From Zemfira to nymphomania. What interests a typical Russian teacher? Five useful VKontakte publics for a teacher An average, ordinary teacher

We offer to dilute the VK feed with useful communities that will become for you sources of professional inspiration, useful materials for work and answers to important questions.

If you are still not subscribed to these 10 communities, this needs to be fixed urgently:

We Teach English (for teachers)

From a group where several teachers shared useful materials and lesson ideas with each other,We Teach Englishin a few years has become the largest Vkontakte community for English teachers.

Now it’s worth subscribing to this group even not for the sake of worksheets - this is a full-fledged teacher forum where everyone can discuss any professional problem with colleagues, just leave a question of interest in the suggested community posts.

What's useful? Communication with colleagues, ideas for lessons, educational streams.

About English - Community of Creative Teachers

A community for teachers who can't stand boring and repetitive lessons. Here you will find everything you need for creative and memorable activities - games, templates, handouts and fresh ideas that will definitely impress students.

In addition - tips for the proper organization of the class and work with different groups of students, an analysis of various teaching techniques, tips on methods and techniques that help bring the teacher's professional skills to a new level.

By the way, the creator of the community About English Katerina Stashevskaya specializes in working with young learners. So everyone who has questions on this topic, a subscription is required!

What's useful? Ideas for lessons, ready-made materials, methodological recommendations.

English Step By Step (For teachers & learners)

English Step By Stepthis is a database of electronic materials - textbooks, audio and video recordings for learning English. Every day, an average of 5-7 posts are published in the community with a variety of textbooks, worksheets and lesson ideas.

To truly appreciate the group, we recommend that you start getting to know it from the menu - there you can evaluate the volume of the resource and find useful materials for your lessons on any topic.

What's useful? Electronic materials, worksheets, ideas for lessons.

English Worksheets For ESL Teachers

The name of the group speaks for itself - it is a piggy bank of useful materials, so to speak, ready for use. Literally every post can be saved for yourself, printed out and used in the next lesson.

In general, a real find for those who are not ready to spend hours searching for handouts and ideas for lessons. It is enough to subscribe once - and everything will be at hand.

What's useful? Worksheets, learning materials, games, lesson ideas.

English meccano: construct your lessons

We give you materials, you design your ideal lesson from them - This is how the community worksEnglish meccano.Why is it worth subscribing? Definitely for the sake of interesting and unhackneyed ideas for lessons, unusual language games and powerful professional motivation for English teachers.

As a bonus, the group launched the project “English in Kindergarten” (search by hashtag#enkindergarten), which publishes practical advice for teachers who teach English to the smallest.

What's useful? Ideas for lessons, learning materials, atypical games.

English teacher. English teacher

Personal group of teacher Ekaterina Stukun, who shares with colleagues her findings and ideas for conducting English lessons. True, subscribers to the group are attracted not only by this. Ekaterina personally answers the most interesting questions from readers and regularly brings up for discussion problems that are familiar to every teacher.

It is captivating that Ekaterina does not talk about her experience one-sidedly - here you will learn about ups and downs. She also regularly hosts streams, where she discusses useful methodological literature with readers.Each of her ideas is a godsend for English teachers, so highly recommend!

Average teacher, average

Marina Anatolyevna listens to Zemfira in the morning and sighs. She is going to work - it seems she took checked notebooks, glasses too.

As Life's analysis showed, most Russian teachers also listen to Zemfira. And also the Okean Elzy group, classical music, hits by ABBA and Christina Aguilera.

They say that "Spleen" is chosen by those who have fallen in love, and Zemfira - by those who have lost their love. It turns out that teachers often find themselves with broken hearts ... Or maybe they like the way a rock singer performs Yesenin's poems to the music?

And all night long until dawn

I read poetry to prostitutes

and I fry alcohol with gangsters ...

Most often, a 42-year-old teacher is at the blackboard in a Russian school, who, despite external severity, remains a Woman. She dreams of losing weight, finding the elixir of youth and doing well at home.

The average teacher (no matter how sad it may sound) is probably in a hurry to get home from work in order to have time to make a simple no-frills dinner for her husband and children in half an hour, then clean up and find some time for herself.

Before going to bed, she prefers to read or do needlework: embroidery or knitting? Never mind. It's calming. And already lying in bed you can dream: what flowers to plant in the summer in the country, what furniture to update and how to rearrange everything so that the interior is "like in a TV show."

This is evidenced by the "interests" of teachers in the social network and the public to which most of them are subscribed - these are "0% fat content", "Housing issue", "Quick recipes / lunches in 30 minutes", "B eaut é | Beauty. Art . Inspiration", "Poems. Prose. Tales".

As the Steel Was Tempered. Woman awakening

Most Russian teachers are no longer young. They are from 41 to 60 years old (32%). Least of all teachers are retired (over 61 years old) and part-time high school students (under 18 years old).

In the VKontakte social network, teachers indicate their interests, but in the information age, it is not our words or even our acquaintances that speak best about us, but silent subscriptions to publics. After all, this is a reflection of not just our views, but also ... hidden desires.

From 18 to 60 years old, teachers are interested in losing weight, and here it is not just about choosing the right diet. Everything is serious here: the teachers want "extreme weight loss." One of the most popular publics among teachers are the "0% fat" and "40 kg" groups. In both groups, women try to lose weight by all means - they offer different diet options, take "before" and "after" pictures, cry to each other and try to motivate themselves and others to train in the gym.

And everything seems to be banal. Just like others. Teachers lose weight, try to learn how to cook (culinary publics), look no worse than their classmate ("Beauty Salon", Beauty), find their love and get married ("Psychology of Relationships", Just love, "Three meters above the sky"), choose a good movie for the evening ("Kinomaniya", for example), and with age - to become good mothers ("Advanced mothers", "Young mother", etc.).

However, each age has its own special tastes, and sometimes, as the notorious Mr. Gray says, they are "very specific."

And, losing their romantic mood, teachers become sexually liberated. The group "Fuck normality" got into the top of interesting publics for teachers from 25 to 30 years old. The last public, without a doubt, can be set the age limit "18+": vulgar jokes and erotic photographs with unambiguous signatures are published on the group's wall.

But, despite this, by the age of forty, most teachers create families - they already know how to cook, raised their children a little and ... decided, judging by the social network, to repair. The first place in popularity among teachers of the "post-Balzac" age goes "Housing problem".

Public for the sorceress and sexual hunting - from 60 years

Only the wisest mentors have groups dedicated to the "forbidden" arts in their subscriptions. Including: magic shop "Witch's happiness" (where you can buy spell candles, runes, dried herbs, altars and wands, etc. - Note. Life), "Mandragora" (dedicated to parapsychology, magic), "Black Heather" (stone jewelry and rune store).

And on a par with "classical" magic, mature women (grandmothers for some) put the magic of female beauty. Among teachers from 60 there are fans of the "queen of burlesque" Dita Von Teese, who became famous for the art of undressing and marriage to Marilyn Manson.

They say that in old age it is no longer a shame to cry, and in general there is nothing to be ashamed of. At the age of 15, a "popular" girl is a prostitute, at 25 - a walker, and after 40 years - a fatal one. Is not it? Only teachers over sixty were noticed by Life in the public "Nymphomaniac 18+".

But the latter will, in frankness, give odds to the “Fuck normality” community, popular with younger teachers. There are a lot of groups dedicated to nymphomaniacs (women with increased excitability and unbridled desire for sex) on VKontakte - all of them are full of adult photos in one way or another (it's not just about erotica), some of which are accompanied by indecent sentences.

Theatergoers and fighters. Moscow vs. Peter

In the largest cities of Russia - among them Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Kazan - the hobbies of young teachers are almost the same, which cannot be said about older teachers in the two capitals. No matter how modern St. Petersburg is accused of emancipation of morals, its citizens of the older generation differ from Muscovites, and above all in their interests.

So, for example, teachers 60+ from the Northern capital follow the news of art on VKontakte (publics "Mikhailovsky Theater", "Boris Eifman Ballet Theater", "Theater of Youth Creativity") and recall the classics with the community "Russian literature - embroidery with words" .

Retired Moscow teachers, regardless of gender, in parallel with the study of history ("The Russian Empire: All the Facts and History") are immersed in the world of Harry Potter with the help of the public "Expelliarmus | Harry Potter | Harry Potter", joke blackly ("Evil Empire" and "Evil Genius") and considering options for tattoos ("Archive of Sketches for Tattoos").

Men "over 60" (only in Moscow) also follow the news of mixed martial arts (or MMA) in several publics at once. Their unanimous idol is champion Conor McGregor.

Musical whims. Bilan - for boys, Timati - for girls

Most teachers, regardless of age, love classical music most of all, and if until the age of 30 teachers do not understand it (they listen to everything), then in their fourth decade they are determined in their tastes: these are Johann Bach, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven.

However, each age has its own particular musical preferences. So, for example, underage boys who try themselves in teaching also often listen to Dima Bilan, "Triad", Centr and Justin Bieber. Schoolgirls - future teachers, in turn, prefer the songs of the Belgian singer Kate Ryan, the Kukryniksy group and rapper Oxxymiron.

Student teachers (from 18 to 25 years old), in addition to immortal creations, also highlight creativity Rihanna, Timati, "Casta", British groupblack sabbath, and young people of the same age often listen Lana Del Rey, Basto, Dj Groove and L "one.

Young specialists (men) from 25 to 30 years old choose Nickelback, Adriano Celentano, Selena Gomez and The Killers and female teachers Black Attack, 50 Cent and "Virus".

Teachers who have exchanged their fourth decade add to the "musical borscht" Anna Sedakov, Scryptonite, Viagra, Vladimir Vysotsky and Eva Simons.

After forty, teachers have tracks in the top of the hit parade Alan Walker, Bianchi, Vera Brezhneva and jazz compositions.

And only teachers over 60 get naively banal songs in the playlists Yuliana Karaulova and Max Korzh.

At the same time, it should be noted that most of the fans of the work of Russian rappers (Oxxymiron, Scryptonite and Casta) are among teachers aged 60 and above. And here is a completely logical question: are these texts "for the soul" or a "flashback" to nymphomania?

I often subscribe to VKontakte publics when I see a useful message. With each subscription, the number of messages in the feed grows - the subscription to publics sometimes gets out of control, and I end up with 200-300 communities at a time. In such a stream, it is difficult to notice useful information.

We invite you (and yourself) to clear our feeds of meaningless subscriptions and leave only the necessary communities. Which? Let's get to know them.

Overheard from teachers

The main public for teachers in the social network. Here, teachers discuss working issues and problems of the Russian education system. There are always many teachers in the public discussions who will help you deal with any issue! This is the best platform for studying the opinion of the teaching community.

In addition to public discussions, you will find methodological materials and useful manuals. The authors also acquaint subscribers with the latest education news and interesting articles.

You are a teacher!

Despite the name, the public is not aimed at discussing the constant demands that fall on the teacher from everywhere. The authors of the public devote time to each topic: here you will find useful tips on time management, on organizing the educational process and on children at the beginning of the lesson. In public, issues related to the work of a teacher are often discussed, methodological materials are exchanged.

Britishadvice(British Council Russia)

Knowledge of English is a necessity, not a luxury. To pass certification, teachers need to be familiar with foreign experience, most articles abroad are written in English. Therefore, we recommend you the best channel about English VKontakte.

The public provides only useful information on learning English: webinars, lectures. Here you can find literature in English and news about the life and culture of English-speaking countries. The British Council Public is a great place to find like-minded people who will always come to your aid in learning English.

Cheerful teacher

Who said entertainment can't be useful? And the teacher needs to relax. This public will allow you to look at the work from a different angle, because there is always a place for humor in the work of a teacher. Funny mistakes of students, funny everyday situations, an atypical look at the stereotypes about the school - what you need after a hard day's work. In addition, comments are open to many entries, where you can discuss working and not quite moments with other teachers in the country.

My university

The authors of the public introduce teachers to the opportunities for professional development. Promotions for teachers are held in the public, as a result of which five teachers get a chance to study for free. Also in this public are placed useful articles and news from the "Newspaper of teachers".

Don't be alone! Join the VKontakte teacher community and solve difficult work issues together!

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