How to correct the desire to be fulfilled. How to make a desire to be fulfilled: the most effective techniques

Despite the fact that we write about the fulfillment of desires for several years, anyway, questions constantly come, why desires do not come true. We have discussed many times upgraded, environmental friendliness, obstacles in the head and so on, but it turned out, many people do not understand how to make desires correctly. And I decided to talk more about what desire it makes sense to make sure they are fulfilled in foreseeable terms.

Now we are talking about how to correctly formulate a desire or what techniques to use (and whether it is necessary to do), but about the general adequacy of your dreams, your real opportunities.

For a long time it seemed obvious to me, but recently there were especially many questions and perturbed letters with resentment, demands, why desires do not come true. And when I read the New Year's wall of desires and a description of the ideal day in a year, I understood what the problem: many make up completely incredible desires and are waiting for their fulfillment in the near future. And of course, disappointed.

I will tell you more about the example of one of the letters. A woman asks a question why in two years spent on the site, she did not come true any desire, in general, not one.

I asked to bring an example of desires that she guess.

The list looked approximately like this:
- five-bedroom apartment on Frunzenskaya (this is a pretty expensive area in Moscow, I don't know the order of prices, but I assume that such an apartment will be worth not less than 20 million),
- Three-storey house for 200 m per floor and 50 acres of land
- Dorrect car
- get married for the right, generous, pretty, secured (list much longer) man
- Become a premium salon owner in the center of Moscow. Etc.

I corresponded with this woman earlier and I know that now she has a rather ordinary life with ordinary problems: the complete lack of experience and lack of work as such, divorced, children are already adults, no capital or income, serious money problems.

What do we see in this story? A huge gap between the current state and the strip of claims.

I asked her then that she did to achieve her goals? Replies that "Notebook 100 days" led and carries a handkerchief with a knot to desire.

Friends, well, not enough to keep a notebook and make esoteric techniques with such a break between the desired and valid. If you don't really do anything in life, do not develop, then even a generous secured man is not so easy to attract. Yes, and meet even ...

How to make a desire?

1. If you want a desire to come true in the foreseeable future, let's say during the year, that is, put an approximate time, then make an adequate desire corresponding to your real possibilities.

Now I constantly meet fantastic desires. For example, a woman at the age without the experience of a serious relationship, reading "50 shades of gray," comes out to marry a rich handsome in six months. Or write "I get 500 thousand rubles. a month ", having currently 10-15T.

Friends, reducing the strip of claims.

Sign just to meet a man with whom there will be a deep mutual feeling, maybe he will offer you to marry, but describe it within reasonable limits. Do not make too large cash requests exceeding your current income 20 times.

Suppose you earn 50 thousand per month, and you want 100 thousand.

Ask yourself, do you believe that you can earn so much?

Suppose your profession in the market is in demand, you stand more, believe in yourself and your strength? If so, then make 100 thousand.

It is quite real, I had such an experience.

But if you do not believe, do not consider that you can get 100, make up 70 thousand. You come to this amount, increase.

Otherwise, one disappointment is obtained.

2. What about the cottages, expensive cars and all this? Isn't it necessary to dream about it?

Why, without problems, you can and need if you really want this.

Only not necessary to put deadlines.

Well, truth, there is little chance of a five-room apartment for the year or even two, if there is no housing and income at all. Theoretically, maybe you will meet a man with such an apartment, but still it will be his apartment.

But if you do not put this goal as closest, but to put in the future, and very, very actively to go to her, then for several years it is quite possible to get.

In general, so that any complex desires will be carried out, it is necessary to change. To begin changes in the outside world, first should begin changes in your inner world, thinking, behavior, actions. It is necessary to learn to overcome fears, leave the comfort zone, do something new.

Maybe to start helping the volunteer hospital. Maybe you get carried away with yoga and start practicing for two hours a day, meditate. Maybe go to learn. Find a job in another sphere. Open your online project.

Why is it necessary?

And then. Firstly, your thinking will change through action. It is impossible to do something actively, involved and remain in the same place.

Secondly, you will begin to communicate with new people who will open up unexpected possibilities.

And thirdly, most importantly. So you will get energy, strength, and it will also help get closer to goals.

And why then at all to make a desire, you ask?

You can only count on your strength and not hope for "some kind of help over." Set goals and go to them. What's the desire?

Well, first of all, a desire is a declaration of your intention.

When you make a desire, you still use different techniques, then give a signal to your subconscious, your psyche, what really wants it.

You are tune, and you are given energy to implement your desire.

And it is very important not to dissolve this gap energy, on chatter, in doubt and fears, you need to immediately let it on actions.

In addition, holding the focus on the desired, if the importance is not overestimated, you will open with new features, literally begin to see them. And here it is suddenly the same "help over", when the circumstances are mysteriously add up to your favor, the necessary people appear, and sometimes there is something incredible, and everything is easy.

We have never argued that it is worthwhile to write down the desires of the book of desires, as everything will be fulfilled by itself. Yes, sometimes it happens, but your efforts are needed in difficult desires.

Let's summarize.

How to make a desire?

1. Make real desires that can be fulfilled in the foreseeable future.

And begin to take some action, the esoteric or most practical ones. In this case, something happens, which helps your desire to come true.

I personally generally against any deadlines, so the question "why is a desire not executed", "I usually never arise. Time will come, and turn.

The only exception is the desires that you are more or less sustained. That is, you know that if you do something and that, then get such a result. For example, look well, change the wardrobe, lose weight, etc.

2. If at the moment the desire for you is difficult to be implemented, you can not put a period!

You can wish and need. Apartments, your business, some sophisticated love desires - all this can and should be fulfilled.

But you need to understand that there is a lot of time for such desires. And not just a lot of time (usually one year is not enough), but also your willingness to have it. While you do not change in something (thinking, behavior, studying of fears, etc.), then nothing changes for the universe, which means that your life remains the same.

What about the miracle? - you ask.

After all, there are miracles, for example, when the apartment suddenly gets free. Or the pregnancy occurs after 15 years of infertility. It happens, I know real cases.

Yes, sometimes in our life there is a miracle. But this is always something unexpected, spontaneous.

There will be no miracles, if you are persistently waiting for them, worry that you have no, you need. Or I am writing an angry writing that you don't have a desire to come true)

On the contrary will occur.

While you are waiting and sad, then you have a need for you that you have no. And desires are not executed.

If not to wait for a miracle, not to demand, not to be offended, that it is not, but just keep a desire in focus, even a very complex and unfulfilled, and to do everything possible so that it turns out, change, but not cyclick on one purpose, but to develop different The spheres of their life, then most likely the miracle will happen. Or maybe not happen, but you yourself will achieve what you want. Only a little later.

And finally, a funny 5-minute cartoon about what would happen if all our desires were fulfilled immediately (as many people want).

Where will desire

Neyrolynguistic programming (NLP) - part of applied psychology, is taken to answer popular and exciting questions: how to change life, become successful, perform your desires?


In NLP, much attention is paid to the language and words. Do not use the "not" particle. Thought-denial negates all the good intentions. When we speak children: "Do not run, do not shout, do not break," often the effect is exactly the opposite. Why? These are the features of the human psyche - it does not perceive the "not" particle. Therefore, concentrate on what you want. Do not dwell on the fact that we do not have (apartments, cars, husband) - thereby you contribute to the formation of the same situation in your future! When formulating goals, prior to them in the present time. Suppose you dream of a second child. Instead of saying: "Next year I plan a child," - Perephrase: "In 2016 I am pregnant." When some kind of desire is fulfilled, remember in detail this moment. What were you dressed, what was tested (joy, satisfaction, love to the whole world), what the weather was outside the window. This episode is needed to capture (hugging) in memory. How? Squeeze the thumb right. The next time a new desire appears, squeeze the thumb. In order to recall their state of Euphoria and tune in to success. Such technique can be applied and other pleasant circumstances: when you win in the lottery, get an unexpected gift.

Method: Reality Management

The first thing calls on by the author of esoteric teaching and the author of Books Vadim Zeland is to wake up. Feel strong and omnipotent. Also realize that the world is what you think about him. If you believe that evil, ill-favorable people, do not be surprised if so it will be. Therefore, it is so important to have the right, positive attitude. Live in harmony with me and the world. And in the case when problems arise, it is necessary to lower the degrees of their seriousness. Say, failed to fly on vacation. You can, of course, turn yourself and sadness. And you can find positive aspects in the current situation. It is very important to love yourself. If you do not like yourself, no one will love you. And live with the thought that you are worthy of the best.


For example, you wait for the bus. No need to worry, how soon he will come, if you have a meeting place. Doubt doubts, know the bus you need will now appear. Change the attitude towards people, desires, subjects - and see how events changed: they will be adjusted for your new worldview.

Method: Visualization and "Treasure Map"

The main expense of the method: representing the images of our desires, we make a kind of request to the universe. The main thing is to learn how to concentrate energy on the performance of the cherished meta. If a person "sees" his dream, then she will be with him!


For example, you want to the sea. Find the image of the sea on the Internet and put it as a screensaver to the desktop of the computer. Or cut the illustration and attach to the refrigerator. Or draw. It is very important to present every detail of your future vacation. Fans of visualization recommend still to make a "treasure map". Take a large sheet of watman or cork board, scissors, glue and glossy magazines, as well as your photo where you like yourself. Stick a photo to the center of the sheet. And now releasing the pictures you like. It can be a happy couple, a cozy house, beautiful shoes, children - anything. Now the illustrations should be pasted around the photo, only in a certain way! Left top corner - sector wealth (bills, apartments, yachts, villas, jewels) Left lower corner - Wisdom sector (portrait of a sage, quotes about those qualities of mind and character who want to purchase) the right top corner - love (happy couples, hearts, you are with your loved one) Right bottom corner - travel and friends (illustration of a strong friendship or city, where you dream to visit) under the photo below - career (pick a picture, symbolizing success) above the photo at the top - the winner (awards, premiums) center (around your Photos) - Health Sector Hang the resulting collage where you will see it. It is permissible that the "Treasure Card" see and people you trust. Regularly voicate your dreams, while experiencing positive emotions. When desires begin to come true, put a new picture in place. Do not forget to thank the universe.

Method: "Simon" - a school of practical magic

The history of the school begins in 1988. It was then that the Kiev psychologists of Peter and Peter Barlan founded the school of playing psychotraining "Simon". The word "game" is perhaps one of the key. Founders urge to relate to rituals as a game. And the example leads: Remember how in my childhood you played with a stick with a stick, presenting that it is a horse. And you really believed that I would jump on the horse, and not on some kind of wood. The chief postulate: You are a wizard. It does not matter whether you have previously wishes, did you ever win in the lottery, won in contests or not. In your power, turn a dream into life. Need evidence? Say the word "desired", and now change only one letter in it - the first. The word is easily transformed into the word "done".


School technique is based on rituals. Performing them, you approach each time the desired. For example, you want a particular person to manifest itself in your life - wrote or called, and maybe even met with you. Send ... an Esemis yourself from his name! To do this, create a new record in the phone book, where the name and surname will be this person, and the number is yours own. In the message Write the text you would like to get. Wait!

Independent argument in favor of the method. A few years ago, scientists in America conducted an experiment in one of the universities. Some students recorded the goals on paper who want to achieve. Others formulated them orally. After a year, 80% of dreams of those who recorded them on paper were implemented! Spend an experiment on yourself. First thank the universe for everything you already have, only after that go to dreams. Write down on beautiful paper ten desires. And desires, write down in an affirmative form, as if they were already fulfilled. Say, dream of a car. Therefore: "In 2016, I will ride the car brand such that." It is important to take into account one point: Treat objectives. Really, do not dream of above measure and beyond the possibilities - their own and universe.

Method: "Mystery" - knowledge, how to change life for the better

The main rule: everything that happens in life (good or bad), we attract themselves. This is the law of attraction. The life you have now (house, children, work) is all the reflection of your thoughts. In order to change life, you need to change the course of thoughts.


Adherents offer a step-by-step system. Step 1. Ask for decisions. If you yourself do not know what you want, the universe (the highest mind, being) will not be able to provide you. Formulate not only a desire, but also a clear idea of \u200b\u200bit. The author and the creator of the "secrets" of Ronda Bern assures: "We need to ask just once. As if you place an order by catalog. " Step 2. Believe imagine that your desire has already been fulfilled. Now relax and enjoy every day. Do not worry, do not worry, do not doubt. Think about the mystery as already belonging to you. Step 3. Take what you will feel when your desire is fulfilled? Feel it right now! You asked, believed, and now just keep a positive attitude. And everything will come true.

Method: Life Coaching

Life coaching is very popular in the West. Many even have their own personal life-coach - a mentor who helps determine the goals and build schemes to achieve them, realize their true desires. The term comes from the two English words LIFE - "Life" and SAKING - "Training". At the beginning of Cuchi, specialized mainly on business tasks (helping and directing), but subsequently the sphere was gained wider distribution.


The coach-coach helps to determine the life goals and realize itself depending on their abilities and internal resources. Step by step you will find your way victories and achievements.

New Year's time is magical and magical. Santa Claus, Christmas tree, garlands, Bengal lights, champagne, tangerines and the fight of the chimes. Time wonders and the beginning of a new life! Surely everyone will be interested in information on how to make a desire for the new 2018. Today we will give you practical advice as, not just to make the desired, but to make it absolutely come true. Otherwise, why waste time?

Proper wording - key success

"Be careful with your desires - they have a property come true." M. Bulgakov.

Methods of riddling of desires are one thing, to fulfill them is easy, we will tell about them below. But correctly formulate them for the new year - another thing is much more important than the method itself.

Following these tips, you can be sure that the information you invest in a dream will be correctly "interpreted" the universe. You can not believe, but desires, messed up for the new year - are not just words, they come true.

And to come true exactly what you really want, and not what you misunderstood, we will follow these rules:

  1. Always formulate a request in the present time, many have accustomed to make up using the past or future time: "I want me to be healthy," feel? Was ... The Universe answers: "You were healthy," everything does not happen. It is quite another thing when the phrase sounds like this: "I am grateful for my health, which is improving every day." You understood the meaning;
  2. Never in your requests do not allow negative or too critical statements, because the providence is perceived literally. You know, as it happens, they say: "Blood from the nose, but I want to go to the sea." One person repeating a constantly phrase about blood from the nose, completely unexpectedly fell ill with a severe form of a sinusitis, instead of obtaining the desired one. Like this. Another option is "at all cost I want a car." Think if at any cost really? Even the cost of life of your loved ones and your own health? So, carefully;
  3. Ideally, after each desire to make a positive written or oral promise: "This is done easily and joyful" or "At the same time, I, all my relatives and close people are healthy and happy" or "This is only the benefits";
    Do not use words: "MUST" - this is already an order; "I will" - promise; Do not use the "not" particle; Do not make a negative in relation to other people, since, according to the laws of the Universe, the negative promise will return to you, only tenfold;
  4. Insert the energy of love and gratitude, Thank you for already having, do not be afraid to ask for more. Do not use words: "At least", "at least" and similar. You know how sometimes they make: "If only the room, at least a small, even in the common kitchen, only your corner," and then complain and wonder that all my life live in a communal. Did you not want it?
  5. Clearly imagine what you want, do not make abstract or ambiguous desires that may be wrong or twofold. Say out extremely clear and simple, and most importantly, feel it, soak up the energy of your wishes, know that in the fine world it has already been fulfilled, you only have to materialize the request to your reality correctly.

Fucking the desire, best of all "let go", forget, not to think about it for a while and then it will certainly be fulfilled.

How to make a good desire for a growing moon or new moon

Full moon occurs once a month, this night is considered the strongest to ridding the desire. It is best to prepare seriously and thoroughly.

Free online interpretation of dreams - To get results, enter a dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass.

Sitting at home to light the candle and at least half an hour to think only about the desired. Addressing thoughts to the moon.

On a growing moon and a new moon, you can use a paper method, cutting about 10 squares from multi-colored paper, write a desire and burn separately, be sure to think only about desire.

There is information that the payback for the spell is inherited in the form of a generic curse.

He suffers from the entire Customer to the seventh knee.

Love spell is a terrible thing.

In essence, this is a damage that cripples the victim, his health and all life in general.

Do not envy someone who went to this black villainistance - the consequences of the attitude for the customer will be terrible.

- The consequences of love spell

After combustion, the ashes dispel on the street.

How to make a desire between theses,

If there are people with the same name in the company, it is accepted between them, keeping wishes for their shoulders.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the most suitable description of your description and find out what your hidden magical possibilities.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot to work hard to achieve the goal and believe in your hidden opportunities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will pay commemorate and unknown to anyone how destructively the consequences of the devilish influence may be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and supporting higher forces, you can develop a gift to the recognition of the future and the vision of the past.

If the forces are not monitored by a mentor who can help them cope with them, it is possible to break the temporary space and the evil will begin to leak into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

For all signs - a medium. We are talking about the possibility of establishing communication with spirits and even control the course of time, but years of practice and the right mentor are required.

If the balance of strength is disturbed, the darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and strength that could serve for the benefit, I will go to another hyposta and the darkness will reacted.

In all indicators - witchcraft. It is estimated for you to study and guid the damage, the evil eye, you can make love spells and the stubborn will not be unbearable.

But everything must be used exclusively for the benefit and do so that others do not suffer from their innocence from your supernormalities given over.

For the development of domestic strength, at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor are required.

Most of all your favorite telecisenesis. With proper concentration and efforts that can be compressed in spherical force, you will be able to move the thoughts to move small, and over time and larger items.

When choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be overshadowed by the transition on the dark side, if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from Satan's temptations.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and all that is connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power that is given by the highest mind and it is not just like that, but for the sacred goal that you will soon find out.

It will be like a vision similar to a prophetic dream, which you can never forget.

Remember that this force needs to be applied only for good, otherwise you will absorb darkness and it will be the beginning of the end.

Having closed the eye introducing what I want, and mentally asking for it.

For a birthday on a cake, the candles are asked the most important and necessary.

Each of us has desires and we all want these desires to come true. Even the most uncomfortable ...
After all, desire for that exist to come true. We just need to make it right.

First - general rules.

1. Never in the wording of the desire can not use the "not" particle.
For example: the desire "I do not want to be complete!" It is better to formulate this way: "I wish to be slim, blooming, attractive and charming!". Something from this set will surely come true!

2. A very important point is to think about how this desire will be implemented.
For example: "I want to go to a round-the-world cruise" But you can also get a cleaner on the ocean liner! Therefore, the desire to better formulate this way: - I want to go to the river cruise to rest and ... - Finish the phrase with other details. The more they are, the better!

3. Fucking the desire must be firmly and unconditionally believe that it will come true.
There should be no doubt about it! Just make a desire, for a while, deny it from him. Let the energy of the desire "make up" in your subconscious.

4. It is necessary as much as possible and fully visualize the result, i.e. Represent the results already executed.
For example, if you want a chic apartment, imagine not only the interior, but and how you will celebrate housewarming, how to watch TV in the living room, how to dining in the dining room, etc.

5. It should be used as often as possible to ourselves or out loud (loud) approving affirmation suggestions.
These approvals are especially effective in the evening before bedtime and in the morning, even in the midwife. The mind at this time is still (or already) sleeping, and words seemed to be imprinted in the subconscious. At the same time, all actions should be only in the present time: "I have (I do) that something and that."

6. Make yourself a symbol of executed desire.
For example, a coin. And wearing this with you, until the desire is fulfilled.

7. Create a plan to achieve the desired.
Many neglect this simple rule. But what is easier: to write or even just imagine all the steps necessary for the realization of the conceived!

But the process of riddling for an effective (fast and easy) obtaining the result for all people will be different.

Let us turn to classic Western astrology. So ... if your zodiac sign:

Aries, Lion or Sagittarius - your chief assistant fire. Select time at dusk when no one bothers you. Light a candle. Make a desire looking at the candle fire. Write it down on paper. If you want to get rid of something, then immediately burn your records. If you want to purchase anything, more often read your entry when the candlelight lights. And when the desire is fulfilled, you can burn this paper with gratitude to the highest forces.

Cancer, Scorpio or Fish - your chief assistant water. On the shore of the reservoir, looking at the water, you need to make a desire. Record it on paper. Then make a shoe from the note and send it to sailing. It is better at this point in a boat or on the bridge.

Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn - Your main assistants money and food! It is necessary to make it necessary for one wishes and carry a cherished coin in your pocket before this desire is fulfilled. Money in debt at this time does not give anyone! When riddling it is good to chew several grapes or chewing marmalade.

Twins, scales or aquarius - your main assistants are a cheerful company and ... clouds. Call as many friends as possible and during a noisy party, make a desire. Or desire. You can immediately make a few. You can also make a desire while walking, looking at the clouds.

These are simple rules. I hope they will greatly facilitate your life. Good luck!

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