I do not know what time is. What is time? Simple explanation


Time - the concept of abstract and philosophical, for each of us it is filled with a special meaning, and therefore someone can hardly say with confidence: "I know for sure what time is."

Man is the only living creature that is aware of the current time. When and how is this awareness comes to the baby?

Biological rhythms - the basis of the perception of time. The standard of its measurement is considered to be a knock of the human heart (1 second - 1 blow), which is the most constant and stable unit. This rhythm is unquestioned by all people, he also perceives not yet born baby. Immediately after the birth of a child begins to feel the rhythms of its physiological existence: the head of the heart, the alternation of the state of hunger and satiety, sleep and wakefulness. Some kids "internal clock" are set pretty easily, children quickly get used to a certain routine of life. If parents did not offer them feeding and sleep, they produce it themselves. In other children, on the contrary, the full chaos reigns inside, and they just need a structure proposed by the outside, which will be a certain key to the predictability and constancy of the outside world.

At the very first, vital events (food, hunger, sleep, wakefulness) is based on the presentation of a child about time. With them, the baby binds the past at first, and then the future.

How does the past appear?

Past appears with memory. Unrecognizable bodily memory arising from the baby even before birth, keeps everything that happened to him since the conception in the form of strange and often ridiculous images and sensations. The ability to memorize objects of the outside world (objects, people, animals) begins to appear aged 4-5 months. First, the picture of the surrounding reality is very unstable, moreover, the brain of the kid does not preserve the image of what is happening. However, by year, these images are becoming distinct, and the child gradually adapts to the rhythm of life not only during the day, but also during the week.

The baby remembers something from the past, but the memory is still too foggy, it is difficult to rely on it, especially since the words, the perception of the child is not available to the perception of the child. But by this time, he already understands that there are people around him who care about him, they quench his hunger and warm when it is cold. Therefore, he may wait a bit if hungry or tired. The one-year-old baby is simply not at the power calmly, without tears to part with my mother, even quite briefly. He already understands well, as far as its presence needs, but to imagine that the future and mom will soon come back, he is not yet able to.

By two years, the child accumulates quite a lot of experience in handling over time. It imagines an approximate duration of the usual events of the day (for example, which lasts longer - a walk or breakfast). He appears a completely distinct image of the past, in which parents left from time to time, but always returned, and the desired eventually came true. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe future is still missing, but now the baby can rely at least on his past! All this causes confidence in his parents when they talk about something in the future.

How does the future appear?

The complexity of the perception of the future lies in the fact that it is not. Rather, it is, but exclusively in our imagination. It is only one thing about one thing - the night alternates on the day. The fact that the future still exists, the kid is aware of about three years. This is the main, the fundamental discovery. The emergence of the future as a temporary perspective helps the child to accept the many realities of today's life, which adults express phrases like: "Mom will come back soon." "Summer will come, and you will see Aunt Katya again." In addition, the future time helps both adults and children wait and hope: "You will rest a little, and you will succeed"; "You will grow up and learn to ride a bike."

Of course, first in the child's consciousness, the near future appears (in three years of the concept of "summer" and "grow up" - the concepts are too abstract). The baby will need quite a long time to understand remote events. Special absorption requires words that denote the flow of time: "What is a new year?", "And tomorrow - today?", "And today is already winter?". Approximately five years old, the child begins to really imagine some prospects for his life, quite freely addresses over time and is already quite capable of planning the nearest events.

How to help kid orient time?

First, try to tie all temporary concepts to familiar life events. "Now we will wash the handle, and then let's go dinner." "First, we will go swimming, then I read you, you will stand, and when you wake up, tomorrow will come, and we will go to the zoo."

Secondly, develop a baby's imagination. The perception of time, like any abstraction, requires a certain level of intelligence and ideas about the world.

Be prepared for the fact that quite painful emotional experiences are often associated with perception and time acceptance. The baby does not understand why you need to wait, why "soon" cannot come immediately, why ends the summer. Sometimes it seems to him that adults can all, and it is quite unpleasant to take the fact that there are things in the world, beyond anyone.

Anxiety may appear with the advent of the future. Most often it is a fear of something bad, but most of all the alarm is associated with the awareness of the limb of one's own being. The logical chain "Day will change the night, spring - winter" leads to understanding that "I was once not there, then I appeared, then will it never be?" Agree that this is not such a pleasant discovery! However, your ability to speak with the baby and on these topics (of course, not reading lectures, but not exclamation: "What for the terrible things you say!") Help him to avoid many fears, it is easier to take parting and appreciate life more.

I know what time will come
Peoples will stop fighting.
And old and young tribe
Do not want to kill each other.

Think about the world all soldiers
And they will disperse quietly at home.
The melt will throw automata
And peaceful will dwell themselves.

I know that it will not be soon.
For this, the salt must be eaten.
When the peoples of sleep will wake
Last tragic news;

That children died from war again
Burned from the bombing of the city
And sorrowful funerals in light
Carries red water from the blood.


Anatoly. We and I am absolutely equally reacting to modern
events. In my previous review, I fully expressed my emotions.
And this one reads this verse answer my thoughts. Sorry for wrong
think. Each verse and yours and my pebbles in solidarity building.
Sincerely. Georgy.

Very soulful !!! and music, and execution, and words !!! The instrument in the hands of a real master and sings, and worries, and crying !!! ... amazing !!!

The daily audience of the portal poems.ru is about 200 thousand visitors who are in total viewing more than two million pages according to the attendance counter, which is located to the right of this text. In each column, two digits are specified: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Time is based on seconds, minutes and hours. While the basis for these units changed throughout history, their roots are traced in the ancient state of the Sumer. The modern international unit of time is determined by the electronic transition of the cesium atom. But what is this physical value?

Time measures the progress of events

Time is to measure the progression of events. Physics determine this value as the progression of events from the past to the present and in the future. In principle, if the system is unchanged, it is out of this indicator. Time can be considered as the fourth dimension of reality used to describe events in three-dimensional space. This is not what we can see, feel or touched, but we can measure its passage.

The arrow shows that time moves from the past to the future, and not vice versa

The arrow on the clock shows that time moves from the past to the future, and not in another direction. Physical equations work equally well, whether the magnitude is ahead, in the future (positive time), or back, in the past (negative time). However, in the natural world, this value has one direction. The question of why it is irreversible, is one of the biggest unresolved issues in science.

One explanation is that the natural world follows the laws of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics states that in the closed system, its entropy remains constant or increases. If the Universe is considered a closed system, its entropy (degree of disorder) can never decrease. In other words, time cannot return to the exact state in which it was at an earlier point. This value cannot move back.

Slow or acceleration

Time exactly counts good hours. In classical mechanics it is everywhere equally. However, from the special and general theory of Einstein's relativity, we know that the value is a relative concept. The indicator depends on the observer reference system. This can lead to a subjective slowdown, when the time between events becomes longer (expands), the closer one of them to the speed of light.

The moving hours work more slowly than stationary, and the effect becomes more pronounced when the moving mechanism is approaching the speed of light. The clock in the Earth orbit record the time slower than on its surface, the muon particles disintegrate more slowly during the fall, and the Michelson-Morry experiment confirmed the reduction in the length and expansion of the magnitude.

Parallel reality contributes to avoiding temporary paradox when traveling in time

Temporary paradox when traveling in time can be avoided by going to a parallel reality. Travel means moving forward or backward to different moments, just as you can move between different points in space. Jumping forward in time occur in nature. Cosmonauts at the space station are accelerated when they return to the ground and slow down the movement towards the station.

Existing problems

However, time travel creates problems. One of them is causality, or causal relationship. Move back can provoke a temporal paradox.

"Grandfather's paradox" is a classic example in science. According to him, if you return back and kill your grandfather, before your mother or father is born, you can prevent your own birth.

Many physicists believe that time travel in the past is impossible, but there are such paradox solutions as a journey between parallel universal or branch points.

Perception of physical quantity

Aging affects the perception of time, although scientists do not agree with this provision. The human brain is able to track the time. Suprakhiamatic cores of the brain are an area responsible for daily or circadian natural rhythms. Neurostimulators and drugs significantly affect its perception. Chemicals that excite neurons cause them to function faster, while the decline in neurons slows down the perception of time.

Basically, when it seems to you that everything around is accelerated, the brain produces more events over a certain interval. In this regard, time does seem to be flying when you have fun. But it seems to slow down during emergency situations or danger.

Scientists from the Medical College of Beilora in Houston say that the work of the brain is actually not accelerating, but such an area as amygdala becomes more active. Amigdala is a part of the brain that is responsible for creating memories. As more memories are formed, the time seems tightened.

The same phenomenon explains why older people seem to perceive the time in a faster pace than when they were younger. Psychologists believe that the brain forms more memories of new experiences than about acquaintances. Since in the late period of the life of new memories less and less, the time in the perception of an elderly person seems to be faster.

Start and end of time

More scientists inclined to be the believes that our universe originated as a result of the most powerful explosion of a certain conditional point, in which there were no indicators such as weight, time and space.

Astronomer Stephen Hawking and his colleague from Cambridge Neil Turks suggest that it was originally the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich the word was born. It is in these two concepts that the time and space was.

It is not known whether time has a start or end. As for the universe, the time it began. The starting point was 13,799 billion years ago, when a big explosion occurred. Evidence of this process is the relic radiation in the space and the position of the disassembled galaxies. At this time, the transitions from one level of the natural organization are beginning to be carried out - from the nucleus to the atom, and then the molecule from which the live matter appeared.

We can measure cosmic background radiation as microwaves from a large explosion, but there was no emission with earlier origins.

One of the arguments about the origin of time is that if it were infinitely expanded, then in this case the night sky would be filled with the light of old stars.

Will the end of the time?

The answer to this question is unknown. If the universe is expanding forever, the time will continue. If a new big explosion occurs, our temporary line will end, and a new count will begin. In experiments in particle physics, random particles arise from vacuum, so it seems that the universe will not be static or timeless. Time will tell…

I know perfectly well what time is not thinking about it.
But it is worth thinking --- And now I do not know what time is.
Augustine Blessed

It is difficult to dismiss the strange sensation of splitness. It seems as if you are present on the play of the global hoax: millions of people or are fooling with clever fraudsters, or are in power of a delusional idea and, as in God, they believe in the aliens from the space, the Bermuda triangle, movement in time. However, no, no, and there will be a thought that the nature and the universe gives humanity to the excellent means to look for the horizon of knowledge, penetrate the secret, touch the inhibition. Do not miss this chance.

At the end of 1983, a message about an incredible incident occurred in many British newspapers, which happened with Milena's dry cargo ship. The event was indeed transcendent. The vessel, which followed from the Ceylon port by Colombo course on Bombey-Karachi Aden, unexpectedly disappeared, as if dissolved in the vast expanses of the ocean desert.
In the Bombay port, to which there were about one and a half thousand miles, it came with a big delay, as if he was moving not on the planned route, and went into the ports laid according to the schedule, rich the globe. Nevertheless, Milena devices impartially recorded: the course was laid optimal, and not a single mile was passed.

What happened to the ship? According to the testimony of the Captain "Milen" of the Ulyama Tucker and the crew, the following happened. Some time after the last release on the air, held on July 12, 1993, the dry cargo ship fell into a sudden flourish. According to the seafarers, he was accompanied by an incredible force with thunderstorms and frantic discharges of lightning. Suddenly the nature of nature ceased, the sky was cleared of the clouds and the sea calmed down. You didn't have time to get into trouble as you should get used to the instantaneous bright sun, as a sailboat of an ancient design jumped up the dry car. He quickly approached Milena and abandoned the boarding hooks on her border. Then it began the most incredible - pirates began to jump on the deck, dried in costumes of an old cut. The attackers shouted loud on some not familiar to the sailors.

The crew of the dry car has woken away from shock and began to desperately beat back from the rapidly joined enemy by Bagrami, boards and other suitable objects that came up.
At the peak of this unthinkable battle, the senior assistant captain rushed to the cabin, where the Tompson system was kept, and opened fire on the attacker. This led the pirates to confusion, but completely purify the deck from them only after powerful vessels and fire extinguishers with elevated foaming were allowed. The stunned attackers broken their heads rushed to their sailboat, and he immediately dropped aside, leaving on the battlefield of the murdered. The dead man examined carefully. It was a man who (any of the sailors could swear in the Bible) did not even assume that there is soap, a toothbrush and a razor device. Clothing on killed consisted of wide shower tied with a wide belt, and goat leather vest. In addition, it was a wide curve knife. Ulyam Tucker gave an indication to put the corpse into the ship freezer, and the clothes and the crazor of the dead locked in the personal safe. To transfer the body of the pirate to the refrigerator the sailors could not, it was prevented by the newly flourishing the unusual strength of the squall, which lasted about half an hour. When from the verse, the cargo radio station was connected with the port of departure and bomb to report the happening. He quickly managed to do this, but what was the surprise of captain and teams when they heard: "So you found? Are you alive?" "We followed our course, did not go anywhere, did not drifted on the spot and five minutes. For all we were a huge shock ... The date on the coastal calendars is the end of October."

It is not important to note that the cargo transported by "Mylena" - Ceylon tea - lost as exactly as if he was on the way all this time. The Pirate's corpse disappeared without a trace, but his things remained intate and unharmed. A thorough study showed that the clothes and knife of the killed were made in the XVI-XVII centuries, and the traces on the fiscalitor of the vessel were left by the objects of metallic origin, which was paid on the technology applied about one and a half years ago.
So what happened to "Milena"? Based on the received data, individual specialists expressed a hypothesis that the vessel fell into a different temporary measurement. If this is true, then it becomes clear, much inexplicable at first glance, and the disappearance of the body of the murdered, including. This is what the scientist Charles Moire says about this: "The corpse, hitting our time, could pass the usual chemical processes in the conditions of tropics. After all, he actually remained in the same space of at least three centuries. Cause of the ship's delay W. Tucker? Obviously, the entrance to the "time curve" and exit from it, occupying, from the point of view of participants in the events, a few minutes, lasted in fact months. Things. So they and in museums are much worried about their former owners. "

The incident with the Milena vessel, as it turned out, is not unique. In early 1996, a message was placed in Indian newspapers about the appearance of the ship's star in the Indian Ocean, without a trace that disappeared here about three years ago. In 1992, October 16, a large ship "starfish", belonging to the Indian fleet, came out of the port of Bombay to Malaysia. On board were 39 crew members and 10 tourists. The journey passed without incident, but on the fifth day the way was played by a storm. Radiocoupling with the "sea star" was interrupted, but before it happened, the SOS signal was served on the air from its board. Immediately came to the aid of the court did not find a disaster, the "starfish" disappeared from their radar installations. After the storm verse, five boats of coast guard were sent to the search for a vessel, which for three days methodically cleaned the waters of the estimated tragedy, but it ended to no avail. No traces of disaster found. Since then, all official documents were: the "starfish" died, no person who was on board was not saved. Three years later, October 16, 1995, in the same area, it is unknown from where, in front of the amazed fishermen from a small boat, a ship appeared. It posed on the air: "Everything is in order! SOS is canceled. Storm suddenly verse." Radines who accepted this message were discouraged - no storms and no disaster signals in this area were. Everything turned out after representatives of the coast guard rose on board an unknown vessel. They were the missing "starfish". Her crew and tourists were very excited and enjoyed salvation from a hurricane. Coast Guard employees told those who were on board the Sea Star on the disappearance of their ship three years ago. However, this message was perceived as a joke. "What are the three years? The disaster signal was broadcast two hours ago," the captain was amazed. Then, people, some miracle who had selected from the trap of time, became, worrying, telling military sailors about how more than two hours their ship resisted the hurricane, and then everything suddenly subsided. "Starfish" after that was transmitted to Bombay to investigate an incredible incident. The results in open printing have not yet appeared.

In 1993, the American Weekly "The News" reported on a transcendental event. The submarine located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shrouded secret of the Bermuda triangle suddenly disappeared ... And after a minute later, it was in the waters of the Indian Ocean for ten thousand miles from the place where there was. And that is not all. During this mysterious journey, only a few tens of seconds took, and the crew members of the submarines became over 20-30 years old! The secret report of the Pentagon about this extraordinary event was represented by a group of experts, and they came to a unanimous conclusion: there was movement in time. "The ship," the captain wrote in his report, - patrolled the coast of the southern part of Florida, where the transmission of the capsule with astronauts was assumed, - ... unexpectedly at a depth of 200 feet boat began to vibrate. Vibration lasted about a minute and then stopped. Satellite navigation system determined What we are already at another point - 300 miles from the east coast of Africa. For 60 seconds we have overcome 10 thousand miles. I immediately requested the command to approach the nearest port in Kuwait. We are all in surprise, found that much Patched. "

All participants in this incredible incident were interviewed by American military specialists and were directed by the aircraft to the Center for Space Medicine to Germany. Later, one of the doctors of this institution said to journalists: "All crew members continue to grow old. They had deep wrinkles, we have seen hair, weakened muscles, the vision and rumor decreased. These are typical signs of aging." Submariners are deeply worried about what happened, but for science, the journey that fell on their share is definitely extremely interesting. We are on the threshold of the opening of the secrets of space and time and, possibly, finding the key to understanding this phenomenon ... "
Just a fantastic case is associated with a bombarder of the Second World War. In 1988, he has come to life scandalously. Information about the aircraft is taken from the book "XX Century: Chronicle of the unexplained. Event for the event" (Moscow, 1997). The bomber who received the name "Lincoln" was written off immediately after the completion of battles. Subsequently, for several decades, no one was interested in. The car was placed as a museum exhibit in the Hangar of the Royal Air Base in Crosford. The surprise of aviators was not the limit when they found that the locked aircraft with the RF398 side number began to be suddenly like a ghost, show signs of life. The workers covered by fear reported that they heard the sound of the engine, the sounds of the ABC Morse, saw the glowing instrument panel in the cockpit and even distinguished the voices of the RF398 crew members. It was the impression that the sounds of 1945 were reproduced in 1988. English researcher Paranormal phenomena Spencel expressed a hypothesis: the sounds of 1945, as it were, "moved" in time. He stated: Some, very rich in the emotional plan, events could be fixed with the environment, like images filmed in the photo. And more years - self-reproducing. It is curious that some time after a shuttle plane, like his information about himself "moved" in time to reproduce ever in anyone not known.

Spencel, trying to find evidence to his assumption, put sensitive recording instruments into a bomber cabin. The doors of the aircraft and the hangars were locked. For seven hours on the film, terrible sounds of war in Britain were recorded. "When the film was listened, the impression was created that an old-plane was suddenly rose into the air," Spencel says. "The hum of motors, sounds of shots, the voices of the crew members were heard. But they could not disassemble what they were talking about. No less mysterious history is stored in the archive of the New York Police. In November 1952, in the evening, an unknown car shot down on Broadway. He died at the scene. The driver and witnesses swore, that the victim appeared on the street suddenly, as if fell from the sky. " The body was taken to the morgue. Guardians of the order noticed that the deceased was dressed in an old-cut costume. But the most awesome was that he had an identity card issued 80 years ago. Business cards were found in the pocket of the victim, with an indication of the profession - the community. One of the detectives checked the address indicated on the business card, and it turned out that this street was demolished for more than half a century ago ... the meticulous policemen checked in their old archive lists of the inhabitants of this area of \u200b\u200bthe end of the last century. There also discovered a mysterious community - both the surname, and the address coincided with the data of the business cards. All people with this name stayed in New York were surveyed. Found an elderly woman who reported that her father disappeared 70 years ago with rather strange circumstances - went for a walk along Broadway and did not return. She gave the chambers of the photo on which a young man, amazingly similar to a man who fell under the car, smiling, holding a girl on his hands. The picture was delivered by the date: April 1884 ...

In 1994, the Polish edition of "Scandale" reported another amazing case of human movement in time from the past to the present. The author of the notes "float out of the past?" A. Birch told the readers the following. "The Danish fishing vessel was located in the North Sea. The weather was calm, the visibility is good. And suddenly, the water was noticed that the water was buried nearby. I went down the boat and went to examine a strange place. Suddenly, a person appeared from under the water. In the boat, he took off his unusual headdress and cheerfully looked at the sailors. But, apparently, suspecting something wrong, it was driving something in English ... When the swimmer was taken to the mainland, he said that in the rescue team of the British Navy participates in Raise the sunken ship "Findhorn". At the same time, it was terribly surprised by everything that saw around himself, and assured that he descended at the bottom of September 5, 1929.

Crazy? Maybe, "Findhorn" really sank in the area in August 1929. Moreover, Ashley Rezlya Revurville (so introduced a diver) reported all the details of this forgotten story - right up to the names of the rescuers and the contents of the holders of the cruiser. He did not know only that an attempt to raise the ship was due to failure, and one of the rescuers - someone Ashley Rebranville! - disappeared without returning from the next dive. "
In 1997, the magazine "W. W. News" told the world about an incredible event. Like a flying phantom dusk zone, the DS-4 charter aircraft with 54 passengers on board has landed in Caracas (Venezuela) in 1992 ... 37 years after its disappearance in 1955, during the flight from New York to Miami! The plane was on the airfield only a few minutes, and then again soared into the clouds and disappeared! All this could be considered the fruit of the rich imagination of eyewitnesses, if the radio communication was not recorded on the film between the pilot and the control tower. This is an irrefutable evidence that this landing was actually actually. "The testimony of airport testing workers who have seen this incident coincide in their essence," Ramon Estovar said the Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation. But the decisive argument, according to Estovar, is the small calendar of 1955, which the pilot threw on the runway in a few seconds before the DS-4 takeoff. - I saw the plane ... I heard the voice of the pilot. I even kept the calendar, but still I can't believe it, "Juan de la Corte said, who perfectly saw everything that was happening from his post on the tower of flight control. "These people still thought that it was now 1955 and that they landed in Florida." But it is not. One God knows where they were all these years. De La Corte and other dispatchers realized that something supernatural was happening when the propeller plane suddenly began to approach the airport, which did not appear on the radar screens. "We saw a plane with our own eyes, but there were no signs on the radar," De La Corte said. - We asked the pilot to call themselves, and he radished us: "Where are we?" His voice was frightened and confused, but finally he said that he performed a charter flight of 914 from New York in Miami with a crew of four and with 57 passengers on board.
After these words, silence came to the control room. All were stunned. Flight destination 914 - Miami ... 1800 km from Caracas ...

- I answered the pilot: "This is Caracas, Venezuela ... South America." Then I asked: "Do you suffer a disaster?" There was no answer, and I cleared the corridor to plant a plane. Landing passed perfectly. Just when I started thinking that everything went well, I heard the pilot said to his second pilot: "Jesus Christ, Jimmy! What is it, damn it?" They looked at the jet plane and behaved as if it was a spacecraft. According to De La Corte, the pilot said that on a schedule he had to sit at Miami International Airport at 9.55 am on June 2, 1955.
"Then I heard him said:" Something is wrong here. " I radished the plane: "Captain, this is an international airport in Caracas. Today is May 21, 1992." He only exclaimed: "Oh God!" It was heard as he had heard heard. I tried to calm him, saying that the ground team was already sent to them. According to De La Cort, when the tanker and the ground team approached DC-4, the pilot shouted on the radio: "No! Don't come close! We fly away from here!"

Workers of the ground service testified that they saw the faces of passengers pressed against the portholes. And the pilot opened the window of his cabin and waved them to be cleaned. "He waved at some folder," De La Corte said. "Apparently, the calendarik, which we later found out of it. The pilot launched the engines, and the plane took off. Civil aviation leaders continue to carefully investigate this unique case.
Is everything outlined - just newspaper ducks? But if this is not the case and the phenomenon of movement in time exists, it must be seriously and comprehensively studying. So far, only the British royal metapsychiatric society is engaged in this issue, the truth has long been 150 years old. Its archives contained more than 200 detailed studied, confirmed by the testimony of numerous witnesses of cases of phenomenon, conventionally called "loop of time".

The past has already happened, and the future is not yet. The past recalls at every step: a marked face in the mirror, traces of shame in the kitchen, with a feeling of shame for aimlessly lived years. The future is mysterious and unpredictable. It hides behind a thick layer of expectations, forecasts, fears and hopes.

But imagine for a minute that you are a photon flying through the interstellar space of the constellation Andromeda towards the beta of Cassiopeia. You are flying for several billion years, and during this time nothing really happened to you. And it is unlikely to happen soon. You don't have a rummy face, as well as hope for the future, your flight flows at a constant speed in one direction, you have nothing to be afraid, to expect - too. What is the difference between the past from the future for you? In essence, nothing.

From the point of view of the theory of relativity, time does not exist independently of space, but forms a single four-dimensional system with it - space-time. The space is not moving from the past to the future - and time, and the space is just there.

For physics, the past and the future, in principle, are equivalent - as well as directions in space. Magnet, for example, anyway, in which direction it is turned, - it acts to the left and right equally; In the same way for physical strength (for example, gravity or electromagnetism) there is no difference, whether it acts towards the past or towards the future. This principle is called " T.-Symmetry. " You like a photon do not distinguate the flight Andromeda - Cassiopeia from the past to the future from the flight of Cassiopeia - Andromeda from the future to the past.

The future and the past appears when photons, other particles or anything becomes much. Because when something is much, there are not so much physical, how many statistical laws - the start of thermodynamics.

Second rule Sani.

When I studied in high school, we had a rather rich folklore in our class, with my wisdoms and values, in which the "second rule of Sani" was extremely popular: "If you turn something for a long time, it will fall off." The first rule of Sanya has nothing to do with the topic of relationships, there were obscenely explained the rules of cautious behavior "in someone else's area" (the case was in Kupchina). But it always went in addition to the second.

The second rule of Sani is the capacious, even the metaphorical formulation of the second start of thermodynamics. If something is twist for a long time - it will fall off. If something is shaking for a long time, it is mixed (these are already my essays based on). If something for a long time to do is anything - the mess and chaos becomes more. The garbage will be copied in the corners, the glasses are fighting, ice cream melts, and all that can spin, obeys the second rule of Sani. I do not know, by the way, under what circumstances, Sanya came up with him, it is possible that it is originally a mnemonic rule from the lesson of physics, but in general it could also have a purely practical observation on the results of the rejection of household items.

The more well-known household wording of the second start of thermodynamics: "The mess is always increasing." The mess, he is the entropy - what distinguishes an omelet from the egg, hotter from the cold, dead from the living, falling off from the screwdriver.

Why does the mess always wins the order? Probability theory. Books on the shelf in the right order - one-sole state of books. Books on the floor - thousands of possible combinations, and any of them is already a mess. Life exists in narrow and shaky borders of temperature, humidity and lighting, and tolens, chaos and emptiness occupy the entire universe. If you do not make an effort, everything ordered sooner or later becomes unordered: the mess is always likely.

What have the past and the future? When we say "the mess is always increasing," we mean "the disorder increases in the future." And the point is not that the future is magically attracts a mess, and his past pushes him. Just the mess increases in one of the directions of time, and this direction we, people, call "future".

Chemical processes that are daily necessary for the work of each cell of our organism are used by an increase in entropy as driving force. Raising chaos around itself - usually by heat isolating, the molecule can make a productive effort and run, for example, a neuron nervous pulse. Since the feeling that time goes somewhere is a product of chemical reactions in the head, it also obeys the laws of thermodynamics.

Human consciousness is a consequence of nervous cells in the brain. The work of neurons, in turn, is determined by chemical processes within them. Chemical processes are moving in parallel increasing entropy. Therefore, our consciousness is also directed "along" a routing increase: the future for us lies where entropy is more.

We perceive the logical that the world in which a broken glass follows after a whole cup. The second rule Sani is thus reformulated as follows: "The future is when what you twist are falling down."

Where are the clock hid?

Human perception of time is several different independent phenomena.

Firstly, the feeling that the past and the future have the direction, the so-called arrow of time. This is the thermodynamic vector, which is determined by the molecules of our body. Secondly, the assessment of the intervals: how much time, according to our sensations, passed from the moment A until the moment B. thirdly, the perception of the sequence and simultaneity: what happened for what happened and at what point. Finally, the feeling of "now" is a certain period of time as a single current moment.

Of all these aspects, only the boom boom can be considered more or less objective. She is laid in us at the physicochemical level. Everything else is the subjective sensations generated by the brain. Illusion, in other words.

The main complexity of measuring time with the brain is that the nerve cells work with millisecond speeds, and we perceive the intervals from seconds to years. For quick neurons to navigate in our "slow" time, they need a special cumulative and measuring system, internal clock counting how much time has passed.

There are two main versions. According to the first, the brain has some central clock, which everything obeys. On the other, each function of the brain focuses on time independently: the auditory departments have their own watches, at their own mothers. One thing is known: the feeling of time depends on the amount of information incoming to the brain and from attention on it directional.

When you are bored, the time stretches for hours, and when fun - flies quickly, but then in memory, on the contrary, it seems longer. The more information enters the brain and the stronger you concentrate on it, the less you notice the time.

But the memory is further stretched to accommodate everything that happened over the past period. For the same reason, under the influence of many psychotropic substances, it seems that the hour passes when five minutes actually passes: just in these five minutes you get a few times more impressions than usual, and when you call these impressions in memory, they Fill a whole hour of "ordinary" time.

With a sequence and simultaneity, too, not everything is unambiguous. Two sounds separated by an interval of 1 - 2 ms are recognized as successive, and two images with the same interval - as simultaneous. Rumor is the fastest of our senses. Perhaps this is due to the fact that our hearing apparatus is the most effective sense body for protection against a sudden attack: the smell is fundamentally working too slowly (the smell molecules need to physically fly to the nose), touch - when it is too late, and vision is a bad assistant in Night forest or if a predator hides well.

Interestingly, even though it is possible to distinguish the simultaneous consistent with 2 ms, on the perception of a particular order of events you need 10 times more time - about 20 ms. In this case, the differences in speed between the senses are no longer observed. Apparently, the creation of a "event list" is a more difficult operation than the simple registration of "non-modernity" of these events. The brain first collects information from all senses and only then analyzes it, claiming a specific sequence.

It is possible that this uses the same system as in the production of speech. When we say or perceive speech, the brain has to plan very quickly or decipher the complex sequences of sounds: the meaning of the word or suggestion may change from their permutation. In some patients simultaneously with violations of speech (in particular, during damage to the left hemisphere of the brain), problems with reproduction of sequences are observed - for example, it is harder to recall, in what order they showed five pictures.

Finally, the feeling of "now", or subjective present, also illusion. Our present is actually a short gap of the past. Psychologists are commonly called the interval from about 4 - 5 seconds ago to the current moment, if more precisely - from 4 - 5 seconds ago to 80 ms back. Our consciousness is significantly lagging behind what is happening around: to navigate in the present, the brain needs time. Therefore, when it seems to us that the event happened, in fact, from this moment, there was almost a tenth of a second.

The subjective present differs from the more distant past by the fact that we perceive it as a single block of sensations. After a few seconds, it turns into a set of individual images in memory. There are evidence that make it possible to conclude that there is a subjective present in hallucinating schizophrenic compared to "now" healthy people. Perhaps these patients have a "figurative" past, as it were for a "experienced" present, and as a result, a person sees and hears the results of his thinking.

The time seems to us unshakable and objective, but in fact unshakable only our confidence in our own feelings. From the point of view of physics, the future is the same as the past. From the point of view of the brain, the recent past is the present. From the point of view of most people, time is ahead, because it is so usual to speak. But the South American people of Aimar is the past, on the contrary, ahead, and the future is behind, and some Polynesians have a past in the East, and the future in the West. Like the rest of the world, time is the illusion given to us in sensations.

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