Proverbs reflecting the idea of \u200b\u200ba fairy tale Frost. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "Frost"

"Morozko" is one of the most poetic magical fairy tales of the Russian people. It tells about a severe share of a modest, hardworking stepdaughter, rewarded by frozen for her friendliness, modesty and kindness. The main idea of \u200b\u200bfairy tales is the celebration of justice, the approval of good. The narrative is built on opposition: a kind of stepdaughter and an evil old woman's daughter; Envious, insidious stepmother and fair generous frost. The heroine of the fairy tale is endowed with high moral qualities, which cause sympathy of a magical creature - frozen and compassion of a wonderful dog, talking to a human voice. The challenge of the narrator is to cause a sympathy for a padchier in children, condemn the evil stepmother and her daughter, show the triumph of justice, convey the optimism of fairy tales, give to feel the beauty and poeticity of the fabulous language.

The narrative begins with the description of the hard life of stepmother's stepper. Here you can initiate a positive attitude towards Padcheritsa. Show irresponsibility and hardworking girls who and Cattle Pilives-Fed, firewood andwater in the hut was carried, the furnace of the toy, the hut of the chalk - even before the light. The phrase- "No old woman can please - everything is wrong, everything is bad to pronounce indignantly, highlighting the words, everything is not so, everything is bad, so that the children feel the injustice of the old woman. It is necessary to show the difference in stepmother to Padherce and his native daughter. Phrase everyone knows how to live behind the stepmother, the bits will not trust - the bit say to the children, referring directly to the children, as if looking for their sympathy. In the phrase and the native daughter will do anything - for everything on the head it should be stroking the disapproval, the word cleaner should be read With irony, mockingly, without praise, so that the children understand the injustice of the stepmother and felt pity for the poor stepdaughter. The words came up with a step with the light to survive should be allocated in a voice, as they contain a message to the story about the instep of stepmother. In the appeal of the old woman to the old man: Vesui, drove her, the old man - you need to pass the order, show the power of the stepmother over your husband. Play the same voice of the old woman, it should not say cryingly. Dos It is strongly resolutely to say, highlighting words into the forest, on a cracker frost to mark the cruelty of the old woman and cause anxiety for the fate of Padder.

Opening the image of the old man, it is necessary to reject his pity for her daughter and at the same time showing a slaughter, complete humility of an evil wife. With the emphasis, it should be pronounced by the words shouted, I cried, and appeal to my daughter: sit down, a cute daughter, in Sani - to say warmly, sad, hopelessly, so that it can be clear that he can't help her.

Special attention requires from the reading scene in the forest, where the padchier is found with Morozko. In the forest it is cold, harsh. The girl sits under her ace alone, trembled, chills pierced her. In the voice of the narrator he sounds excitement for her. In the description of the Morozko meeting with stepdaughter, the reception of three-time repetition is used. Seeing the girl, Morozko addresses her with a question: Do you warm your maiden? - And only after the third response, Padder residents awards it. Frost, the fairy-tale owner of the winter, is bright, poetic. He cracks over the Christmas trees, from the Christmas tree on the Christmas tree jumps, clicks. Padderitsa is drawn confidently, at first severe, and then, touched by her kindness, affectionately and at the same time outlining, as if testing it. Therefore, after each question, it is necessary to pause, so that the children can survive to change in the mood of Frost. Three times repeated appeal reflects the tension mood, which must be transferred by voice, highlighting the words, especially brightly drawing this voltage: below, forest, stronger.

In a story about the award, joy should be sounded, expressing satisfaction with the Morozko decision, which was squeezed over the maiden.

An important role in the fairy tale is assigned to the talking dog. It does not help the padchier, but it expresses sympathy for her and predicts the development of events. It is necessary to transmitting her. We must be convinced, confidently, making a pause after the exclamation of the tip, the tel!, Sounding like a kind of imitation of dogs, which always attracts children and gives them pleasure.

The description of the return of stepdaires since the words suddenly squeezed the gate ... It should be read slowly, somewhat surprised to brighter the bewilderment of the old woman and envy.

Stepmother's appeal to her husband: Drop, the old chrych, another horse - requires the narrator of the lattosal intonations and a faster tempo, since the old woman, a member of the well-being of stepdaughter, is in a hurry to achieve the same for his daughter.

You must read about the meeting of Morozko with the daughter of the old woman so that the children clearly felt the difference between her answers from Frost and the answers of Padrel and perceived the death of the old woman's daughter as a deserved punishment for her disrespect, rudeness and anger. In matters of frost, the growing severity is heard, and in the answers of the daughter of the old woman - irritation, discontent, sharpness.

Exemplary preparation plan for expressive telling

fairy Tales "Morozko"

Idea: the inevitability of the celebration of good over evil.

Images: hardworking, kind of stepdaughter; rude, lazy and evil old woman daughter; treacherous and envious stepmother; severe, fair and generous frost; timid, unrequited, clogged old man; Talking dog.

The plot: a story about the fate of Padderitsa.

Scene elements:

zesryn: "Lived, it happened ...";

zaguka: "That's stepmother and came up with a step with the Light Sight";

culmination: "Zong, Probs, Cursed Morozko"; An isolation: "Called the old woman, yes late."

The task of reading: condemn the evil stepmother and her daughter, cause respect for a modest, hardworking stepdaughter, to show the poetry of the fairy tale.

1. Make an analysis of the Fairy Tale "Seven Simeons" (III class) to prepare it to expressive reading.

2. Make an exemplary plan for analyzing the fairy tale V. Garshina "Frog-traveler" (III class) to prepare it for reading and expressively read the text.

3. Listen to your comrade prepared by him (on choosing) a fairy tale, and evaluate reading.

Reading poems

The greatest difficulty for teachers of primary classes is reading poems. This is based on the most informination of the theory of the poemy and the underestimation of the seriousness of this type of work.

and the ignorance of the theory of poems and the underestimation of the seriousness of this type of work.

The content of any poem is inextricably linked with the sound organization of poetic speech. Creating a work, the poet uses certain artistic techniques that give him the opportunity most accurately, convex and emotionally express their thoughts, feelings, mood. Therefore, the teacher, in addition to the right to transfer the main idea, poetic images, disclosures of the author of the author, his feelings, experiences, should give to feel the rhythm and musicality of the performed verse. This can be achieved only under the condition of the knowledge of the theory of poems, the patterns of poetic speech. Even gifted teachers, but not familiar with the principles of the organization of poetic speech, read poems monotonously, incorrectly, often distorting their content. They or merge poetic lines, when there are no punctuation marks between them, confrontation, or they say each of them fragmentary, breaking the semantic communication of words in the phrase; Click on the last word in the string, not paying attention to its syntactic construction, do not see images. Knowledge of the theory of poems is a necessary condition for mastering the technique of expressive reading of poetic works.

The structure of the verse differs from the prose structure. This difference is available not only in the inner, but also in the external organization of speech. For prose, the free arrangement of words inherent in spoken speech. The poetic speech is rhythmically organized. It is characterized by division on certain rhythmic segments, which are called verse or poetic string. Their correct reading clearly shows the sound difference of poems from prose.

Regardless of whether the poetic line coincides or does not match the end of the sentence, at the end it must be made a rhythmic pause. Otherwise, the poem will sound like a prose. The role of the rhythmic pause in no case cannot be reduced to the mechanical separation of poetic lines. It helps to reveal the content and contributes to the transfer of various shades of feelings. The length of the pause depends on the meaning of the readable phrase. If the thought is not completed, at the end of the line should increase the voice, so that the listener it is clear that it is necessary to wait for the continuation, and make a short pause, if the end of the phrase coincides with the end of the line, then the voice should be reduced and make a longer pause.

To strengthen the rhythmic-melodic sound of the verse, an additional pause is made - the cesura, which divides the poetic line into two semi-lies.

"Yeah / - Three Sons: /

Senior / - smart was a kids, /

Middle Son / and Syak, /

The younger / - was the fool at all. // "

(P. E p seam. Konk-Gorbok.)

Like any means of speech expressiveness, the cesura must be internally justified. So, the statement of cesura between the words from the old man and the three sons makes them more convex, bright, emotional. The pause after the words senior, the middle son and the younger fixes the attention of the listener on the semantic content of words smart and soyak, was at all the fool, which contributes to a more shaped presentation of every son of the old man.

Rhythmic pause and cesura (with coincidence with a logical and psychological pause) are not connected with breathing. The accompaniment to their breath or good air would violate the holistic perception of sense of supply.

The poetic lines are usually combined with rhyme. Rhyme is a sound repeat in the late poetic lines. It is of great importance for the correct expressive reading of poetic works. In many cases, the rhyme words that have a major semantic meaning. Rhyme unites poems, "... Returns you to the previous line, makes you remember it, makes all the rows, arranged one thought, hold together." Therefore, the rhyme must be saved when reading. However, you should not make pressure on the rhyme words if they do not have an important semantic value. Such a selection will leave these words from the context and make it difficult to perceive, and the poem will lose their musicality, each line will sound fragmentary, inexpressively. We will quote for example an excerpt from the poem F. Tyutchev "Spring".

"Winter is not angry:

Her time passed.

Spring is knocking on the window.

And drives from the courtyard. "

If in this poetic passage to pronounce the rhyme words are angry, it's time, the courtyard, the meaning will be lost. The chopped lines violate the dimension of the poetic speech, its smoothness and colawiness.

In the case when the rhythm is distinguished by the word important, most importantly, it is necessary when reading to put forward on the fore.

The character of the feet is determined by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poet, its intentions to reproduce this or that mood, experience, action. Thus, drawing a fabulous situation in joining the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", A. Pushkin uses a yambiological foot, as the yamx gives a certain rhythmic and smoothness to a verse corresponding to the measuring movement of the scientist, leisurely telling fairy tales.

"At Lukomorye Oak green;

Choining chain on Duba Tom:

And day and night cat scientist

Everything walks around the chain around ... "

The poetic lines by alternating rhymes are combined into uniform groups - stanza. "The stanza is called a component, as a rule, a syntactic integer, expressing any complete thought, with the poems characteristic of this group by the system of rhyms and the generality of intonation". Struffa seems to divide the poem on separate logically completed parts, which contributes to a clear perception of both each part and the entire poem as a whole. Therefore, when reading it is necessary to separate one structure from another pause.

"Adjust, spring comes,

Caravan caravas fly

In bright gold, the day is drowning,

And streams on ravines are noisy. //

Soon the guests will gather to you.

How many nests will you watch, look!

What sounds are poured for songs

Day-day from dawn to dawn. "

(I. Nikitin. Advanced, spring comes ...)

The poem of I. Nikitina recreates the bright paintings of spring offensive. It is permeated with a sense of love for his native Russian nature. Each line is full of joyful sensation of the proximity of spring. There are few words in the poem, but each of their band draws a whole picture, has a deep ideal and emotional meaning. Teacher's task is to transmit the beauty of the approaching spring, cause a feeling of joyful waiting for her arrival, make the paintings drawn by the author.

The poem is written in the form of handling the author to the listener. Therefore, it is necessary to read it warm, gently, vividly transmitting joy, excitement of the poet. Communication with the listener will be very close. Rows containing direct appeal (admire, spring comes ... how many nests will one, see!), I will sound sincerely, intimate.

The poem consists of two stanz. The very beginning of spring is outlined in the first, when the cranes and streams of ravines are noisy. The task of the teacher is visible, weight, excitedly convey the approach of spring. Listeners should hear the noise of the stream, see the shine of the sun, the arrival of caravan caravals. The reader should strive to cause them a feeling of admiration, admire the awakening nature, to put forward words to the fore Word, spring, cranes, streams.

The second stanza transfers the author's delight on the onset of spring, when everything comes to life, the birds come with nests and sing the day-day from dawn to dawn. The reader must infect a listener with an excitement associated with the expectation of spring, cause him delight from the awakening of nature. Under the stress there will be words, recreable a bright picture of spring: guests, nests, sounds, songs. Reading the second stanza, as the first, it will sound naturally, very warm, joyful. Since both feet draw although close in meaning, but independent paintings, they must be separated from each other a longer pause.

A feature of poetic works is to use alliteration (repetition of the same consonants) and associates (repetition of the same vowels) for more vivid reproduction of one or another image, phenomena, actions, for example:

"Sings Winter-Aukets,

Shaggy forest Bayukiet

Pine wroting.

(S. E C EN N.)

"Blizzard, Snowy Purga,

Strain us yarn ... "

(S. Marshak.)

Since both Assonance and alliteration are means of disclosing ideological content, poetic images, they must be able to transfer when reading: to highlight those sounds that help sketching the picture, phenomena, actions. However, it should not be overly carried by the sound side of the verse and the transition 1 'to sound resistance. This will entail formalism, P leads to an unnecessary fiction of the word and damages the transfer of ideological meaning of the poem. Much attention should be paid to the final line. It can express the completed and unfinished thought.

"Spring and grief little:

Washed in the snow

And only the rush has become

Alternate the enemy.

(F. T Yutchev. Spring.)

"He dreamed from orphan years about

To native land

Lived a man with his work

And it was not in the Kabal ... "

(S. Mikhalkov. In the Museum V. I. Lenin.)

The feature of the final line must be able to transfer when reading the corresponding intonation, lowering or increasing the voice depending on the meaning of the sentence. So, in the first case ("Spring") thought is finished, so the voice should be reduced, in the second ("In the Museum of V. I. Lenin"), the thought is not completed, the voice must be increased so that the listener felt some non-evidence that the poet transfers in verse .

The poetic lines shorter lines of prose art. The poet only uses those words that help him brightly and specifically convey the thought. This increases the significance of each word in the poetic product. When reading poems, it is necessary to constantly remember this feature of the poetic speech. Each word of verse requires a reader of increased attention and deep reflection.

An exemplary analysis of the poem of V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad?"

The main thought of the poem of V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad?" Opened in the title itself. It is clear that the poet in it wants to report the essence of good and bad. Therefore, reading the title, the teacher must already prepare children to the perception of those positive and negative phenomena, which they have to hear. The greatest semantic loads are the words well and bad. They are highlighted by the author not only in a separate line, but also discharge 1. Therefore, when reading, they should be put forward to the fore, put on them a logical emphasis.

The basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem educational: you need to make only good actions. The task of reading is to show the children a positive and negative in life and call them a desire to do well and not do bad.

Central images of the poem - Father and Son. Father is a friendly man and knowing life. He willingly agree to answer the question of the Son and on concrete facts: convincingly shows him that good and that bad. The examples given to them are simple, vitality, accessible to the child's understanding, often well known to him.

The story of the Father occupies a central place. His transfer will require a teacher of living, natural spoken intonations, in which a warm, friendly attitude towards a child manifests itself, the desire to awaken a negative attitude towards everything bad and cause the desire to imitate the one who comes well. The story of the Father is noted didactic. Morality implies naturally from specific vital cases. So read the words of the father should be leisurely, convincingly to give children to understand and feel , what well andwhat is bad, to prove them the need for good actions. The bad behavior, bad actions, coward, laziness should be presented so that they are correctly perceived by children and cause them dissatisfaction, condemnation, anger, indignation. So, reading the storm:

The second hero of the poem is a crumb-son. The poet almost reports nothing about him. But then a little, which is said, makes it possible to clearly imagine his image. This is a little boy, Croha, how gently calls his author, inquisitive, smart. He wants to know what is good and what is bad. He carefully listens to the story of his father and comes to a firm conviction:

"I will do well

And I will not -

The mention of the son of the poet was done twice: at the beginning and at the end of the poem. First, V. Mayakovsky describes the advent of the child to his father. These lines should be read warm, sincerely, gently, highlighting the words of the crumb, the crumb to cause children a sympathy for the boy, awaken in them an interest in the question he asked the Father.

The conclusion to which the Son comes after the story of the Father, has a great educational value: it contains only well a solution. Therefore, the end of the poem read must be convincingly, slowly, with strong logical strokes, pauses, and at the same time vivid, since the boy joyful went, satisfied with the response of his father, it is necessary that the children feel the decisiveness of the crumbs, divided his feelings, agreed with him and followed his example .

Three parts can be distinguished in the poem:

1. "The baby's crumb to the father came."

2. Father's story.

3. "I will do well and will not - bad."

Each part contains complete thought, draws a certain picture, so when reading should be separated from the previous long pause. Compliance with rhythmic pauses when reading a poem must, as they perform a certain task in the disclosure of the meaning of the verse:

"This cleans the boots, /

although small, /

But quite good. / "

The setting of rhythmic pauses after each row makes words are especially significant, but is emotional. The text reading without complying with these pauses will deprive the verse of that pronounced approving shade, which helps children to perceive positive phenomena.

Preparing work to expressive reading, you need to pay attention to the emotional significance of the sound organization of the poetic speech V. Mayakovsky: rhyme, alliteration. In the poem, they are closely related to the content. So, starting the story of the Father, the poet resorts to a repeated repetition of sound R, which enhances the impression of the swirling storms:

1. Read the passage from the poem N. Nekrasova "Frost, a red nose" - "No wind rages over Bor ..." ("Native speech", II class). Exercise its analysis to prepare for expressive reading. Make an analysis plan and expressly read text out loud, observing the pause, size and rhyme verse.

2. Prepare to expressive reading a poem A. Maikova "Autumn" ("Native speech", III class), read it and write it down on the tape recorder, then listen to the record and write a review.

3. Listen to how your comrade reads the poem of V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" ("Native speech", III class), and appreciate its execution.

4. Listen to one of the poems performed by the artistic word masters; Match listened to how you (or your comrade) are reading the same text. Then make a comparative review.

Reading Bassen

In the primary classes program, a great place is assigned to the reading of the Basen. Basnya occupies a special place among literary genres. This is a short allegorical work of an instructive nature, more often than poetic shape. As a rule, it consists of two parts: an image of events or a story about them and morals (morals). Moral may also be at the end, and at the beginning of the felt, and sometimes moraling follows directly from the content (I. Wings. "Curious"). An image of action, events is given in the form of a story, story, conversations, a big place is occupied by a dialogue - a conversation between, heroes. Each fable necessarily includes the elements of the Commission, humor.

Accordingly, the content, construction and language of the fable read as a simple story approaching everyday speech, naturalness and conviction - indispensable conditions for reading. The narration should be guided as if the outlined cooation occurred in reality. And the reader acts as an interlocutor, telling his listeners to the instructive case of which he heard or whose witness was himself. The truthfulness of the story is especially important when reading the bass children. Thinking by the Contractor, they clearly imagine everything, which is said in the Basna, will be brightly perceived and the content will be acutely survived. The teacher must constantly apply to children, make sure that his intonation, gestures, Mimica caught their interest in the described actions and heroes.

Special attention should be paid to morality. Since it reveals the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, the reader needs to clearly understand his performing task, it is clear to represent what he tells the Bass, which wants to imitate and how to influence the listeners. Casting must be read so that the children think about it. However, morality should never be imposed, read deliberately seriously, it must flow from the story, summarize the narrative.

It is very important when reading the fables to preserve the speech wealth of the work. The author's speech is a cheerful narrator, an interlocutor telling about any fun and together with the instructive case, outlines with natural spoken intonations. Moreover, the fabulist not only transfers the events, but also expresses its attitude towards them. For this purpose, the reader should well assimilate the idea of \u200b\u200bBasni, understand the thoughts, the author's intentions. So, telling about the fox ("Crow and Fox" I. Krylov), the author emphasizes her trick, ruting (he calls it twice with "a plot"), expressing his attitude towards her actions. These feelings of the author and must be conveyed when reading: the word of the cheating to pronounce with a flavored intonation and in the last phrase before it pause to draw the attention of children to this main quality of the fox, which is so brightly manifested in its behavior.

Speech of heroes is read with strict consideration of their individual characteristics, appearance, character, actions. However, one should not resort to the game, you need to retell, quote the speech of each existing person, not reincarnated into the transmitted image.

"... Krylova, any animal has its own individual character," V. Belinsky wrote, - and ledgear-monkey ...; And he has a fox everywhere, evasive, shameless, ..; The lion is the mighty mighty, majestically scary. " This makes it easier to represent the reading of each existing person, and therefore its expression. However, using the well-known properties of the characteristics of individual animals, the reader should not be simplified to understand and reproduce the actors of the Basni. The loyalty to their image will depend primarily from how clear it imagines the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and the purpose of his reading.

So, the idea of \u200b\u200bBasni I. Krylov "Crow and Fox" - the condemnation of the bowl and ridicule of those who succumb to it. The purpose of reading is to glue the lessets and condemn the fool. Reader does a special emphasis on those characteristic features of the fox, which are of the greatest value for the disclosure of the idea, namely to flatter, trick, because in the fastener of Lisa, Lestia is achieved by the target goal, and the author equally rines and flattering foxes, and a stupid ravene, militant on flattery

Bassni, as a rule, have a poetic shape. Building verse I. Krylova is always strictly justified by the content, the desire of the author to allocate a particularly important, meaningful. Therefore, to the poetic line, the rhythmic pause in its works should be treated very carefully and do not break the poetic string.

In Basnya I. Krylov, there is sometimes setting of stress, unusual for modern standards of literary pronunciation. For example, the pike was thrown into the river ... ("Pike"). This feature should be observed because w.tea will be disturbed by rhyme and verse will lose its poetic harmony.

In school practice, it is often found to read the fasteners on the roles. In this case, the reader is not a storytellor, and he is reincarnated to the hero and turns not to listeners, but only one who reads from the author remains to partners, and talks with them, only one who reads from the author remains on their narrator. He comments on the events, gives a replica, summarizes the story. The impact on the listener is carried out by reading the whole Basni as a whole.

Approximate analysis of the Basni I. Krylova "Swan, pike and cancer" to prepare her to expressive reading

Basic's basic idea - upbringing friendship, mutual assistance, coherence in work. The task of the reader is to condemn the separation of heroes and convince the listeners that only collective work gives positive results.

In Basna, three actors - swan, pike and cancer. The author does not give them characteristics, does not reveal their inner world, but simply reports their behavior and very convincingly shows the essence of their "relationship", the attitude towards each other, emphasizing the reluctance and inability to make a common thing together. Having taken to carry from the flies of WHO, they cannot agree on their actions, and each comes at its discretion: the swan rushes into the clouds, the cancer is five times, and the pike pulls into the water. As a result of their action, they do not reach the desired goal, WHO and now there.

Bass begins with morality, in which its main idea is concluded, - when there is no agreement in the comrades, there will be no matter on the way. Morals need to be read not quickly, passing the teaching existing in it, having allocated the words of agreement not, on the way, will not go to focus the attention of the listeners on the main thing. The teaching from the narration must be separated by the pause that it will give the opportunity to the listeners deeper to realize the author's intention and psychologically prepare them to understand the story of the story of the unlucky heroes, the behavior of which serves as a bright illustration of the situation that put forward by the author at the beginning.

The first phrase of the fastened story is once swan, cancer, yes, pussy to carry from the swiss of WHO took up - is stronger. It is necessary to read it without quickly, after the word one day to make a psychological pause to alert the guys, to increase their interest in what we are talking about. Words swan, cancer, pike to put under the emphasis, as they contain a message the heroes of the Basni, from the actions of which will depend on the result of the case. In order to properly transmit the idea, the main emphasis when reading should be done on those places in which the reason for the insolvency of the heroes is revealed to carry out: each of them acts alone, at its discretion, without harmonizing their behavior with a comrades. On this inconsistency, it is necessary to draw the attention of the listeners, as its consequence is the omission of the Basni: it remains non-affordable. When reading, it is necessary to emphasize the words rushing into the clouds, it is forth back, pulls into water, which are especially vividly characterized by the inconsistent actions of the heroes.

Special attention will require a discord: and WHO and now there. It summarizes the actions of heroes. She clearly illustrates the basic idea of \u200b\u200bBasni. Therefore, it is necessary to read it somewhat slowly. After the word WHO, you can make a short psychological pause to make the guys carefully follow the result of the effort of swan, cancer and pike. The phrase and the WHO and now it should be pronounced there so that the listeners are convinced of the uselessness of inconsistent actions, they realized that only in a friendly thing, one could fulfill the conceived matter.

Exemplary the analysis of the Basni I. Krylova "Dragonfly and Ant" for Preparations of her K. expressive reading

The basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe Basinie "Dragonfly and Ant" is a ridicule of idleness, idleness and education of respect for work. The task of the educator is to reveal the idea of \u200b\u200bBasni, condemn the frivolous dragonfly and praise the hardworking ant. To correctly convey the idea of \u200b\u200bBasni, it is necessary to clearly present the actors, their appearance, character, actions, language.

In Basna, two actors - dragonfly and ant. Descriptions of their appearance are not given, but they are well known to everyone. The wings stop on the internal properties of the nature of their heroes, which determine their behavior and actions.

The expressiveness of reading fables depends on how well the performer imagines its construction.

Bassna "Dragonfly and ant" can be divided into two parts.

Part of the first - "thrust dragonfly". The bass begins with a painting of a harsh winter, when "squeezed a purely field" and when it was difficult for a frivolous joggy dragonfly. This part should be carefully thought out. It is impossible to read alive, fun, easy, fast. Such a reading that does not respond to the meaning of Basni will not reach the consciousness of the listeners and will not make any impression on them. It is impossible to say this part dramatically, making emphasis on the difficult conditions of winter, as it will cause pity for dragonfly. Reads all the time should remember about its executive task - to show the idleness of dragonfly, condemn it for frivolity and note what it led. Therefore, words related to the dragonfly must be read easily, ironically, the description of the winter is narrow, somewhat slowed down to reproduce the harsh picture of the Russian winter before the listeners. A phrase / to the ant crawls, containing the beginning of action, should be highlighted to make children wait for the continuation.

Part Two - "Payback for Labor". This part needs to be performed so that the children clearly felt the liveliness and the painfulness of spoken speech, the diversity of her intonation. Interest in the development of events should increase. The emotion and tension of the reader intonation reaches the limit in the phrase:

Analysis of the Russian folk fairy tale Morozko

Famous for us since childhood fairy tale " Morozko"- Russian folk magic fairy tale. It is counted for New Year, Christmas or just winter fairy tales. The plot of the fairy tales "Morozko" is a variation on the topic of innocently with a positive hero (stepdaughter), which wonderful assistant comes to revenue ( Morozko) and rewards the hero for meekness, humility, kindness and hard work.

The Russian fairy tale "Morozko" is part of the school program on literature due to its explicit educational, moral orientation. The main characters of the fairy tale "Morozko" are definitely shared by readers-children on positive and negative. The main idea of \u200b\u200bfairy tales - Retreat of affairs, the triumph of justice (humility and innovation will be rewarded, and the pride and malice will be punished) - it is easily read by students.

Characters fairy tales " Morozko

The main heroine of the fairy tales is a stepdaughter, the girl is hardworking, helping and meek - "socially disadvantaged character" in the house of the stepmother: "Everyone knows how to live behind the stepmother: you will turn the bat - Bit and impervery - the bit ..." Padderitsa did all homework, but not I was able to please an evil fierce stepmother.

According to the canon of magical fairy tales, the heroine leaves the house before finding his happiness. The reason - the hero of the pest (stepmother) persecutes: "That's stepmother and came up with a step with the light of Sit. "Vesui, drove her, an old man," says her husband, "where you want my eyes to do not see her!" Visa her to the forest, on a cracked frost. "

The character of the stepdaughter is so meek that she does not argue and does not resist when the native father leaves her in the Winter Forest. And also, she behaves when the capital hero of the fairy tale - Morozko - is experiencing its character, all amplifying and enhanced frost. Girl's answers are friendly, despite burning frost. For this, frost regrets the girl and generously giving. Wealth as a reward is a characteristic reception of folk fairy tales.

Steph, powerful, envious and greedy, having seen a feverly disadvantageous yes with rich gifts, tells the old man to carry her native daughter (antiheroine) at the same place in the forest. The main reason for such an envy is clear from the words of the dog: "old man's daughter in the Child, in silver driven, and they do not take the old woman." It was behind the applied old woman who sends a native beloved daughter to the frost.

The situation in the forest is repeated: Frost appears and exposes the girl with a three-year-old test. That, however, is not endowed with no kind nor mildness and pride is filled. The answers of her rude and disrespectful, and Morozko cruelly punishes this heroine: it dies from the cold.

In such a tragic final, the Folk Tale of "Frost" shows the reader how cruel people condemn envy, greed, the evil and the oppression of the weak and defenseless, which there was a stepdaughter. The behavior of the negative heroes of fairy tales, stepmothers and her native daughter, causes rejection of the malice and injustice in the children's soul. And the punishment that the girl suffered is perceived by the young reader as a celebration of justice.

It is curious that today the Russian fairy tale "Morozko" causes quite a few discussions about his interpretation. The fairy tale is reproached in bloodthirsty, in the statement of dubious ideals (meekness instead of assertiveness, focus on the values \u200b\u200bof material goods). Suggestions are expressed to protect the modern child from excessive cruelty by refusing to read folk fairy tales.

However, do not forget about the historical roots of the folk fairy tale - the narration here is due to the realities of the time when a fairy tale was created. Some stiffness, and even cruelty, can also be justified by the goal pursued by the creators of the fairy tales: instruction, editing the younger generation. And the more specifically the instruction is expressed in this case, the stronger the educational impact.

Fairy tales keep the centuries-old wisdom of the people, and the task of modern parents and teachers is not to break the connection of generations, help the child in the correct reading and perception of century-old folk wisdom.

R Usski folk tales - amazing creations that children teach good. Each of them carries a certain meaning, gives a lesson. She sets the children to be honest, kind, hardworking, love and help their loved ones.

Fairy tales are cheerful and sad. But the most important difference is that all positive heroes are always winning, and evil is punished. After all, it is not for nothing in many works, "the fairy tale is a lie, and there is a hint in it."

This is happening in the fairy tale "Morozko".
She begins simply: in one village there were an old man and an old woman. They had two daughters, the eldest - the old woman was rigging. So offended by the grumpy old woman always. No wonder they say that "with a mother warm, yes, with a stepmother - cold," the old woman only loved her younger daughter, I stroked my head for all things.

Marfusha lived hard, all the farm led, fed the cattle, wore the water, the house of Topila, cleaned. But everything was not so a stepmother, because "the wind is at least I will drop, but it will drop, and the old woman diverges - it will not seem to leave."

And his father was completely under the new wife, could not stand up for her daughter. No wonder the people are pallsy that "Staff appeared, then the father is somewhat." He ordered him once a wife to take a dip in the forest to sow her from white light. And on the street frost Treskuchiy, but there is nothing to do.

Puck a man, he expressed, but did not solve the arguing with a new wife. I planted my daughter my native to Sani and led into the forest. He left it under great fir, right in a snowdrift, and returned back. And Marfusha remained in the forest, freeze.

Frost this time was a cracker, everything jumps over and tips on the tree on the Christmas tree, sicks. I got to the place where the girl was sitting. His questions, whether she, she, she replied from the last strength that he was warm. Even when the starry hit hard, did not complain and answered the same.

I regretted frost a girl, looked at her blankets and threw off his fur coat with shoulders. And then asked about life, as she got into the forest alone. Announced a girl about her grief, about relationships with a stepmother. And I decided to frost to award it to the suffering that fell on her share. Shelled her gold - silver, jewels and sobular furs.

At this time, the old woman is directly rejoicing that he got rid of the unloved stepdaughter, pancakes bakes, it is going to celebrate. And grandfather sits, and his daughter mourns. I did not think old, what did! Native Krovochka on the faithful death is taken, she decided to ruin with her hands. Finally, he decided and expressed his old woman.

The evil and stupid woman, and grandfather shot down. My grandfather gathered back into the forest, wanted to return the daughter. Whether it will be, and he still decided to save her. Equipped Sani, harness horses and endured in the forest, to the place where he left his daughter. Hurry up, worries, straight flies on the snowy road.

He arrives at the place, and there her daughter is alive and healthy, there is beautiful and warm fur coat on her instead of the feels of the previous ones, flock. And near the snow, the chests, full gold and treasures that kind of good frost presented her. Grandfather was delighted and took his child home. Immersed gifts in Sani, and went back to the village.

The house of the old woman was already preparing for the commemoration, pancakes hit, satisfied. And the dog under the table dresses everything that the unloved stepdaughter will come back, and even with gifts rich, and the daughter of the old women still marry not to get married. An old woman is angry, and the dog is all the same. Yes, and right, because the padchier was very good, and as the people they say, "good good, and the cloud in half a rib."

The gate open, and the sledge, full of all kinds come to the house. Padder is sitting on them, live and healthy. Yes, even in clothes beautiful, yes with gifts. She told her adventures, as Morozko gave her in a tsarist.

He envied the old woman with his non-rigid daughter, and she stuck to the old man so that he and her daughter Dov. Gifts got hungry, counted that her Krovochka should even get her. Holding it as it should, snapped into Tuluups, toured down with a paddle down, and even hot joke pies, he gave the road to the daughter hungry and cold remained.

There is nothing to do with the old man, the daughter's daughter and Starukhin, he landed on the same place, and went home.

Time passed, and frost appeared in this place. Watching, a girl sits again, this time the old daughter is. All covered in warm clothes, pies chews. It came to frost closer and the question asks whether to sit in heat. What Babkina daughter, Grubian, is responsible with indignation, it's cold, of course!

A stupid girl grew, spoiled by the old woman, but did not know that "stupidity - the trouble is a neighbor." He gasped frost, and he wrote even more cold. Then he demanded gifts at all, once I see if it sees to sit and wait, freezes at all. What kind of frost completely stood, and frozen the old woman's daughter completely!

At this time, the wife of the old man for her daughter sends, waiting for Zlata and Silver. Yes, he rushes him so that the treasure chests are neatly treasure, did not wake the case. And herself is preparing to meet it. But here the dog is not silent, sitting under the table and senses that the grandfather of the daughter will get married, and from the old woman's daughter some bones remained. And does not pay attention to the perturbation of the grumpy woman.

Here the sleigh goes into the gate, and the old woman sees her daughter, frozen to death. She did not receive any gifts, crying the old woman, shouting, but late. I brought my own stupidity and greed native Chado to such a state, I understood, but nothing will do anything. As they say, "it's too late to protect the wine when the barrel is empty." And Dedova's daughter in joy and prosperity remained, for his kindness.

N. And for this page: Proverbs and sayings, suitable for the Russian folk fairy tale "Morozko"; Summary of the fairy tale "Morozko".

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1. The Russian folk fairy tale "Morozko" is counted for the New Year, Christmas winter fairy tales. The fairy tale "Morozko" refers to magic fiction fairy talesSince one of the heroes is a magical character. In such fairy tales, the positive hero always help the magic characters so that the evil and lies really won.

An old man lived in the village with the old woman, and her native daughter old women and her native daughter of the old man lived with them. The old woman was unbelieving a stepdaughter, forced her to do all the work on the housework, which the girl was perfectly performed in the best way. But the stepmother was impossible to please and once she decided to lie to the girl with the light, ordered the old man's stepdaughter in the winter forest to take and leave. The old man, crying, taped her daughter to the forest and left under the fir, where the girl met with Frost, who, having experienced her temper, gave expensive gifts. The stepmother sent his stupid and lazy daughter to the forest, hoping to see her with gifts, but her daughter did not pass the Morozko tests, and the old man brought her from the forest frozen.

The instructive tale of "Morozko" hurts human envy and greed, as well as says how important it is to be kind, and hardworking. Tale is folk wisdom(Not a different pit, you will fall into it myself!), Which is set out in understandable and affordable for children. The behavior of negative heroes of fairy tales (stepmothers and her native daughter) causes the rejection of the malice and injustice. And the punishment that the girl suffered is perceived by the reader as a celebration of justice. The tragic fairy tale finale reflects how much the mentality of the Russian people rejects the anger, the oppression of defenseless and weak (stepdaughter) and how will the retribution for evil happens.

Positive female imagefairy Tales "Morozko" is the main heroine, Padderitsa - a girl hardworking, helping and meek. The character of the stepdaughter is so meek that she does not argue and does not resist when the native father leaves her in the Winter Forest. And also, she behaves when Morozko is experiencing its character, all amplifying and enhancing frost. Girl's answers are friendly, despite the burning frost, frost frost and generously giving a girl.

Positive male imagein a fairy tale, this is an old man, the father of the main character. He is kind and meek, but weak in front of the evil and assertive old woman. The old man silently looks at injustice towards his daughter and nothing can argue.

Negative imagesskipping "Morozko" Only female - this is a stepmother and her daughter - powerful, evil, greedy and envious, they are just doing that they oppress the main heroine. Forcing Dadger to work all day, they are never satisfied with her work.

The only one magicallythe fairy tale is Morozko - this is at the same time a harsh and kind wizard, which, according to tradition, first experiences heroes, and then rewards or punishes them in justice.

2. Zachin fairy tales "Morozko" is replete with household paintings and little resembles magical circumstances. The fairy tale begins in this way: "I lived, I lived my grandfather and another wife. My grandfather had a daughter, and the woman had a daughter. "

IN development of actionnote tie tales: "That's stepmother and came up with a paddle with the light of Sit. Vesui, drove her, old man, "says her husband," where you want my eyes to do not see her! " Visit her to the forest, on a cracked frost. "

The character of the stepdaughter is so meek that she does not argue and does not resist when the native father leaves her in the Winter Forest. And also, she behaves when the capital hero of the fairy tale - Morozko - is experiencing its character, all amplifying and enhanced frost. Girl's answers are friendly, despite burning frost. For this, frost regrets the girl and generously giving. Steph, powerful, envious and greedy, having seen a feverly disadvantageous yes with rich gifts, tells the old man to carry her native daughter at the same place in the forest. For giving an old woman and sends a native beloved daughter to the frost.

Culmination momentit comes when the situation in the forest is repeated: Frost appears and exposes the girl with a three-year-old test. That, however, is not endowed with no kind nor mildness and pride is filled. Answers to her rude and disrespectful, for which she paid.

Junction It comes when Morozko cruelly punishes this heroine: it dies from the cold. In such a tragic final, the People's Fairy Tale "Morozko" shows the reader how hard the people condemn envy, greed, the evil and the oppression of the weak and defenseless, what a padchier was. And the punishment that the girl suffered is perceived as a celebration of justice.

In the fairy tale "Morozko" there is no beautiful ending, which is usually completed by magical fairy tales with a happy ending. Here we see the traditional fantastic celebration of good over evil and instructive tales close.

3. In the fairy tale "Morozko", the main actions occur in the winter forest, but forest Descriptionvery brief: Large drifts and Christmas trees from frost crack. This is the ice kingdom of Frost. Here, under the big fir, the old man left his daughter, and then the daughter of the old woman. Here are the meetings of girls with frost twice.

In the string of fairy tale, the first monologue Old women:

Vesui, drove her, old man, "says her husband," where you want my eyes to do not see her! " Visa her to the forest, on a cracked frost.

An old man, who did not respond to his monologue, dismissed his mother's daughter into the forest on the frost.

Heat, Morozuschko, Heat, Batyushka.

For his meek temper, the girl does not die, but enriched with frost and returns home.

Later, the old woman sends her daughter to the forest, but already with another purpose. The order for the old man sounds again ( monologueold women):

Drop, old chrych, other horse! Vesui, drove my daughter in the forest and put on the same place ...

In the forest again happening dialogue Frost and girls, but it differs from the first:

Do you warm your maiden? Are you warm, red?

Oh, hands, legs frozen! Get away, Morozko ...

The answers of her rude and disrespectful, and Morozko cruelly punishes this heroine: it dies from the cold.

"Morozko became angry yes so enough that Starukhina daughter was inflated" - this is the only one hyperbola fairy tales. Hyperboles have an emonsional character and create an expressive tone of fabulous narration.

In the fairy tale "Morozko" can be seen several comparison:

Power, envious and greedy stepmother - meek, soft and executive old man;

Lazy, stupid and angry old lady daughter - hardworking, helping and meek daddy. These comparisons clearly show where negative, and where is a positive character where good, and where evil. Such examples teach children to compare.

In a fairy tale, two plans are always: an external - plot and metaphorical - a subsidizing, it contains wisdom, carefully transmitted to us by our ancestors, turned into a fairy tale. As metaphor An important idea is easier to seep through all the doors of consciousness and gets at the very depths of the soul, it allows you to think about your life, our goals and desires, arguing about the possible consequences of a particular behavior and makes it possible to look at yourself from the part.

In the fairy tale "Morozko" there are no obvious magic transformations. Frostfully magically gives me a padder for her human qualities and saves death, contrary to all expectations.

4. This composite feature is characteristic of fairy tales: troekt repetitionno episode with subsequent gain effect. In the fairy tale "Morozko" this technique is used during meetings with Frost in the forest, when he asks every girl three times: "Do you warm your maiden? Are you warm, red? " After each response, the frost's girl is enhanced. The reception of a three-year repetition has a special meaning in each case. More often this technique is used to show how much the severity of the test through which the main character of the fairy tale passes.

People's expressions taken from the life of a simple people are inscribed in this fairy tale, like the idea of \u200b\u200ba fairy tale:

"Everyone knows how to live behind the stepmother: you will turn the bat - Bit and undusterious - Bit. And the native daughter will do anything - for everything they stroke the head: clever. "

"The wind is at least I will subscribe, and the old woman diverges - it will not seem soon."

5. Russian folk fairy tale "Morozko" is written concise and extremely accurate language. But still, in a fairy tale there are dimensional words that consume only stepdaughter and frost when meeting in the forest, the more released positivity of these heroes to the example of children.

6. The fairy tale is important not only in the knowledge of the surrounding world, but also as educational moment. In the fairy tale there is a warning, instructive morality, demonstrating a positive behavior style (value of courtesy, good attitude towards people, respect for older, hard work). Children learn to comprehend the actions of fabulous heroes, determine - what is good, which is bad. The child's speech is also enriched with epithets often found in fairy tales. The child learns to think in images. The ability to endow items and phenomena with supernatural properties, believing in an animation of inanimate nature - the characteristic feature of the children's psyche. For outwardly untrue fabulous plots, the real history of the life of the Russian people is clearly seen. But fairy tales would not be fairy tales if there was no enact.

The fairy tale of "Morozko", like most Russian folk fairy tales, is suitable for kidsall ages. The fairy tale of the tauchet is immersed in the atmosphere of magic and miracle. She teaches adults Look at the world with a direct open look, indicates their shortcomings, and children in light and entertaining form are opening important vitality. Thus, the gain of the problem of solving the problems "fabulous" ways, the child transfers it to real situations in life.

culminated frost tale plot

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