After losing close to how to strengthen the nervous system. Is it possible to restore the nervous system and how best to do it? Restoration of the nervous system by folk remedies

Every day, almost every person is encountered with stress, which is negatively affecting the nervous system (both central and vegetative). As a result of the impact of negative emotions, various diseases are developing. That is why it is so important to think in a timely manner about how to strengthen the nervous system and the psyche, the more solving the problem is in simple and effective methods.

When stressful situations act on a person unfavorable, he needs to calm down as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, many find relaxes in alcohol, cigarettes or sweets. People leading a healthy lifestyle are coping with stress with baths, massages, aromatherapy, tea drinking.

All these options really have a soothing effect, and in the second case, even without harm to health, but, unfortunately, with a temporary effect. It is worth noting that with insignificant stress, such methods are really able to normalize the state. But with a long critical condition, they can harm and exacerbate the situation, especially if you remove the nervous overvoltage by nicotine, alcohol or sweets. Such means definitely will not help strengthen the psyche and the nervous system.

Ways to strengthen nerves

If you learn how to take stressful situations as non-standard workout of the nervous system, then there are all the possibilities of hardening the nerves and psyche. The main thing on the way to its strengthen is to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Harding procedures

Hardening teachs the body normally react to cold temperatures. It applies to the very effective method of molding. It strongly strengthens the immune system and develops the power of the will. Hardening has many interesting features. In detail in detail in all matters, it is recommended to explore the appropriate literature. Need to remember the following:

  1. Water temperature for hardening procedures must be reduced gradually.
  2. The process must be regular.

It is best to start with the smallest - to give up socks and shoes at home. Then go to wip cool water. To do this, you need to moisten a towel and wipe the body, legs and hands to them.

After that, you can try the contrasting souls (spend 30 seconds under water about 28 ° C, and then 30 seconds under water 40 ° C, repeating the procedure for about 10 times and ending with cold water), for the beginning of the day it is the perfect option.

The pool is another way of hardening without much extreme. In addition, swimming in the whole remarkably affects the body.

Excellent temperature stimulation can be leather in the bath. In addition, this is a real ritual, which allows you to tune in to positive thoughts.

A good effect also has a ultraviolet combined with heat. Therefore, man is harnessed, walking for a long time or sunbathing on the beach, while the body also gets a good portion of vitamin D.

Physical exercise

Systematic physical activity increases the working capacity of the body, nourishes the brain with oxygen, increases stress resistance and affects prophylactically from most diseases. The average physical activity contributes to the restoration of the nerves, and this is very important when it is necessary to strengthen the nervous system.

The best option for such a load will be hiking in the fresh air. At the same time, completely unearned physical exercises are performed, man harnesses, the brain is saturated with oxygen and psychologically resting. After two weeks, the daily time hours will be seen an improvement in emotional state.

Faster to establish the state will help tourism. Tourist campaigns work perfectly and work wonders - two days later, the nervous system comes to normal.

Perfectly remove the stress tension helps sex, but only in cases where it does not give extra reasons for experiences and disorders.

You can also turn to sports with metered, but regular load . Focus better on its form:

  • Fitness.
  • Yoga.
  • Aerobics.
  • Martial arts.

For those who decided to pursue the CNS strengthening, it is very important to plan their day correctly. There are no basic recommendations, everything is very individual and depends on many factors (the main activity, working day, age, hobby). The main thing is to take each day receiving food the same time, resting only at the appointed hour, must be attended by at least two useful cases. It is necessary to plan the day so that the minimum time is spent on the gadgets.

To restore the emotional state, it is necessary to raise. Therefore, the duration of sleep should be approximately 8 hours. The lack of sleep leads to the weakening of the central nervous system and the failure of the internal organs. It is better to carry out a waste to 24.00, but waking up - no later than 8.00. Children, adolescents and people over 65 years old are recommended to stay in addition to 1-2 hours. Before a bed, the sleeping room must be well ventilated, and in the summer it is better to sleep with an open window. This will help to avoid oxygen starvation of the brain.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the amount of iodine used and, if necessary, add iodized products to the diet, such as salt. Lack of iodine leads to a decrease in the functions of the thyroid gland. As a result, weakness, overwork, depressive emotional state appears.

The main products that help improve the nervous system are: low-fat varieties of meat, beef liver, cottage cheese, bananas, seafood, citrus fruit, unwelked cereals, asparagus, greens. The body suffering from emotional overvoltage needs a constant feeding with the useful substances, so any of the starvations and diets can not be speech. You need to stick to the right nutrition and eat 4- 5 times a day in small portions, so as not to overeat. At the same time eat full.

Pharmacy preparations and home tinctures

Very effective are considered both special funds and natural sedatives that have enjoyed many generations. Medicine is not standing on the spot, only pharmaceutical pills treat the weak CNS with caution.

Medical therapy

Pharmacy means will help strengthen the nervous system and psyche. Preparations of such a plan are maintained with neurosis, stress and nerve ticks. Only here self-medication is better not to do, even if the remedy is sold without a recipe . Conditionally they are divided into several groups:

Folk recipes

In the treatment of nerve disorders, folk methods can be used. Herbal fees are possessing a very efficient way:

Other plants are helpful at nervous disorders: other plants are helping: Kalina, mint, soul man, lavender, mother-in-law, hawthorn, nettle. Here are only chas of such herbs have some contraindications. With extreme caution to them, you need to treat pregnant women, because some of them cause a cut in the uterus.

Only under the condition of proper tactics of treatment can be achieved not only excellent well-being, but also to completely change life. To secure the result and in preventive purposes, you need to maintain the day of the day, actively move and stick to healthy food.

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First of all, it is worth understanding: what kind of damage to the nervous system is poured in a patient. Heavy lesions of the central nervous system, hiding the bark of large hemispheres, the cerebellum or other important centers are treated only. The lesions of the brain shares may arise due to diseases of the vessels, the brain intoxication by the decay of alcohol (acetaldehyde), with tumors and some other diseases, in particular encephalitis, syphilis, etc. In the event of diagnosing such diseases, the patient is treated in hospital or, applying This nootropic substances, antioxidants and other drugs.

Restoration of the nervous system by folk remedies

If the CNS was susceptible to strong physiological (alcohol, drugs) or psychological stress not affecting the brain, you can try vitaminotherapy and treatment, in particular - healing herbs. For general recovery and relaxation, ragners and tea with dried and fresh chamomile, mint, melissa, hawthorn and mother-in-law are suitable. Valerian tablets and drops can be used as a sedative and sleeping pills. An excellent reason for relaxation serve baths with aromatic oils. Coniferous (pine and cedar) oil has a relaxing effect, citrus oils (orange, tangerine, grapefruit) make a person more vigorous.

Restoration of the nervous system with a psychologist or independently

If there are no organic damage to the nervous system, and the person is simply very tired by any events or a protracted disease, simple treatment options are best suited: Consultation of a psychologist or psychotherapist (it is best to choose a person specializing in the cause of stressful state, for example, at parental and parental or partnerships).

Often, worked with a psychologist with a stressful situation or a problem that influenced the state of the nervous system, a person launches the recovery mechanism on its own. In addition, the following actions are needed for the faster recovery of the nervous system: a large number of hiking outdoors and increased physical activity in which more oxygen falls into the brain (in turn affecting the activity of nerve cells). Also should also be changed - remove alcohol from the nutrition system, add products containing calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron and vitamins of groups B and C. The latter improve the production of serotonin and serve natural antidepressants.

Hello, dear blog readers Valery Harlamova! Life is filled with daily stresses from absolutely every person, regardless of its financial capabilities and positions in society. Which over time leads to the emergence of various diseases, and the quality of life under the neot of the voltage is significantly worse. Therefore, I want to tell you today how to restore the nervous system and psyche to become happy and healthy again.

Practicing - you will achieve relaxation, which is very useful for the central nervous system, besides, you will have the opportunity to relax and fill resources. Over time, you will notice that they have become less emotionally react to external stimuli, and these are the first steps to balance and inner harmony. The process of contemplation and concentration makes it possible to detect new solutions even, at first glance, hopeless situation. And after the suffered psychological injury and serious stress will give a chance to exhale and relax, feel calm and satisfaction.

You can practice yourself independently, it is not necessary to visit group training if there is no possibility. Check out the article here, with the recommendations specified in it, even the newcomer can never meditating.


In order for the nervous system to be in order, and you felt full strength and calm, first of all, you need to establish high-quality and full sleep. Its shortage can lead to serious consequences, up to the emergence of deep depression. In the biological rhythms of a person it was said that after 2 hours of the morning, Melatonin was actively produced, which is responsible for relaxation and sleep, and in the morning cortisol - a hormone that helps to cope with stress.

So, if your schedule is shot down, and you are accustomed to awake at night, then your body does not have time to produce the necessary hormones, which leads to excessive fatigue and lack of joy in life, respectively, stress resistance on zero, from which you run, or aggressively react to Any words and acts of others.

3. Office

It is also important to revise your diet, everything seems to be about the benefits of fruits and vegetables, but still prefers to dinner, right? The quality of life depends on the quality of food. Help your body to cope with adversities yourself, without the use of drugs. It is especially important to control the amount of food intake so as not to provoke obesity or even anorexia. Although these disorders are associated with the psyche, still do not undermine their health.

Refuse the use of flour, sweet, as a last resort, eat a piece of black chocolate. By changing the diet, you will notice how quickly begin to come into shape, both physical and mental.

4.Vode - Pledge of Health

Only purified. In what quantities and when to drink it - you can see. Also improve the work of the central nervous system will help you swim or even hardening. Due to this, the body increases the ability to resist adverse external factors. You will become more enduring and stable in your reactions, and also, which is important - healthy.

5. Active leisure and sports

First, your well-being, secondly, you will have a legal opportunity to reset the negative energy, and in the third - you will feel happy, because endorphins are produced during active physical activity - joy hormones.

The main thing is to play sports systematically, without throwing training, then your discharge nervous system will come in order and "tell you thanks." Fresh air classes are beyond what will be able to quickly recover, it will also help in the fight against insomnia, if there is such.


If you feel that there is no strength and the desire to do something, do not put on yourself, and let me be lazy and just sow on the sofa. When we lose energy, it is important to restore it, otherwise we will spend the strategic reserves of the body, when each action is harmful. There is a lot of ways to restore the energy balance, you can familiarize yourself with them.

7. Open soul

No matter how difficult it is, it is not necessary to close in yourself, sometimes it is just important to express the one who can hear you, and will become much easier. Just pay attention to the difference - if you just "merge" information, not particularly noticing your interlocutor, you will not become better. Healing power in contact itself, when, in addition to his experiences, you notice another person. And then, looking at each other in the eyes, you can open the soul, healing her attention and understanding.


Breathing exercises

  1. The breathing exercises will help to distract from negative thoughts and situations, concentrate on their feelings and relax. So you will notice yourself in this huge world, you will feel that you are alive and just there is at the moment. With all the exercises you can read the article for soothing. What, they can be performed not only at home, but also on the way to work, during meditation and sports.
  2. Put your feet on the width of the shoulders, make a deep slow breath, simultaneously getting hands first to the sides, and then raise up, closer to the palm, so that they are on your head. Hold your breath and count to 10, then start doing exhale, lowering your hands down. It is necessary to repeat all these actions at least 5 times, then go to other exercises, more dynamic.
  3. Again, put your feet on the width of the shoulders again, and on the deep breath lift both hands down the palms down, only to be not higher than your chin. After that, delay your breath, tell them to the sides and take three tilt to the left and right, go back to its original position and only then exhale. This will help strengthen the CNS, returning the ability to think not under the action of affect and emotions. Make no less than 5 repetitions.
  4. This exercise looks like push-ups, only standing. Hands up with hands in the wall, and read, only inhale should be done at the time of folding hands, and exhale - extension. Make at least 10 times.

Japanese method

There are one scientist named Katsudzo Niche in Japan, and, as you know, the Japanese are famous for their calm and comprehension. So, Katsudzo believes that the more the man hangs the hard spirit, the higher the probability of his early death. That is, people die mostly due to the fact that they think too often, which means that stress and experiences significantly reduce the term. And to protect the nervous system from the destructive impact of the surrounding world, he came up with one method, which helps to relax as much as possible after stress.

It is necessary to become smoothly, the head "I would like to pull to the ceiling," it lines the back, and take the shoulders back, sending the blades to each other. Turn the head slowly to the left, trying to mentally look at the heels, having a look up at the neck. After that, too, make and right. Then return the head to the original position and "by passing" from the socks on the heels and back. Katsudzo recommends to do these manipulations with open eyes, but will most effectively be if you close them and concentrate on their feelings.

Helhes hands

This technique is useful in that it helps to satisfy light oxygen as much as possible, which will have a positive effect on your mental activity. Also enhances blood circulation and removes the stress, helping to achieve relaxation. It is done very easily - try throwing your hands by the shoulders, making cotton palms on the back. Hands with time will become like rubber, from which you will faster feel the effectiveness of this exercise. The intensity of the waves choose, directly relying on its feelings. Usually, the more voltage, the more active man waving his hands.


Is it possible after a heavy day and a heap of trouble to achieve ease in the body and confidence that you will handle everything with everything? I will say that - yes, you can. It is just necessary to get up smoothly, relax and twist the body left-right, allowing the hands to hang out freely and move after the body. At first, it will be awkward, maybe even ridiculous, but soon you will feel how in my head it is clear and well-being improved. Just hang out at least 10 minutes. After that, let yourself sit down and do not think about anything, observe as if by the sides of the thoughts and pictures arising in my head, do not drive them away and do not control. In some cases, tears may appear - voltage residues, they should not be stopped.


If you do not cope on your own, still try to contact a specialist who, after the diagnosis, prescribe the necessary treatment. After all, there are cases when a person loses time, not referring to help, because of which the consequences on the body are irreversible. So take care of yourself and be careful to the symptoms pointing to the overwork, so as not to occur, the so-called nervous.

Material prepared Zhuravin Alina.


Stress is accompanied by a person throughout life. However, only some know how to recover after stress without bad consequences for the body. How to survive frustration from parting, cope with the strongest tension, to get out of depression and come to mental equilibrium, you need to know every modern person.

Effect of stress on the body

Stress directly affects the CNS and healthy physical indicators of the human body. If there is a long time in such a state, then the work of internal organs, systems and psyche suffer, sleep is disturbed, weakness, depression, irritability occur.

The effect of stress on health is manifested in:

  • Head pains that do not have characteristic localization,
  • Chronic lack of sleep and insomnia
  • Violations of the cardiovascular system, for example, bradycardia,
  • Arterial hypertension and myocardial infarction,
  • Impaired concentration of attention, increased fatigue, reduced performance,
  • Violations of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcer,
  • Exacerbation of oncological diseases
  • Reducing immunity, in view of which various viral diseases may occur,
  • Impaired neuroendocrine regulation, irregular hormone production, in view of which osteoporosis may occur, diabetes,
  • Distrophes of brain tissues, muscle rigidity or atony.
  • Alcoholic and narcotic dependence may also occur.

Important! Restoration after stress is a particularly important stage to which it is necessary to relate to. It is necessary not only to recover physically and mentally, but also to establish the usual comfortable mode of the day, strengthen the nervous system, to find the conditions for positive emotions to accompany the life erase.

Hormonal human background affects his mood. The contrary hormone - cortisol, at the same time helps to move towards goals, gives strength to action, and can also be adversely affected by the psyche. From the course of psychology, it is known that with a long stay in suspense, a person may begin to react to what is happening not adequate due to excessive release of cortisol into the blood.

The consequences of mental disorders from stress are:

  • Depletion of spiritual forces, nervous system, as a result of the neurosis, depression and other acute diseases arise,
  • Interest in life is lost, there are no new desires,
  • Increased internal anxiety - a person feels like "drunk in a cage",
  • Stress may arise spontaneously at the psychic level, after switching to pathology in physical terms, for example, due to the fright, stutter comes,
  • Sleep and wake modes are violated,
  • Emotional instability: aggression is replaced by anger or hysterical laugh.

Methods of recovery

Stress is subject to both men and women. The female organism is usually emotionally more stable, so the girls are more likely to suffer from mental disorders. Of course, an adult and strong person is highly resistant to negative impact. With total self-control, it is easier to protect against stressful situations.

How to restore the nervous system after a long stress woman and bring nerves into an equilibrium state - the question is relevant for the modern rhythm of life. As a rule, a specialist will recommend a number of tablets and vitamins, perhaps will be offered to go to the clinic or a sanatorium. However, the restoration of the discharged psyche of these funds is not enough, since it is necessary to accurately identify the cause of the negative state.

There are a number of ways to help quickly calm down and relax:

  • Emotional emission. At the time of complete privacy, it is best in nature, you should shout so loud as possible. At the time of the screaming of any word to present all the accumulated negative inside, which seems to "out" out.
  • Proper breathing. Respiratory gymnastics together with meditation will help in the peak of aggression and irritation.
  • Various exercise. They can not only strengthen the body, which is a pleasant bonus in recovery, but also raise the mood.
  • Support relatives and loved ones.
  • Long sleep. Famous fact - in a dream man is restored.

  • Russian sauna or Finnish sauna. To gain strength and energy, improve the physiological indicators of the body, is one of the effective ways.
  • A change of scenery.
  • Restoring the mode.


With stress, the sport does not delete even more, on the contrary, can restore. It is enough to choose a comfortable option and just start.

The best sports for calming the nervous system are:

  • Yoga and respiratory gymnastics. Well helps the technique of "double breathing" and "breathing belly". From yoga be appropriate, I will be asana "Tree", "Shavasan" and "Warrior Pose".

  • Run. It is best to run in an intense pace in the fresh air.
  • Floating. Water will also help relax muscles.
  • Gymnastics will remove blocks in the body.


How to quickly recover after a strong stress - to establish the schedule of the day. 8 hours allocate for sleep, 2 hours for a day - on holiday, every 4 hours - eat food. Be sure to spite time for walking, communication with loved ones in spirit.

It is important to comply with the established schedule without violations and not give in to any spontaneous change of plan.

Note! It is not necessary to resort to restoration after stress and try to treat its homework if the alarming state does not leave for a long time. In this case, it is more expedient to immediately contact the specialists who will conduct a number of necessary primary actions.


When a person disappears the concentration of attention and energy, it is a reason to arrange a relaxation and a breather. Therefore, as you can quickly recover after stress - it will relax as much as possible. No disturbing thoughts and stimuli should not disturb. Ideally - their absence.

You can relax, combining hiking or doing yoga. The most important thing is awareness and concentration on the moment.

A change of scenery

Stress is oppressing and makes falling into despair, experiencing irritation from the routine. Traveling and changing the situation will help make new emotions and get acquainted with interesting people. In any case, a person will return to absolutely different from the journey: after the silent, rested and with pleasant memories.

Nature brings a peace, so it is imperative to find the opportunity to leave as often as possible to leave the city from the fuss and permanent ages.

Of course, the change in the situation also carries stress, because it makes adapt to change. However, this will have a positive effect on the future and will open new perspectives, possibilities.

Other techniques

Additional Information. Stress - Beach XXI century. He can not only destroy families, but also to cause wars between states. If the stress in critical moments helps to survive, then a long-term such condition causes the body to work on wear. In the process, the person ceases to be a creator, turns into a destroyer, first of all, itself. For this reason, after a strong stress, a person feels like a "re-born."

Also additionally when restoring can be:

  • All difficulties do not solve spontaneously. First reduce emotional heat, after it is expected to make decisions.
  • Remove lessons. Each situation carries a lesson in itself, so the analysis should be carried out, for which it was given.
  • Put the body to first place and take care of it. In the stressful situation, it is necessary to closely monitor body reactions, because it can tell a person about various blocks and diseases. Walking, healthy nutrition, full care - a security deposit.
  • Allow emotions. I want to be angry - to give yourself the opportunity to throw them out.
  • Forgive and write down good events per day. For a good, person eliminates the negative emotions personally. By recording the positive moments of the day, he changes the direction of thoughts and focuses on pleasant.

Symptoms after a long stress

Stress is acute and chronic. If sharp passes within 1-2 days, chronic can disturb for a long time.

Symptoms of chronic stress:

  • At the level of physiology, this is a belching, nausea, a decrease in appetite, bruxism, itching and eczema, loss or weight gain, teaks or obsessive movements, various pains, heat tips or cold, decrease in libido.
  • In the emotional plan - a decrease in self-esteem, capriciousness, plasticity, irritability, sleep disturbance and his behavior (nightmares torment), anxiety, susceptibility, impairment of memory, thoughts on suicide.

  • Socio-behavioral signs - loss of interest in the outside world, the desire of isolation from others, conflict, nervous laughter, the desire to "leave" to work.
  • Intelligent signs are a deterioration in memory, repetition of the above, speech viscosity, obsessive negative thoughts.

How many restoration lasts

Acute stress is removed quickly, if a person has good physical and mental health. Chronic stress and recovery after it is a long process in several stages.

Most people have questions:

  • how to return appetite after a strong stress,
  • how to restore sleep
  • how to gain calm and equilibrium.

The work of the psychotherapist is based on all tasks to solve consistently. Initially, physical health is restored, the appetite and normal sleep is returned. This stage may take several months and even years.

Working with psychological health is in parallel. The most effective results of the patient acquires when he is restored by immunity. Therefore, you should not wait for rapid results, and stock patience and the desire to be healthy.

Help others

Help others at the moment of stress is incredibly important. It happens that expensive and favorite people are far away. Then a group of psychological assistance can come to the rescue, where people with similar problems are going.

It is important not to keep the negative and do not wait that the body will cope. There is nothing shameful in matters of own health. The earlier start to solve the problem, the faster the result will appear.

Stress is also useful for a person. In the body begin to be activated by the strength to return good health and help restore energy. It is important not to let everything in samonek, but to restore the psyche by any suitable ways.



Stresses - the problem of society. Each person faces stressful situations when the organs suffer, nerve cells are affected.

It is difficult to avoid excitement and shocks, you need to know how to restore the nervous system after psychological loads.

Causes of stress

The reasons that can cause stress, much after all the body of each individual. The same situation per person will not have any influence, and the other will get sick of experiences. However, there are popular reasons:

  • Physical. This group includes heavy physical exertion, severe pain, overwork, lack of sleep, surgical operations, overheating or supercooling.
  • Internal. These are negative emotions experienced by a person. Fear, disappointment, low self-esteem, pessimism, lack of respect, internal conflicts, unfulfilled expectations.
  • External. To which it is impossible to influence. These are war, threat of life, loss of property, the need to communicate with bad people, complex material situation, treason, diseases of loved ones, attacking the animal, change of work, natural disasters.

The reaction to stress does not depend on the cause that caused it. On the fracture, the body will give the same reaction to the conflict - hormones of stress will allocate. The consequences will depend on the situation and its duration.

Ways to strengthen the nervous system

The human body has the ability of self-regulation. Popular phrase that nerve cells cannot be recovered - erroneous. They regularly die and updated. But during the stress of the substance that ensures the interaction of the cells is spent quickly, it causes their deficit. To bring the body to normal, you need to know simple and accessible ways to restore it.


The fact that animals have a positive effect on health, people knew since the time of the hippocrat. For example, he wrote that riding the riding treats not only physical illness, but Melancholy. Nowadays, cats, dogs, horses, dolphins, birds are used to get rid of stress.

A simple way to try this "medicine" is to have a pet. Communication with a cat, a walk with a dog, observation of fish - all this will help calm down, reduce the production of stress hormones. The main condition of zootherapy is love for animals.


Sport classes reduce anxiety. It has been established that after training the activity of the muscles is reduced, the person becomes balanced. The hour of exercise removes the voltage for 2-3 hours.

In the process of occupying a favorite sport, the body allocates hormones of joy - endorphins, as a result, an endorphic response occurs (arrival euphoria), that is, relaxation and improved mood. The main thing is that the exercises were accurate, and the sport liked the patient.

Visit Kotokfe

Not all pet lovers can afford the content of its own pet. However, the way to remove stress with cats is still there. This is a visit to the kitokfe, that is, such a place where you can hold on your hands, stroke, hug fluffy "Lekary".

Such institutions work in the format of anticafe, that is, it will not be possible to eat. The main focus is the opportunity to chat with cats and cats. It is the cats that serve as a symbol of heat, home comfort, calm and affection. After psycho-emotional load, many people need additional positive emotions, it is them and gives visit to the cottage.


During laughter, more than 70 muscle groups are reduced, the body receives a large portion of endorphine. Healthy laughter helps to forget the problems and relax.

He creates something like a security valve that closes the path of stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisone). Therefore, in psychotherapy there is a direction - gelotherapy. Its essence is simple - patients browsing funny videos, comedy, tell each other jokes and laugh together.

After such a session, people in 90 percent decrease the production of stress hormones, the level of fatigue decreases by 80%. We can say that laughter is a cure for stress, which people awarded nature. (cm. )

Methods of relaxation

To methods that helps bring the nervous system to normal can be attributed:

  • . Some asans contribute to the recipient of the psychological state. During classes, the level of gamu (gamma-aminassium acid) increases, which leads to a decrease in the excitability of neurons, relaxation and tranquility. Classes should bring pleasure and joy to the patient, the healing effect will be minimal.
  • Respiratory gymnastics. leads the body into a harmonious and calm condition. In the most difficult situation, the correct respiratory rhythm will help concentrate, reduce the production of stress hormones. The respiratory technician is quite a lot, for the beginning you can master the simple. It is necessary to inhale the belly, on the expense of two - chest. After that, exhale, counting about myself up to five. Make a pause to five. Repeat gymnastics several times.
  • Meditation. This ancient practice came to us from the east. It not only helps to relieve stress, but also benefits as psychological, so physical health. Regular practices contribute to the decrease in blood pressure, improve blood circulation, increase the concentration of attention, normalize heart rate rhythm, eliminate, depression, irritability, chronic fatigue syndrome. The restoration of the nervous system after stress is the most promotable of the following types of meditation:
  1. Muscle Relaxing. At the same time, it is necessary to slowly strain and relax muscles, starting with the legs and gradually rising up.
  2. Visualization. The technique is aimed at reproducing any places in the mind where a person feels peaceful, calm.
  3. The technique consists in repeated repetition of prayers or phrases aimed at reducing excitement and anxiety.

More than a lot of meditation options have been developed, but these three are simple and available.


Travel is an excellent method to defeat stress. At the same time, it is not necessary to go to an exotic country or another end of the world. You can just go to the next city and inspect its sights, visit an unfamiliar cafe, visit relatives or friends in the village.

Change of the situation and new impressions will allow you to forget about the troubles, will give a good mood and improves psychological attitude.


Nutrition when restoring the nervous system

Inositol is contained in:

  • dark chocolate;
  • mandarins, oranges, apples;
  • bias and oat groats;
  • vegetables (beets, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes);
  • chicken, veal;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • vegetable oils.

To raise the mood, you can pamper by any products that cause positive emotions. The main thing is to observe the measure and not to "eat" the stress of harmful food.

The restoration of the nervous system after stress is not easy. By choosing an individual method, a person can cope with the task. It must be remembered that if simple methods do not help, then contact a specialist who will help get out of the difficult state and bring the nerves in order.

The physiological state of the person is closely related to internal psychological processes. Stressful stress, negative emotions provoke bodily diseases (cardiac, gastrointestinal, endocrine) psychosomatic nature, diagnose and treat which is not easy. A person loses appetite, energy and efficiency, flows into a depressive state, loses interest in life, and the reasons can hide deep inside and recognize them

How to strengthen the nervous system to survive in problem life situations, in stress and everyday psychological overloads. Nervousness, uncertainty, fear of failure, the tendency to self-digging and experiences for insignificant occasion may be caused by psychological and physiological reasons.

Body strengthening methods

The oversaturation of information, rapid rhythm of life, stress is depleted by the National Assembly. Many are used to calm, relieve stress coffee, food, cigarettes or alcohol, destroying their physical health. It is not better to appeal to soothing means: physical education and sports, nature, music, massage, baths.

How to improve the nervous system using body strengthening methods.

Physical activity

In order not to form a dependence on sedative, sleeping pills, they cannot be abused thoughtless. Only in severe cases, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants to facilitate the state.

Preparations for strengthening the nervous system with vegetual-vascular symptoms of valoccular, voserdin, zelenin drops, produce a sedative, sleeping recycled effect, reduce excitation. , Pans, donormal apply to eliminate psycho-emotional disorders (even in children).

Made based on the healing herbs new-passite, perrsen serve to balance excitation / braking processes. Tenoten - homeopathic, sedative drug. It is better not to use yourself. They should be prescribed by the doctor, determining the course and the recommended dose at a disturbing states, neurosis, stress, resistant insomnia.

What actions strengthen the nervous system so as not to subjected to the psyche of excessive loads. Advice:

  • do not be nervous about events that may not happen;
  • do not scroll into yourself unpleasant events or situations that have already happened and can occur. Leave them in the past, do not get afraid of the future - live by the present;
  • do not hide and do not copy in the subconscious of the resentment and anger on people, this is a slow motion bomb, a trigger for nervous disorders;
  • dedicate your free time with your favorite classes, positive emotions displacing negative;
  • do not worry about the problem that you cannot affect;
  • do not let yourself focus on unpleasant memories or thoughts about unpleasant people;
  • learn to abstract from stressful situations, do not succumb to the poor arrangement of the Spirit, easily and with humor refers to everyday troubles;
  • visit the air and in nature;
  • observe the day mode, alternate mental and physical exertion.

Fabricating problems, complex life situations, it is important to be able to minimize their impact on the psyche.

Healing nervous system

The active rhythm of life, accompanied by stressful situations and emotional splash, negatively affects not only psycho-emotional state, but also to well-being. Testing a deficit of free time and getting under the influence of household problems, a person becomes irritable, due to the strong load on the work of the nervous system.

Receiving sedatives has many contraindications and does not always provide a positive result, in order to heal the nervous system and psyche, it is recommended to use relaxing techniques.

Mechanism of action methodology

The central nervous system is one of the components of the human body, since it controls the work of all organs. If its functioning is violated by exposure to external factors, there is a development of such unpleasant complications, as a change in the hormonal background, excessive selection of sweat, deterioration of sleep quality, as well as chaotic reduction in muscle tissues.

Medicase treatment is not always appropriate for neurological disorder: relaxing techniques have greater efficiency, which include meditation, hypnosis. The fact is explained by the fact that the principle of relaxation methods is based on respiratory control, due to which the brain is saturated with oxygen, the coordination of movements is improved.

In addition to increasing cerebral activity, relaxing techniques perform functions:

  • normalization;
  • stabilization of the work of the protective function;
  • regulation of the operation of the respiratory organs;
  • reducing cardiac rhythm.

Having a positive effect on the work of the body, relaxation increases human performance and improves his mood.

Hypnosis in the fight against insomnia

To improve sleep and calm the nervous system, hypnosis is used, the advantage of which is that it is harmless to the human body and does not have dangerous consequences. The principle of the relaxing method is based on the suggestion of a person concrete thoughts due to the slowdown in brainwater and the narrowing of consciousness.

The main indications of the hypnotic session are long-term stress, a biological cycle failure, an excited psycho-emotional state, moral and physical overvoltage. It is also possible to get rid of insomnia through hypnosis if the sleep disorder is due to the reception of drugs.

There are many types of hypnosis: most often in insomnia use the classic method and the Erixon method. Classic hypnosis assumes that the contact of the hypnotist with a person is carried out at the subconscious level: for this purpose, a specialist introduces the client to the transcendent and begins to inspire certain thoughts.

The Erickson method is based on the fact that specific information is inspired by a person when he is in a conscious state. The task of the hypnotist working on this technique is to stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the operation of an intuitive function, thanks to which the body begins to independently deal with insomnia.


A popular method of soothing is considered to be meditation, because it can not only stabilize psycho-emotional state, but also restore the inner harmony and get rid of negative thoughts.

In order for the technique to provide a favorable result, you need to meditate in a normal setting and a convenient position.

The meditation algorithm is:

  1. It is necessary to focus on a specific point. To do this, it is recommended a few meters to place a burning candle at eye level.
  2. Next, we need to mentally abstract from negative thoughts and experiences: it is allowed to imagine that all the alarms dissolve in the fire of candles or air.
  3. I need to burn on fire and your personal negative, aimed at others.
  4. Next, you need to concentrate on the idea that the physical shell and soul are cleaned and exempt from evil.
  5. At the final stage, it is necessary to represent the brain protection process from those negative thoughts that were destroyed.

That meditation is considered complete, at the end of which a person was able to program himself on a positive wave. To this end, it is necessary to submit an object or a process that causes a sense of love and happiness.

Rake to calm nerves

Reiki is called an unconventional treatment method based on human healing by touching his body palms. Rakes are considered an effective way to heal the nervous system, since this technique is based on the strengthening of mental health through the achievement of the person inner harmony and establishing his relationship with the surrounding world.

The fundamental role in the practice of the method is allocated symbolism. Each of the drawings, visualizing on a person, has a meaning, and its use as a result of the procedure allows strengthening the stream of energy.

To calm the nervous system, symbols are used:

  • "Cho Ki Rey" symbolizes space fire, which allows to strengthen energy streams and focus them on the relief of pathology;
  • "This Hebe" is used to get rid of the harmful habits and helps abstract from unpleasant memories;
  • "Dah Mio" symbolizes love and harmony, therefore is a source of energy;
  • Zen Kai Joe helps to improve the vital situation.

Before applying the rails to heal the nervous system, a person must protect himself from negative thoughts and achieve the state of harmony.

Soothing wise

To calm the nervous system, Nirvana wise is used - a special combination of fingers, affecting both the physical and psychological state of a person.

The technique of execution of the wiser is characterized by simplicity. First you need to put the right hand to put on the left hand so that they come into contact with the rear areas, and combine the middle and thumbs together. It is necessary to connect the index fingers and the little fingers alternately, and the nameless fingers leave in an arbitrary position.

The regular use of the wise "Nirvana" provides man with peace of mind and the feeling of the state of harmony, thanks to which the process of restoring the nervous system is accelerated.

What herbs calm the nervous system

The healing of the nervous system contributes to the lavender. If against the background of a strong stress, headache was formed or irritability, it is necessary to impregnate the handkerchief with three drops of lavender oil, breathing the smell of appliqués, to meditate for 5 minutes.

In the event that the stress is exacerbated by insomnia, it is allowed to apply a healing agent on a pillow, which will strengthen sleep.

When tightening it is recommended to apply a decoction based on linden flowers, since the drug not only restores the sleep, but also removes the nervous overvoltage. To improve taste in the lime decoction, add valerian or chamomile, which will increase the efficiency of the dosage drink.

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