Big nest. History of Russia. Vsevolod Yurievich Big Nest

The nickname of this Grand Duke of Rus' is not accidental: despite the relatively short (only 58 years) life (1154-1212), this ruler of Rus' rightfully occupies a worthy place in the Russian Book of Records, not to mention the Guinness Book. He was married twice, but he left behind a rich demographic legacy - 12 (!) children. Today, such large families in our country are a huge rarity: a maximum of 1-2, or even 3 children. The population of today's Russia fluctuates around the mark of 147 million people. (taking into account the annexation of Crimea, where the population is about 2.5 million). Demography in Russia is a very slippery and complex issue. With such a territory as our country, this figure is catastrophically low! In the same Russian Empire, the population was about 185 million, and large families were a completely normal and natural phenomenon. The norm was to have from 5 to 10 children in a family. The USSR shortly before its collapse consisted of 290 million people, 160 (about 60%) of which were Russians. But you won’t get far on maternity capital: a fundamentally new approach is needed so that the size of YOUR population (and not imported) begins to grow by leaps and bounds. In China, for example, since the time of Qin Shi Huang, the following practice has been used: the more children you give birth to, the faster you will be exempted from paying taxes and come under the guardianship of the state. This system looked like this: 1 child - 20 years of taxes, 2 - 15, 3 - 10, 4 - 5, 5 or more - lifelong tax exemption. And I must say that this approach not only benefited China, but also played a cruel joke on it: the state was not able to feed such a hefty anthill, numbering almost 1.5 billion (!!!) people. As a result, this led to the fact that the Chinese began to disperse en masse in all directions, and the government of the country decided to reduce its population by adopting the "one child per family" program. During the Second World War, China's losses amounted to 40 million people - more than those of the USSR (27-30 million), and during the years of the Cultural Revolution, the number of victims increased even more - 60 million. Today, the results of the "one child in the family" program have led to the fact that 400 (!!!) million people are rapidly turning into pensioners, in connection with which the authorities of the Celestial Empire have already gone for some mitigation, allowing them to raise no more than 2 children.
So I'm thinking: will the Chinese experience really pull Russia out, or will there still be people who will solve the demographic problem without outside help?
Birth of Prince Vsevolod, son of Yuri Dolgoruky. Front Chronicle
Vsevolod Yurievich the Big Nest (baptized Dmitry, 1154 - April 15, 1212) - Grand Duke of Vladimir from 1176. The tenth son of Yuri Dolgoruky, the younger brother of Andrei Bogolyubsky. Under him, the Grand Duchy of Vladimir reached its highest power. He had a large offspring - 12 children (including 8 sons), so he received the nickname "Big Nest". For five weeks (from February to March 24, 1173) he reigned in Kyiv. In Russian historiography it is sometimes called Vsevolod III.

The reign of Vsevolod is the period of the highest rise of the Vladimir-Suzdal land. The reasons for the success of Vsevolod are reliance on new cities (Vladimir, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Dmitrov, Gorodets, Kostroma, Tver), where the boyars before him were relatively weak, as well as reliance on the nobility.

Princely strife after the death of Andrei Bogolyubsky
The riots that followed the murder of Andrey aroused in the best, most prosperous part of the population a desire to quickly end anarchy, i.e. to call upon the princes, without whom Ancient Rus' could not even imagine the existence of any social order, and especially any external security. Boyars and combatants from Rostov, Suzdal, Pereyaslavl gathered in Vladimir and, together with the Vladimir squad, began to report on which of the descendants of Yuri Dolgoruky should be called to reign. Many voices pointed to the need to hasten this matter, because the neighboring princes, Murom and Ryazan, perhaps, would take it into their heads to avenge the previous oppression from Suzdal and come with an army, taking advantage of the fact that there is no prince in Suzdal. This fear was justified; for at that time the stern, enterprising prince Gleb Rostislavich was sitting on the Ryazan table. There is even reason to believe that the aforementioned unrest in the Suzdal land and the very murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky did not take place without some participation of Gleb Ryazansky, with the help of his supporters and minions. At the Vladimir Congress we find his ambassadors, two Ryazan boyars, Dedilts and Boris.

In addition to the young son of Yuri Novgorodsky, after Andrey there were two of his younger brothers, Mikhail and Vsevolod, who were his brothers by father, and not by mother, being born from Dolgoruky's second wife. He also had two nephews, Mstislav and Yaropolk Rostislavich. Under the influence of the Ryazan ambassadors, the majority of the congress leaned over to the side of the nephews, who were the shuryas of Gleb Ryazansky; since he was married to their sister. The congress sent several men to the Ryazan prince with a request to add their ambassadors to them and send them all together for their shuryas. Both brothers and nephews of Andrei at that time lived with the Chernigov prince Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich. Obviously, not all Suzdalians wanted nephews; some still remembered the oath given by Dolgoruky to seat his younger sons on their table. In addition, the Chernigov prince patronized the Yurievichs more than the Rostislavichs. Therefore, things arranged in such a way that all four princes went to the Rostov-Suzdal land to reign in it together; seniority was recognized for Mikhalk Yurievich; on which they swore an oath before the Bishop of Chernigov. Mikhalko and one of the Rostislavichs, Yaropolk, went ahead. But when they reached Moscow, they were met here by a new embassy, ​​actually from the Rostovites, who announced Mikhalka to wait in Moscow, and Yaropolk was invited to go further. Obviously, the Rostovites did not like the Chernigov treaty on the joint reign of the Yurievichs with the Rostislavichs and on the seniority of Mikhalok. But the people of Vladimir accepted the latter and put him on their table.

Then a struggle or internecine strife began between uncles and nephews - a struggle, especially curious in terms of the different attitudes towards it of the Suzdal cities. The eldest of them, Rostov, of course, looked with displeasure at the preference that Andrei gave to the younger Vladimir before him. Now it seemed to be a convenient time for the Rostovites to regain their former paramount importance and humble Vladimir. Calling it their "suburb", the Rostovites demanded that he obey their decisions, following the example of other Russian lands: "For from the beginning, the Novgorodians, Smolnians, Kievans, Polochans and all the authorities, as if at a thought in the veche, converge, and on what the elders put, the suburbs will become." Irritated by the pride of the Vladimir people, the Rostovites said: "After all, these are our serfs and masons; let's burn Vladimir or put our posadnik in it again." In this struggle, another older city, Suzdal, stood on the side of Rostov; and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky discovered hesitation between opponents. Rostov and Suzdal gathered a large army, received more help from Murom and Ryazan, laid siege to Vladimir, and after a stubborn defense forced him to submit to his decision for a while. Mikhalko retired again to Chernigov; in Rostov sat the elder Rostislavich Mstislav, and in Vladimir the younger Yaropolk. These young, inexperienced princes completely submitted to the influence of the Rostov boyars, who hurried to enrich themselves at the expense of the people by all sorts of falsehoods and oppressions. In addition, Rostislav brought with him the South Russian combatants, who also received the positions of posadniks and tiuns and also began to oppress the people with sales (penalties) and virs. Yaropolk's advisers even seized the keys to the storerooms of the Assumption Cathedral, began to plunder its treasures, take away from him the villages and tributes approved for him by Andrei. Yaropolk allowed his ally and brother-in-law Gleb Ryazansky to take possession of some church treasures, such as books, vessels, and even the most miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

When in this way not only the political pride of the Vladimirites was offended, but also their religious feeling was touched, then they stepped in with even greater energy and again called the Yuryeviches from Chernigov. Mikhalko appeared with the Chernigov auxiliary squad and expelled the Rostislavichs from the Suzdal land. Grateful to Vladimir, he again approved the main princely table in him; and planted his brother Vsevolod in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. Rostov and Suzdal were again humiliated, not having received a special prince for themselves. Mikhalko lived for a long time in Southern Rus' and was distinguished there by feats of arms, especially against the Polovtsians. Having established himself in Vladimir, he immediately forced Gleb of Ryazan to turn back the main shrine of Vladimir, i.e. the icon of the Mother of God, and everything that was stolen by him from the Assumption Church.

But already in the next 1177, Mikhalko died, and the younger Yuryevich Vsevolod settled in Vladimir. The Rostov boyars tried again to challenge the primacy of Vladimir and again called on the Rostislavichs to reign. The same Gleb Ryazansky again acted as their zealous ally. He entered the Suzdal land with hired crowds of Polovtsy, burned Moscow, rushed straight through the forests to Vladimir and plundered Bogolyubov with his Nativity Church. Meanwhile, Vsevolod, having received help from the Novgorodians and Svyatoslav of Chernigov, went to the Ryazan land; but, having heard that Gleb was already ruining the environs of his capital, he hurried back and met the enemy on the banks of the Koloksha River, which flows into the Klyazma on the left. Gleb suffered a complete defeat here, was taken prisoner and soon died in custody. Both Rostislavichs were also captured by Vsevolod; but then, at the request of the Chernigov prince, they were released to relatives in Smolensk.

The reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest
With such a brilliant victory, Vsevolod III, nicknamed the Big Nest, began his reign, who again united the entire Rostov-Suzdal land in his hands.
Vsevolod spent his youth in different places, in the midst of various circumstances and changes in his destiny, which greatly contributed to the development of his practical, flexible mind and government abilities. By the way, while still a child, he, with his mother and brothers (expelled by Andrei from Suzdal), spent some time in Byzantium, from where he could take away many instructive impressions; then he lived for a long time in Southern Rus', where he was skilled in military affairs. By pacifying the seditious Rostovites by defeating a hostile neighbor, the Prince of Ryazan, and by the final rise of the Vladimirites, Vsevolod from the very beginning became their favorite; they attributed its successes to the special patronage of their shrine, the miraculous icon of the Virgin. The very behavior of Vsevolod at the beginning of his reign is tinged with some gentleness and good nature. After the victory at Koloksha, the Vladimir boyars and merchants almost rebelled because the prince left the captive Rostov, Suzdal and Ryazan residents free; to calm the excitement, he was forced to seat them in prisons. Something similar happened a few years later, during the siege of the Novgorod suburb of Torzhok: when the prince hesitated to attack, as if sparing the city, his squad began to grumble, saying: “We didn’t come to kiss them,” and the prince was forced to take the city on a shield. From the same data of historians, we have every right to conclude that some prominent features in the activities of the famous North Russian prince, in addition to his personal character, were determined by the environment, the nature of the North Russian population.

Obviously, the unfortunate end that befell Andrei's attempt to introduce complete autocracy, according to a natural historical law, led the so-called. a reaction in favor of those whom he tried to completely subjugate to his will, that is, in favor of the boyars and the squad. During the internecine strife that occurred after his death, the Rostov and Suzdal boyars were defeated and humiliated, but only in order to join their winners, the boyars and Vladimir warriors, and have common interests with them. As in other regions of Rus', the northeastern cities during these troubles show devotion to their princely family (the offspring of Dolgoruky) and do not call princes from any other branch. But they also do not put them on their table unconditionally, but only according to a certain row, or agreement. So, in connection with the aforementioned oppression of the people from the alien warriors of Yaropolk Rostislavich, the Vladimirians began to create vechas at which they said in the following sense: "We of our own free will accepted the prince and established ourselves with him by kissing the cross; and these (South Russians) are not at all befitting to sit with us and rob someone else's volost. Trade, brothers!" In the same way, not without a row, the Vladimirians planted Mikhalok, and then Vsevolod. This series, of course, consisted in confirming the old customs, which ensured the advantages of the military class or boyars and squads, as well as some rights of the zemstvo people in relation to the court and administration. Consequently, in North-Eastern Rus', we still see the same customs and attitudes of the squad towards their princes, as in South, the same city councils. However, all the northern princes, up to and including Vsevolod, spent part of their lives in South Rus', had possessions there and brought with them to the north many South Russians, including Kyivans. Northern Rus' was still nourished by Kievan customs and traditions, so to speak, by Kievan citizenship.

At the same time, however, those distinguishing features that subsequently developed and gave North-Eastern Rus' a different shade in comparison with Kievan Rus begin to come out. The boyars and the retinue in the north take on a more zemstvo tone than in the south, more sedentary and landowning; they stand closer to other estates and do not represent such a predominance in military strength as in the south. Like Novgorod, the Suzdal militia is primarily a zemstvo army, with boyars and a retinue at the head. The North-Eastern squad less separates its benefits from the interests of the land; it unites more with the rest of the population and more assists the princes in their political and economic concerns. In a word, in North-Eastern Rus' we see the beginnings of more state relations. Some features of the Suzdal boyars seemed to recall the ambitious aspirations of the contemporary Galician boyars. But in the north it could not find the same favorable ground for its claims. The population here was distinguished by a less impressionable and mobile, more reasonable character; in the neighborhood there were no Ugrians and Poles, ties with which nourished and supported internal seditions. On the contrary, as soon as the Suzdal land calmed down under the firm, intelligent rule of Vsevolod III, the northern boyars became his zealous assistant. Being more cold-blooded and more cautious than his older brother, Vsevolod not only did not enter into an open struggle with the boyars, but caressed him, observed the old customs and relations in appearance, and used his advice in zemstvo affairs. In the person of Vsevolod III, in general, we see a prince who presented a wonderful example of a northern, or Great Russian, character, active, prudent, thrifty, capable of steadily pursuing his goal, of a cruel or gentle course of action, depending on the circumstances, in a word, those very features on which the state building of great Russia was built.

Vsevolod's struggle with neighboring principalities
When the troubles caused by the murder of Andrei ended, and Vsevolod restored autocracy in the Rostov-Suzdal principality, then it turned out to be possible to restore its predominance over the neighboring Russian regions, Novgorod, on the one hand, and Muromo-Ryazan, on the other. The desire for this predominance was not only a personal matter of the Prince of Vladimir, but also of his boyars, squads and people, who were aware of their superiority in strength and had already become accustomed to such predominance under Yuri Dolgoruky and Andrei Bogolyubsky. In the review of Novgorod history, we saw how Vsevolod succeeded in re-establishing Suzdal influence in Veliky Novgorod and giving him princes from his own hands. He achieved even more decisive predominance in the Ryazan region. This area after Gleb, who died in captivity in Vladimir, was divided by his sons, who recognized themselves as dependent on Vsevolod and sometimes turned to him to resolve their disputes. But here the Suzdal influence clashed with the influence of Chernigov, since the Ryazan princes were the younger branch of the Chernigov ones. Vsevolod had to quarrel with his benefactor Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, who considered himself the head of not only the Chernigov-Seversky princes, but also Ryazan, intervened in their feuds, and also supported Novgorod the Great in his struggle with Suzdal and planted his son there. It came to an open rupture.

The Chernigov prince, together with the Seversk squads and hired Polovtsy, undertook a campaign in the Suzdal land. Near the mouth of the Tvertsa, they were joined by the Novgorodians, who were brought by his son (Vladimir). Having devastated the banks of the Volga, Svyatoslav, not reaching Pereyaslavl-Zalessky forty miles, met Vsevolod III, who, in addition to the Suzdal regiments, had with him auxiliary squads from Ryazan and Murom. Despite the impatience of those around him, cautious and prudent as a true northern prince, Vsevolod did not want to risk a decisive battle with the southern Russian regiments, known for their military prowess; and began to expect the enemy beyond the Vlena River (the left tributary of the Dubna, which flows into the Volga). He pitched his camp on its steep banks, in a country cut by ravines and hills. For two weeks both troops stood, looking at each other from the opposite bank. Vsevolod ordered the Ryazan princes to make an unexpected night attack. The Ryazans broke into the camp of Svyatoslav and caused confusion there. But when Vsevolod Trubchevsky ("buoy-tour" of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign") arrived in time to help the Chernigovites, the people of Ryazan fled, having lost many killed and captured. In vain Svyatoslav sent to Vsevolod with a proposal to resolve the matter by the Court of God and asked for this to retreat from the coast so that he could cross. Vsevolod detained the ambassadors and did not answer. Meanwhile, spring was approaching: fearing the flood of waters, Svyatoslav abandoned the convoy and hurried to leave (1181). The following year, the rivals restored their old friendship and became related by the marriage of one of Svyatoslav's sons to Vsevolod's sister-in-law, Princess Yasskaya. And soon after (in 1183), when Vsevolod planned a campaign against the Kama Bolgars and asked Svyatoslav for help, he sent him a detachment with his son Vladimir.

Vsevolod's campaign against the Kama Bulgarians
This last war arose as a result of robberies to which the Bulgarian ships on the Oka and Volga were subjected from the Ryazan and Murom freemen. Not having received satisfaction for insults, the Bulgarians armed the ship's army, in turn devastated the environs of Murom and reached Ryazan itself. The campaign of Vsevolod III therefore had the value of the general defense of Russian lands from foreigners. In addition to the Suzdal, Ryazan and Murom regiments, Chernigov and Smolny residents took part in it. Up to eight princes gathered in Vladimir-on-Klyazma. The Grand Duke feasted merrily with his guests for several days, and then on May 20 went on a campaign with them. Suzdal Klyazma descended into the Oka and then joined with the allied regiments. The cavalry went across the field past the Mordovian villages, and the ship's army sailed along the Volga. Having reached one Volga island, called Isady, the princes stopped the ships here under the cover of a predominantly Belozersky squad with the governor Foma Laskovich; and with the rest of the army and with the cavalry they entered the land of the Silver Bolgars. The Grand Duke made peace with the neighboring Mordovian tribes, and they willingly sold food supplies to the Russian army. On the way, the Russians were suddenly joined by a Polovtsian detachment, which was brought by one of the Bulgarian princes against their fellow tribesmen. Obviously, in Kama Bulgaria there were the same civil strife as in Rus', and the Bulgarian rulers also brought steppe barbarians to their land. The Russian army approached the "Great City", that is, the main capital. The young princes galloped up to the very gates and fought with the enemy infantry that had strengthened around them. Vsevolod's nephew Izyaslav Glebovich was especially distinguished by his courage; but an enemy arrow pierced him through the armor under the heart, so that he was carried dead to the Russian camp. The mortal wound of his beloved nephew greatly saddened Vsevolod; he stood ten days under the city; and without taking it, he went back. Meanwhile, the Belozersk, who remained at the courts, were attacked by roundabout Bulgarians, who sailed along the Volga from the cities of Sobekul and Chelmat; Bulgarians, called Temtuzes, and cavalry from Torchesk also joined them; the number of attackers reached 5000. The enemies were defeated. They were in a hurry to leave on their trains; but the Russian boats pursued them and drowned more than 1000 people. The Russian infantry returned home in the same order; on the courts; and the cavalry also went through the lands of Mordva, with which this time it was not without hostile clashes.

The body of Izyaslav Glebovich, who died dearly, was brought to Vladimir and buried in the golden-domed church of the Virgin. His brother, Vladimir Glebovich, as we have seen, reigned in Southern Pereyaslavl and distinguished himself by his heroism during the invasion of Konchak of Polovtsy. If not about these Glebovichi, then about the Ryazan ones, “The Tale of Igor's Campaign” recalls when it refers to the power of the Suzdal prince: “Grand Duke Vsevolod! You can scatter the oars on the Volga, and pour out the helmets on the Don. Even if you were (here), then there would be a chaga (captive) in the legs, and koshchei in cuts. You can, on dry land, shoot live shereshirs (throwing weapons), the daring sons of Glebov. That such an appeal was not just rhetoric and that Vsevolod took to heart the insults of the Russian land from the barbarians, this is shown by his big campaign against the Polovtsians, undertaken in the spring of 1199 with the Suzdal and Ryazan regiments. He reached the Polovtsian winter quarters on the banks of the Don and ruined them; The Polovtsy did not dare to fight him; with their wagons and herds they went to the very sea.

Domestic policy of Vsevolod the Big Nest
The restless Ryazan princes, with their strife and indignation, brought a lot of trouble to Vsevolod. He several times undertook campaigns in their land and completely subjugated it. The princes of the neighboring Smolensk region also revered his seniority. As for Southern Rus', even during the life of the energetic Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, the influence of the Suzdal prince was restored there. The latter could more conveniently intervene in the affairs of the Dnieper region, since he himself had a hereditary volost Pereyaslavskaya in it, which he held first with his nephews, and then with his own sons. We have seen that after the death of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, his successors occupied the Kiev throne only with the consent of Vsevolod III. He achieved such predominance not by sending troops there, like Andrei Bogolyubsky, but by the only skillful policy, albeit combined with some deceit. It is known how he deftly quarreled Rurik of Kyiv with Roman Volynsky and prevented the close alliance of these strongest rulers of Southwestern Rus', which could rebuff the claims of Northeastern Rus'.

With the help of a clever and cautious policy, Vsevolod gradually established order and tranquility in his land, established his power and was successful in almost all important enterprises. It is also imperceptible that he diligently followed the autocratic aspirations of Bogolyubsky. Taught by his fate, he, on the contrary, is the keeper of the old warrior customs and honors the great boyars. The annals do not mention any displeasure on their part; although in praise of Vsevolod they add that he did impartial judgment to the people and did not pander to strong people who offended the lesser ones. Of the great boyars of Vsevolod, who distinguished themselves as governors, the chronicle names Foma Laskovich and the old Dorozhay, who also served Yuri Dolgoruky: they were governors in the Bulgarian campaign of 1183. The following are mentioned: Yakov, the "sister" of the Grand Duke (nephew from his sister), who accompanied Verkhuslav Vsevolodovna, the bride of Rostislav Rurikovich, to South Rus' with the boyars and boyars; tiun Gyurya, who was sent to restore the Oster Gorodok; Kuzma Ratshich, the "sword" of the Grand Duke, who in 1210 went with the army to the Ryazan land, and others.

The actions of Vsevolod on the issue of the appointment of Rostov bishops are curious. Like Bogolyubsky, he tried to choose them himself, and exclusively from the Russian people, and not from the Greeks, by which, undoubtedly, he fulfilled the people's desire. One day, the Metropolitan of Kiev Niknfor appointed Nikola Grechin to the Rostov cathedra, whom, according to the chronicle, he put "on a bribe", that is, he took money from him. But the prince and "people" did not accept him and sent him back (about 1184). Vsevolod sent an ambassador to Kiev to Svyatoslav and the Metropolitan with a request to appoint Luka, hegumen at the Savior on Berestovo, to the Rostov bishopric, a man of humble spirit and meek, therefore, one who could not enter into any dispute with princely power. The Metropolitan resisted, but Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich supported the request, and Luka was sent to Rostov, and Nikola Grechin to Polotsk. When the humble Luke died four years later, the Grand Duke chose his own confessor John as his successor, whom he sent to be ordained to the Metropolitan of Kyiv. John, apparently, was also a quiet bishop, obedient to the Grand Duke and, in addition, his active assistant in church building.

Buildings of Vsevolod
Quite frequent wars and campaigns did not prevent Vsevolod from diligently engaging in economic, construction, judicial, family, etc. affairs. In peacetime, he did not live in his capital Vladimir, but conscientiously fulfilled the ancient custom of polyudya, i.e. he himself traveled to the regions, collected tribute, judged criminals, sorted out lawsuits. From the annals, we learn that various events find him in Suzdal, then in Rostov, then in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, in the polyudye. At the same time, he oversaw the health of the fortifications, built citadels or corrected dilapidated city walls. Deserted cities were restored (for example, Gorodok Ostersky). Fire in particular provided food for building activities. So in 1185, on April 18, a terrible fire devastated Vladimir-on-Klyazma; Almost the entire city burned down. The prince's court and up to 32 churches fell victim to the fire; including the cathedral Cathedral of the Assumption, created by Andrei Bogolyubsky. At the same time, his jewelry, expensive vessels, silver chandeliers, icons in gold frames with pearls, liturgical books, expensive princely clothes and various “patterns”, or fabrics embroidered with gold (oxamites), which were hung in the church during major holidays, perished. Many of these treasures were kept in the church chamber, or pantry, in the choirs; confused ministers threw them out of the tower into the churchyard, where they also became prey to the flames.

The Grand Duke immediately began to destroy the traces of the fire; by the way, he rebuilt the citadel, the prince's tower, and renovated the golden-domed temple of the Assumption; moreover, he expanded it by adding new walls on three sides; and around the middle dome he erected four smaller ones, which he also gilded. When the renovation was completed, in 1189 the cathedral church was again and solemnly consecrated by Bishop Lukoy. Three or four years later, almost half of Vladimir again became a prey to the flames: up to 14 churches burned down; but the prince's court and the cathedral church survived this time. In 1199, on July 25, we read the news of the third great fire in Vladimir: it began during the liturgy and lasted until vespers; moreover, almost half of the city and up to 16 churches burned down again. Renovating old churches, Vsevolod decorated his capital city with new ones; among other things, he erected the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, in which he built a monastery, and also the Church of the Assumption, in which his wife Mary founded a convent. But the most famous building of the Grand Duke is the court temple in honor of his saint, Demetrius of Thessalonica; since the Christian name of Vsevolod III was Demetrius. This temple to this day represents the most elegant monument of ancient Russian art.

Bishop John, his former confessor, helped Vsevolod a lot in his building work. By the way, they renovated the cathedral church of the Theotokos in the city of Suzdal, which had fallen into disrepair from time and neglect. Its tops were again covered with tin, and the walls were again plastered. Curious about this is the following news from the chronicler: this time the bishop did not address the German masters; but he found his own, of which some poured tin, others winged, others prepared lime and whitewashed the walls. Consequently, the construction activities of Yuri, Andrei and Vsevolod did not remain without influence on the education of purely Russian master technicians; Vsevolod III is a model of the northern family prince. God blessed him with numerous offspring; as indicated by the very name of his Big Nest. We know the names of eight of his sons and several of his daughters. His attachment to old family customs is indicated, among other things, by the news of the chronicle about the tonsure of the prince's sons. This ancient all-Slavic rite consisted in cutting off the hair of a three- or four-year-old prince and putting him on a horse for the first time; and arranged a feast. In Christian times, of course, prayers and the blessing of the church were added to such a rite. Vsevolod celebrated the tonsure with special solemnity and set merry feasts. With even greater feasts and generous gifts, he accompanied the marriage of his son and the marriage of his daughter. We saw how he passed off his beloved daughter Verkhuslav-Anastasia for Ryurikov's son Rostislav.

Family of Vsevolod the Big Nest
Vsevolod was married to a Yassian, or Alanian, princess. Among the Russian princes of that time we meet more than one example of a marriage union with individual Caucasian rulers, partly Christian, partly semi-pagan. It may very well be that the beauty of the Circassian women, different from Russian women, captivated our princes. However, by all indications, in the XII century, ancient relations with the Caucasian peoples, established during the time of Russian rule on the shores of the Azov and Black Seas, still continued, i.e. in the Tmutarakan land. People from the Caucasus often entered the Russian service and were even among the close princely servants, such as, for example, the famous Anbal, the housekeeper of Andrei Bogolyubsky. The wife of Vsevolod Maria, although she grew up in a semi-pagan country, like many Russian princesses, was distinguished by her special piety, zeal for the church and charity. A monument to her piety is the aforementioned Dormition Convent in Vladimir, which she built. For the last seven or eight years of her life, the Grand Duchess was dejected by some kind of serious illness. In 1206, she took the vows in her Assumption monastery, where a few days later she died and was solemnly buried, mourned by the Grand Duke, children, clergy and people. Maria, apparently, arrived in Russia not alone, but with her whole family, or later summoned her loved ones to her, perhaps after some unfortunate upheaval for her family in her homeland. At least the chronicle mentions two of her sisters: one of. Vsevolod gave them to the son of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich of Kyiv, and the other to Yaroslav Vladimirovich, whom he kept on the table of Veliky Novgorod as a brother-in-law and assistant. Yaroslav's wife also died in Vladimir, even before the Grand Duchess, and was buried in her own Dormition Convent. In general, more than one orphaned or persecuted relative found shelter and affection with this hospitable Vladimir couple. So, under her wing, the sister of the Grand Duke, the unloved wife of Osmomysl of Galitsky, Olga Yuryevna, spent the rest of her life in the black houses Euphrosyne (she died in 1183 and was buried in the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral), and the widow of brother Mikhalk Yuryevich, Fevronia, who survived her husband twenty-five years (buried in the Suzdal Cathedral). Loving a full family life, the Grand Duke, after the death of his first wife, obviously missed his widowhood, and, being almost a sixty-year-old old man, already having many grandchildren, he entered into a second marriage with the daughter of the Vitebsk prince Vasilko, in 1209. A child-loving family man, Vsevolod III was not always a benevolent prince in relation to his nephews and, like Andrei, did not give them inheritances in the Suzdal region, including Bogolyubsky's son Yuri. However, the latter, perhaps, by his behavior armed his uncle against himself. Russian chronicles do not tell us anything about the fate of Yuri Andreevich. Only from foreign sources do we learn that, persecuted by his uncle, he retired to one of the Polovtsian khans. Then an embassy from Georgia came to him with a marriage proposal. At that time, the famous Tamara sat on the throne of Georgia, after her father George III. When the Georgian clergy and nobles were looking for a worthy groom for her, then one noble man, named Abulasan, pointed out to them the name of Yuri, as a young man who, by his origin, handsome appearance, intelligence and courage, was quite worthy of Tamara's hand. The nobles approved this choice and sent one merchant as an ambassador to Yuri. This latter arrived in Georgia, married Tamara and at first marked himself with feats of arms in wars with hostile neighbors. But then he changed his behavior, indulged in wine and every revelry; so that Tamara, after vain admonitions, divorced him and sent him into the Greek dominions. He returned to Georgia and tried to make a rebellion against the Queen; but was defeated and expelled again. His further fate is unknown.

Denying inheritances to his nephews, Vsevolod, however, in relation to his sons did not show any concern for the subsequent successes of autocracy. According to the custom of the old Russian princes, he divided his lands between them and even revealed a lack of state foresight, in which, undoubtedly, he was inferior to his brother Andrei. Vsevolod had six sons alive: Konstantin, Yuri, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Vladimir, Ivan. He planted the elder Konstantin in Rostov, where this clever prince acquired popular favor. He was especially brought closer to the Rostovites by a terrible fire, which in 1211 destroyed most of their city, including 15 churches. Constantine at that time was feasting in Vladimir at the wedding of his brother Yuri with the daughter of the Kyiv prince Vsevolod Chermny. Hearing about the misfortune of the Rostovites, Konstantin hurried to his lot and put a lot of care into relieving the victims. In the following year, 1212, the Grand Duke, sensing the approach of death, sent again for Konstantin, to whom he appointed the senior Vladimir table, and Rostov ordered to pass it on to his second son Yuri. But here Konstantin, who had hitherto been distinguished by modesty and obedience, suddenly showed a decisive disobedience to his father: he did not go to the double conscription and demanded for himself both cities, Rostov and Vladimir. In all likelihood, in this case, the claims of the Rostovites to seniority were renewed, and the suggestions of the Rostov boyars were in effect. On the other hand, Constantine, perhaps, understood that in order to eliminate such a dispute between the two cities and in the form of strong government power, the Grand Duke must have both of these cities in his hands. Vsevolod was greatly upset by such disobedience and punished Konstantin by depriving him of seniority, and gave the Great Table of Vladimir to his second son Yuri. But, realizing the fragility of such an innovation, he wished to strengthen it with a common oath of the best people of his land; consequently, he repeated almost the same thing that his brother-in-law Yaroslav Osmomysl Galitsky did 25 years ago. Vsevolod summoned the boyars in Vladimir from all his towns and volosts; He also gathered nobles, merchants and clergy with Bishop John at the head and forced this Zemsky Sobor to swear allegiance to Yuri as the Grand Duke, to whom he entrusted his other sons. Soon afterwards, on April 14, Vsevolod the Big Nest died, was mourned by his sons and the people, and solemnly buried in the golden-domed Assumption Cathedral.

Vsevolod the Big Nest and his descendants

The tenth son of Yuri Dolgoruky, Vsevolod (baptized Dmitry; 1154-1212), was nicknamed the Big Nest because he had eight sons and four daughters. A strange nickname - after all, his father had even more children, and no one called Yuri Dolgoruky the Big Nest. Sometimes he is called Vsevolod III.

In 1162, Vsevolod-Dmitry was expelled along with his brother and mother and left for Constantinople to the court of Emperor Manuel. Only three years later, the fifteen-year-old prince returned to Rus', participated in the campaign against Kyiv.

Andrei Bogolyubsky quarreled with the Smolensk Rostislavichs because of the news that their boyars had poisoned his brother Gleb, and ordered Roman to leave the grand prince's table, and Mikhail Yurievich to take Kiev. However, Mikhail Yuryevich did not go to Kyiv, but sent Vsevolod there together with his nephew Yaropolk Rostislavich. Smolensk Rostislavichi soon captured them both. They proclaimed Rurik Rostislavich Prince of Kyiv.

Vsevolod-Dmitry was captured, but Mikhail Yuryevich left to reign in Torchesk. Rurik besieged Torchesk for 6 days, and on the seventh the princes made peace. Mikhail Yuryevich recognized himself as a vassal of Rurik, for which, in addition to Torchesk, he received Pereyaslavl South. Soon he ransomed his brother Vsevolod from captivity.

In 1173, the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky invaded the Kyiv land, and Mikhail Yuryevich immediately went over to the side of his older brother.

After the death of Andrei Bogolyubsky, Mikhail Yuryevich went to North-Eastern Rus' and occupied Vladimir, but could not hold him and went to Pereyaslavl South. In 1175, together with his brother Vsevolod, he undertook a second campaign in North-Eastern Rus'. They managed to defeat their nephews, the Rostislavichs, and Mikhail Yuryevich became the great prince of Vladimir-Suzdal, and Rostov handed over to Vsevolod.

After his establishment in the Rostov land, Mikhail went to war against the Ryazan prince Gleb, in whose hands there were also many treasures looted in Vladimir and the Vladimir Church of the Holy Mother of God, even the image of the Mother of God brought by Andrei from Vyshgorod, and many books. Mikhail went with regiments to Ryazan, but on the road he met the ambassadors of Prince Gleb. Gleb undertook not to support the Rostislavichs and to return everything captured in Vladimir. At this, the princes reconciled, Mikhail returned to Vladimir, according to probable news, he executed Andrei's killers and then went to Gorodets on the Volga, fell ill there and died on June 20. He was buried in Vladimir in the Church of the Holy Virgin.

Vsevolod Yurievich ruled for a long time, almost half a century - from 1174 to 1212. Prior to that, he reigned in Kyiv for "whole" five weeks (from February to March 24, 1173).

After his death, Vsevolod the Big Nest barely managed to become the prince of the North-East: immediately after the death of Mikhail, the Rostov veche sent to Novgorod to the grandson of Yuri Dolgoruky, Mstislav Mstislavovich of Smolensk, Tripoli, Galich and the merchant prince. The Rostovites ordered me to tell him: “God took Mikhail on the Volga in Gorodets, and we want you, we don’t want another.” According to another chronicle version, it was said in almost the same way: "Come to the prince to us: we want you, we don't want another."

But Mstislav was late: when he came to the North-East, in Vladimir and Suzdal they were already kissing the cross of allegiance to Vsevolod. In the battle on the Gza River, Mstislav lost and went to Novgorod.

Since then, there has been a strong enmity between Vsevolod the Big Nest and his descendants with Mstislav (in baptism Fedor) Udatny (Lucky) and his descendants.

Mstislav-Fyodor Mstislavovich Udatny-Lucky (died in 1228), maternal grandfather of Alexander Nevsky and Lev Galitsky, his male descendants became leaders of the rest of Rus', except for the North-East.

Many historians believe that the reign of Vsevolod was the period of the highest rise of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. Vsevolod the Big Nest continued the policy of his father and especially his brother: he ruled in Vladimir, completely cracked down on the boyars of Rostov, who opposed the strengthening of princely power, relied on new cities where there was no veche and where the boyars were weak. Raised and supported the nobility.

Vsevolod was married twice: to the Yassian princess Maria Shvarnovna, the sister of the wife of Mstislav of Chernigov. And on Lyubava Vasilievna, daughter of Vasilko Bryachislavovich Polotsky, from the Vitebsk branch.

Two sons of Vsevolod died as children: Boris in 1188 and Gleb in 1189. Constantine also died young (1186-1218). He was the Grand Duke of Vladimir, Prince of Novgorod and Rostov. Vladimir (1192–1227) became the prince of Starodub.

Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich (1188–1238), Grand Duke of Vladimir, fell at the hands of the Mongols. His brothers, Yaroslav (1191–1246) and Svyatoslav (1192–1252), were also Grand Dukes of Vladimir. Ivan (1197–1247), the prince of Starodub, also survived before the Mongol invasion.

There were also four daughters.

Before his death, Vsevolod wanted to give Vladimir to his eldest son Konstantin, and put Yuri in Rostov. But Konstantin wanted to take both Vladimir and Rostov. Then Vsevolod “summoned all his boyars from cities and volosts and Bishop John, and abbots, and priests, and merchants, and nobles, and all people,” and in front of the representatives of the Russian Land transferred the principality to his youngest son, Yuri.

Here is another manifestation of autocracy: the prince voluntarily violated all existing customs. This caused new disagreements and civil strife.

In 1212, the sons of Vsevolod the Big Nest divided the Vladimir-Suzdal principality: already without any ladder. The principalities of Rostov (with Beloozero), Pereyaslavl, Yaroslavl, Suzdal were formed. Ladder law was no longer in effect, another civil strife immediately began. In addition to the strife between the descendants of Vsevolod, numerous impoverished princes of the North-East sought to subjugate all of Rus'. They wanted to dictate their will to Novgorod, blocking the supply of grain. They tried to seize Kyiv, but they could not stay on the throne, because they ruled without a veche, "autocratically."

In February 1216, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich captured Torzhok and blocked the supply of food to Novgorod. Mstislav Udatny opposed the Vsevolozhichs with his retinue and the Novgorodians, and also called the retinues of the Rostislavichs, who ruled in Kyiv, Smolensk and Pskov. The eldest son of Vsevolod the Big Nest, Konstantin, also joined this coalition. After all the civil strife, he fiercely hated the other brothers.

The second coalition united the rest of the sons of Vsevolod, the princes of the North-East. In fact, North-Eastern Rus' was at war with the rest of Russia.

In 1216, on the Lipitsa River, near Yuryev-Polsky, the coalition of North-Eastern Rus' was utterly defeated. Soon, Novgorodians and Smolensk besieged Vladimir and forced the head of the coalition, Yuri, to surrender completely. The throne of Vladimir was occupied by an ally of Mstislav, the elder Vsevolodovich - Konstantin. He died in 1218, and immediately civil strife began again. This continued until the Mongol invasion.

From the book History of the Russian State in verse author Kukovyakin Yury Alekseevich

CHAPTER XII Vsevolod III "The Big Nest" The people of Vladimir had not yet dried up all their tears, As they took the oath before the Golden Gates. Already a new Prince for everyone, who did not violate dreams. They Vsevolod III-it was then introduced to the throne. He was a kind of "Monomakh" and the brother of Michael, Fulfilled by the will of George -

From the book A complete course of Russian history: in one book [in a modern presentation] author Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich

Vsevolod the Big Nest (1176-1212) and Vsevolodichi Vsevolod ruled his Suzdal principality until 1212, at the same time he managed to sit in Kiev, although he was not present there as a prince, preferring to keep his governor in the southern capital. Chosen by him in


From the book From Kyiv to Moscow: the history of princely Rus' author Shambarov Valery Evgenievich

35. Vsevolod the Big Nest and the gluing of fragments Andrei Bogolyubsky and Vsevolod III collected, created, tied. But in Rus', completely different moods have already prevailed - to divide, destroy, pull apart. Unity could only be maintained by force. Even crushed

From the book From Kyiv to Moscow: the history of princely Rus' author Shambarov Valery Evgenievich

36. Vsevolod the Big Nest and the fall of Constantinople In Christian Europe in the 12th century. still remained a powerful epicenter of paganism. It stretches over a vast area along the southern and eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. It was the most ancient Rus' - the principalities of obodrites, Russ,

From the book From Kyiv to Moscow: the history of princely Rus' author Shambarov Valery Evgenievich

37. Vsevolod the Big Nest and the offensive of the Catholics In medieval Europe, not a single people realized that they were united. In France, the inhabitants of Normandy, Brittany, Provence, Ile-de-France were subject to different monarchs. In Germany, the Bavarians and the Franconians clashed in ruthless battles. IN

From the book of Rurik. historical portraits author Kurganov Valery Maksimovich

Vsevolod the Big Nest After the death of Andrei Yurievich Bogolyubsky, the place of the ruler of the most powerful Russian principality remained vacant. Who should take it? decided the veche of representatives of Rostov, Suzdal, Pereyaslavl, which met in Vladimir. Let us note that not

From the book Can a work of belles lettres be a historical source? author Gumilyov Lev Nikolaevich

Vsevolod the Big Nest and Prince Igor B. A. Rybakov asks: “How does L. N. Gumilyov know that in 1185 Vsevolod Yurievich was hostile to Svyatoslav of Kyiv and Igor Seversky? After all, one must know that after the battle on Vlen, the enemies reconciled, that “Vsevolod

From the book Russian history in faces author Fortunatov Vladimir Valentinovich

1.1.9. Vsevolod III and his "Big Nest" Yakhroma, in honor of which the city of Dmitrov was founded (1154). Together with his brother Mikhalko (Mikhail), Vsevolod received the cities of Rostov and Suzdal, but was expelled by his brother Andrei

author Shambarov Valery Evgenievich

34. Vsevolod III the Big Nest The Boyar rebellion was suppressed, the aggressive neighbor was broken... It seems that the Vladimir principality could live in peace and rejoice. It wasn't there! The saved Mstislav and Yaropolk Rostislavich did not differ in wisdom, and with a sense of gratitude they

From the book History of Princely Rus'. From Kyiv to Moscow author Shambarov Valery Evgenievich

35. Vsevolod the Big Nest and the gluing of fragments Andrei Bogolyubsky and Vsevolod III collected, created, tied. But in Rus', completely different moods have already prevailed - to divide, destroy, pull apart. Unity could only be maintained by force. Even crushed

From the book History of Princely Rus'. From Kyiv to Moscow author Shambarov Valery Evgenievich

36. Vsevolod the Big Nest and the collapse of Constantinople In Christian Europe in the 12th century. still remained a powerful epicenter of paganism. It stretches over a vast area along the southern and eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. It was the most ancient Rus' - the principalities of Obodrites, Russ,

From the book History of Princely Rus'. From Kyiv to Moscow author Shambarov Valery Evgenievich

37. Vsevolod the Big Nest and the offensive of the Catholics In medieval Europe, not a single people realized that they were united. In France, the inhabitants of Normandy, Brittany, Provence, Ile-de-France were subject to different monarchs. In Germany, the Bavarians and the Franconians clashed in ruthless battles.

author Muravyov Maxim

Vsevolod the Big Nest is Rurik Rostislavich Rurik Rostislavich dies in 1211, 1212 or 1215. Vsevolod the Big Nest dies in 1212 or 1213… Rurik died on April 19, and Vsevolod died on April 14. Near. Both were 37 years old in the great reign. One in Kyiv, the other

From the book Crazy Chronology author Muravyov Maxim

Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Chermny is Vsevolod the Big Nest Both died in 1212, although there are other options. About the birth of the Black is unknown. Both have a wife, Maria. The Black wife is called the Polish princess, and the wife of Gnezd, according to one version, was from Moravia, from the Czech Republic, that is

From the book Rus' and its autocrats author Anishkin Valery Georgievich

VSEVOLOD YURYEVICH THE BIG NEST (b. 1154 - d. 1212) Grand Duke of Vladimir (1176–1212), son of Yuri Dolgoruky. Nickname received for having many children (8 sons, 4 daughters). In 1162, together with his mother and brother, he was expelled by his brother Andrei Bogolyubsky and went to Constantinople to the emperor

Vsevolod the Big Nest - Grand Duke of Vladimir-Suzdal. He reigned from 1176 to 1212. He received his nickname for a large family, which included eight sons and four daughters. The strength of Vsevolod was such. that the chronicler said about him: "Maybe he can scatter the Volga with the oars of his squad, scoop out the Don with helmets." During the time of Vsevolod, the Vladimir-Suzdal land finally established itself both over Kiev and Novgorod.

VSEVOLOD BIG NEST, Grand Duke of Vladimir-Suzdal. (He reigned from 1176 to 1212) The younger son of Yuri Dolgoruky, the grandson of Vladimir Monomakh. When Vsevolod was eight years old, his brother Andrei Bogolyubsky, ruling in the Vladimir-Suzdal land, began to pursue a policy of strengthening autocratic power and expelled all his brothers from the principality. Andrei was the son of Yuri Dolgoruky from his wife, Polovtsy, Vsevolod was the son of the wife of the Greek queen. Together with his mother, little Vsevolod was forced to leave for Greece, where he was warmly received by the emperor. Returning to Rus', young Vsevolod participates, together with other princes, in the assault and sack of Kyiv, perpetrated by his brother Andrei. Speaking on the side of Andrei, Vsevolod, a little later, for five weeks, becomes the prince of Kyiv, but was overthrown. During the princely strife, he reigned in Ostersky, given to him by his brother Mikhail Gorodets, and lived in exile in Chernigov.

After the death of Andrei Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod takes part in the dispute for the throne of the Vladimir-Suzdal land and soon the twenty-three-year-old prince asserts his power. In the inter-princely dispute, the question was decided not only who would become the ruler in the volost, but also which city - the former capital Rostov or the new Vladimir - would become the capital. Vsevolod and the people of Vladimir who supported him won, so the line of Andrei Bogolyubsky was continued. At Vladimir's victory over Rostov there was also such a consequence as the weakening of the significance of the veche and the strengthening of the role of the prince as the sole ruler, since the veche traditions were stronger in the losing Rostov and weaker in Vladimir. Another undertaking by Vsevolod on the table of Prince Vladimir-Suzdal in line with Andrei's policy was the expulsion by Vsevolod of his nephews from the principality.

In 1180, Vsevolod learned that the Ryazan prince gravitated in his policy to the Kyiv prince, while he promised to be a junior comrade to the prince of Vladimir-Suzdal. Vsevolod expels the son-in-law of the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav from Ryazan and shackles his son. Svyatoslav of Kiev, having learned about this, goes on a campaign against Vladimir, offended by the fact that he used to patronize Vsevolod, gave him shelter in his cities and helped in the struggle for power in Vladimir. Two Russian troops converged at Pereyaslavl and prepared for battle. The southern squads were distinguished by their onslaught in an open field, so the cautious Vsevolod chose a defensive tactic - he chose a place fortified by nature, built additional field fortifications, where he deployed troops. Not daring to attack, the Kyiv squads stood for two weeks and turned back. Two years later, the princes made peace, Vladimir released his son Svyatoslav, who, in turn, recognized Ryazan as the Vladimir-Suzdal patrimony. In the future, in 1194, Svyatoslav of Kiev already asks permission from Vsevolod to punish Ryazan and, having received a refusal, cancels the campaign.

After the death of Svyatoslav, Vsevolod sent his boyars to Kyiv, who planted a prince loyal to the Vladimir-Suzdal land there to reign. However, the ensuing alliance of the Kyiv prince and the Galician princes worried Vsevolod, and he is trying to stir up strife within the new union. Vsevolod lays claim to part of the cities in the southern lands, which the Kiev prince has already given to the Galician. Fearing the displeasure of the mighty Vsevolod, the Kiev prince begged the city of Torchevsk back from the Galician prince, describing to him the seriousness of the situation. Torchevsk is handed over to Vsevolod, who immediately gives it to the son of the Kyiv prince. Feeling deceived, the Galician prince Roman starts a war with Kiev, which is what Vsevolod wanted. Supporting first Kyiv, then Galician Roman, Vsevolod eliminates a powerful competitor to the Vladimir-Suzdal land in the South. Under the actions of the prince of Galicia and Vladimir-Suzdal, Kyiv finally loses its significance as the first city of Rus'.

Vsevolod also subjugated Novgorod the Great, using military force. Twice in 1178 and 1187 Vsevolod went to Novgorod, burned the city of Torzhok, collecting a lot of booty and prisoners. Novgorod was forced to submit and take on the reign of the prince indicated by Vsevolod. In 1195, the Novgorodians again disobeyed and expelled the prince, but two years later they were forced to go to Vsevolod in Vladimir to put up and returned back with the old prince. From that moment on, Vsevolod began to dispose of Novgorod with sovereignty, as Monomakh had previously ordered. The power of Vsevolod is evidenced by the fact that he, by his own will, gave the city a new archbishop - an important rank of city self-government. Novgorodians were able to regain their former veche and boyar independence only a year before the death of Vsevolod, when the prince became infirm due to old age and illness.

In foreign policy, Vsevolod showed caution, but at the same time he made several successful military campaigns. Vsevolod defeated the Kama Bulgarians, apparently called for their passion for trade, also silver Bulgarians. Several Russian princes took part in Vsevolod's campaign against the Bulgarians, in particular, the Kiev prince sent his son. The allies traveled part of the way along the Volga on ships, part on foot. Not far from the Bulgarian Great City, Vsevolod met the enemy, who, as it turned out, turned out to be the Polovtsian horde, which also wanted to fight the Bulgarians and became under the command of Vsevolod.

The Polovtsy at that time were the "home" misfortune of Rus'. On the one hand, almost every year, the Polovtsian warriors ravaged the southern Russian cities, stealing prisoners, cattle and robbing property. The Russian allied armies also regularly made deep raids into the Polovtsian steppes, taking the Polovtsians prisoner, driving herds of horses and camels to Rus'. After successful raids, Russians and Polovtsians often exchanged prisoners, or ransomed them from each other. At the same time, the Russian princes took Polovtsian princesses as their wives, Andrei Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod's brother, for example, had pronounced steppe features. The Russian princes also used the Polovtsian detachments to settle internal Russian disputes over the right to sit in one city or another.

The black sun is a bad sign before the campaign of Prince Igor.

During the reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest in the Vladimir-Suzdal land, several extremely important all-Russian events took place. In 1185, the union of the South Russian princes dealt a crushing blow to the Polovtsy, who at that time were ruled by Khan Konchak. Konchak was known for his policy of extermination of the Russian population, destroying, first of all, small children during the storming of Russian cities. “There is no seed - there is no Rus',” said Konchak. The South Russian princes defeated Konchak, despite the fact that he was armed with self-shooting multi-shot bows that pulled fifty people each, as well as fire-shooting devices (either Greek fire or gunpowder). However, the Polovtsian prince himself managed to escape. After a few months Prince Igor Seversky, who did not participate in the previous campaign, decided to continue the fight against the Polovtsians and entered the steppe alone. The eclipse of the sun, when crossing the Donets, marked the failure of the campaign, but Prince Igor decided that his fate could not be avoided. Igor went far with his army, but the Polovtsians, seeing this, began to gather from all over the steppe. Having won the first victory, Prince Igor laughed at the people of Kiev, who fought near their cities and did not go far into the steppe. He thought of defeating the Polovtsians and entering lands not known to the Russians at all. However, pride and inexperience ruined the prince. The Polovtsians, united, surrounded the Russian army, and, without entering into clashes, shot him with bows for three days, also cutting him off from the water. On the fourth day, the Russian soldiers managed to make their way to the water, but the horses were already so weak that everyone had to dismount. Almost the entire army of Igor was exterminated, he himself was captured by Khan Konchak. Igor was kept with honors, he had a priest, servants, he could even entertain himself with hawk hunting. Yearning for his homeland, Igor fled, and after eleven days of racing across the steppe he arrived at the Russian border town. Igor's son married the daughter of Khan Konchak and was released two years later. The unsuccessful campaign of Prince Igor was described by the chronicler in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"- the greatest work of ancient Russian literature. This plot excited Russian people and Russian artists many centuries later - in the 19th century, the composer A. Borodin wrote the classical opera Prince Igor, which is still on stage.

Grand Duke Vsevolod the Big Nest tried, if possible, not to expose his territory to danger. The Polovtsy were both in the service of Vsevolod and were in fear - the prince periodically went to the steppe and burned the Polovtsian camps. The military power of Vsevolod was so great that the annals about him say that his squad could splash the Volga with oars, and scoop out the Don with helmets. The German emperor Barbarossa agreed to help the Galician prince only after learning that he was Vsevolod's own nephew.

Vsevolod was engaged in urban planning, fortification and decoration of cities. Under him, the city of Oster was built, new fortresses were erected around Vladimir, Suzdal and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. In Vladimir itself, Vsevolod built a beautiful Dmitrovsky Cathedral.

Knyaginin Monastery, Suzdal fortifications, Dmitrovsky Cathedral, built by Vsevolod and Maria

Vsevolod got his nickname Big Nest because of his numerous offspring. The prince's wife was the Ossetian princess Maria, who bore Vsevolod eight sons and four daughters. Mary was a pious and wise woman, brought up in a Christian spirit from childhood. Maria devoted a lot of time to helping the weak and the poor, she founded a monastery in Vladimir, which later received the name Knyaginin and stands to this day. In the last years of her life, Maria was very ill, but she showed unspeakable patience in suffering. Before her death, Mary took the veil as a nun, retired to the monastery she built, and died a few days later. She bequeathed to her children to live in peace among themselves, as strife is destroying the principality. Mary was compared in wisdom and piety with the great Byzantine queens and Princess Olga. After the death of Mary, the fifty-year-old Vsevolod was briefly married with a second marriage, in which he had three daughters.

From childhood, Prince Vsevolod strengthened his numerous offspring in the princely rank. At the age of four or five, the sons of Vsevolod underwent the ancient rite of the first cutting of their hair and mounting on a horse. Vsevolod invited all princes subject to him, high-ranking boyars, bishops, and ordinary citizens to these ceremonies. Vsevolod arranged luxurious feasts, at which he presented those present with gold, horses, clothes and furs. The children of Vsevolod later formed the dynasties of princes of Vladimir and Moscow, the grandson of Vsevolod Alexander Nevsky is one of the prominent statesmen in Rus' and is also canonized by the Church as a saint.

Reigns: 1176-1212

From the biography

  • Vsevolod the Big Nest is the youngest son of Yuri Dolgoruky, brother of Andrei Bogolyubsky.
  • He got his nickname because he had 12 children, 8 of them were sons.
  • He was a smart, far-sighted politician, a talented military leader.
  • Vsevolod the Big Nest was distinguished by religiosity, mercy to the poor and the destitute. He judged with a true and unfeigned judgment, which testifies to his justice.
  • He continued the policy of his brother and father to strengthen the principality and establish a feudal absolute monarchy.

Historical portrait of Vsevolod the Big Nest


1. Domestic policy

Activities results
Strengthening of princely power He dealt with the boyars - conspirators who opposed his brother and father. During his reign, the feudal monarchy was strengthened. The influence of the nobility increased.
The spread of the power of the Prince of Vladimir throughout the territory of Rus'. His reign is the rise of Rus'. The power of the prince extended to its entire territory. He was the de facto ruler of the country. He put his sons as governors in large cities. Kiev, Ryazan, Chernigov, Novgorod and many other cities were under the rule of Vsevolod. In his reign, the title appeared Grand Duke Vladimir.
He continued the further construction of cities, their strengthening. Many new cities were built. All cities are well strengthened, including the capital Vladimir. Under Vsevolod, stone construction was actively carried out, especially religious buildings (for example, the Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir).

2. Foreign policy

Activities results
Protection of the southeastern borders of Rus'. Establishment of trade relations with the Volga Bulgaria. 1183 - a successful campaign in the Volga Bulgaria, as a result of which the border of Bulgaria was moved beyond the Volga. Strong trade relations were established with her. 1184-1186 - successfully fought with the Mordovians.
Reflection of the Polovtsian raids. Successfully fought with the Polovtsy. 1199 - a joint campaign against the Polovtsy was organized, in which the Vladimir, Ryazan and Suzdal princes participated.
Expansion of the territory in the south. 1184, 1186 - successful campaigns against the Bulgarians, as a result of which the territory in the south of the country significantly expanded and profitable trade relations were established, new trade routes were opened.


  • The reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest is the period of the highest prosperity of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.
  • The princely Vladimir power was strengthened, extending to all of Rus'.
  • Viceroyalty became widespread. The prince put his sons to rule in large cities.
  • Active urban planning was carried out, many white-stone buildings appeared.
  • The prince had a large and strong army. It was about him that the ancient chronicler wrote in the Tale of Igor's Campaign that it « The Volga can be splashed with oars, and the Don can be scooped out with helmets.
  • A successful foreign policy was carried out - campaigns against the Bulgars and Polovtsians were carried out. The border of the Volga Bulgaria was moved beyond the Volga.

Thus, Vsevolod the Big Nest for 37 years of his reign strengthened the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, making it the strongest in Rus'. His authority and "seniority" were recognized by all the princes of Rus'. Under him, the process of centralization of power became irreversible. He was a talented ruler and military leader.

Chronology of the life and work of Vsevolod the Big Nest

1176-1212 Board in the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality of Vsevolod the Big Nest.
1182 The city of Tver was founded - the future rival of Moscow.
1183 A successful trip to the Volga Bulgaria, the border was moved beyond the Volga.
1184, 1186 Successful trips to the Bulgarians.
1184-1186 Successfully fought with the Mordovians.
1185-1189 The Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir was reconstructed.
1208 Kyiv, Chernigov were subordinated. Ryazan.
1188-1211 Subjugated Novgorod.
1183-1197 Dmitrovsky Cathedral was built in Vladimir (sculptural decoration was used for the first time).
1192-1195 The Nativity Cathedral was built in Vladimir.
1194-1195 The magnificent Vladimirskiy detinets-Kremlin was built.

Vsevolod Yuryevich the Big Nest (baptized Dmitry, 1154 - April 15, 1212) - the Grand Duke of Vladimir from 1176, for five weeks (from February to March 24, 1173) was the Grand Duke of Kiev. The tenth son of Yuri Dolgoruky, half-brother of Andrei Bogolyubsky, Byzantine by mother. He had a large offspring - 12 children (including 8 sons), so he received the nickname "Big Nest". In Russian historiography it is sometimes called Vsevolod III.

Rostov and Suzdal did not have sympathy for Andrei Bogolyubsky, because he did not honor the oldest cities of North-Eastern Rus', preferring the young city of Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Vladimir was populated mainly by ordinary people who lived in the construction trade.
“These are our serfs, masons,” the arrogant residents of Rostov and Suzdal spoke of Vladimirians. After Andrei's death, they gave the grand-ducal "table" not to his son Yuri, who then ruled in Novgorod, but to his nephews Yaropolk and Mstislav Rostislavich. The residents of Vladimir invited the younger brother of Andrei Bogolyubsky, Mikhail Yuryevich, to their place.

This immediately caused enmity between the old and new cities. Rostislavichi, having attached to their squads the regiments of Murom, Pereyaslav, Ryazan, laid siege to Vladimir. The people of Vladimir could not resist for a long time and, having survived the seven weeks of the siege, they asked Prince Michael to leave the city. So Yaropolk established himself on the Vladimir table, and Mstislav became the prince of Rostov and Suzdal.

The new princes behaved like conquerors in the northeastern capital. Yaropolk, for example, on the very first day of his stay in Vladimir, took possession of the keys to the sacristy of the Assumption Cathedral, took away from the cathedral the lands granted by Andrei Bogolyubsky, and in the end gave the main shrine of the city - the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God - to the Ryazan prince Gleb. The squad did not lag behind the prince in the matter of profit.

Insulted by the incessant robberies, the inhabitants of Vladimir again called for the reign of Mikhail Yurievich. His army managed to defeat the squad of the Rostislavichs, and Grand Duke Michael "with honor and glory" entered the capital city ..

The first thing he did, having entered the Vladimir throne, was to return to the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin all the property and privileges taken by Yaropolk. The miraculous icon was also returned to Vladimir. Thus, the prince won the sincere sympathy of the townspeople.

But the rejoicing of the Vladimirites did not last long: in 1176 Mikhail died. The inhabitants of the city unanimously swore allegiance to his brother Vsevolod Yurievich.

The fate of Vsevolod at first was unenviable. Exiled by his brother Andrei Bogolyubsky to Byzantium, he roamed with his mother and two brothers in a foreign land for several years, then returned to his homeland and reigned, according to some reports, in Gorodets.

Having taken the throne of Vladimir, Vsevolod Yurievich ruled for 36 years, all these years continuing the policy of his brother Andrei, expanding and strengthening the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. He also had to pacify his own subjects, because, unlike in Southern Rus', where the princely families were at enmity with each other (with the indifferent attitude of the urban population), in the northeast there was a struggle between the old cities of Rostov and Suzdal against the young ones: Vladimir, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yuryev-Polsky, Moscow and others.

Immediately after the reign of Vsevolod, the Rostovites called Mstislav Rostislavich to their side, proclaimed him a prince and demanded that Vladimir be subjugated. The cautious Vsevolod was ready to settle the matter amicably. But the negotiations reached an impasse, we had to fight. In the battle near Yuryev, the Vladimirians defeated the army of Mstislav. Thus, Rostov the Great was finally conquered.

Mstislav could not accept this and turned to Gleb, the Ryazan prince, for help. And again Vsevolod Yurievich defeated the recalcitrant relatives, capturing Mstislav himself, Gleb and his son Roman. The joy of victory did not cool the bitterness that had accumulated among the inhabitants of Vladimir against the captive princes. “Judgment without mercy to those who themselves did not know mercy,” they pronounced the verdict.

To reassure the townspeople, Vsevolod imprisoned the captives and forced the people of Ryazan to give him Mstislav's brother Yaropolk. But he did not want to shed the blood of the Ruriks. Moreover, Svyatoslav, the prince of Chernigov, and the bishop of Chernigov, and the Ryazan princess asked for the prisoners. For two years Vsevolod delayed the decision of the fate of the captured princes. During this time, the Ryazan prince Gleb died, and his son was allowed to go home on condition of complete obedience to the Grand Duke.

With the Rostislavichs - Yaropolk and Mstislav - it turned out differently. The residents of Vladimir, having learned that negotiations were underway for their release, approached the princely court with a demand to blind the hated destroyers of shrines. The prince had to fulfill the will of the rebellious inhabitants, after which the Rostislavichs were released to Smolensk. (According to other sources, the peace-loving Vsevolod only imitated blindness, because the former prisoners soon "saw the light", praying in the church of Saints Boris and Gleb.)

Thus, Vsevolod Yurievich managed to establish his power in the northeast and finally consolidate the supremacy of Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Vsevolod was the first to take the title of Grand Duke of Vladimir. At the end of the 12th century, he founded the cities of Tver and Khlynov (Vyatka) and forced the Ryazan princes to submit. In order to avoid internecine unrest, Vsevolod, following the example of Andrei Bogolyubsky, expelled his nephews from their volosts and became "autocracy" in North-Eastern Rus'.

Boris Chorikov. Grand Duke Vsevolod frees Roman from prison. 1177.

Without leaving the banks of the Klyazma, Vsevolod also ruled South Russia. There, after the death of Bogolyubsky, the enmity between the Monomakhoviches and the descendants of Oleg Gorislavich flared up with renewed vigor, complicated by strife within these dynasties. The Kiev "table" continued to be considered great, but not a single ruler felt confident on it without the favorable attitude of the prince of Vladimir. In 1194, the prince of Smolensk, Rurik Rostislavich, was placed on the "golden table" "from the hand" of Vsevolod, unconditionally recognizing the seniority of the prince of Vladimir.

Strengthened, Vsevolod imperiously treated the Lord Veliky Novgorod. By his own will, he planted and dismissed princes there, violated the Novgorod "old times", innocently executed the Novgorod "best people". In 1210, the Novgorodians did not recognize the son of the Grand Duke Vsevolod, Svyatoslav, as the ruler, and plundered his court. Vsevolod, in retaliation, cut off Novgorod's communications with the grain regions and left the city without food. Then Prince Mstislav Mstislavich Udaloy, the grandson of the Smolensk prince Rostislav, the great-grandson of Monomakh, helped the Novgorodians. He was already ready to oppose Vsevolod, but he did not bring the matter to war and limited himself to the exchange of prisoners.

Even in distant Galician Rus', they felt the hand of the Vladimir "autocrat". When the son of Yaroslav Osmomysl, Prince Vladimir, with the help of foreign mercenaries, expelled the son of the Hungarian king from Galich, then, in order to gain a foothold in the city, he asked Vsevolod Yuryevich: “Keep Galich under me, and I am God and yours with all Galich and always in your will.”

The authority of the powerful Vsevolod was supported by the valor of his troops and the luck of the brave ruler in battles. Usually he tried to settle the conflict peacefully, but if it came to swords, the prudent prince did not rush, like Bogolyubsky, headlong at the head of the squad into the battle "without time and place." Vsevolod selected in advance a convenient, dominant position and patiently waited for the enemy on it. It was very difficult to get him out of that position. No wonder the author of The Tale of Igor's Campaign complained about the absence of Vsevolod in Southern Rus' during the time of princely strife and Polovtsian raids: “Grand Duke Vsevolod! Is it possible that you can’t even mentally fly from afar to observe your father’s golden table? After all, you can splash the Volga with oars, and scoop out the Don with helmets!

The years of the reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest turned out to be beneficial for North-Eastern Rus'. There were no raids from outside, but the prince overcame internal strife. It was a period when the economy and culture of the Zalessky land were intensively developed. An excellent monument of that era is the Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir, “wonderfully decorated” with stone carvings. Strict and majestic, the temple resembles a fairy-tale hero guarding the borders of his native land. And if the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl can be compared with a lyrical poem, then the Dmitrievsky Cathedral is an epic about a harsh and heroic time.

Ordered by Demetrius Vsevolod, the icon depicting the saint named after him

Not only temples were built of stone, but also civil structures. Under Vsevolod, stone fortifications were surrounded by Vladimir, Suzdal, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Chernigov Oster. The “architects” were mostly Greeks, but masters gradually began to appear among the Russian people: it was no coincidence that the inhabitants of Rostov and Suzdal called the Vladimirians skillful in architecture “masons”. When it was necessary to renovate the Church of the Virgin in Suzdal, then in this city there were both architects and stone craftsmen.

Vsevolod Yurievich was nicknamed the "Big Nest" for his large family. He had twelve children. And he tried to endow all his sons with estates. The dynasties of Moscow, Suzdal, and Tver princes descended from the Vsevolodovichs. And again dividing the lands into destinies, Vsevolod sowed discord between the brothers. The disastrous shoots of this enmity began to sprout even during his lifetime.

In 1212, the Grand Duke, already seriously ill, called the eldest son Konstantin, who reigned there, from Rostov the Great. Vsevolod read him as his heir and ordered Rostov to be ceded to his brother Yuri. Konstantin was stubborn, as he was afraid not to keep seniority for Vladimir-on-Klyazma, and asked his father to leave both cities behind him. Enraged Vsevolod, on the advice of the bishop, deprived his eldest son of the grand prince's table, and appointed Yuri Vsevolodovich as his successor. In April of the same year, Vsevolod the Big Nest died.
But only in 1218, Prince Yuri managed to take power over his elder brother and seize the bequeathed throne. This finally violated the old tradition of succession of power by seniority. From now on, the will of the “one-holder” began to mean more than the age-old “old times”.

Family and Children

1st wife - Yasskaya Princess Maria Shvarnovna, sister of the wife of Mstislav of Chernigov.

Maria Shvarnovna (c. 1171 - March 19, 1205 (1206), Vladimir) - the wife of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod the Big Nest, the Yasskaya princess (in later sources, she is erroneously called a Czech).

Married to Grand Duke Vsevolod Yuryevich (Georgievich), she gave birth to 12 children, including 8 sons (of which four (Konstantin, Yuri (George), Yaroslav, Svyatoslav), later were, at different times, the Grand Dukes of Vladimir) and 4 daughters.

The last years of her life, Grand Duchess Maria was seriously ill and vowed to found a monastery, and in 1200, at her insistence, the Assumption Monastery was founded in Vladimir, which later became known as the Assumption (Knyaginin) Monastery in her honor. Thanks to her efforts and patronage, the monastery was quickly built and developed. Mary herself took the tonsure and in monasticism received the name Martha. She died and was buried in the Assumption Cathedral of the monastery. The monastery later served as the ancestral burial vault of the princesses and princesses of the Grand Duchess of Vladimir's house.

2nd wife - Lyubava, daughter of Vasilko Bryachislavich of Polotsk-Vitebsk.

Konstantin (1186-1218) - Prince of Novgorod, Prince of Rostov and Grand Duke of Vladimir;

Boris (†1188);

Gleb (†1189);

Yuri (1188-1238) - Grand Duke of Vladimir;

Yaroslav (1191-1246) - Grand Duke of Vladimir;

Vladimir (1193-1227) - Prince of Starodub;

Vladimir (Dmitry) Vsevolodovich (October 26, 1192 - January 6, 1227), prince of Pereyaslavsky (1213-1215), Starodubsky (1217-1227), son of Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolod the Big Nest and Princess Maria Shvarnovna.

At the age of 15, he accompanied his father on a campaign against Chernigov, after the death of Vsevolod the Big Nest (1212) he remained in Yuryev-Polsky. By the will of the situation after the death of his father, he was forced to take part in the internecine war of his older brothers: Konstantin and Yuri (George).

In 1213, he left Yuryev (since Yuryev-Polsky was received as an inheritance from his father by his brother Svyatoslav), first to Volok Lamsky, and then to Moscow and occupied it, taking it away from Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich. Later, together with his squad and Muscovites, he went to the city of Dmitrov (the city of his brother Yaroslav Vsevolodovich). The Dmitrovites burned down all the settlements, shut themselves up in the fortress and fought off all the attacks. Vladimir, having received news of the approach of Yaroslav's squad, left the city back to Moscow, having lost part of his squad, which was killed by the Dmitrovites, who were chasing the retreating. Yaroslav, together with Yuri (George), went to Moscow, and Prince Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich sent to tell Vladimir: ... "Come to me, do not be afraid, I will not eat you, you are my brother." Vladimir accepted the offer and during the negotiations, the brothers decided that Vladimir would give Moscow back to Yuri (George), and he himself would go to reign in Pereyaslavl-South. Here Vladimir married Princess Efimiya, the daughter of Prince Gleb Svyatoslavich of Chernigov, and reigned until 1215, when he was captured in a battle with the Polovtsy, from which he was released in 1218. After being released from captivity, Starodub received inheritance, where he reigned until his death.

According to the Laurentian Chronicle, Vladimir, together with his nephew Vsevolod Konstantinovich, was sent on a military campaign by his brother Yuriy in 1224, however, the chronicle does not indicate the purpose of the campaign, placing the event between the appointment of Metropolitan Kirill in Kiev (which occurred on January 6, 1225) and the large-scale invasion of Lithuanians into the Novgorod land and the Smolensk principality, ending in the battle of Usvyat (until spring 1 225 years). The Novgorod chronicles report that Vladimir and his son participated in the campaign against the Lithuanians led by Yaroslav, but nothing is known about Vladimir's children. Perhaps we are talking about the brother of Mstislav Udatny Vladimir Mstislavich and his son Yaroslav.

Vladimir died, having accepted the schema, in 1227. The Principality of Starodub again became part of the lands of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir.

Svyatoslav (1196-1252) - Grand Duke of Vladimir;

Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich (March 27, 1196 - February 3, 1252) - Grand Duke of Vladimir (1246-1248), son of Vsevolod Yurievich, baptized Gabriel. During his life, Prince Svyatoslav reigned in Novgorod, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Suzdal, and Vladimir.

As a four-year-old child, he was appointed to reign in Novgorod, and then was replaced by his older brother, Konstantin, in 1206 and returned to Novgorod again in 1208.

In 1212, after the death of his father, Svyatoslav received the city of Yuryev-Polsky as an inheritance. During his reign in 1230-1234, on the foundation of the white-stone church of the Holy Great Martyr George, the St. George Cathedral was built, “wonderfully, decorate with a carved stone from the sole to the top of the saints the faces and holidays, and he himself would be a master.” In the cathedral there is a relief composition, traditionally called the "Svyatoslav Cross", at the base of which there is a stone with an inscription-dedication of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich.

In 1220, Svyatoslav, at the head of the Vladimir army, was sent by his elder brother Yuri against the Volga Bulgarians. The expedition was by river and ended with the victory of the Russian troops at Oshel.

In 1222, Svyatoslav, at the head of the Vladimir army, was sent by Yuri to help the Novgorodians and their prince Vsevolod, Yuri's son. The 12,000-strong Russian army, in alliance with the Lithuanians, invaded the territory of the order and devastated the surroundings of Wenden.

In 1226, Svyatoslav, together with his younger brother Ivan, at the head of the Vladimir army, was sent by Yuri against the Mordovians and won.

In 1229, Svyatoslav was sent by Yuri to Pereyaslavl-Yuzhny.

In 1234, Svyatoslav founded the church of St. George in Yuryev-Polsky.

In 1238 he took part in the Battle of the City. From his brother Yaroslav, who occupied the throne of Vladimir, he received the Suzdal principality as an inheritance.

Yaroslav died in 1246, and Svyatoslav occupied the grand prince's throne according to the old right of succession. He distributed to his nephews, the seven sons of Yaroslav, throughout the principality, but the Yaroslavichi were dissatisfied with this distribution. In 1248, he was expelled by his nephew Mikhail Yaroslavich Khorobrit, who soon died in battle with the Lithuanians on the Protva River. Then Svyatoslav himself defeated the Lithuanians at Zubtsov. The reign of Vladimir, by the will of Yaroslav and by the will of Guyuk, went to Andrey Yaroslavich.

In 1250, Svyatoslav and his son Dmitry traveled to the Horde. According to the historian A. V. Ekzemplyarsky, it was an unsuccessful trip with an attempt to return the Grand Duke's throne. The historian V. A. Kuchkin notes that although the annals do not explicitly speak about the purpose of this trip, such trips of Russian princes with their sons-heirs to the khans were usually made when it was a question of securing their principalities-fatherlands for the Rurikovich. Given that the grandson of Svyatoslav already bore the nickname Yuryevsky, Kuchkin makes the assumption that by that time Svyatoslav owned the Yuryevsky principality.

After a short reign in Vladimir, Prince Svyatoslav returned to Yuryev-Polsky. Here he founded a male princely monastery in honor of the Archangel Michael.

The last days of his life the holy prince lived pleasing to God, in fasting and prayer, purity and repentance. He died on February 3, 1252. His body was laid in the Cathedral of the Holy Great Martyr George built by him. The relics of the holy noble Grand Duke Svyatoslav were again found in 1991 and laid in the Holy Intercession Church in the city of Yuryev-Polsky "where to this day God's dishes and healing gifts with faith are served by those who come."

Marriage and children
Wife - Princess Evdokia Davydovna Muromskaya, daughter of Prince Davyd Yuryevich of Murom and his wife Princess Fevronia (in monasticism Euphrosyne), who are revered saints Peter and Fevronia, patrons of the family in Russia.

Prince Svyatoslav released his wife Evdokia in 1228 to the Murom Borisoglebsky Monastery, where she was tonsured a monk on July 24 on the feast of Boris and Gleb. The princess lived in the monastery until her death and was buried there, the remains are there now.

Son: Dmitry, according to the ancient calendar, he was revered as a saint

Ivan (1198-1247) - Prince of Starodub.

Ivan Vsevolodovich (August 28, 1197/1198 - 1247) - the specific prince of Starodub from 1238 to 1247. Nickname, according to some genealogies, Kasha, the youngest of the sons of Vsevolod Yuryevich (Big Nest).
After the death of his father, he took part in the struggle of his older brothers, Konstantin and Yuri, for the grand prince's table, holding the side of the second (1212-1213).

In 1226, together with his elder brother Svyatoslav, he led the successful campaign of the Vladimir troops against the Mordovians.

After the invasion of Batu, Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich gave Ivan Starodub, which had just been devastated by the Tatars, as inheritance. In 1246 Ivan traveled with Yaroslav to the Horde.
He had an only son (wife not established) - Michael.


History of Russian Goverment

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