Tornado: spectacular natural disaster - classification. Hennessey Venom F5 - Tornado Categories F5 Tornado F5 Categories

Solochi (in America this phenomenon is called a tornado) is called a fairly stable atmospheric whirlwind, most often arising in thunderstorm clouds. It is visualized in the form of a dark funnel, often descending to the surface of the Earth. The wind speed in the tornger develops very large - even in the unlocking vortices it reaches 170 km / h, and in some tornadoes of the category F5 inside the real hurricane - 500 km / h. Such a natural phenomenon can bring considerable destruction. Mortal arise in different parts of the planet, but most of all the tornadoes and tornado occurs in the United States, in the so-called "Alley Tornado".

1. Daulatpur Saturia, Bangladesh (1989)

The greatest destruction and victims caused a tornado, who fell on Bangladesh on April 26, 1989. In this country, the tornado is almost as frequent, as in the North American continent. The diameter of the tornger exceeded 1.5 kilometers, it passed 80 kilometers around the manicangange district in the center of the country. The cities of Saturia and Dulatpur suffered most. 1300 people died, and 12,000 were injured. A powerful air vortex with ease lifted into the air and carried the duck buildings from the poorest areas of cities. Part of the settlements was completely destroyed, and there were 80,000 inhabitants without bed.

2. East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) (1969)

This drama was blocked in 1969, when Dhaka with the surrounding lands was another eastern part of Pakistan. The tornado hit the northeastern outskirts of Dhaka, going through the densely populated areas. At that time 660 people died, and another 4000 were injured. On that day, two tornads were held at the local places. The punch of the second came to the area of \u200b\u200bCamilla in the Khominal area, I took a 223 people in the life. Both tornads were a consequence of one storm, but after the occurrence, they went through different routes.

Environmental disasters have their own specifics - during them, not a single person may not die, but at the same time will be applied very significant ...

3. Madargang-Mrizapur, Bangladesh (1996)

In a proportional plan, such a small state as Bangladesh probably suffers from tornger even more than the United States. And the poverty of the population turns into the greatest harvest of the victims, which gathers element here. No matter how people learned this formidable natural phenomenon, but in 1996 it again took her share of the victims. This time, 700 Bangladeshsians were killed, and about 80,000 their homes were destroyed.

4. Tornado of three states, USA (1925)

For a long time, this tornado passed through the United States in the first quarter of the last century was considered the most destructive. His trajectory ran on March 18 in the territory of at once three states - Missouri, Indiana and Illinois. On the Fujita scale, he was assigned the highest category F5. 50,000 Americans remained without housing, over 2000 was injured, and 695 people died. Most people died in the south of Illinois, and other cities were completely destroyed by the wind. Tornado raged 3.5 hours, moving from the state at the staff at a speed of about 100 km / h.
At that time there was neither television, nor the Internet, as well as special means of alert about the approach of the catastrophe, so most people were caught by the surprise. According to the stories of eyewitnesses, the diameter of the rustling funnel reached a half kilometers. The element caused damage to 16.5 million the then dollars (now it would be over 200 million). In this tragic day, 7 states of America scored 9 tornadoes, from which 747 inhabitants per day were killed.

5. La Valletta, Malta (1961 or 1965)

It would seem that such a distant from such surprises of nature island, as Malta in the last century also had to experience the power of the angry nature on himself. This whirlwind originated above the surface of the Mediterranean, after which he headed towards the island. Speaking and breaking in the Bay Grand Harbor most of the courts, he went to the land, where he was able to pick up life over 600 Maltesers. The most amazing thing is that the exact date of this catastrophe is obviously indicated in different ways: it happened in 1961, and others in 1965. Although certainly in the newspapers of that time wrote about it.

Throughout the history of mankind, the strongest earthquakes have repeatedly applied to people with the colossal damage and were the cause of a huge number of victims among the population ...

6. Sicily, Italy (1851)

But this much older tornadow is mentioned in many chronicles, it still attracts the attention of meteorologists, and historians. The exact counting of the victims did not go, but there were no less than 600 people. It is assumed that the Tornado acquired his colossal destructive power when two tornads came to the land and united in one. Although no evidence has left the story of this, therefore this assumption will remain a hypothesis.

7. Naroil and Magura, Bangladesh (1964)

Another tornadow, which occurred in 1964 in the long-suffering Bangladesh, devastated two cities and seven villages in addition. Approximately 500 people died, and another 1400 were declared missing. Despite the scale of this tragedy, information about it to the world community has reached extremely few.

8. Comoros (1951)

The coast of Africa also turned out to be vulnerable to this species of the element. In 1951, a giant tornado, rising in the Komorial Islands, having risen the life of more than 500 islanders, as well as travelers from France. Could the last suggest that earthly paradise, where did they arrive in order to get pleasure, will turn into a pitch hell? In those years, the islands were under the protectorate of France, which decided not to disclose the details of the tragedy.

9. Gainesville, Georgia, and Tupelo, Mississippi, USA (1936)

A powerful tornado, who received a category F5 in Gainesville, and in Tupeuto - F4, in the literal and figurative sense, the life of about 450 people, and the exact amount could not be installed. Initially, the element hit the city of Tupelo - it happened on April 5, 1936. There were killed at least 203 inhabitants and another 1600 were damaged to varying severity. There are no accurate figures for victims, but since at that time the newspapers did not take into account the victims among the Negro population, they probably were much more.
The world was lucky that one year old child was survived in this pomechny hell, whom we later learned under the name Elvis Presley. The next day, the Tornado, who passed by Alabama, pounced on the city of Gainzville, located in Georgia. From the impact of the elements, the Cooper Pints \u200b\u200bFactory was especially injured - 70 of its employees died, and another 40 did not manage to detect and therefore they got into the discharge of missing. In total, in this city, death has suffered 216 people, and the staff counted for $ 13 million (today it would be 200 million). At the beginning of that April, numerous tornadoes of different strength collapsed on 6 different states: Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina.

Under dangerous natural phenomena, extreme climatic or meteorological phenomena occurring naturally in the same time ...

10. Yangtze, China (2015)

In recent decades, people have learned quite accurately to predict the appearance of strong tornadoes, they began to build protective structures in hazardous areas, so in the event of a threat to the arrival of the tornado, people can quickly evacuate. But even all these precautions did not help the Chinese in 2015, when a cruise ship had fallen from heaven to a peaceful river cruise ship. 442 people died, but on time the warned other ships escaped troubles.
Of the listed cases, it becomes quite clear how impressive natural phenomenon, as a tornado, can be deadly and destructive.

Tornado or in other words tornado - A terrible natural phenomenon sweeping everything in its path. A powerful whirlwind is able to destroy at home, break and pull out the trees with roots, raise cars into the air, destroy the fields and plantations of the harvest and crops.

Facts about Tornado

May 16, 1898 off the coast of Australia, pcs. New South Wales, was recorded the highest fader. His height was 1528 meters, and the diameter of everything 3 m.

And the highest tornado tornado on land was observed in 2004 on July 7 in California (USA) in the National Park. His height was 3 650 meters.

The widest tornado was registered on May 22, 2004 in the USA, Nebrasko. Then the whirlwind reached the second category F4. and the diameter of it was 4000 m.

On May 3, 1999, in the United States near the city of Oklahoma, a tornado of the highest category was collapsed - F5. With the help of the Doppler radar, the wind speed inside the tornger funnel was measured - about 512 km / h This tornado was the most destructive. Oklahoma was completely destroyed, and the material damage caused by the power of the element was estimated at 1.2 billion dollars.

A country in which Tornado is most often fixed - USA. In 2004, 1819 tornadoes were marked in the USA. And for May 2003, 543 vortices occurred. In 1974, from April 3 to April 4, 148 tallers were recorded at the Central-Raid and Southern states of the United States.

Tornado - The rapidly rotating air post, descending from a heap-rain cloud or formed under a heap-rain cloud, often (but not always) is visible as a funnel-shaped cloud. To be classified as a tornado, the whirlwind must come from the cloud and touch the Earth. It is known that a tornado can form an invisible funnel.

How to form a tornado in the USA?

The classic answer to this question is: warm wet air from the Mexican Bay faces in the United States with cold air from Canada and dry air from rocky mountains. Under such conditions there is a large number of thunderstorms that carry a threat to the occurrence of a tornado. The most devastating and deadly tornadoes are formed under huge cumulating clouds, which in the United States call Supersells, these clouds rotate, forming mesocyclones. These clouds often bring large hail, squalid wind, strong thunderstorms and livne, as well as a tornado.

How many tornadoes occurs in the USA annually?

Every year about a thousand tornado appears in the USA. It is difficult to say exactly because some tornadoes occur in a low-seated area and therefore are not fixed.

What time of year does the most tornado occur?

Mostly the season Tornado lasts since the beginning of the spring until the middle of the summer. In some states, Tornado's peak falls on May, in others - for June or even July. But generally a tornado may occur at any time of the year.

What is a tornado alley?

This is the historical name of the central American states, in which the greatest number of tornadoes are observed. Nevertheless, tornadoes may arise anywhere: both on Western and the east coast of the United States, as well as in Canada and other states.

How long does a tornado last?

Tornado can continue from a few minutes to an hour and more. But most of them have no more than ten minutes.

How does a tornado in the northern hemisphere differ from the tornado in the southern hemisphere?

They differ in the direction of rotation. Most tornadoes (but not all!) Have cyclonic rotation, i.e. counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise - in South. Anticyclonic tornadoes rotate in the northern hemisphere clockwise. They most often occur in the form of water troops, as well as many cases of simultaneous observation of cyclonic and anticyclonic tornadoes under the same thunderstorm.

What is an F-scale?

The tornado classification scale was introduced by Professor T. Fujiti in 1971. This scales should be used with caution, since the wind speed in the tornado is still accurately measured. The damage that the tornado depends depends not only on the wind speed, but also from many other factors: the strength of the construction, direction and duration of the impact of wind, the number of debris flying in the air. Nevertheless, despite the disadvantages, the Fujita scale is now widely used in the United States.

Can the F6 Tornado observe?

No, it is unlikely that the wind speed in the tornado exceeds 512 km / h. The F6-F12 Tornado category was introduced rather for the theory than for practical purposes. Even if the Doppler radar measure the wind speed, slightly exceeds 512 km / h, the tornado will still be classified as F5.

Is it true that the more tornado in size, the more stronger?

No, not necessarily. Tornado size does not indicate its destructive strength. There are cases when small tornadoes have damaged as F4 or F5, on the other hand, some very large tornado sizes have applied small damage: F0 or F1.

Isn't it impossible to relax or destroy a tornado by shelling the clouds by some reagent, for example solid carbon dioxide?

The main problem is that acting in this way, you can not only destroy the tornado, but on the contrary, make it much more powerful and destructive than it was. In addition, the installations for the shelling of clouds should unfold on the terrain very quickly and they need to be very much to cover the whole huge territory on which Tornado arise. And now imagine legal problems that may arise if you destroy someone else's private ownership in the process of cloud bombing. In general, the bad is the idea!

What does the sound of a tornado look like?

It depends on its size, intensity, distance to it and other factors. Most often, the sound of the tornado is compared with the crashing of the train. Sometimes a tornado produces a sound similar to the sound of a waterfall or one that occurs when quickly dried with open windows.

Who predicts a tornado?

In the US, Tornado predicts the National Weather Service (National Weather Service). Tornado warnings are sent by the regional offices of the National Weather Service. The storm prediction center is engaged in adverse weather phenomena in general. Tornado in Canada is predicted by Canada meteorological service.

Can Tornado transfer objects over long distances?

Yes, tornadoes understand the air and carry garbage and even heavy items at a distance up to several kilometers. The vertical component of the wind in the tornado is quite large to raise even heavy items into the air, especially if they have a large area, such as the roof, wall, wood or car. Although very heavy items can only be transferred not to small distances. Officially recorded cases of the transfer of objects at a distance of more than 150 kilometers.

Why tornadoes avoid major centers?

Here is the whole point in probability. Just the city center is located on a very small area in comparison with the entire country area. Therefore, the likelihood that Tornado will fall into the city center, very small. For example, the area of \u200b\u200bthe central part of Dallas, only three square miles. However, centers of cities may suffer from a tornado. So in St. Louis Tornado in the center of the city were observed at least four times.

What will happen if a tornado fell into a major city?

This happened, and repeatedly. For example, Tornado in Oklahoma City on May 3, 1999. Thanks to the well-established system of preventing the population through the media, only 36 people died that day. But the damage caused exceeded 1 billion dollars. It was the most expensive tornado in American history. Moreover, this tornado did not affect the city center.

What city in the USA suffers most from a tornado?

This is again - Oklahoma City. The total number of tornadoes that were registered in this city are more than 100.

When was the biggest tornado?

He emerged in Texas on June 9, 1971. From time to time, the transverse Tornado reached three kilometers !!! Perhaps there were other, even big tornadoes, but they were not fixed.

What is the maximum wind speed that can be in a tornado?

No one knows. Directly wind speed can be measured only in weak tornadoes, because more powerful tornadoes destroy meteorological instruments. The maximum wind speed (about 512 km / h) was remotely measured using the Movie Doppler Radar on May 3, 1999, near Oklahoma City.

EuroCom, known for its productive gaming and professional laptops, presented new options for configuring the Tornado F5 laptop. Now the device can be equipped with Intel Kaby Lake processors and graphic accelerators based on Pascal graphics processors.

The Tornado F5 laptop is equipped with a 15.6-inch display, the resolution of which can be 1920 x 1080 points, or 3840 x 2160 points with G-SYNC support. The laptop on the motherboard with the LGA 1151 processor connector based on the "desktop" Intel Z170 chipset on which the Intel Core i7-7700K processors can be installed, Core i7-7700K or Core i5-7600K can now be installed. The use of a desktop processor and a conventional processor connectivity makes it easy to update the laptop configuration.

The processing of graphics in the novelty is answered by a discrete video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, 1070 or 1060 generation Pascal, or GeForce GTX 980M, 970M or 965M, Maxwell generation. Professional Maxwell generation video cards are also available up to Quadro M5000m. All video cards have a MXM 3.0 execution, so that they can also be replaced with a more productive one if desired.

Note that the laptop is equipped with a productive cooling system, which includes a plurality of heat pipes, two aluminum radiator and two fans. According to the manufacturer, this cooling system even allows you to safely accelerate processors and graphics processors, and the acceleration support is present in the BIOS and VBIOS.

The Tornado F5 laptop can be equipped with two DDR4 RAM 32 modules with a frequency of up to 3200 MHz and a total volume of up to 64 GB. The storage subsystem may include up to two solid-state drives M.2 with a volume of up to 2 TB each and 2.5-inch hard disk with a volume of up to 2 TB or solid-state drive up to 4 TB. There is support for RAID 0 and RAID 1. It feeds all this from the battery with a capacity of 75.24 W * h, which, according to the manufacturer, can provide up to 130 minutes of work.

The EuroCom Tornado F5 laptop is already available to order on the manufacturer's official website, and its cost as a standard configuration proposed by the manufacturer is $ 1666 (Core i7-6700K, GeForce GTX 1070, 8 GB of RAM). We were also able to "collect" a configuration cost more than $ 9500, and this is without various additional accessories.

As a result of a tornado in Oklahoma, 91 people died, but the most destructive death is not a natural disaster. What 5 tornadoes became the most terrible in American history?

Moscow. May 21st. The site - the victims of the devastating became, according to the latest data, 24 people (Aerry reported on 91 dead), a significant part of them are children. However, the blow of the element, which came to the suburbs of Oklahoma City, did not become the most powerful in the history of the United States.

The five most destructive tornadoes who have ever collapsed on American cities, carried out a total of more than 1,800 lives. Whole cities were destroyed, the budget was damaged to millions of dollars.

1. Tornado of the three states in 1925.

As follows from the name, this tornado hit at once in three states on March 18, 1925. The states of Illinois, Indiana and Missouri were injured. This Tornado was assigned a category F5 on the Fujitite scale.

This tornadow entered the history of the United States as the most "dear," the damage was more than $ 10 million at 1986 prices, that is, almost $ 3 billion in today's prices. In 2011, he caught up at the cost of a tornado in the city of Joplin (Missouri).

5. Tornado series in the south-west of the United States in 1947.

On April 9, 1947, several tornadoes hit the southwestern American states of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas.

Glazir Higgins-Woodward was the most destructive (named so by the names of the cities he destroyed). He overcame more than 250 km, and in the course of the followation of the life of 181 people, wounding almost a thousand.

Modern researchers believe that Tornado could be somewhat, but the strongest was category F5.

First, the tornado hit the small town of Glazir in Texas. Local newspapers reported two people who were near the tornado strike, - the element dropped them 5 km away from each other.

Glazier was destroyed almost completely, like most of Higgins.

The maximum speed was 80 km / h, and the width of the funnel reached 2.9 km.

The most powerful tornado in world history

But even in the amount, this five does not compare with Tornado in Dulatpur and Saturia (Bangladesh). On April 26, 1989, an atmospheric whirlwind killed 1,300 people, wounded more than 12,000 people. Given the lack of information, these data are approximate.

It is not possible to evaluate it on the scale of Fujitite, since small housekeeping of the poor population got under the punch of the elements, to assess the sustainability of which is very difficult. The design of the buildings is such that even relatively weak wind gust can be turned over.

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