An abstract lesson on the topic "The world around the world as a hierarchical system". Peace as hierarchy of systems around the world as a hierarchical crossword hierarchical system

Physics lesson

"The world around the world as a hierarchical system."

Type of lesson: studying a new topic.

Form lesson: lesson-game.

Class 9.

Lesson number: 47.

The purpose of the lesson: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe environment as a hierarchical system for which modeling can be carried out.


Educational: introduce students to the outside world, to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe species of the hierarchical system;

Developing: the development of logical thinking, the expansion of the horizon, the development of cognitive interest in the lesson;

Educational: Education of information culture, the formation of the ability to work in a team, distribute duties, upbringing a sense of responsibility.

Equipment: Abstract, projector, interactive board, presentation, cards with tasks.


  1. Organizational moment (1.5 - 2 min.)
  2. Task 1 (3 min.)
  3. Explanation of a new topic (6.5 - 7 min.)
  4. Task 2 (6.5 - 7 min.)
  5. Task 3 (7 min.)
  6. Fizkultminutka (1.5 - 2min.)
  7. Task 4 (9 min.)
  8. Test for fixing the studied material (5 min.)
  9. Results (1.5 - 2 min.)
  10. Homework. (1 min.)

(44 - 45 min.)

During the classes.


(Slide 1)

Hello guys. Today we will spend not a simple lesson, but we will visit the scientific and practical conference, where you will not only get new knowledge, but also take part in the search for answers to the questions. So, we will proceed to the study of the new chapter modeling and formalization. The topic is "the world around the world as a hierarchical system."

And before proceeding to work, you need to perform the following task.

(Slide 2)

You must come up with the name of the team. Each team member is responsible for performing certain duties. Positions are written on sheets on your tables.

The head of the scientific group: coordinates and sends the work of the group. Watching the cohesion of the team, decides in a controversial situation.

Secretary: Finish the conclusions made by the team.

Rapporteur: I brought to listeners to the decision and answers of the team for questions.

Group assistants: The main "brain" of the group, solve the tasks, answer questions, organize discussions.

It is important to remember that you are a team. And, it means that it should work deteriorate, only then work will be productive.

Representation of groups.

  1. Studying a new material

(Slide 3)

We live in macromiri.e. in the world that consists of objects, according to its size comparable to man. Typically, macro objects are divided into non-resident (stone, ice, log, etc.), living (plants, animals, man) and artificial (buildings, means of transport, machine tools, and mechanisms, computers, etc.). Macro objects consist of molecules and atoms, which, in turn, consist of elementary particles, the dimensions of which are extremely small. This world is calledmicroworome. We live on the planet Earth, which enters the solar system, the sun together with hundreds of millions of other stars forms our Galaxy Milky Way, and billions of galaxies form the universe. All these objects have huge sizes and formmegair. The entire variety of mega-, macro and microworous objects consists of a substance, while all material objects interact with each other and therefore possessenergy. The body raised above the surface has a mechanical energy, a heated teapot - a thermal, charged conductor - electrical, and atomic nuclei - atomic. The surrounding world can be represented as a hierarchical series of objects: elementary particles, atoms, molecules, macotel, stars and galaxies. At the same time, at the levels of molecules and macotel in this hierarchical row, a branch is formed - another row associated with wildlife. In the wildlife there is also a hierarchy: single-celled - plants and animals - animal populations. The vertex of the evolution of life on Earth is a person who cannot live outside of society. Each person individually and society as a whole explore the world around the world and accumulate knowledge, on the basis of which artificial objects are created.(Slide 11)

Task number 1. (Slide 12)

On cards you have a list. Take each word in one of the 3 groups: microworld, macromir, megamir.

(Slide 13)

Systems and elements.

Each object consists of other objects, i.e. is a system. At the same time, each object can be included as an element in a higher structural level system. Is the object with a system or an element of the system depends on the point of view (research objectives).System consists of objects calledelements of the system.For example, a hydrogen atom can be viewed as a system, since it consists of a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron.

At the same time, the hydrogen atom enters into a water molecule, that is, it is an element of a higher hydrogen system and a structural level molecule.

Task 2. (Slide 14)

System integrity.

A prerequisite for the existence of the system is itsholistic functioning.The system is not a set of individual objects, but a set of interrelated elements. For example, if you fold into a bunch of devices that are included in the computer (processor, RAM modules, motherboard, hard disk, housing, monitor, keyboard, and mouse), then they do not form the system. Computer, i.e., a holistic functioning system is formed only after the physical connection of devices to each other, power on and operating the operating system

If from the system to remove at least one element, then it can stop functioning. So, if you remove one of the computer devices (for example, a processor), the computer will fail, i.e. it will stop its existence as a system. The relationship of elements in systems may have different nature. In an inanimate nature, the relationship of elements is carried out using physical interactions:

  1. in Megamir systems (for example, in the solar system), elements interact with each other by means of the world's strength;
  2. in macotals, electromagnetic interaction between atoms occurs;
  3. in atoms, elementary particles are connected by nuclear and electromagnetic interactions.

In the wilderness, the integrity of the organisms is provided by chemical interactions between cells, in society - social connections and relations between people, in technique - functional relations between devices, etc.

Task 3. (Slide 25-26) On the board you see the scheme, but there are missing items in it. These elements are recorded on the card. You need to enter words into missed places, so that the scheme turns out true. First you task on the ground, and then, one team member shows the result on the board.

Man, atom, knowledge, population, molecules, plants and animals, stars and galaxies.


1 question. The world around the world has the following structure:

  1. Peer
  2. Classical
  3. Hierarchical

2 question. Select the objects included in the micromir:

  1. Plants
  2. Molecules
  3. Photons
  4. Chip

3 question. The world consisting of objects comparable in size with a person is called ...

  1. Microworld
  2. Megamir
  3. Human
  4. Macromir

4 question. Objects included in the system are called ...

  1. Components of parts
  2. Elements of the system
  3. Elementary particles
  4. List of objects

5 question. The world consisting of objects having huge sizes is ...

  1. Microworld
  2. Megamir
  3. Human
  4. Macromir


  1. B, B.

The results of the lesson.

  1. What new have you found out at today's lesson?
  2. What did you learn?
  3. Did you like this lesson?
  4. What conclusions did you do on the lesson?

Task at home

Create a crossword "The world around the world as a hierarchical system."


Card number 1.

You are presented with a list. Take each word in one of the 3 groups: microworld, macromir, megamir.

Atom, water molecule, man, Jupiter, Mount Schikhan, computer, Milky Way, Proton, Constellation "Big Major", Electron, Bear, Nebula Andromeda, Birch, Photon, Gallea Comet.

Fill the table




Card number 2.

Give the name to systems and list objects from which they consist.

Card number 3.

On the board you see the scheme, but there are missing items in it. These elements are recorded below. You need to enter words into missed places, so that the scheme turns out true. First you task on the ground, and then, one team member shows the result on the board.

Missing words: atoms, knowledge, molecules, society, stars and planets, populations, plants and animals

We live in macromir, t. e. In the world that consists of objects, according to its size comparable to man. Typically, macro objects are divided into non-resident (stone, ice, log, etc.), living (plants, animals, man) and artificial (buildings, means of transport, machine tools, and mechanisms, computers, etc.). Macro objects consist of molecules and atoms, which, in turn, consist of elementary particles, the dimensions of which are extremely small. This world is called a micromir. We live on the planet Earth, which enters the solar system, the sun together with hundreds of millions of other stars forms our Galaxy Milky Way, and billions of galaxies form the universe. All these objects have huge sizes and form Megir. The entire variety of mega-, macro and microworous objects consists of a substance, while all material objects interact with each other and therefore possess energy. The body raised above the surface has a mechanical energy, a heated teapot - a thermal, charged conductor - electrical, and atomic nuclei - atomic. The surrounding world can be represented as a hierarchical series of objects: elementary particles, atoms, molecules, macotel, stars and galaxies. At the same time, at the levels of molecules and macotel in this hierarchical row, a branch is formed - another row associated with wildlife. In the wildlife there is also a hierarchy: single-celled - plants and animals - animal populations. The vertex of the evolution of life on Earth is a person who cannot live outside of society. Each person individually and society as a whole explore the world around the world and accumulate knowledge, on the basis of which artificial objects are created. All of the above can be displayed as a scheme.

Each object consists of other objects, i.e. is a system. At the same time, each object can be included as an element in a higher structural level system. Is the object with a system or an element of the system depends on the point of view (research objectives). At the same time, the hydrogen atom enters into a water molecule, that is, it is an element of a higher hydrogen system and a structural level molecule.

In the world of material systems there are certain hierarchies - ordered sequences of coented and complications. They serve as an empirical basis of systemology. All variety of our world can be represented as a consistently emerged hierarchy.

This is a natural, physico-chemical-biological (FCB) hierarchy and the sociotechnical hierarchy (ST) arose based on it. Combining systems from different hierarchies leads to "mixed" system classes. Thus, the combination of systems from the physicochemical part of the hierarchy (FC - "Wednesday") with alive systems of the biological part of the hierarchy (B - Biota) leads to a mixed class of systems called environmental. Combining systems from the hierarchy B, C ("man") and T ("technique") leads to a class of economic, or feasibility, systems.

Natural hierarchy - from elementary particles to a modern biosphere - reflects the course of the evolution of matter. The branch of the ST (sociotechnical hierarchy) is very recent and short-term on the universal scale of time, but affecting the strong impact on the entire supersystem. Schematically indicate the impact of human society in nature, mediated by equipment and technologies (technogenesis). The previously mentioned holistic approach involves the consideration of the combination of these yewrchs as a unified system.

Classification of systems can be carried out on various features. The main is grouping in three categories: natural and scientific, technical and socio-economic. In natural (biological) systems, the location and functions of each element, their interaction and the relationship are predetermined by nature, and the improvement of this organization occurs according to the laws of evolution. In technical systems, the place and functions of each mechanism, node and part are predetermined by the designer (technologist), which during operation improves it. In socio-economic systems, the place, functions and relationships of elements are predetermined by the manager (manager), they are also corrected and supported.

Depending on the task, you can choose different classification principles.

Systems can be classified as follows:

Material and iconic;

Simple and complex;

Natural and artificial;

Active and passive;

Open and closed;

Deterministic (hard) and stochastic (soft).

Objectively, real material systems are usually defined as a set of objects combined by a certain form of regular interaction or interdependence to perform a given function (railway, factory, etc.).

Among the systems created by a person, there are also abstract, iconic, purely information systems, which are a product of knowledge, are conceivable, ideal and model systems. Their elements are not things, but concepts, essences, interacting arrays and information flows: for example, a system of mathematical equations; Axiom system Euclide; system system; logical systems; system of chemical elements; legal system of codes, system of power, system of objectives of the company, road rules, etc.; And, of course, the Internet.

As a rule, organizations as a system (for example, business organizations and social organizations) are specific material systems, but in their functions and behavior contain some properties of abstract systems - instruction systems, rules, regulations, laws, accounting, accounts, etc.

As a basis for the classification of complexity systems, different authors take various signs: system size, the number of connections, the complexity of the behavior of the system. In our opinion, separation into simple and complex systems should occur based on the presence of the purpose and complexity of the specified function.

Simple systems that do not have a goal and external action (atom, molecule, crystal, mechanically connected bodies, clock mechanism, thermostat, etc.) are non-living system. Sophisticated systems that have a goal and "performing specified function" are live systems, or systems created by alive: virus, bacteria, nervous system, multicellular organism, organisms community, ecological system, biosphere, man and material systems created by man - mechanisms , Machines, Computers, Internet, Production Complexes, Economic Systems, Global Technosphere and, of course, various organizations.

Unlike simple systems, complex systems are capable of searching, choosing and active solutions. In addition, they necessarily have memory. All this specific material systems. They consist of (or include some number) of material elements. If the interactions between the elements have the character of the forces or transfers of the substance, energy and information and may change in time, we are dealing with dynamic systems. They perform functions attributable to the external environment - the protection function from the environment or work to optimize the medium, at least one external function - the function of self-preservation.

An open system to achieve goals interacts significantly with other systems. The concept of an open system introduced L. von Bertalanfi. Open systems are able to exchange with an external medium substance, energy and information, closed systems are deprived of this ability. Any socio-economic system belongs to the class of open dynamic systems. It is to open dynamic systems that applies the concept of self-organization.

Systems are trying to classify by the degree of their organization, implying structure (well-structured, poorly structured, unstructured). Later, a simpler classification was proposed: well-organized and poorly organized, or diffuse, systems; Even later, when a class of self-organizing systems appeared, respectively, they appeared on self-regulating, self-learning, self-adjusting, self-adaptable. But all these classifications are sufficiently conditional.

Graphen - The thinnest material, known to humanity, is only one carbon thickness thickness. He entered the textbooks on physics and in our reality in 2004, when researchers from the University of Manchester Andre Game and Konstantin Novoselov managed to get it using the usual tape tape for the sequential separation of the layers from ordinary crystalline graphite, familiar to us in the form of a pencil rod.

The popularity of graphene among researchers and engineers is growing day by day, since it has unusual optical, electrical, mechanical and thermal properties. Many experts predict in the near future the possible replacement of silicon transistors to more economical and fast-acting graphene.

Graphite - Mineral, the most common and stable carbon modification in the earthly crust. Structure layered. Refractory, electrically conductive, chemically racks. Used in the production of melting crucibles, in the foundry, in the manufacture of electrodes, alkaline batteries, pencils, etc. Blocks made of pure artificial graphite are used in nuclear technology, as a coating for nozzles of rocket engines, etc.

Diamond - This is crystalline carbon. Carbon exists in several solid allotropic modifications, i.e. In various forms having different physical properties. Diamond is one of the carbon modifications and the hardest of the known substances (hardness 10 on the MOOS scale).

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"Development of a lesson in computer science"

Development of lesson on computer science

Class: 9.

Edukova M. V.

The subject of the lesson: the world around the world as a hierarchical system.

Objectives lesson:

    Educational - to learn the concept of "system", "hierarchy", to realize that the world around is a hierarchical system in which all elements are interconnected.

    Educational - to form communication skills, the ability to work in a group, cooperation.

    Developing - to form skills to build causal relationships, argue its point of view.

Equipment at the lesson:

    PC, projector

    Interactive board.

    Cards with texts for analysis.

    Slides with images.

    Video "From the Big Bang to this day in 90 seconds."

Takes used in class:

1. "Thick" and "thin" questions.

2. Critical thinking - the "Insert" method.

3. Problem-search method.

4. Sinwen.

Intergovernmental ties:astronomy, chemistry, social science.


    Organizing time.

    Setting the goal. The film is played by the film "The history of the world's creation in 90 seconds" (Appendix No. 1). Question: What are we talking about today? What is the subject of the lesson? (about evolution, about the world, about the development of the Universe). What would you like to know in class? What is interesting, you want to carry a new one today?

    Actualization of knowledge, Wood at the beginning of the lesson.

On an interactive board of concept (Appendix 2):













Steam work: each student needs to be 3 sentences using any of these words, read the neighbor in the desk.

Front work: dragging over the interactive board to build all these words into the circuit.

Questions: why exactly did you build a scheme? What do you think should be at the top, at the bottom of the scheme?

Discussion, permutation of elements.

"Thin" questions

"Thick" questions

Questions requiring a single answer, issues of reproductive plan.

Who is at the top of the hierarchy?

What binds all these elements?

Where is the hierarchical structure?

What word from the presented unites all the others?

Issues requiring reflections, attracting additional knowledge, ability to analyze.

Explain why a person is not on the top of this structure?

What is the difference in the planet and stars?

Suppose that will, if removed from the knowledge structure?

Do you agree that a person is "crown of nature"? What does it mean?

Can all these elements be equal and why?

    Primary perception of theoretical educational material.

Record the definition:

Hierarchy - the procedure for the subordination of the lower links of the higher, the organization of them into the structure of the type "wood» .

Split students to groups. Born in spring - the 1st group, in the summer - 2nd, in the fall - 3rd, in the winter - 4th.

Tasks for groups:

Give examples of submission:

  1. in the state

    in wildlife

5. Actual knowledge:

On the slide of the image (Appendix 2): the engine of the car, the solar system, the human circulatory system, the system of equations.

Answer questions: What is common between the drawings? (consist of elements), what are the objects consisting of other objects? (Systems) What happens if the system is removed at least 1 element? (will not function).

Conclusion: In the system, all elements are interrelated.

Reception "Insert".

Children distributes text (Appendix 3). While reading the text, you need to make the marks on the fields, and after reading the text, fill in the table where the icons will become headlines of the Table graph: "V" - already knew; "+" - new; "-" - thought otherwise; "?" - I did not understand, there are questions.

Text discussion. Graphite, graphene and diamond are systems? (Yes, since crystalline lattices consist of a variety of elements). The components of the elements are the same (carbon atoms), why are different substances? (In the lattice are located in different ways, graphite - layered, graphene - from one layer).

Output: Systems from the same elements may be different.

On the slide of the name of all class students.

There is formal (business) and informal (friendly) links between you.

Formal communications associated with the teachings connect you all into a single class team, and informal groups are formed spontaneously, combining people in the interests and general qualities of the person.

Draw arrows on an interactive board (Appendix 2) informal Communication between you. (children go out, find their name, show one-sided or double-sided arrows of communication with friends on the column)

Output:elements in systems can be associated differently.

We formulate the properties of systems.


    communication between elements

    communication with the environment

    organizations, etc.

Look back what you see around? (people, furniture, trees outside the window). What you don't see, but it is around you? (microorganisms, atoms, molecules, planet Earth, other planets, galaxies). So we are in different worlds?

The world consisting of objects comparable in size with a person is - macromir. Megamir - consists of enormous, compared to man, objects - planets, stars, galaxies. The smallest, not visible to the eye of organisms, viruses, molecules of substances - this is a microworld.

Problem issues:

    how to weigh the molecule? (1 option)

    how to weigh the planet? (Option 2)

The most unexpected and non-standard solutions are accepted.

6. Reflection.

Make a syncewing to the word "system"


holistic, organized

functions, collapsed, interacts

Our world is a hierarchical system.

We live in macromiri.e. in the world that consists of objects, according to its size comparable to man. Typically, macro objects are divided into non-resident (stone, ice, log, etc.), living (plants, animals, man) and artificial (buildings, means of transport, machine tools, and mechanisms, computers, etc.). Macro objects consist of molecules and atoms, which, in turn, consist of elementary particles, the dimensions of which are extremely small. This world is calledmicroworome. We live on the planet Earth, which enters the solar system, the sun together with hundreds of millions of other stars forms our Galaxy Milky Way, and billions of galaxies form the universe. All these objects have huge sizes and formmegair. The entire variety of mega-, macro and microworous objects consists of a substance, while all material objects interact with each other and therefore possessenergy . The body raised above the surface has a mechanical energy, a heated teapot - a thermal, charged conductor - electrical, and atomic nuclei - atomic. The surrounding world can be represented as a hierarchical series of objects: elementary particles, atoms, molecules, macotel, stars and galaxies. At the same time, at the levels of molecules and macotel in this hierarchical row, a branch is formed - another row associated with wildlife. In the wildlife there is also a hierarchy: single-celled - plants and animals - animal populations. The vertex of the evolution of life on Earth is a person who cannot live outside of society. Each person individually and society as a whole explore the world around the world and accumulate knowledge, on the basis of which artificial objects are created.

Microworld - These are molecules, atoms, elementary particles - the world of extremely small, directly observed micro-lects, the spatial difference of which is calculated from 10-8 to 10-16 cm, and the lifetime is from infinity to 10-24 s.

Macromir - the world of stable forms and commensurate human values, as well as crystalline complexes of molecules, organisms, communities of organisms; The world of macro objects, the dimension of which is correlated with the scale of human experience: spatial values \u200b\u200bare expressed in millimeters, centimeters and kilometers, and time - in seconds, minutes, hours, for years.

Megamir - These are planets, star complexes, galaxies, metagalaxy - the world of huge cosmic scales and speeds, the distance in which is measured by light years, and the time of the existence of space objects - millions and billion years.

Systems and elements.Each object consists of other objects, i.e. is a system. At the same time, each object can be included as an element in a higher structural level system. Is the object with a system or an element of the system depends on the point of view (research objectives).Systemconsists of objects calledelements of the system.For example, a hydrogen atom can be viewed as a system, since it consists of a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron.

System integrity.

Prerequisite for the existence of the system is its integer functioning . The system is not a set of individual objects, but a set of interrelated elements. For example, if you fold into a bunch of devices that are included in the computer (processor, RAM modules, motherboard, hard disk, housing, monitor, keyboard, and mouse), then they do not form the system. Computer, i.e., a holistic functioning system is formed only after the physical connection of devices to each other, power on and operating the operating system

If from the system to remove at least one element, then it can stop functioning. So, if you remove one of the computer devices (for example, a processor), the computer will fail, i.e. it will stop its existence as a system. The relationship of elements in systems may have different nature. In an inanimate nature, the relationship of elements is carried out using physical interactions:

  • in Megamir systems (for example, in the solar system), elements interact with each other by means of the world's strength;
  • in macotals, electromagnetic interaction between atoms occurs;
  • in atoms, elementary particles are connected by nuclear and electromagnetic interactions.

In the wilderness, the integrity of the organisms is provided by chemical interactions between cells, in society - social connections and relations between people, in technique - functional relations between devices, etc.

Systems and their properties.

Translated from the Greek word "system" means "connection, an integer composed of parts." These parts, or elements, are in unity, within which they are definitely ordered, are interrelated, they have each other anything else.

The control also has a system of system, so the study of its mechanism we begin with acquaintance with the main provisions of the theory of systems. In accordance with it, any system has a number of major signs.

FirstlyAs already mentioned, it is a set of elements, or individual parts allocated by one or another principle that are its structure-forming factors and playing the role of subsystems. The latter, albeit relatively independent, but in different ways interact within the framework of the system; In the simplest form, the fact that they are near and border with each other; More complex forms of interaction are conditionality (generating in one element of the other) and the mutual influence provided by them on each other. To save the system, such interaction should be harmonious.

As a result of the interaction of the elements and the system-wide qualities are formed, that is, characteristic of themselves. System as a whole and each of them individually (for example, the human body as a whole and each of its organs carry out metabolic processes, have nervous cells, are constantly updated, etc.

The properties of the elements (subsystems) determine the place of the latter in the internal organization of the system and are implemented in their functions. This is manifested in a certain effect on other elements, or objects outside the system and can perceive this effect, convert and change according to it.

SecondlyThe system has borders separating it from the environment. These borders can be "transparent", allowing penetration into the system of external influences, and "opaque", tightly separating it from the rest of the world. Systems carrying out free bilateral exchange of energy, substance, information with the environment, received the name of open; Otherwise, it is said about closed systems that are relatively independent of the environment.

If the system does not receive resources at all, it has a tendency to damage (entropy) and ceases to exist (for example, hours if they do not start, stop).

Open systems, self-drawing resources necessary for themselves from the external environment, and transform them to meet their needs, in principle, inexhaustible. At the same time, not enough, or vice versa, excessively active exchange with the environment can destroy the system (due to the lack of resources or inability to assimilate them due to excessive amounts and diversity). Therefore, the system must be in a state of internal equilibrium and balance with the medium. This ensures its optimal adaptation to it and successful development.

Open systems tend to constantly change due to specialization, differentiation, integration of elements. This leads to complication of links, improving the system itself, allows you to achieve goals in many ways (for closed only one), but requires additional resources.

Thirdly, Each system has a specific structure, that is, an ordered set of interconnected elements (sometimes in everyday life structure is used as a synonym for the concept of organization).

Organization gives the system an internal organization, within which the interaction of elements is subject to certain principles, laws. Systems where such an organization is minimal, called disordered, for example, a crowd on the street. The structure can to one degree or another depend on the characteristics of the elements themselves (for example, relationships in purely female, male, children's or mixed groups of unequal).

Fourth, Each system has a certain explicit system-forming ratio or quality that is to some extent manifests itself in all other, ensures their unity and integrity. If it is determined by the nature of the system, it is called internal, otherwise - external. At the same time, internal relationships can also be distributed to other systems (for example, through imitation, borrowing experience). The ability to implement relations and properties of the system exclusively on a given basis (substrate) makes it unique. In social systems, except for an explicit system-forming relationships are implicit.

FifthEach system has certain qualities. The multi-qualityness of the system is a consequence of infinity of the relationships and relations that exist at various levels. Quality is manifested in relation to other objects, and, not the same. For example, the same person in the role of the manager can shout on subordinates and lead in front of their immediate boss. The quality of the system to a certain extent affect the quality of the elements included in them, transform them. The ability to achieve this characterizes the strength of the system.

At sixth, Emergency inherent system, that is, the emergence of qualitatively new properties that are absent from its elements, or not characteristic of them. Thus, the properties of the whole are not equal to the sum of the properties of the parts, although depend on them, and the elements combined into the system may lose the properties inherent outside the system, or buy new ones.

Intervision The amounts of the quality of the elements of the quality of the system as a whole are due to the presence of the structure, so structural transformations lead to high-quality, but the latter can also occur due to quantitative changes. Thus, the system can change efficiently without changing its structure, and within the same time. Assocative composition may exist several qualitative states.

V-seventhThe system has a feedback under which it is understood as a certain reaction of its in general or individual elements on each other's pulses and external influences.

Slide 2.

We live in Vymkromir, that is, in the world that consists of objects, according to its size comparable with a person. Typically, macro objects are divided into non-resident (stone, iceland, etc.), living (plants, animals, man itself) and artificial (buildings, means of transport, machine tools and mechanisms, computers, etc.). Macromir. Gulliver in Liliput countries

Slide 3.

Macro objects consist of molecules and atoms, which, in turn, consist of elementary particles, the dimensions of which are extremely small. This world is called a micromir micromir. Atom of hydrogen and water molecule.

Slide 4.

We live on the planet Earth, which enters the solar system, the sun together with hundreds of millions of other stars forms our Galaxy Milky Way, and billions of galaxies form the universe. All these objects have huge sizes and form MegaMir Megamir. solar system

Slide 5.

Galaxy Stars and Planets Macrothela Molecules Atoms Elementary Particles Population Plants and Animals Single Cossack Man Society Knowledge Artificial Objects (Technique)

Slide 6.

Water molecule H hydrogen atom can be considered as a system, as it consists of a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron. At the same time, the hydrogen atom is included in the water molecule, i.e. it is an element of a system of higher hydrogen and a structural level molecule

Slide 7.

Separate objects (devices) Holistic system (computer) If you delete one of the computer devices (for example, the processor), the computer will fail, i.e. it will cease to exist as a system

Slide 8.

Slide 9.

Slide 10.

Properties of the system

Each system has certain properties that, first of all, depend on the set of components of its elements. Thus, the properties of chemical elements depends on the structure of their atoms. The properties of the system also depend on the structure of the system, i.e. on the type of relationship and links of the elements of the system among themselves. If systems consist of identical elements, but have different structures, their properties can vary significantly.

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