Corporal in the Russian army. The ratio of Russian and American ranks

A, m. caporal m., German. Corporal. 1. Military rank of junior commander in the armies of some countries and in Russia. army 18th floor. 19th century, as well as a person holding this title. ALS 1. Noted in Russia since 1648 ES. And I, your servant, to those ranks in all... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

CORPLAL- (French caporal, from Latin caput head). Non-commissioned officer with a fourth part of the company in his command. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. CORPLAL second lower rank in some European armies,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

CORPLAL- (from the French saporal) military rank of junior commanders in some foreign armies. In the Russian army, the rank of corporal existed in the 17th con. 18th century... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

CORPLAL- husband. former non-commissioned officer rank. Corporal's wife, his wife. Seven corporals over one private. Not to generals, but to corporals. Who goes? Soldier What is he carrying? Kaftan Where did you get it? Stole. Who ordered? Cpl. Kapralov, corporal, belonging to them. Kapralsky, to... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

corporal- CORPLAL, ah, junior sergeant. Wed. common use "corporal" in Russian army until the beginning of the 19th century. and in the armies of some other countries: junior commander rank; person holding this title... Dictionary of Russian argot

CORPLAL- CORPLAL, corporal, husband. (from Italian caporale) (military). 1. In some foreign armies, a senior private, corresponding to a flight commander in the Red Army. 2. In the Russian army since the time of Peter I, the first rank after ordinary rank, later replaced by the rank... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

CORPLAL- CORPLAL, ah, husband. In the Russian army until the beginning of the 19th century. and in the armies of certain other countries: junior commander rank, as well as the person holding this rank. | adj. corporal, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

corporal- noun, number of synonyms: 1 title (113) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

corporal- A; m. [French] caporal] In the Russian army since the 17th century. until the first half of the 19th century. and in the armies of some countries: military rank of junior command staff; person holding this title. ◁ Kapralsky, oh, oh. K. uniform. * * * corporal (from French caporal),… … encyclopedic Dictionary

corporal- a, m. The first military rank after private. [Skotinin:] I ​​myself served in the guard and was retired as a corporal. // Fonvizin. Minor //; Don't go over the line, in places, damn it, the French corporal is shouting. // Lev Tolstoy. Sevastopol stories... Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words from works of Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries


  • He is also Corporal Woodstock, Ovid Gorchakov. Ovidy Aleksandrovich Gorchakov. Legendary Soviet intelligence officer, saboteur hero, translator of Stalin and Khrushchev, writer and screenwriter. The same military intelligence officer described by Julian... Buy for 208 rubles
  • Corporal Bonaparte, or the Unknown Thaddeus, Konstantin Vronsky. Faddey Bulgarin was called a traitor, an informer, Vidocq and Figlyarin by Pushkin. The Russian subject Bulgarin did not have time to leave Prussia during Napoleon’s offensive, and was recruited...

The army of princes was always numerous. It included archers, spearmen, and cavalry. To make it easier to manage a large squad, the prince appointed colonels, half-heads, centurions, and they, at their own discretion, appointed foremen. This continued until the ascension to the Russian throne of Peter the Great and his fascination with overseas wonders. One of the first innovations was new ranks in the army. One of them is the rank of corporal.

What is a corporal?

Innovations occurred gradually, displacing native Russian titles. Back in the middle of the fifteenth century, there were several foreign detachments in the service of Boris Godunov. The mercenaries had their own division according to military ranks, as well as a service system that fully met European standards.

Corporal is one of the lowest ranks of command. In the modern Russian army it can be compared to the rank of sergeant, and in the German army of the Third Reich - non-commissioned officer. In addition, corporal is a commander in German, Polish, Italian and French. The soldiers called those who were at the head of the squad that way. Since 1635, it was decided to replace all foreign soldiers with Russian soldiers, because the mercenaries did not want to obey direct orders and carried them out very poorly.

Ranks in the modern army

Over time, the rank of corporal has not gone away. It is widely used in the armies of the United States of America, India and Great Britain.

Corporal - this can be obtained in two cases:

  • If you distinguish yourself during short-term service in the ranks of the country's military forces.
  • If you undergo training in a training unit for the rank of junior military commander and pass the specialty test with excellent marks.

Thus, corporal is a rank that can be received by any military personnel who has a certain period of service behind them in the ranks of the army of their country.

All rulers of states at all times had a large army. If we consider ancient times, then there was no such diverse ranking of titles, there were no different names in which one could easily get confused. But over time, in order to somehow distinguish a person with a large number of achievements, smart people of their time came to the conclusion that it was time to come up with new ranks.

First ranks

If we consider the ancient army of a ruler, we can recognize many new names, such as archer, foreman, centurion, and the like. This systematization simplified the life of the king, because the process of communicating with a thousand-strong army would not be easy; for this he used his high-ranking military men, through whom orders and basic information were transmitted to the military masses. The thousanders conveyed the news to the centurions, the centurions to the foremen, and they, in turn, distributed news and orders among ordinary soldiers.

The names of the ranks were preserved for quite a long time. Military ranks were preserved until the accession to the throne of the great Peter the Great, who is known for his desire for innovation and exposure to European trends. He completely changed the military system, and he changed Rus' so much, he opened a window to Europe, which profoundly influenced the further development of the state.

If we talk purely about ranks, then one of the new ones was the rank of “corporal”. It was not the only one, but one of those that so quickly replaced the good old native Russian titles.

Commander over junior personnel

The question arises, what is the rank of corporal in the Russian Federation? The noun "corporal" takes its roots from the Polish language, but echoes remain in French and Italian. It was translated very simply and primitively - commander. The Venerable Peter introduced it in 1647, prescribing the mandatory use of it in the document “Military Regulations”.

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From now on, the team manager bore exactly that name, and nothing more. However, this title is considered not so significant, because it is charged with the responsibility of managing the junior command staff. He also holds the rank of low-ranking non-commissioned officer in the armed forces of the Russian Federation and some countries abroad.

New changes did not occur immediately, because the ruler clearly understood that this process would take some time, but over time, people got used to it and began to use the new titles.

The main feature of this rank is that corporal is related to the ranks of junior command personnel. For a clearer understanding, we can draw a parallel with foreign titles, which will clarify the situation. For example, if you compare it with the modern composition of military personnel in the army of the Russian Federation, you may encounter the rank of sergeant. And if we turn to the classification of employees in the ranks of the military of the Third Reich, then the identical rank would be non-commissioned officer. If you get into semantics, you can find that commander is also in French, Italian and German; this title was awarded to the leaders of detachments.

In other countries

However, in 1635 there were some changes in structuring. It occurred to the commanders-in-chief that the time had come to abandon foreign mercenaries and completely fill the ranks of the Russian army with domestic soldiers.

Until now, the rank of corporal remains in use, not as widely as before, but nevertheless it is used in European countries, in the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and India uses this rank.

In order to achieve this title, one of the following conditions must be met:

  • First, if during his short-term service the soldier was able to distinguish himself, that is, to do something that set him apart from the crowd of other colleagues.
  • Another way that can also help achieve this rank is to undergo specialized training in the training unit, but the training should be aimed at achieving the rank of junior military commander. After completing the training, the serviceman will have to take a test, where he will have to show his knowledge acquired during the training.

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Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl

Corporal, m. former non-commissioned officer rank. Corporal's wife, his wife. Seven corporals over one private. Not to generals, but to corporals. Who goes? ""Soldier"" What is he carrying? "Caftan" Where did you get it? ""Stole." Who ordered it? "Corporal." Corporal, corporal, belongs to them. Corporal, related to corporal. Corporal or corporal non-commissioned officer, the current rank of the head of a corporal cf. department of soldiers, comp. quarter of a company. | Corporal, position, rank of corporal. Corporal, corporal, corporal, be corporal.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Corporal, -a, m. In the Russian army until the beginning of the 19th century. and in the armies of certain other countries: junior commander rank, as well as the person holding this rank.|| adj. corporal, oh, oh.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov

CORPORAL, corporal, m. (from Italian caporale) (military).

In some foreign armies, a senior private, corresponding to a flight commander in the Red Army.

In the Russian army, since the time of Peter I, the first rank after ordinary rank, later replaced by the rank of detached non-commissioned officer (historical).



1. In some foreign armies, a senior private, corresponding to a flight commander in the Red Army.

2. In the Russian army, since the time of Peter I, the first rank after ordinary rank, later replaced by the rank of detached non-commissioned officer (source).

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "CORPORAL" is in other dictionaries:

    corporal- a, m. caporal m., German. Corporal. 1. Military rank of junior commander in the armies of some countries and in Russia. army 18th floor. 19th century, as well as a person holding this title. ALS 1. Noted in Russia since 1648 ES. And I, your servant, to those ranks in all... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (French caporal, from Latin caput head). Non-commissioned officer with a fourth part of the company in his command. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. CORPLAL second lower rank in some European armies,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - ... Wikipedia

    - (from the French saporal) military rank of junior commanders in some foreign armies. In the Russian army, the rank of corporal existed in the 17th con. 18th century... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Husband. former non-commissioned officer rank. Corporal's wife, his wife. Seven corporals over one private. Not to generals, but to corporals. Who goes? Soldier What is he carrying? Kaftan Where did you get it? Stole. Who ordered? Cpl. Kapralov, corporal, belonging to them. Kapralsky, to... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    corporal- CORPLAL, ah, junior sergeant. Wed. common use "corporal" in Russian army until the beginning of the 19th century. and in the armies of some other countries: junior commander rank; person holding this title... Dictionary of Russian argot

    CORPLAL, ah, husband. In the Russian army until the beginning of the 19th century. and in the armies of certain other countries: junior commander rank, as well as the person holding this rank. | adj. corporal, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Noun, number of synonyms: 1 rank (113) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    A; m. [French] caporal] In the Russian army since the 17th century. until the first half of the 19th century. and in the armies of some countries: military rank of junior command staff; person holding this title. ◁ Kapralsky, oh, oh. K. uniform. * * * corporal (from French caporal),… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    corporal- a, m. The first military rank after private. [Skotinin:] I ​​myself served in the guard and was retired as a corporal. // Fonvizin. Minor //; Don't go over the line, in places, damn it, the French corporal is shouting. // Lev Tolstoy. Sevastopol stories... Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words from works of Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries


  • He is also Corporal Woodstock, Ovid Gorchakov. Ovidy Aleksandrovich Gorchakov. Legendary Soviet intelligence officer, saboteur hero, translator of Stalin and Khrushchev, writer and screenwriter. The same military intelligence officer that Julian described...
  • Corporal Bonaparte, or the Unknown Thaddeus, Konstantin Vronsky. Faddey Bulgarin was called a traitor, an informer, Vidocq and Figlyarin by Pushkin. The Russian subject Bulgarin did not have time to leave Prussia during Napoleon’s offensive, and was recruited...
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