Essay purpose in life. Purpose in a person’s life (School essays)

Every person should have a goal in life, because if you don’t have it, then the meaning of life is lost, the reason for which we exist in the world is lost. I believe that a person should have not one goal, but several. I have a lot of them, and they periodically change, are added, adjusted, and sometimes excluded from my list of goals in life. I want to talk about my three most important goals.

My main goal is to find my place in life, my calling, something for which it will be interesting to live and move forward. I would like to be an architect, to build beautiful, modern, and maybe unusual buildings and structures. I think that with this profession it will be interesting for me to go through life, a new approach and creativity will be in each of my work, so I won’t be bored. Besides this, I love to draw, and perhaps I will also succeed in this field, but still, I think drawing will just be my very pleasant hobby.

My other goal is to find a life partner, one whom I would love, who would share my views and beliefs, with whom we could start a family, have children, and so that we could live happily with her until our very last days.

Another big goal of mine is travel. I’m going to travel all over the world, especially nowadays, it’s not so difficult to see the world anymore, if only I had the desire.

Why is profession the main goal in my life? Because without it it is impossible to achieve other goals, for example, you need to provide for your family, you need a house, you need money for other family expenses. To travel you also need money, and a lot of money. Therefore, I understand that I need to unlearn well, become a professional in my field, this is very important, and only then realize my other goals in life.

Examples of essays on the topic " The meaning of my life."

Kolukanova Anastasia
Every person has a meaning to their life. But not everyone thinks about this. In the bustle of days, we run, do not notice anything around us, and solve problems that arise. But sooner or later we ask ourselves the question: what are we living for?
What is the meaning of my life? It’s about giving happiness and joy to the people around me, warmth to loved ones, gratitude to my parents for the fact that I was born into this world in the first place and for the fact that they invested so much love in me that I probably won’t be able to give to them in my entire life. . In achieving success in an honest way, despite all the difficulties, remaining human, helping others if it is clear that it is necessary, and not waiting for them to ask for it. It’s about finding a faithful friend who you can rely on at any moment, a loved one in whom you can be one hundred percent sure that no circumstances will change his attitude towards you. Analyzing this topic, I can give an example. I know a man who devotes himself to his work and his family all his life. Who buys gifts for his children and grandchildren and spends nothing at all on himself. For whom money has no meaning, although everything in our lives depends on it. I am proud that this wonderful person is my grandmother. Probably, the meaning of life is to live it in such a way that they remember you, are proud of you, and try to be like you.
Everyone will agree that life is never easy, but at any moment in your life you need to know what is important and what is secondary. We must not forget about why and what you live for.
Soldatov Anton

Each person must determine for himself life goals and objectives that form and, in fact, constitute his meaning in life. Achieving these goals means reaching a certain stage in life, at which you will need to give an objective assessment and set yourself new necessary tasks and goals.

If you look at the meaning of life from a purely biological point of view, then the meaning of life is survival. The main goal of every living organism is to survive in a hostile world. At this stage of development of society, this goal, on the one hand, sounds wild, but on the other, quite true.

Today, society is far from ideal, and I think hardly anyone can argue with this. In large metropolitan cities, people actually survive. Most people get so caught up in this “race of life” that they sometimes forget about their own family and friends, not to mention other truly important aspects of life.

Under the influence of a society that is based on “money foundations,” a person, without noticing it, becomes greedy and indifferent. People are becoming heartless. In their opinion, this is a world where everyone is for himself. Is this possible? After all, only mutual assistance, compassion and the most ordinary human kindness have made this world what it is now. The current generation does not understand what it has today.

And yet, only a small part of people manage to maintain a human face. People who help each other. Those who respond to someone else's misfortune and do not miss the opportunity to help.

So what is the “meaning of life” from our everyday point of view? In my opinion, this is always the highest goal. A goal that every person should pursue in their life. This is, of course, caring for parents. Every person feels indebted to them. To those who gave them life.

Yes, you can say a lot of words about higher goals and so on, but in reality do nothing. What do we have today? How often do we see our parents? Do we help them? Are we making them happy? Rarely, infrequently... I think that every person should think about this question. Every person should think about how painful it is for them when we simply forget about them because of some business and elementary haste, the race of life, the pursuit of “well-being.” When you promised to stop by for a cup of tea, but got caught up at work and even forgot to call. They are waiting. Sometimes they even know that it is in vain, but they wait. We don’t understand all this now, but sooner or later we ourselves will find ourselves in their place. We will be the same. And we will understand our children the same way they do. Yes, in old age a person becomes humble and wise, but still such behavior is unacceptable. How many times have we argued with our parents over trifles that upset them? But this is all another, but it seems to me an even more global problem than the topic of this ESSAY.

I think the main problem with the “meaning of life” is that a person becomes fixated on secondary, everyday goals and objectives, material values, etc., completely forgetting about what he was striving for in the first place. After all, in the end we will still come to one, main goal. As life progresses, a person becomes more and more aware of his purpose. His mind goes deeper and deeper into the essence of the world. People are increasingly trying to understand why they should live. Why is he here? My personal opinion is that a person in this life is given all the trials for a reason. Here, in this world, a person is temporarily, but with the purpose of gaining experience or overcoming any obstacles in order to move to another entity or world, on the path to his own self-improvement and achieving the maximum point of self-awareness. Our mind is limited by strict boundaries, and no one can know what awaits us ahead. This is purely and personally my point of view, which may contradict other people’s opinions.

So what about me? I have several goals in life:

Study at school and go where I want

Get a job in order to create and provide for your family

Help parents and take care of them

Engage in self-development for spiritual satisfaction

I believe that this is where the meaning of my life lies.

I don’t know if my preferences will coincide with anyone else’s, or if someone will consider my opinion wrong... I don’t care about that. I am strong in my intentions and goals. And I will go to the end no matter what.

Zulyanshina Galina
It is not possible to give a specific answer to this question. After all, each of us has thought about this at least once. Someone dropped this topic, realizing that there was no meaning to life. Some people have outlined their life point by point and strictly follow them, while others have been looking for this meaning all their lives.
Personally, I absolutely cannot live without something new. I need change, new communication, new activities and stories. I want to do something grandiose: jump with a parachute, climb a mountain, raise my disabled sister to her feet, get a profession, my favorite profession, play my favorite song on the guitar, ride with the wind on my motorcycle. I want to do something that I currently cannot. I breathe it, I eat it. You need to know that you are better than you were, that you did what you wanted. When nothing new happens to me, I just get depressed. I’m starting to lose interest in life, precisely this meaning.
A smile means a lot to me, from myself, from loved ones, just from passing people, I want to write with the energy of happiness.
Anyone who spends his entire life searching for the meaning of life will not be happy. Live and be happy!
Conclusion: in general, the meaning of my life is to improve it and get joy from it. For me, you need to love life, otherwise life is not life.

Savchuk Nikita

What is the meaning of life? All people ask this question sooner or later. The pursuit of happiness is the meaning of life for any person.

Young children, if they are surrounded by the love and care of their parents, are always happy; with growing up, they come to understand that the world around them is complex and diverse, life poses serious questions, and it will no longer be possible to be in a state of childish happiness. For an adult, living a happy life is not an easy task. And the very definition of happiness is different for different people. It all depends on national, cultural, social characteristics, and on upbringing.

For me, happiness is the opportunity to achieve my goals and when people close to me are near me.

To be happy is to be healthy, because if a person is sick and physically weak, then he cannot fully realize himself.

Happiness in relationships– communication with people you can trust and count on in difficult times. Agreements with these people are always effective.

Happiness in work is a business that generates income and allows you to gain financial independence and freedom. Work that you want to do and develop.

There are people who primarily strive for material wealth, while at the same time forgetting about spiritual development. Having achieved material wealth, they make up for the lack of spiritual wealth with expensive things, pleasures, and in some situations, alcohol and psychotropic substances. As a result, they never experience real happiness, and everything else without it is meaningless.

Experience happiness, just live according to to its principles and having spiritual health is quite normal and natural. Roles and goals change, but the principles remain. Everyone can and should develop and improve in order to constantly maintain a state of happiness.

Essay “Purpose in a person’s life.”

Each person sets himself certain goals that he strives for. We have a desire to acquire something, visit certain places, get a certain job, and much more. The goal in a person’s life acts as a beacon, without which we will simply get lost on the path of life. This necessitates the need to correctly determine our direction.

What is a goal?

I believe that anything a person desires and what helps him develop can be a goal. It refers to the end result. For example, students study at universities in order to later receive a diploma, but this learning process is accompanied by many positive aspects and the passage of various difficulties. The learning process is interesting and meaningful because we develop our abilities in this way. Those people who attend school and other educational institutions only because they cannot be missed exist in abstraction from school/university life. They lose a lot by doing this. Based on this example, it becomes clear that the path we take towards our goal is no less important than achieving it.

The difference between a dream and a goal

Goal and dream are different concepts. A goal is usually understood as a desired result that requires active action on our part. However, dreams allow us to decide what we most want to achieve in this life. Therefore, it is from dreams that our goals are born. In dreams, a person can feel freedom, not think about limitations and the fact that it is impossible to get what he wants.

When you feel that your dream is something that is absolutely necessary in life, there comes a time when you need to transform it into a goal. This means finding the paths and actions that need to be taken to achieve it.

The importance of having a goal

Goals come in different sizes, they can be divided into noble or selfish, but they encourage a person to develop. Each new goal that is set contributes to exploring something unknown, mastering new skills and developing one’s own abilities and talent. The main thing is that the goals do not harm us. You cannot be completely obsessed with achieving them, as this will harm the person’s emotional state.

Today, my main goal is to obtain a good profession that will completely satisfy me, and at the same time, I can afford to live in abundance.

It is usually written as part of the final essay. Accordingly, expressing your opinion is not enough; it is necessary to give arguments, achieve consistency of presentation, and, if possible, give examples from life and literature. It is advisable to build a picture of a “happy ending” and reflect the picture of what is happening in a positive way. That is, do not talk about how bad life is for people without a goal in life, but write about how good life is for those who have a goal. Although contrasting examples can be given. Recommended length: 350 words or more. Next, we will talk about how to write an essay, what arguments to use, and give examples of ready-made essays.

Criteria for evaluation

A good essay must meet the assessment criteria. Your eloquence and strong authorial position will not play a special role if the verification reveals a discrepancy with the criteria. If you think that a goal in life is not only unimportant, but also harmful, you should not write about it. You may be right, many psychologists will agree with you. But you won't get a high rating. Therefore, in this case, be a hypocrite and write the work according to all the rules. And you will still have the opportunity to express your true opinion, believe me.

According to FIPI, the criteria for assessing the final essay are:

  • Relevance to the topic.
  • Argumentation using literary material.
  • Composition and logic of reasoning.
  • Quality of written language.
  • Literacy.

Basic criteria – first and second. Pass or fail is indicated here. Accordingly, the essay should reveal the topic and have a communicative intent. As an argument, it is important to use literature, preferably the one you studied as part of the school curriculum. Quotes and examples from literary works must be given correctly, as if finding confirmation of your arguments in the words of the author.

It is impossible to write an essay without using literary material.

The composition and logic of reasoning is actually the sequence of presentation, as well as the relationship between theses and evidence.

If you have put forward a thesis, provide evidence and support it with examples.

The quality of speech design refers to the variety of vocabulary. Try to avoid cliches and use appropriate terms. If you are not sure about the interpretation, do not use it.

As for literacy, a failure is given when grammatical errors make it difficult to understand the text. Usually no more than 5 errors are allowed per 100 words. We advise you not to use words whose spelling you are not sure of. The Russian language, as you remember, is rich, flexible and picturesque - find synonyms.

Arguments and examples from literature

About unattainable goals. R. Gallego's novel "White on Black" confirms the idea that there are no insurmountable obstacles. The main character is sick, separated from his mother, and leads a difficult and joyless life. But, despite everything, he continues to study and does not give up, eventually becoming a famous, recognized writer. By the way, the novel is autobiographical.

Great goal. It is aimed at achieving good not only for oneself, but also for the people around him. Moreover, it is not a utopia, but quite real from the point of view of common sense. An example is V. Aksenov’s story “Colleagues,” where three friends become doctors and, realizing the importance of their lives, get the opportunity to save people’s lives.

Lack of purpose. The heroes of the play “At the Lower Depths” by Maxim Gorky have no goal in life. They live guided by their immediate desires - to drink, eat, and so on. One of the heroes seems to want to find a purpose and find a hospital, return to past (possibly fictional) glory and a bright life, but does not find the strength in himself and eventually hangs himself.

The end does not justify the means. Azamat from “Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov wanted to get the horse Karagöz, owned by Kazbich, by any means. Obsessed with this desire, he enters into a deal with Pechorin and steals Bela for the sake of this venture. As a result, he is forced to leave his home forever. His act leads to the death of Bela and the ruined life of Kazbich, who, overcome by grief, kills his kidnapped beloved.

True and false. A true goal helps to become a happy person, a false goal makes a person unhappy or does not bring him any satisfaction. So Pechorin’s goals are false - no matter what he passionately desires, what he achieves does not please him. He regrets that he disrupted the life of “honest smugglers”, loses interest in Bela’s love, and kills Grushnitsky in a duel.

First of all, try to achieve a coherent narrative. It should be based on the main idea and logic of reasoning. State the main idea at the beginning, for example, “The purpose of life is important to a person.” Next, provide evidence: what a purposeless existence leads to and, conversely, what the presence of meaningful desires leads to. Support what has been said with examples from literary works and provide quotes.

What is important to consider while writing:

  • Formulate your thoughts clearly – there should be no vague wording in the text.
  • Give reasons and support each thesis with evidence, avoid arguments.
  • Don't go against public opinion, don't use sarcasm.
  • Use at least 2 examples from the literature.
  • Express your position and compare it with the position of the authors of the works.
  • Re-read what you have written - this will help avoid mistakes.
  • Keep track of the length of the essay; it should include about 350 words.
  • Do not use terms whose interpretation you are not entirely sure of.
  • Do not use quotes or works whose names of authors and heroes are in doubt.

It is very important that you can draw on a literary base. Usually the direction in which the final essay will be written is known long before the exam itself.

Don't be lazy, look for as many relevant examples as possible and memorize some quotes. Practice shows that the same example from a literary work can be used in an essay on any topic from a given direction. Therefore, the wider your literary base, the better.

Essay examples

Option 1: Why is it important to have a purpose in life?

Having a goal in life means understanding what you really want to achieve. A purposeless existence leads to a lack of aspirations, and sometimes to a lack of desires. A person does not understand what he really wants to achieve. He “throws about” and quickly loses interest in what he is doing. He chooses a job that he then hates. He wastes time and ends up left with nothing, realizing that his life was in vain.

The worst thing about having no goal in life is setting false goals that do not bring happiness either to a person or to the people around him.

A striking example of this is the hero of M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “Hero of Our Time,” warrant officer Grigory Pechorin. His goals turn out to be spontaneous and more like impulsive desires.

He ruins Bela's life, gaining her favor and cooling off towards her. He destroys the lives of the residents of Taman, forcing the girl to abandon the blind boy, whose fate can only be guessed at. Pechorin even understands this, saying: “And why did fate throw me into the peaceful circle of honest smugglers?” At the same time, he does not find satisfaction in achieving his goals in any of the situations.

Gregory's goals are not only false - they cause pain to the people around him. Bela’s brother Azamat had the same goal, but no longer false. At any cost, he wanted to get the horse Kazbich, which Pechorin promised to get him in exchange for Bela. Azamat was so obsessed with his desire that he did not think about the consequences. As a result, he received a horse, but was forced to leave his family forever. Partly through his fault, Bela dies at the hands of Kazbich - it is obvious that he was more annoyed by the theft of the horse than by the inability to marry his beloved girl.

And we see a completely different example in V. Aksenov’s story “Colleagues”. Here three heroes, three young doctors, at first do not even realize the purpose of their lives. Until one of the main characters, Alexander Zelenin, is seriously injured. Then his friends manage to snatch him from the clutches of death, and they understand how important and noble their work is - saving the lives of other people. It becomes their goal in life.

It seems to me that a person must find a great goal - aimed at creation. One that makes his life and the lives of the people around him better. It is not so important whether it will be global. I may never be able to become a president or a billionaire to change the lives of thousands of people for the better. But I can become a doctor and be able to save dozens of lives. My goal will be noble, I will feel its value for other people and myself. I will be truly happy.

Option 2: Why is purpose in life important?

F. M. Dostoevsky wrote: “Life is suffocating without a goal.” And indeed it is. Around us we see many people who spend their lives aimlessly. They want nothing more than to watch TV series on weekends. They strive for nothing other than purchasing a new car on credit. A goal makes a person better, his thoughts kinder and purer. Of course, if it is aimed at creation and development, it does not harm the person and the people around him.

The end does not justify the means. No matter how much it means to a person, and no matter how good it is in the end. The hero of F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" Rodion Raskolnikov was obsessed with the idea of ​​​​killing the old money-lender. On the one hand, his goal was good - he wanted to distribute her money to those in need. But it was achieved in a vile way - murder. The abomination of this goal gave rise to an insane theory in Raskolnikov’s head about “trembling creatures that have the right.” This goal destroyed the life of Rodion, who was immersed in repentance and simply could not live normally until he found meaning in God.

Although it doesn’t seem to me that the purpose and meaning of life should be identified with each other. The meaning of life is in life itself, and the goal sets the vector of our movement, directs life in the right direction. She forces us to act when we give up.

Suffice it to recall Alexei Meresyev from “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. N. Polevoy. The pilot suffers serious injuries, as a result of which his legs are amputated. He believes that his life is over - he will never be able to fly again, and the woman he loves will marry him only out of pity. But his goal is so important to him that he does not give up - he believes in himself to the end, trains and eventually achieves his desire. Overcoming the pain, Meresyev trained to walk on prosthetics. As a result, he was able to fly and during his first flight he could not hold back his tears. The commander, who only learned after the flight that Alexei had no legs, told him: “You yourself don’t know what a wonderful person you are!”

A correctly chosen goal is the basis of a happy life. When we set the right vector for it, we do what we love and love everything that surrounds us. We are happy when we do what we really want to do, and when the people around us are happy. I chose a goal that would change not only my life for the better, but the lives of hundreds of people. I want to be a teacher. It will be happiness for me to understand that the fates of hundreds of children—hundreds of little individuals—are partly in my hands. And I will do everything possible to achieve my goals and become a Teacher with a capital T.


If you want to get a high mark in the exam, then remember the assessment criteria in advance. They are simple and logical. But even successful students often get carried away with reasoning and forget to support their thoughts with examples from literary works. The result is failure. Be careful and try not to go against public opinion. Be sure to talk about the fact that a goal in life is necessary and important. Otherwise, you risk falling out of favor and failing the exam.

Evgenia Melnikova

Editor of the Info-Profi portal, teacher with 16 years of experience, practicing tutor.

The answer to the question about the purpose of life is always the same - “Live to dream.” Although it may not satisfy you due to its simplicity and vagueness. In fact, you are concerned about the shape of your life goal and the direction of movement towards it. You are asking about what steps to take and how to avoid situations that make you unhappy.

Your Higher Self is pushing you to make every moment of your life meaningful, and we say that this is part of God's plan. Take advantage of every moment to make someone's eyes sparkle and their heart fill with warmth. Don't forget the power of your consolation to help those who need help and reduce the amount of pain and stress in the Divine spaces of the Earth. Show your talents in this way, and the reward will not be long in coming.

You dream of having more free time and financial resources so you can achieve your greatest desires. We strongly advise you to follow your dreams, not to consider them as whims or whims. These are the road maps leading to the purpose of life.

We understand that you are simply afraid to believe that dreams come true. But those who dream and follow their dreams can prove that they achieved success precisely because of the steps taken towards what they wanted, hence their courage and willingness to act. You have the same rights, you too can realize your cherished plans, dear child!

Start your path to your dream today, and suddenly it will turn out that it is not so difficult. Believe me, it is quite achievable, and you can do it. When you ask in your prayers about the purpose of life, we readily answer you, and this answer comes

to your heart. We create the most favorable conditions. But you still stop, turn off the chosen path leading to your dream, and head towards what you used to call “reality”. It doesn't have to be this way, dear child, don't do it anymore.

Give your good intentions a boost today. First of all, free yourself from contrived suffering, add light to all areas of your life. Listen to a colleague, forgive a friend, feed a hungry dog. Any act of mercy will do. This will give you a boost and give you more strength to cope with any situation that you do not intend to put up with.

When you add light to your own life, your heart will be filled with a courage never known before. Use it wisely by taking the following steps that will lead you to achieving your dreams. Step by step, forward and upward, and you will confidently reach the top - and the day will come when you yourself will answer those around you the same question that you asked yourself: “What is my life purpose?” You can safely raise your hand and, by your own example, show the path to happiness, a meaningful and fulfilling existence, to which you have come along the path of fulfilling your desires.

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