doing Sth. - Write about the hobby, using phrases enjoy / love doing something.

0 She enjoys Listening to Music. - She loves to listen to music.
1 They Enjoy / Love Dancing. - They love to dance.
2 He enjoys / loves playing the guitar. - He enjoys / likes to play a guitar.
3 He loves using a computer. - He likes to use the computer.
4 They Enjoy / Love Swimming. - They love to swim.
5 He enjoys / Loves Playing The Piano. - He loves to play piano.

Ex. 6 Page 127. Add questions to the Sentences and Give Short Answers to These Questions. - Add questions to proposals and give brief answers to these questions.

0 The UK Is An Absolute Monarchy, IsN't IT? - NO, IT ISN'T. - United Kingdom is an absolute monarchy, right? - No, it is not.
1 Queen Elizabeth II IS The Head Of State in the UK, Isn't She? - YES, SHE IS. - Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state in the UK, isn't it? - Yes.
2 The Queen Has Absolute Power, Doesn't She? - No, She Doesn't. - The queen has absolute power, isn't it? - Not.
3 Queen Elizabeth II Was Born in 1926, Wasn't She? - YES, SHE WAS. - Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926, right? - Yes.
4 Prince Andrew Is Not The Queen's Eldest Grandson, Is He? - no, he isn't. "Prince Andrew is not the older grandson of the queen, right?" - Not.
5 in 2011 Prince William Married Catherine Middleton, Didn't He? - YES, HE DID. - In 2011, Prince William married Catherine Middleton, right? - Yes.

Test 2.
Ex. 1 Page 128. Read The Text and Statements Below The Text. Mark Them As True (T) or False (F). - Read the text and suggestions under the text. Mark them as true or false.

Save the Chimps!
Like Human Children, Chimpanzee Babies Are Very Attached to their Mums - But Many of Them Lose Their Parents When the Are Very Young. In West and Central Africa, Mothers of Young Chimps Are Among The Animals Killed by Poachers for Meat. The Poachers Thene Sell The Poor Orphan Babies for Experiments Or to Circuses, or as Exotic Pets.
Fortunately, Many of These Young Chimps Have Now Got A Loving Home At the New Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Kenya. 'Most of Them Are In A Terrible State WHEN WE Rescue Them,' Says Chris Jordan, Of Care for the Wild, An Organisation That Helps Pay for the Chimps to Stay at the Sanctuary.
At Sweetwaters The Young Chimpanzees Can Have A Normal Life, Looking for Food, Making Friends and Learning How To Explore and Climb. Most Are Doing Well. 'Some of The Baby Chimps Are Badly Injured Whe WE Find Them,' Adds Chris. 'We Really Need An Intensive Care Unit. Then We Can Help More Animals. '

1 - T. Chimpanzees Are Killed Because People Eat Their Meat.
2 - T. The Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary Is The Home for Young Chimps.
3 - T. Many of Them Need Medical Care WHEN THEY Get To the Sanctuary.
4 - F. Chris Jordan Works for the Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary.
5 - T. Care for the Wild Finances The Sanctuary.

Save chimpanzees!
Like human children, the young chimpanzees are very tied to their mothers - but many of them lose their parents when they are very small. In Western and Central Africa, the mother of young chimpanzees are one of the animals, which poachers are killed on meat. Poachers then sell poor orphans for experiments or circus or as exotic animals.
Fortunately, many of these young chimpanzees have already received a loving house in the new corner of the wildlife's chimpanzees in Kenya. "Most of them were in a terrible state when we saved them," says Chris Jordan, from the care of wildlife, an organization that helps to pay for chimpanzees so that they remain in the corner of wildlife.
In Swovers, young chimpanzees can have a normal life, look for food, make friends and learn to explore and climb trees. Most of them feel good. "Some of the young chimpanzees are seriously injured when we find them," adds Chris. "We really need a block of intensive therapy. Then we can help more animals. "

0 - T. Young chimpanzees love their mothers.
1 - T. Chimpanzee is killed, because people eat their meat.
2 - T. Corner Wildlife Swovers Chimpanzee is home to young chimpanzees.
3 - T. Many of them need medical care when they fall into the corner of wildlife.
4 - F. Chris Jordan operates in the corner of the Wildlife of Swovers Chimpanzee.
5 - T. Care for wildlife finances the corner of wildlife.

Ex. 3 Page 128. Complete The Sentences Using The Present Simple Or The Present Continuous Form of the Verbs in Brackets. - Complete suggestions using a present simple or present continued verbs in brackets.

0 Does Trevor Often Play Football on Monday? - Trevor often plays football on Monday?
1 Pat Likes to Travel. - Pat loves to travel.
2 She Is Traveling In Australia This Week. - She travels in Australia this week.
3 How Often Do You Go To The Cinema? - How often do you go to the cinema?
4 Are you Watching TV at the Moment? - Do you watch TV at the moment?
5 Nevita IS Having Lunch Now. - Nevita dins now.
6 Do You Usually Have Lunch At Home? - Do you usually dine at home?

Ex. 3 Page 128. Complete The Santensees using The Verbs in The Passive Voice. - Complete offers using verbs in a passive pledge.

0 IT's Called / It is Called a DuckBill in English. - It is called a light-up in English.
1 They New Year IS CELEBRED TWICE IN RUSSIA. - The new year is celebrated twice in Russia.
2 How Many People Are Invited to Your Party? - How many people are invited to your party?
3 TV New Year Programmes Are repeated on January 13. - New Year's television programs are repeated on January 13th.
4 Children Are Given Presents at School and At Home. - Children give gifts at school and at home.
5 The Word 'Festival' IS Used in Two Different Meanings In English. - The word "festival" is used in two different values in English.

Ex. 4 Page 129. Are you good at geography? Look At The Map And Complete The Sentences about The Weather in These Countries. - Do you have a good geography? Look at the map and supplement the weather deals in these countries.

0 IT's Snowing in Iceland. - Snow is snowing in Iceland.
1 IT's Raining in Britain. - In the UK it rains.
2 IT's Warm and Sunny in Southern Italy. - In southern Italy warm and sunny.
3 IT's Cloudy in France. - In France, cloudy.
4 IT's Sunny in Spain. - In Spain sunny.
5 IT's Cold in Germany. - In Germany it is cold.
6 it's windy in portugal. - in Portugal windy.

Ex. 5 Page 129. Describe The People in the Pictures: Their Height, Build, Hair. - Describe people in the photos: their growth, physique, hair.

0 BRAD IS A TALL, THIN BOY. He's Got Straight Blond Hair. - Brad high, thin boy. He has straight blonde hair.
1 Sheila Is a Tall, Thin Girl. She's Got Wavy Black Hair. - Sheila is high, thin girl. She has a wavy black hair.
2 Brian Is A Short, Fat Boy. He's Got Short Blond Hair. - Brian Low, fat boy. He has short blond hair.
3 Sarah Is a Tall, Thin Girl. She's Got Long Straight Black Hair. - Sarah high, thin girl. She has long straight black hair.
4 Rick Is a Tall, Fat Boy. HE'S GOT Short, Curly Black Hair. - Rick high, fat boy. He has short, curly black hair.

Test 3.
Ex. 1 Page 130. Do You Know What These School Subjects Are Called in English? Read The Descriptions and Write The Words. - Do you know how these school items are called in English? Read the descriptions and write words.

0 The Language Of The Frhench People. - FRENCH - the language of the French people. - French.
1 The Language of The British People. - English. - Language of the British people. - English.
2 The Study of Countries, Seas and Mountains. - Geography. - Studying countries, seas and mountains. - Geography.
3 ARITHMETIC, ALGEBRA AND GEOMETRY ARE PART OF THIS SUBJECT. - Maths. - Arithmetic, algebra and geometry are part of this subject. - Mathematics.
4 in this Subject You Learn to Pain and Draw and Study Great People Like Da Vinci. - Art. - On this subject you will learn to draw and recognize the great people, such as Da Vinci. - Art.
5 You can Play Basketball, Football and Tennis in This Subject. - Physical Education. - You can play basketball, football and tennis in this lesson. - Physical Education.
6 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY ARE Part of this Subject. - Science. - Physics and chemistry are part of this subject. - The science.
7 The Study of Great People Like Kutuzov and Facts from The Past. - History. - The study of great people, such as Kutuzov and Facts from the past. - History.
8 The Language of The People of Russia. - RUSSIAN. - language of the people of Russia. - Russian.

Ex. 2 Page 130. Do You Like Shopping? Look At The Picture, Complete Questions and Write Answers. - Do you like to go shopping? Look at the picture, add questions and write the answers.

0 (a) How Much Is This Belt? - IT's Twelve Pounds Fifty. - How much is this belt? - Twelve pounds fifty.
1 (b) How Much Is This Pair of Jeans? - IT's Twenty-Eight Pounds Sixty Pension. - How much do these jeans cost? - Twenty-eight pounds sixty pence.
3 (c) How Much Is That Dress? - IT's Eighteen Pounds Fifty Pence. - How much is this dress? - Eighteen pounds fifty pence.
4 (d) How Much Is This T-Shirt? - IT's Nine Pounds Ninety-Nine Pence. - How much does this T-shirt cost? - Nine pounds ninety-nine pence.
5 (e) How Much Is This Coat? - IT's Sixty-Two Pounds. - How much is this coat? - Sixty-two pounds.
6 (f) How Much Is This Skirt? - IT's Eighteen Pounds Ninety Pension. - How much does this skirt cost? - Eighteen pounds ninety pence.
7 (g) How Much Is That Pair of Socks? - IT's Three Pounds Sixty Pension. - How much is this pair of socks? - Three pounds sixty pence.

Ex. 3 Page 131. Complete The Sentences using Much or Many. - Complete offers using Much or Many.

0 How MUCH MILK IS TheRe in the Fridge? - There IS A Little. - How much milk in the refrigerator? - There is little.
1 How Much Sugar Have We Got? - WE'VE GOT HALF A PACKET. - How much sugar do we have? - We have half the package.
2 How Many Apples Are there? - THERE ARE SIX APPLES. - How many apples? - Six apples.
3 How Much Fruit Have We Got? - We Haven't Got Much. - How much fruits do we have? - We have a little of them.
4 How Much Bread Have We Got? - We Haven't Got Any Bread. - How much bread do we have? - We do not have bread.
5 How Many Potatoes Are there? - There Are Some Potatoes in the Basket. - How many potatoes do we have? - We have a little potato in the basket.
6 How Much Chicken Have We Got? - WE'VE GOT 4 PIECES. - How many chicken do we have? - We have 4 pieces.

Ex. 4 Page 131. Look At The Picture and Describe This Small Town. - Look at the picture and describe this little town.

0 The Library Is Next To / Near The Church. - The library is located next to the church.
1 The Department Store Is Next To Tesco. - The department store is located next to Tesco.
2 The Railway Station Is Opposite The Cinema. - The railway station is opposite the cinema.
3 The School Is Opposite / In Front Of The Shopping Center. / The School IS Next To the Library / Cinema. / The School Is Between The Library and The Cinema. - The school is opposite / in front of the shopping center. / School is next to the library / cinema. / School is located between the library and the movies.
4 The NewsAnt's IS in Front of the Post Office. - The newspaper kiosk is located in front of the post office.
5 The Shopping Center Is Next To The Railway Station / Opposite The School. - The shopping center is located next to the railway station / opposite the school.
6 The Bank Is Behind Tesco. - The bank is located for Tesco.
7 The Cinema Is NEXT TO THE PUB / SCHOOL. The Cinema Is Opposite The Railway Station. - The cinema is located next to the pub / school. / Cinema in front of the railway station.
8 The Church IS Next To the Library. - Church next to the library.
9 The Restaurant IS Near Tesco. - Restaurant next to Tesco.
10 The Post Office IS Behind / Opposite The NewsAnt's. - The post office is behind / opposite the newspaper kiosk.

Ex. 5 Page 132. Look at the Pictures and Write Five Alternative Questions Using the Prompts. - Look at the photos and write five alternative questions using tips.

0 Is Their House in Bristol or in London? - Are their home in Bristol or in London?
1 IS Tom's Mother from Britain or from France? - Mother Tom from Great Britain or France?
2 Is it / this Kevin's Father or Uncle? - Is this father or uncle Kevin?
3 is IT Ann's or Tim's Phone Number? / Is This Phone Number Ann's or Tim's? - Is it a phone number Anna or Tim?
4 Is This Girl's Name Kate or Susan? - This girl is Cate or Susan?
5 Is This Dog Alice's Pet or Bob's Pet? / Is This Dog Alice's or Bob's Pet? - Is it a dog Animal Alice or Bob?

Test 4.
Ex. 1 Page 133. Read The Text and Fill in the Fact File. - Read the text and add information.

Gary Cole.
Gary Cole Is One of the Best Basketball Players in Britain. Gary Was Born in 1980 in Birmingham. Gary's Got Two Brothers, Roy and Leroy, And A Sister, Lucy, And The All Do Sport. But The All Youunger Than Gary and Still At School. His Parents, Roger and Julie, Are Teachers.
Gary Started Playing Basketball WHEN HE WAS SIX! HE Used to Watch The American Stars on TV WHE WAS A BOY, AND THAT'S WHERE HE GOT HIS INSPIRATION TO BE A STAR. He Used to Play In The Park Near His House. HE ALSO USED TO PLAY FOOTBALL AND WAS IN THE SCHOOL TEAM. But Gary Prefers Basketball Because He Says It's Faster and More Exciting Than Football. HE PLAYS FOR THE BIRMINGHAM BRAVES NOW AND HE'S THEIR STAR PLAYER. Gary's: But He Has An Ambition. He Wants To Go and Play In The USA for One of the Big Teams! Why? BECAUSE THE STANDARD OF PLAY IS HIGHER AND BECAUSE PLAYERS GET MORE MONEY.

Fact File
1 Name: Gary
2 Surname: Cole
3 Profession: Basketball Player
4 Name of Team: Birmingham Braves
Members of Family.
6 Mother: Julie, Teacher
7 Father: Roger, Teacher
8 Brother: Roy, Student
9 Brother: Leroy, Student

Gary Cole
Gary Cole is one of the best basketball players in the UK. Gary was born in 1980 in Birmingham. Gary has two brothers, swarm and Leroy, and sister, Lucy, and they all are engaged in sports. But all of them are younger than Gary and still study at school. His parents, Roger and Julie, Teachers.
Gary began playing basketball when he was six years old! He watched American stars on TV when he was a boy, that's the way he got his inspiration to be a star. He played in the park near his house. He also played football and was in the school team. But Gary prefers basketball because he says he is faster and more exciting than football. He currently plays for Birmingham Breivz and he is their star player. Gary is very pleased with Breivz, but he has ambitions. He wants to go and play for the US for one of the big teams! Why? Since the game standard is higher and because players get more money.

Ex. 2 Page 133. What Are These People Doing? DESCRIBE THE PICTURE. - What do these people do? Describe the picture.

0 Steve Is Playing Volleyball. - Steve plays volleyball.
1 Ian and Roger Are Playing Football. - Yang and Roger play football.
2 Patrick is Playing Tennis. - Patrick plays tennis.
3 Sandy Is Listening to Music. - Sandy listens to music.
4 Tom is rollerblading. - Tom rolling on the rollers.
5 Eric Is Playing The Guitar. - Eric plays a guitar.
6 Paul Is Cycling. - Paul rides a bike.
7 George Is Swimming. - George is swimming.
8 Susan Is Playing Basketball. - Susan plays basketball.
9 The Collins Are Having a Picnic. - Collins a picnic.
10 They Are Having Fun / Enjoying ThemSelves. - They are having fun.

Ex. 3 Page 134. Who Are These People? Write ABOUT THEIR PROFESSONS - Who are these people? Write about their professions.
0 He is an Actor. - He is an actor.
1 she is an artist. - She is an artist.
2 He is a Musician. - He is a musician.
3 She is an Actress. - She is an actress.
4 he is a sportsman. - He is a sportsman.
5 He is a politician. - He is a politician.

Ex. 4 Page 134. Match The Sentences (0-1) WITH IF-CLAUSES (A-F). - Match offers.

0 We Would Go for a Walk - F IF It Were Not So Cold. "We would go for a walk if it were not so cold."
1 i Wouldn't Do An Extra Job - with if i Didn't Need The Money. - I would not have done additional work, if I had not needed money.
2 She Would Use A Computer - D If She Had One. - She would use the computer if he had it.
3 We Would Invite Him - E If We Knew Where He Was. "We would invite him if I knew where he was."
4 The Would Come to the Party - A If The Were Free on That Evening. - They would come to a party if they were free that evening.
5 Simon Would Grow Vegetables - in If He Had a Garden. - Simon would grow vegetables if he had a garden.

Ex. 5 Page 134. Complete The Sentences using the Prompts. - Complete offers using tips.

0 if I Were You i'd Ask Your Trainer. - In your place, I would ask your coach.
1 If I Were You i'd BUY AN Italian Car. - In your place, I would buy an Italian car.
2 If I Were You i'd Use a Computer at School. - In your place, I would use the computer at school.
3 If I Were You i'd Put On a Jacket for the interview. - In your place, I would give a jacket on an interview.
4 if I Were You i'd Give Her Flowers. - In your place, I would give her flowers. Theverbitsa M. V. Forward. English for 11 ...

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