New Year's games in English for schoolchildren. New Year Games or How to Have Fun All Night

Very soon in our apartments, elegant Christmas trees will appear and the magic spirit of the holiday will settle in the heart. English grammar and new words will gradually go to the background, giving way to a dreamy mood and anticipation of a miracle.

Let's compatible this miracle with the English lesson!

Christmas for malyavok

With the child now we study the numbers, so this presentation will be an excellent addition to mathematics lessons in English, in which the New Year objects will consider. And we will also help three deer find the way to Santa Claus so that he can take the New Year's gifts to children.

You can still learn a short verse about snowflakes and surprise Santa Claus on the matinee:

Snowflakes Are Nice, (Snowflakes are cute,)

Snowflakes Are White. (White snowflakes.)

They Fall by Day, (they fall in the afternoon,)

THEY FALL AT NIGHT. (They fall at night.)

Christmas for schoolchildren

Children over 12 years old and the level of language proficiency are not lower than A2, you can talk about the traditions of Christmas celebrations in England and the United States, to solve the crossword and talk about the festive traditions in Russia and the student's family. The last task can be used with adults.

Christmas for adults

We will certainly talk to adults using Speaking Cards and edited them a bit, let's see the first and second series of my favorite TV series from British Council Word on the Street (for shopping lovers there is a plot about Christmas shopping).

Or listen to the christmas song Mariah Carey and make it exercises.

P.S. Almost all materials are taken from ESL Printables.

All festive mood, dear friends! Let the New Year holidays with you we will leave only positive memories and we, adults, can plunge into the world of childhood, fairy tales and sleep!

· Teach children to answer the full answer to the question;

· Enrich children's dictionary;

· Develop a phonmematic hearing, worldview, attention, memory, creative imagination, logical thinking and creative abilities;

· Enchanting knowledge of children about Christmas traditions in England;

· Rail interest in the culture of another country.



Municipal pre-school educational institution Kindergarten combined species No. 228 Kirovsky District of Volgograd

Theme "New Year's trip with Santa Claus".

English lesson for children 5-6 years

Amounted to:

Senior teacher

first qualifying category

Overclockov Liliya Aleksandrovna

Volgograd 2014.


  • Learn children to answer the full answer to the question;
  • Enrich children's dictionary;
  • Develop phonmematic hearing, worldview, attention, memory, creative imagination, logical thinking and creative abilities;
  • Consolidate children's knowledge about Christmas traditions in England;
  • Rail interest in the culture of another country.


Easels, animal masks, pictures of rhymed words, letter with text, symbols for indicating glasses, gifts for promotion.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with traditions and customs of the country under study, acquaintance with traditional English games, learning rhyms, poems and songs on english language, dramatization of fairy tales and games in English.


Music "We Wish You a Merry Cristmas" sounds,

Children to music enter the hall and get around the teacher who meets them with the following words:


Hello Boys and Girls.


Hello Lilia Alexandrovna!


Guys, let's greet our guests in English.

Pooh "Good Evening".


Good evering, good evering.
Good Eveing \u200b\u200bto You!
Good Eveing, Good Evening,
I "M Glad to See You!


Children see what is an elegant room today, and what is the holiday we notice with you?


New Year's and Christmas!


Today we have not quite ordinary lesson. Today we meet a holiday called Christmas! The fact is that in England the holiday of Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. On this day, most families are sent to church, and after it they are going to have a festive table. So we will meet our English holiday Christmas or as christmas the British. Guys, Sit Down. Timosha, Read a Poem!

1. Child


We Wish You A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Guys, attention to the screen. I think I hear something!

Video about Santa Claus.


And now dear parents, our kids would like you to greet the song "I Say Hello!" Let's remember the song - greeting for our guests and for us with you.


"I Say Hello!"

Say Hello-Hello!

Say Hello-Hello!

Say Hello-Hello!

Say Hello-Hello!

Clap Your Hands - Clap, Clap, Clap.

Touch Your Knees - Tap, Tap, Tap.

Shake Your Hands - Shake, Shake, Shake.

Stamp Your Feet - Stamp, Stamp, Stamp.

Say Hello - Hello! Say Hello - Hello!

Say Hello - Hello! Say Hello-Hello!


Well done guys, let's put each other!

Children, and who came to us today for a holiday? Let's remember and call the English (Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Grandmother, Grandfather).

Guys, and now I suggest you to perform a song word song "Family".

Father Fmger, Father Fmger, Where Are You?

Here I am, Here I am. How do you do.

Mother "Fmger, Mother Fmger, Where Are you?

Brother Fmger, Brother Fmger, Where Are You?

Here I am, Here 1 am. How do you do.

Sister Fmger, Sister Fmger, Where Are you?

Here I am, Here 1 am. How do you do.

Baby Fmger, Baby Fmger, Where Are You?

Here I am, Here 1 am. How do you do.

Host: (Enable Snow Sounds and Blizzards).

Close Your Eyes! 1,2,3 - Open Your EueS! Guys, you don't see anything and not
hear? Someone is in a hurry to us.

It includes a snowman!


Guys, who came to us?

Snowman! And how will it be in English? Children:

And Snowman!


Let's say hello to him!





How Are you you?
Snowman (reads a poem).

"I am and Snowman"!

I "M a Little Snowman, Short and Fat

Here is My BroomStick, Here Is My Hat.


I am o.K. Guys, let's play with you in the game "Snowman", together with

Snowman game. (Under the melody "I lived in the world a good beetle."

Once There Was a Snowman, Snowman,



tall, Tall.

In The Sun He Melted, Melted, Melted.

In The Sun He Melted Small, Small, Small.


And now we will play in the game "Hot Ball".

I will pass the ball and asks you, and you must quickly answer my questions:

What is your name?

My name is Masha! (Children).

Nice To Meet You! (Snowman).

Who Are you?


What is your name?

How Old Are you?

Leading: Snowman, a We Guys Love to Play and Dance. And We Know Very Fun Game I Have ... "

Snowman, and the guys we love very much, play and dance. And we know a very fun game "I have ...".

While Playing Music, You Run As Soon AS The Music to Stop, You Must Also Stop and Take a Picture!

While playing music, you run as soon as the music stops you are also required to stay and take a picture!

Children under the melody take pictures and answer that they have in English.

Lead Specifies the question: Who Do You Have? You can complicate the question (call another animal).

(The game is held with children 1 and 2 years of study).

Leading: The Children Sit On Chairs. Our Girls Will Read US A POEM.

Poeses read:

New Year

And Happy New Year!

The Day Is So Clear,

The Snow Is So White,

The Sky IS SO Bright.

Santa Claus.

Santa Claus.

Santa Claus.

Come to Our House!

New Year IS Near.

Come Quickly Here!

New Year Day.


We Are Glad and Very Gay.

We all Dance and Sing and Say:

"Welcome! Welcome! NEW YEAR DAY!"

Leading: Well Done Girls. Guys, but we did not sing a song about Santa Claus. Make A Circle!

Song "S.A.N.T.A."

Red Hat, White Beard.

Twinkle in His Eyes.


Leading: Boys, Girls, Listen, I Hear Something. Boys and girls, Listen, I hear something. What do you think who is it?(Santa's speech sounds).Oh. It seems to me that he is very close, but let's go out and see where he is?(We leave the hall at this time gifts under the Christmas tree).

Leading: Oh, parents, and you have not seen Santa Claus? Parents (saw! He drove on the sleigh, very fast)! And left you a video letter! And let's see it!Video from Santa Claus. (Children sit in chairs).Oh, guys and Santa left us a bag and he with gifts! (Presenting gifts).

Olga shared an excellent find, and because in the yard - December, it is especially important that it is pre-New Year.

Among parents are common believes that days immediately before and after the holidays - not best time For a foreign language. These days, many liberate their children from any collisions with English to immerse themselves in the festive bustle.

Meanwhile, practice shows that this opinion is erroneous. And today I will try to convince you that it can, thereby be the "magic pendel", able to awaken the dormant motivation of your child to study English.

Let's postpone all textbooks, audio and videos and workbooks - and take a look around. Which of the real, and not book, the characters speak English? Of course, Santa! And if your child knows not one, but as many as two languages \u200b\u200b(even if he knows only a few words from the second), he has a full right to receive two gifts in the New Year: from and. You agree with me?

True, in the case of Santa Claus there is one tiny "but": he does not understand a word in Russian. So if your child wants to write a letter to him, he will have to do it in English - but you will help him, right? Here you and the spelling training, and the eyes burning from impatience - two, as it seemed earlier, absolutely non-combined things.

By the way, if you do not know where Santa lives, I will share the address in secret with you - after all, you will have to specify it on the envelope:

Santa Claus.
1 Reindeer Lane
North Pole.

It is from this address that my daughter received a letter last year:

Do you know what Santa wrote to her? He suggested that Dasha owns himself to do, in which the elves will be able daily to bring assignments. We stopped at the version of the cardboard cubes that the daughter signed herself, simultaneously dealt with the differences between even and invented numbers, and also significantly advanced in the score:

Santa kept his word: tasks really came every day during the whole December. And all of them, naturally, were in English. And now, a year later, I can say with confidence: Believe me, if Santa will ask your child to learn, dance under or draw a picture with the help of the flowers named in the letter (Blue, Red, Yellow, Brown, Green, Purple etc.), your child Do not have to ask twice.

Here is our last year's list of tasks from Santa - I will be glad if it is useful to you:

Advent Calendar Tasks

  • IT IS Very Cold Outside. You are Lucky to Have a Home and Some Food to Eat. Go Out and Share Some Bread with Birds.
  • Why not make paper snowflakes and decorate the windows today? Your Home Wants To Look Beautiful!
  • Your Home Looks Beautiful and Festive. It's Time to Think About Trees Growing Outside. Pour Some Coloured Water and Put Some Pieces of Thread Into An Ice Cube Tray and Put It Into The Freezer. When The Water Freezes, Go Out and Decorate A Tree With Your Ice Toys.
  • Make a Paper Chain for the Tree.
  • Decorate Every Door in Your House.
  • Make a Birdhouse and Feed Birds.
  • What Do Snowmen Eat for Breakfast? (Answer: Snowflakees) Do You Know Any Other Riddles?
  • Write Your Letter to Me. Yours Sincerely, Santa.
  • Learn a New Year Poem by Heart.
  • Go Out in the Dark Tonight. Look At Lights and Take Some Pictures.
  • Make A Gift for Your Friend.
  • Write A New Year Story Together - Have Each Person Add A Line.
  • Describe What You Love Best About Each Family Member.
  • Bring Home Some Snow and Stand in It Barefoot.
  • Take Out Some Coloured Water in A Bottle and Paint A Picture in The Snow with Its Help.
  • Make a New Year Drawing - Use Glitter to Make The Snow Glisten and The Stars Twinkle.
  • Put on a play. ACT OUT Your Favourite New Year Story.
  • Draw a House on the Kitchen Window with toothpaste.
  • Make a Paper Tree to Decorate The Fridge.
  • Color The Page I'Ve Sent You. You'll Find IT According to the Plan I Attach.
  • Create HomeMade Cards To Give To Friends and Family.
  • Go Out with Your Camera and Take Some Pictures of Snow, Trees and the Sky.
  • Read a Story About New Year.
  • Watch a New Year Cartoon.
  • Make Some Paper Crackers.
  • Draw or Print A Picture. Ask Your Mother to Make Some Holes All Along Its Outline. Switch Off The Light and Shine A Torch From Behind Your picture. What can you see?
  • IT's Time to Be Generous. Make An Ornament - Then Give IT Away As A Present.
  • Let's Have Some Fun Today! Why not Dance and Sing to Christmas Music?
  • Bake New Year Cookies.
  • WELL DONE, MY DEAR FRIEND! You've Coped Wit All My Tasks. Now It's Time to Celebrate. After Midnight Look for The Present I'm Going to Send You in your Christmas stocking. Happy New Year!

This year, my daughter was sat down to write letters and Santa Claus, and Santa. And she no longer needs tasks - she herself knows what she can do in preparation for the new year. But she is very waiting for answers from both and, of course, ordered gifts.

By the way, gifts from them also come in different ways: Santa Claus usually puts his surprise under the Christmas tree, and Santa - this funny and wonderful grandfather - in a habit of shifts his surprise in a sock or stitched on the wall for this purpose:

I wonder, and you feel about the Mama, who uses preparation for the New Year and other holidays to stimulate the interest of your child to study English and culture of English-speaking countries?

Little children love to play, but mistakenly think that they do not like to learn at all. They like to teach them not boring ways, but using funny games, pictures, cubes, visual aids with illustrations. The tasks you will see below were created by American educators specially. There is nothing special, just on such pictures and cubes Little Americans will recognize words symbolizing Christmas and New Year.

The study of any language for a child is, first of all, the alphabet. To some extent, it is even easier than Russian, besides, many well-illustrated benefits will help you make it study by cheerful and memorable.

English for children in pictures On the topic of New Year and Christmas is an archive with different files, where there is both coloring and the schemes of Christmas cubes that you can print and glue along with your child. Before Christmas holidays last year, I published different tasks for children. And additional tasks-bonuses on the topic of Merry Christmas for children, you can see here. Some tasks require communication and contact with the child, the same as coloring or the connection of the numbers will give you the opportunity to do your affairs while the child draws.

Almost all files in PDF format, which is very convenient for printing and viewing. English cards for children, cubes schemes, New Year's poster, distinguished New Year's sheets for recordings of New Year's words and other tasks - all this in one archive.

Learn english words on the topic "New Year" And read the text on how to celebrate the New Year in different countries.

New Year Vocabulary. English words on the topic "New Year"

  1. Happy New Year - Happy New Year!
  2. on New Year's Day (EVE) - New Year's Eve
  3. New Year's Tree - Christmas tree
  4. Christmas tree - christmas tree
  5. in The Morning - in the morning
  6. late At Night - Late At Night
  7. wHEN THE CLOCK STRIKES 12 - When the clock is trying 12
  8. New Year's Party - New Year's party
  9. Snow Maiden - Snow Maiden
  10. Jack Frost - Santa Claus
  11. Father Christmas - Santa Claus (who comes to Christmas)
  12. to See (Welcome) New Year In - celebrate New Year
  13. to Look Forward To New Year - Looking forward to New Year
  14. coloured Lights - Lanterns
  15. glass Balls, Toys - Balls, New Year Toys
  16. a Tinsel - Garland
  17. to Hang Up - hang
  18. to Be Hung WITH - Hashe
  19. a Candle - Candle
  20. to Light (Lit) - light
  21. to Decorate WITH - Decorate
  22. special Decorations - Special Decorations
  23. to Celebrate (All Over the Country) - celebrate across the country
  24. to Congratulate - Congratulate
  25. to Wish Each Other - wish to each other
  26. a wish - desire
  27. to make a wish - make a desire
  28. to come true - come true
  29. to Tell Fortune - predict fate
  30. to Explode Crackers - Flap Wood
  31. to make fireworks - arrange fireworks
  32. to Send Greeting Cards - Send Greeting Cards
  33. a HOLIDAY MEAL - Festive dinner
  34. a treat - treat
  35. merry - Merry
  36. midnight - Midnight
  37. a Guest - Guest
  38. to Invite - invite
  39. to Visit SMB; to go to see - go to visit
  40. popular - Popular
  41. popular Gifts - Ordinary Gifts (a Box of Chocolate, Flowers, Books, Records, A Photo Album, A CD, Computer Games, Perfume)
  42. hand-Made Gifts - homemade gifts
  43. to Prepare - Cooking (Sia)
  44. to Put Up - set, install
  45. to Put Up a New Year Tree - Put the Christmas tree
  46. to represent - represent, symbolize
  47. to Listen To The Speech Of The President - Play President
  48. relative - relative
  49. to Stay Up Late - Looking at Stand

These English words (New Year Vocabulary) Help you tell you how you are going to celebrate the New Year. But a small text in English about the New Year.

Text "New Year Celebrations"

Every Country Has Its National Holidays, But There Are Also Holidays That Are Common for Many Countries. New Year's Day Is The First Holiday of Each New Year. In Russia It is The Most Popular Holiday, But in the West People Pay More Attention to Christmas.

New Year IS Always Connected with Our New Hopes and Dreams. Everyone Hopes That Next New Year Will Be Better Than The Last One. AS Usual People Make New Year Resolutions, The Promise to Start Doing Morning Exercises, to Eat Healthier Food. Unfortunately People Don't Always Keep Them.

The Celebration of this Holiday Begins on New Year's Eve, That is, on the 31st of December. At Home People Stay Up Until Midnight and Much Later. They Light Coloured Lamps on New Year Tree and Have Late Dinner with Champagne. Sometimes They Just Watch TV or Go Out for Late Walk. Everybody Gets Presents.

In Scotland New Year's Eve is Called HogManay. Also The Scottish Have The Custom of First-Footing.

Most Differences in Celebrating New Year Are Connected with a Meal or Special Food. For example, in Switzerland Special Bread, Rich in Butter, Eggs and Raisin Is Baked and A Roasted Goose Is Cooked. In Spain There IS A Custom to Eat 12 Grapes at Midnight. In Greece Some People Play Cards Believing That The Will Be Lucky The Whole Year If They Win. IN. RUSSIA THE Traditional Dish for the Holiday is "Russian Salad" (Olivier).

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