Times and eras application. Festival "times and epochs"

From August 10 to August 22, 2018, the historical festival "Times and Epochs" will be held in Moscow. Performances of wandering swordsmen on Pushkinskaya Square and the secrets of alchemy at the Medieval University in Kamergersky Lane will impress the guests of the festival.

Initially, "Times and Epochs" was held in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, but since 2017 the festival has changed its format: now the action takes place at many venues throughout the city. Over the years of the festival's existence, it has turned from a local event into a major international event that attracts tourists from different regions of Russia and countries around the world.

"Times and Epochs" 2018 promises to be held on an even larger scale: the organizers plan to equip 35 historical locations throughout the city center and "close" the Boulevard Ring.

Festival "Times and Epochs" 2018 in Moscow

The organizers of the event invite you to take part in the construction of a medieval castle on Nikitsky Boulevard as a bricklayer, blacksmith or carpenter, get to the dance party of the "Thaw" on Tverskaya Square. Thirty sites throughout Moscow have prepared a program for every age, taste and interest! The final of the international competition of historical projects will also take place at the festival. The projects of the participants will be presented on Revolution Square, and nine winners of the competition will receive one million rubles each for their implementation.

"Times and Epochs" - it is a cycle of historical festivals that has been going on since 2011. The first festival of the series was dedicated to Ancient Russia: for 3 days, the townspeople could enjoy a spectacular program with a reconstruction of battles and battles dedicated to the unification of the Russian people to protect themselves from the steppe nomads, and were very pleased. The second festival, held in 2012, was dedicated to the Moscow kingdom during the Time of Troubles, the third was dedicated to medieval Europe, the fourth - to the beginning of the 20th century and the First World War. In 2015, the audience was presented with a program about Ancient Rome and Antiquity, but a year later, the wheel of history turned around, and Ancient Russia again became the theme of the festival.

Times and Epochs 2018: program

Gogolevsky boulevard, 4 - MUR, M. Kropotkinskaya

Historical interactive exposition dedicated to the post-war period of Moscow 1945-1953.

The site is located in Ustyinsky Square throughout its entire area. The entourage and animation of the site tell about the struggle of the MUR employees against the banditry of the post-war period. All the animators are in period costumes. At the same time, each location of the site separately tells about the life and realities of that period:

  • Moscow apartment
  • Thieves' "raspberries", forms of organized crime after the war
  • Formation of the police after the war, methods of combating crime, employees.
  • Transport
  • Weapon
  • post-war fashion
  • Street life of the post-war period: street trade, entertainment, music, games.

Gogolevsky boulevard, 33 - Moscow courtyard

The site is dedicated to the socialist Moscow of the period 1970-1980. The main emphasis is on the integration of modern residents into the process of life of that historical era. The basis of the site will be one or more retail outlets made in the style of the Soviet period. Retail outlets will trade in entourage products and manufactured goods of the USSR, residents of Moscow and tourists who came to the festival. Locations and interactives located throughout the boulevard, made in the style of the era, will be saturated with products sold in retail outlets as decorations, or will use these products as interactive props.

Tverskoy boulevard, 2, metro station Tverskaya

Historical period: 1812

Tverskoy boulevard, 19, metro station Tverskaya

Historical period: 1812

The site vividly and in detail illustrates the confrontation between the Russian and French armies during the Patriotic War of 1812. In the center of the site - the "front" - military reviews, maneuvers, dramatizations. Military life will be recreated in the Russian and French camps: drill on the parade ground, regimental forge and kitchen, sutlers, simple soldier entertainment. The theme of the people's war is revealed: partisans, people's avengers and the militia will talk about their role in the Napoleonic wars

Tverskoy boulevard, 28, metro station Tverskaya

Historical period: 1812

The site vividly and in detail illustrates the confrontation between the Russian and French armies during the Patriotic War of 1812. In the center of the site - the "front" - military reviews, maneuvers, dramatizations. Military life will be recreated in the Russian and French camps: drill on the parade ground, regimental forge and kitchen, sutlers, simple soldier entertainment. The theme of the people's war is revealed: partisans, people's avengers and the militia will talk about their role in the Napoleonic wars

Tverskaya Square, m. Tverskaya

Festival visitors "Times and Epochs 2018" on Tverskaya Square, you will get acquainted with the entertainment of the youth of the “thaw” era. Guests of the festival on Tverskaya Square will be able to visit jazz concerts and learn how to dance jive, treat themselves to ice cream and soda from a real retro buffet. Here they will spend time in the spirit of youth entertainment of the 1950s and 1960s, as if they were in the movie "Dandies"!

Strastnoy Boulevard, metro station Chekhovskaya

Historical period: 1853–56

Life in Sevastopol at the end of the Crimean War. The site presents iconic objects, events and characters of this period, the reconstruction of the life of participants in the Crimean War: soldiers and officers of the Russian Imperial Army and troops of the allied forces

Kamergersky lane, m. Okhotny Ryad

In Kamergersky Lane, festival guests will plunge into the atmosphere of the Medieval University. An unusual “educational institution” will appear here, created in the image of the famous Turin University. Students of Paracelsus and Leonardo da Vinci, followers of Erasmus of Rotterdam, the rector of the university, as well as their assistants will help the "students" to comprehend medieval science.

Pushkinskaya Square, metro station Tverskaya

Visitors are waiting for the performances of itinerant swordsmen.

Petrovsky Boulevard - Stone Age, m. Trubnaya

Historical period: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic

The site tells about the ancient history of mankind and covers the entire Stone Age. It combines an educational and entertaining format for presenting historical material: the development of tools, ancient art, migration of communities, climate change, animals that inhabited different areas, their domestication, the emergence of crafts, trades and wars

Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, metro Trubnaya

Historical period: 1877–78

Glorious events of the Russian-Turkish war and the peaceful life of Moscow during this period. Camping tents, artillery positions, and infirmaries were set up in the military camps of Russians and Turks. Visitors will see how Russian soldiers and their opponents lived, take a short soldier's training course (combat techniques, bayonet fighting), listen to soldiers' songs, study the history of armament of the Russian and Turkish armies. The peace camp will show the urban life of Moscow at the end of the 19th century; an English club, a billiard room, a tavern, a fashion studio, and a platform for ancient outdoor games are open for guests

Novopushkinsky Square, metro station Tverskaya

In Novopushkinsky Square, children will explore the past in the most exciting way for themselves - with the help of toys. Here they will find games and toys from different historical periods, with varying degrees of mobility and designed for different ages. The playground will be conditionally divided into zones for boys and girls, but both will have toys that everyone will like without exception!

Sretensky Boulevard, metro Turgenevskaya

Historical period: 1920–30

An interactive platform dedicated to the era of the 1920-30s and the idea of ​​enlightening the masses in the young Soviet Republic: educational programs, educational posters, a cooperative bank of the NEP era, propaganda poems and cinema. And much more, of course

Chistoprudny Boulevard, 2 - Seven in the past, m. Chistye Prudy

Historical period: X century

Presentation of the non-commercial project "Seven in the Past", during which seven people will live for 9 months on an old Russian farm in the realities of the 10th century, using only authentic tools, household items, food and clothing. Each guest will be able to help in the production of useful things for the farm, personally get acquainted with the heroes of the "Seven in the Past", learn more about experimental archeology

Chistoprudny Boulevard, 11 - Legends of Princess Olga, m. Chistye Prudy

Historical period: 10th century

Playground-performance with the participation of clubs of historical reconstruction and professional actors, based on the "Tale of Bygone Years". All costumes, scenery and props are historically accurate. The performance takes place next to a medieval camp, craft workshops and shopping arcades.

Pokrovsky boulevard, 4, metro station Chkalovskaya

Historical period: Antiquity

The era of Antiquity in general and on the territory of our country. Reconstruction of vivid manifestations of classical ancient culture and the peoples who inhabited the steppes from the Black Sea to Altai - the so-called Great Scythia of Herodotus

Pokrovsky boulevard, 18, m. Kitay-gorod

Historical period: XVIII–XIX centuries

Significant episodes in the history of North America - European settlers, the war of independence, the Civil War of the North and South, Indian tribes, the Wild West - are widely represented in photographs, films, books, school textbooks, works of historians and publicists. The site is a revived photo album of the history of North America in the second half of the 19th century, a reconstruction of clothes, weapons, everyday life and architecture of people of that time

Yauzsky Boulevard, m. Kitay-gorod

Historical period: 1697-98

The site is dedicated to the journey of Peter the Great to Europe at the end of the 17th century, which went down in history as the “Great Embassy of 1697-1698”, and shows the culture of Europe through the eyes of a Russian person. Guests of the boulevard will briefly go back to the 17th century and plunge into the culture of several European countries, visit the lessons and classes that Peter the Great himself attended, and see overseas curiosities.

Revolution Square – Project Competition, Teatralnaya

A large-scale exhibition of historical projects will open on Revolution Square. Here you can get acquainted with the projects of 20 finalists of the competition organized as part of the festival - from books and albums on history to historical parks! The authors will talk about their work, plans for the implementation of projects, demonstrate layouts and expositions dedicated to the era under study or the reconstruction of old technologies.

st. Profsoyuznaya, 41, New Cheryomushki

On Profsoyuznaya Street, the guests of the festival will get to the historic railway station. The site will tell about a whole century of Russian history - from the 1850s to the 1950s - through the prism of travel and railway professions: a conductor, a station attendant, a machinist, a signalman, an accountant, a restaurateur, a telegraph operator. You will learn everything about train management, be able to validate an "old" ticket, learn how to send and receive telegrams. This rich excursion will help you understand the complex mechanisms that make up the life of the station. Dance lessons will also be held at this site.

Patriarchal bridge, m. Kropotkinskaya

Afanasy Nikitin

Historical period: mid-15th century

The site tells about the journey of the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin to India, about his era, fleet, life and environment, "competitors" and other contemporary travelers. "Rus" on one side, "India" on the other, and guests will be able to repeat the path of Nikitin and feel the difference of cultures that the merchant encountered

Varvarka Street, 6с2, Shipyard of the Viking Age, m. Kitay-gorod

Historical period: X-XI centuries

Construction of ships of the Viking Age. The basis of the site is master classes demonstrating the full technological cycle of building ships of the 9th-11th centuries. A replica of an early medieval boat is moored on the site, which guests can visit

Moskvoretskaya embankment, Fleet of the Great Patriotic War, m. Kitay-gorod

Historical period: 1941–45

A living example of the life of the sailors of the Soviet fleet of the war period. During the Second World War, most civilian river stations were converted into military moorings - bases for armored boats and military training bases. The pride of the site is a real armored boat of the Great Patriotic War

I managed to go to the Times and Epochs festival in the morning - before the protests began on Tverskaya. I expected to meet some kind of tortured "cheers-patriotism", but I saw a truly wonderful historical holiday - with forges, playing the harp, free excursions and the opportunity to show class in morse code (which is especially dear to my heart of the former corporal signalman). And as a cinephile, he was especially happy to take a picture with "Ferdinand" from "The meeting place cannot be changed."

Hundreds of people gathered on Tverskaya in the clothes of princely combatants and European knights, Russian soldiers and guardsmen of Her Majesty - they are all a little eccentric, but very open, sincere and artistic. I really didn’t think that it would be so sincere, because usually such events have a musty official smell. But not in this case.

To be honest, I don’t understand why the Navalny, who coordinated the rally on Sakharov Avenue, rushed to Tverskaya, if another mass event was already taking place there. The freedom of some should not violate the freedoms of others (I mean festival visitors, including a huge number of children). It’s a shame if the holiday, in which not only money was invested, but also the soul of an entire army of role players and reenactors, really turned out to be frustrated (which some eyewitnesses have already written about on Twitter).

One of the most famous historical festivals “Times and Epochs. Assembly” will be held in the capital from 1 to 12 June. Camps for re-enactors will be set up in parks and right on Moscow streets; in total, 30 sites will be created for 12 historical periods. On June 1, the grand opening of the Art Nouveau festival will take place at the Rizhsky railway station, where the arrival of a retro train will be staged. Apartments of the Silver Age will be recreated on Tverskaya Square and Stoleshnikov Lane, and the “School of Arts” will operate with master classes in music and painting. The guests will be shown silent films, productions by Meyerhold and Tairov, they will be shown a retro atelier and an old photo studio. You can even try authentic dishes from restaurants of that time. For lovers of military history, the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve will host a reconstruction of the soldiers' camps of the early 18th century. The audience will be shown how they lived and trained: they threw grenades, fired muskets, built an artillery battery, and so on.

12 epochs from antiquity to the 20th century will be reproduced on the festival grounds for 12 days

Spectacular battle reenactments, equestrian competitions, historical fencing tournaments, themed master classes in crafts and historical gastronomy await visitors. All over Moscow will work 5 park and 25 themed city festival venues. Camps for reenactors will be located in parks and squares, on central streets and squares. Guests of the festival will be involved in the festival process as much as possible.

At each site, it will be possible to communicate with reenactors, learn unusual details from the life of the era, learn the crafts and games of bygone times. Every day the festival will surprise the audience with a bright cultural and entertainment program. Different eras will intertwine throughout the city into a single historical action. Muscovites and tourists will be able to walk around the center of the capital from one era to another, go to the parks to watch the cavalcade of Catherine the Great, the battle of the legions with the barbarians or the camp of the Russian Imperial Army.

In preparation for the festival, a competition of historical projects. Among 95 applicants, 16 finalist projects were selected. An exhibition of design works that made it to the final can be seen on Tverskoy Boulevard. According to the results of the review, 9 laureates will receive a cash prize. The prize fund of the competition is formed from sponsors' funds and amounts to 9,000,000 rubles. For the sake of objectivity, the jury council included historical specialists of various profiles.

At the festival “Times and Epochs. Assembly" will work 147 retail facilities, 83 of which are historical, as well as 35 cafes and eateries, 7 of which will also be historical.

Vestibule platforms Times and epochs

Historical fencing (June 1 - June 11)
Novy Arbat street

"Historical lecture hall and excursion bureau" (June 11)
Stoleshnikov Lane
Park areas

June 1 - Opening of the festival Times and Epochs

The grand opening of the Times and Epochs festival will take place on June 1 with the arrival at the Podmoskovnaya station of a retro train with reenactors representing all time periods of the festival. This station was built in 1901 in the Moscow Art Nouveau style and is an integral part of the city's history.

June 2 - Festival Times and Epochs

On June 2, in the Tsaritsyno park, residents of the capital can see a luxurious theatrical performance from the time of Catherine the Great - Carousel. The soldiers of Peter I will also camp here. They will practice military affairs and show an episode of the battle of the 18th century. The sinister "green street" awaits the guilty soldiers.

June 4 - Festival Times and Epochs

On June 4, all foreign participants of the festival will gather on Tverskoy Boulevard and present antiquity, medieval Europe, the 18th century, as well as the times of world wars.

June 9 - Festival Times and Epochs

On June 9, "Times and Epochs" invites all residents of Moscow to Chistoprudny Boulevard and the Sevastopol Promenade. Here you can be transported to the resort town of the late 19th - early 20th century, see the first photographs of Sevastopol and how the city was restored after the Crimean War. The city square of that time will be recreated with a musical and theatrical pavilion, a photo studio and a summer cafe. guests can ride a cart and an old tram, learn how to knit marine knots, play croquet and cerso, read posters from the late 19th century and take pictures with a strict policeman.

June 10 - Festival Times and Epochs

On June 10, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve will host the Day of Antiquity. Guests will see the camp of the Romans, the settlements of the Germans, Celts and Hellenes. Roman legionnaires will show combat training, gladiators will fight in the arena, and the commander will arrange a triumphal procession.

The boulevard ring of Moscow during the days of the Festival Times and Epochs will turn into a kind of "time line"

On Petrovsky Boulevard the longest chain of soldiers will be lined up. This event will be included in the Russian Book of Records.

In Novopushkinsky square
will be presented: the early Middle Ages, an exhibition of armor from the period of the 15th-17th centuries, the American Civil War, the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet police of the 1950s.

On Tverskoy Boulevard visitors will be greeted by teams of reenactors from all over the world. Clubs and individual participants from Russia, Italy, Serbia, Poland, Slovakia, etc. will be located here. Citizens will be able to visit a fencing school, see hunting birds and buy souvenirs in historical shopping arcades.

On the Kuznetsky bridge it will be possible to look at the daily life of an architect, printer, jeweler and photographer of past eras, who will settle in transparent honeycomb houses. An “archaeological sandbox” will open nearby, where children can dig up and process finds, feel like members of a Moscow archaeological expedition. On the Kuznetsky Most it will be possible to get acquainted with the gastronomy of bygone times.

On East street a park of medieval siege engines will be located, including the largest operating trebuchet in Russia.

New Arbat will be transformed into a battle arena, where the best medieval warriors will meet in duels in historical fencing.

June 12 - Festival Times and Epochs on Tverskaya

June 12, the day of Russia, the result of the festival “Times and Epochs. Collection” will be summed up by a large-scale journey through times and eras, which will take place on Tverskaya Street. This site will bring together the most spectacular historical fragments from the Dyakovo culture to the end of World War II.

The best developments in crafts and show programs will be presented on Tverskaya, reenactors will present their historical projects. All guests will be able to immerse themselves in one or another era and become participants in events, master classes, take pictures in historical costumes, taste dishes of historical gastronomy.

On Tverskaya Street you can see the military camps of the Russian principalities and the Golden Horde. Guests will get acquainted with the field life: tents and yurts with camping utensils, armor and weapons will appear on the site. Master artisans can be found doing peaceful pursuits, from ancient crafts to playing musical instruments.

At the site dedicated to Sevastopol, guests will learn about the events of the Crimean War, see how the pearl of the Black Sea coast developed and strengthened.

So, on the site dedicated to the First World War, soldiers of the Russian Imperial Army will set up camp, and the sisters of mercy will set up a field hospital. Visitors will be able to take pictures with military equipment of those years.

Waltzes will be played on the site of the pre-war years, passers-by will be able to join various games: rubber band, hopscotch, football and others. Retro cars with their graceful forms will also be placed here. The romantic Silver Age, fashion, music and other entertainment of this time will also be presented here.

The war and post-war years presented at the Festival will be accompanied by attributes characteristic of those years: marches, an abundance of military equipment, a field kitchen and an exhibition of trophies.

Guests from France, Italy, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland, Great Britain, Sweden, Latvia, Norway, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Israel, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ireland, Montenegro arrived in Moscow to participate in the festival and Switzerland.

Excursion bureau "Moscow stories" - a special program for the festival "Times and Epochs"

Hiking routes of the Moscow Stories excursion bureau are designed specifically for the festival. You can walk along the streets of the capital, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the past and get to know the history of Moscow better.

Groups depart from the tour desk in Stoleshnikov lane (Stoleshnikov lane, 6, podium opposite the temple of Cosmas and Damian in Shubin)
Tours are free. The evening excursion program on weekends also includes free admission to the museum.

The routes are designed for adult schoolchildren, the duration of the tour is 2-2.5 hours.

Description of excursions

June 1, 19.00-21.00

"The Silver Age of Russian Culture"

The tour is led by Anastasia Chernyshova

The Silver Age, which combines high art and the harsh reality of the early 20th century, despite a large number of studies, still remains a mystery in Russian culture and art. Poets and artists of this era did not just write poems and canvases. Their very life became a creative act, which often led to a tragic denouement.

We will go through the places associated with the life of the iconic characters of that era and try to unravel some of the mysteries of the Silver Age.

"Moscow of Sergei Yesenin"

The tour is led by Svetlana Shaposhnikova

On this tour, we will try to penetrate the secrets of the life and work of Sergei Yesenin - a talented poet, blue-eyed handsome man, revelers and a "hooligan" with a tragic fate. Let's go to the most famous Moscow addresses of Yesenin, plunge into the atmosphere of Moscow of the Silver Age. On the excursion, together with Yesenin, we will come to Moscow for the first time and find out

- whether the poet's prophecy came true,

- how Tverskaya street became Yeseninskaya,

- how Yesenin sold Mayakovsky's poems,

- we will see how the tragic fates of the poet's beloved women and children intertwined on the streets of Moscow.

"Moscow Ivan Bunin"

The writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1933 for "the rigorous skill with which he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose," came to Moscow only as a guest. The Mother See was not his hometown and did not become his favorite home. However, on each visit, Moscow gave Bunin new ideas and themes for his works, creatively enriched him through communication with other masters of literature, many of whom eventually became his real friends.

On this tour, we will go to Bunin's favorite addresses in the very center of the city: we will find out where he stayed during his visits, where people dear to him lived, and we will talk about Moscow places that he described in his works.

"Moscow of the Silver Age"

On the tour, we will learn about the work and life beyond the creative work of great poets, what united Symbolists, Imagists, Futurists and Acmeists, what Alexander Blok hides under gloominess, and how Marina Tsvetaeva knew how to love.

"Tabletops of Uncle Gilyai"

A man of amazing energy and strength, he had connections in all circles (from governors-general to slum dwellers), knew how to be at the right time in the right place, for which his contemporaries called him a "flying correspondent." After numerous wanderings around Russia for permanent residence, Gilyarovsky settled in Stoleshnikov Lane, which is now inextricably associated with him by many. Vladimir Alekseevich left detailed descriptions of many places in Moscow, the informal laws of that time, the customs and traditions that existed then. During the tour, we will plunge into the atmosphere of Moscow in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, remember the most striking of these places, the numerous friends, guests and friends of Gilyarovsky, among whom were Chekhov, Levitan, Chaliapin and other iconic figures of the Silver Age.

The tour is conducted by the staff of the museum "Bulgakov's House"

Fascinating journey "In the footsteps of the novel" The Master and Margarita ". During the tour, we will see the places described in the novel: the bench on which Woland first spoke to Ivanushka Bezdomny and Berlioz, the alley where the Master and Margarita met, the mansion of Margarita and MASSOLIT; we find out if there were rails on the Patriarch's Ponds and the route that Behemoth and Koroviev followed, hiding from the chase.

At the end of the route, the participants of the excursion will have a free visit to the Bulgakov House Museum, where you can get to know Mikhail Afanasyevich and his writing activities, find out who he loved and to whom he devoted novels, and look at the things that belonged to the Bulgakov couple.

"From Stoleshnikov to Gnezdniki"

The tour is led by Viktor Sutormin

Like Paris, where ministers of muses have been living under the roofs of Montmartre for more than a century, there is also a district in Moscow that has long been attractive for musicians and artists, directors and actors. Here Pushkin, visiting Vyazemsky and Baratynsky, read his poems; here, in the Imagist bookshop, Yesenin traded at a loss to himself and his partners.

On this tour you will see the famous Tucherez, the workshop of the architect Zholtovsky and an unusual house that looks like a palm grove, admire the Anglican Cathedral of St. Andrew and the ancient chambers of Araslanov, hear many stories - funny, dramatic, tragic.

And you will also learn:

— on which shelf the banned films ended up and how they were pulled out of there;

- what eccentricities the Moscow governors allowed themselves;

— who arranged the explosion in Leontievsky Lane;

- which means the expression "a lone handicraft without a motor."

"Soul-filled flight"

The tour is led by Yulia Preobrazhenskaya

Although Italy is considered the birthplace of ballet, it was Russian dancers who brought expressiveness and spirituality to it. Ballet appeared in Russia at the end of the 17th century, but it reached its greatest prosperity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the “Russian ballet” became a brand, conquering the whole world.

On our tour you will learn:

— about the history of the emergence of ballet in Russia,

- about the rivalry between the "Petersburg" and "Moscow" ballet schools,

— about famous ballerinas and their fans,

- about the "sandal" that conquered the world,

- about how pointe shoes appeared and why the ballerina needs two packs for one performance.

"Architecture of the Silver Age"

The tour is led by Maxim Yudov

The Silver Age is not only the poetry of Russian symbolists, but also an attempt by artists and architects to transform the world. This walk will immerse you in the world of art and philosophical quests of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and will tell you about those first Russian capitalists who supported these quests.

On our tour we will talk about:

— why the public didn’t like M. Vrubel’s painting and how it ended up on the facade of the Metropol;

- which houses Muscovites called "lichens" on the body of the city;

— how and why the Soviet authorities transported the buildings of the Silver Age era (and we will find such a house);

— why Moscow became one of the important centers of the artistic revolution.

Moscow of Boris Pasternak

The tour is led by Svetlana Brazhnikova

“I live at a crowded city crossroads. Summer, blinded by the sun, Moscow, heating up with the asphalt of courtyards, scattering bunnies on the windows of the upper rooms and breathing the flowering of clouds and boulevards, revolves around me and turns my head and wants me to turn the heads of others for its glory. For this purpose, she raised me and gave me art in my hands.<…>The city constantly and ceaselessly moving and rumbling behind the doors and windows is an immeasurably huge introduction to the life of each of us,” Boris Pasternak explained the meaning of Moscow in Doctor Zhivago in his character’s notes.

Moscow becomes one of the main characters of this novel. And we will get to know her better, follow the routes of the characters of Doctor Zhivago, visit the “crowded city crossroads”, where one winter Christmas evening a candle burned in the window.

"The Age of Contrasts"

The tour is led by Andrey Tutushkin

The end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century is a time of contrasts. On the one hand, there is an architectural boom in Moscow, the flourishing of Art Nouveau, luxurious mansions appear, and on the other hand, thousands of people huddle in bunkhouses. On our tour, we will talk about the many contrasts in the life of Moscow, which were especially pronounced at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

"Theatrical stage"

The end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century was the time of innovative theatrical ideas: private theaters also carried out theatrical reforms (the Moscow Art Theater, the Tairov Chamber Theater, the Mamontov Moscow Private Opera, the Zimin Opera, etc.). It was there that young authors, composers, directors began to turn with their innovative ideas when they were refused staging by the Imperial Theaters.

Journalists jokingly wrote about the repertoire of Moscow theaters: “In the Bolshoi and Maly - archeology, in the New - nothing new. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich have decadence; at the Private Opera, they said, for sure - they sing. International theater - one gnashing of teeth.

During this period, the creative activity of F.I. Chaliapin, L.V. Sobinov, A.V. Nezhdanova and many other remarkable artists flourished.

Our tour will take you to the most iconic theaters of the Silver Age: Moscow Art Theater, Zimin's Private Opera, Imperial theaters and schools.

"Moscow of the Silver Age"

The tour is conducted by the staff of the museum "Bulgakov's House"

The streets of Moscow have an amazing memory of everything they have ever seen. One century follows another. Even now, walking along Moscow lanes, you can see how through the neon of the 21st century, barely distinguishable silhouettes of such a distant, but at the same time, until the end not unraveled era - the Silver Age, shine through and flicker everywhere.

On the tour, we will learn about the work and life beyond the work of great poets, what united Symbolists, Imagists, Futurists and Acmeists, what Alexander Blok hides under gloominess, and how Marina Tsvetaeva knew how to love.

We will see the V. Mayakovsky Museum and the surroundings of the Polytechnic Museum, the Futurist cafe "Domino" and the Imagist cafe "Stall Pegasus", monuments to S. Yesenin and V. Mayakovsky.

At the end of the route, the participants of the excursion will have a free visit to the museum "Bulgakov's House".

"Daily life of Muscovites"

The tour is led by Irina Vishnyakova

Moscow at the beginning of the 19th century was a city with crooked streets of dense buildings, half of the houses were still wooden. But the city is actively developing: water supply and sewerage systems appear, electric wires are pulled in a network, not only houses, but also streets are illuminated. The "outskirts" - the industrial buildings of factories and manufactories - are being actively built up. What was the daily life of Muscovites at the beginning of the 20th century?

On the tour we will learn:
how firefighters and police work,
where the tram was replaced by the first tram and who were the conductors,
what were the first cinemas and what films could be seen in them,
what taverns and restaurants did Muscovites go to,
about daily shopping, markets and shops,
about what newspapers and magazines they bought, what was printed in them, and much more.

"Mayakovsky: Mend Your Soul"

The tour is conducted by the staff of the museum "Bulgakov's House"

Vladimir Mayakovsky is the most extraordinary and controversial figure of the early 20th century. They admired him and hand-written in place of the ellipsis the lines cut out by the censors. He was scolded and not understood. During his lifetime, the Soviet authorities called him just a fellow traveler, and after his death they declared him the first proletarian poet. Hundreds of women were in love with him, but he never managed to create a real family with that one ... The personality of Mayakovsky still causes a lot of controversy.

During the tour, we will recognize Mayakovsky the futurist in a yellow jacket, shocking the public with scandals, sharp attacks and screaming slogans that destroy the foundations. Let's get acquainted with the other side of his personality - a kind, sincere person, the author of the most tender lyrical lines, extremely vulnerable and desperately dreaming of true love and family. The guide will tell you in detail how the poet lived, what he believed in and what he dreamed about. We will also learn the history of Mayakovsky's love triangle and the Brik family, as well as what kind of woman can be called Vladimir Mayakovsky's Margarita.

At the end of the route, the participants of the excursion will have a free visit to the museum "Bulgakov's House".

"The life of the Moscow merchants"

The tour is led by Natalia Kharchenko

On the tour you will get acquainted with the pre-revolutionary life of the inhabitants of Stoleshnikov and Petrovsky lanes, Petrovka, Neglinka, Kuznetsky Most streets and learn:

— who was a professional philanthropist in Moscow;

— how the area of ​​the Bolshoi Theater acquired its present appearance;

- where the Moscow merchants liked to go on a spree and what kind of hooliganism they were;

— who and what inspired the merchants to patronage;

— how they defended their protégés;

- where in Moscow were the most prestigious stores;

- what hobbies and hobbies did the entrepreneurs have;

- how they competed with each other and how it was imprinted in Moscow architecture;

- where did the Chinese baths come from in Moscow and what is it;

- how "Anna Karenina" was translated into French;

- where in Moscow they bought the best wine.

On the streets and lanes around the Bolshoi Theater, magnificent tenement houses of the early 20th century, estates of the Moscow nobility, ancient churches and chambers, unusual shops and galleries have been preserved. On the tour you will be able to admire the diversity of architecture and get acquainted with how life flowed here at the turn of the ΧΙΧ-ΧΧ centuries.

"In the footsteps of the novel "The Master and Margarita"

The tour is conducted by the staff of the museum "Bulgakov's House"

Fascinating journey "In the footsteps of the novel" The Master and Margarita ". During the tour, we will see the places described in the novel: the bench on which Woland first spoke to Ivanushka Bezdomny and Berlioz, the lane where the Master and Margarita met, the mansion of Margarita and MASSOLIT; we find out if there were rails on the Patriarch's Ponds, and the route that Behemoth and Koroviev followed, hiding from the chase.

At the end of the route, the participants of the excursion will have a free visit to the Bulgakov House Museum, where they can get to know Mikhail Afanasyevich and his writing activities better, find out who he loved and to whom he dedicated novels, look at things that belonged to the Bulgakov couple.

Details on the website: http://historyfest.ru

From June 1 to June 12, Moscow will host the grandiose historical festival "Times and Epochs", which will bring together 10 thousand reenactors and participants from all over the world to the capital.

12 epochs will be reproduced at 30 street and park sites in different parts of the city. Among them are the Iron Age, Antiquity, Peter the Great, 1812, the Crimean War. At the beginning of summer, everyone will be able to make sure that Moscow is the center of international historical reconstruction.

Trading rows

At the Times and Epochs shopping arcade, guests will find copies of historical artifacts, dishes and delicacies of the past. It is curious that in the Middle Ages few people knew how to read, therefore, instead of the usual text signboards, distinctive signs were hung in front of each shop or shop: a horseshoe meant a smithy, a green bush meant a tavern, and scissors meant a barber’s work place.

Podmoskovnaya station

On June 1, an old coal-powered train will arrive at Podmoskovnaya station, and guests from different eras will arrive in it. This is how the historical festival “Times and Epochs. Meeting". At Podmoskovnaya (this is the only operating railway complex in the capital of the early 20th century), travelers will be met by the head of the station. Together with the reenactors, he will make a commemorative entry in the festival's Book of Times with a quill pen.

New Arbat

Throughout the festival from June 1 to 12 on Novy Arbat, everyone will be able to witness the reconstruction of medieval battles, evaluate the skill of fencing with long swords, swords and rapiers, as well as hear the history of military codes and tournament rules. It will be possible to plunge into history on weekdays from 16:00 to 21:00 and on weekends from 12:00 to 21:00.

Kuznetsky most

Fans of national cinema are expected from June 1 to June 12 on Kuznetsky Most Street. The "Bauer" zone of the "History of Cinema" site will be opened here. Everyone will be able to visit the festival dressing room and try on the outfits of film stars, stylized as the 20s of the last century. Here you can learn how to do hair, apply professional make-up, and then audition for the role of a silent movie hero. All this and much more awaits Muscovites and guests of the capital at the address: st. Kuznetsky most, possession 6/3.

Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"

On June 2, in the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, you can plunge into the era of the rulers who made the Russian Empire one of the leading European powers - Peter the Great and Catherine II. The main event will be a large-scale costume performance with horse quadrilles. The program was based on the magnificent historical "Carousel" of Catherine the Great in 1766. Also on the site, guests will be able to learn more about the military affairs and exploits of the early 18th century, plunging into the atmosphere of Peter the Great.

  • 17:00–18:00 — Theatrical performance "Carousel"
  • 20:00–20:30 — Theatrical performance "Gangut Action"
  • 21:00–22:00 — Reconstruction c with the participation of the Russian and European armies of the 18th century


30 venues in Moscow

Date and time of the festival / event

Fri, 10/08/2018 - 00:00 - Wed, 22/08/2018 - 23:59

Ticket price

Free admission

The organizers of the Times and Epochs 2018 festival promise that the festival will unfold at 30 venues in the city, where history from the Stone Age to the Soviet thaw will be presented.

Watch the performances of wandering swordsmen on Pushkinskaya Square, learn the secrets of alchemy at the Medieval University in Kamergersky Lane, take part in the construction of a medieval castle on Nikitsky Boulevard as a bricklayer, blacksmith or carpenter, get to the dance party of the "Thaw" on Tverskaya Square - 30 venues all over Moscow prepared a program for any age, taste and interest! The final of the international competition of historical projects will also take place at the festival. The projects of the participants will be presented on Revolution Square, and nine winners of the competition will receive one million rubles each for their implementation.

On all days of the festival, you can admire the exposition of historical costumes at this site. Reenactors from Russia and France brought reproductions and original costumes from the 18th to early 20th centuries to Times and Epochs. Reproductions of outfits are hand-sewn from materials similar to the original. The work was carried out on the basis of historical sources, albums and photographs. The costumes of civilians of different classes have been recreated: walking, evening and court dresses, children's costumes, men's daily and solemn images, as well as bathing outfits.

Live broadcasts of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018"

August 19 at 20:30 live broadcast from the site of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018" - the myths of ancient Greece and the fire show on Pokrovsky Boulevard.

August 19 at 19:00 live broadcast from the site of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018". The program includes historical fencing and a medieval fair on Pushkinskaya Square.

The program of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018"

The most interesting from the program of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018" for the next few days:

On Thursday and Friday, August 16 and 17, everyone will be able to attend the “reception at the Electors” together with Peter I and go from Tver to India after Afanasy Nikitin. And also - watch a spectacular show performed by reenactors from Italy, take pictures with an Olympic bear and ask questions to a specialist in the ancient history of mankind! Participation in all festival events is free!

Quest "Police against banditry", (Strastnoy Boulevard, 16)

12:00, 15:00 and 18:00

To help the police catch the bandits, the teams of festival guests will need to infiltrate the Black Cat gang. And to do this, go through the checkpoints of the quest, collect a series of keywords and unravel the code phrase (password). Evidence of the introduction will be a photo of the team with the “gang leader”!

  • Awarding of the winners of the competition of historical projects, (Revolution Square). 19:00

During the festival "Times and Epochs" this year, free walking tours will be organized for Muscovites and guests of the capital!

Quest "Path of stories" of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018"

Within the framework of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018", the informative multi-day city-wide quest "Trail of stories" started in the capital. This is an exciting game, an educational excursion, and a way to rediscover Moscow. At the moment, there are already 502 teams that have set off on an exciting journey throughout Moscow: by completing themed missions, players will get to know the past and present of our city even better, and will be able to compete for prizes in the final game!

You can join the quest participants at any time: registration will continue on the website until August 13 inclusive, and the qualifying round of the quest will last until August 17. You can participate both individually and as part of teams of up to 4 people.

Venues of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018"

Gogolevsky boulevard, 4 - MUR, M. Kropotkinskaya

Historical interactive exposition dedicated to the post-war period of Moscow 1945-1953.

The site is located in Ustyinsky Square throughout its entire area. The entourage and animation of the site tell about the struggle of the MUR employees against the banditry of the post-war period. All the animators are in period costumes. At the same time, each location of the site separately tells about the life and realities of that period:

  • Moscow apartment
  • Thieves' "raspberries", forms of organized crime after the war
  • Formation of the police after the war, methods of combating crime, employees.
  • Transport
  • Weapon
  • post-war fashion
  • Street life of the post-war period: street trade, entertainment, music, games.

Gogolevsky boulevard, 33 - Moscow courtyard

The site is dedicated to the socialist Moscow of the period 1970-1980. The main emphasis is on the integration of modern residents into the process of life of that historical era. The basis of the site will be one or more retail outlets made in the style of the Soviet period. Retail outlets will trade in entourage products and manufactured goods of the USSR, residents of Moscow and tourists who came to the festival. Locations and interactives located throughout the boulevard, made in the style of the era, will be saturated with products sold in retail outlets as decorations, or will use these products as interactive props.

Tverskoy boulevard, 2, metro station Tverskaya

Historical period: 1812

Tverskoy boulevard, 19, metro station Tverskaya

Historical period: 1812

The site vividly and in detail illustrates the confrontation between the Russian and French armies during the Patriotic War of 1812. In the center of the site - the "front" - military reviews, maneuvers, dramatizations. Military life will be recreated in the Russian and French camps: drill on the parade ground, regimental forge and kitchen, sutlers, simple soldier entertainment. The theme of the people's war is revealed: partisans, people's avengers and the militia will talk about their role in the Napoleonic wars

Tverskoy boulevard, 28, metro station Tverskaya

Historical period: 1812

The site vividly and in detail illustrates the confrontation between the Russian and French armies during the Patriotic War of 1812. In the center of the site - the "front" - military reviews, maneuvers, dramatizations. Military life will be recreated in the Russian and French camps: drill on the parade ground, regimental forge and kitchen, sutlers, simple soldier entertainment. The theme of the people's war is revealed: partisans, people's avengers and the militia will talk about their role in the Napoleonic wars

Tverskaya Square, m. Tverskaya

Visitors to the festival "Times and Epochs 2018" on Tverskaya Square will get acquainted with the entertainment of the youth of the "thaw" era. Guests of the festival on Tverskaya Square will be able to visit jazz concerts and learn how to dance jive, treat themselves to ice cream and soda from a real retro buffet. Here they will spend time in the spirit of youth entertainment of the 1950s and 1960s, as if they were in the movie "Dandies"!

Strastnoy Boulevard, metro station Chekhovskaya

Historical period: 1853–56

Life in Sevastopol at the end of the Crimean War. The site presents iconic objects, events and characters of this period, the reconstruction of the life of participants in the Crimean War: soldiers and officers of the Russian Imperial Army and troops of the allied forces

Kamergersky lane, m. Okhotny Ryad

In Kamergersky Lane, festival guests will plunge into the atmosphere of the Medieval University. An unusual "educational institution" will appear here, created in the image of the famous University of Turin. Students of Paracelsus and Leonardo da Vinci, followers of Erasmus of Rotterdam, the rector of the university, as well as their assistants will help the "students" to comprehend medieval science.

Pushkinskaya Square, metro station Tverskaya

Visitors are waiting for the performances of itinerant swordsmen.

Petrovsky Boulevard - Stone Age, m. Trubnaya

Historical period: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic

The site tells about the ancient history of mankind and covers the entire Stone Age. It combines an educational and entertaining format for presenting historical material: the development of tools, ancient art, migration of communities, climate change, animals that inhabited different areas, their domestication, the emergence of crafts, trades and wars

Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, metro Trubnaya

Historical period: 1877–78

Glorious events of the Russian-Turkish war and the peaceful life of Moscow during this period. Camping tents, artillery positions, and infirmaries were set up in the military camps of Russians and Turks. Visitors will see how Russian soldiers and their opponents lived, take a short soldier's training course (combat techniques, bayonet fighting), listen to soldiers' songs, study the history of armament of the Russian and Turkish armies. The peace camp will show the urban life of Moscow at the end of the 19th century; an English club, a billiard room, a tavern, a fashion studio, and a platform for ancient outdoor games are open for guests

Novopushkinsky Square, metro station Tverskaya

In Novopushkinsky Square, children will explore the past in the most exciting way for themselves - with the help of toys. Here they will find games and toys from different historical periods, with varying degrees of mobility and designed for different ages. The playground will be conditionally divided into zones for boys and girls, but both will have toys that everyone will like without exception!

Sretensky Boulevard, metro Turgenevskaya

Historical period: 1920–30

An interactive platform dedicated to the era of the 1920-30s and the idea of ​​enlightening the masses in the young Soviet Republic: educational programs, educational posters, a cooperative bank of the NEP era, propaganda poems and cinema. And much more, of course

Chistoprudny Boulevard, 2 - Seven in the past, m. Chistye Prudy

Historical period: X century

Presentation of the non-commercial project "Seven in the Past", during which seven people will live for 9 months on an old Russian farm in the realities of the 10th century, using only authentic tools, household items, food and clothing. Each guest will be able to help in the production of useful things for the farm, personally get acquainted with the heroes of the "Seven in the Past", learn more about experimental archeology

Chistoprudny Boulevard, 11 - Tales of Princess Olga, m. Chistye Prudy

Historical period: 10th century

Playground-performance with the participation of clubs of historical reconstruction and professional actors, based on the "Tale of Bygone Years". All costumes, scenery and props are historically accurate. The performance takes place next to a medieval camp, craft workshops and shopping arcades.

Pokrovsky boulevard, 4, metro station Chkalovskaya

Historical period: Antiquity

The era of Antiquity in general and on the territory of our country. Reconstruction of vivid manifestations of classical ancient culture and the peoples who inhabited the steppes from the Black Sea to Altai - the so-called Great Scythia of Herodotus

Pokrovsky boulevard, 18, m. Kitay-gorod

Historical period: XVIII–XIX centuries

Significant episodes in the history of North America - European settlers, the war of independence, the Civil War of the North and South, Indian tribes, the Wild West - are widely represented in photographs, films, books, school textbooks, works of historians and publicists. The site is a revived photo album of the history of North America in the second half of the 19th century, a reconstruction of clothes, weapons, everyday life and architecture of people of that time

Yauzsky Boulevard, m. Kitay-gorod

Historical period: 1697-98

The site is dedicated to the journey of Peter the Great to Europe at the end of the 17th century, which went down in history as the “Great Embassy of 1697-1698”, and shows the culture of Europe through the eyes of a Russian person. Guests of the boulevard will briefly go back to the 17th century and plunge into the culture of several European countries, visit the lessons and classes that Peter the Great himself attended, and see overseas curiosities.

Revolution Square - Project Competition, Theater

A large-scale exhibition of historical projects will open on Revolution Square. Here you can get acquainted with the projects of 20 finalists of the competition organized as part of the festival - from books and albums on history to historical parks! The authors will talk about their work, plans for the implementation of projects, demonstrate layouts and expositions dedicated to the era under study or the reconstruction of old technologies.

st. Profsoyuznaya, 41, New Cheryomushki

On Profsoyuznaya Street, the guests of the festival will get to the historic railway station. The site will tell about a whole century of Russian history - from the 1850s to the 1950s - through the prism of travel and railway professions: a conductor, a station attendant, a machinist, a signalman, an accountant, a restaurateur, a telegraph operator. You will learn everything about train management, be able to validate an "old" ticket, learn how to send and receive telegrams. This rich excursion will help you understand the complex mechanisms that make up the life of the station. Dance lessons will also be held at this site.

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